Others practice leveling, I cultivate immortality, go out to Mahayana before leaving the mountain

Chapter 241 Understand the true meaning of the sword and possess the combat power of a Mahayana monk

Chapter 241 Understand the true meaning of the sword and possess the combat power of a Mahayana monk! (Two in one, please vote for me~)

In the real world, Su Xing looked at the words in front of him and fell into deep thought.

Obviously, whether or not to carry the Qingyun Order has an impact.

"If I bring out the Qingyun Order, I can go straight to the Qingyun Sect. If Qingyunzi has no ill intentions towards me, I'm afraid I will soar into the sky!"

"But there are certain risks in bringing out the Qingyun Order. I'm not sure if they will do anything like a body search. If my Qingyun Order is found, I'm afraid I won't be able to escape death..."

Thinking of this, Su Xing was a little confused for a while.

Risks are often directly proportional to returns!

If he does not carry the Qingyun Order, even if Su Xing reaches the Xiao Qingyun Realm, he may not be able to grow quickly with the resources in his hands...

After thinking about this, Su Xing made up his mind and said:

"In that case, let's give it a try! If we can successfully bring out the Qingyun Order, we will take off completely!"

It's just a simulation, wake up and prepare to give it a try.

Look at the simulation panel.

[After thinking for a long time, you decided to take the risk and bring Qingyun Order out. 】

[You use your Yuan Power to cut a hole in your abdomen and hide the Qingyun Token inside your body. 】

[Then he used the secret shielding technique and placed many restrictions. 】

[You are confident that even the spiritual consciousness of a Mahayana monk cannot detect anything strange in your body. 】

[After getting ready, you went to see Song Laowu as promised. 】

[The agreed location is outside a forbidden area in the mountain behind the valley. Almost no monks usually come here. 】

[You soon saw Song Laowu and a mysterious man wearing a black robe. 】

[This mysterious man in black robe is not wearing a mask, but you can't see clearly what he looks like. 】

[The mysterious man's temperament is as deep as a pool, making you unable to see the truth. 】

[But judging from Song Laowu's reaction, he has great respect for the mysterious man, and even a little fear...]

[After seeing you coming, Song Laowu quickly whispered a few words to the mysterious man. 】

[The mysterious man nodded slightly after hearing this and threw a black robe casually. 】

[A mysterious man’s voice comes from your ear: “Put it on”]

[Without hesitation, you put on the black robe, somewhat curious about how the mysterious man would take you out of the valley. 】

[But the mysterious man just asks you to follow him and don't talk. 】

[You do as you are told. 】

[The mysterious man takes you all the way to the forbidden area in the back mountain without anyone stopping you. 】

[Not long after, you arrived at a place similar to the exit of the valley. 】

[Here, there are many monks with terrifying strength guarding it. 】

[When these monks saw someone, they all stood in awe and looked respectful. 】

[You only see the mysterious man showing a token with the words "99" engraved on it! 】

[In an instant, you have some idea of ​​the mysterious man’s identity!The big shot who came to teach the blood code name, Blood 99! 】

[At the same time, you also know in your heart that this Blood 99 is probably the backer behind the Song brothers. 】

[Following Xue 99, you easily left this valley and came to the Hundred Thousand Mountains in the outside world. 】

[Xue 99 mobilized his spiritual power and grabbed you in his hand. Then his figure flew like a ghost. In just a moment, he appeared thousands of miles away. 】

[There is no one else in the mountain here, and Blood 99 starts to ask you for the remaining spirit stones. 】

[You did not hesitate and took out another hundred spirit-gathering flowers and gave them to Xue 99. 】

[During this period, you kept looking at him, but he had no intention of leaving at all. 】

[Sure enough, he asked you to hand over the storage bag you were wearing to him for inspection. 】

[You felt cold after hearing this, but you clearly felt that you had no power to resist in front of Xue 99. 】

[So, you gritted your teeth and handed the storage bag to him. 】

[In addition to spirit stones and magic weapons, the most precious thing in the storage bag is the remaining hundreds of spirit-gathering flowers. 】

[After Xue 99 checked the storage bag clearly, his eyes lit up and he took the storage bag as his own. 】

[During this period, you remained silent, but secretly wrote this person down in your notebook. 】

[You only pray in your heart that Blood 99 can let you go as promised, so that even if you lose all your treasures, you will have a chance to make a comeback with that token. 】

[But I didn’t expect that after Blood 99 took away your storage ring, he had no intention of letting you go. 】

[A terrifying wave is coming towards you, and you try hard to inspire your original power to resist. 】

[But the strength gap is too big...]

[Before you die, you have only one thought in your mind, the immortal realm! 】

[In the Advent Sect, the blood-lettered cadre numbered 99 actually has the power of an immortal! 】

[You were easily blasted into pieces by Blood 99, and your soul was destroyed...]

【Ding, this simulation is over! 】

In the real world, Su Xing looked at the simulated text in front of him and was speechless.

"Damn it, it turns out this blood 99 doesn't want me to leave alive at all!"

"I'm actually still thinking about whether to bring the Qingyun Order..."

Su Xing's eyes flashed with hatred.

This is considered a trap by Su Xing. They just want to kill a fat sheep and have no intention of trading.

"But...with this blood of 99, why do you take such risks to make a quick buck?"

Su Xing frowned slightly.

Even for numbered cadres, it seems inappropriate to kill blood seedling candidates at will.

Unless... this blood 99 is a last resort!

He urgently needs a huge amount of spiritual stones!

"So... this blood 99 is preparing for a breakthrough?"

Su Xing was thoughtful, and he could think of the most common thing that monks need a large amount of spiritual stones for, which is a realm breakthrough.

"But this blood level of 99 is already in the realm of human immortality...could he be able to break through to the realm of earthly immortality!?"

Su Xing's heart was shocked, and he once again raised the overall strength of Advent Sect to a higher level.

"It's just a pity...I couldn't leave the valley again during this simulation..."

"It seems that it will be impossible to get out of the small Qingyun Realm for a while... If you want to reach the outside as soon as possible, you still have to improve your body training and cross the void!"

Su Xing took a deep breath and planned his next goal.

"But fortunately, with Long Laogou's Nine Transformation Pills and the transactions in the valley, I can at least break through two levels of body refining in one go!"

"In this case, the perfection of body refining is not far away from me!"

"At that time, we will find ways to improve the body-protecting Qi...perhaps we can pass through the void turbulence and reach another passage in that strange space!"

Su Xing had a vague hunch in his heart that the black passage was the real way to reach the Little Qingyun Realm!

And the passage to the Advent Sect may have only been temporarily opened...

“But this time, let’s choose the simulation reward first!”

Su Xing looked at the simulation panel.

[Miao Gu Man]: Purple talent, priced at 100 million energy points.

[20 years of alchemy experience]: After redemption, the existing alchemy insights will increase slightly, and the price is 1000 million energy.

[Fifth Level of Hunyuan Realm Cultivation]: Break through Hunyuan, break the illusion, move the body and strength to a new level, and the best in Hunyuan Realm can briefly cross the void.The price is 15 billion energy.

[800 million drops of low-grade spiritual liquid, 90 drops of medium-grade spiritual liquid]: Priced at 17 billion energy.

"Although I couldn't go to Little Qingyun Realm... the benefits of this simulation are undoubtedly amazing!"

Su Xing murmured.

In addition to the items in the rewards list, Awakening has many benefits that have already been achieved.

For example, the perception of the way of puppets, the Burning Life Technique, the sixth-level miniature spirit gathering array, various types of intelligence... and other memory rewards.

Compared with before, now the awakening simulation energy is abundant.

The rewards obtained purely from the reward list may only account for half. The other half is to awaken the memories obtained through immersive simulation, which is equally important!

"However, as a reward for this simulation, what I want is body refining and spiritual liquid..."

"A total of 32 billion energy is needed, but I currently only have more than 11 billion energy..."

Su Xing decided to wait and trade with Lu Yuanwu today, and another 20 billion energy was credited.

Coupled with this week's goods, Su Xing can barely exchange these two items.

Thinking of this, Su Xing glanced at the time and estimated that Lu Yuanwu might have arrived at the agreed place.

So Su Xing no longer hesitated, started to disguise himself, gathered his breath, and flew towards the agreed place.

In the nameless mountain, Lu Yuanwu waited anxiously.

Su Xing slowly appeared and said:
"Are you ready for this week's exotic metals?"

Lu Yuanwu's face lit up when he heard the voice, and he quickly handed over a storage ring and said:

"Senior! One thousand tons of third-order exotic metals are all here!"

Su Xing took the storage ring and directly exchanged it for simulated energy.

In this way, 20 billion simulated energy was obtained without leaving any trace.

Then Su Xing handed [-] Fu Refining Pills to Lu Yuanwu and turned around to leave.

Along the way, Su Xing was careful and changed his appearance several times before returning to Kyoto Academy and entering the Lingtian Cave.

"Yes, we are only less than [-] million energy away from redeeming the proceeds from this simulation..."

Su Xing nodded with satisfaction and decided to refine the puppet for a week first and wait seven days before officially redeeming the reward.

"But before that, it's time to engrave the sixth-level miniature spirit gathering array!"

Su Xing murmured, and then called the puppet cultivator Xiaomei to carve a sixth-level miniature spirit gathering array on her Dantian.

The whole process lasted for about several hours.

Without any surprise, Su Xing successfully carved the formation.

In this way, Xiaomei's cultivation speed will surpass that of Tianlinggen monks in the future!
After doing all this, he spent the next week refining three puppets.

They are named Dan Sixteen, Dan Seventeen and Dan Eighteen respectively.

In this way, the eighteen puppets automatically refine nine thousand Bigu Pills every week!

During this period, Su Xing also took the time to carve out a sixth-level miniature spirit gathering array for himself.

This caused the rate of improvement of Su Xing's Qi refining cultivation to skyrocket again.

Time soon came to February 2rd, and Su Xing prepared to meet Jin Congxue as scheduled.

This meeting ended quickly. After Su Xing got the goods for the new week, he couldn't wait to go back and improve his cultivation.

So Jin Congxue rolled her eyes charmingly and watched Su Xing go back early.

After returning to Lingtian Cave, Su Xing immediately took out the goods and exchanged them for [-] million energy again!

At this time, the total awakened energy was finally enough to redeem the two rewards for this simulation.

"I choose to exchange the spiritual liquid...and the fifth level of Hunyuan Realm cultivation!"

Su Xing said without hesitation.

[Ding, you successfully brought out 800 million drops of low-grade spiritual liquid and 90 drops of medium-grade spiritual liquid. It cost 17 billion energy points and left 16 billion energy points.]

[You successfully brought out the fifth level of Hunyuan realm, spending 15 billion energy, and the remaining energy is 1 million points. 】

As the simulator beep sounded, a mysterious energy fell into Su Xing's body.

The first thing Su Xing sensed was the guarantee of strength and momentum throughout his body!
The second level of Hunyuan Realm...the third level of Hunyuan Realm...

From the early stage of the Hunyuan Realm, he gradually moved towards the early peak, and then naturally entered the fourth level of the Hunyuan Realm and became a monk in the middle stage of the Hunyuan Realm!

Not only that, after entering the middle stage of Hunyuan Realm, the awakening cultivation level has no tendency to stagnate and increase rapidly.

Finally, the fifth level of Hunyuan Realm!
In just a few moments, Su Xing's strength has risen several levels!

"That's right! A fifth-level monk in the Hunyuan Realm has a power close to that of the Four Mountains!"

Su Xing's eyes brightened slightly, just as he expected.

According to this trend, after reaching the sixth level of Hunyuan Realm, the pure physical power awakened should be close to the power of the Five Mountains!

When the time comes, it will be directly comparable to a perfect monk in the Hunyuan Realm!
"It's just a pity that late-stage Hunyuan realm monks generally have some understanding of the origin of power...otherwise my advantage would be even greater!"

Su Xing shook his head slightly.

The monks who can cultivate to the integration and Hunyuan stages are not simple people.

Take the distance between the combined stages. Without the Nine-turn Golden Pill, ordinary monks would not be able to achieve the combined stage at all!

Therefore, the advantages of the Awakening Nine Transformation Golden Pill are almost gone.

"However... the super Yuanying still has certain advantages in the Mahayana stage... so among the same level, I still have few opponents in pure Qi refining cultivation competition!"

Su Xing murmured.

The foundation of awakening is solid. Although he is currently only at the first level of integration, but only in the Qi Refining Technique, ordinary monks in the early stages of integration will not be his opponent.

Coupled with the power of the Four Mountains in the middle stage of Hunyuan Realm, Su Xing, and even the Perfection Monk in the late integration stage, Su Xing may not necessarily be at a disadvantage.

With the addition of Heavenly Sword Technique, Spiritual Explosion Technique, and Speedy Dao Insight, under the Mahayana stage, Su Xing is invincible.

"By the way... there is also the new Burning Life Technique. When I find time to learn it later, I will have one more trump card!"

Su Xing's eyes brightened slightly.

Then, he looked at a large wooden box in front of him.

Opening the wooden box, small porcelain bottles came into view.

A total of 800 million drops of low-grade spiritual liquid and 90 drops of medium-grade spiritual liquid!
Plus the 500 million drops of high-grade spiritual liquid accumulated before awakening.

The amount of awakened spiritual fluid has reached an astonishing level!

"In Xiao Qingyun Realm, ten drops of low-grade spiritual liquid can be easily exchanged for one low-grade spiritual stone, and ten drops of medium-grade spiritual liquid can be exchanged for ten low-grade spiritual stones..."

"So, these spiritual liquids alone are worth more than 200 million spiritual stones!"

Su Xing is quite satisfied with this.

Of course, he would not be stupid enough to exchange these spiritual fluids for spiritual stones.

Spiritual liquid is an excellent cultivation material for him.

With these spiritual liquids, he can guarantee that not only will his cultivation speed not slow down during the integration stage, but it will even be slightly faster than during the return stage!

Su Xing put away these resources and showed a satisfied smile.

Seeing that the next simulation time was approaching, Su Xing began to plan the goals for the next simulation.

Now that there is enough spiritual liquid, he will be awakened and his body and qi cultivation will be improved rapidly in the future.

However, human experience is limited, and a simulation can only last up to 35 years, so it is difficult for Awakening to cover everything.

If you improve your physical training, it will be difficult to improve your Qi training...

After thinking for a while, Su Xing murmured.

"Currently, body refining is more important... Regardless of the fact that my combat power in the Hunyuan realm exceeds that in the combined phase..."

"It's just that black passage. If I want to cross the void, I also need to reach the realm of body refining!"

Su Xing decided to first improve the Hunyuan realm of body refining to the perfect realm, and then consider improving the Qi refining realm.

"Besides... there is also the Heavenly Sword Technique, which should be properly understood! It would be great if you can reach the Dacheng level!"

"There is also the Burning Life Technique, which is also a trump card for killing enemies across levels..."

Su Xing rubbed his eyebrows, although he gained a lot after being exposed to the three thousand worlds.

But Su Xing also became more and more aware of his own shortcomings.

Listing the areas that needed to be improved layer by layer, Su Xing murmured when he saw that the cooling was complete:
"Start the simulation!"

On February 2025, 2, Su Xing started his 3th simulation.

【Ding!This simulation consumes 7300 energy points, with 1 million remaining energy points and no remaining simulation times. 】

【The simulation starts! 】

[It costs 10 energy points to extract purple talents, and 100 million energy points to extract golden legendary talents. Do you want to extract them? 】

Su Xing did not hesitate and said silently:

"Extract golden quality talents!"

[Ding, congratulations on getting the purple talent Breaking Bad. The chance of drawing a gold quality talent next time is 50%...]

[Breaking Bad]: Purple talent. Your talent in poison development and poison-based skills is far beyond ordinary people. You can quickly learn and master advanced poison techniques.

"Sure enough, I still couldn't draw the golden talent..."

Su Xing shook his head slightly, not surprised by this.

Based on the experience of two previous draws, when the probability is above [-] or [-]%, the awakening has a higher probability of being drawn.

"However, this poisonous path suits my liking...it's a pity that I came a little late..."

Su Xing sighed, poisoning was undoubtedly a very suitable method for Gou. Unfortunately, Su Xing's energy was limited and it was difficult to concentrate on his research.

Look at the simulation panel.

[In Lingtian Cave, you realize that you are in a simulation. 】

[You met Lu Yuanwu skillfully and conducted the transaction without encountering any problems. 】

[In the next ten days, you will begin to accumulate Dazhi talent bonuses and prepare to go to the Luotian Conference copy. 】

[You have entered the Luotian Conference instance...]


[Immersive simulation...the remaining energy is 1 million points.]

The immersive simulation ends quickly, and you wake up and return to the real world.

As always, learn the art of puppetry. Nowadays, simulation is full of energy, and immersive simulation is almost an inevitable choice every time you wake up. (ps: In order to avoid excessive word count, in the first two years of the simulation, you will enter the Luotian dungeon to learn by default. If there are Luotian-related plots, they will be described in detail. The immersive simulation fee will be automatically deducted at the time of settlement~)

He looked back at the simulation panel.

[Some time later, under the recommendation of Luo Shuying, you joined the Advent Cult. 】

[With your outstanding strength, you have obtained the position of protector and gained a lot of fans. 】

[In the next two years, you will continue to refine elixirs as always. 】

[Midway, you went to another copy of the Luotian Conference. 】

[In the third year, you handed over the more than 20 pills you refined in the past two years to Lu Yuanwu. 】

[Afterwards, you began to work hard to manage your power within the Advent Sect. 】

[In the blink of an eye, another two years have passed. 】

[In the fifth year, under your careful management, your status in the Advent Sect has become higher and higher. 】

[At the same time, you have been trying to understand the "Heavenly Sword Art". Unfortunately, after the Heavenly Sword Art was completed, the progress was slow. 】

[In the same year, Luo Shuying broke through and became a mid-level legendary powerhouse. You have more than ten elders and protector-level figures who support you in the Advent Sect camp...]

[In the sixth year, after your body training reached the middle stage of Hunyuan Realm, your progress was slow. 】

[Even if he persists in practicing every day and occasionally swallows the Rebirth Pill, he is still almost stagnant. 】

[You know in your heart that you need demon emperor level or dragon flesh and blood essence to help you break through quickly. 】

[You are not in a hurry, you are just practicing the Heavenly Sword Technique steadily and improving your physical training, and put more thought into running the advent sect. 】

[In the eighth year, due to your calculations, the current leader of the natural faction was successfully replaced by you. 】

[Although Long Laogou strongly opposes it, you bribed the fanatical faction leaders in advance, and with the support of all the believers, Long Laogou cannot cover the sky with one hand. 】

[In the ninth year, you began to think of ways to get rid of Old Dog Long. 】

[You went to the ruins of Wanmu Sect, killed Zhenren Wanmu, and took out the branch of the innate Fusang tree. 】

[As expected, Long Laogou wants to kill people and seize the treasure. 】

[You led the battlefield outside Daxia, fought with it for hundreds of rounds, and successfully killed it. 】

In the real world, Su Xing looked at the simulated text in front of him and nodded with satisfaction.

"Sure enough, after my strength improves...it feels so good to abuse food!"

Su Xing felt a little emotional.

A few simulations ago, Su Xing was far from Long Laogou's opponent.

Later, when he became a master of Tianjian, Su Xing was barely able to match Long Lao Gou Dou, and he was able to kill him only at the cost of serious injuries.

Before that, it would take a day and a night to kill the old dog.

But now, it only takes a few hundred rounds to wake up and kill the old dragon dog.

"It seems that this little dragon's strength has been left behind by me!"

"Wait a moment...when I get stronger, I can easily kill the old dog Long!"

"Sure enough, with sound management, those powerful enemies in the past will eventually be trampled under my feet!"

Wake up thinking.

Look at the simulation panel.

[After killing the old dog, you did not waste resources by skinning it and removing its bones...]

[After that, you used the dragon flesh and blood essence to refine hundreds of rebirth pills. 】

[Take these elixirs every day to practice, and your physical training will improve rapidly! 】

[You are not in a hurry to go to the beast control world to kill enemies, but practice steadily and quietly wait for the arrival of the blood three. 】

[In the tenth year, after taking the Rebirth Pill, your cultivation reached the middle stage of the fifth level of Hunyuan Realm. 】

[In year No. 11, your cultivation has further improved and reached the late stage of the fifth level of Hunyuan Realm. 】

[In No. 12, Blood Three comes as you planned. 】

[Although he was dissatisfied because Long Lao Gou was killed by you, his attitude towards you changed after you offered the branch of the Innate Fusang Sacred Tree. 】

[You used your acting skills to successfully deceive the blood three and obtained the pass. 】

[After Xuesan left, you became the largest leader of the Advent Sect on Blue Star. 】

[In No. 13, your cultivation is still stuck before the sixth level of Hunyuan Realm, but you have no intention of taking the Nine Transformations Pill. 】

[You start planning to obtain the flesh and blood essence of the Demon Emperor. 】

[In No. 14, you went to the killing battlefield of the beast-controlling world and spent a year killing three demon emperors and hundreds of legendary demon beasts. 】

[After that, you took the Demon Emperor’s flesh and blood essence and your cultivation improved. 】

[Two years have passed in the blink of an eye...]

[In No. 16, your body training level has finally improved and you have entered the sixth level of Hunyuan Realm! 】

[At this time, you have the power of the Five Mountains, and your pure physical strength is comparable to that of a perfect monk in the Hunyuan Realm! 】

[The only thing that makes you a little disappointed is that your understanding of the Heavenly Sword Technique is progressing slowly...]

[In this way, another two years have passed. 】

[In No. 18, when you accidentally watched your little sister Su Nian'an practicing swordsmanship, you suddenly felt inspired and entered some mysterious realm. 】

[You triggered a serendipitous epiphany! 】

[In this mysterious realization, you seem to see an ordinary swordsman practicing swordsmanship hard for decades...]

[In this way, three days passed slowly...]

[Three days later, when you open your eyes again, your understanding of the Heavenly Sword Technique has reached the peak of Xiaocheng level! 】

"Three days of enlightenment is equivalent to 30 years of enlightenment... Did you only reach the peak of Xiaocheng level?"

Su Xing frowned slightly. Today's sword practice was more difficult than he imagined!
"However, there is also a spiritual enlightenment pill. One month of practice is equivalent to ten years... Counting the next ten years of practice, I should be able to successfully advance the Heavenly Sword Technique to the Great Level!"

Su Xing murmured, feeling vaguely expectant in his heart.

"Advanced Heavenly Swordsmanship, coupled with late-stage Hunyuan Realm cultivation...it's not a dream to cross the level and fight against the Demon Saint!"

After many simulations, Su Xing finally has the confidence to deal with the Demon Saint of Demon Suppression Pass!
Look at the simulation panel.

[In No. 19, after the progress of Heavenly Sword Art, you obviously feel that your strength has improved to a higher level. 】

[But you are still working hard to practice swordsmanship, hoping to practice it to the Dacheng level as soon as possible! 】

[In No. 20, you not only consolidated your cultivation at the sixth level of Hunyuan Realm, but you even got one step closer. You are not far from the middle stage of the sixth level. 】

[You want to raise your cultivation to the peak of the sixth level as much as possible. After taking the Nine Transformations Pill, you can break through to the late seventh level of the Hunyuan Realm! 】

[With the help of Song Laosi’s realm-breaking elixir, maybe your cultivation level can reach the eighth level of Hunyuan realm! 】

[No.20 For one year, you continue to practice the Heavenly Sword Art, and you are getting closer and closer to the completion of the Heavenly Sword Art. 】

[No.20 In the second year, you have accumulated three months of great wisdom status bonus, and are ready to try to practice the "Burning Life Jue"! 】

In the real world, Su Xing nodded when he saw this and said:
"Then give it a try... using an immersive simulation! It lasts for a month!"

[Congratulations on using immersive simulation...the remaining energy is 8529 million points.]

Su Xing's vision suddenly changed, a jade slip appeared in front of him, and he began to learn the Burning Shou Jue.

One month passed in the blink of an eye...

The immersive simulation time is over, and you wake up and return to Lingtian Cave.

Su Xing slowly opened his eyes and murmured:
"It's a pity...it took a month, combined with Dazhi's talent, to just cultivate it to a small level..."

Su Xing shook his head slightly.

The Xiaocheng-level Burning Life Jue can burn up to 500 years of life, temporarily increasing mana to four small realms.

This means that the first level of awakening and integration stage has mana comparable to the fourth level of integration stage.

"It's a pity that you have to cultivate to perfection before you can burn a thousand years of life at once... and fight across the levels!"

"I originally thought I could save a chance to use the Spirit-Initiating Pill, but I miscalculated!"

Su Xing sighed, feeling a little distressed.

If you want to practice the Burning Life Art to perfection, you also need the dual blessings of Qilingling Pill and "Great Wisdom State".

"But this time, the Qiling Pill has a more important purpose!"

Su Xing murmured, looking at the simulation panel.

[The progress of practicing Burning Life Jue is not satisfactory to you, so you decide to suspend your practice. 】

[In the next two years, you will still train your body every day and practice the Heavenly Sword Art. 】

[No. 20 In the fourth year, your body refining cultivation has successfully broken into the middle stage of the sixth level of Hunyuan Realm, but the progress is slower than you expected. 】

[In the same year, you started refining the Ling Qi Pill and the Nine Transformations Pill. 】

[One month later, you successfully refined these two elixirs. 】

[Because the Nascent Soul has been refined twice before, the quality of the Nine Transformations Pill this time is even better. 】

[No.20 In the fifth year, one day on a whim, you performed a divination on yourself. 】

[You vaguely smell the singing of birds and the fragrance of flowers in front of you. When you are in the valley of sound, you feel light and refreshed. 】

【This is a good sign! 】

[So you no longer hesitate, swallow the Spirit-enlightening Pill, activate the Great Wisdom status bonus, and start trying to break through the Heavenly Sword Art...]

[January passes slowly. 】

[On the last day, you felt so blessed for a moment that you finally practiced the Heavenly Sword Art for many years and successfully entered the realm of Dacheng! 】

[After completing the Heavenly Sword Art, you vaguely feel that there is something different in your swordsmanship...]

[This is the sword intention! 】

In the real world, Su Xing couldn't help but feel excited when he saw this bright scene.

"After 25 years of hard training, with the help of enlightenment and the Spirit-enlightening Pill, which is equivalent to more than 50 years of hard work, the Heavenly Sword Art has finally been perfected!"

Su Xing sighed in his heart.

It was indeed extremely difficult to practice sword art today.

With his natural talent for swordsmanship, it would take him fifty years to practice.

If it were an ordinary sword cultivator, wouldn't it take a thousand years to reach this level?
"Although it is indeed difficult to practice...but the sword technique today is really terrifying!"

"I actually understood the rumored sword intention!"

Excitement flashed in Su Xing's eyes.

The sword intent in the world of cultivating immortals is different from the sword intent in Su Xing’s previous life martial arts novels.

According to the information Su Xing received from Luo Tianzong:

Sword intent is one of the most basic elements in building the sword's path. It is also called the origin of the sword!

All avenues are constructed from several, or even dozens of origins!

Among them, in addition to the basic source of power and speed, the Dao of Sword... the final thing is the source of the sword!

It is no exaggeration to say that after understanding the origin of the sword, Awakening’s future understanding of the path of the sword can be said to be a certainty!
"No wonder it is said that the Three Talents Sword Technique is a peerless sword technique that leads directly to the path of swords. If you practice it to perfection... you can really enter the Tao with the sword and become a swordsman!"

There was a hint of expectation in Su Xing's eyes.

Even if he fails to achieve perfection, after understanding the true meaning of the sword, Su Xing is confident that he can defeat the early Mahayana monks in the late Hunyuan realm!
"Then if one cultivates the Heavenly Sword to perfection... wouldn't it be possible to kill an immortal at the peak of Mahayana!?"

Su Xing had some vague suspicions in his mind.

After the peak of Mahayana, there is actually still a small realm between immortals.

It’s called the Tribulation Realm!
This realm is beyond the Mahayana stage, and can trigger a heavenly catastrophe at any time and ascend to the realm of immortality!
Therefore, if one can really reach the pinnacle of Mahayana and kill an immortal in reverse, I am afraid that the world of immortality will never encounter such a genius in all its lifetime!
"Huh... don't be too arrogant. The most important thing at hand is to improve your cultivation..."

Look at the simulation panel.

[After completing the Heavenly Sword Art, your strength will be invincible above the Blue Star! 】

[Even if the human emperor of Zhenyao Pass attacks at his peak, he is no match for you. 】

[But you are neither arrogant nor impatient. You know that there are more terrifying enemies waiting for you in the three thousand worlds. 】

[So you work hard to improve your body training and reach the peak of the sixth level of Hunyuan Realm as much as possible! 】

[In this way, three years passed slowly...]

[No. 20 At the beginning of eight years, your body refining skills were still stagnant at the middle stage of the sixth level of Hunyuan Realm, and you were only one step away from the late stage of the sixth level. 】

[But you know in your heart that you can no longer wait, so you prepare to take the Nine Turns Pill. 】

[One sunny morning, you took the Nine Turns Pill and prepared to break through to the seventh level of Hunyuan Realm in one fell swoop! 】

[When you reach the seventh level of the Hunyuan Realm, you will be a late-stage monk in the Hunyuan Realm. There is a small bottleneck, so it is more difficult than ordinary breakthroughs. 】

[But the Nine Turns Pill is very powerful, and its pure energy is constantly washing through your body...]

[So, one month later. 】

[You have successfully entered the seventh level of the Hunyuan Realm and become a late-stage Hunyuan Realm monk! 】

[What may surprise you is that the remaining medicinal power of the ninth revolution almost brings you close to the second half of the seventh level of Hunyuan Realm. 】

[At this time, there are less than three months until the Demon Saint arrives. 】

[You face two choices, stay at the Demon Suppression Pass to face the Demon Saint...or, go to the Three Thousand Worlds and participate in the Blood Seedling Competition, postponed for seven years...]

In the real world, Su Xing fell into deep thought after seeing this.

"The Demon Saint at the Demon Suppression Pass...I'm not sure if he is the early stage Demon Saint..."

"If it's the early stage of Demon Saint, I shouldn't be afraid! But after killing him, I'm afraid he will be completely discovered and lose the chance to go to the Three Thousand Worlds."

"On the contrary, if you enter the Three Thousand Worlds, you can obtain the 'Mysterious Body Pill' and try to break through to the eighth level of the Hunyuan Realm!"

Su Xing believes that if you want to maximize your benefits, you should naturally prioritize improving your cultivation.

Going to the valley where the Advent Sect is located will help you even more in improving your physical training!
But if you stay in Blue Star, you can use the Spiritual Vein Dragon to obtain more spiritual fluid... which will be more helpful for improving your Qi refining skills.

"In this simulation, let's improve our body refining skills first... wait until the Hunyuan Realm is completed, and then have a fight with the Demon Saint!"

Su Xing decided to take it easy for a while.

Thinking this, he looked at the simulation panel.

[After some thought, you decided to go to the Three Thousand Worlds to seek a chance to break through to the eighth level of the Hunyuan Realm. 】

[After putting the Julinghua seeds into your body, you are ready. 】

[You went to the killing battlefield and kept running towards the red moon. 】

[A few days later, you met the Killing Messenger, and after showing the pass, you were able to enter that mysterious space. 】

[Take a deep look at the black passage in the distance. You know that the time is not yet ripe, so you step into the temporary passage of the Advent Sect...]

[The world spins for a while, and with the tearing feeling caused by crossing the void, you fall into a coma...]

[When you wake up again, you have appeared in a dilapidated room in the valley gathering place, with signs of serious injuries and bandages on your body. 】

[After entering the late stage of Hunyuan Realm, your physical fitness is much stronger. 】

[Although you are still injured, with the talent of "Invincible Xiaoqiang", your injury can be healed within ten days. 】

[Ten days later, you recovered from your injuries and started working in your old job...as a brothel bodyguard. 】

[Relying on the bodyguard's salary and robbing those blind "white prostitutes", you quickly accumulated your first pot of gold. 】

[You use this pot of gold to buy a mansion, set up a formation, and prepare for the next blood seedling competition. 】

[In No. 20, the Blood Seedling Competition will be held as scheduled. 】

[In this blood seedling competition, you killed more than a hundred monks in the Void Return Stage. Although you performed well, you only became a candidate for blood seedlings. 】

[But the spiritual stones and resources accumulated by these monks have also made you a lot of money. 】

[You used these materials to exchange for the flesh and blood essence of many monster beasts in the integration stage. 】

[In the next two and a half years, you will cultivate the Soul Gathering Flower while working hard to improve your body training. 】

[No. 30 One year, your cultivation has finally reached the late seventh level of Hunyuan Realm. 】

[So you found Song Laosi and prepared to exchange for the "Mysterious Body Pill" needed to break through the realm. 】

[You exchanged the Mysterious Body Pill and other needed resources from Song Laosi. 】

[Immediately afterwards, you begin to prepare for the cultivation sprint at the eighth level of Hunyuan Realm...]

[One month later, you successfully broke through and became an eighth-level Hunyuan realm monk! 】

[At this time, your pure physical strength, as well as the power of nearly seven and a half mountains, has exceeded the upper limit of ordinary Hunyuan Realm Dzogchen monks. 】

[Everything is as you planned. 】

[No.30 In the second year, the new blood seedling competition will be held as scheduled. 】

[Based on the principle that one more day is worth living, you still maintain your status as a blood vaccine candidate. 】

[After this competition, Song Laosi became a blood seedling, and the new businessman Xue Song Laowu took his place. 】

[You are secretly wary of Song Laowu, knowing that he is engaged in a shady business. 】

[You cannot sneak out of the valley via Song Laowu, so you want to find other ways. 】

[You secretly observe the monks in the valley, hoping to find someone with a way to leave the valley. 】

[The remaining four hundred spirit-gathering flowers in your storage ring are your greatest support. 】

[No.30 In four years, you have been searching hard in the valley for two years, memorizing every figure of the monk who came in and out. 】

[But you find out helplessly that after all the monks enter this valley, they have no reason to leave. 】

[If you want to leave, there is only one way, and that is to become a blood seedling and leave the valley! 】

[At this time, there is less than half a year before the blood seedling competition is held, and you know that you will definitely die in half a year. 】

[So you plan to give it a try...]

[You spent two hundred spirit-gathering flowers in exchange for some treasures from Song Laowu that enhance your combat power. 】

[A sword-type magic weapon close to the level of a spiritual sword, several eighth-level talismans that can trap fusion or even Mahayana monks, and some other auxiliary items. 】

[After completing these preparations, you will adjust your strength to its peak. 】

[Since you will die in half a year, why not give it a try...]

[You are ready to force your way out of the valley! 】

(End of this chapter)

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