Others practice leveling, I cultivate immortality, go out to Mahayana before leaving the mountain

Chapter 236: Awakening worth 8 million spiritual stones?The incredibly valuable Spirit-Gathering Flo

Chapter 236 Awakening is worth one billion spiritual stones?The incredibly valuable Spirit-Gathering Flower! (Eight thousand words, please vote for me~)

In the real world, Su Xing sighed after seeing this.

"Damn, they're so poor that they're having sex for nothing... but you still want to rob them?"

"Oh, but if you want to accumulate initial funds, that's all you can do... After the first blood seedling competition, I should be much richer!"

In the valley, these evil cultivators all obey orders from the Advent Sect, and naturally they would not dare to kill people and seize treasures on weekdays.

But during the blood seedling competition, as long as those monks are killed, all the supplies will be revived!
By then, we will be able to accumulate enough wealth...

"In addition, we should also inquire whether the monks in this valley have anything good that can be traded..."

Su Xing murmured.

Thinking of this, Su Xing looked at the simulation panel.

[You worked as a guard in a brothel for three months, and your injuries fully recovered in three months. 】

[At the same time, you also accumulated a batch of initial assets by robbing the prostitutes’ magic weapons. 】

[However, because you have always been cautious, you will not grab those whose cultivation has exceeded the Void Return stage, nor those who have connections. 】

[In a few months, you have also accumulated a lot of blood spirit stones, blood spirit liquid, as well as some medicinal materials and magic weapons. 】

[You exchange all these items into resources that are useful to you through the black market in the valley. 】

[You discovered that a low-grade spiritual stone can actually be exchanged for two blood spiritual stones when it contains the same spiritual energy. 】

[Although there were some small losses, you still exchanged the resources you snatched for some medicinal materials, a good-quality alchemy furnace, thousands of spiritual stones, and a small bottle of spiritual liquid. 】

[In addition, you also purchased a spiritual sword that is a high-grade magic weapon. Although this magic weapon is not as good as Mo Bingjian in using it, for you, a sword cultivator, there is a big difference in strength between having a sword and without a sword. . 】

[At this time, there are less than three months before the Blood Miao Competition. You spent some spirit stones to buy a relatively remote house in the valley. 】

[You take out the Spirit-Gathering Flower seeds hidden in your body, as well as the Qingyun Token. 】

[But now is not the time to plant Juling Flower, because Juling Flower needs to be taken care of every day, and you will participate in the Blood Seedling Competition in three months, and you will not be able to take care of it by then. 】

[You plan to wait until the next Blood Seedling Competition is over before planting the Soul-Gathering Flower seeds with peace of mind. 】

[During this period of time, you spent part of the spirit stones to buy some formation materials in the valley. 】

[You have set up a primary compound enigmatic formation, a breath gathering formation, and a primary compound killing formation in your house. 】

[With these three formations, monks under the Void Return stage cannot enter the mansion. 】

[Even for monks in the Return to Void Stage, it is impossible to see through the layout of the mansion. 】

[After setting up the formation, you start to inquire about some information in the valley, and go to restaurants and other places to inquire about famous evil cultivators in the valley. 】

[Three months passed quickly, and it was the eve of the blood seedling competition. 】

[You compile the information from the past three months into a book and wait quietly for the blood seedling competition to begin. 】

In the real world, Su Xing saw this movement in his heart and silently said:
"Use an immersive simulation... lasting 2 hours!"

[You successfully used immersion... The remaining energy is 6 million points. 】

When the beep fell, Su Xing's vision changed and he appeared in the mansion in the simulator.

At this moment, Su Xing suddenly had a thick stack of information in his hand.

This information includes information from the Xiao Qingyun world, as well as information from some powerful monks and precious treasures in the valley.

Su Xing picked up the information in his hand and memorized it at a glance.


Soon, the immersive simulation ends and you wake up and return to the real world.

Recalling the information he had seen before, Su Xing's eyes flashed with surprise.

"I see, in the Xiao Qingyun world, it's not like immortals are everywhere, Mahayana is not as good as a dog..."

According to the intelligence, the overall combat power of Little Qingyun Realm is indeed much higher than that of Blue Star.

The Little Qingyun World is considered the top Little Thousand World, and even the number of strong people in it is not far behind some of the Middle Thousand Worlds.

In comparison, Blue Star can only be regarded as the weakest of the worlds. There are very few strong people. It is difficult for a strong person to be born in the immortal realm for tens of thousands of years.

In the Little Qingyun Realm, the strength of monks is roughly as follows:
In the Xiao Qingyun world, Yuanying and the Transformation Stage are considered the backbone combat forces.

And the combined and Mahayana monks are already considered to be one of the strongest in a million.

As for the monks who go up to the Tribulation and Loose Immortal levels, they are already considered to have top-notch combat power.

However, in the Xiao Qingyun world, there is also a gap between monks!
That is becoming an immortal!
The term "become an immortal" here does not refer to the list of loose immortals, but refers to the orthodox immortals who have truly survived the thunder tribulation, the heart-refining test, and understood the great way!

And immortals also have strengths and weaknesses. When they first become immortals, they are divided into three immortals: heaven, earth, and people!
Among them, the immortals are the most powerful and the human immortals are the weakest.

Above the heavenly immortals, there are true immortals!
Once you reach the level of a True Immortal, you are considered the most powerful person in the Three Thousand Worlds!

Even among the Qingyun Sect, the True Immortal can be a powerful person at the level of the sect leader and Supreme Elder.

"However, those powerful people generally stay hidden in the world. In the Little Qingyun Realm, the Mahayana and Tribulation Stage monks can almost walk sideways..."

Su Xing nodded slightly.

"In addition, there are the strong monks and rare treasures in the valley..."

Because of the blood seedling competition mechanism, the monks in the valley are basically replaced every three years.

But there are also dozens of monks who can survive the blood seedling competition, but they cannot become true blood seedlings.

These "old fried dough sticks" are often at the top of the strength in the valley. After one or two blood seedling competitions, they have accumulated a lot of treasures in their hands.

Moreover, the strength also varies from the perfection in the return to virtual stage to the perfection in the integration stage.

Su Xing's goal is to exchange for cultivation materials that are beneficial to him from these old fritters!

Su Xing rubbed his eyebrows and murmured:
"The information collected so far shows that there are indeed some items that I need..."

"For example, the spiritual liquid, magic weapon... and three kinds of elixirs in their hands!"

"Marrow Cleansing Pill, Ling Qi Ling Pill and...Nine Transformations Pill!"

Su Xing felt slightly excited.

Marrow Cleansing Pill is a common pill in the world of immortality, which can enhance the qualifications of ordinary people.

There is no record of this elixir recipe in the awakening Lihuo Alchemy Technique.

But if this elixir can be refined, it can greatly increase the cultivation potential of the humans on Blue Star.

It is not difficult to swallow a marrow-cleansing pill to allow a professional who originally had the potential to reach the gold level to reach the master level.

"As for the Ling Qi Pill, this is a pill recipe that is of great use to me!"

Awakening is a little excited, Qiling Pill is a pill that can greatly improve people's understanding in a short period of time!

Of course, the effect of improving understanding is not as outrageous as the Enlightenment Pill, and it cannot achieve enlightenment.

But it can make a monk have dozens of times his own understanding in one month!
The only problem is that a person can only swallow one in his lifetime.

"A person can only swallow one of this spiritual pill in his lifetime...but I have a simulator and can swallow it repeatedly every time I simulate it!"

"Equivalent to every simulation, I can take the Qiling Pill once!"

"I just don't know, can the effect of this spiritual enlightenment pill be superimposed with the talent of great wisdom?"

A flash of excitement flashed in Su Xing's eyes.

If it can be superimposed, and the dozens of times of understanding are multiplied by three, that is about 120 times of understanding!
If it lasts for one month, it is equivalent to ten years of enlightenment...close to the effect of an accidental epiphany!
"Tsk, tsk, I must get this spiritual enlightenment elixir! After this, it will be much easier to understand the supernatural power and the origin of the great road!"

Su Xing's eyes flashed with determination.

As for the last elixir, it’s called Jiuzhuan Dan!
The effect of Jiuzhuan Dan is simple and crude!
If you take it for physical training below the tribulation stage, it will directly elevate you to the first level of body training!
For example, if a monk at the third level of the Hunyuan Realm takes it, he can directly reach the fourth level of the Hunyuan Realm!

And when monks at the first level of the Great Perfection Realm of Body Refining take it, they can be directly promoted to the second level of the Great Perfection Realm.

A person can only take one Jiuzhuan Dan in a lifetime, and it cannot be used when breaking through the great realm.

However, even if this is the case, as long as Awakening can get the Nine-Revolution Pill recipe, he can definitely break through one more realm in every simulation!
"These three kinds of elixirs are extremely important to me! You must get them in this simulation!"

Su Xing murmured, looking at the simulation panel.

[A few days later, the blood seedling competition will be held as scheduled! 】

[With the experience from last time, you don’t want to become a blood seedling in this blood seedling competition, you just want to survive to the end. 】

[So, under the leadership of Xue 23, you quickly entered that world. 】

[Before the blood seedling competition begins, you look around at the monks around you, looking for a target to attack. 】

[After the blood seedling competition began, you immediately took action and quickly killed dozens of monks in the Void Return Stage with one person and one sword. 】

[Then, you snatch all their storage bags and leave the initial battle place. 】

[In the next three days, you will occasionally attack and kill some evil cultivators who are alone. 】

[But you are very cautious. You will not mess with monks whose strength exceeds the integration stage. 】

[Even so, you have accumulated a considerable amount of wealth in three days, with a total value of nearly one million low-grade spiritual stones! 】

[In three days, you have killed more than [-] monks in total. This number is still a long way from reaching blood seedlings, and you can guarantee that it will not attract too much attention. 】

[Three days later, the blood vaccine competition ended, and you became a blood vaccine candidate as scheduled. 】

[What you didn’t expect is that the blood seedling candidates also have a very good reward to receive. 】

[One hundred thousand blood spirit stones, one hundred thousand drops of blood spirit fluid...and a pill needed to break through the realm! 】

[You pocketed the three rewards without hesitation, and then returned to the mansion in the valley. 】

[With the resources in your hands, you can fully mature the Soul-Gathering Flower in the next three years, and then you can exchange it for more valuable items! 】

Su Xing nodded slightly when he saw this, and murmured:
"The Spirit-Gathering Flower is absolutely precious in the Xiao Qingyun world, but I don't know how precious it is?"

"When the Soul-Gathering Flower matures, I can sell it in exchange for the resources I need!"

After a pause, Su Xing thought:
"After three blood seedling competitions, I must challenge the blood seedlings... My secret will definitely be discovered by then, and I'm afraid I will die again..."

"But before that, there are still six years to simulate, which is enough for me to obtain resources and information!"

Su Xing is quite satisfied with this.

Blue Star may have been destroyed at this moment.

And when Su Xing arrived at Little Qingyun Realm from Blue Star, even if he could only stay in this valley, the simulation time would be extended by seven years.

The only pity is that without the Cave Heaven, the speed of awakening and practicing is many times slower.

However, using this time to understand the Xiao Qingyun world is undoubtedly a better choice.

Thinking of this, Su Xing looked at the simulation panel.

[No. 30, after the Blood Seedling Competition, the originally bustling valley gathering place became deserted. 】

[In the canyon where there were countless people before, there were only dozens of people left after a big competition. All of these people were candidates for the blood seedlings of powerful people. 】

[Soon, you find that new people are brought into the valley every month. They are all monks coming to participate in the next blood seedling competition. 】

[In just a few months, hundreds of people poured in. 】

[But I am afraid that less than one percent of these people will survive until the next competition. 】

[None of this has anything to do with you. You just stay in the mansion and plant the Soul-Gathering Flowers with peace of mind. 】

[Two years passed in the blink of an eye...]

[No.30 In the second year, under your careful planting, more than a hundred seeds have matured and grown into mature Julinghua. 】

[So you take these spirit-gathering flowers and prepare to replace the elixir you have already taken a fancy to. 】

[You quickly found the owner of the pill recipe, a prominent figure in the black market in the valley gathering place, late-stage integration monk Song Si! 】

[In the past three years, you have had a lot of dealings with Song Si. Your spiritual fluid, the magic weapon, and the previous information were obtained from Song Si. 】

[The origin of Song Si is mysterious, and he seems to be different from ordinary evil cultivators. He entered the valley three years before you and is a blood seedling candidate who has gone through two blood seedling competitions. 】

[Walking through a remote alley, you soon saw Song Si taking a nap in the yard and basking in the sun. 】

[Song Si had a kind smile on his face and stood up to greet you when he saw you from afar. 】

[Without being too polite, you asked him about the prices of three pills: Marrow Cleansing Pill, Ling Ling Pill, and Nine Turns Pill. 】

[Song Si was also unambiguous and directly quoted the prices of three kinds of elixirs. 】

[The marrow-cleansing elixir prescription is priced at 1000 spirit stones, the spirit-enlightening elixir prescription is priced at 100 million spiritual stones, and the nine-turn elixir prescription is priced at 300 million spiritual stones! 】

[You nodded slightly after hearing the price. You had expected the price of the Marrow Cleansing Pill and Qiling Pill prescription, but the price of the Nine Turns Pill prescription seemed too low. 】

[You asked why the price of the Nine Turns Pill is so low. 】

[Song Si chuckled and said that the alchemy materials are precious and even if he gets the elixir recipe, it will be difficult to refine it. 】

[You remained silent after hearing this, then took out a Spirit-Gathering Flower and asked him how much he would charge for it. 】

[After Song Si saw Julinghua, he almost lost his seat and fell off the chair. 】

[He quickly asked how you obtained this thing. 】【You smiled and didn't answer. 】

[Song Si looked at you carefully when he saw this, and finally quoted a price, [-] low-grade spiritual stones per plant, he would take as much as he wanted! 】

In the real world, Su Xing was stunned when he saw this number.

"How much? Fifty thousand low-grade spirit stones, exchanged for one spirit-gathering flower!?"

Su Xing's eyes widened. He knew that the price of the Spirit-Gathering Flower was high, but he didn't expect it to be so high!
There are tens of thousands of spirit-gathering flowers in the Lingtian Cave Heaven after waking up!
This means... Su Xing's worth directly exceeds [-] million spirit stones! ?

Five hundred million spiritual stones, let alone a monk, even an immortal would probably be jealous to death!

Su Xing took a deep breath and murmured:

"I didn't expect that in the age of Dharma Ending and spiritual energy exhaustion, the Spirit Gathering Flower would be so valuable?"

"No wonder... Zong Laogou showed such a greedy look when he saw the Soul-Gathering Flower..."

But think about it carefully.

Having a spirit-gathering flower is equivalent to having nearly endless spiritual energy!

As long as the Soul-Gathering Flower exists, it will be able to continuously produce spiritual energy... Maybe after a few thousand years, the spiritual energy produced by one Spirit-Gathering Flower will exceed [-] spiritual stones?

Moreover, the spirit stones will eventually be exhausted.

But the Spirit-Gathering Flower can always exist and will not die.

If you are a powerful monk who wants to improve the level of the Cave Heaven Paradise, transplanting the Soul Gathering Flower is undoubtedly the best choice!

Thinking about it this way, it doesn't seem surprising that the price of Julinghua is so high...

"Tsk, tsk, it seems that next time you simulate, you can bring more Soul Gathering Flowers with you!"

Su Xing was a little excited. With these Spirit Gathering Flowers alone, Su Xing could obtain countless useful cultivation materials for him!
Su Xing's heart moved and he muttered silently:
"Use an immersive simulation... lasting 24 hours!"

[You successfully used immersion... The remaining energy is 6 million points. 】

Su Xing's vision changed for a while, and then he appeared in a strange courtyard.

In front of Su Xing, there was a fat middle-aged man with fair skin and a smile, who looked like a rich man.

"Haha, little brother, how have you considered it? Is my price fair?"

After Su Xing heard this, although he was surprised in his heart, he remained calm and silent on the outside.

When Su Xing fell silent, Song Laosi felt a little uneasy. He quickly poured tea and said to Su Xing nonstop:
"Brother, my price is really not cheating you! Although the Soul-Gathering Flower is extremely valuable and is almost extinct now, a Soul-Gathering Flower has limited effect..."

"Furthermore, although this Soul-Gathering Flower can be auctioned for [-] spirit stones in the outside world, in the valley, everyone is a desperado. They may die at any time in the next Blood Seedling Competition. If we don't sell the Soul-Gathering Flower, In exchange for useful resources, it may be able to improve its strength and hopefully grow into a blood seedling!"

After hearing this, Su Xing was pleasantly surprised again. He didn't expect that the price of the Spirit-Gathering Flower in the outside world was higher!
The price of one plant can actually sell for [-] spirit stones at auction! ?
"But... listening to Song Laosi's tone, it seems that he needs the Soul-Gathering Flower very much? It's strange. According to him, the Soul-Gathering Flower shouldn't be of much use to him, right?"

Su Xing's heart moved, and then he asked:
"Haha, Brother Song, according to what you said, this Soul Gathering Flower should be of no use to you. Why do you need it so much?"

After Song Laosi heard Su Xing's question, he immediately shut up and said no more.

Seeing his reaction, Su Xing became even more convinced that Song Laosi had a big secret!

So Su Xing said slowly:

"Brother Song, I'll tell you the truth... I still have a lot of these Spirit-Gathering Flowers in my hands..."

"As long as you are willing to reveal a few things, I can give you this Spirit-Gathering Flower directly! And I will also give you a big deal!"

After hearing Su Xing's words, Song Laosi took the Gathering Spirit Flower, hesitated for a while and then said:

"Hehe, to be honest, brother... I came to this valley not only to participate in the blood seedling competition, but also to do business..."

Su Xing frowned slightly after hearing Song Laosi's words, making a deal?
But participating in the blood seedling competition is a matter of hanging your head around your neck, so how can you do business?

Song Laosi said eloquently.

"Brother, look at this valley, the monks are all trying to compete for the spot of the blood seedlings... and once you enter the valley, you cannot get out. This also creates a conflict between the supplies needed by the monks in the valley and the outside world. There’s a big price difference…Isn’t this a profitable business?”

Su Xing nodded slightly after hearing Song Laosi's words.

Indeed, most of the monks in the valley did not want to come in as penniless as Su Xing.

Many people bring all their wealth with them when they enter the valley gathering place!
Moreover, the cultivation level of the monks who enter the valley are not low, and most of them are monks in the stage of transformation into gods and returning to the void...

In the valley, healing pills, magic weapons and other items are particularly valuable, if they are handled well.

Sell ​​the treasures in the valley to Xiao Qingyun Realm, and then transport suitable treasures in the valley from the outside world, and you will definitely be able to make a lot of money.

Thinking of this, Su Xing's eyes lit up.

"Wait...this means that Song Laosi has a channel connecting the inside and outside of the valley!"

Thinking of this, Su Xing looked at Song Laosi in front of him and asked:
"Song Laosi, are you so sure that you can survive the blood seedling competition and become that blood seedling? Otherwise, it wouldn't be worth risking your life for the sake of doing business..."

After hearing Su Xing's words, Song Laosi chuckled and said:

"Of course I have my own channels... and I won't be around after the next blood seedling competition. If you want to trade anything, you have to do it early... When the next person takes over, you may not be able to get as good a price as me... "

Su Xing's heart moved after hearing this, and he handed over three spirit-gathering flowers and said:
"Brother Song, what channel do you have, can you tell me?"

When Song Laosi saw that Su Xing was so wealthy, he actually took out three more spirit-gathering flowers.

Calmly taking the three Spirit Gathering Flowers, Song Laosi looked around and made sure there was no one around, then said:

"Hehe, brother...I see you are not an outsider either..."

"To be honest, as long as it's something that exists in the Little Qingyun Realm, as long as it's not too precious, I can get it here, brother!"

"As for the channels, you just need to know that the person standing behind me is a man with a code name named Blood!"

Su Xing was shocked when he heard this.

The so-called blood-lettered masters with code names refer to characters like Blood 23 and Blood [-]... who have numbers.

These people are the real core of the Advent Sect, big shots who can kill Su Xing with just a breath...

Generally speaking, monks who pass the Blood Seedling Competition and become Blood Seedlings will be Mahayana monks!

After becoming a blood seedling, you have to perform well, survive the thunder tribulation, and become an orthodox immortal before you can have a code name in the Advent Sect!

This means that not even a loose immortal can do it!
Cadres with blood numbers are at least monks above human immortality!
Su Xing's heart moved and he asked tentatively:

"Could it be that Mr. Blood Nineteen?"

After hearing Su Xing's words, Song Laosi shook his head and said:
"Haha, I'm really joking... Why would such a big shot care about such a trivial matter?"

"The person above me is the gentleman with the lower blood number, but he is also a big shot at the peak of human immortality!"

After Su Xing heard this, he gained some understanding of the strength within the Advent Sect.

Listening to Song Laosi's tone, Blood Nineteen's strength should be far beyond the immortal realm!
Is it an earthly immortal... a heavenly immortal, or a stronger monk?
Awakening is unknown.

Seeing that Song Laosi didn't say much, Su Xing took out eighty mature Spirit-Gathering Flowers and handed them over, and then said:
"Give me those three prescriptions..."

Seeing Su Xing take out eighty spirit-gathering flowers so "arrogantly", Song Laosi's eyes almost fell off.

A look of surprise flashed in his eyes and he asked:

"Brother, have you discovered the remains of an ancient powerful monk?"

"How many Spirit-Gathering Flowers do you have? I'll take as many as you have! I'll give you a price of [-] Spirit Stones per plant!"

After Su Xing heard this, he shook his head and said:

"No, that's all... If there were more, I wouldn't hide it from you. After all, in exchange for treasures to improve your cultivation, surviving is the most important thing!"

After hearing this, Mr. Song rolled his eyes and thought that what Su Xing said was indeed reasonable.

Even if there are tens of millions of Spirit-Gathering Flowers, if they don't transform into cultivation, they won't survive the upcoming Blood Seedling Competition, that's no good!

So Song Laosi carefully took the Spirit-Gathering Flower and handed over the three pill prescriptions.

Su Xing took the prescription and after confirming it was correct, he put it away.

Before leaving, Su Xing suddenly asked:
"Brother Song, do you have a channel... that can send people in the valley outside the valley?"

After hearing Su Xing's words, Song Laosi's face changed slightly, and he smiled and said:

"Haha, I'm just kidding... I entered this valley to participate in the blood seedling competition... How can I send someone out with my little skills?"

Su Xing nodded after hearing this, and without saying much, turned around and returned to his courtyard.

After returning to his residence, he woke up and checked his surroundings. After making sure that no one was secretly observing him, he murmured:
"Judging from Song Laosi's reaction... I'm afraid this guy has a way to get the monks in the valley to leave the valley!"

Su Xing thought so in his heart.

"It's just that the price of sending people out is probably very high... Even Song Laosi is unwilling to disclose it..."

Su Xing shook his head slightly. The Soul Gathering Flower seeds he prepared this time were still a little short.

Waiting for the next simulation, Su Xing will bring hundreds of Spirit Gathering Flower seeds, which will probably be enough to escape to the Little Qingyun Realm!

Su Xing didn't feel regretful, he just took out the three prescriptions and started to memorize them.


Soon, the immersive simulation time ends, and you wake up and return to the real world.

In the real world, Su Xing's eyes flashed with surprise.

"I see. No wonder the recipe for Jiuzhuan Dan is so cheap, but it actually needs that medicinal material..."

The corners of Su Xing's mouth rose slightly.

The most important medicinal material of Jiuzhuan Dan is called Dragon Pearl!

Dragon Balls are the demon pills of dragon creatures!
The Dragon Demon Pill can also be used, and the True Dragon Demon Pill can also be used!
But the higher the quality of the dragon beads, the better the effect of the Nine Transformations Pill.

If a demon elixir with true dragon bloodline could be used to refine it into a nine-turn elixir, it would even allow a Mahayana monk to easily break through to the first level!
"This is really...what a coincidence!"

Su Xingyan smiled.

Creatures like dragons are extremely rare in the Three Thousand Worlds.

Because the vast majority of dragons live in specific sea areas and large worlds, and rarely appear in the world.

But isn’t it a coincidence that I woke up?
Long Laogou, isn't he just a dragon with the blood of a true dragon?
As long as Su Xing kills Long Laogou every time he simulates, and takes out his dragon balls to refine them into Nine Revolution Pills, it is equivalent to being able to reach the first level of body refining for free, why not?
"Haha...this old dragon dog is full of treasures!"

Su Xing chuckled.

Among the three types of elixirs, the materials for the Nine Transformations elixir are the most difficult to obtain. Among them, the dragon ball is difficult to obtain, and the rest of the medicinal materials can be found in the spiritual field cave where the awakening occurs.

The Qiling Pill requires an elixir called Qiling Flower as the main medicine.

Among the seeds left by Qingyunzi before, there happens to be the Lingqing Flower. As long as it is awakened and planted, the Lingqing Pill can be refined.

Using Qiling Pill, each simulation is equivalent to having an additional ten years of enlightenment time. This is simply a huge profit!
As for the Marrow Cleansing Pill, it is easier to refine.

The required materials are not precious. Su Xing can completely refine them and then sell them to the Daxia military. This can not only earn energy, but also enhance the strength of the Daxia military, a win-win situation!
“This simulation was really rewarding!”

"There are still more than three years to go. It is satisfying to get more information step by step..."

Su Xing thought this and looked at the simulation panel.

[After trading with Song Laosi, your life has returned to peace. 】

[Soon, another blood seedling competition will be held. 】

[You were still cautious in this blood seedling competition, but you only survived until the end of the blood seedling competition, killing dozens of monks in the Void Return Stage. 】

[After receiving the rewards from this competition, you returned to the valley. 】

[In this competition, Song Laosi performed extremely well, perfecting his strength during the integration period and winning the spot for blood seedlings. 】

[You took out the realm-breaking elixir you obtained from two major competitions. This elixir is one of the biggest temptations to attract monks! 】

[This elixir is called Xuangu elixir!It can help monks below the integration stage break through bottlenecks! 】

[A monk at the third level of the God Transformation stage can quickly break through the bottleneck and reach the fourth level of the God Transformation stage by taking one pill! 】

[You take out two Xuangu pills and smell them carefully. You find that although these pills have the effect of breaking through small realms, they seem to have the side effect of reducing longevity. If taken continuously, they may even damage the potential! 】

[You are a little regretful. If you can obtain a higher-level realm-breaking elixir, it may be able to help you break through the realm. 】

[As for the loss of longevity, you don’t have to worry at all, because when the simulator brings out the cultivation level, it will only bring out pure feedback on the cultivation level, without any side effects. 】

[After thinking for a while, you went to find Song Laowu with the treasures you captured this time and two pills. 】

[Song Laowu is the trader who succeeded Song Laosi. He claims to be Song Laosi’s younger brother, and he accepted Song Laosi’s connections as soon as he arrived. 】

[This makes you more certain that the Song family must be deeply rooted in the valley, and there is also a big shot behind him! 】

[But the greater the power of the Song family, the more beneficial it is to you, because you want to use the Song family's connections to see if you can leave the valley! 】

[So that day, you found Song Laowu and asked him implicitly if there was a way to leave the valley! 】

[Unexpectedly, after Song Laowu heard your question, he stretched out a finger and expressed it directly. 】

[With only 1000 million spirit stones, he can let you leave the valley without anyone noticing, but you need to come back before the next blood seedling competition starts...]

(Please vote for a monthly ticket for this [-]-word chapter~There is another chapter during the day~)

(End of this chapter)

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