Others practice leveling, I cultivate immortality, go out to Mahayana before leaving the mountain

Chapter 233: The various forces in Xiaoqingyun world, the secret of awakening was discovered?

Chapter 233: The various forces in Xiaoqingyun world, the secret of awakening was discovered? ([-]-in-[-])

In the real world, Su Xing frowned slightly as he looked at the simulated text in front of him.

During the selection of the blood seedlings, Su Xing felt a familiar aura.

"Yes, in the Blood Demon Realm, the Blood Demon Sect's selection of monks seems to be the same. They fight every few years, and the best among them can get rewards and get higher promotions!"

"However, the Blood Demon Sect does this to raise Gu and collect blood spirit fluid... But the Advent Sect does this, it seems that is not the reason..."

Wake up thinking.

Based on the information he had received before.

It can be roughly judged that people such as Blood Nineteen and Blood 23 should have grown from the Blood Miao.

But as monks like them, they have become immortals!

If it is used to nourish blood spirit Gu and obtain spiritual fluid, it is undoubtedly the behavior of a fool!

Moreover, those monks do not necessarily all practice the Blood Immortal Sutra. There are also many self-used techniques that practice serious spiritual energy.

"Looking at it this way, the reason why Adventist Cult does this...should be to cultivate more powerful monks!"

"Through constant fighting, accumulation of numbers, and rapid selection of geniuses..."

Su Xing nodded slightly.

In doing so, it is indeed faster than ordinary sect forces to cultivate geniuses, but the price paid is also much higher!
"It is precisely because this blood seedling competition requires a large number of monks... that is why the Advent Sect has set up branches in various worlds, and it also has the purpose of selecting geniuses, right?"

Su Xing thought so, looking at the simulation panel.

[In just a moment, the monks beside you started fighting, and in the blink of an eye, dozens of weaker monks died tragically. 】

[Roarings, screams, the sound of fighting with swords... the originally peaceful scene suddenly turned bloody and cruel. 】

[A monk at the stage of becoming a god quietly approaches you from behind. You don’t even look back, just kill him with a sword. 】

[This is a big melee involving thousands of people. You see the monks who were getting along well with each other in the valley are violent. At this moment, they have only one thought in their minds. 】

[Killing a monk is one point!With over a thousand points, you can directly become a blood seedling! 】

[You were not in a hurry to participate in the killing, you were just observing in secret. 】

[However, many weak monks were seen fleeing towards the edge area before the competition began, as if they wanted to survive. 】

[And there were many powerful monks who killed dozens of monks in the blink of an eye, leaving them covered in blood. 】

[Suddenly, there is a terrifying spiritual power fluctuation all around. This spiritual power fluctuation almost scares you. At the same time, the talent of seeking good luck and avoiding evil comes with an early warning. 】

[You subconsciously activate the protective aura and elemental armor, and then stay away from the area under your feet. 】

[Just a few breaths later, thousands of meters above the sky, the terrifying black water like a sea crashed towards the thousands of monks gathered together. 】

[This terrifying black water seems to have a huge attraction, making it difficult for people to escape. As long as it gets a little bit, it will continue to sink...]

[In the blink of an eye, hundreds of monks at the Nascent Soul stage were all swallowed up by the black water. Only those with advanced cultivation or quick reactions managed to escape from here. 】

[Because you were warned in advance, you escaped temporarily. Looking high in the sky from a distance, there was a familiar figure. 】

[That figure is clearly the dull man who was imprisoned with you before and was finally rescued. 】

[Looking at the power of his technique and the terrifying aura on his body at this moment, at least only a Mahayana monk can do it! 】

[Moreover, this dull man is not the kind of person who has just entered the Mahayana stage, at least he is a mid- to late-stage Mahayana monk! 】

In the real world, Su Xing opened his mouth slightly when he saw this and muttered:

"Sure enough, no one who can ascend from the Little World to the Little Qingyun Realm is easy to mess with!"

"The seemingly ordinary and dull man before turned out to be a big shot in the middle and late stages of Mahayana!"

Su Xing took a deep breath.

It should be noted that monks who can reach the middle and late stages of Mahayana are definitely considered strong in the Xiao Qingyun world.

According to the information before awakening, it is basically a certainty that monks in the middle and late stages of Mahayana will become blood seedlings.

"Tsk, tsk, is this the rumored act of pretending to be a pig and eating the tiger? A blockbuster?"

Su Xing complained.

This dull man might have killed hundreds or even thousands of monks with just one blow, enough to turn him into a blood seedling!

Wake up thinking.

"The rules of this blood seedling competition do not simply encourage fighting, but are more like eliminating the weak..."

"Each person you kill will gain one point, but if you kill a monk who has points, you will not inherit the points he has..."

"This means that the benefits from killing the God Transformation monks and killing the Mahayana monks are basically the same..."

After a pause, Su Xing continued to think along this line of thought.

"So, usually, those who participate in the Blood Seedling Competition will give priority to killing weak monks. Unless they have to, they will definitely not fight with opponents of similar strength..."

"But there are only 3 participants in a blood seedling competition. Killing a monk only has one point, and it will not be inherited... This means that the number of points will only get smaller and smaller..."

"Even the number of points owned by the top ten monks in the end will not exceed one thousand..."

"Perhaps with seven or eight hundred points, or even less, we can successfully advance to a blood seedling!"

"It is easiest to get points in the early stage, because there are more low-level monks... In the later stage, there are strong monks. It will be even more difficult to get a point!"

Su Xing quickly figured out the rules of the blood seedling competition.

All in all, in one sentence, if you act early, you will get something to eat!
"This time, you should try your best to become a blood seedling, then give it a try!"

A cold light flashed in Su Xing's eyes. Su Xing had no chance of being merciful to these traitors and evil cultivators!
Look at the simulation panel.

[After the black water receded, the earth cracked, leaving the corpses of more than 800 monks on the ground...]

[The dull man killed more than 800 monks with just one blow! 】

[At the same time, among the thousands of remaining monks, several more powerful auras erupted, and two more early-stage Mahayana monks and one perfect monk in the integration stage broke out! 】

[Seeing this, the dull man flew in the air and quickly retreated. 】

[And the few monks who showed up also used their own methods to massacre the surrounding low-level monks crazily. 】

[You were unambiguous when you saw this, and with a thought in your heart, a cyclone slowly formed in your hand, injecting one-tenth of the spiritual power in your body, and threw a spiritual blast at a crowded place! 】

[With just one spiritual blast, dozens of god-transformation monks were killed. 】

[After the victory was achieved, you no longer held back. In just a quarter of an hour, you dropped six or seven Spirit Explosion Techniques, quickly killing nearly four hundred monks. 】

[The melee is still going on in the surrounding plains. Yuanying and the monks who transform themselves into gods are almost the first cannon fodder to die in the melee. 】

[Gradually, the monks in the realm of returning to the void and breaking the void began to fail...]

[You took advantage of the melee and collected a lot of these monks' storage bags. 】

[You probe into it with your spiritual consciousness, quickly find some spiritual stones from the storage bag, and run the Wan Yan Jue to quickly restore the lost spiritual energy in the body. 】

[Soon, there were only a few hundred monks left around. Most of these monks were in the late stage of returning to the void, and there were also dozens of fused monks, as well as two Mahayana stage monks. 】

[You know that if you continue to stay here, you will only face a fierce battle, so you throw out a few more spiritual explosions, killing some monks in the Void Return Stage, and then run away. 】

[Most of the other monks did the same thing as you, scattering in all directions to chase the weaker monks. 】

[Like a massacre feast, all the monks tacitly chased the weak and avoided the powerful monks. 】

Su Xing nodded slightly when he saw this, and murmured:
"Sure enough, it's just as I thought...the so-called blood seedling competition is actually just a chase battle between the weak and the strong..."

Su Xing muttered.

According to the information he had previously discovered, those participating in the Blood Miao Competition could only stay in that valley, and that valley was located in Shiwan Mountain.

Even if he survives the blood seedling competition and becomes a blood seedling candidate, he still cannot leave the valley.

You can only participate in the next blood seedling competition, and until you become a real blood seedling, you can leave the valley and become the training core of the Advent Sect!
"In that case, then try your best to become a blood seedling, leave the valley, and come into contact with the Little Qingyun Realm!"

Thinking this, Su Xing looked at the simulation panel.

[You flew with your sword all the way and quickly escaped from the initial chaotic place...]

[You make some calculations in your mind. In the battle just now, you relied on the spiritual explosion technique to kill more than 480 monks. This is a lot, but it does not guarantee that you can become a blood seedling! 】

[So you emit your spiritual consciousness and prepare to find the aura of low-level monks. 】

[But then you frowned slightly. The world here seemed to have restrictions, which greatly interfered with your spiritual consciousness. Even if your spiritual soul was damaged, it would not be like the original 20-foot divine consciousness. At this moment, there is only a sensing range of less than a thousand feet. . 】

[Thousand feet, that is, it can only sense the aura within three kilometers of the surrounding area. 】

[You will soon understand that this world has placed restrictions that can weaken 90.00% of Jiu’s spiritual consciousness, just to prevent top experts from participating in the competition and using their spiritual consciousness to slaughter all monks wantonly. 】

[After all, this is inconsistent with the original intention of Adventism to cultivate blood seedlings...]

[And after weakening the spiritual consciousness, it will not only allow the powerful monks to hunt down the weak, but it will not leave the weak monks with nowhere to hide. 】

[After sensing that your consciousness was weakened, you thought for a moment, took out a few copper coins, and began to divine. 】

[You continued to divination several hexagrams and roughly calculated that the danger in the north was less and that there were more weak monks, so you went to the north to hunt down the evil cultivators. 】

[Sure enough, half an hour later, you met a group of god-transformation monks gathered together. The leader was only in the Return to Void Realm. 】

[Holding together in a blood seedling competition can indeed avoid risks to a certain extent, but you must be more careful that your teammates behind you may swing the butcher knife behind you at any time. 】

[You found the leader of the Void Return Stage monk, and he looked at you at the same time, then showed a friendly smile and greeted you. 】

[You were stunned when you saw this. You never expected to meet an acquaintance again. This person turned out to be the previous inmate with a sharp voice, who claimed to be a monk from the Little Qingyun Realm and who provided you with a lot of information. 】

[After seeing you, this inmate greeted you from a distance and seemed to want to get you to join the gang. 】

In the real world, Su Xing immediately became happy when he saw this.

"Good guy, this guy is really talented in raping an inmate! They are obviously rivals fighting each other, but they are actually forming an alliance here?"

Su Xing thought for a moment, naturally he would not form an alliance with these weak evil cultivators, or in other words, Su Xing had no intention of forming an alliance.

After all, the butcher's knife behind you is far more dangerous than the one in front of you.

"However, this inmate is a local monk from the Little Qingyun Realm... If I search for his soul, maybe I can get a lot of useful information?"

Su Xing looked thoughtfully at the simulation panel.

[You look at the dozens of monks in front of you and walk over with a smile. 】

[The next second, you throw out the Spiritual Explosion Technique, and dozens of god-transforming monks are all blown into dregs by you. 】

[Seeing you suddenly take action, this talented prison inmate was shocked and tried to escape by casting a spell. 】

[But even if a mere Void Returning monk is your opponent, you will directly destroy his entire body. 】

[Subsequently, you used the soul-searching technique on it. 】

In the real world, Su Xing nodded slightly when he saw this.

"Use Immersion... Duration One Hour!"

[Ding, you successfully used immersive... The remaining energy is 13 million points. 】

The next second, Su Xing appeared at the simulated location, holding a monk with a sharp mouth and monkey cheeks in his hand.

Without hesitation, Su Xing directly used the Soul Searching Technique.


Soon, the immersive simulation time ends, and you wake up and return to the real world.

After opening his eyes again, there was a hint of surprise in his eyes.

"I see, Xiao Qingyun Realm... is actually such a place?"

Su Xing was a little surprised. Although this talented inmate didn't have much information in his mind, Su Xing also had some understanding of the division of forces and the situation in the Xiao Qingyun world.

Contrary to what Su Xing thought at the beginning, the Little Qingyun Realm is not the scope of strength completely controlled by the Qingyun Sect!

In other words, Xiao Qingyun World was once a small world under the influence of Qingyun Sect.

But as the aliens and humans have been fighting for tens of thousands of years, the number of three thousand worlds occupied by the aliens has increased, and the Little Qingyun world has also been affected.

Therefore, the Qingyun Sect was forced to give up most of its power in the Xiao Qingyun world.

At present, the Xiaoqingyun world belongs to a chaotic area similar to the competition and struggle between multiple powers.

Among the larger forces, they are Tianmo Prison, Qingyun Sect, Qianji Pavilion, Baidi Pavilion... and Advent Sect!

Outside the Little Qingyun Realm, the invasion of alien races and monsters has become more and more serious, and in recent years there has been a trend that it has gradually become unsustainable.

In the Xiao Qingyun world, many forces are fighting each other. Among them, the Heavenly Demon Prison and the Qingyun Sect fought for opportunities thousands of years ago, resulting in the death of core disciples, which also led to the death of the two forces.

As for the Advent Sect, due to the alien invasion of this world, its power in the Xiao Qingyun world has gradually risen in recent years. It no longer hides, but occasionally launches attacks on the other four forces.

Su Xing closed his eyes slightly and then searched for memories.

"Looking at it this way, Advent Sect is actually the opposite of Tianmo Prison, Qingyun Sect, Tianji Pavilion, and Baidi Tower. It is also the so-called traitor force!"

"Although the Heavenly Demon Prison and the Qingyun Sect both resisted the aliens and attacked the Advent Sect, they were enemies of each other."

"There are almost all militant and fanatical monks in the Demon Prison..."

"Qianji Pavilion is in neutral... It is the top force in the Three Thousand Worlds. I have heard of this force in the Luotian Conference copy before."

"The Baidi Tower is an alliance of casual cultivators in the Three Thousand Worlds. It was founded by the powerful cultivator Baidi. It also strives to resist the aliens..."

In Su Xing's mind, the five major forces in Xiao Qingyun Realm gradually took shape.

Then Su Xing had a headache and murmured:

"I originally wanted to take the Qingyun Order with me during the next simulation, so that I could escape from the Demon Prison..."

"But looking at it now, if I show the Qingyun Order, I'm afraid I will die faster!"

Su Xing smiled bitterly. It seemed that his plan to enter the Qingyun Sect as soon as possible could not be implemented for the time being. He could only take one step at a time in the Advent Sect...

Thinking of this, Xing Xing looked at the simulation panel.

[Your soul is damaged, so it is not easy to perform the soul-searching technique. 】

[But even so, you still got the key information about the Xiao Qingyun world from his mind. 】

[Tianmo Prison and Qingyun Sect are hostile forces, which is somewhat disadvantageous to you. 】

[But now you can’t think about that much. You can only find a way to get the blood seedling quota in this simulation first. 】

[So, in the next three days, you relied on your talents of seeking good luck and avoiding evil and auspicious stars to shine high, avoiding the pursuit of high-level monks, and killing many monks who were weaker than you. 】

[Three days later, your points reached nearly [-] points. This score is enough to become a blood seedling! 】

[Soon, the three-day blood seedling competition ended, and the powerful monks came to this world. 】

[A total of more than ten powerful monks with terrifying auras, like the abyss of heaven, arrived and announced the end of the Blood Seedling Competition. 】

[Among them is the Blood Nineteen that you have encountered before. 】

[Soon, the rankings of the blood seedling competition will be announced. 】

[The dull monk became the No. 1 in this blood seedling competition, scoring more than 300 points! 】

[And with more than 700 points, you became No. 7 in the blood seedling competition and successfully became a blood seedling. 】

[Including you, a total of ten blood seedlings were successfully born! 】

[Xue Jiu glanced at you and the dull monk in surprise. He obviously didn't expect that he actually saved two blood seedlings a month ago. 】

[And the charming woman codenamed Blood 23 also excitedly slapped her breasts, muttering that she no longer needed to be punished. 】

[But what you didn’t expect is that the blood seedling competition is not over yet. 】

[Soon, a short, ordinary-looking man stepped forward and announced the start of the final candidate challenge. 】

[Although this short man looks ordinary, you dare not underestimate him at all, because his code name is Blood Sixteen! 】

[According to your guess, the higher the code name is, the more terrifying these people are! 】

[You quickly understand what the final challenge is. 】

[It turns out that in every blood seedling competition, not only the blood seedlings survive, but also other monks who are good at saving lives. 】

[They are quite powerful, but they cannot reach the level of blood seedlings, so they are called blood seedling candidates. 】

[Blood seedling candidates will also receive rewards, but after three consecutive competitions at most, they must become blood seedlings, otherwise they will be forced to challenge the blood seedlings! 】

[The winner will be a blood seedling, and the one who dies will die! 】

Seeing this, Su Xing quickly understood the purpose of this rule.

"Tsk tsk... This is to prevent some people who are good at life-saving skills from hiding in every blood seedling competition to obtain resources... to make themselves comfortable..."

"This is to keep these blood vaccine candidates in a constant sense of crisis!"

It is undeniable that this rule can indeed prevent some monks from fishing and messing around.

Because he can only live for nine years at most, he has to challenge the blood seedlings, either alive or dead...

Look at the simulation panel.

[Soon, the final blood seedling challenge begins. 】

[Your opponent is a monk in the early stage of integration. He has participated in three blood seedling competitions in a row and survived all of them. He is very powerful...]

[Although your injuries have not healed, with your sword skills, you can kill him off your horse in less than a hundred rounds. 】

[You successfully advanced to become a blood seedling. 】

[Soon, the final ten blood seedlings of this blood seedling competition were selected...]

[Under the leadership of these powerful monks, you left this world. 】

[Soon, you entered the bustling city...]

[This city is undoubtedly located in the Xiao Qingyun Realm, and it seems to be the territory of the Advent Sect! 】

[The city has a large population, one million people, all of whom are monks, and they are evil cultivators...]

[The weakest of these monks are only in the realm of golden elixir. As for the strong monks, you can’t even see through them at all. 】【Under the leadership of Blood 23, you swaggered through the city. The monks on the street gave in one after another, with looks of admiration on their faces. 】

[There are even beautiful, bold and unrestrained female evil cultivators who are ogling you crazily. 】

[You are thoughtful and understand that in this city, the treatment of blood seedlings is extremely high! 】

[Blood 23 will soon take you to the most luxurious restaurant in the city. 】

[In the most luxurious private room, beautiful wines and delicacies from mountains and seas have been prepared for you...]

[You don’t care about beauties and wine, but you are surprised by these delicacies. 】

[Because these delicacies from the mountains and seas are actually the meat of spiritual beasts. You even recognize one of the main dishes as being cooked by a dragon monster from the Mahayana period! 】

[Every mouthful of dragon meat you swallow will make your blood surge. The pure essence of flesh and blood will nourish your spiritual power and even improve your physical realm. 】

[Therefore, while the other blood seedlings and the beauties are drinking a glass of wine, you just keep your head down and work. 】

[The dull man next to him gave a rare smile when he saw this, and said: From now on, everyone will be blood seedlings, please take care of them... After the test is over, we can live the lives of masters! 】

[After hearing the dull man’s words, you were stunned. Test?What test? 】

[You quickly asked the doubts in your heart. 】

[But the dull man told you that the blood seedlings will conduct comprehensive tests on bone age, qualifications, cultivation techniques, combat skills, and magical powers...]

[In this way, we can formulate a practice method that is most suitable for the blood seedlings... After all, almost all the blood seedlings were previously casual cultivators or monks who ascended to the small world, so they lack the foundation. 】

[After hearing the dull man’s words, the other blood seedlings also showed signs of anticipation. Obviously, the allocation of resources after the test is a big opportunity for them! 】

[These blood seedlings can all obtain their own cultivation techniques, magical powers, and even panaceas! 】

[Only you, after hearing the dull man’s words, completely lost your composure...]

In the real world, when Su Xing saw this, he was so angry that he started slapping his thigh.

"Damn it, you just select blood seedlings! Why do you need to check qualifications and age?"

"Now the young master is finished..."

Su Xing sighed, knowing that Advent Cult's actions were actually within the reasonable range.

Becoming a blood seedling is already considered a core disciple of the Advent Sect, so it is natural to vigorously train him... In addition, there is also the possibility of eliminating spies!
"In the simulation, I'm only in my 40s after all the tests have been completed!"

"More than 40 years old, with three-line mutant heavenly spiritual root qualifications...but he has become a powerful master in the integration stage. It would be strange if this girl is not dragged away for dissection!"

Su Xing was a little helpless.

Even with Tianling roots, it is already an amazing opportunity to achieve the integration stage at the age of two hundred.

The speed of awakening is indeed a bit beyond the norm, and it is easy to be investigated.

"Oh, all I can do now is pray that the Adventist Cult will know my qualification age and start cultivating me!"

Su Xing thought so, looking at the simulation panel.

[Soon, a meal of delicacies from both mountains and seas was finished. 】

[Everyone enjoyed this meal, except you...]

[Soon Xue 23 came back again and took you to a secret room under the restaurant for a qualification test. 】

[You tried to find a way to escape during the process, but after considering the difference in strength between the two, you gave up...]

[Soon, the remaining nine blood seedlings put their hands on the qualification testing stone. 】

[What may surprise you is that the dull monk from the Black Water Realm actually has the super spiritual root qualification! 】

[The Super Spiritual Root exists beyond the Heavenly Spiritual Root. I am afraid that in that small world, such a genius may not be born for thousands of years. 】

[Except for the dull monks, the other monks all have Heavenly Spiritual Roots to True Spiritual Roots. 】

[Finally everyone looked at you. Although you were reluctant, you still stepped forward to test your qualifications. 】

[Three colors of light erupted from the detection stone. There is no doubt that it is the mutated heavenly spiritual root of the three series of wood, fire and thunder! 】

[Among the ten blood seedlings, you are the one with the second best spiritual root qualifications. Blood 23 took an extra look at you for this reason. 】

[But soon, it was time to test the age. 】

[You stood silently at the end of the crowd, trying to see if there was any chance of escape. 】

[Unexpectedly, the dull monk actually leaned towards you, as if he wanted to talk to you. 】

[You are not interested in replying at this moment. You are only thinking about what to do later. 】

[Soon, the qualification and age tests of the first eight monks were completed. 】

[The oldest Mahayana monk is over 800 years old, and the youngest, a middle-stage integration monk, is over 600 years old. 】

[Blood 23 looks at you and the dull man. 】

[The dull man took a step forward and placed his hand on the age-detecting stone tablet. 】

[The stone tablet shows 970 two years old! 】

[Then everyone looked at the dull monk in surprise, and he was also a little proud. 】

[Being able to become a Mahayana monk before a thousand years old, not to mention in the small world, even in the big world, can be regarded as an absolute genius! 】

[Then, the dull man turned around, gave you what he thought was a friendly look, and made a gesture of invitation. 】

[You looked at the blood 23 staring at you, knowing that there was no way out, so you stretched out your hand and placed it on the age detection stone tablet. 】

[After a few breaths, a line of words slowly appeared on the stone tablet, age: 48 years old...]

[After seeing this line, everyone fell silent and looked at you with a horrified look. 】

[Even the dull-looking man looks at you in an extremely strange way. 】

[I saw him murmuring: How is it possible? When I became a monk in the integration stage, I was more than 200 years old... How could it be possible for me to cultivate so fast with just a mutated heavenly spirit root? 】

[Yes, including Blood 23 and all blood seedlings, everyone knows this basic common sense. 】

[Even in the Great Thousand World, the top Immortal Sect Holy Land, and the most talented Immortal Seed, it will take at least six to seventy years to cultivate to the integration stage. 】

[This speed of cultivation is based on the natural immortal body, the ethereal roots that far exceed the heavenly roots... plus the accumulation of countless heavenly materials and earthly treasures...]

[These blood seedlings are beginning to wonder about your origins and whether you are a spy sent by the Immortal Sect. 】

[But Blood 23 knows your origin very clearly. You are just an ordinary monk who ascended from a small world. How could you have such a terrifying cultivation speed? 】

[There must be a shocking secret behind this!You must have grasped the amazing opportunity! 】

[Xue 23 made a prompt decision and asked the other blood seedlings to wait for a while, then captured you and took you to another part of the city. 】

[Soon, you will see the previous Blood Sixteen, Blood Nineteen and others...]

[To prevent problems with the test, they conducted a comprehensive test again on your qualifications, age, cultivation, etc. 】

[But no matter what, you have the three-line mutated heavenly spiritual root qualifications, the Qi and Body Refining, and the Body Refining and Void-breaking Dzogchen cultivation... You are also 48 years old! 】

[In the end, after their discussion, they could not deal with you, so they reported it to the higher-level Blood Nine! 】

[A few days later, a person tore through the space and came to the room where you were under strict guard. 】

[The people coming are surprisingly Xue Jiu and Xue San who you have seen before! 】

[Xue San and Xue Jiu looked at you a little strangely, and then said something incomprehensible: Is the little guy from that place?Haha, what a great opportunity!In this case, let’s just search for souls! 】

[I saw Xue Jiu coming towards you, but you didn’t resist and fell into a coma. 】

[Xuejiu has searched your soul...the simulator automatically blocks relevant information...]

[After they searched your soul for a long time, they still didn’t get the answer they wanted. 】

[And you are also being annihilated in soul searches again and again...]

【you are dead! 】

[Activate your talent without blinking an eye! 】

[You barely made out a few words from their conversation through lip reading:]

["How is it possible? Why can't he find that thing in his soul's memory?"]

["I don't know, but this little guy does come from that realm! The realm that the blood moon is staring at!"]

["But several chapters have passed...even items like that cannot escape the annihilation of time!"]

["Perhaps, that thing is a treasure that even the Blood Immortal has spied on! Maybe it has the ability to block the soul search?"]

【"Luo Tian..."】

[They quickly left your sight...]

【Ding, this simulation is over! 】

After the simulation ended, Su Xing's eyes were full of surprise.

"What the hell? What kind of world...where is Blue Star? Besides possessing the blood moon...why is it causing such a sensation?"

After a pause, Su Xing looked at the last two words again.

"Luo Tian..."

"Could it be the Luotian Sect? Is there any secret hidden in the Luotian Sect!?"

Su Xing took a deep breath and looked at the news he got from Dead Eyes.

What Xue San and Xue Jiu are looking for is probably not the simulator... but an item related to Luo Tian...

But the only thing Su Xing came into contact with that had anything to do with Luo Tian was the Luo Tian Conference copy!
"So... there is definitely a shocking secret that I haven't discovered in the copy of the Luotian Conference!"

Su Xing took a deep breath.

What he knows about the Luotian Conference now is just an "experience copy", and it is an immortal copy that is only useful for the immortal cultivator profession...

If you want to enter the Luotian Conference dungeon, you must meet one requirement: you must be a professional!
But among the professionals, only Su Xing has the profession of cultivating immortals...

This means that only Su Xing can explore the secrets of the Luotian Conference!

"The copy of the Luotian Conference... There are only two years until this copy disappears. I must explore more in that copy!"

Su Xing's eyes were full of excitement.

How big of a surprise will the copy of the Luotian Conference bring to Su Xing?How many amazing secrets does it contain?

"It should refer to Luo Tianzong... On Blue Star, apart from professionals who can upgrade and improve their strength through killing, there seems to be no other secrets..."

Su Xing thought so.

"Also, if you perform well in the blood seedling competition and become a blood seedling, you won't be able to live long..."

"But if you just pursue survival and become a blood vaccine candidate, you may be able to extend the simulation time to a certain extent..."

Wake up thinking.

No matter what, this simulation leaves Blue Star and comes into contact with the Three Thousand Worlds, which is a huge improvement for Awakening!
Simulation has more possibilities, and Su Xing can also get resources from Xiao Qingyun Realm to further enhance his own strength!
"But now... let's choose the rewards for this simulation first!"

Su Xing murmured, looking at the simulated reward list.

[Invincible Xiaoqiang]: Golden talent, priced at 1000 million points of energy.

[20 years of alchemy experience]: After redemption, the existing alchemy insights will increase slightly, and the price is 200 million energy.

[Third level of cultivation in the integration stage]: A monk in the early stage of integration, sensing the prototype of the great avenue, comprehending the power of the source... The price is 10 billion energy.

[Wan Yan Jue Enlightenment (Seventh Level)]: A high-grade heaven-level skill that can be cultivated up to the immortal realm, further increasing the speed at which monks can absorb spiritual energy and transform their cultivation.The price is 3 million energy.

"Although the cultivation in the integration period is what I pursue...but only by learning the Wan Yan Jue can I go further and further increase my cultivation speed!"

Su Xing murmured that Su Xing was not entangled in the reward for this simulation.

Wan Yan Jue and the newly drawn golden talent "Invincible Xiaoqiang" are naturally must-selects.

"But the problem is, although the 1000 million energy exchanged for the golden talent is not expensive... the billion energy required to expand the talent bar will cost you your life!"

Su Xing sighed and prepared to see if there was any talent that could replace him.

But after thinking about it, all of Su Xing's talents have a role.

Even the originally useless Death with an Eyes of Peace can provide great help for awakening after entering the Three Thousand Worlds.

"Forget it...then spend energy to expand your talent bar!"

[Ding, do you want to spend one billion energy to expand the talent bar? 】

"Yes!" Su Xing said with some pain.

Subsequently, the awakened simulated energy decreased rapidly, leaving only 3 energy.

It’s not even enough to exchange for the Wan Yan Jue plus the golden quality talent…

In desperation, Su Xing could only pick and choose, selecting some of the legacy of Zong Laogou that he could not use, and exchanged it for millions of simulated energy.

"I choose to bring out Xiaoqiang, who is invincible with his golden talent... and Wan Yanjue's enlightenment!"

[You successfully brought out Xiaoqiang, who is invincible with golden talent. You spent 1000 million energy, and the remaining energy is 3 million points. 】

[You successfully brought out the enlightenment of Wan Yan Jue, spending 3 million energy, and the remaining energy is 233 million points. 】

The simulator beep sounded, and mysterious energy poured into the awakened body.

There was a memory about the practice of Wan Yan Jue in his mind.

In just a moment, Su Xing's understanding of Wan Yan Jue reached the seventh level.

"That's right... From now on, you can use Wan Yan Jue to practice. You don't have to worry about being unable to break through until you reach the immortal realm..."

Su Xing nodded with satisfaction, and then thought of something.

"Zhenren Wanmu still has a Wanmu Jue there. When you have time, you can get it..."

Although awakening the Spiritual Vein Dragon will attract the attention of Long Laogou, if he just kills Wanmu Zhenren, it will probably not have any impact.

But Su Xing now understands the way of puppets. What he wants is to be able to refine Wanmu Zhenren from the living dead into a puppet...

By then, Su Xing will be able to possess a powerful combat power, and will also be able to allow Master Wan Mu to refine high-level elixirs!

"It's a pity that although my current strength can kill Wanmu Zhenren, it is difficult to kill him while ensuring the integrity of his body..."

"Let's wait until our strength is further improved before we kill him!"

Su Xing thought so, but then looked at his remaining simulated energy and felt a little confused.

"288 million simulated energy... tsk tsk, unprecedented poverty!"

Su Xing did some calculations.

"After this week, I should be able to exchange another [-] Bigu Pills for a second-level exotic metal mining area, but even so, the Tarot Club only provides [-] million energy per week, which is still too little for me now!"

Su Xing shook his head slightly and suddenly thought of Baili Chamber of Commerce.

"Speaking of which, I haven't been to the Baili Chamber of Commerce in more than two months. I should be able to get a lot of energy from there, right?"

Su Xing did what he said, immediately disguised himself, held back his breath, blocked his own secrets, and headed to Baili Mansion with his sword.

After getting the storage ring, the awakening was immediately converted into simulated energy.

In this way, the awakening simulation energy has reached 5000 million again!

After doing all this, he woke up and returned to Lingtian Cave to start a new week of refining the puppet.

During this simulation, Su Xing's understanding of the way of puppets deepened, so he refined three puppets in a week.

Su Xing named them Danqi, Danba, Danjiu...

In this way, the alchemy puppet can refine nearly [-] Bigu Pills for Su Xing every week!

It’s already comparable to the speed of refining one’s own awakening…

It wasn't until January 1th that Su Xing suddenly remembered, patted his head and said:

"Damn, I was so busy this month that I forgot. I didn't meet up with Luo Shuying..."

"But I also said before that if she doesn't want to go, she can leave on her own, and there should be no problem..."

Su Xing murmured.

Then Yi Rong calmed down and prepared to go to the villa area to meet Jin Congxue.

The two of them were eating and chatting.

When the meal was almost finished, Su Xing took out [-] pills and handed them to Jin Congxue.

Jin Congxue also said that he would leave immediately. Within two days, the Tarot Society's property would have a second-level copy of the exotic metal mining area.

Take away the new week's goods, wake up and return to Lingtian Cave.

This week's cargo is still 5000 million energy, so the awakened energy has reached [-] million points!

"Seven billion energy...seems like it's still not enough!"

Su Xing shook his head slightly.

"If you want to achieve a rapid breakthrough in the realm of integration and cultivation, you will need at least tens of billions of energy in the next two to three months!"

"Tarot skills alone are not enough to satisfy you..."

After a pause, Su Xing murmured:
"It seems that we must further strengthen the scope of transactions with the military and major chambers of commerce, so as to gain more energy..."

Su Xing was thoughtful and decided to implement a new plan.

"But before that, we still need to simulate it to avoid accidents!"

 Author's note: Maybe some readers don't understand the rules of this competition.For example, suppose that one of fifty Mahayana monks kills five hundred low-level monks, then these 50 people have [-] points. Even if these fifty Mahayana monks kill each other, they can only get one points but cannot inherit their points.

  Therefore, unless absolutely necessary, they would not attack each other, but would kill low-level monks. In the final game, few people could accumulate a thousand points.There may be a situation where one thousand points can become blood seedlings, and five hundred points can also become blood seedlings.

  Probably like this...

(End of this chapter)

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