Others practice leveling, I cultivate immortality, go out to Mahayana before leaving the mountain

Chapter 238 The power to move mountains!Achieve the body refining Hunyuan realm!

Chapter 238 The power to move mountains!Achieve the body refining Hunyuan realm! (Ten thousand words, two in one)

[Lu Yuanwu has been waiting for the agreed place for a long time. 】

[He looked excited and called out "Senior", obviously knowing the powerful effects of the two pills. 】

[He took out a thousand tons of exotic metals, indicating that this was the limit he could mobilize within a week. You shook your head slightly, indicating that the amount was too small. 】

[Lu Yuanwu smiled bitterly. He said that one person's power is limited, and there are undercover agents in Daxia's military, so he cannot provide a large amount of exotic metals. 】

[But Lu Yuanwu also said that every next week, he will provide you with one thousand tons of third-level exotic metals. 】

[And Lu Yuanwu has applied to use the reserve materials in the treasury. Once the order is approved, he will be able to provide you with [-] tons of third-level exotic metals at once! 】

[After hearing what Lu Yuanwu said, you reluctantly nodded in agreement, took out [-] pills and gave them to Lu Yuanwu. 】

[After Lu Yuanwu got the elixir, he left excitedly. 】

[You cast a spell to shield your aura and figure, and quietly followed Lu Yuanwu along the way. 】

[You followed him for several days and finally concluded that Lu Yuanwu did not betray you. 】

[You are cautious by nature, so you calm down and return to school in disguise to see if anything happens. 】

[Nothing has happened for several months. Your transaction with Lu Yuanwu is very safe. 】

[In the past few months, you have planted dozens of Lingqing flowers, just waiting to be used when refining Lingqing pills in the future. 】

Seeing this slight nod, Su Xing confirmed that there was indeed no risk in trading with Lu Yuanwu, and was completely relieved.

"One thousand tons of third-order exotic metals per week... This also means that there are 20 billion more energy per week!"

“Although I didn’t get rich in a week, the energy is completely enough!”

Su Xing nodded with satisfaction and looked at the simulation panel.

[One day, you went to the copy of Luotian Conference. 】

"Use an immersive simulation... lasting 24 hours!"

[You successfully used immersion...the remaining energy is 9499 million points.]

Su Xing's vision changed, and then he appeared in the main hall.

In front of him was Su Xing's master, Luo Song, the Supreme Elder of Luo Tianzong.

"Disciple, go to the back mountain to invite your senior brother Shennong..."

Luo Song issued orders as always, but Su Xing did not leave in a hurry, but asked:

"Master, I would like to ask, what level of physical body does it need to reach to cross the void?"

After Luo Song heard Su Xing's words, he smiled and explained:

"The physical body crosses the void and roams in the turbulent flow of space. It cannot be reached without the human body of an immortal!"

"And if you want to step through the void with force and travel between three thousand worlds, you must at least reach the realm of true immortality..."

Su Xing felt a little unbelievable after hearing Luo Song's words.

Doesn't that mean that if you want to get through the turbulent flow of space, you must at least reach the immortal realm?

So he regained consciousness and continued to ask:

"Master, if it is... just a small space of void turbulence, can the immortals survive it safely?"

After hearing this, Luo Song thought for a while and said:

"If the time is not long, the pressure on the physical body may not be so great..."

"In this way, if you reach the perfection of the Mahayana stage or the middle stage of body refining, and learn a powerful defensive magical power, you may be able to cross over!"

Su Xing breathed a sigh of relief after hearing this. The realm of body refining is the realm after body refining and Hunyuan.

If you wake up and work hard like this, you may be able to achieve it within a few months.

But at the same time, Su Xing was also a little shocked.

Traveling through three thousand worlds and tearing apart the void, is it possible to reach the realm of a true immortal?

Doesn't that mean that Xue San is at least a strong person in the true immortal realm?
Thinking of this, Su Xing's scalp went numb for a while, and he once again underestimated the power of the Advent Sect in the Three Thousand Worlds.

After Su Xing asked the questions, he went to the back mountain to find Shennong Youtian.

After completing the task process, Su Xing went straight to the Sutra Pavilion to learn the puppetry from Granny Ghost.


Soon the immersive simulation ends, and you wake up and return to the real world.

"That's right, every time Granny Gui gives you guidance, I get better at puppetry..."

Look at the simulation panel.

[After coming out of the Luotian Conference, you met Luo Shuying as promised. 】

[Under the leadership of Luo Shuying, you successfully joined the Advent Cult. 】

[You stay in Advent Cult and refine elixirs as always. 】

[The next year, you went to the Luotian Conference copy again. 】

"Use an immersive simulation... lasting 24 hours!"

[You successfully used immersion...the remaining energy is 9259 million points.]


The time for immersive simulation is over, and the path of the awakened puppet is one step closer.

Look at the simulation panel again.

[In the following time, you will stay in Advent Cult and refine elixirs every day. 】

[In the third year, you gave all the more than 20 elixirs you refined to the Daxia military. 】

[After that, you were not in a hurry to betray the Adventist Cult, but began to inquire about the undercover agents in the Adventist Cult. 】

[According to your information, the Advent Cult’s undercover agents placed in the Daxia military for hundreds of years have been almost completely eradicated. 】

[This has caused great frustration to the Adventist Cult, as various tasks have been difficult to carry out, and it is undoubtedly extremely difficult to reorganize the undercover system in a short period of time. 】

[After learning that the Advent Cult undercover agents were eradicated, you sighed on the surface, but you were secretly happy in your heart. 】

[So, you stay safely in Adventism, practice hard every day, and use spiritual energy to ripen the Qiling Flower. 】

[In this way, three years have passed. 】

[In the sixth year, your strength has been upgraded to the second level of the integration stage. 】

[And as you continue to ripen the Spirit Flower, coupled with the blessing of Shennong's talent, this Spirit Flower that originally took more than 100 years to mature will now mature in more than four years. 】

[So you practice every day as always and plant elixirs. 】

[In this way, another two years have passed. 】

[In the eighth year, your voice in Adventism is getting louder and louder, with the trend of replacing the Lord of Natural Factions. 】

[You quietly wait for an opportunity to come. 】

[In the tenth year, your cultivation has been promoted to the third level of the integration stage. 】

[In the same year, you found an opportunity to kill the leader of the natural faction and replaced him. 】

[This behavior caused Long Laogou’s dissatisfaction. 】

[In No. 11, the Qiling Flower you planted matured, and you began to try to refine the Qiling Pill. 】

[According to the grade classification of elixirs you get from the world of cultivating immortals, Qiling Pill is a sixth-grade elixir. 】

[Ranks one to three correspond to the lower-grade elixirs in Lihuo alchemy. 】

[Ranks three to six correspond to middle-grade elixirs. 】

[Rank seven to nine corresponds to high-grade elixirs. 】

[And you have already achieved some success in Lihuo Alchemy, and you have even refined the high-grade elixir, the Rebirth Pill. 】

[Therefore, the refining of Qiling Pill is not too difficult for you. 】

[Even so, you still activated the Great Wisdom State Blessing and began to study the refining of the Spirit-enlightening Pill seriously. 】

[A furnace of Qiling Pill can only bear one, and one requires a full eighteen hours to refine. This refining time exceeds any other pill you have refined before. 】

[In the first month, you refined ten furnaces of Spirit-enlightening Pills. As expected, all of them turned into useless pills. 】

[But you are not discouraged, because as you continue to try to refine it, your understanding of the Spirit-enlightening Pill becomes more and more sophisticated. 】

[In the second month, you refined eight furnaces of Qiling Pills, but all failed. 】

[In the third month, you refined seven furnaces of Spirit-enlightening Pills, but all failed. 】

[Until the fourth month, you have refined ten furnaces of the Spirit-Enlightening Pill, and one furnace has finally become a pill. This means that you have successfully started refining the Spirit-Enlightening Pill! 】

[After getting started, your efficiency in refining Spirit-enlightening Pills will be greatly improved. 】

[In the next three months, you have refined a total of ten furnaces of Qiling Pills, of which three furnaces have become pills. The one with the best quality has reached the normal level of Qiling Pills. 】

[Your refining of the Spirit-enlightening Pill is close to the level of success. 】

[At this time, you still have more than ten Spirit-Awakening Flowers left in your hand, enough to refine ten furnaces of Spirit-Awakening Pills, but you did not rush to refine them, but kept them. 】

[No.12, you continue to work hard to practice and improve your strength. 】

[Your cultivation level is still at the third level of integration. After the spiritual stones and spiritual liquid are used up, your cultivation level will increase slowly. 】

[In this way, another two years have passed. 】

[No.14, you are ready to make a bold attempt. 】

[You want to try, if after killing Long Laogou, you take the spiritual dragon as your own, will the people in the Advent Sect headquarters in the Three Thousand Worlds notice it? 】

[You are ready to give it a try, because once the Advent Sect is not aware of it, you will be able to get the help of the Dragon of the Spirit Vein, and your cultivation speed will definitely increase greatly! 】

[So, you planned it carefully. 】

[In No. 15, you went to the ruins of Wanmu Sect and killed Zhenren Wanmu. 】

[You rescued the dragon with spiritual veins and introduced it into the spiritual field cave. 】

[The dragon with spiritual veins escaped from the trap, and his aura quickly attracted the old dog. 】

【The war is about to break out! 】

[You and Long Lao Gou fought for thousands of rounds, and finally you successfully killed Long Lao Gou with your Heavenly Sword Technique! 】

[Then, you destroy Long Laogou’s jade slip for transmitting messages. 】

[The old dog was skinned and deboned, and the most critical dragon ball was taken out. 】

[After killing Long Laogou, you waited quietly, wondering if Xue San would notice and rush to Blue Star. 】

[One year has passed very quickly...]

[In No. 16, Blood Three still did not come to Blue Star, but for the sake of safety, you decided to stay in the Advent Cult. 】

[In the same year, you accumulated the Dazhi talent bonus for more than a month, took a spiritual enlightenment pill of the best quality, and began your final attempt at elixir refining. 】

[After taking the Qiling Pill, you suddenly feel that your thinking speed is much faster than before, and your understanding has increased dozens of times in a short period of time! 】

[What excites you the most is that the effect of this spiritual elixir can indeed be accumulated with the great wisdom talent! 】

[Although the combined effect is not as good as accidental enlightenment, in this state, your understanding in one month can last ten years in ordinary times! 】

[So, you start trying to refine the Spirit-enlightening Pill. 】

[You spent twelve days refining ten furnaces of spiritual enlightenment pills. Among them, the number of top-quality spiritual enlightenment pills is as high as [-]%, and the success rate of elixir refining is close to [-]%! 】

[Your mastery of Qiling Pill has reached the Dacheng level! 】

[At this moment, your state of increasing your understanding a hundred times has not ended yet. You begin to try to refine the last Nine Turns Pill! 】

[Before refining the Nine Transformations Pill, you have memorized the elixir refining process thoroughly. 】

[Nine Transformations Pill is an eighth-grade elixir, and its refining difficulty is far more difficult than anything you have refined before. 】

[Only when your understanding has been greatly improved can you dare to try refining. 】

[And it takes half a month to refine a furnace of Nine Turns Pill!There is only one Cheng Dan! 】

[For you, there is only one Dragon Ball and only one chance...]

[You take a deep breath, enter a state of selflessness, and start the refining process of the Nine Transformations Pill. 】

[Take out the alchemy cauldron that Qingyunzi left for you. As your alchemy skills become more advanced, you will realize the high quality of this alchemy cauldron. 】

[Only this Cauldron Pill Furnace is enough for you to refine the Nine Turns Pill. 】

[The elixir furnace rises, and the fire-living technique is released at will...]

[Following the procedure, you first preheated the temperature of the alchemy furnace. 】

[Subsequently, you put in the refined medicine on time, each step accurate to the second, without any hesitation. 】

[Finally, you put the fist-sized dragon ball into the alchemy furnace. 】

[After placing the medicinal materials accurately, you start the final refining process. 】

[The refining of the Nine Turns Pill requires extremely high temperatures to activate the alchemy furnace and melt the dragon beads. Finally, with the help of other medicinal materials, the side effects of the dragon beads are removed, forming the Nine Turns Pill that can enhance the realm of body refining! 】

[This process needs to last for half a month, which is a great consumption of spiritual power. 】

[You try your best to activate the Lihuo Technique, and the spiritual energy in your body is gradually consumed...]

[Soon, half a month passed. 】

[In the alchemy furnace, there is only one last step left to refine the Nine Turns Pill, start the furnace! 】

[You are sighing in your heart. If you don’t have the cultivation level of the Fusion Stage, I am afraid that just the spiritual power required to refine the Nine Turns Pill is not something that the Void Return Stage monks can bear. 】

[This is why alchemy masters are often monks with advanced cultivation levels. 】

[Finally, you calculate the time and it’s time to turn on the furnace. 】

[The alchemy furnace is opened, and the nine-turn elixir is completed! 】

[A pill the size of a thumb, round and pleasant, with nine dragon patterns wrapped around the outside slowly formed. 】

[In just the first try, you successfully refined the Nine Transformations Pill! 】

[This small Nine-turn Pill contains almost all the essence of the Dragon Ball! 】

[It is precisely because of this that Dacheng monks can even break through the first level! 】

[You frowned slightly when you got the Nine Turns Pill. Sure enough, because it was the first time to refine it, the quality of this pill was not good, but it was enough for a Hunyuan Stage monk to break through to the first level. 】

[And your mastery of the Nine Transformations Pill has also successfully entered the realm of Xiaocheng! 】

[After refining the elixir, life seems to have calmed down again...]

[In this way, another two years have passed. 】

[In No. 18, one day, you were staying in the headquarters of Adventism as usual, and suddenly a figure appeared behind you. 】

[If you take a closer look, this person is none other than Blood Three! 】

[You were a little nervous, but you still looked at Xue San calmly and asked who he was. 】

[After Xue San arrived at the Blue Star Advent Sect headquarters, he frowned slightly, and then asked where the little dragon was. 】

[Of course you know that little dragon is the dragon protector! 】

[Next, you start to use your acting skills. 】

[You first looked at the dragon protector warily, and then sneered, indicating that the black dragon had been killed by you long ago! 】

[Xue San frowned slightly after hearing this. He used to keep in touch with Long Laogou every year through sound transmission jade slips, and Long Laogou would report to him on the situation on Blue Star. 】

[But in the past three years, he did not receive a response from Long Laogou, so he was worried and came to Blue Star in person. 】

[Xue San’s voice turns cold and asks for your identity. 】

[You raised your eyebrows, indicating that you are the leader of the natural faction of Adventism. 】

[Xue San was stunned when he heard what you said. He originally thought you were a local monk from Blue Star, so he killed Long Laogou, but he never expected that you were also a high-ranking member of Advent Sect. 】

[So he asked you why you killed the old dog Long. 】

[You sneered and didn't answer. Blood Three suppressed your soul. 】

[Under the coercion of Blood Three, you were "forced" to answer because Long Laogou wanted to snatch your treasure, but he was not strong enough and was killed by you. 】

[Xue San frowned slightly after hearing your words, and then a strange light flashed in his eyes, and he looked at you carefully. 】

[Xue San quickly sensed the Lingtian Cave Heaven on your body, and stretched out his hand to grab it. The spiritual dragon in Lingtian Cave Heaven fell into Xue San’s hands. 】

[After seeing the Spirit Vein Dragon, Xue San was stunned for a moment, and then expressions of disbelief and surprise flashed across his face. 】

[You took the opportunity to say that you were the first to discover this creature, and then Long Laogou tried to kill someone to seize the treasure, but you killed him in return. 】

[Xue San fell silent after hearing your statement, seeming to be thinking about something. 】

[After a long time, Xue San said that you don’t have to pursue the matter of killing Long Laogou. As long as you dedicate this spiritual dragon to him, there will be a big reward! 】

[Xue San’s words are exactly what you want, so you express your desire to leave Blue Star and go to Three Thousand Worlds. 】

[Xue San nodded slightly, and then threw a pass to you. 】

[Before leaving, Xuese San asked you to practice well and go to the headquarters of Advent Sect in the future, you might be able to do something useful. 】

[After that, Xuesan tore open the void and left Blue Star...]

In the real world, Su Xing raised his eyebrows when he saw this:
"Sure enough, Long Laogou and Xue San have always been in contact... If Long Laogou dies, Xue San must have noticed it!"

Su Xing thought for a moment.

This means that if Su Xing takes action to kill Long Laogou, he will only have less than three years to develop on Blue Star...

Three years, more than 160 simulations, and the cultivation level when awakening may not be as good as Blood Three.

But the problem is that if you kill the old dragon dog in reality, waking up means that you will lose the spiritual dragon in three years, and you must join the Advent Cult.

Unless Su Xing escapes Blue Star alone...

"If we kill the old dog Long in the simulation...and then take the spiritual dragon to the Little Qingyun Realm within three years, then it will definitely be feasible!"

Su Xing thought this and silently recorded his plans for the future.

"In this simulation, I can finally confirm that Long Laogou is indeed connected with the Blood Three... This means that I need to be more careful and must not be exposed, otherwise it will attract the Blood Three, and I will definitely die..."

Su Xing secretly kept a close eye on it.

Originally, Su Xing was invincible above Blue Star, but this made Su Xing slack off a bit.

But now, new troubles may come at any time, and Su Xing must be cautious again!
"Let's talk about what happens next. For now, let's break through to the Hunyuan realm first!"

Su Xing murmured, looking at the simulation panel.

[After Xuesan left, you still stayed in Advent Sect and practiced hard. 】

[In No. 19, you went to the world of beast control and spent several months killing hundreds of legendary monsters. 】【In No. 20, your cultivation has grown to the second half of the third level of integration, and you are steadily moving towards the fourth level of integration. 】

[In this way, another three years have passed. 】

[No. 20 In the third year, your cultivation has further improved, and you are only one step away from the fourth level of the integration stage. 】

[You took out the millions of drops of spiritual liquid accumulated over the past few years, and prepared to break through to the fourth level of integration in one go! 】

[No. 20, after half a year of seclusion, your cultivation finally broke through to the middle stage of integration as expected! 】

[After reaching the fourth level of the integration stage, you will be more confident about breaking through to the Hunyuan realm in the Thunder area. 】

[In the next few years, you wait quietly. Except for necessary practice, you will spend most of your time with your family and friends. 】

[In this way, four years have passed by in a hurry...]

[No. 20, the Demon Saint came to the Demon Suppression Pass. The Demon Suppression Pass was broken, and the human race was in despair. 】

[A few months later, the giant beast came to Blue Star and swallowed the entire Great Xia Kingdom in one bite! 】

[You held up the body-protecting energy and did not resist, being swallowed into the abdominal space of the giant beast...]

In the real world, Su Xing felt a little hopeful when he saw this.

"With Hunyuan realm cultivation, it's time to break through!"

"As long as I break the limits of the human body, I will definitely be able to break into the Hunyuan realm!"

"What's more... the invincible Xiaoqiang talent can further enhance my ability to withstand strikes, and my probability of withstanding the thunder will be greatly increased!"

"In addition...the thunder area in the belly of the giant beast contains the avenue of thunder. Maybe you can understand it and make the body of thunder one step further?"

Su Xing thought so, looking at the simulation panel.

[You were swallowed into the abdominal space of the giant beast, and you held up the protective aura to protect yourself within it. 】

[The surrounding mountains, rivers, trees, and tall buildings on the mainland are all rapidly diminishing, and lives are disappearing in front of your eyes...]

[I don’t know how long it took, but a thunder area began to appear in front of you. 】

[You stepped into a small thunder area and let the thunder bombard you. 】

[But with the physical strength of your Great Perfection in the Shattering Void Realm, coupled with the body of thunder, it is difficult for such a small thunder area to cause substantial damage to you. 】

[Even if you don't actually fight the body-protecting Gangqi and resist these thunders with your pure body, it will only cause you some pain, but it will not allow you to break the limit. 】

[So you no longer hesitate and go to a medium-sized thunder area! 】

[Step into the thunder area, and then the terrifying thunder from high in the sky will hit you directly. 】

[You did not activate the body-protecting energy, but only activated a thin layer of elemental armor on the surface of your skin, allowing the thunder in the air to bombard you! 】

[The heartbreaking pain immediately makes your heart tremble, and you almost subconsciously want to avoid it. 】

[But you endured it. You know, if you can't withstand this kind of pain, how can you break the limit and achieve Hunyuan? 】

[Compared to the small thunder area, the thunder in the medium thunder area is several times thicker, and the thunder contains more avenues of thunder. 】

[This means that the thunder here is more terrifying and more destructive to the physical body! 】

[Without the protection of the body-protecting Gangqi, thunder hits your body, and just one thunderbolt will turn your skin black. 】

[This terrifying thunder and lightning has caused several wounds on your body, and your flesh and blood are blurred. 】

[But you still gritted your teeth and persisted, resisting the pain of the thunder and lightning, breaking the limits of your physical body little by little. 】

[What you didn’t expect was that before you could fully resist the first thunderbolt, the second thunderbolt hit you right after! 】

[Just when you were about to hold up the body-protecting energy, you suddenly felt a cool energy in your body, which was rapidly repairing your injuries. 】

[It is a golden talent, an invincible Xiaoqiang! 】

[Under the influence of talent, the charred skin begins to shed visibly to the naked eye, and beneath the shed is new flesh. 】

[And your injuries are also recovering quickly. 】

[This makes you relieved and confident that you can withstand the thunder here one after another! 】

[A bolt of thunder strikes down, crazily destroying your body. 】

[And the vitality that is constantly pouring out of your body is also constantly repairing your injuries. 】

[In this way, between the ultimate thunder destruction and rebirth... your body gradually reaches its limit, constantly breaking through yourself...]

[I don’t know how long it has passed, but the medium-sized thunder area you are in has gradually dissipated. 】

[You took a short rest and rushed to the next medium-sized thunder area. 】

[In this way, in one day and one night, you have experienced more than ten medium-sized thunder areas. 】

[Your physical body is also getting closer and closer to the limit. 】

[But at the same time, the number of thunder areas in the belly of the giant beast is getting smaller and smaller. 】

[You can't put it off any longer in your mind, otherwise you will have to go to the large area once the medium area disappears. 】

[But thunder in large areas is far from what you can handle now...]

[So, you gather your strength and prepare to enter the last medium-sized thunder area. 】

[This time, you made a bold decision! 】

[Abandon all defenses and use your pure body to fight against the thunder in the area! 】

[This decision is crazy...]

[If you had never dared to try this before, but after experiencing the baptism of thunder before, your body has become more than twice as strong as before, which gives you the confidence to face the thunder! 】

[You readjusted your condition, took a healing pill, and drank a bottle of spiritual fluid. 】

[Afterwards, you enter the thunder zone! 】

[The moment you step in, terrifying thunder rushes toward you crazily. 】

[Without the protection of Yuanli Armor, the thunder will completely hit your body. 】

[This terrifying pain is several times stronger than before! 】

[Just the first thunderbolt will make you almost faint from the pain...]

[But you still gritted your teeth and persevered...]

[Thunder crazily fills your body, making every inch of your muscles and skin pain-free. 】

[Blood flows out from your seven orifices, and your flesh and blood are burnt black. 】

[This thunder, which contains the original power, has already hurt your internal organs. 】

[But at the same time, a trickle of vitality pours into your body like a trickle, spreading to your limbs and bones, repairing your body that was damaged by the thunder bit by bit. 】

[Another thunder struck down...]

[In the constant destruction and repair, your body has finally reached its limit! 】

[At a certain moment... your body seems to suddenly relax. 】

[This is the feeling of breaking the limit. You have finally broken the invisible shackles on your body again! 】

[The strength of your physical body increases rapidly, and your power grows wildly! 】

[In just a few breaths, your strength has nearly doubled again! 】

[Congratulations, you have successfully broken through to become a Hunyuan Realm monk! 】

In the real world, Su Xing breathed a sigh of relief when he saw this and murmured:

"It's really difficult!"

"This breakthrough to the Hunyuan Realm is much more difficult than the original breakthrough to the Poxu Realm..."

"If I didn't have the recovery talent, I might not be able to withstand it..."

Su Xing knew that the reason why his limit was so difficult to break was because his foundation was solid and his limit was much higher than that of ordinary monks, so it seemed even more difficult.

"However, the improvement brought to me by breaking through the Hunyuan Realm is absolutely huge!"

"A full four-fold increase in strength. Pure physical strength has climbed from 500 million tons to 2000 million tons!"

Su Xing thought of the description of the strength of the body-refining monks he had heard in Luotian Sect.

In the world of immortality, the way of calculating power is different from modern times.

From the beginning, the unit is kilograms, and then the force of ox and tiger is the unit.

The more famous one is the so-called power of nine cows and two tigers.

However, for high-level monks, there is an important power to describe aiming.

That’s the power to move mountains!
The word "moving mountains" here is not an adjective, but the serious power of moving mountains!
Generally speaking, the combined weight of a 200-meter-high hill, including the mountain body, all the creatures and big trees on the mountain, is about 2000 million tons!

"So... after entering the Hunyuan realm, I should have the so-called power of a mountain, right?!"

Su Xing felt faintly excited.

A mountain here does not destroy a mountain...

But it refers to pure physical strength, lifting a mountain!
"Then next, it's time to break through to the second level of Hunyuan Realm and find a way to advance to the Sky Thunder Body..."

Su Xing murmured, and he was going to take advantage of the next time to try again.

Look at the simulation panel.

[After your cultivation broke through to the Hunyuan realm, you temporarily left this medium-sized thunder area. 】

[Then, you took out the Nine Turns Pill you carried with you and began to break through to the second level of Hunyuan Realm! 】

[Swallow the Jiuzhuan Dan into your abdomen, and it will instantly transform into pure power, pouring into your body. 】

[Every inch of skin on your body seems to have been sublimated...]

[Strength and physical strength are increasing rapidly...]

[Your luck protects the body and makes a breakthrough in the belly of the giant beast. 】

[So, three full days have passed...]

[When you really open your eyes again, there is no bottleneck in your body training and you have broken through to the second level of Hunyuan Realm! 】

[After breaking through to the second level of the Hunyuan Realm, you clearly feel that your physical strength and strength have increased significantly. 】

[So, you start looking for the next thunder area, hoping to let the body of thunder break through. 】

[But after you have been searching for a long time, all the small and medium-sized thunder areas have dissipated. The only ones that exist in the void are the large thunder areas and the terrifying space turbulence. 】

[In desperation, you can only bite the bullet and understand the Avenue of Thunder in the large thunder area of ​​the common sense area. 】

[Compared to the medium-sized thunder area, the origin of thunder contained in the large thunder area is more terrifying, almost making you feel the terrifying pressure when going through the thunder tribulation. 】

[You hold up the protective energy and grit your teeth to enter it...]

[A terrifying thunderbolt strikes you...]

[You resisted for a while...]

【you are dead! 】

【Ding, this simulation is over! 】

After the simulation ended, Su Xing twitched the corners of his mouth and muttered:

"Is this large thunder area so terrifying?"

"Unexpectedly...the second-level Hunyuan realm monk's body-protecting aura can only resist for a while!"

Su Xing was a little helpless.

This Thunder didn't give him a chance to recover from his injuries!
Just give it a second...

"Never mind!"

"The goal of this simulation has almost been achieved perfectly... At least I know that if I want to advance the Thunder Sky Body, my current strength is not enough..."

“Let’s take a look at the rewards of this simulation first!”

Wake up and look at the simulated reward.

[Picture Master]: Purple talent, priced at 100 million points of energy.

[20 years of five-level alchemy experience]: After the exchange, the existing alchemy insights have increased significantly, including insights into the second-grade elixir Marrow Cleansing Pill, the sixth-grade elixir Qiling Pill, and the eighth-grade elixir Nine-turn Pill, priced at 8000 Universal energy.

[Fourth level of cultivation in the integration stage]: A monk in the middle stage of integration, he can sense the prototype of the great avenue and understand the power of the source... The price is 15 billion energy.

[Hunyuan Realm Second Level Cultivation]: Break through Hunyuan, break the illusion, move the body and strength to a new level, and the best in Hunyuan Realm can briefly cross the void.The price is 10 billion energy.

[The best spiritual enlightenment pill (one piece)]: A magical pill with the ability to open up intelligence, which can maintain a person's understanding dozens of times in a month. It sells for 5000 million energy.

Regarding the choice of this simulation reward, Su Xing naturally has nothing to worry about.

Originally, what he wanted for this simulation was experience in alchemy and Hunyuan realm cultivation!
"The fourth level of cultivation in the integration stage is slightly higher than the second level in the Hunyuan stage... but it takes a simulation time to achieve it..."

"And if you don't choose the Hunyuan realm this time, you will still need to enter the belly of the giant beast again in the future. It will only happen sooner or later!"

Su Xing murmured.

But what makes him a little embarrassed is that the simulated energy in his hand is not enough. He has a full budget at the moment, but it is only less than [-] million energy.

"Forget it...it seems that we still need to go find Grandpa Lu!"

Su Xing calculated the time and found that today was the day he and Lu Yuanwu agreed to make a deal.

So Su Xing began to change his appearance and calm down, preparing to set off to find Lu Yuanwu.

Flying with his sword, he arrived at the place agreed with Lu Yuanwu a moment after waking up.

He used his spiritual sense to explore the situation within a radius of dozens of miles, and sure enough, only Lu Yuanwu came alone.

Seeing that Lu Yuanwu had been waiting for a long time, Su Xing appeared behind Lu Yuanwu and said calmly:

"Are you waiting for me?"

Su Xing's sudden sound startled Lu Yuanwu.

Later, Lu Yuanwu showed excitement and said:

"Senior...that elixir..."

Su Xing stretched out his hand and interrupted:

"Do you know the effects of the elixir? Don't worry, it won't have any side effects..."

"Here, here are [-] pills. Can you take out your [-] tons of exotic metals?"

"Remember, deal with the undercover agents within the military, and don't let others know about the transactions between us..."

Su Xing warned, then waved his hand, and a thousand bottles of pills appeared in front of Lu Yuanwu.

Lu Yuanwu's face changed slightly after hearing Su Xing's words.

"Senior...what kind of ability is this? Could it be that he can read minds? Why does he know everything I think!"

Lu Yuanwu was shocked and even more amazed at Su Xing's strength.

Then he quickly handed over a storage ring and said:

"Senior...can I come here to trade with you every week from now on?"

"With the power in my hands, I can obtain up to one thousand tons of third-level exotic metals in a week..."

"But I guarantee that within half a year... no, within three months, once the military permits and approves it, I will be able to provide you with [-] tons of exotic metals at once!"

Su Xing nodded calmly after hearing this, and then said:

"Okay, but I also have a condition..."

"Until you fully understand the undercover agents within Daxia's military, you are not allowed to use these pills of mine on a large scale..."

After hearing Su Xing's words, Lu Yuanwu showed hesitation, but still nodded in agreement:

"No problem, senior! This kind of elixir cannot be known by the Advent Cult..."

Lu Yuanwu agreed, becoming even more determined to eradicate the undercover agents.

Seeing that Lu Yuanwu was so understanding, Su Xing naturally didn't say much.

He just used his spiritual consciousness to test the storage ring a little, and after confirming that there was no problem, he woke up and left here.

After flying with the sword all the way, Su woke up and arrived in the copy of the Immortal Martial Era.

Entering the ruins of the Five Elements Sect, using the formation to gather his breath, he woke up and entered the Lingtian Cave.

"Huh, it's time to break through to the Hunyuan realm!"

Su Xing murmured.

When he broke through to the integration stage before, the commotion caused by his awakening was already considerable.

Therefore, Su Xing must be extremely careful and rely on the double concealment of the portable spiritual fields and relics to be able to break through with peace of mind.

"By the way, we need to set up another breath gathering formation!"

Su Xing murmured, and then began to quickly set up the formation.

After a while, a formation was completed.

Su Xing also exchanged a thousand tons of third-order exotic metals into simulated energy.

In this way, the awakening energy is increased by another 20 billion, and the total energy reaches 20 million points.

"Exchange for the second level of Hunyuan Realm and gain insights into alchemy!"

Su Xing said silently.

[Ding, you successfully brought out the second level of Hunyuan Realm. You spent 10 billion energy and have 10 million remaining energy points. 】

[You successfully brought out the insights of 25 years of alchemy, spending 8000 million energy points, and the remaining energy is 10 billion points. 】

The beep sounded, and then two mysterious energies fell into Su Xing's body.

The first thing Su Xing felt was the influx of memories in his mind.

In just a few moments, Su Xing became proficient in refining three types of elixirs: Marrow Cleansing Pill, Nine Turns Pill, and Ling Qi Pill.

"That's right, with every subsequent simulation, your cultivation level will definitely improve faster!"

Su Xing nodded in satisfaction.

But then, Su Xing's momentum began to surge...

The Great Perfection of Breaking the Void Realm...the first level of the Hunyuan Realm!
Primal Primordial Level [-]!
In just a few breaths, the physical strength and cultivation momentum of the awakening have increased several times!
At the same time, in the Xianwu Era, over the mountains outside, bursts of thunderclouds floated past, gathering but not dispersing, but never falling.

In the Lingtian Cave, Su Xing closed his eyes and rested his mind, condensing his aura.

After a while, Su Xing slowly opened his eyes, a look of surprise flashing in his eyes.

"Second level of the Hunyuan realm of body refining! The Taoist master is here!"

(End of this chapter)

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