Chapter 240 The fifth level of Hunyuan Realm!Hope of leaving the valley? (Ten thousand words, two in one)

In the real world, Su Xing nodded slightly when he saw this.

"After reaching the Hunyuan realm, the effect of the Rebirth Pill will undoubtedly be much worse... Only by refining it with the essence of the Demon Emperor's flesh and blood can we barely maintain our cultivation level..."

"But the only demon emperors I know of so far are the three on the killing field... Killing them all should be enough to refine a lot of pills."

For today's awakening, killing ordinary demon emperors is not difficult.

Look at the simulation panel.

[In No. 14, after some preparations, you went to the world of beast control. 】

[You spent a year killing all the legendary monsters on the killing battlefield, as well as the two demon emperors. 】

[There is only one demon emperor in the late stage who is very good at escaping, and you have spent a lot of effort. 】

[In No. 15, you stayed on the killing battlefield of the beast-controlling world for another half a year, and finally killed the late demon emperor. 】

[At this time, your goal in the world of beast control has been achieved. All three demon emperors have been killed by you, so you returned to Blue Star. 】

[In No. 16, you have been staying in the Advent Sect. In addition to practicing every day, you are refining the Rebirth Pill. 】

[You spent several months refining the flesh and blood essence of the three-headed demon emperor into six hundred rebirth pills. 】

[After taking it, your body training will increase again. 】

[During the period, Xue San asked you. It seems that the strength of the Blue Star human race has increased in recent years, which has caused the aliens in Zhenyao Pass to be unable to conquer it. 】

[Regarding this matter, you said you would investigate more and find out the truth behind it. 】

[After hearing this, Xue San just nodded slightly and didn't say much. 】

[In this way, another two years have passed. 】

[In No. 18, your physical training has improved slightly. 】

[But at the same time, you also discovered that the rebirth elixir refined from the essence of the Demon Emperor’s flesh and blood is far less effective than the reborn dragon meat. 】

[Presumably the true dragon bloodline will be even more helpful in helping you refine your body. 】

[In the same year, you accumulated 40 drops of mid-grade spiritual liquid, and nearly 440 million drops of low-grade spiritual liquid. 】

[You did not use these precious resources, but planned to save them and take them out later. 】

[In the past two years, I still keep in touch with Xue San every year. 】

[During this period, Xue San asked you about the news on the killing battlefield in the beast-controlling world, but you said you didn't know on the grounds of practicing in seclusion. 】

[Although Xue San was not happy after hearing this, he did not blame you. He just asked you to report information to him every year. 】

In the real world, Su Xing raised his eyebrows when he saw this.

"Sure enough, the situation of the human race on Blue Star... is actually being watched by the Adventist Sect headquarters!"

"And it wasn't from my mouth... maybe it was from other channels, or even directly from the demon clan's mouth?"

Wake up thinking.

In fact, whether it is for Blood Three, Advent Cult, or even for the entire alien race.

The destruction of Blue Star and the complete invasion have long been a certainty.

In their view, Blue Star is already a piece of fish on the chopping board and will be swallowed sooner or later.

They have been planning for this for thousands or even ten thousand years, so they don't care to wait for more than ten years.

After all, for such powerful monks, their lifespan lasts for tens of thousands of years, and more than ten years is just a blink of an eye.

Su Xing continued thinking along this line of thought and murmured:
"So maybe they wouldn't be worried even if it was extended by a few decades, because it's within the scope of what they allow?"

"But if something unexpected happens, such as the emergence of a top-notch powerhouse... that allows the Blue Star human race to continue their luck for hundreds or even hundreds of years, I'm afraid the Advent Sect will not be willing to do so!"

Su Xing sighed softly.

This is also the reason why he has never dared to fully promote the development of the human race.

The strength of the human race is growing slowly, and occasionally strong men above the legendary level are born. This is within the plans of the Advent Cult and the alien race.

But if a top powerhouse appears, such as a "saint" level or even a god level powerhouse, perhaps the Advent Cult and the alien race will intervene forcefully and destroy the human race as soon as possible.

"However... this is not within the scope of my consideration for the time being. At this moment, it is time to continue to accumulate strength..."

"Even if Blue Star is destroyed in the simulation, we must continue to improve in the Three Thousand Worlds!"

After a pause, Su Xing concluded.

"But in the real world, strength must never be exposed!"

Now that I think about it, there is still some risk involved in the deal between Su Xing and Lu Yuanwu.

At the very least, Lu Yuanwu knew that another powerful man suspected of being at the level of the Great Emperor had appeared among the human race.

"The level of the Great Emperor is not worthy of being feared by the Advent Cult... But if it is higher, it's hard to say..."

Su Xing murmured.

"But at the level of an emperor, it's enough to walk sideways on Blue Star... as long as you don't reveal your higher strength in the future!"

Compared to quickly obtaining tens of billions of energy, taking this risk is completely worth it!

Su Xing thought so, looking at the simulation panel.

[In No. 19, your cultivation has successfully entered the third middle stage of Hunyuan Realm. 】

[And the six hundred Rebirth Pills are almost exhausted. If you want to continue to improve your strength after exhaustion, it will undoubtedly be extremely difficult. 】

[But you still have a Nine-Revolution Pill in your hand. This simulation is bound to break through to the middle stage of the Hunyuan Realm, so you are not in a hurry. 】

[In this way, another five years passed slowly...]

[No.20 Four years, you have been working hard over the years. Although you do not have the Demon Emperor level rebirth elixir, the Legend level can still allow you to barely improve your cultivation. 】

[The bad news is that after entering the third level of the Hunyuan Realm, your strength will increase slowly. It must be that the bonus of the purple body refining talent gradually weakens. If you want to ensure a rapid rise in the realm, you need to improve the body refining related talents. 】

[However, the good news is that the number of your cultivation resources has grown steadily over the years. 】

[You have accumulated nearly 70 drops of mid-grade spiritual liquid and nearly 600 million drops of low-grade spiritual liquid. 】

[At this moment, there are still four years until the Demon Saint comes to suppress the Demon Pass. 】

[With your current strength, you are not sure of defeating the Demon Saint, so you plan to continue to accumulate resources and prepare to leave Blue Star. 】

[Time flies, and another two years have passed. 】

[No. 20 In the sixth year, your cultivation has improved again, and you are only one step away from entering the third late stage of Hunyuan Realm. 】

[So you practice harder and put almost all your energy on improving your physical training. 】

[No. 20 At the beginning of eight years, your cultivation has finally taken a step further, reaching the third late stage of Hunyuan Realm! 】

[You know in your heart that it has been less than half a year since the arrival of the Demon Saint. 】

[So you sighed, no longer forced, but directly swallowed the Nine Turns Pill and began to retreat. 】

[The pure energy of Jiuzhuan Dan continuously strengthens your body and strength. 】

[In this way, one month passes slowly...]

[When you open your eyes again, your body refining cultivation has directly crossed the first level and reached the late fourth level of Hunyuan Realm! 】

[Congratulations, you have become a monk in the middle stage of Hunyuan Realm! 】

[After reaching the middle stage of the Hunyuan Realm, you obviously feel that your physical strength is much stronger than when you first entered the Hunyuan Realm! 】

[In the early stage of Hunyuan Realm, one has the power of a mountain. 】

[After reaching the middle stage of Hunyuan Realm, your pure physical strength is close to the power of three mountains! 】

In the real world, Su Xing nodded with satisfaction when he saw this.

"The Nine Transformations Pill is indeed very effective!"

"Not only can it allow me to break through the bottleneck and enter the middle stage of the Hunyuan Realm... the remaining medicinal power is even enough for me to practice to the late fourth level of the Hunyuan Realm!"

Su Xing estimated that before he reached the final level of body refining, the efficacy of the Nine Transformation Pills would allow him to break through the first level with one pill!

Even after the body refining is completed, the Nine Transformations Pill may be able to help Su Xing break through the bottleneck!
Thinking of this, Su Xing couldn't help but raise the corners of his mouth.

"Dragon clan, especially those with true dragon bloodline...are really the darlings of the Three Thousand Worlds, full of treasures!"

Su Xing sighed.

Long Laogou's dragon flesh and blood essence can allow Su Xing to rapidly increase his cultivation level when he is in the Hunyuan Realm.

The Dragon Ball can refine the eighth-grade elixir Nine Transformations Pill!

And dragon horns, dragon scales, dragon claws, dragon tendons and other materials can even be used to refine superior magic weapons!

It's a pity that Su Xing doesn't know how to refine weapons, otherwise he might be able to get a superior magic weapon that surpasses the Mo Bing Sword!
"If you think about it, the material of Mo Bingjian is comparable to a high-grade or low-grade treasure. However, after being warmed and nurtured by my Yuan Power, it is barely comparable to a top-grade treasure... but it has not yet reached the level of a spiritual weapon..."

"If we can temper it with higher-grade materials, we may be able to improve the material of Mo Bingjian to a higher level!"

Su Xing thought so.

The level of magic weapons in the world of immortality can be roughly divided into talisman weapons, magical weapons, treasure weapons, and spiritual weapons. Above the spiritual weapons, there are the legendary fairy weapons.

Talisman weapons and the like are often weapons used to build foundations and golden elixirs.

As for magic weapons, Nascent Soul is mostly used, and occasionally even poor monks who transform themselves into gods use them.

As for treasures, they are mostly used by monks in the Void Return Stage.

Therefore, for Su Xing, only using spiritual weapons can slightly improve his strength.

Today's Mo Bingjian is somewhat lagging behind...

"However, the Mo Bingjian is my natal weapon, and it is connected with my heart... In the future, I can use my elemental power to warm it up and then refine it again. Its potential will still be unlimited..."

Su Xing shook his head slightly.

He was unwilling to change weapons easily unless absolutely necessary.

"Also, after entering the middle stage of Hunyuan Realm, my strength is beyond imagination!"

"The fourth level of the Hunyuan Realm has the power of three mountains! If it reaches the sixth level of the Hunyuan Realm, it will probably be close to the power of five mountains!"

Su Xing felt a little hopeful.

According to the information he received, the average Hunyuan realm perfect monk's whole body strength is only the power of five mountains.

Awakening can be achieved at the sixth level of Hunyuan Realm.

When the Hunyuan realm is complete, the total power may reach the astonishing power of ten mountains!
This is almost twice that of an ordinary perfect monk in the Hunyuan Realm!
Possessing such a power that far exceeds that of monks in the same realm is all because of the solid foundation when awakening in the realm of Yuanwu and divine power, plus the blessing of the talent of "Strengthening the Mountain".

"If you are at the sixth level of the Hunyuan Realm, you will be able to compete with a perfect monk at the Hunyuan Realm... If you cooperate with the Sword Art of Heaven by then, you might be able to fight with a half-step Mahayana monk!"

Su Xing's current trump card and strongest attack method is still the Xiaocheng-level Heavenly Sword Art.

Before the Heavenly Sword Jue breaks through to great success, it may be difficult for Su Xing to fight the Mahayana monks.

Su Xing shook his head, going a little far, and for the time being looked at the next plan for this simulation.

"However, the arrival of the Demon Saint is not far away. Now it's time to make plans to go to the Three Thousand Worlds..."

Su Xing murmured, looking at the simulation panel.

[You begin to make preparations before going to the Three Thousand Worlds. 】

[Over the years, you have accumulated nearly 90 drops of mid-grade spiritual liquid, and nearly 800 million drops of low-grade spiritual liquid. 】

[This resource will be your greatest help during the subsequent integration period. 】

[On this day, you use your Yuanli to cut open your skin and put Qingyun Ling and a small bag of Spirit-Gathering Flower seeds into your body. 】

[Based on your experience last time, this time you have packed five hundred Spirit-Gathering Flower seeds, which is enough for you to consume in the Little Qingyun Realm. 】

[It’s not that you don’t want to install more, but that the spiritual energy in the valley is not as good as the blessed land. It is already extremely difficult for you to cultivate five hundred seeds. Any more, and the gain will outweigh the loss...]

[When you are ready, you say goodbye to your family and friends, say goodbye to Luo Shuying, and spend the last time with them. . 】

[You went to the Demon Suppression Pass alone and walked towards the killing battlefield. 】

[The auras of demon kings, demon emperors, and legendary demon beasts pass by you...]

[As you continue to get deeper into the killing battlefield, the red moon above your head gets bigger and bigger. 】

[I don’t know how long it took, but you came to a fork in the road. 】

[By tossing a coin, you passed the fork in the road and soon saw the Killing Apostle. 】

[The Killing Apostles are ready to attack you. 】

[But you showed the pass given to you by Blood Three and successfully crossed the gate of the world and entered that strange space. 】

[Another passage is still blocked by space turbulence. You don’t have much choice and enter the passage to Advent Cult...]

[After a period of spinning and a strong sense of space tearing... you fell into a coma. 】

[When you wake up again, you are already in the valley. 】

[You are lying in a simple room, with signs of wound dressing on your body. 】

[The package I carried with me disappeared just like before. 】

[The difference is that after entering the middle stage of Hunyuan Realm, your physical strength will be greatly enhanced. 】

[So you are only seriously injured, and your situation is much better than before. 】

[In your body, a warm energy is rapidly repairing your injuries. 】

[After only three days, you can get out of bed and walk, and then start to be active among the valley gathering places. 】

[After half a month, your injuries were mostly healed, and you began to think of ways to save initial funds. You found the brothel you used to work at, and started working as a bodyguard. 】

[As before, there is still more than half a year before the next blood seedling competition begins. 】

[At this time, you have some impressions of the famous monks in the valley. You know who is powerful and who is weak. 】

[Relying on this, in just a few months, you earned a lot of spiritual stones by "robbery" in the brothel. 】

[You used these spirit stones to buy a high-grade magic weapon, a mansion in a remote place in the valley, and some materials for setting up the formation. 】

[You purchased these supplies from Song Laosi, which can be considered as leaving some impression in advance. 】

[In this way, several months have passed...]

[No.20, the new blood seedling competition officially begins! 】

[In this blood seedling competition, you still acted very restrained. After killing dozens of monks in the Void Return Stage, you held back and just looted all their treasures. 】

[Three days later, you became a blood seedling candidate and gained quite a reputation in the valley. 】

[At the same time, with the rewards from this competition and the attack on dozens of monks, you have also accumulated your first pot of gold. 】

[You used these resources in exchange for a large amount of spiritual stones and spiritual liquid, and began to cultivate the spirit-gathering flowers in the mansion. 】

[The spiritual energy in the valley is far inferior to that of the Lingtian Cave Heaven, or even the Blessed Land, so the Spirit Gathering Flower grows slowly. 】

[But you still instill wood spiritual energy every day and accelerate the ripening of the Soul-Gathering Flower. With the talent of the descendants of Shennong, the Soul-Gathering Flower is growing gratifyingly. 】

[You have arranged formations and layers of restrictions in the mansion, which can hide the breath of the Soul Gathering Flower very well. 】

[Not long after, you were surprised to find that since the last time you traveled around the world and recovered from your injury, your stagnant body training practice has actually begun to improve day by day. 】

[Your cultivation has steadily progressed from the late fourth level of the Hunyuan realm to the peak of the fourth level! 】

[Two and a half years have passed in the blink of an eye...]

[No. 30 is one year. At this time, there is still more than half a year before the next blood seedling competition. 】

[Under your careful care, a total of more than 480 Juling flowers have matured. 】

[You are very excited. With these Soul Gathering Flowers, you can exchange for a lot of resources and information, and even be able to leave the valley! 】

[So, you took more than 400 spirit-gathering flowers and went to find Song Laosi. 】

In the real world, Su Xing nodded slightly when he saw this.

"That's right. In the last simulation, we only spent more than a hundred spirit-gathering flowers and got three extremely important elixir recipes. This simulation will definitely get more important resources!"

Wake up and think for a while.

According to the information he had previously received from Song Laowu, he had to pay 1000 million spirit stones, which is the price of two hundred spirit-gathering flowers, to leave the valley.

In addition, there are more than 200 spirit-gathering flowers that can be used by Su Xing.

"First of all, it seems that your cultivation level can be mentioned?"

"My current cultivation is at the late fourth level of the Hunyuan Realm, close to the peak of the fourth level... If it were pure cultivation, it would be difficult to reach the fifth level in this simulation."

"But if I buy the Hunyuan realm breaking elixir from Song Laosi, maybe I can break through to the fifth level?"

Su Xing remembers that the Advent Sect has a pill that can improve the cultivation of the Void Return Stage, called Xuan Gu Pill!
Although this pill has side effects, it only stays in the simulation and has no impact on the awakening of reality.

"So, is there an elixir that is more advanced than Xuan Gu Dan? Or even... is it simply a more advanced Xuan Gu Dan?"

Su Xing decided to purchase a batch of supplies from Song Laosi.

"Besides that, we have to find ways to obtain information about the Little Qingyun Realm..."

Thinking like this, wake up and recite silently.

"Use the immersive simulation feature for 24 hours!"

[Ding, you successfully used immersive simulation, spent 240 million energy points, and have 11 million remaining energy points. 】

The beep fell, and Su Xing's vision changed.

The next second, Su Xing appeared in Song Laosi's courtyard.

"Haha, Brother Su is a rare visitor... I wonder what you want from me?"

Song Laosi, who looked rich and fair, asked with a smile.

Su Xing quickly adjusted his mentality, then pretended to be sad and said:
"Brother Song! My current cultivation level is stuck at the fourth level of the Hunyuan Realm and it is difficult to break through! So I want to ask my brother if there is any way?"

"After all, if I break through to the fifth level of Hunyuan Realm, I have a greater chance of becoming a blood seedling!"

Song Laosi nodded slightly after hearing Su Xing's words, not surprised.

In the valley, cultivation-improving elixirs, realm-breaking elixirs, and offensive magic weapons are the most popular.

After all, in every blood seedling competition, 90.00% of the monks will die... You must improve your cultivation as much as possible in order to survive.

But after hearing Su Xing's words, Song Laosi did not agree immediately, and just said:
"Brother Su, you also know that I do have two pills here that can improve your cultivation."

"The first one is, of course, the seventh-level Mysterious Ancient Pill, which can help monks in the Fusion Stage break through..." "The second one is the seventh-level Mysterious Body Pill, which can help monks in the Hunyuan Stage break through."

"It's just that these two elixirs have side effects, and they will damage your longevity after taking them!"

After a pause, Song Laosi continued:
"If an ordinary monk comes to buy it, I will sell it..."

"But Brother Su is a genius who has the potential to become a blood seedling. If he is willing to endure it, he may not be able to become a blood seedling in the next blood seedling competition!"

"Why do you need to do this to destroy your future?"

After Su Xing heard Song Laosi's words, he was a little surprised.

Song Laosi was considerate of him both inside and outside his words. Although he was a businessman, he clearly explained the pros and cons of the product and was not just chasing profit.

In this way, he doesn't even look like an evil cultivator, but rather like a good old man.

"This fat man doesn't know why... maybe he wants to form a good relationship in advance because he sees that I will become a blood seedling in the future?"

Wake up thinking.

But the seventh level Mysterious Body Pill, Xing Xing is determined to get it.

So Su Xing laughed and said:

"Brother! Who can say clearly what will happen in the future?"

"In my opinion, it is safer to break through to the fifth level of Hunyuan Realm as soon as possible..."

After hearing Su Xing's words, Song Laosi didn't say much. After all, everyone has their own choice.

So Song Laosi took out a blood-red elixir and said:
"The seventh-level high-grade Mysterious Body Pill can help you break through to the fifth level of Hunyuan Realm!"

"As for the price... I'll give you a real price, 500 million spiritual stones!"

When Su Xing heard the price, the corner of his mouth twitched.

The price of the eighth-grade and ninth-turn elixir prescriptions he bought before was not so expensive.

Su Xing estimates that this seventh-level Mysterious Body Pill can reach a maximum of one million spiritual stones in the outside world.

But there is nothing we can do. In this valley, the price of realm-breaking elixirs is extremely high.

So he woke up and thought for a moment, then said:
"I don't have enough spiritual stones in my hand... I wonder how I can use this to offset the price!?"

After Su Xing said that, he took out a few spirit-gathering flowers.

After seeing the Soul Gathering Flower, Song Laosi's reaction was the same as last time.

After being stunned for a long time, Song Laosi asked in surprise:

"Good boy, Soul-Gathering Flower!? Where did Brother Su get this? If you trade this thing, it will be a great kindness!"

After thinking about it, Song Laosi said:

"If there are eighty spirit-gathering flowers, I will sell you this mysterious body pill!"

Su Xing nodded slightly after hearing this. According to the previous pricing, eighty spirit-gathering flowers were worth 400 million spirit stones in the valley. It sounded like Su Xing had taken advantage.

But Song Laosi had the means to transport the Soul-Gathering Flower to the outside world, and his income was doubled!
You can sell 800 million spirit stones in the blink of an eye!
Over and over again, the net profit from his Xuangu Pill was 700 million spirit stones!
This is almost the entire net worth of a late-stage integration monk!
But for Su Xing, there is no better choice at this moment.

"Then thank you so much, Brother Song..."

Su Xing smiled and handed eighty spirit-gathering flowers into Song Laosi's hands.

Song Laosi's heart skipped a beat when he saw Su Xing taking out such a large number of Soul Gathering Flowers so easily.

Hastily asked:

"Brother Su, where did your Soul Gathering Flower come from? Did you find some ancient ruins and blessed land?"

"Haha, if this information can be sold to me...I am willing to pay a high price to buy it!"

Su Xing could see that the Soul-Gathering Flower was extremely precious in the Xiao Qingyun world.

"Brother, I'm joking. I got these Spirit-Gathering Flower seeds by chance. I worked hard to cultivate them for decades before I got a hundred or two hundred plants..."

Su Xing said so.

After hearing this, Song Laosi's eyes lit up and he said quickly:

"Brother, do you still have the Soul Gathering Flower? I, Mr. Song, am willing to buy it at a high price!"

Su Xing shook his head and said:

"Brother... I have no shortage of spiritual stones. What I want is some information..."

Song Laosi raised his eyebrows after hearing this and said:
"Haha, my Song family is quite famous in the Xiao Qingyun world... What do you want to know? Maybe I can tell you something!"

After hearing this, Su Xing raised the corners of his mouth slightly and lowered his voice and asked:
"I wonder if I have ever heard of Luo Tian? And... Blood Moon?"

Su Xing originally thought that Song Laosi's face would change drastically after hearing this.

Unexpectedly, Song Laosi just looked confused, shook his head and said:

"Brother, where do you mean this? I have never heard of this..."

When Song Laosi said this, Su Xing's eyes were always watching his expression.

But Song Laosi reacted freely, and it didn't look like he was making it up.

"Haha, I just found it from ancient books... If I don't know, then forget it!"

Su Xing said casually.

After hearing this, Song Laosi quickly said:
"No! I'll ask someone next time. Maybe I can get relevant information!"

"Ahem, as for this Soul-Gathering Flower..."

Su Xing saw that Song Laosi's attitude did not seem to be fake, so he said:
"Let's do this. I'll buy some high-level monster flesh and blood essence from my brother's place...and a low-level sword-like treasure..."

"If there is any news about the Qingyun Sect in the Little Qingyun Realm, you can also sell it to me."

The essence of flesh and blood of high-level monsters is not taboo in the Xiao Qingyun world. Even in the Advent Sect, there are body-refining monks who often take it.

Song Laosi nodded repeatedly after hearing this. He really took a fancy to the awakened Soul-Gathering Flower.

So, Su Xing and Song Laosi finalized the agreement.

The flesh and blood essence of the monster beasts in the integration stage, one pound of ten thousand spirit stones, Su Xing bought one hundred pounds in one go, which was enough to refine the rebirth elixir for a period of time.

A low-grade sword-like treasure, priced at 30 spirit stones.

Several alchemy materials, with a total price of 5 spirit stones.

The information about Qingyun Sect is priced at 50 spirit stones. Su Xing must first pay a deposit of 5 spirit stones.

A secret technique that is as high-level as possible and can improve strength in a short period of time, regardless of the cost, but the improvement in strength must be large!Song Laosi was not guaranteed to find this secret technique, so he did not charge a deposit.

In this way, Su Xing spent a total of 185 million spirit stones, and Song Laosi only collected 35 Soul Gathering Flowers from Su Xing.

Before leaving, Su Xing thought of something and asked casually:
"Haha, Brother Song has many connections. Since he can transport goods in and out... I wonder if he can take people in and out of the valley?"

After Song Laosi heard Su Xing's words, he smiled awkwardly, shook his head and said:

"Haha, I'm kidding...the goods are dead, but the people are alive!"

"Even if you give me 1 courage, I will never dare to lead people out of the valley!"

Su Xing didn't give up after hearing this, so he said again:
"Then what if Mr. Su is willing to spend 1000 million spiritual stones?!"

"Or...two hundred spirit-gathering flowers!"

After hearing Su Xing's words, Song Laosi's heart was shaken, and there was a trace of desire in his eyes.

But he still shook his head and said:

"Oh, it's not that I don't want to, but it's just that I really can't do it!"

"Brother, I'll just pretend I've never heard of this..."

After Su Xing heard this, he felt a little confused. That was not what Song Laowu said in the last simulation.

But seeing that Song Laosi couldn't get enough food and salt, Su Xing could only leave temporarily.

Soon, the immersive simulation ends and you wake up and return to the real world.

Su Xing began to summarize the gains and losses of this immersive simulation.

"First of all, after getting the flesh and blood essence of the monster beasts in the Fusion Stage... plus that Ancient Ancient Pill, it shouldn't be difficult to reach the fifth level of the Hunyuan Realm!"

"It's just...does Song Laosi know about Luo Tian and Xueyue?"

Waking up is a bit elusive.

Song Laosi's expression at that time didn't look like he was faking it.

Then, there are only two possibilities.

First, Xueyue and Luo Tian were at too high a level for Song Laosi to reach.

Second, Song Laosi knew it, but due to some special reasons, it was inconvenient to disclose it.

Considering Song Laosi's previous demeanor, Su Xing actually prefers the former.

"One last point, about sending people out of the valley...Song Laosi and Song Laowu have different opinions. Who should you believe?"

Su Xing murmured.

He decided to try it again in the next simulation.

So, look at the simulation panel.

[In the valley, after you traded with Song Laosi, you returned to your residence. 】

[You started refining the elixir and spent a month refining more than a hundred rebirth elixirs. 】

[In the next few months, you will swallow the Rebirth Pill every day, temper your body, and finally raise your cultivation to the peak of the fourth level of Hunyuan Realm! 】

[So, you no longer hesitate and swallow the Mysterious Body Pill that you traded from Song Laosi. 】

[Three days later, you successfully broke through and became a fifth-level Hunyuan Realm monk! 】

[At the same time, you keenly discovered that when you made a breakthrough, your life span was probably shortened by about thirty years. 】

[At the same time, the cultivation level is a bit superficial and needs further polishing. 】

In the real world, Su Xing nodded slightly when he saw this.

"Sure enough, Xuan Ti Dan and Xuan Gu Dan are both pills that damage potential..."

"But for me in the simulator, there is no difference between a life span of 300 years and a life span of 3000 years!"

"Even if the cultivation level is brought out by the simulator, the side effects can be eliminated!"

It was indeed as Su Xing thought.

The kind of pills or exercises that consume life span are excellent for awakening!

Because the price is low and it has almost no side effects on waking up in reality.

Look at the simulation panel.

[The time is approaching the eve of the second blood seedling competition, and you have also obtained the Qingyun Sect information promised by Song Laosi. 】

[You open the information and read it carefully, and get several key pieces of information. 】

[The Qingyun Sect’s sphere of influence in the Xiao Qingyun Realm is extremely far away from here. It requires climbing over a hundred thousand mountains and crossing two states to reach Xiao Qingyun City. 】

[And Xiao Qingyun City is the base camp of Qingyun Sect in Xiao Qingyun Realm. 】

[It is rumored that the city is guarded by the immortal elders of Qingyun Sect and is impregnable. 】

[At the same time, every ten years, Qingyun Sect holds a disciple recruitment ceremony. 】

[All monks with true spiritual roots or Nascent Soul or above can join the outer sect of Qingyun Sect and become outer disciples. 】

[Except for bringing information about Qingyun Sect, Song Laosi did not find any information about Luo Tian. 】

[However, he also told you that among the three thousand worlds, Qianji Pavilion is the leader in terms of intelligence, and you may be able to learn a thing or two from Qianji Pavilion. 】

[In addition, Song Laosi also brings you two "superior secret techniques" to choose from. 】

[These two secret techniques, just as you requested, are extremely costly and greatly improved! 】

[One part is called "Falling Realm Jue", which can pay the price of falling into a realm and cross the border to fight in a short period of time. Every time it rises to two realms, it will permanently drop one realm after being used and needs to be practiced again. 】

[The other one is called "Burning Life", which is used by monks in the integration stage. Every time a hundred years of life is consumed, one can advance to a higher realm in a short time. At the most, it can consume a thousand years of life and fight across five minor realms! 】

[The only pity is that only one such secret method can be effective at the same time. 】

[After hesitating for a moment, you bought the "Burning Life Secret" from Song Laosi for the price of ten spirit-gathering flowers! 】

In the real world, Su Xing nodded when he saw this.

"It seems that Song Laosi really doesn't know the news about Luo Tian..."

"But Qianji Pavilion? If there is a chance later... I really want to go there!"

Of course, the premise is that Su Xing can leave this valley first.

"As for now, of course I'm going to learn the Burning Life Art!"

The corners of Su Xing's mouth rose slightly. The effect of the blood-burning technique before was no longer significant after the integration period.

Su Xing urgently needs a secret technique to fight across the border in a short time at the cost of burning life span!

This burning longevity formula is exactly in line with the awakening mind.

A monk in the integration stage has a life span of three thousand years!

This means that Awakening can release the Burning Life Technique twice!

Su Xing muttered silently: "Use the immersive simulation function, which lasts for 10 days!"

[Ding, you successfully used immersive simulation, spent 2400 million energy points, and have 11 million remaining energy points. 】

The simulator beep sounded, and Su Xing's vision changed.

Appearing in the valley again, there was a special secret jade slip in Su Xing's hand.

His spiritual consciousness penetrated into the jade slips, and he woke up and began to try to understand the Burning Life Jue.

The Burning Shou Jue is obviously more advanced than the "Burning Blood Jue" that I got from Zong Laogou before, and it is also quite difficult to comprehend.

In this way, ten days passed slowly, and the immersive simulation time ended.

In the real world, Su Xing slowly opened his eyes, with a look of satisfaction in his eyes.

"It is worthy of being the secret method in the Three Thousand Worlds. This effect is beyond imagination!"

"However, the difficulty of practicing is not easy. It only takes ten days to get most, you can burn 200 years of life in one go..."

In the simulation after waking up, decide to learn this secret skill as soon as possible.

The specific effects of Ranshou Jue are recalled in my mind:

"A monk in the integration stage can advance to the next level by burning a hundred years of life. If my cultivation reaches the late stage of integration, and I can use the Burning Life Art to burn a thousand years of life, I can even have magic power comparable to that of the early stage of Mahayana within a quarter of an hour. !”

Of course, it is only comparable to the magic power in the early stage of Mahayana. Only within the understanding of other great ways, it cannot be compared to it in any case.

However, even if this is the case, it will be very useful for awakening.

What satisfies Su Xing the most is that Burning Shou Jue is not only useful during the integration period, but it is still effective during the Mahayana period!
"A monk in the Mahayana stage can burn a thousand years of life at a time to improve one realm of mana cultivation within a quarter of an hour. It can burn for up to 3000 years to improve three minor realms!"

"This means that when the Burning Life Technique is activated, the magic power of the early stage of Mahayana is comparable to that of the middle stage of Mahayana...and the middle stage of Mahayana is comparable to that of the late stage of Mahayana!"

If he were an ordinary monk, even in the Mahayana period, his life span would only be five thousand years, so how could he be willing to spend it like this?
But it is different for awakening. This kind of life-burning spell has no effect on awakening at all.

Because he couldn't survive this long in the simulation...

"That's right, if you can't master the Dacheng-level Heavenly Sword Technique... Once you have mastered the Life-Burning Technique to perfection and your cultivation reaches the late Mahayana stage, you should be able to fight against the Demon Saint!"

Su Xing nodded with satisfaction and had another trump card in his hand.

Look at the simulation panel.

[Not long after, the new blood seedling competition began. 】

[You played a big role this time, but your performance is still quite satisfactory. 】

[Killed more than 100 monks in the Void Return Stage, which is in line with your strength as a monk in the middle stage of the Hunyuan Realm. 】

[Afterwards, you continued to stay in the valley as a blood seedling candidate and received a large reward. 】

[Your cultivation level is still at the fifth level of the Hunyuan Realm. You are taking pills every day to practice and have improved slightly. 】

[After your inquiries, Song Laosi became a blood seedling and left the valley. 】

[And the person who took over his position was a Fusion Stage monk named Song Laowu. 】

[In the previous simulation, Song Laowu promised you the chance to leave the valley. 】

[But you are not familiar with its details, so you are not acting rashly yet. 】

[In the next year, you often conducted transactions with Song Laowu and gradually became familiar with him. 】

[No.30 In three years, you thought the time was relatively mature, so you proposed a deal to leave the valley. 】

[Song Laowu was stunned for a moment after hearing what you said, and then promised that as long as you have 1000 million spirit stones, he can let you leave the valley, but you must come back before the next blood seedling competition. 】

[Although you have doubts in your heart, you have no choice at this moment, so you choose to believe Song Laowu. 】

[You offered to give Song Laowu twenty Spirit-Gathering Flowers as a deposit, and said that you would hand over the rest after leaving the valley. 】

[But Song Laowu refused directly, saying that he needed one hundred spirit-gathering flowers as a deposit. 】

[And he will inform you of the time to leave the valley. 】

[Although you were unhappy after hearing this, you could only agree. 】

[One day a month later, Song Laowu came to you and told you that the time was ripe. 】

In the real world, when Su Xing saw this movement in his heart, he couldn't help but feel a little hopeful.

"Finally...can you leave the valley?"

Su Xing looked at the simulation panel expectantly.

[You start to pack your belongings, ready to leave the valley at any time. 】

[If you can leave, from now on, the mountains will be high enough for birds to fly, and the sea will be wide enough for fish to jump! 】

[Finally, you look at the Qingyun Token and wonder whether you should leave the valley with the Qingyun Token...]

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(End of this chapter)

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