About the development and content of this book

First of all, don’t worry, this book will definitely not be a eunuch!
This is my first book~it must have a beginning and an end!

Secondly, to be honest, when I first wrote this book, I didn’t expect to be able to sign a contract, so the outline and setting were somewhat flawed.

But as the plot gets on track, the writers become more and more enthusiastic.

According to the outline, this book is expected to be completed at about 300 million words...

Compared with conventional simulator articles, the pace of this book is indeed a bit slow.

Let me call it the simulator farming upgrade article...

After that, we will consider the briskness of the rhythm and the density of the refreshing points.


Recently, many readers have been complaining about the problem of quickly entering the Three Thousand Worlds and leaving the Novice Village.

In fact, there should be no concept of novice village...

After all, Blue Star is a very important world from the beginning to the end of this book, and its secrets will be slowly revealed later.

Although there is no concept of novice village, there are stages.

His strength surpasses that of Long Laogou, and killing him can be regarded as completing the first stage.

Originally this stage should be around the Mahayana stage, but there is no harm in going faster.

When the protagonist begins to cultivate immortality, the powerful enemies Zong Laogou and Long Laogou he comes into contact with are all early boss-level characters. Well, in the setting, they are geniuses of the same realm, even in the vast world.

After that, the plot will slowly expand from Blue Star to the Three Thousand Worlds, and the protagonist will truly come into contact with a real world of cultivating immortals.

Maybe...these three thousand worlds are not so beautiful?

And then, the early setting of this book is indeed a bit rough, but with thousands of words being updated all the time, it is difficult to find time to refine it. If I have time in the future, I will revise it carefully...


Finally, let's talk about the update time.

Generally speaking, there are two chapters a day, one chapter has [-] words, and a total of [-] words!
But considering the continuity of the plot, and the fact that sometimes there may be something going on outside.

Therefore, sometimes, a chapter with 12 words will be updated after [-] o'clock in the evening. The number of words is the same, so don't worry!And it will be marked as a two-in-one chapter!


Last but not least, since I’ve written a single chapter and talked about the book, I’d like to ask for a monthly pass~
(End of this chapter)

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