Others practice leveling, I cultivate immortality, go out to Mahayana before leaving the mountain

Chapter 244 The golden talent involving cause and effect, giving roses to others!

Chapter 244 The golden talent involving cause and effect, giving roses to others! (Second update, please vote for me~)

"I got the golden talent!"

Su Xing's heart moved and he looked at the talent introduction.

[Giving Rose]: With golden talents, you can choose talents you don’t need (including those you have drawn), force them to be given to a certain target, and forcibly have a causal relationship with the other person.Gifts of roses, hand a fragrance.

Su Xing saw the newly drawn talent and fell into deep thought.

"Forcibly giving your talent to the target...is this really a golden talent?"

At first glance, Su Xing felt that this talent was of no use to him at all.

But soon after waking up, he thought of the two strange talents he had drawn, "Humanoid Nuclear Bomb" and "I can't be unlucky alone"!
"If you give these two talents to the target, it seems a bit confusing!"

Wake up thinking.

"Other than that, some talents that are of some use...but are useless to me, might also be given to people close to me? For example, the body-refining talent...the spiritual root talent?"

Su Xing touched his chin.

But what really interests Su Xing is the sentence "forcing a causal relationship with the target" in the talent introduction.

When it comes to cause and effect, it is mysterious and mysterious.

At present, Su Xing only knows the way of divination, but he has not been able to get a glimpse of the road of cause and effect.

But Su Xing also knows that when it comes to cause and effect, there must be an effect if there is a cause.

If Su Xing gives a gift to the target, it means that the target person will owe Su Xing a "karma".

At some point in the future, the other party will have to repay this cause and effect, whether he likes it or not.

In addition, when Su Xing performs divination, if the divination target and Su Xing are causally contaminated, the divination results will be more accurate...

"It seems... this seems to be a good talent!"

Su Xing estimated that this should be a kind of auxiliary talent, and it was a golden quality that was finally extracted, so naturally it could not be wasted.

"The specific effect of the talent is not clear... maybe I can try it during simulation?"

Su Xing murmured, looking at the simulation panel.

[In Lingtian Cave, you realize that you are in a simulation. 】

[You left Lingtian Dongtian and went to trade with Lu Yuanwu. The transaction went smoothly without any accidents. 】

[You took the time to visit Jin Congxue. 】

[You try to give your former talent, the true spiritual root of wood and fire, to Jin Congxue. 】

[You succeeded. You sensed that there seemed to be weak changes in Jin Congxue's body, which meant that she was able to practice spiritual power and had the qualifications to become an immortal cultivator. 】

[At the same time, you vaguely feel that there is an invisible thread of cause and effect entangled between you and Jin Congxue, and the cause and effect relationship between you and her has become closer. 】

[You have observed it for a few days and found no side effects from this causal relationship. 】

[So you stopped paying attention and went to the Luotian Conference copy as usual. 】


[You have used immersive simulation, and your understanding of the way of puppets has further deepened. 】

[Under the recommendation of Luo Shuying, you joined the Advent Cult. 】

[You become a Dharma protector and have a large group of followers. 】

[In the next two years, you will work hard to refine the elixir. 】

[You used up all the herbs from Advent Sect and refined 25 Yuan Yang Pills and Fu Refining Pills. 】

[You took some time to visit the copy of Luotian Conference. 】

[In the third year, you did not give the elixir to the Daxia military, but planned to keep it for use. 】

[But 25 pills cannot satisfy your appetite. 】

[So you continued to plant the elixir in the Lingtian Cave. With the blessing of the talents of Shennong’s descendants, the elixir matured quickly. 】

[In this way, another three years have passed. 】

[In the sixth year, the Yangyuan grass and Huangxian essence in the spiritual field gradually matured. Every once in a while, you refined more than a thousand elixirs and stored them. 】

[In the seventh year, you designed to remove the leader of the natural faction and replace him. 】

[In the eighth year, you went to the ruins of Wanmu Sect and took out the branch of the innate Fusang Sacred Tree. 】

[In the same year, you killed Long Laogou. 】

[In the next three years, by staying in Advent Cult and refining elixirs every day, the number of elixirs you possess gradually reached 30. 】

[In No. 11, Xue San came to Blue Star. You presented the dark branch and gained the pass and Xue San's trust. 】

In the real world, Su Xing stopped when he saw this.

"This simulation is mainly to get more elixirs, but including this week's goods and one thousand tons of exotic metals, the simulated energy in my hand is only about 30 billion... which is probably enough to exchange for 30 elixirs."

"Any more would be a waste..."

After a pause, Su Xing continued:
"Then the next step is to see whether we should stay on the Blue Star or go to the valley?"

According to the information Su Xing learned, Blue Star may be involved in a huge secret from the past, involving Luo Tian.

And he was targeted by aliens and Blood Moon.

Therefore, unless Su Xing has the strength to deal with the Advent Sect and Blood Moon, Blue Star will definitely be destroyed no matter what.

What Awakening can do is defeat several waves of enemies and temporarily extend Blue Star's time, thereby extending the simulation time.

With Su Xing’s current strength, it can be extended to about the next 40 years at most…

During this period of time, it is enough to wake up and improve several levels of cultivation.

"But this time, if we stay on Blue Star, the outcome will probably be the same as before... If we don't go to the valley in advance, we might be able to find a chance to escape to the Hundred Thousand Mountains!"

Su Xing has now perfected the Bagua arithmetic technique, and has almost completed the National Fortune chapter, so Su Xing is certain that he can escape from Xue 99.

Once he can escape into the core of the Hundred Thousand Mountains, even if the probability is extremely low, he still has hope of escaping!
"In that case, let's go to the Three Thousand Worlds as soon as possible!"

Thinking of this, Xing Xing looked at the simulation panel.

[In year No. 12, your cultivation has reached the peak of the second level of the integration period. 】

[You start taking middle-grade spiritual liquid to practice, and your cultivation is improving rapidly...]

[So, two years have passed. 】

[In No. 14, you exhausted 90 drops of mid-grade spiritual liquid, and your cultivation reached the peak of the third level of the integration period. 】

[You take out another million drops of low-grade spiritual fluid and prepare to break through to the middle stage of integration in one go! 】

[In No. 15, you successfully broke through to the fourth level of integration. 】

[In the same year, you started planning to leave Blue Star. 】

[You first refined the Ling Qi Pill, accumulated a month of great wisdom status bonus, and prepared to use the last time before leaving Blue Star. 】

In the real world, Su Xing saw this and muttered silently:

"Use the immersive simulation feature for 30 days!"

[Ding, you successfully used the immersive simulation function, spent 7200 million energy points, and the remaining energy is 9 million points...]

The simulator beep sounded, and Su Xing appeared in the simulation.At this time, Su Xing held two jade slips in his hands that recorded the refining of talismans, which were also Su Xing's learning goals this time.

A jade slip contains a record titled "Comprehensive Collection of Basic Talisman", which records the talismans of the first to fourth levels, with the highest level of talismans recorded being the fourth level, which is as powerful as a monk in the Nascent Soul stage.

Another jade slip contains the "Complete Collection of Five Elements Talisman". This is a talisman obtained by Su Xing from the ruins of the Five Elements Sect. The highest recorded talisman is the eighth level, which is comparable to the Mahayana period.

"The way of talismans can give weak people the ability to fight across levels... It's always good to learn it!"

Su Xing murmured.

Afterwards, he turned on the Great Wisdom status bonus, took a Spirit-enlightening Pill, woke up and started to learn the basic talismans.

In the blink of an eye, ten days passed.

In just ten days, Su Xing learned all the first to fourth level talismans.

Of course, because of the blessing of Qiling Pill, ten days of enlightenment is equivalent to more than three years!

In addition, he had set up a miniature spirit gathering array before waking up, and had a certain foundation in refining talismans, so he quickly understood the way of talismans.

In the blink of an eye, another 20 days passed, the immersive simulation ended, and I woke up and returned to reality.

Slowly opening his eyes, Su Xing nodded with satisfaction.

"That's right... In just one immersive simulation, I learned how to refine first to fifth level talismans and more than 300 kinds of talismans!"

"Even the sixth-level offensive talismans that are comparable to the attack of the Void-Returning Monk, I have mastered several types!"

Su Xing is still very satisfied with this. 30 days of immersive simulation is equivalent to ten years of painstaking research on the art of talismans.

But in just ten years, he has learned the first to fifth-level talismans, as well as several sixth-level talismans. This speed is not unpleasant!
The reason why it was so fast was firstly because Su Xing had the talent of being a talisman expert, and learning talismans was twice as fast as ordinary people.

The second is that awakening cultivation and spiritual consciousness have reached the threshold for refining eighth-level talismans, so refining these low-level talismans is twice the result with half the effort.

Finally, there is the miniature spirit gathering array that Su Xing has learned before, which involves the art of talismans, so learning it by Su Xing is equivalent to retraining, and the speed is naturally very fast.

"That's right... after you learn how to refine the first to fifth level talismans, you can prepare some for Jin Congxue, Fatty Yu, Wang Qingxuan and the little sister... at least it can save their lives!"

"Of course, the price of these talismans is probably more precious than the elixirs! Maybe I can refine some for sale and earn a lot of needed resources in exchange for energy!"

Su Xing nodded slightly, and the Tao of Talismans on the attribute panel had reached the level of Xiaocheng.

He looked back at the simulation panel.

[You hid five hundred Spirit Gathering Flower seeds and the Qingyun Token in your body, and then went to the killing battlefield, preparing to leave Blue Star. 】

[You walked in the direction of the red moon and finally showed your pass, avoiding a battle with the Killing Messenger and entering a strange space. 】

[Through the void passage, violent spatial fluctuations tear your body apart, and your consciousness gradually passes out. 】

[When you wake up again, you are already in a dilapidated room. 】

[Your belongings are missing, but fortunately, you were only slightly injured and will only need a week to recover successfully. 】

[As your body training becomes more advanced, you will suffer less and less injuries. You estimate that after you complete your body training, you may only have minor injuries, which will not affect your combat effectiveness. 】

[After you recovered from your injury, you began to look for a job in the valley that could earn spiritual stones. 】

[In the end, you still choose to be a brothel escort, because not only does it make money quickly, but the brothel can also get the information you need. 】

[Because you came to the valley earlier this time, there are still two and a half years until the next blood seedling competition. 】

[And the businessmen in the valley at this time are not the Song Laosi and Song Laowu you are familiar with, but an old man named Song Laoer! 】

[You do a little divination and discover that Song Laoer is actually a Mahayana monk with extremely extraordinary cultivation. 】

[You start planning a plan to escape from the valley. 】

[According to your plan, escaping from the valley requires a high-level spiritual sword, so as to ensure that you fight your way out of the valley. 】

[The high-level speed escape talisman is also an indispensable item for you, so as to ensure that you have enough speed to escape to the core of the valley faster. 】

[For all this, you start to accumulate spiritual stones. 】

[With your good cultivation, you robbed several "white prostitutes". After getting the spirit stones from them, you rented a mansion and set up a protective formation. 】

[To be cautious, you only planted two hundred Spirit-Gathering Flowers this time, and the remaining seeds remain in your body. 】

[Two and a half years passed slowly...]

[No.17, the new blood seedling competition officially begins! 】

[In this blood seedling competition, you hid your strength and only showed your cultivation in the middle stage of integration. 】

[Even so, there are hundreds of Void Return stage monks who died in your hands, and even dozens of Fusion stage monks. 】

[With a total score of [-] points, you successfully failed to qualify for the blood seedling competition. 】

[But this is exactly your plan. You take all the monks' storage bags for yourself and sell all the useless things in them. 】

[Gold belt for murder and arson, you quickly accumulated tens of millions of spiritual stones. 】

[This is almost the entire net worth of a Mahayana monk. 】

[You used these spiritual stones to buy a high-grade spiritual sword. The blessings this high-grade spiritual sword gives you are even close to those of the Mo Bingjian. 】

[With it, you can really exert your combat power close to the middle stage of Mahayana! 】

[In the valley, weapons are several times more expensive than outside. This spiritual sword cost you nearly ten million spiritual stones. 】

[You have run out of spirit stones in your hand, so you exchanged things for three eighth-level talismans and five seventh-level talismans at the cost of the spirit-gathering flower. 】

[Just these few talismans have caused you to lose more than 100 spirit-gathering flowers. 】

[You secretly cursed Song Laoer for being too dark-hearted, but you had no choice but to accept it. 】

[Eighth-level talismans, one for attack, one for trap formation, and one for escape speed. 】

[The five seventh-level talismans are all used to increase escape speed. 】

[After switching to some treasures that can increase your combat power, the resources and spiritual stones in your hands are almost exhausted. 】

[But you did not rush to escape from the valley, but continued to observe the guarding forces in the valley. 】

[After your observation, I found that the passage leaving the valley is still defended by Mahayana monks in shifts. 】

[The two weakest guards among them are both in the early stage of Mahayana, which gives you greater hope of escaping from the valley! 】

[But you did not rush to escape from the valley, but continued to stay in the valley, preparing to participate in the next blood seedling competition. 】

[In this way, three years have passed. 】

[In No. 20, you participated in the new blood vaccine competition. In this blood vaccine competition, you performed brilliantly. 】

[You have killed more than 200 Void-Returning monks, and there are nearly a hundred Fusion-stage monks. 】

[You deliberately controlled the points, but these points are not enough to become a blood seedling. 】

[But this huge fortune gave you an extra 3000 to [-] million spiritual stones in an instant. 】

[You are going to use this wealth to make the final purchase. 】

[You bought two eighth-level speed escape talismans, several magic weapons that can hide your body...]

[What makes you most satisfied is that you have purchased an eighth-level breath gathering stone. This stone can be used with Bagua arithmetic to further enhance the effect of shielding one's own heavenly secrets! 】

[After doing all this, you begin to prepare to escape from the valley...]

(Second update, ask for a monthly pass~)

(End of this chapter)

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