Chapter 245: Record-breaking, 50 years of simulated survival! (Ten thousand words, please vote for me~)

In the real world, Su Xing looked at the simulated text in front of him and nodded slightly.

"When the Heavenly Secret Shielding Technique is perfected, it can shield the induction of monks below the Human Immortal Realm..."

"Xue 99's cultivation level, according to previous calculations, should be in the Human Immortal Realm. Even if it cannot be completely shielded, with the help of the breath gathering stone, it should be able to interfere with most of the induction..."

"As long as I fight my way out of the valley and then escape all the way towards the Shiwan Mountain, I might be able to reach the core area!"

In the core area, there are demons and immortals, and even those with blood 99 may not dare to go deep into it.

"With a few seventh- and eighth-level escape talismans in my hand, I am at least [-]% sure that I can escape from the Advent Cult!"

"As for whether you can survive in the [-]-strong mountain... you will only know if you give it a try!"

Su Xing felt a little hopeful and looked at the simulation panel.

[After preparing weapons and magic weapons, you quietly wait for the time for the valley guard monks to change shifts. 】

[Finally, one day, the two early Mahayana guards guarded the passage. They looked relaxed and did not sense your approach at all. 】

[You use the secret shielding technique to shield your luck, and then slowly approach the two guards. 】

[Without any hesitation, you swung your sword and the sword light flashed. One of the Mahayana guards who was caught off guard was killed by your sword and his soul was forced out of his body. 】

[At the same time, you throw out three eighth-level talismans. 】

[One attack and one trap, two talisman golden lights flew towards another early Mahayana monk, trapping him firmly. 】

[The last eighth-level escape talisman, you instantly activated it and rushed towards the exit of the passage. 】

[Proficiently picking up the pass token, you escaped from the valley. 】

[At the same time, the guards in the valley seemed to react. 】

[Without any hesitation, you flew with your sword, turning into a stream of light and escaping deep into the Shiwan Mountain. 】

[Sword control skills, coupled with the speed talisman, it is easy to travel a million miles a day...]

[The Mahayana monks who came to pursue you were thrown far away by you. 】

[You flew with your sword, and in just three days, you escaped 300 million miles, gradually deepening from the outer area of ​​Shiwan Mountain. 】

[At this time, you can already see the existence of monsters above the Mahayana stage in the mountains. 】

[And you have a vague premonition in your heart. You know that other Immortal Realm monks from the Advent Sect are coming to pursue you. 】

[So you didn’t hesitate, turned into a stream of light, and hid deep in the Shiwan Mountain below. 】

[Next, you can only rely on your physical body to travel through mountains and rivers, using these hundreds of thousands of mountains as cover, to have any hope of escaping capture. 】

In the real world, Su Xing breathed a sigh of relief.

"Sure enough, the Advent Cult did not send strong men with blood-lettered numbers to pursue them from the beginning... They probably saw that I was trying to escape into the core of the Hundred Thousand Mountains, so they reacted..."

"Next, it's time to compete with luck and shielding skills!"

Su Xing is not worried about his bad luck. He is a little worried about whether the secret shielding technique can withstand the pursuit of blood 99.

So, look at the simulation panel.

[Escape into the Hundred Thousand Mountains, you obviously feel that the warning from seeking good luck and avoiding disaster is much weaker. With the cover of the mountains and forests, you run towards the depths of the Hundred Thousand Mountains. 】

[There are so many tigers, leopards, and insects in the mountains and forests, and the cultivation of these monsters is not weak. Even you must be careful. 】

[Fortunately, with the help of the talent of seeking good luck and avoiding evil and the method of divination, you can always avoid risks in advance and avoid passing through the territory of high-level monsters. 】

[The speed of traveling on land is far inferior to flying, but you still travel more than 20 miles every day, gradually approaching the core area of ​​Shiwan Mountain. 】

[In this way, half a month has passed. 】

[One day, you were lurking in the mountains and forests as always, eating the wind and drinking the dew. Apart from rushing on the road every day, you used the Bagua arithmetic to hide your location. 】

[Suddenly you feel your heart beating wildly, and you quickly lean down and hide under the trees, taking out the breath gathering stone to further gather your energy. 】

[As expected, there seemed to be Mahayana monks passing by high in the sky, constantly searching the surroundings. Fortunately, they found no trace of you. 】

[After these monks left, you breathed a sigh of relief and continued to rush deeper into the jungle. 】

[In this way, another half month has passed. 】

[Gradually, you feel that there are fewer and fewer monsters around you. Every monster has a strong sense of territory. Monsters that are approaching the stage of transcending tribulation are not uncommon, and even occasionally there is a flash of the aura of a monster. 】

[You know in your heart that after more than a month of trekking through mountains and rivers and traveling thousands of miles, you have finally entered the core area. 】

[After entering the core area of ​​the Shiwan Mountain, you let out a long sigh of relief, but you still dare not let down your guard because you don’t know whether the Adventist Cult will forcibly pursue you into the mountain. 】

[So you kept going day and night, but accelerated your pace, hoping to cross these hundred thousand mountains as soon as possible...]

[In this way, another half month has passed. 】

[One day, you suddenly noticed that there were fluctuations in the fighting skills of powerful monks thousands of miles away from you. 】

[The mountains trembled, and the terrifying energy prevented the monsters in the mountains from lurking out. 】

[Your heart suddenly tightened, guessing that it was probably the cadres of the Adventist Sect who were chasing after you. 】

[So you run forward even more desperately. 】

Su Xing frowned slightly when he saw this.

"The battle between powerful monks and monsters fluctuates..."

"Could it be that the cadres of the Advent Cult are fighting with the monsters in the Hundred Thousand Mountains?"

Su Xing remembered that the Tiger Immortal had said that human monks in the Immortal Realm were not allowed to enter the core area of ​​the Hundred Thousand Mountains.

This seems to be an agreement between the human race and the [-] Mountain Monster Clan?

"I don't know what the final result of the battle will be, but right now, I can only run as far as I can..."

Su Xing sighed and looked at the simulation panel.

[So, three days later...]

[As you are running away frantically, you feel a gust of cold wind blowing from behind. 】

[Then, a terrifying energy instantly locked onto you. 】

[You immediately stop, subconsciously holding up the body-protecting energy, holding the sword in one hand, preparing to defend against the enemy. 】

[A middle-aged man with sallow skin, lean body, and sharp teeth looks at you, with a hint of inquiry in his eyes. 】

[With just one look, you feel a little numb. This man doesn’t seem to be human.]

[You noticed that the man had minor injuries, and he didn’t seem to feel like an Adventist cadre. 】

[As expected, he called himself Tiger Immortal and asked you why you broke into the Hundred Thousand Mountains and why you were chased by Adventist cadres. 】

[You suddenly understand in your heart that in this game between the Adventist Cult cadres and the Hundred Thousand Mountain Demon King, the demon clan should have won. 】

[But the Tiger Immortal is disgusted with you for no reason. He said that if you don't answer honestly, he can hand you over to the Adventist Cult in exchange for a favor. 】

[Look at Tiger Immortal’s serious expression, it seems he is not joking. 】

[So you no longer hesitate, take out the Qingyun Order and hand it over. 】

[You explain that you are a direct disciple of Qingyunzi and were captured by the Advent Sect. If the Tiger Immortal is willing to send you to the Qingyun Sect, you will be rewarded generously! 】

[Tiger Immortal laughed after hearing this, as if he had heard something funny. 】

[He took the token casually and then said that from now on, you will be his slave! 】

[You had no power to resist and were taken to the depths of Shiwan Mountain by the Tiger Immortal...]

"The Qingyun Order was taken away? Could it be that in this Hundred Thousand Mountains, the demon clan and the Qingyun Sect are also hostile forces?"

"But why does he think it's ridiculous... is it because of my emergency treatment?"

Su Xing was confused, but immediately shook his head.

"But the good news is, at least I escaped from the Advent Cult..."

"In Advent Cult, I won't survive the next Blood Seedling Competition...and in the Hundred Thousand Mountains, how long can I survive?"

Su Xing murmured, looking at the simulation panel.

[You were taken to the core area of ​​Shiwanda Mountain by the Tiger Immortal, to a demon stronghold. This demon stronghold is called Hu Xianzhai. 】

[In the monster village, all the people coming and going are monsters, including tiger monsters, leopard monsters, and snake monsters. 】

[There are tens of thousands of demon cultivators coming and going. Those with low cultivation level are close to the cultivators who transform gods and return to the void. There are also many great demons who are comparable to the cultivators who transcend tribulation! 】

[This is simply a demon city where demon cultivators gather! 】

[After being captured by the Tiger Immortal, you lost your freedom and were restrained by the Tiger Immortal. You lost nine out of ten of your cultivation and could only possess the Nascent Soul stage mana. 】

[And what you do every day is actually helping the Tiger Immortal take care of his children...]

[This Tiger Immortal has a son and a daughter, both of whom are hundreds of years old. They have strength comparable to that of a monk in the Void Return Stage, but they are as eccentric as a child and like to listen to stories spread among the human race. 】

[So you can only tell them stories in different ways every day, otherwise if the Tiger Immortal becomes unhappy, your life will be in danger. 】

[In this way, you have lived in Huxian Village for five years...]

[No.20 Five years, in the past five years, you have basically adapted to life in Huxian Village. 】

[What you do every day is to take care of the daily life of Tiger Immortal's son and daughter, and you have become a nanny. 】

[In the past five years, although the Tiger Immortal is still wary of you, for the sake of your good performance, your cultivation has been restored to the stage of becoming a god. 】

[Although you are called a "human slave", you actually have a certain degree of freedom. 】

[And because you come into contact with the children of the Tiger Immortal every day, ordinary demon cultivators don’t have any respect for you. 】

[At the same time, in the past five years, you have also figured out the pattern of Shiwandashan. 】

[According to the information you have obtained, the One Hundred Thousand Mountains is so vast that it occupies almost one-third of the Little Qingyun Realm. 】

[One hundred thousand mountains traverse the east and west, spreading over thousands of miles, dividing the Little Qingyun Realm into two. 】

[At the same time, the demon clan of Shiwanda Mountain is in a hostile relationship with the Qingyun Sect and even all human clan sects. 】

[The reason is that hundreds of thousands of years ago, this world was originally filled with demon cultivators. In the end, the human race invaded, and the demon cultivators in this world were forced to give up most of their territory and could only retreat to defend the Hundred Thousand Mountains. 】

[A few hundred thousand years ago, the main fighting force of the human race came from the Qingyun Sect. 】

[It is also true that the Tiger Immortal and even all the demon clans in the mountains hate the Qingyun Sect monks. 】

[And the valley you were in before is in the southern area outside the Shiwanda Mountains. If you want to reach Qingyun City, you need to pass through the entire Shiwandashan Mountains and then trek through mountains and rivers to reach it. 】

[Even if you recover your cultivation, you will still need to run day and night for a year before you can cross the Hundred Thousand Mountains. 】

[What's more, your cultivation is now blocked and you stay under the eyes of the Tiger Immortal every day, so you have naturally given up any plans to escape. 】

[At the same time, in the past five years, you have basically figured out the famous demon cultivators in Shiwan Mountain. 】

[There are a total of 36 famous demon kings in the Hundred Thousand Mountains, and each one has strength comparable to that of a monk in the Earthly Immortal Realm! 】

[And the Tiger Immortal who enslaves you is one of the 36 Demon Kings of the Earthly Immortal Realm...]

[And it is rumored that above the earthly immortals, there are several demon kings who are comparable to heavenly immortals in the Hundred Thousand Mountains... and the Lord of the Hundred Thousand Mountains... a powerful demon cultivator who is rumored to have killed a true immortal! 】

[In the Hundred Thousand Mountains, most demon cultivators hate human monks and want to eat meat and drink blood. However, the son and daughter of the Tiger Immortal are very interested in the deeds of the human race. Therefore, occasionally the Tiger Immortal will capture the human monks and serve as the "two young masters and princesses". ” playmate. 】

[In the past five years, no fewer than ten human companions have been killed by two little tigers. Only you, with your extraordinary wisdom and interesting stories, are not only not in danger of life, but can occasionally be rewarded with spiritual fruits. After taking it, my Qi refining cultivation actually improved. 】

[Although your life is safe for the time being in Huxian Village, if it continues like this, it will be no different from death. 】

[During this period, you also tried to escape from the demon village, but whenever you had this intention, the terrifying Qi of the Tiger Immortal would be locked on you, leaving you with no possibility of escaping. 】

[No. 20, you feel that if this continues, it is no different from death. 】

[So you seek to see the Tiger Immortal. 】

[After meeting the Tiger Immortal, you took out the Spirit-Gathering Flower seeds from your body in front of him. 】

[You tell the Tiger Immortal that the most critical reason why you are being hunted by the Advent Cult is this Seed of the Spirit-Gathering Flower. 】

[After the Tiger Immortal heard that this was the seed of the Soul-Gathering Flower, he showed a look of interest. 】

[But at the same time, he also said that a mere bag of seeds was not enough to make him very interested. 】

[After all, it is too difficult to cultivate a Soul-Gathering Flower. It takes decades to cultivate a Soul-Gathering Flower, and the survival rate is no more than [-]%. 】

[In the eyes of the Tiger Immortal, your bag of seeds is nothing more than a few dozen spirit-gathering flowers. 】

[Facing the Tiger Immortal’s randomness, you unleashed a big move. 】

[You said that you are extremely good at cultivating spiritual plants. In your hands, this Spirit-Gathering Flower will mature in just ten years, and the survival rate can be guaranteed to be above [-]%! 】

[In addition, you can continue to breed more Soul-Gathering Flowers...]

[After hearing your words, the Tiger Immortal took it seriously. 】

[If you go by what you said, within a hundred years, you might be able to cultivate tens of thousands of spirit-gathering flowers for Huxian Village... This number is enough to make earthly immortals and even heavenly immortal monks jealous! 】

[So the Tiger Immortal said that if you are willing to plant the Soul-Gathering Flower for him for a hundred years, he is willing to let you live. 】

[To show his sincerity, he untied the shackles of your cultivation and returned your storage bag to its original owner. 】

[In this way, you are no longer the nanny of the Tiger Immortal, but have become a flower farmer specializing in growing Soul-Gathering Flowers. 】

[No. 20, you chose a geomantic treasure land in Huxian Village, arranged the corresponding isolation formation, built a hut, and planted spirit-gathering flowers. 】

[With the talent of the descendants of Shennong, you can fully mature these three hundred spirit-gathering flowers within three years. 】

[But you didn’t do this, but cultivated slowly. 】

[Five years have passed like this...]

[No.30 In the second year, in the past five years, the Tiger Immortal saw that you performed well, so he greatly improved your status in the Demon Village. 】

[You have become the steward of elixirs under the Tiger Immortal, planting spirit-gathering flowers and various resources specifically for him. 】

[Because the 36 demon kings often fight for territory and treasures, demons and beasts often die. 】

[Tiger Immortal does not reject the flesh and blood of monster-eating beasts. He will even occasionally reward you with the essence of flesh and blood of monsters in the tribulation period for your cultivation needs. 】

[Unfortunately, your cultivation level has reached the complete state of Hunyuan Realm. Even if you take the essence of the demon beast in the Tribulation Stage, you can't break through. 】

[On the contrary, the spiritual stones that are occasionally rewarded to you make your cultivation more and more advanced. Although your cultivation is still at the fourth level of integration, it is much better than before. 】

[In the blink of an eye, another five years have passed...]

[No.30 In seven years, you secretly hid 150 of the 150 spirit-gathering flowers that were planted, and gave the remaining [-] to the Tiger Immortal. 】

[Tiger Immortal was overjoyed when he saw this. Three hundred Soul Gathering Flower seeds, an average survival rate, this is already astonishing to the heavens! 】

[It should be noted that there is a lack of spiritual energy in Shiwan Mountain. Although the spiritual energy in Huxian Village is higher than that of ordinary areas, it has not yet reached the level of a blessed land...]

[If you keep planting Soul-Gathering Flowers and produce tens of thousands of them, maybe Huxian Village can be completely transformed into a blessed land! 】

[By then, with this abundant spiritual energy, the cultivation speed of Tiger Immortal and the other demon cultivators in the walled city will definitely increase greatly! 】

[Because of this, the Tiger Immortal is more friendly towards you. 】

[He will occasionally reward you with some spiritual liquid and spiritual fruits to slowly increase your Qi refining cultivation. 】

[Although your physical training has not improved, you are not disappointed. You just want to see how long you can survive in this simulation. 】

[So you plant Soul-Gathering Flowers every day and occasionally inquire about information about the demon clan. In the blink of an eye, another eight years have passed. 】

[No.40 Five years ago, your cultivation is still at the fourth level of the integration stage. 】

[But in recent years, as the battles between the demon kings have become more and more intense, you have also found that the tiger immortal has become more and more irritable, and often even returns seriously injured. 】

[And then, the number of demon cultivators in Huxian Village became smaller and smaller, either dying in battle or defecting...]

[You are shocked and have a premonition that maybe the banner of Tiger Immortal will not exist for long...]

[So, another five years have passed...]

[Year, after a great battle, the Tiger Immortal returned seriously injured, and his cultivation fell to the realm of human immortals...]

[Soon after, several demon kings launched an attack on Huxian Village at the same time, and Nuo Da’s Huxian Village was destroyed. 】

[Two little tigers were also killed by the enemy demon cultivator. 】

[You were in the middle of the war and wanted to escape, but a demon cultivator from the Human Immortal Realm targeted you. These demon cultivators obviously hate the human race. 】

[The demon cultivator from the Human Immortal Realm killed you...and swallowed your flesh, blood and soul...]

【you are dead! 】

【Ding, this simulation is over! 】

After the simulation ended, Su Xing sighed.

"Unexpectedly, hiding in this 50-yuan mountain actually broke the record of survival time... I actually simulated it for [-] years!"

"If the Tiger Immortal had not died, I might be able to simulate it for a longer time..."

After a pause, Su Xing sighed:

"It's a pity that my body refining cultivation has reached the perfection of Hunyuan Realm and there is no way to advance. Otherwise, with the essence of these high-level monster flesh and blood, I am afraid that my cultivation level can at least be raised to one or two small realms!"

Shiwandashan is located in the Xiao Qingyun Realm. Although it is not said to be barren in spiritual energy, it is also relatively scarce.

In a place like this, if you want to improve your cultivation in the middle stage of awakening and integration, it may take decades to reach the first level.

It is far faster than swallowing spiritual liquid and using spiritual energy to practice on Blue Star...

"However, the purpose of this simulation has been basically achieved!"

"Not only have I accumulated 30 elixirs, they are enough to exchange for 600 tons of third-level exotic metals... with a total value of [-] billion energy! I won't have to worry about running out of energy to exchange for a long time to come!"

“In addition, this simulation can be considered a big step forward in exploration!”

"At least it proves that entering the valley is not a dead end... you can still survive!"

Su Xing nodded in satisfaction.

50 years of simulation time is enough time to wake up and do a lot of things!
As the cultivation level gets higher and higher, it becomes more and more difficult to improve.If it's still just a 15 or 25-year simulation, I'm afraid it won't be possible to advance to the next level after waking up.

The exploration in this simulation has greatly alleviated Su Xing’s “phobia of insufficient simulation time”.

"Let's take a look first at the rewards of this simulation!"

Su Xing looked at the simulation panel.

[Gift Rose]: Golden talent, priced at 1000 million points of energy.

[20 years of alchemy experience]: After redemption, the existing alchemy insights will increase slightly, and the price is 1000 million energy.

[Fourth level of cultivation in the integration stage]: A monk in the middle stage of integration, he can sense the prototype of the great avenue and understand the power of the source... The price is 15 billion energy.

[20 Yuan-Yuan Pills, 11 Fu-Refining Pills]: Priced at 31 billion energy

[A top-grade spiritual sword magic weapon]: Priced at 2 million energy

"A total of 31 elixirs, plus talents, the total simulation energy required even exceeds 31 billion..."

Su Xing took a look at his remaining energy, which was 9 million points!

It is still far from 31 billion.

"However, including the 20 billion energy transactions from Lu Yuanwu, the Tarot Society should have more than 5000 million energy, which should be enough..."

Su Xing murmured.

The golden talent is given to people by the rose, and it is obvious that Su Xing has not fully developed its function yet.

But this is a golden talent after all, and it involves cause and effect. Awakening has to be redeemed no matter what.

Thinking this, Su Xing glanced at the time and murmured:
"It's almost time. Lu Yuanwu should be waiting at the agreed place by now..."

After Su Xing said this, he began to change his appearance and calm down, then flew with his sword, and after a while, he arrived in the mountains.


Lu Yuanwu seemed to be in a good mood and said to Su Xing:

"Senior, a lot of undercover agents within the military have been eliminated... However, there is still a lack of conclusive evidence for some of those in higher positions. I believe this undercover force will be uprooted soon!"

Speaking of this, Lu Yuanwu was even a little excited.

After Su Xing heard this, he just nodded lightly and said:

"I know, I'm not interested in these things... By the way, where are this week's goods?"

Lu Yuanwu felt embarrassed after hearing this, then handed over a storage ring and said:

"One thousand tons of third-level exotic metals, no less!"

Su Xing did not check after hearing this, and directly exchanged the entire ring and the foreign metal into simulated energy.

In this way, the awakened simulated energy reached close to 30 billion points.

"If nothing happens, I'll leave first..." Su Xing took out ten thousand pills and said calmly.

But Lu Yuanwu said:
"Wait a minute, senior!"

"I have applied to the military to mobilize [-] tons of exotic metals a few days ago... The approval order is expected to be issued within two months. By then, will our transaction still count?"

After hearing this, Su Xing nodded slightly and said calmly:

"Naturally, one hundred thousand elixirs have been prepared. All you need to do is prepare the exotic metals..."

After Su Xing said this, he turned around and left, disappearing into the mountains.

On the way back, Su Xing changed his face several times as usual, and then quietly returned to Kyoto Academy.

Re-entering Lingtian Cave, Su Xing murmured:

"The 31 elixirs redeemed previously have been used up...but the next [-] elixirs are enough to last a long time..."

Although he is about to become rich, Su Xing remains down-to-earth and accumulates small amounts to make more.

In the new week, Su Xing refined four pill puppets again.

In this way, the number of awakened pill puppets came to 29.

In just one week, he was able to provide Su Xing with [-] Bigu Pills.

Based on this calculation, it only takes three weeks for Awakening to have an additional second-level exotic metal mining area.

Time soon comes to February 2025, 2, a new era.

On this day, Su Xing held his breath and stared at every detail on the talisman in front of him.

Then he mobilized his spiritual power and moved the pen like a dragon or a snake...

A sixth-level talisman appeared in front of Su Xing.

This is a sixth-level golden shield talisman.

After the awakening transformation, it can be stimulated with only spiritual consciousness (spiritual power), and a golden shield can be formed in front of the body, which is enough to withstand a full blow from the Void Stage or a legendary monk.

"Huh... this sixth-level talisman takes half an hour to make. The efficiency is still too low!"

"But fortunately, the fifth-level talisman only takes a quarter of an hour to make, and the fourth-level talisman only takes 5 minutes..."

In the past few days, Su Xing took the time to spend more than 30 talismans.

Among them, there are twenty fourth-level talismans, ten fifth-level talismans, and four sixth-level talismans.

The talismans include the golden shield talisman, which is known for defense, the golden blade talisman, which is known for attack, and the escape speed talisman, which increases escape speed.

Su Xing is ready to give these talismans to several of his relatives and friends for their life-saving needs.

"It's a pity that I can't make the small teleportation talisman yet... This involves the way of space. My current control of space is almost non-existent..."

Su Xing sighed, the small moving talisman was an eighth-level talisman, involving the way of space.

It can make people move to any place within a thousand miles in an instant, which can be called a life-saving talisman.

But let alone the lack of attainments in the awakening talisman, let alone the understanding of space, awakening is not up to standard.

The time was quickly approaching noon, and Su Xing tidied up a bit.

"It's time to meet Jin Congxue..."

Skillfully disguising himself and gathering his breath, it took no more than a quarter of an hour, and then he woke up and went to the villa to see Jin Congxue.

Jin Congxue has been in a good mood during this period and seems to be preparing to break through to the Heavenly King level.

While the two were eating, they chatted about each other.

Su Xing thought for a while, took out five talismans and handed them to Jin Congxue.

"Sister Xue, are you about to prepare for the promotion mission?"

"I have a few little things here that may make your promotion smoother..."

Su Xing handed over a fourth-level golden shield talisman, a golden blade talisman, and a speed talisman each... and then handed over a fifth-level golden blade talisman and a sixth-level golden shield talisman.

"This talisman is called the Golden Blade Talisman, and its function is..."

Su Xing explained the functions of several talismans one by one, without saying the specific effects. He just told Jin Congxue that they could be used in critical moments.

And don’t use fifth- and sixth-level talismans unless absolutely necessary.

After hearing this, Jin Congxue put it away with a smile and put it in her personal clothes.

In her opinion, Su Xing is just a student who is good at alchemy. Although he is good at making money, his strength should not be as good as hers.

The Yangyuan Pill, Fu-Refining Pill, etc. that I took out before I woke up did not involve high-level professionals.

Therefore, she only regarded the gift of awakening as a thought and did not pay too much attention to it.

"Hehe, then thank you, Ah Xing! I will protect you when my sister succeeds in being promoted to the King of Heaven!"

Jin Congxue shook her chest unintentionally.

Little did she know, how precious these talismans given to her by Su Xing were, and would help her resolve life-and-death crises in the future, and successfully promote her to the Heavenly King level!
Su Xing smiled after hearing this and didn't explain much.

After just a little calculation and figuring out that Jin Congxue's promotion incident was a good one, he breathed a sigh of relief.


Soon the date ended, and Su Xing returned to Lingtian Cave.

The new week's goods were replaced with simulated energy, and the awakened simulated energy reached just over 32 billion.

"I choose to bring out the elixir...and the golden talent gift rose!"

Su Xing said silently.

[Ding, it is detected that your talent is full, please choose to replace it...]

The simulator prompt sounded in my ears, and I suddenly had a headache when I woke up.

Expanding the talent bar would require a full 100 billion simulated energy, which Awakening would definitely not be able to afford, nor would he be willing to pay.

But if you replace your talent...

Su Xing took a look at his existing talents and found that each one was of great use.

After some hesitation, Su Xing looked at his only white talent.

"Never settle your eyes until death... This is probably the talent that has stayed with me the longest..."

"Although it's useless most of the time, it can occasionally deliver key information... But right now, the golden talent is more important!"

Su Xing sighed and said:

"Replace the talent of dying with eyes open with giving roses..."

[Ding, talent replacement is in progress...]

[You successfully brought out the golden talent gift rose, spending 1000 million energy points, and the remaining energy is 31 billion points. 】

[You successfully brought out the Yangyuan Pill and the Fu-Refining Pill... It cost 31 billion energy, and the remaining energy is 9388 million points. 】

The simulator beep sounded, and a mysterious energy fell into Su Xing's body.

Su Xing checked it carefully and found that the body had not changed much, but there was an extra talent called "Giving Rose" on the panel.

Su woke up and went to the chicken coop, and then chose to look at the strongest spiritual chicken in the chicken coop.

With a thought in my heart, I tried to give the Five Elements Mixed Spirit Root talent to this chicken brother.

Then Su Xing had a premonition in his heart that if he gave it away, he would lose this talent forever, but the chicken in front of him would also have the five elements mixed spiritual roots.

"Tsk tsk... This talent is too buggy. Can even a chicken have spiritual roots?"

Su Xing sighed, and then did not choose to give this talent to this chicken.

Even if it is the most rubbish white talent Five Elements Spiritual Root, but a chicken, to put it simply...he is not worthy!

"This talent is definitely not as simple as I thought... I can develop it more if I have the opportunity in the future!"

Su Xing murmured, then looked at a large box in the open space.

Thirty-one thousand bottles of elixirs are all in it.

Su Xing nodded with satisfaction and hid it. The simulation energy for the next period of time will depend on these elixirs.

In the afternoon, the simulation has finished cooling down, and it is time to wake up and prepare to start a new round of simulation.

"Start the simulation!"

【Ding!This simulation consumes 7600 energy points, leaving 9388 million energy points, and no remaining simulation times. 】

【The simulation starts! 】

[It costs 10 energy points to extract purple talents, and 100 million energy points to extract golden legendary talents. Do you want to extract them? 】

"Extract golden quality talents!"

Su Xing said decisively that although the simulator's urine nature makes it difficult to withdraw money with a probability of less than 60.00%, Su Xing still has to take this guaranteed probability.

[Ding, congratulations on getting the purple talent Chef Master. The probability of getting the gold talent next time is 20%...]

[Cooking Master]: Purple talent, the food you cook can easily capture the hearts of diners. If you use precious ingredients, you can cook precious food that enhances your cultivation level.

Seeing the new talent, Su Xing raised his eyebrows.

"Sure enough, there is no gold... But this talent seems to be not bad. It can make food that improves cultivation. This seems to be a means of gourmet food?"

Three thousand avenues, involving all aspects.

Su Xing had read in ancient books that in ancient times there were powerful monks with amazing cooking skills. After killing powerful monsters and cooking them into food, they could seal the monsters' cultivation into the dishes they prepared.

When low-level monks eat it, they can even absorb the cultivation in the food and improve it to one or even several realms!

"This talent is not bad... I can consider it when there are extra talents in the future..."

Su Xing murmured, and then started the plan for this simulation.

"The body-refining cultivation has temporarily reached a bottleneck... If you want to break through to the realm of Dacheng, then you must understand the body-protecting aura as much as possible, integrate it with the sword aura, and create new magical powers!"

"Of course, in addition to this, my Qi refining cultivation level should also be improved! At present, I am still at the first level of the integration stage..."

After clarifying the simulation target, he looked at the simulation panel with clear eyes.

[In Lingtian Cave, you realize that you are in a simulation. 】

[You continued to trade with Lu Yuanwu without any problems. 】

[In the next ten days, you will accumulate a wave of great wisdom blessings. 】

[You went to the copy of Luotian Conference and tried to learn the way of puppets...]


[After coming out of the Luotian Conference copy, you have gained a lot. 】

[You met Luo Shuying as promised and successfully joined the Advent Cult. 】

[The members of the Advent Cult have been deceived into becoming fans by you, and you are addicted to refining elixirs every day. 】

[Two years have passed very quickly, and you went to a copy of the Luotian Conference. 】

[In the third year, you refined more than 20 pills and gave them to Lu Yuanwu, hoping to improve the strength of Daxia's military. 】

[From now on, you will continue to stay in Advent Sect, start to improve your cultivation, and study the sword aura and body protection aura. 】

[You took out the 90 drops of mid-grade spiritual liquid that you had accumulated before! 】

[The spiritual energy content of a drop of middle-grade spiritual liquid is ten times that of low-grade spiritual liquid! 】

[You run the Ten Thousand Flame Art, the sixth-level micro-spiritual gathering array, plus the abundant spiritual energy from the spiritual liquid... your cultivation is advancing by leaps and bounds! 】

[So, three years have passed...]

[In the sixth year, you will absorb all 90 drops of medium-grade spiritual liquid...]

[At the same time, your Qi refining cultivation level has also been promoted to the middle stage of the second level of the integration stage as expected! 】

[With your deliberate management, your position in the Advent Cult became more and more stable, and you began to design to get rid of the current natural faction leader. 】

[In the seventh year, you successfully eliminated the leader of the natural faction and replaced him. 】

[In the eighth year, your cultivation has reached the peak of the second level of the integration stage! 】

[You are planning to get rid of Long Laogou. 】

[You went to the ruins of Wanmu Sect, killed Zhenren Wanmu, and took out the innate hibiscus branch. 】

[You used this as bait and successfully killed Old Dragon Dog. 】

[In the ninth year, you tried hard to improve the body-protecting energy, but with little success. 】

[But with your unremitting efforts, the number of sword gangs you can summon at one time has changed from nine to twelve. 】

[You have a vague hunch in your heart that the strength of Jian Gang is crucial to improving the body-protecting Qi, so you practice Jian Gang painstakingly. 】

[In the tenth year, your cultivation has been successfully promoted to the third level of the integration stage! 】

[In the same year, the number of your sword gangs reached fourteen! 】

[In No. 11, you suddenly felt something, and tried to change the shape of the body-protecting Gang Qi into a small sword, and then merged the sword Gang and the small sword formed by Yuan Li into one. 】

[You have discovered that the effects of Jian Gang and the small sword transformed from Yuan Li can overlap. Not only are the attacks and defenses integrated, but the defensive power is also good. 】

[Your research on the new magical power has a vague direction, and you are going to name this magical power the Body Protecting Sword Gang! 】

[In your expectation, the body-protecting sword should be a combination of offense and defense. In addition to a layer of body-protecting aura, there are thousands of sword-gang and Yuanli small swords, which can kill the enemy when they advance, and protect the body when they retreat. 】

[But the attempt to protect the sword gang is not easy. You have to summon the sword gang over and over again, and work hard to increase the number of sword gangs. 】

[In addition, it also requires a strong grasp of Yuanli. 】

[In the same year, Xue San came to Blue Star. 】

[You offered your innate hibiscus branches, obtained the pass, and relied on your deception and acting skills to become the new leader of the Advent Sect on Blue Star. 】

[After Xue San left Blue Star, you breathed a sigh of relief and prepared to formally implement the plan. 】

[You went to the ruins of Wanmu Sect and released the spiritual dragon. 】

[You introduced the Spiritual Vein Dragon into the Lingtian Cave. With the blessing of the Spiritual Vein Dragon, the aura content in the Lingtian Cave has steadily increased. 】

[At the same time, you can harvest mid-grade and low-grade spiritual liquid every year, giving you more abundant cultivation resources...]

[Every day you improve your Qi refining skills and comprehend the magical power of the body-protecting sword, and your life will be happy and fulfilling. 】

(Ten thousand words are offered! Please vote for me~ On the last day of the month, can I get a monthly vote of [-]? Oh, are you dreaming? If you can, I will give you a new chapter on the tenth day of the month next month!)

(End of this chapter)

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