Chapter 243: Defeating the Demon Saint, postponed for ten years! (7k big chapter, please vote for me~)

In the real world, Su Xing looked at the simulated text in front of him with some expectation in his heart.

"Finally...are we going to fight that demon saint?"

It is conceivable that after defeating the Demon Saint, the simulation time will be further extended.

"I want to see, who is stronger or weaker, the demon saint strongman or the Mahayana monk?"

"Although I am currently quite strong, I lack some actual combat experience... Maybe I can do some immersive simulation to increase my experience against powerful enemies!"

Thinking of this, Su Xing silently said:

"Using the immersive simulation function, the duration is 3 days...the remaining energy is 2 million points."

When the beep fell, Su Xing's vision changed, and then he appeared in the Demon Suppression Pass.

Thousands of meters above the ground, beneath your feet is an endless expanse of blood-red land.

A red moon loomed in the sky, turning the sky into a bloody color.

A huge, bottomless ravine that winds for dozens of miles stretches across the earth, isolating countless monsters from the army.

"Those who cross this boundary will die!"

A voice echoed in the air, spinning endlessly.

Su Xing squinted his eyes, scanning the army of monsters below, and finally looked at the double-eyed demon saint standing in front of the army of thousands of monsters.

"Haha, you're just a human race, but your tone is quite serious!"

The double-eyed demon saint also looked at Su Xing, weighed it up and said:

"You're not bad. You look better than the old man before. I wonder how many moves you can take on from me?"

From Su Xing's body, the demon saint felt a faint threat.

After all, Su Xing's current life aura has surpassed the level of the Great Emperor, but is still below the level of the Demon Saint.

The demon saint waved his hand, and the army of demon beasts below moved forward again, trying to cross the abyss ravine created by the awakening.

Su Xing snorted coldly when he saw this, then held the sword with one hand and swung a thousand-foot-long sword energy.

The sword energy poured into the army of monsters, and in an instant, tens of thousands of monsters were killed.

The endless army of monsters immediately became discouraged and did not dare to cross the abyss again.

The double-eyed demon saint looked at the sword in Su Xing's hand with an expression of interest.

"You are very good. With just this sword, you are qualified to be my opponent!"

Su Xing frowned slightly after hearing this. He didn't know how powerful this Demon Saint was, but his ability to show off was really good.

After snorting coldly, Su Xing took the lead and shot out three thousand-foot-long sword energy, flying towards the Demon Saint one after another.

However, he saw that the face of the demon saint with double eyes did not change his expression. He formed seals with his hands and transformed into a golden shield, trying to block the three sword energies.

"Boom boom boom!"

The sword energy collided with the golden shield, causing huge fluctuations in the air. In an instant, the wind blew wildly, and the scattered sword energy turned into thousands and flew towards the army of monsters below.

In just a blink of an eye, thousands more monsters died under the aftermath of the sword energy.

The golden shield in front of the demon saint also cracked like a spider web, unable to withstand the three sword energy wielded by Su Xing.

The aftermath of the sword energy rushed towards the Demon Saint.

A strange color flashed across Su Xing's face when he saw this.

"This demon saint... doesn't seem to be as strong as expected? Although he is also proficient in magic, the defensive power of this golden shield is probably only at the level of perfect integration..."

However, the next scene changed Su Xing's view.

I saw the remaining sword light slashing towards the demon saint. This is the sword light that contains the true meaning of the sword. Even if the monk is fully integrated, he must temporarily avoid the sharp edge.

However, the Demon Saint just stretched out his hand and waved away the remaining sword light.

The sword light changed direction, flew dozens of miles, and chopped down two mountains before finally running out of energy.

Su Xing saw a flash of surprise in his eyes.

"I see... Although this demon saint is not good at magic, his physical strength is surprisingly strong!"

What Su Xing saw clearly just now was that the demon saint absolutely did not use any defensive means. He just relied on his pure body to scatter Su Xing's sword energy.

With such terrifying physical power, not even a Dzogchen monk in the Hunyuan Realm can achieve it.

"Just looking at this physical body, I'm afraid it has reached the middle stage of the Great Body Refining Realm!"

Su Xing estimated that this double-eyed demon saint should be in the middle stage of demon saint. He has physical strength comparable to the middle stage of Dacheng realm, and has some strange abilities. In addition to magic, it is comparable to the perfect integration stage.

"It's really not bad... This double-eyed demon saint probably enjoys a very high status among the demon clan. Maybe he comes from a certain royal family?"

Wake up thinking.

At the same time, the Demon Saint, who was thousands of meters away from Su Xing, suddenly disappeared and appeared behind Su Xing in the next moment.

"Tsk tsk, that sword strike just now was interesting, now it's my turn..."

After saying that, the Demon Saint made claw-like hands and attacked Su Xing.

Thanks to Su Xing's outstanding consciousness, he reacted quickly and immediately put up the body-protecting Gangqi and Yuanli armor in front of him!

With one blow, Su Xing flew backwards for dozens of miles and hit a barren mountain like a cannonball.

The huge mountains broke apart with a sound, and the corners of the Demon Saint's mouth slightly raised, seemingly satisfied with his victory.

However, there was no time to be happy for a while.

Between the collapsed rocks, a stream of light was seen flashing past, rushing towards the Double-Eyed Demon Saint at an astonishing speed.

"The speed is good...but the strength is a bit lacking!"

I saw Su Xing reappearing in front of Demon Saint, wiping the slight blood on the corner of his mouth, and then waved his hand and punched out!
The Hunyuan realm is complete, the power of ten mountains!

Coupled with the double blessing of Yuanli and the origin of power, the power of Su Xing's punch has reached the sky.

The hair on the hair of the Double-Eyed Demon Saint suddenly stood up, knowing that this punch had completely reached the level of a Demon Saint!

But after all, he is also a dignified demon saint, and millions of demon clans below are watching, so naturally he can't hide his face to avoid him.

So the Demon Saint also punched out, and in this punch, he also had the understanding of the origin of power!

"Sure enough, the powerful Demon Saint has also understood the power of the source..."

Su Xing's heart moved, and he did not dodge or dodge, wanting to see who was stronger and weaker between him and the Demon Saint.

This punch blasted out, and the terrifying air wave caused the ground to lift up a hundred meters of dust, and the earth began to crack... The mountains within a hundred miles collapsed.

In the army of monsters below, more than half of the monsters below the master level were destroyed, and they all died suddenly.

But dozens of miles away, an invisible shield rose up from the Demon Suppressing Gate, firmly blocking the aftermath of the battle.

One person and one demon, fighting in opposite directions, the terrain underwent a complete transformation wherever they fought.

In the end, one person and one demon fought against each other, and the results were evenly matched.

In terms of pure physical strength, the Demon Saint with Double Eyes is still slightly better than Su Xing.

But Su Xing has the blessing of Yuanli, and his power is higher than that of the Demon Saint with Double Eyes.

The Demon Saint with Double Eyes has a slightly deeper understanding of the origin of power than Su Xing.

So with this punch, the two of them won't win or lose.

"Hahaha, have fun! Come again, come again!"

The demon saint with double eyes was like a war demon, excitement flashed across his face, and then he roared and continued to fight Su Xing closely.

Su Xing was naturally not afraid, so he saw two terrifying "monsters" fighting all the way up in the sky for eight thousand miles.

Wherever it passes, the aftermath of the battle destroys almost any life.

In the blink of an eye, a day and a night passed...

During the battle with the Demon Saint, Su Xing realized a lot.

Gang is still a little dwarfed by comparison, after all, Su Xing lacks the experience of fighting against strong men of the same level.

But as the battle progressed, Su Xing became more and more enthusiastic. The 20 years of fighting experience gained in the Demon Suppression Pass made Su Xing's pure fighting skills no less than that of the Demon Saint.

On the first day, Su Xing used pure physical power to fight the Demon Saint hand to hand.

Su Xing was at a disadvantage, but the fight was still coming and going.

But Su Xing keenly discovered that this Double-Eyed Demon Saint seemed to have even more powerful power, which he had never used.

The next day, Su Xing no longer held back and used sword skills to defend against the enemy.

The protective Gang Qi outside the body is used for defense. Wherever the sword light reaches, the true meaning of the sword sweeps away.

The Demon Saint with Double Eyes suddenly felt the pressure increase and was forced to use the Demon Saint's true form!

This Double-Eyed Demon Saint is a four-legged creature thousands of feet tall, resembling an ox or a tiger, but it is indescribable, covered in armor-like skin.

After displaying the demon saint's true form, the obvious strength, speed and defense were nearly doubled.

At first, Su Xing was really uncomfortable.

But as the battle continued, Su Xing's hand became hotter and hotter, and the sword light pointed at Demon Shengzhen's body, leaving a broken wound.

It wasn't until the third day that Su Xing finally gained the absolute upper hand with the true meaning of his sword.

As the demon saint's injuries worsened, his strength gradually declined.

The most thrilling time was when Su Xing almost killed the double-eyed demon saint.

" it time to end this battle?"

Su Xing held the spiritual sword Mo Bing in his hand, adjusted his breathing, and looked at the strange mountain-like beast in the distance.

Then, a sword was swung out, and the sword energy hit the demon saint's neck directly.

After a flash of sword light, a deep bone-deep wound was made on the demon saint's neck, and then the blood spilled onto the ground and turned into a small lake.

After a successful blow, Su Xing was preparing to pursue the victory. He was holding a spiritual sword and was about to activate the Heavenly Sword Art to give the Demon Saint the final blow.

But at the critical moment, Su Xing's heart was beating wildly, and he seemed to sense something and quickly stopped.

I saw a golden light the size of a fist flashing above the demon saint's true body, scattering in all directions, making the earth tremble.

"This... seems to be a very powerful magic weapon!?"

Su Xing took a deep breath. Because of the golden light, Su Xing couldn't see clearly, but he could sense an extreme threat from it.

But within this moment, a space crack suddenly appeared in the air, and the demon saint quickly transformed into a human form, got into the crack, and fled.

When Su Xing saw this, he was stunned for a moment, and then he came to his senses.

"This demon saint... ran away!?"

Su Xing looked at the army of monster beasts in the distance where the remaining legendary monster beasts had been killed... and the demon emperor.

They are all messed up in the wind.

Su Xing showed a strange look, and then waved his sword energy to slaughter the monsters below...

Three days passed in the blink of an eye, the immersive simulation ended, and I woke up and returned to the real world.


"This demon saint... seems to have an extraordinary origin!"

Su Xing touched his chin and muttered.

The magic weapon on this demon saint seems to be able to break through space and escape to a certain area.

Most likely, it was the elders of the Double-Eyed Demon Saint who gave him a life-saving trump card.

"What a pity...I almost killed him!"

Su Xing shook his head.

"But it's good to drive away the Demon Saint... Next, we can see how long the Demon Suppression Pass can continue to exist?"

Su Xing looked at the simulation panel.

[You fought against the Double-eyed Demon Saint for three days and three nights, and finally defeated him with a slight advantage. 】

[I thought I could kill the Demon Saint with my own hands, but he used a magic weapon to escape. 】

[However, this does not affect the defeat of the monster army. In the next few months, you encircled and suppressed the monster army and successfully defended the Demon Suppression Pass. 】

[At this time, you don’t know when the next wave of demon clan’s offensive will arrive. 】

[But you don’t intend to waste this precious time, you start to study the Bagua fortune-telling technique and national fortune. 】

[In No. 20, your understanding of the National Destiny Chapter has already begun. You can use the Heavenly Secret Shielding Technique to shield a mountain. People who are lower than you in cultivation will not even be able to sense the mountain when they pass by. 】

[At the same time, you can also predict the future fate of a city, but you need to consume life span. 】

[There has been no sign of the demon army gathering, so you continue to practice the Bagua arithmetic unhurriedly. 】

[In this way, five years have passed. 】

[No. 30 In the fourth year, your understanding of Bagua arithmetic has become increasingly profound. At the same time, even if you have not practiced independently, your Qi refining cultivation has reached the second stage of the integration stage. 】

[Over the years, you have still maintained contact with Xue San. Xue San does not seem to know that you have betrayed the Advent Cult. 】【At the same time, you also pretended to be worried, saying that the Blue Star human race had an extra mid-integration monk, and asked about the blood three solution. 】

[In this regard, the blood three just means that you don't need to panic. A mere Mahayana monk can't make waves, and someone will come to deal with it soon. 】

[You are surprised by this, but your heart is a little heavy. As you guessed, the aliens will not easily give up attacking Blue Star and defeating the Demon Saint. More powerful enemies will come in the future. 】

[But all you can do is practice harder and improve your strength bit by bit. 】

[So, another four years have passed...]

[No.30 At the beginning of the eighth year, your Qi refining realm was upgraded to the third level of the integration stage. 】

[In the same year, your understanding of the Eight Trigrams and National Fortune Chapter was only one step away from success. 】

[One day, you have a feeling in your heart and predict the fate of Demon Suppression Pass and the human race. 】

[After spending a hundred years of life, you calculated that the human race and the Demon Suppressing Pass will be in disaster. Within half a year, the Demon Suppressing Pass will be destroyed. 】

[And if you stay in the Demon Suppression Pass, you will be dead. 】

[After some hesitation, you left the Demon Suppression Pass and returned to Blue Star. 】

[Because you have more important things to do, which is to try to explore the path after the completion of body refining. 】

[Three months later, you received the news that the Demon Suppression Pass was destroyed. 】

[The Demon Saint with Double Eyes has returned, and with him, there is an existence that far surpasses the Demon Saint...]

[You have a guess, maybe it will be a god-level demon clan, comparable to the realm of immortals! 】

[On Blue Star, you have escaped for the time being. 】

[A few months later, the giant beast came and swallowed the entire Blue Star in one bite. 】

[You entered the belly of the giant beast and began to look for opportunities to break through to the realm of body refining. 】

[According to your information, you know that the body refining process can only be achieved by breaking the limit further. 】

[And for you, the best place to break the limit is undoubtedly the belly of the giant beast, the more powerful thunder area. 】

[This time, you did not hesitate and went to the large thunder area...]

[You prop up the protective aura and fully open your own defense, hoping to withstand the source of thunder in the large thunder area. 】

[However, the destructive power of this thunder still exceeds your limit. 】

[You tried your best to block a terrifying thunderbolt, but your soul was completely destroyed in the next thunderbolt...]

【you are dead! 】

[Ding, this simulation is over...]

After the simulation ended, Su Xing breathed a long sigh of relief.

"Although the Demon Saint was not killed... but the simulation time was extended for ten years. This wave has made a lot of money!"

For Awakening, simulation time is the most valuable treasure!

In ten more years, Su Xing will be able to improve more cultivation and practice more spells.

"But... the next level, the Great Body Refining... seems to be harder to break through than I thought!"

Su Xing frowned.

For ordinary Dzogchen monks in the Hunyuan Realm, breaking the limit may not be that difficult.

But for Su Xing, the potential and combat power are far beyond the same level, so it is more difficult to break the limit.

The only place that Su Xing knows that can break the limit is the thunder area in the belly of the giant beast.

However, the large thunder area is still too difficult for the current awakening.

"The origin of thunder contained in the large thunder area is probably even more terrifying. If I can break the limit there, I should be able to take the body of thunder one step further and even understand the origin of thunder!"

"However... after the Hunyuan Realm is completed, my physical body will be unable to enter. If I want to exist in the large thunder area, I can only use the body-protecting gas to go further..."

Fortunately, Su Xing now has a clue. Combining the Sword Gang and the Body Protecting Gang Qi, he may be able to create a new magical power.

"Let's take a look at the rewards of this simulation first..."

Su Xing looked at the reward list.

[Voice of Van Gogh]: Purple talent, priced at 100 million points of energy.

[20 years of alchemy experience]: After redemption, the existing alchemy insights will increase slightly, and the price is 1000 million energy.

[Perfect Cultivation in the Hunyuan Realm]: Break through the Hunyuan Realm, break the illusion, move the body and strength to a new level, and the best in the Hunyuan Realm can briefly cross the void.The price is 10 billion energy.

[Bagua Fortune-telling Technique·Complete the Human Luck Chapter and Introduction to the National Luck Chapter]: The top-level secret technique of the heavenly level was created by a Taoist from Yiyoufang. The technique is close to Taoism. It gives a glimpse of the essence of the great road of destiny and is close to Taoism.The Human Luck Chapter can predict good or bad fortunes and avoid dangers, and the National Luck Chapter can predict the fortune of a place, a country, or a world. If you practice both, you can hopefully see the road of destiny... Priced at 5 million energy.

Su Xing's eyes fell on the last reward, and then a strange look flashed in his eyes.

"Bagua arithmetic... two masters of learning, can you get a glimpse of the road of destiny!?"

Su Xing took a breath.

The Avenue of Destiny is one of the three thousand avenues!
And it’s the top avenue!
Together with the avenues of cause and effect, time, space, etc., it is also the most special avenue.

If you are a monk, you can understand the road of destiny and practice it to the highest depths, which is enough to become a giant in the three thousand worlds.

"It seems... Bagua arithmetic may have greater potential to be tapped..."

Su Xing nodded slightly.

"But this time, if you want to bring out the body refining skills and Bagua arithmetic, you will need 15 billion energy, which is not enough for the time being..."

Su Xing glanced at the time and realized that Lu Yuanwu had been waiting for a long time.

So Su Xing began to disguise himself and calm down, and went to the agreed place to trade with Lu Yuanwu.

The transaction went as usual without any surprises.

Su Xing exchanged the newly traded one thousand tons of third-level exotic metals for 20 billion simulated energy and returned to Lingtian Cave.

"There are only [-] Yuan Yang Pills left in my hand. It seems I have to simulate it once and bring out more pills!"

"In addition, the combination of the body-protecting Gang Qi and the Sword Gang... and the improvement of the cultivation level during the integration period must also start as soon as possible!"

Su Xing planned for a while, then silently said:
"Bring out the Dzogchen cultivation of the Hunyuan Realm and the Bagua arithmetic skills!"

[You successfully brought out the Hunyuan Realm and perfected your cultivation, spending 10 billion points of energy and leaving 12 million points of remaining energy. 】

[You successfully brought out the Bagua arithmetic... It cost 5 million energy, and the remaining energy was 7 million points. 】

The simulator beep sounded, and two mysterious energies surged into the awakening body.

First, there is the surge in awakening cultivation and momentum.

The eighth level of the Hunyuan Realm...the ninth level of the Hunyuan Realm...the Hunyuan Realm is complete!

In just a moment, Su Xing's cultivation reached two steps.

Su Xing closed his eyes and adjusted his breath. After a long time, he got used to the power of his heart, and excitement flashed in his eyes.

"The Great Perfection of the Hunyuan Realm...the power of ten mountains!"

This is a combat power that far exceeds that of the ordinary Hunyuan realm. After reaching the power of ten mountains, combined with the Heavenly Sword Art, even a middle-stage Mahayana monk, Su Xing, dares to fight head-on!
After realizing the increase in cultivation, Su Xing began to digest the new memories in his mind.

At this moment, Su Xing's understanding of the art of divination rapidly improved!
The art of divination is naturally one of the hundreds of arts of cultivating immortality!

Among them, the end of the divination is the mysterious theory of cause and effect and destiny.

In the vast world, powerful monks who have attained Daluo may not be proficient in the ways of cause and effect and destiny.

But the monks who can comprehend these two paths are all powerful and powerful.

Continuous fragments flashed through his mind, and the comprehension of Bagua arithmetic was slightly more difficult than Su Xing had imagined.

After a while, Su Xing slowly opened his eyes, a look of wonder flashed in his eyes.

"The Eight Trigrams Fortune Telling Technique... This is also the top technique in divination!"

"After completing the Human Luck Chapter, I can use the Bagua fortune-telling technique to block the secrets of heaven. As long as my cultivation level is not higher than my two realms, I won't be able to sense it..."

"I am currently in the early stage of integration... This means that even a strong person in the Human Immortal Realm will not be able to sense my cultivation!"

Su Xing is quite satisfied with the effect of Bagua arithmetic.

"If I learn the National Destiny Chapter, will I be able to shield myself from the cave heaven, so that monks who are higher than me will not be able to sense the existence of the cave heaven?"

Wake up thinking.

The previous simulated blood three easily sensed the awakening Lingtian Cave.

For this reason, Su Xing had to transplant the Soul-Gathering Flower into the ruins of Wanmu Sect to prevent it from being discovered.

But if he fully understands the Bagua arithmetic technique, Su Xing may not have to worry about the discovery of Lingtian Cave...

"But for now, we still have to keep working hard on liver energy!"

Su Xing sighed, and then started a new week of puppet refining.

As the puppet skills become more and more sophisticated, Su Xing has refined four more puppets this week. In this way, Su Xing has a total of 25 pill puppets!

Every week, it can provide 1 Bigu Pills to Su Xing!
Su Xing looked at the puppet in front of him and murmured:
"As my puppet skills become more and more refined, maybe I can improve the pill puppet in the future and refine more advanced pills...such as the Marrow Cleansing Pill?"

Su Xing touched his chin and thought of this.

Time came to February 2025, 2, and the day came when Su Xing and Jin Congxue met.

Su Xing disguised himself and calmed down, and came to the villa.

"These are [-] newly refined Bigu Pills... Take these pills and purchase a foreign metal mining area. Is that okay?"

Su Xing handed over a storage ring.

Hearing this, Jin Congxue took the elixir, nodded and said:

"Counting this batch, Daxia's military should already have more than [-] Bigu Pills... But this thing is a necessity, and the military naturally wants to hoard it."

"But I estimate that the Daxia military has stockpiled enough Bigu Pills to be consumed in the next 20 years, and they will not continue to stockpile them..."

Su Xing nodded slightly after hearing this, not surprised by this.

To awaken the Bigu Pills required for 20 years, it would take 70 to [-] pills to be refined.

This means that more than a dozen second-level exotic metal mining areas can be brought to Xingxing.

At least within the next six months, Su Xing will have to refine an army of puppets.

Moreover, Dan Puppet can not only refine one type of elixir, so it is not a waste.

Su Xing looked at Jin Congxue in front of him, and suddenly he had an idea and was ready to help him make a fortune.

"This girl is going to be promoted to the Heavenly King level in a few months. I wonder if she can succeed..."

Su Xing counted with his fingers and vaguely saw transparent lines passing through.

After a while, Su Xing showed a strange look on his face.

"The result of the hexagram... half good and half bad?"

Su Xing frowned slightly and made more detailed calculations.

With the strength gap between Su Xing and Jin Congxue, Su Xing naturally doesn't have to pay any price.

After a while, Su Xing got the detailed hexagram results.

Encountered an accident and failed to advance to the Heavenly King level, but there was no fear of life...

Obviously, this is not what Su Xing wants to see.

"A mere heavenly king-level boss... when the time comes, I will refine two fifth-level talismans to defend Sister Xue..."

Wake up and raise this thought, and then make a divination.

Sure enough, the hexagram changed from a mixture of good and bad luck to a good one.

This means that Jin Congxue can successfully complete the promotion task and be promoted to the King level.

"Looking at it this way, the hexagrams and the future... are not static... A powerful monk can easily change the future trajectory of the weak!"

Su Xing sighed softly.

I even feel that in this world, strong cultivation is the foundation!
After the meal, I woke up and returned to Lingtian Cave.

In the new week of goods exchange, another [-] million energy was recorded.

Looking at the simulation opportunity that had finished cooling down, Su Xing muttered silently:
"Start the simulation!"

【Ding!This simulation consumes 7500 energy points, with 10 million remaining energy points and no remaining simulation times. 】

【The simulation starts! 】

[It costs 10 energy points to extract purple talents, and 100 million energy points to extract golden legendary talents. Do you want to extract them? 】

"Damn, then we have to extract golden quality talents! Isn't it the time to do it now!?"

Su Xing said decisively.

[Ding, congratulations on getting the golden talent "Giving Rose", the guaranteed probability is cleared, and the probability of getting the golden talent next time is 10%...]

(There will be another update during the day tomorrow~ I’m a little dizzy as I write this, good night everyone~ By the way, I’m asking for monthly votes~ After reaching 100 monthly votes, it will continue to be [-] monthly votes next month, and for every additional [-] monthly votes, an additional chapter will be added! There will be more updates in the future There is a mark for easy repayment ~ there is no charge for this section)
(End of this chapter)

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