Others practice leveling, I cultivate immortality, go out to Mahayana before leaving the mountain

Chapter 239 The ultimate secret of professionals?The correct usage of Qiling Pill!

Chapter 239 The ultimate secret of professionals?The correct usage of Qiling Pill! (Ten thousand words, please vote for me~)

After entering the second level of Hunyuan Realm, Su Xing's strength has made great progress.

Especially the huge increase in strength and conditioning.

It turns out that when the Void-Breaking Realm is completed, the awakened physical body has about 500 million tons of power.

After being baptized by thunder and breaking the limit, the awakening power approached 1000 million tons.

After breaking through the Hunyuan realm again, the awakening power approaches 2000 million tons, possessing the so-called power of a mountain.

As for the second level of the Hunyuan Realm, compared to the first level of the Hunyuan Realm, the improvement is not large, with an increase of about [-] to [-]% in strength.

But this also means that Su Xing can now easily carry a mountain!
"That's right... I'm still in the early stage of the Hunyuan Realm... If I enter the fourth level of the Hunyuan Realm and reach the middle stage of the Hunyuan Realm, my strength will increase even more!"

Su Xing nodded in satisfaction.

He estimated that with just his Qi and body refining skills, he was almost as good as an average late-stage Fusion Stage monk.

If coupled with the Heavenly Sword Technique and the understanding of the original power, even the peak monks can be killed powerfully when they wake up!

"Tsk tsk... With my current strength, I think it will be much easier to kill the old dragon dog..."

Su Xing became familiar with the power brought by some advancements, and then started a new week of busy work.

Still a refining puppet.

A week passed slowly, and Su Xing refined three puppets in total.

They were named Dan Thirteen, Dan Fourteen, and Dan Fifteen.

A total of fifteen puppets can bring nearly [-] Bigu Pills to Awakening every week!

And the further you go, the more puppets are awakened, and the faster you can refine the Bigu Pill!

Su Xing calculated a little and murmured:

"It grows at a rate of approximately [-] Bigu Pills per week..."

"At this rate, in one month or even half a month... we will be able to earn the income of a second-level foreign metal copy!"

Su Xing was slightly excited.

Later, Su Xing looked at the puppets left behind by killing Zong Laogou.

"Compared to pure pill puppets, these puppets are quite powerful... If they are only used to refine Bigu Pills, they are really overkill..."

Su Xing thought about it for a while and decided to let the alchemist puppet try to refine the marrow cleansing pill!

The value of Marrow Cleansing Pill is higher than that of Bigu Pill, but it is far less than that of Yangyuan Pill.

You can accumulate some awakenings appropriately and reserve them for future transactions with the Daxia military.

With the memory of the Nascent Soul alchemist puppet, it is no problem to refine five hundred marrow cleansing pills a week.

After a few months of saving, Su Xing can exchange billions of energy from Daxia's military, which can be regarded as additional income.

"And this puppet Xiaomei...it seems that she has grown a lot during this time..."

Something strange flashed in Su Xing's eyes, and he looked at the puppet in front of him who looked good but only had foundation-building cultivation.

The puppet Xiaomei was Zong Laogou's sweetheart "Flower Fairy" during her lifetime. Later, due to love and hatred, she was refined into a puppet by Zong Laogou.

When we first met, this puppet Xiaomei was only at the ninth level of foundation building stage, but now she is not far from the foundation building perfection.

It is even expected to achieve the Golden Elixir stage!
"Tsk tsk... It seems that puppet cultivators can practice like ordinary monks... and my Lingtian Cave is full of spiritual power. Maybe this puppet will be a big help to me in the future!"

After Su Xing thought about it for a while, he decided to set up a miniature spirit gathering array on the dantian of the puppet Xiaomei.

This little beauty only has the qualifications for the dual spirit roots of wood and fire, but if Su Xing lays out a fifth-level excellent quality miniature spirit gathering array, her qualifications can be as good as the heavenly spirit roots!

It is not difficult to achieve the golden elixir stage within a few days.

If he wakes up and gives him more pills for cultivation, he may even be able to achieve Nascent Soul within half a year!

"When the time comes, Xiaomei can become a powerful alchemy puppet under me..."

Su Xing thought this, and then spent an hour or two to carve out a miniature spirit gathering array for Xiaomei.

After doing all this, Su Xing arrived at the villa and met Jin Congxue.

Jin Congxue seemed to be in a good mood today, Su Xing was a little curious, and when she peered in with her spiritual sense, she was surprised to find out.

Jin Congxue's cultivation has actually reached the late master stage!
In just a few months, my level has improved so quickly!
"Why, you seem to be in a good mood. What's the happy event?" Su Xing asked knowingly.

Jin Congxue smiled and said somewhat proudly:
"Some time ago, the king-level seniors in the family organized leveling for their juniors, and I was among them. After a few days of copying, I didn't expect to gain an unexpected amount of experience, and I was promoted to the late master stage!"

After Su Xing heard Jin Congxue's words, he nodded slightly.

Indeed, professionals have a natural advantage in this regard!
You can get a lot of experience by just killing monsters in the dungeon, and by killing monsters at higher levels, you can get even more experience!
If a child from a big family like Jin Congxue practices leveling at all costs, he can easily go from the early stage of Grand Master to the late stage of Grand Master within a few months!

This is far inferior to monks and even any other power system.

Moreover, when professionals are young, their strength often grows rapidly.

Just like Yu Yan, when he was at the Grandmaster level, he entered the Demon Pass to kill the enemy.

If you always rush to the front line of battle, if you don't die within a year, you will definitely reach the king level, which is also very possible!
"Speaking of which... it seems too easy for professionals to acquire this strength..."

Su Xing frowned slightly.

He is no longer the little native who knew nothing about Blue Star.

Su Xing's eyes have been set on the Three Thousand Worlds.

But even in the entire Three Thousand Worlds, except for Blue Star, there is no other world that can allow people to increase their strength at such a speed.

Not to mention the power system of Immortal Cultivators, which has a slow growth rate, even some "high martial arts" type Zhongqian World will not have such a growth rate of strength.

The "Blood Immortal Sutra" that I had seen in the Blood Demon Realm before I woke up was already an evil cultivation system that consumed life span, but even so, it was still far behind the "Professional" system.

The most frightening thing is that according to the growth rate of professionals on Blue Star, Blue Star may have already joined the ranks of the world.

But at present, Blue Star's overall strength is only comparable to some of the lowest-level Small Thousand Worlds.

Even among the "professionals", not even a powerful person of the immortal level has appeared so far.

"There must be a reason for this!"

"Could it be related to the one on the killing battlefield?"

Su Xing's brows furrowed even more tightly. Xuesan once said that Blue Star, including other worlds in this area, was Red Moon's target.

But Su Xing currently knows very little about this aspect of information. Now that he thinks about it carefully, the reason is unavoidable and alarming.

Thinking of this, Su Xing suddenly asked Jin Congxue a question.

"Sister Xue, do you know how strong the strongest person in history among us professionals is?"

After Jin Congxue heard this, a flash of reminiscence flashed in his eyes and said:

"I have read in the ancient books of the clan that thousands of years ago, it seemed that professionals as powerful as gods were born among the human race! But later, for some unknown reason, all such powerful professionals disappeared..."

Su Xing nodded slightly after hearing this. Jin Congxue's words coincided with the information Su Xing got in the Demon Suppression Pass.

So Su Xing asked another inexplicable question.

"Sister Xue, are we human beings born with the power of professionals?"

After hearing Su Xing's words, Jin Congxue chuckled and said casually:
"It seems like you haven't studied hard... it's all written down in the history of our human race!"

"The first professional was born ten thousand years ago! I don't know the reason for his birth..."

"However, at the time when the aliens invaded, the human race was almost exterminated. Later, it was precisely because of the emergence of professionals that the human race was gradually able to fight against the alien races. It has been thousands of years, right?"

After Su Xing heard Jin Congxue's words, his heart suddenly shook.

This inconspicuous news brought a huge impact to Su Xing.

Professionals have not always existed in human history!

Rather, it was a power that was suddenly born thousands of years ago!
"Ten thousand years ago... The arrival of the alien race, according to this time, seems to have appeared after the blood moon?"

Su Xing frowned slightly, with a vague guess in his mind.

Professionals gain "experience points" by killing monsters to improve their strength.

This seems to draw strength from killing! ?
And the place where Blood Moon is located is called the Killing Fields!
Is there any connection between this? ?
Based on the information that Su Xing has obtained so far, it is still unknown.

"It seems that in the future, in the Three Thousand Worlds, we will have to inquire about blood moon... and news related to Blue Star professionals!"

Su Xing thought to himself.

Su Xing ate this meal absentmindedly.

After all, for Su Xing, in the first 20 years, it was natural for professionals to defeat monsters, upgrade and gain strength, and it was a matter of course in Su Xing's heart!

In fact, the humans on Blue Star have always regarded this as a reward from the "World Will".

But now, Su Xing suddenly felt that this "given power" might be the calculation of some powerful existence?

This made Su Xing feel shocked.

"Looking at it this way...my power does not come from the professional system. This seems to be good news? At least, there are fewer possible hidden dangers..."

Su Xing murmured.

After finishing the meal quickly, Su Xing took away the goods for the new week and returned to Lingtian Cave.

"The birth of professionals...the game between powerful monks...maybe we are just small pawns in it!?"

"However, my current strength is still too low. Only by constantly improving my cultivation can I truly become the master of chess!"

Su Xing's eyes flashed with determination, and he became increasingly eager to improve his strength.

"Strength! In the final analysis, it is still strength!"

Su Xing clenched his fists, feeling uncomfortable that his fate was not in his hands.

"Now that we have the simulated energy provided by the Daxia Military and the Tarot Society, we will not be short of energy for a long time!"

"I must improve my strength as soon as possible! Maybe after reaching the immortal realm... I can break out of this chess game and see the whole picture?"


Awakening exchanged the new week's goods for simulated energy, adding nearly [-] million more energy.

In this way, the total energy of awakening reaches 12 million points.
In the new era, November 2025, 1, Awakening will start a new round of simulation.

"Start the simulation!"

【Ding!This simulation consumes 7200 energy points, with 12 million remaining energy points and no remaining simulation times. 】

【The simulation starts! 】

[It costs 10 energy points to extract purple talents, and 100 million energy points to extract golden legendary talents. Do you want to extract them? 】

Su Xing did not hesitate and said silently:

"Extract golden quality talents!"

[Ding, congratulations on getting the purple talent Miao Gu. The chance of drawing a gold quality talent next time is 40%...]

[Miao Gu Master]: Purple talent, cultivating hundreds of arts - the way of Gu insects. You have a natural affinity for Gu insects, can speed up the cultivation of Gu insects, and are good at using Gu insects to kill enemies.

Seeing the newly drawn talent, Su Xing raised his eyebrows.

"Sure enough, I have added another spare skill..."

The way of Gu is also one of the hundreds of arts of cultivating immortals. A powerful Gu cultivator is no worse than a monk of the same level, and his methods are often vicious and elusive.

But the only Gu methods that Su Xing had come into contact with before were blood spirit Gu and the Gu worms that Zong Laogou once tortured him with.

Su Xing currently has no energy to study the way of Gu insects.

"This talent is still not worth choosing... However, this simulation should be a period of rapid growth in strength!"

The corners of Su Xing's mouth raised slightly, and he had already planned the goal of this simulation.

First, kill Long Laogou again, refine the Nine Turns Pill, and quickly break through in body refining strength, guaranteed to reach the fourth level of Hunyuan Realm or above!
Second, find a way to accumulate more spiritual fluid for growth in cultivation during the future integration period!Even with the help of the dragon of spiritual veins, middle-grade spiritual liquid was born!

Third, find a way to refine the sixth-level miniature spirit gathering array, and cooperate with the awakened mutated heavenly spiritual roots. The cultivation speed is even slightly higher than the super spiritual roots!
Look at the simulation panel.

[In Lingtian Cave, you realize that you are in a simulation. 】

[You disguise yourself, calm down, and make a deal with Grandpa Lu as promised. 】

[There are no problems with the transaction. You have once again obtained one thousand tons of third-level exotic metals. 】

[At the same time, Lu Yuanwu tells you that he is accelerating the removal of undercover agents. 】

[Ten days later, you have accumulated great wisdom blessings and entered the Luotian Conference instance. 】

Seeing this, Su Xing muttered silently:
"Use the immersive simulation feature... for 24 hours!"

[Ding, you successfully used immersive simulation...the remaining energy is 12 million points.]

After waking up and entering the familiar Luotian Sect, he completed a set of mission procedures familiarly.

Entering the Sutra Pavilion, he began to learn the art of puppetry from Granny Ghost.


Soon the immersive simulation ends, and you wake up and return to the real world.

There was a look of satisfaction on Su Xing's face, "Yes, the way of puppets is getting better and better. I estimate that if I try again, I should be able to refine four pill puppets in a week!"

Su Xing is quite satisfied with this.

The faster the elixir is refining, the greater the quantity is, which means that the awakening can obtain Bigu Pills every week, and the faster it can obtain energy!
Look at the simulation panel.

[A few days later, you went to see Luo Shuying as promised. 】

[Under the leadership of Luo Shuying, you joined the Advent Cult as you wished. 】

[You soon became the protector of the Advent Sect and gained a lot of fans. 】

[In Adventism, you continue to refine elixirs as always, and a year passes quickly...]

[In the second year, one day you went to the Luotian Conference copy again. 】


[Ding, you successfully used immersive simulation...the remaining energy is 12 million points. 】


The immersive simulation ended quickly, and he woke up and returned to reality, saying with satisfaction:

"Yes, it has successfully met expectations. From now on, it will be no problem to refine four pill puppets every week!"

Look at the simulation panel again.

[In the third year, you gave Lu Yuanwu all the more than 20 refined elixirs. 】

[You did not choose Adventism, but decided to implement the plan as soon as possible! 】

[In the fourth year, you began to win more and more people's hearts within the church, and also won over some elders and protectors. 】

[You refined a lot of concentration pills for Luo Shuying, helping him break through to the middle stage of the legend. 】

[In the fifth year, you ordered some trustworthy subordinates to spread rumors in Adventism, hoping that you would replace the current leader of the natural faction. 】

[After knowing the news, the natural faction leader’s attitude towards you became bad. 】

[In the sixth year, as your voice within the church became louder and louder, many members of the church began to only obey your orders. 】

[This makes the leader of the natural faction even more displeased with you. 】

[You keep this scene in your heart secretly, and wait until the time is right to replace the leader of the natural faction. 】

[In the seventh year, you finally waited for an opportunity, and the leader of the natural faction became furious and took action against you. 】

[You pretended to "miss" during the battle and killed the faction leader. 】

[Subsequently, the position of the faction leader becomes vacant, and tens of thousands of Advent believers gather around you to be elected as the new faction leader. 】

[Just when you were about to be successfully elected, the Dragon Guardian came out halfway. 】

[He doesn't like you in the first place, and he doesn't agree with your election as the leader of the natural faction because of your junior qualifications. 】

[So, the leader of the natural faction fell on Luo Shuying. 】

[Although you are a little unhappy about this, you are not in a hurry. 】

[Because Luo Shuying is also yours, you tell Luo Shuying to give up the position of leader of this faction to you within two years. 】

In the real world, Su Xing frowned slightly when he saw this.

"I didn't expect that a dragon old dog would be killed halfway... It's a pity that he could become the leader of the faction in seven years."

"Now, we can only wait for two years..."

Su Xing sighed softly.

During this simulation, he had a bold idea.

If this idea succeeds, not only can we travel to the Three Thousand Worlds, but we can even pocket the Spirit Vein Dragon privately!

[You did not immediately obtain the position of faction leader, but you no longer intend to wait, but are ready to start implementing the plan immediately. 】

[You first went to the ruins of Wanmu Sect. You killed Zhenren Wanmu and obtained all the magic weapons on him. 】

[But then, you did not rush to release the spiritual dragon, but left the ruins directly. 】

[After returning to Blue Star, you deliberately returned to the Advent Cult and took out the black wood obtained from Zhenren Wanmu. 】

[As expected, your piece of wood has been spotted by Old Dog Long! 】

[Long Laogou is a Dzogchen monk in the Return to Void Stage, and is only one step away from reaching the Integration Stage! 】

[The integration stage requires understanding the original power. 】

[The origin of the Wood Fire Avenue contained in this piece of wood is exactly what Long Laogou urgently needs. 】

[But no matter what, you don’t want to give this piece of wood to Long Laogou. 】

[Long Laogou has a grudge against you, and finally... one day he takes action against you! 】

[Long Laogou’s action is exactly what you want, but you know in your heart that if the two of you fight, there will be heavy casualties among the civilians in Daxia. 】

[So they fought and retreated, moving the battlefield to an uninhabited wilderness outside the Great Xia Kingdom. 】

[You fought with Long Laogou for a day and a night, and finally cut off his dragon head with one sword. 】

[After doing all this, you will destroy the sound transmission jade slips, skin and bones of the old dog, and collect the dragon meat. 】

[Long Laogou possesses the blood of a true dragon, and its flesh and blood essence is even more effective than that of ordinary demon emperors. 】

[You take out the flesh and blood essence of Long Laogou and prepare to refine a more advanced rebirth elixir. 】【Your mastery of the Rebirth Pill has become perfect, so the grade of the medicinal materials has become higher. You just need to find more appropriate auxiliary drugs to neutralize the medicinal properties. 】

[After two months of trying, you finally made the Rebirth Pill out of dragon meat. 】

[With a dragon corpse, you have refined a total of [-] rebirth pills, enough for you to take for several years. 】

[This elixir is very effective. After you take it, your body refining will become more and more refined, and you will move towards the third level of Hunyuan Realm every day. 】

[In the eighth year, your cultivation level is close to the third level of Hunyuan Realm. According to your prediction, I am afraid that the Rebirth Pill will be completely exhausted and you will be able to enter the third level of Hunyuan Realm! 】

[In the same year, the Qiling Flower you planted matured, and you began to try to refine the Qiling Pill. 】

[A month later, you successfully refined a spiritual enlightenment pill of excellent quality, and at the same time, you also accumulated a month's worth of great wisdom bonus. 】

[You are going to use this time to try to understand the miniature spirit gathering array to the sixth level! 】

In the real world, Su Xing nodded slightly when he saw this and murmured:

"After entering the integration stage, practice becomes more and more difficult...and my mutated heavenly spiritual root is hardly a big advantage compared to other integration monks..."

"The reason why your cultivation level can be improved rapidly in the simulation is all due to the accumulation of resources!"

"I carry with me the middle-grade cave... millions of drops of spiritual fluid and hundreds of thousands of spiritual stones. Without these resources, I'm afraid I may not be able to advance to the next level even in one simulation!"

After a pause, Su Xing continued:
"So, at this stage, the miniature spirit gathering array is particularly important!"

"The sixth-level spirit gathering array operates on its own twelve hours a day, absorbing spiritual energy at a speed equivalent to the Heavenly Spiritual Root! This can almost increase my cultivation speed by another [-]%!"

"So, it is very important for the improvement of Qi refining cultivation in the future!"

After all, even a true Tianlinggen cultivator, no matter how hard he works, cannot practice continuously for twelve hours a day.

The awakened miniature spirit gathering array can operate on its own as long as it is in the spirit field cave!
The benefits are self-evident!

But Su Xing faced a problem. Every time he simulated, he could bring out at most two rewards.

For example, after comprehending the sixth-level miniature spirit gathering array, if you bring out the body refining skills, you will not be able to bring out the spiritual fluid obtained in this simulation...

So, Su Xing thought of a new way!
"Use the immersive simulation feature for... 30 days!"

[Ding, you successfully used immersive simulation, spent 7200 million energy points, and have 11 million remaining energy points. 】

That's right, Su Xing's plan is to use immersive simulation to understand the sixth-order miniature spirit gathering array!
At normal times, it would probably take ten years for Su Xing to comprehend the sixth-level miniature spirit gathering array.

The energy required to wake up will be terrifying!

But things are different now. The Ling Qi Pill combined with the Great Wisdom talent can provide a full 120 times comprehension bonus!
A one-month awakening can last ten years!
Ever since he used the Ling Qi Pill, Su Xing had this idea.

An immersive simulation of 7200 million energy takes exactly one month.

In this way, it is definitely a good deal to learn a certain ability!
After all, in an immersive simulation, waking up is a personal experience, and memories can be brought out directly.

"What's more, I'm afraid it would cost more than 7200 million just to bring out the enlightenment of the sixth-order miniature spirit gathering array, right?"

The corners of Su Xing's mouth raised slightly.

He is not far away from comprehending the sixth-order miniature spirit gathering array, and he is confident that he can complete it within ten years!


Su Xing's vision changed for a while, and then he entered simulated time and space.

At this moment, Su Xing is still in the Lingtian Cave, but there are many spirit chickens and spirit carps in the cave, and the living dead puppet Xiaomei has also been promoted to the peak of the Nascent Soul Stage, close to the Divine Transformation Stage!

“There’s only one month left, let’s get started!”

Su Xing swallowed the Ling Qi Pill in his hand, and then activated his great wisdom state!
After just a few breaths, Su Xing felt that his wisdom and understanding had increased more than a hundred times!

Problems that were difficult to understand in the past can now be easily solved.

"Well, although it's far less than enlightenment...but this kind of understanding can be said to be unparalleled!"

Su Xing said calmly.

Immediately not wanting to waste any more time, he quickly started learning the miniature spirit gathering array.

Get the special materials for setting up the miniature spirit gathering array.

Awakening first tried it on the spirit carp.

With a thought in his heart, the spiritual energy circulation route of the spirit carp was clearly visible in Su Xing's eyes.

Su Xing began to try to carve the sixth level miniature spirit gathering array...

In one day, he tried to wake up dozens of times, but all failed.

"Sure enough, the spirit carp is still too weak. It's time to try a stronger life..."

Su Xing looked at the spiritual chicken in the chicken coop.

In the simulation, it is about ten years in the future, and the spiritual chickens have already reproduced for ten or twenty generations.

With the consumption of large amounts of spiritual rice, these awakened spiritual chickens can now be called spiritual pets.

To put it bluntly, even some monks at the peak of Qi refining may not be the opponents of these chickens.

Stretching out one hand, the spiritual power pulled a chicken over and caught it in his hand.

The spiritual rooster suddenly screamed in fear and its feathers flew everywhere.

Su Xing frowned slightly as he looked at the chicken feathers in front of him, then used his spiritual consciousness to intimidate the spiritual chicken and pulled out all the chicken feathers.

Then the chicken feathers fell to the ground, revealing the white chicken skin. Su Xing nodded with satisfaction.

In this way, it would be much more convenient for Su Xing to arrange the miniature spirit gathering array on the spirit chicken.


Half an hour later, the spiritual chicken in Su Xing's hand exploded into a ball of blood mist.


Su Xing sighed softly, not knowing whether it was a pity that the spiritual formation was not completed or that the chicken was wasted.

Looking at the other spiritual chickens in the chicken pen, hundreds of spiritual chickens were shivering...

Half a month passed in the blink of an eye...

Hundreds of spiritual chickens had died in Su Xing's hands, and there were only a few spiritual chickens in the originally chirping chicken coop.

Three of the spirit chickens had sixth-level miniature spirit gathering arrays engraved on their backs!
"Huh~ The half-moon formation formation realization is equivalent to the normal five-year formation formation!"

"Finally, we have entered the threshold of the sixth-level miniature spirit gathering array!"

Su Xing nodded in satisfaction.

However, the sixth level miniature spirit gathering array has not yet been fully mastered.

What Su Xing has done so far is just to draw pictures on the spiritual chicken.

Compared to humans, the spirit chicken's spiritual energy circulation route is much simpler.

And next, awakening needs to go one step further!
Thinking of this, Su Xing looked at Xiaomei, a puppet cultivator who was approaching the stage of becoming a god.

In just ten years, he has grown from a monk at the peak of Foundation Establishment to a peak Nascent Soul.

This speed is much faster than when I woke up.

Of course, back then, Su Xing did not have the qualifications to compete with Tianlinggen, let alone the treatment of cultivating in a middle-grade cave.

"It's just a pity that although Xiaomei has become a peak Nascent Soul puppet cultivator, she still has no sense of autonomy..."

Su Xing shook his head slightly and just waved Xiaomei over.

Afterwards, he began to try to arrange a sixth-order miniature spirit gathering array on Xiaomei's body.

Spiritual ink, spiritual pen... formation materials...

The awakened consciousness carefully sensed the circulation route of the spiritual energy in Xiaomei's body.

Then the pen moved like a dragon and a snake, and every step was just right...

Like this, a few hours later.

Su Xing smiled knowingly and nodded with satisfaction.

"The sixth-order miniature spirit gathering array is complete!"

Su Xing's heart stirred, and the spiritual energy circulated in his eyes. He saw the surrounding spiritual energy rushing towards Xiaomei's Dantian at an astonishing speed.

The effect of the sixth-level miniature spirit gathering array is at least [-]% stronger than before!
"Yes, although there are differences between puppet cultivators and monks, they are generally similar... With just a few modifications, I can carve a sixth-level miniature spirit gathering array on myself!"

Su Xing murmured.

The next day, Su Xing did not continue to practice the formation, but restored his spiritual power and mental conditioning to their peak.

The arrangement of the sixth-order miniature spirit gathering array is not easy for the combined monks.

One day later, Su Xing began to try to arrange a sixth-level miniature spirit gathering array on himself.

The whole process went surprisingly smoothly without any surprises.

After all, awakening has been successful several times, and he has gone through several experiments with spirit carp, spirit chicken, and puppets before finally trying it on himself.

Su Xing closed his eyes and felt the automatic operation of the miniature spirit gathering array in his dantian. After a long time, he opened his eyes and said:

"Yes, after setting up this formation, my overall speed of absorbing spiritual energy has increased by about [-] to [-]%... and the formation operates automatically, so the actual gain may be even higher!"

Su Xing nodded in satisfaction.

At this time, there are still about fourteen days left before the immersive simulation ends and the effect of the Spiritual Enlightenment Pill is lost.

Wake up and prepare to do one last thing within these fourteen days.

Refining the Nine Turns Pill!
Skillfully take out the elixir, put in the medicinal materials, and then activate the Lihuo Technique...

At the right time, Su Xing added the dragon ball obtained from Long Laogou.


In this way, fourteen days passed slowly.

At a certain moment, the heart of Fu Ling is awakened and the elixir is made!
In the ancient elixir furnace, a round elixir slowly formed, and finally, wrapped in spiritual energy, it slowly fell into Su Xing's hands.

It's the Nine Turns Pill!
After taking the Jiuzhuan Dan, Su Xing nodded with satisfaction.

"Yes, the quality of this Nine-Revolution Pill is much higher than before!"

Su Xing was in no hurry to swallow this pill.

He planned to keep it until he reached the third or even fourth level of the Hunyuan realm, then swallow it and break through to the first level in one fell swoop!

Soon, the immersive simulation ends and you wake up and return to the real world.

In my mind, the memories from this month of simulation still exist.

Su Xing's understanding of the miniature spirit gathering array and the refining of the Nine Turns Pill have reached a new level.

"Great good! Not only did you save one simulation reward selection, but you even saved hundreds of millions of energy to bring out rewards!"

"It seems that this spiritual enlightenment pill must be put to good use in the future!"

Su Xing murmured, looking at the simulation panel.

[After taking the Spirit-Enlightening Pill, your understanding of the miniature spirit-gathering array and the refining of the Nine-turn Pill will go further. 】

[In the next year, you will still swallow the Rebirth Pill every day and work hard to improve your body training. 】

[In the ninth year, your cultivation has reached the second half of the second level of Hunyuan Realm, and you are not far from the third level of Hunyuan Realm. 】

[In the same year, you took over the position of leader of the Natural Faction from Luo Shuying. 】

[After becoming the leader of the faction, you relied on the talent of "Master of Success" to further expand your influence within the sect. 】

[And all you did was just waiting for the appearance of Blood Three...]

[In the tenth year, one day you stayed in Adventism as always. 】

[A figure appears behind you at some point. 】

[Surprisingly, it’s the blood three you’ve been waiting for for a long time! 】

[Just like before, Xuesan asked Long Laogou about his whereabouts. 】

[As always, you said that Long Laogou killed people to seize the treasure, but you eventually killed him. 】

[During Blood Three Angry Incident, you revealed your identity in time. 】

[Sure enough, Xue San frowned after hearing this, and then he casually grabbed a few king-level elders to search for their souls. 】

[The information he got from the memories of these elders is very different from what you said. 】

[This made Xue San a little silent. 】

[Because Adventism needs a spokesperson in Blue Star to send him signals regularly. 】

[And Long Laogou is dead now, so you are undoubtedly the best candidate. 】

[This made Xue San unable to kill you easily, so he revealed his identity. 】

[After hearing Xuesan reveal his identity, you started your acting skills. 】

[From doubt, shock, to horror, respect...]

[The whole process lasts for several minutes, and the appropriate changes in facial expressions are enough to win you an Oscar. 】

[Then, you gritted your teeth and took out the important treasure you had obtained, the burnt branch of the Innate Fusang Sacred Tree! 】

[As expected, Xue San's eyes lit up after seeing the branches of the sacred tree. 】

[This branch contains the enlightenment of the Wood-Fire Path, which has many benefits even for the realm above the immortal! 】

[Even in Three Thousand Worlds, this branch is extremely precious. 】

[So, Xue San took the branch into his bag with peace of mind, and then looked at you carefully. 】

[As expected, he discovered your portable spiritual field space and sighed that you are also a person with great opportunities. 】

[However, portable space is no longer attractive to monks like him. 】

[He said that this branch has a great effect on him, so he asked what kind of reward you want. 】

[You quickly expressed that you hoped to get an opportunity to go to the Three Thousand Worlds from Blue Star. 】

[After Xue San heard what you said, he thought for a moment, then took out a pass and a sound transmission jade slip and handed them to you. 】

[He said that in the future, you will report Blue Star intelligence to him every year, and after more than ten years, you will be able to leave this world. 】

[You quickly nodded in agreement. 】

[Xue San was very satisfied with your attitude, tore apart the space and left Blue Star...]

In the real world, Su Xing breathed a sigh of relief when he saw the simulated text in front of him.

"Finally I fooled this blood three!"

"Then next, the spiritual dragon... shouldn't be discovered, right?"

Waking up with some anticipation.

This is only the tenth year of simulation, and there are still 18 years left before the destruction of Blue Star!
In the past 18 years, Su Xing has been able to obtain more low-grade and even mid-grade spiritual fluids with the help of the Spiritual Vein Dragon!
Once brought out, Xing Xing’s subsequent cultivation period will undoubtedly be much smoother!

"This move of mine is called tail-cutting to survive!"

"Although the black branch is equally precious, its current effect on me is far less than that of the spiritual dragon... Such a good choice!"

Su Xing expressed satisfaction.

Next, to wake up, you only need to take out the spiritual vein dragon, put it in the Lingtian Cave, and collect spiritual liquid every day.

In addition, Su Xing also has to find ways to further improve his body training and reach a stronger level as soon as possible!

Thinking this, Su Xing looked at the simulation panel.

[After Xue San left, you breathed a sigh of relief. 】

[The next month, you stayed in Advent Sect with peace of mind. After making sure there were no problems, you went to the ruins of Wanmu Sect again. 】

[This time, you released the spiritual dragon trapped in the formation, and introduced the spiritual dragon into the spiritual field cave. 】

[Long Laogou has already lost his soul at this moment, and Xue San is far away in the Three Thousand Worlds, and it is even more impossible to sense the breath of the spirit dragon. 】

[So you feel free to let the Spiritual Vein Dragon make its home in the Lingtian Cave. 】

[In the past ten years, you have accumulated a total of 200 million drops of high-grade spiritual liquid without using any of it. 】

[In No. 11, the emergence of the Spirit Vein Dragon undoubtedly further increased the concentration of spiritual energy in the cave. 】

[The number of low-grade spiritual liquids born in your cave has reached more than 5000 drops!Nearly 30 drops of high-grade spiritual liquid are born every year! 】

[What makes you even more excited is that every year, mid-grade spiritual liquid is finally produced in Lingtian Cave. It can produce about [-] drops of medium-grade spiritual liquid in a year! 】

[And 50 drops of mid-grade spiritual liquid are worth as much as [-] drops of low-grade spiritual liquid! 】

[In this way, your cultivation resources increase at an astonishing rate every year! 】

[You do not intend to use these resources, but you want to withdraw them all at once and reserve them for future use. 】

[What's more, after the integration period, you can't do two things at once and improve the realm of body refining and qi refining at the same time. The efficiency is too low! 】

[In this way, two years passed slowly. 】

[In the past two years, you have reported information to Blood Three every year. 】

[Of course, all he knows is the information you want him to know. 】

[In No. 13, you consumed all the rebirth elixirs refined from dragon meat, and your cultivation gradually reached the third level of the Hunyuan Realm! 】

[After reaching the third level of Hunyuan Realm, your strength will increase by about two or three levels. 】

[You only need to break through one more realm and you will reach the middle stage of Hunyuan realm!By then, your strength will increase by more than [-]%! 】

[But now, you are facing a new problem, the pill of rebirth is gone...]

[The Legendary Rebirth Pill is no longer of much use to you. Only the essence of the Demon Emperor’s flesh and blood can make you make further breakthroughs! 】

[Perhaps, you have another option. If you take that Nine-turn Pill, you will definitely be able to break through to the fourth level of Hunyuan Realm! 】

[But after some hesitation, you decided to wait until your physical training level cannot be increased before taking it, so as to maximize the effect of the Nine Transformations Pill! 】

[In order to make further breakthroughs, you must obtain the flesh and blood essence of the Demon Emperor. 】

[So, you set your sights on the three demon emperors on the killing battlefield of the beast-controlling world...]

(嘘嘤~It’s the end of the month~The monthly passes you have kept will expire! Please vote~)

(End of this chapter)

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