Chapter 234 A new round of simulation, the goal of awakening! (5k)

On March 2025, 1 in the new era, wake up and start a new round of simulation on time.

In this simulation, the goal of awakening is clear.

First, find a way to get more energy-containing substances.

Second, go to the Luotian Conference to explore again and see if you can get new clues.

Third, arrive at Xiao Qingyun Realm, find ways to explore more information about Xiao Qingyun Realm, and find cultivation resources that are useful to you.

Su Xing wrote down his plan in a small notebook, and then murmured:

"Start the simulation!"

【Ding!This simulation consumes 7000 energy points, with 7 million remaining energy points and no remaining simulation times. 】

【The simulation starts! 】

[It costs 10 energy points to extract purple talents, and 100 million energy points to extract golden legendary talents. Do you want to extract them? 】

Su Xing did not hesitate and said silently:

"Extract golden quality talents!"

[Ding, congratulations on getting the purple talent Hua Tuo is alive. The chance of drawing a gold quality talent next time is 20%...]

[Hua Tuo is alive]: Purple talent, you are very good at treating injuries. Even the most difficult trauma can be solved in front of you. The effect of the healing elixir you refine is increased by 50%. (ps: What? Immortals don’t just need to blow their breath to cure diseases?)

Su Xing looked at the newly drawn purple quality talent and was not surprised at all.

There is a [-]% probability, given the lottery nature of the simulator, it will be a ghost if you can win.

"But...does this seem to be a miraculous doctor-type talent?"

Su Xing nodded slightly. Strictly speaking, the effect of this talent is really good, especially the effect of enhancing the healing pill.

But for the current awakening, it is still less useful.

"Let's simulate it first and then talk about it..."

Su Xing couldn't wait and looked at the simulation panel.

[In Lingtian Cave, you realize that you are in a simulation. 】

[You took out the alchemy furnace and started refining the elixir. 】

[You spent a day refining several batches of Yuan Yang Dan and Fu Refining Dan. 】

[You inquired about Lu Yuanwu in advance, and then you disguised yourself and found Lu Yuanwu. 】

[Lu Yuanwu doesn’t know you, so he is a little hostile towards you. 】

[You didn’t care about Sanqi 21 and just kidnapped Lu Yuanwu. 】

[In the realm of the mighty martial emperor, Lu Yuanwu is as helpless as a chicken in your hands. Lu Yuanwu is extremely surprised by your strength. 】

[You tied Lu Yuanwu to a deserted mountain. Although Lu Yuanwu was a little frightened, he still asked you who you were and why you wanted to kidnap him. 】

[He already suspects that you are a member of the Advent Cult, but he doesn’t know what your purpose is. 】

[You did not answer, but took out a bottle of Yang Yuan Dan and a bottle of Fu Refining Pill. 】

[You hand two bottles of elixirs to Lu Yuanwu and tell him that you have found someone to test the effects of these two elixirs, and you cannot let the Daxia military know about them. 】

[Lu Yuanwu took the elixir doubtfully. 】

[But you didn’t explain too much, you just said that you have a lot of this kind of elixir in your hand. If Lu Yuanwu is interested in cooperating, we will meet here in one month. 】

[After that, you left the mountain. 】

[After leaving the mountain, you regained your composure, restored your original appearance, and then entered the Luotian Conference instance. 】

In the real world, Su Xing saw this and muttered silently:

"Use the immersive simulation feature for 24 hours!"

[You successfully used immersion... The remaining energy is 7 million points. 】

The simulator beep sounded, and he woke up and immediately entered the copy of the Luotian Conference.

"Good disciple, go to the back mountain and invite your senior brother Shennong to come over..."

In front of Su Xing, an old man with childish face and white hair said with a smile.

This is the Supreme Elder of Luo Tianzong, Luo Song.

He is a loose immortal who has survived the thunder tribulation!His cultivation is profound and unpredictable.

Since breaking through the integration stage, Su Xing's status in Luotian Sect has been that of a second-class immortal.

After several immersive simulations before waking up, this Supreme Elder was already the master of waking up.

But apart from being more advanced in cultivation, Su Xing didn't find any other differences.

For Su Xing, whether it was Niu Rulie or the head of the Luotian Sect... or Luo Song in front of him, they seemed to be just tools for assigning tasks.

"Obey, Master!"

Su Xing responded, and then went to the back mountain to invite Shen Nong Youtian and went through the task process skillfully.

After doing all this, Su Xing did not rush to the Sutra Pavilion, but started exploring in Luotian Sect.

Su Xing was flying a thousand meters in the air with his sword while looking down.

"The Luotian Sect's sphere of influence is too seems to be within the jurisdiction of the Luotian Sect with a radius of hundreds of thousands of miles."

After a pause, Su Xing murmured.

"This world is called Luotian Realm. There are countless sects of various sizes and sizes in this world, all of which are headed by Luotian Sect..."

"Just where the Luotian Sect's mountain gate is located is as wide as a city!"

"In addition to the back mountain, the sect's main hall, the weapon refining room, the alchemy room, and the scripture collection pavilion... there are also the residences of the major disciples, the retreats of the major elders, and the cave heaven paradise where the core figures of the sect are..."

"If we search one by one, I don't know how long it will take..."

Su Xing sighed.

Judging from the information he had received before, Blood Three and Blood Nine were almost certain to have a huge secret related to Luo Tian.

Su Xing guessed that it might be a treasure?
So Su Xing prepared to search within the Luotian Sect to see if he could find it.

Soon half a day passed, and the awakened consciousness searched almost every corner of the Luotian Sect.

Except for some retreats of powerful monks and some forbidden areas, they cannot be searched.

But even so, Su Xing still found no trace of the great secret treasure.

"Alas, this search is like looking for a needle in a haystack..."

Su Xing sighed slightly and planned to take advantage of the next time to go to the Sutra Pavilion to learn the art of puppetry from Granny Ghost.


"Little guy, would you like to do me a favor? This time next year..."

The ghost mother-in-law is still familiar with her rhetoric.

But Su Xing had an idea and asked:

"Senior, what exactly are you busy with? Can you reveal it in advance?"

Granny Ghost smiled after hearing this and said: "Your strength is still too low now, you can only wait until next year..."

After Su Xing heard Granny Ghost's words, his heart suddenly shook, and a thought came to him crazily.

"Could it be that the secrets related to Luotian Sect are in this ghost mother-in-law!?"

"And the reason why I can't contact you at the moment... is because my strength is too low!"

When I wake up, I seem to have some enlightenment.

In the following time, Su Xing and Granny Gui learned the art of puppetry as always.

Soon, the immersive simulation time is over.

Wake up and return to the real world.

"What exactly is the secret of Luo Tianzong?"

"Isn't the cultivation level in the integration stage inaccessible... At this time, we can only improve our cultivation level..."

Thinking of this, Su Xing looked at the simulation panel.

[After coming out of the Luotian Sect copy, you returned to the Cave Heaven Paradise and continued to refine the elixir. 】

[One month later, you came to the mountain where you met Lu Yuanwu before. 】

[You see Lu Yuanwu, who has been waiting for a long time. You release your spiritual consciousness and find that except for Lu Yuanwu, there is no one else watching secretly. 】

[You secretly praise Lu Yuanwu for his magnanimity. 】

[You show up to meet Lu Yuanwu. 】

[As soon as Lu Yuanwu saw you, his face turned red instantly, he was excited, and he called you "Senior". 】【You know in your heart that Lu Yuanwu should know the function of this elixir, so he is so respectful. 】

[Sure enough, Lu Yuanwu said that he tested the effect on the same day as soon as he got the elixir, and found that the elixir was of great benefit to the strength of master-level professionals. 】

[He said that this kind of elixir is a valuable treasure to the Daxia military, and even to the entire human race! 】

[At the same time, Lu Yuanwu also carefully asked you what your needs are and whether you have any plans to trade. 】

[After hearing Lu Yuanwu’s words, the corners of your mouth raised slightly. Lu Yuanwu’s reaction was completely within your expectations. 】

[After thinking for a moment, you proposed a suitable price: 10 Yuan Yang Pills or Fu Refining Pills in exchange for 1 ton of third-level exotic metals. 】

[After hearing the price, Lu Yuanwu raised his eyebrows. 】

[Third-level exotic metals are indeed precious, but the copy of the mining area mined by the Daxia military has been mined for more than a thousand years. The precious exotic metals on the market have long been piled up in the Daxia military's treasury. 】

[Third-level exotic metals can provide precious weapons to master-level and even king-level professionals, greatly increasing their strength. 】

[But the Yang Yuan Pill and the Fu Refining Pill can directly give birth to a master-level strong man...]

[On average, ten Yuan Yang Pills or Fu Refining Pills can give birth to a master-level strongman at the lowest. It is self-evident which one is more valuable! 】

[Equivalent to a ton of level 3 exotic metal, in exchange for a king-level powerhouse, who wouldn’t want to do that? 】

[After thinking about this, Lu Yuanwu agreed decisively, and even asked you implicitly whether the elixir had any side effects and why the price was so low. 】

[You didn’t answer, you just asked how many exotic metals Lu Yuanwu could prepare in a week. 】

[After Lu Yuanwu pondered for a while, he said that if this matter was reported to the Daxia military and all the military's strength was gathered, it would be as much as possible... But if it were his own strength, the third-level exotic metals that could be mobilized in a short period of time would only be a few thousand. Ton. 】

[You shook your head slightly and told Lu Yuanwu that this matter could not be made public for the time being because there were human traitors within the Daxia military. 】

[Lu Yuanwu was shocked after hearing this and quickly asked you if you know the information about the traitor. 】

[You shake your head slightly, indicating that you don’t know yet, but you will tell him all the information about the traitor later. 】

[Lu Yuanwu was not disappointed after hearing this. In fact, not only him, but also many military generals knew about the existence of traitors, and they had been secretly looking for traitors. 】

[It’s just that it’s too difficult to identify traitors in the military. Some traitors have even been lurking for decades and cannot be discovered until the critical moment. 】

[Lu Yuanwu finally asked a key question: Senior, I wonder how many of these elixirs you can provide? 】

[After hearing this, Su Xing slowly spit out a number: fifty thousand! 】

[Lu Yuanwu trembled when he heard this number, and then a look of ecstasy appeared on his face. 】

[This is a full fifty thousand pills!At least [-], and even more master-level professionals can be born within a year! 】

[And this is enough to increase the number of grandmaster-level professionals in Daxia's military by more than [-]%!It is definitely a qualitative leap for the overall strength of the human race! 】

[Lu Yuanwu asks you when you can trade. You think about it and tell him that he will trade once a month in the future. The trading place will be here, and only Lu Yuanwu can come alone during the trade. 】

[Lu Yuanwu quickly agreed after hearing this. He knew that you did this to avoid the presence of those traitors and spies. 】

[You later discussed the details of the transaction with him, and then left without any hesitation...]

[After a run, you made sure no one was following you before you returned to the Lingtian Cave. 】

[At this time, you started to tinker with your own puppet. 】

[Unfortunately, except for Ah Da, your puppets are not able to refine difficult elixirs such as Yangyuan Dan and Fu Fu Dan at this moment. 】

[Ada is an alchemist in the Yuan Ying stage in front of him, and it is natural to refine Yang Yuan Dan and Fu Fu Dan. 】

[But you also find that with Ada’s alchemy skills, he can refine more than [-] Yuan Yang Pills in a week at most, which is still too small!And the quality of the refining is far inferior to yours. 】

[In the next half month, you will stay in the Lingtian Cave to continue refining the elixir. 】

[It wasn’t until half a month later that you met Luo Shuying as promised, and under the leadership of Luo Shuying, you joined the Advent Sect. 】

In the real world, Su Xing nodded slightly when he saw this.

"It's really time to make a deal with Daxia's military... Judging from the current situation, at least Lu Yuanwu is trustworthy!"

"And as I become stronger and stronger, there are almost no threats to my existence on Blue Star..."

Entering the integration stage and comprehending the Heavenly Sword, the actual combat power currently awakened is approximately equivalent to the late Great Emperor.

In the entire human race, the only one who can fight against Su Xing is the old peak emperor in the Demon Suppression Pass.

But that one cannot do without the Demon Suppression Pass.

As for the Advent Cult on Blue Star, the only one who can be said to be able to awaken opponents is Long Laogou.

And with the rapid growth of Su Xing's strength, these two will soon be left behind by Su Xing.

Therefore, the only thing that Awakening needs to pay attention to is the enemies from outside Blue Star.

The red moon on the killing battlefield...and the Adventist Cult in the Three Thousand Worlds!
"Although the red moon has not yet been resurrected, it is a god after all. I don't know what methods it can use... so to be on the safe side, we should not be too arrogant."

"There is also the existence of Long Laogou. He can contact the powerful people with the blood name in the Three Thousand Worlds at any time, so he must be extremely careful!"

After a pause, Su Xing continued:
"But if you only trade with trustworthy people in the military, and slowly throw out some inconspicuous props in exchange for a large amount of simulated energy, and further increase your strength, that is the way to go!"

"It's like boiling a frog in warm water... When I accumulate enough strength and energy... Even if I'm eventually discovered, I just have to crush them to death!"

The corners of Su Xing's mouth raised slightly.

His plan can be summed up in one sentence: Build walls high, accumulate energy widely, and gain respect slowly...

"However, there are still spies and undercover agents from the Advent Sect in the Daxia military. They are indeed a hidden danger. It's time to clean them up..."

Su Xing murmured.

"As for the list of these undercover agents... I have become the leader of the Adventist faction. Is it difficult to get a small list?"

The above are the risks of trading between Su Xing and the military.

But if the transaction is further strengthened, it will be of great help to Su Xing!

Ten Yuan Yang Pills are exchanged for 1 ton of third-level exotic metals, worth 200 million simulated energy!
Ten thousand pieces equals 1000 tons of third-order exotic metals, worth 20 billion energy!
To wake up, you only need to take out 200 Yuan Yang Pills, which is [-] billion energy. By then, the simulated energy of cultivating to the Mahayana stage will be enough!
"But the problem is, it will take me more than a year to refine [-] Yuan Yang Dan...and I don't have that many elixirs at the moment..."

Su Xing frowned slightly, refining it by himself alone was obviously inappropriate and a waste of time.

"But what if... I spend one simulation time to bring out the Yang Yuan Pill and the Fu Refining Pill from the simulation?"

Su Xing couldn't help but feel proud.

The price of the simulator's Yangyuan Pill is definitely not as exaggerated as 20 energy per pill.

Su Xing even estimated that one piece was worth more than ten thousand energy.

And Su Xing can bring out tens of thousands of Yuan Yang Pills in one breath, and then sell them to Lu Yuanwu to obtain exotic metals, and earn a high price difference from them!
"With my current strength, as long as I am careful... I can complete this type of transaction without any risk!"

"This is called low risk, high reward!"

Thinking of this, Su Xing looked at the simulation panel.

This time, he was planning to uncover the spies planted by the Adventist Cult in the Daxia military!

[After joining the Advent Cult, you quickly relied on your superb strength to obtain the position of Advent Cult's protector. 】

[Over the next year, your status within the Advent Sect gradually improved, attracting a large number of fans. 】

[At the same time, with the help of Luo Shuying, you refined more than [-] pills in one year. 】

[The second year, you set off for the Luotian Conference copy. 】

In the real world, Su Xing silently said:

“Use immersive…”

[You successfully used immersion... The remaining energy is 7 million points. 】


The immersive simulation ended quickly. In this simulation, Su Xing learned the art of puppetry from Granny Gui as always.

"That's right... Every time Grandma Gui teaches me, I have a deep understanding of the way of puppets. With the bonus of great wisdom talent, one teaching is worth several months of studying the way of puppets..."

Su Xing nodded with satisfaction and looked at the simulation panel.

[After leaving the Luotian Conference copy, you returned to Adventism. 】

[You refine elixirs as always. In one year, you refined more than [-] elixirs again. 】

[At the same time, the medicinal herb seeds you planted before gradually matured and grew into mature herbs. You used this batch of elixirs to refine tens of thousands of elixirs again. 】

[At this moment, the number of pills in your hand exceeds 23! 】

[In the third year, you disguised yourself, blocked your breath, and went to see Lu Yuanwu. 】

[You gave 18 of the pills to Lu Yuanwu, and you kept the remaining [-] Yuan-Yuan Pills and Fu-Refining Pills. 】

[In the fourth year, you start to make time to improve your cultivation and work hard to master the Heavenly Sword Art! 】

[You took millions of drops of high-grade spiritual liquid in one year, and coupled with the growth in cultivation brought about by the self-operation of the miniature spirit gathering array in the previous three years, you successfully broke through and became a second-level monk in the integration stage! 】

[But after the Heavenly Sword Art reaches Xiaocheng level, it is quite difficult. Even if you want to reach Dacheng level, it will probably take decades, and ordinary sword cultivation will take more than hundreds of years. 】

[So you plan to practice the Heavenly Sword Art and try your luck to achieve epiphany by chance while working hard to improve your cultivation. 】

(End of this chapter)

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