Chapter 235 Returning to the Three Thousand Worlds, the sword-wielding skills are perfected! (5k, please give me a monthly ticket~)

In the real world, Su Xing nodded with satisfaction when he saw this.

"Fifty thousand Yuan-Yuan Pills and Fu-Refining Pills... this is completely enough!"

"If there are any more, I'm afraid I won't have the extra energy to bring out..."

"And the 18 pills left to the Daxia military can last for about 25 years... This is the most appropriate!"

Thinking of this, Su Xing looked at the simulation panel.

[In the fifth year, you continue to practice the Heavenly Sword Art. Although you have made some progress, you are still too far away from the Dacheng level. 】

[But your status in the Advent Cult is getting higher and higher, and you have more and more followers among the followers. 】

[In this way, another three years have passed. 】

[In the eighth year, your cultivation has taken a further step, and you are getting closer and closer to the third level of the integration stage. 】

[In the meantime, you took the time to visit the ruins of Wanmu Sect, killed Zhenren Wanmu, and brought out hundreds of thousands of spiritual stones. 】

[But at the same time, all the spiritual liquid and spiritual stones you accumulated previously have been exhausted, and it becomes increasingly difficult to further improve your cultivation. 】

[You have also fallen into a small bottleneck in your understanding of the Heavenly Sword Technique, and you are still far away from reaching the Dacheng level. 】

[So, after understanding the Heavenly Sword Technique, you also began to try to understand the sword-controlling technique. 】

[The difficulty of practicing the Sword Control Technique is much lower than that of the Heavenly Sword Technique. In addition, your understanding of the sword art has become higher and higher over the years, so your understanding of the Sword Control Technique has become more and more profound. 】

[With your current escape speed, it is no longer a problem to fly with a sword and travel a hundred thousand miles a day. 】

[In the ninth year, with your help, Luo Shuying is not far from the late stage of the legend. 】

[And your prestige in the Advent Cult is at its peak, and many believers hope that you can become the new faction leader. 】

[You know in your heart that the time has come, and you only need to wait for an opportunity to replace the leader of the natural faction! 】

[In No. 11, you used a little trick to get rid of the natural faction leader, and then successfully ascended the throne and became the new faction leader. 】

[The believers, elders and even the guardians under you all support you very much and firmly believe that Adventism can achieve greater glory under your leadership. 】

[Although the Dragon Guardian is a little dissatisfied with you, under the general trend]

[In No. 12, you issued an order, hoping to get a list of Advent Cult undercover agents in other forces. 】

[Although this order is a bit strange, no one has doubted you. 】

[However, it is difficult to count the undercover agents of the Advent Sect lurking in other forces. It took you half a year to compile the detailed list of these undercover agents. 】

In the real world, Su Xing felt happy, and then said silently:
"Use the immersive simulation feature for one hour!"

[You successfully used immersion... The remaining energy is 6 million points. 】

The simulator beep sounded, and Su Xing appeared in a strange room.

In Su Xing's hand, there was a thick stack of lists, which contained the names of at least a thousand undercover members and their detailed information.

Just this pile of paper contains more than hundreds of thousands of words.

Su Xing then quickly wrote down all the information about these undercover members at a glance.

With Su Xing's current level of cultivation and his strong soul, he can memorize such ordinary words easily and can almost memorize them at a glance.

Only those powerful skills and magical powers in the world of immortality are difficult to remember because the words contain great power.

But Su Xing can even memorize the Heavenly Sword Jue, let alone these hundreds of thousands of ordinary words.


Soon, the immersive simulation time ended, and the awakening returned to the real world.

Su Xing slowly opened his eyes, with a complicated look in his eyes.

"I didn't expect that the Adventist Cult would actually have so many undercover agents among the major forces... It's really deep-rooted!"

Su Xing took a deep breath, this information was really too important!
According to the intelligence records, there are more than [-] undercover agents placed by the Adventist Cult on Blue Star!
Among them, more than [-] undercover agents are in Daxia.

Including Daxia's military, Jin's Trading Company, Tarot Society... and even all the top chambers of commerce and first-class chambers of commerce, there are undercover agents of the Advent Sect.

"The Advent Sect placed the first undercover agent in the Tarot Club in July this year... I have already known the information about the undercover agent in advance, and I will definitely not be able to accept this person into the club by then!"

"Even the oldest undercover agent in the Jin's Trading Company and other chambers of commerce has been undercover for decades and has never been discovered... This is how much important information he has mastered!"

After a pause, Su Xing sighed.

"Of course, the most outrageous thing is the Daxia military..."

"There are a total of 780 three undercover agents placed by the Adventist Cult in Daxia's military!"

"From the generals at the level of the Martial Emperor of Zhenyao Pass...down to the ordinary non-commissioned officers responsible for logistics and transportation, there are actually undercover agents from the Advent Sect!"

Su Xing was a little unbelievable.

What ruined his outlook the most was that the Martial Emperor-level undercover agent had been lurking in the Demon Suppression Pass for nearly 200 years!

Su Xing had even seen news about that person in the news before!

The Martial Emperor undercover, in order to save a Daxia army, finally fought against the Demon Emperor, and was seriously injured and almost died...

Such a heroic iron-blooded soldier, if Su Xing hadn't been so sure of his intelligence, Su Xing wouldn't have believed that that person was an undercover agent no matter what!

"Tsk's really difficult to deal with! This undercover power is deeply rooted..."

"The current plan is to sort out this part of the list and hand it over to Lu Yuanwu, and then let Lu Yuanwu slowly clear out these undercover agents..."

Su Xing rubbed his eyebrows.

Su Xing didn't care how to deal with the undercover situation. All he could do was provide this list and let the Daxia military handle it themselves.

"Now that the undercover agents are aware of it, you must avoid these undercover agents when doing transactions in the future. I think it will be much safer..."

Thinking of this, Su Xing looked at the simulation panel.

[After getting this undercover list, you did not act rashly, because if you revealed it to the Daxia military at this time, you would definitely be suspected by the Advent Cult. 】

[So, you practice every day as always. 】

[In No. 13, your understanding of the Heavenly Sword Technique is still at the level of Xiaocheng. 】

[But what surprises you is that your understanding of sword control has gone further and you have successfully reached the Dacheng level! 】

[Dacheng-level swordsmanship, you can fly with a sword and travel [-] miles in an hour!Your escape speed is greatly improved. 】

[In No. 14, your cultivation level successfully broke through and you became a third-level monk in the integration stage! 】

[After breaking through the third level of the integration stage, you did not slack off. You still practiced every day and worked hard to understand the Heavenly Sword Art. 】

[In this way, another three years have passed. 】

[In No. 17, your understanding of the Heavenly Sword Technique once again hit a bottleneck and your progress was slow. 】

[So you turned to practice sword-controlling, hoping to achieve perfection in sword-controlling as soon as possible. 】

[One day, when you were practicing sword control, you fell into a mysterious state. 】

[You successfully triggered a serendipitous epiphany! 】

[In the state of enlightenment, your understanding of sword-driving skills improves rapidly...]

[Three days passed in the blink of an eye. 】

[When you come back to your senses again, you feel a little disappointed. 】

[Then you discover that your understanding of the art of sword control has successfully entered the realm of perfection! 】

[Perfect Level Sword Controlling Technique is enough to allow you to fly [-] miles with a sword in one hour! 】

[Traveling 36 miles in one day is no problem! 】

[And as the quality of your spiritual sword improves, as well as your own cultivation and understanding of the sword, the flying speed of the sword will only become faster and faster! 】

In the real world, Su Xing saw the complicated look in his eyes and sighed softly:

"It's really intentional to plant flowers and the flowers will not bloom, but unintentional to plant willows and willows to make shade!"

Su Xing painstakingly practiced the Heavenly Sword Art, hoping to trigger an epiphany by chance, but failed to do so.

Unexpectedly, a casual practice of sword control would directly trigger an accidental epiphany and reach the level of perfection!

"It's a pity... If the Heavenly Sword Jue reaches the level of Dacheng, and the cultivation is more refined... it won't be a problem to cross the level and draw with the Mahayana monks!"

Su Xing shook his head slightly.

"But the perfection-level swordsmanship is pretty good, too. It travels 36 miles per day. This speed is enough to reach any place on the Blue Star in one day!"

It's satisfying to wake up, and triggering an epiphany is better than not triggering it at all.

"But this simulation, the possibility of triggering enlightenment again is low, so why not focus on improving your cultivation!"

Thinking of this, Su Xing looked at the simulation panel.

[In No. 18, you continued to practice hard and your cultivation level steadily improved. 】

[In No. 19, you took the time to go to the killing battlefield of the beast-controlling world. You spent several months killing all the legendary monsters and killed the silver-haired demon emperor. 】【In No. 20, you continue to retreat every day and work hard to improve your cultivation. 】

[In this way, another five years have passed. 】

[No. 20, five years. During these five years, you retreated in Lingtian Cave every day and rarely returned to Blue Star. You only occasionally paid attention to the situation of Demon Suppression Pass and Advent Sect. 】

[In the past five years, although you have only relied on spiritual energy to practice, your cultivation has finally improved, reaching the second half of the third level of the integration stage. 】

[You plan to try your best to break through to the middle of the integration period in the last three years, so you continue to choose to retreat. 】

Su Xing looked at the simulated text in front of him and nodded slightly.

"There will be no benefit in going to the Three Thousand Worlds in the fifth year of No. 20. Instead, you will be imprisoned in the Demon Prison..."

"And the spiritual energy in the Advent Sect Valley is far less abundant than in the Lingtian Cave. It's better to practice with peace of mind and wait until No. 20 to pass!"

Thinking of this, Su Xing looked at the simulation panel.

[In practicing and retreating day after day, two years passed in the blink of an eye. 】

[No. 20, your cultivation is not far from reaching the middle stage of integration, and you are ready to try for the final breakthrough. 】

[You take out the millions of drops of spiritual liquid accumulated over the years and prepare to break through to the middle stage of integration in one go! 】

[Time flies, half a year has passed in the blink of an eye...]

[In the second half of the seventh year of No. 20, your cultivation finally broke through to the fourth level of the integration stage! 】

[Congratulations on becoming a mid-stage integration monk! 】

[After breaking through to the middle stage of integration, you know in your heart that it is time to leave Blue Star. 】

[So you set out for the Immortal Martial Era dungeon, collected three broken jade pieces, and successfully entered the ruins of the Ten Thousand Wood Sect. 】

[You killed the living dead puppet in the tomb passage with a single blow and kept its intact body. 】

[But when you kill Wanmu Zhenren, you still can't keep his whole body. Wanmu Zhenren was chopped into seven pieces by you and cannot be refined into a living dead puppet. 】

[Then you didn’t hesitate and released the spiritual dragon trapped in the formation! 】

[The dragon with spiritual veins escaped from the trap, his aura leaked, and he quickly attracted the old dog. 】

[The battle between you and Long Laogou is about to begin! 】

[When you are in the early stage of integration, Long Laogou is no longer your opponent, not to mention that you are already in the middle stage of integration. 】

[You repeated your old tricks, sold a flaw, and finally killed Long Laogou at the cost of serious injuries. 】

[Then, you enter the Lingtian Cave to heal your injuries. 】

[The recovery speed brought by the talent of "Xiaoqiang" is amazing. In just one month, your injury has been healed. 】

[So you took out Long Laogou’s sound transmission jade slip and contacted Xue San. 】

[One month later, Long San arrived at Blue Star. 】

[You presented the spiritual dragon and successfully obtained the pass to the three thousand worlds. 】

In the real world, Su Xing nodded slightly when he saw this and murmured:

"The last time I went to Xiao Qingyun Realm, the items in Lingtian Cave were lost. I can be said to be completely penniless..."

"This simulation can't be like this. I have to find a way to bring some of the initial capital!"

Su Xing thought this, and then began to think about what would be the most cost-effective thing to bring.

Because the storage props and the Lingtian Cave cannot be used, the things that Su Xing can bring must be small in size and extremely valuable to the Little Qingyun World!

After pondering for a moment, Su Xing decided to think about what he wanted to bring to Xiao Qingyun Realm.

Spirit-Gathering Flower Seeds... and some spiritual liquid!
"According to previous information, the spiritual energy is exhausted, not just in Blue Star... but in the entire Three Thousand Worlds, the spiritual energy is exhausted!"

"It's just that compared to Blue Star, there is undoubtedly much more spiritual energy in Little Qingyun Realm, at least enough for monks to practice."

"Under such a general background, the value of the Spirit-Gathering Flower will increase several times, or even dozens of times!"

Su Xing murmured.

It is not realistic to bring the Soul-Gathering Flower directly. After all, the Soul-Gathering Flower is a flower. It can be easily destroyed in the turbulent flow of space when carried close to the body.

Therefore, it is undoubtedly extremely worthwhile to bring the Spirit-Gathering Flower seeds and spend a few years cultivating them after awakening!
As for the spiritual liquid, it is the initial capital needed to wake up. It doesn’t need to be too much, three or five bottles are enough!

"As for the Qingyun Order..."

Su Xing frowned slightly.

After passing through the turbulent flow of space, Su Xing may fall into a coma. If Qingyun Ling is discovered by someone from the Advent Sect, Su Xing will be doomed.

"It's not convenient to bring Qingyun Ling with me for the time being...or can we bring it with us in a special way?"

Su Xing murmured, looking at the simulation panel.

[After you get the pass, you start to prepare the initial funds you need to bring to Three Thousand Worlds. 】

[You peeled off the dragon skin of the old dog, and then spent a lot of effort to make a small personal backpack, and then put a few bottles of spiritual liquid and some pills into it. 】

[Then, you used Mo Bingjian to cut an incision in your abdomen, and put the Qingyun Ling and a small bag of Spirit-Gathering Flower seeds into your body. 】

[A few days later, the wound recovered, and you went to the killing battlefield. 】

[You face the red moon above your head and rush towards the end of the killing battlefield. 】

[A few days later, you arrived at the end of the killing battlefield and saw the killing messenger. 】

[You showed your pass and successfully entered the world door leading to Xiao Qingyun Realm. 】

[You enter that strange space again, and there are two choices before you. 】

[First, pass through the white passage of Adventism; second, pass through the turbulent flow of space and reach the space passage on the other side that leads to an unknown place. 】

In the real world, Su Xing sighed when he saw this:
"With my current strength, I am probably far from being able to physically cross the space turbulence... Then I will go to the Luotian Sect copy and ask what kind of cultivation is needed to cross the space turbulence!"

Thinking of this, Su Xing looked at the simulation panel.

[You hesitated for a moment, but still passed through the white passage of Adventism. 】

[Terrifying spatial fluctuations came, and you persisted for a while...and soon fell into coma. 】

[When you wake up again, you are already in a slightly shabby room. 】

[There is no part of your body that is not in pain, and your soul has also suffered great damage. 】

[But your spiritual power is still there, and the wounds on your body still have the traces of bandaging. 】

[Compared to before, your situation is undoubtedly much better. It seems that you were saved by the Advent Cult. 】

["Xiaoqiang Talent" continuously consumes your physical and spiritual energy, quickly repairing your injuries. 】

[You subconsciously want to find the healing elixir and spiritual fluid you brought. 】

[But your expression changed immediately, because the spiritual liquid and healing pills were gone. 】

[You quickly sense the Qingyun Ling and the Spirit-Gathering Flower seeds in your body. Fortunately, these two most precious things are still in your body. 】

[But Qingyun Order must see the disciples of Qingyun Sect and show them before the other party can know your identity, so it is of little use. 】

[The seeds of the Soul-Gathering Flower also need to be cultivated by you personally. 】

Su Xing nodded slightly when he saw this and said:

"The Qingyun Order is actually just a has no function of transmitting sounds or summoning powerful monks."

"If you want to use it, you must first meet the Qingyun Sect monks in the Little Qingyun Realm."

"Now, let's wait until the injury recovers..."

[You rested on the bed in your room for two days, and then you were barely able to move. 】

[You left this room and found yourself in a dilapidated courtyard, and this courtyard was in the Adventist Valley. 】

[Sure enough, as you expected, I was rescued by people from the Advent Cult, but my belongings were also stolen. 】

[But even so, your situation is much better than when you were arrested and sent to the Demon Prison in the last simulation. 】

[You made some inquiries in the market town in the valley and learned that there is still more than half a year until the next blood seedling competition. 】

[You are going to take advantage of this period to accumulate some initial resources and obtain some useful information for yourself. 】

[After half a month, you have recovered a lot from your injuries and already have the combat power of the Void Return Stage. 】

[So you found a brothel and became a guard in the brothel. 】

[Life in the brothel is very leisurely. Apart from beating up some blind prostitutes every day, you can spend most of your time listening to ditties leisurely. 】

[The only thing that makes you a little dissatisfied is that the monthly salary in the brothel is too low. The hundreds of spirit stones are not enough for you to plant the spirit-gathering flower. 】

[So, in addition to guarding the brothel, you will occasionally rob prostitutes and make a fortune. 】

(End of this chapter)

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