Others practice leveling, I cultivate immortality, go out to Mahayana before leaving the mountain

Chapter 246: The four trump cards of Su Xing are really comfortable to abuse!

Chapter 246: The four trump cards of Su Xing are really comfortable to abuse! (Ten thousand words, please vote monthly)
In the real world, Su Xing nodded slightly when he saw this.

"The body-protecting Jian Gang... combines the Jian Gang and Yuan Li into one to form a new magical power!"

Su Xing's eyes lit up, this seemed to be a good direction, integrating offense and defense, and the defense power could also be greatly improved.

"With the improvement of Qi refining cultivation, there shouldn't be much problem in upgrading this simulation to the peak of the fourth level of the integration stage..."

According to Su Xing's plan, it is most appropriate for this simulation to be upgraded to the fourth level peak of the integration stage.

Because the peak level of the fourth level is only three levels away from the first level of the integration stage, awakening only needs to pay 15 billion energy to bring out the cultivation level.

Coupled with the realization of the new magical power Jian Gang, the simulated energy is almost over 20 billion.

But if there are any more, Awakening must make a choice and cannot take out both rewards.

"It's really nerve-wracking! My Qi refining cultivation has improved... but the simulation energy is a bit lacking."

Su Xing sighed.

After cooperating with Lu Yuanwu, the energy gained by Su Xing can be said to have soared.

But the problem is that as the awakening strength increases, the energy required will become more and more outrageous.

This is only the integration stage. If it is after the Mahayana stage, or even the immortal realm, the energy required for awakening is a terrifying figure.

"And what worries me the most is...if my strength reaches a level above that of an immortal...can the entire Blue Star provide enough energy for me to improve my cultivation?"

Su Xing frowned slightly, thinking of this was a bit nerve-wracking.

Generally speaking, the total amount of resources and energy contained in a small world has its limits.

Even though Blue Star is a special small world, its upper limit is only higher.

This is why most of the top powers come from the Great World, because the upper limit there is higher.

Perhaps after awakening and reaching a very high level, one must leave Blue Star and obtain energy and resources from the Three Thousand Worlds in order to make further breakthroughs.

"But right now, it's still important to continue to improve your cultivation!"

Su Xing looked at the simulation panel.

[In No. 12, after the Spiritual Vein Dragon was introduced into the Lingtian Cave, the resource output in the Lingtian became much faster, and the resources you need for practice are gradually replenished. 】

[In the same year, you took millions of drops of high-grade spiritual liquid, and your cultivation level entered the third middle stage of the integration stage. 】

[No.14, you continue to understand the body-protecting energy. 】

[With your unremitting efforts, you have been able to summon eighteen swords at once, integrating offense and defense to protect the whole body. 】

[As you continue to explore, this new magical power called Body Protecting Sword Gang is beginning to take shape. According to your judgment, this may be a powerful magical power that surpasses the Five Elements Spiritual Explosion Technique, and may even touch the threshold of a great magical power! 】

[According to your calculations, when 36 swords can be summoned at once, it can barely be regarded as an introduction to supernatural powers. At that time, each of the 36 swords contains the true meaning of the sword, and the lethality is close to that of a Mahayana monk! 】

[In this way, another two years have passed. 】

[No. 16, in the past two years, you have exhausted your spirit stones, and at the same time you have consumed millions of drops of spirit fluid again, and your cultivation is approaching the peak of the third level of the integration period! 】

[At this moment, you only have one million drops of spiritual liquid left in your hand, but you are not worried. Because of the existence of the Dragon of Spiritual Veins, you can get hundreds of thousands of drops of low-grade spiritual liquid and tens of thousands of drops of medium-grade spiritual liquid every year. . 】

[In No. 17, you went to the killing battlefield of the beast-controlling world, disguised yourself as a strong man in the beast-controlling world, and killed hundreds of legendary monsters and three demon emperors on the battlefield. 】

[This year, the number of body-protecting sword gangs you summoned has reached 36, which is a complete introduction to the magical power of body-protecting sword gangs! 】

[In No. 18, you received an inquiry from Xue San. He learned about the changes in the beast-controlling world and asked you if you knew the reason. 】

[You stated that you did not know but would work hard to investigate. 】

[Although Xue San was slightly dissatisfied after learning about it, he didn't say much. 】

[So, another two years have passed. 】

[No. 20, this year you have accumulated 30 drops of middle-grade spiritual liquid, and are ready to break through to the fourth level of the harmony stage in one go! 】

[With sufficient spiritual liquid reserves, you have been in seclusion for half a year, and your cultivation has successfully broken through to the fourth level of the integration stage! 】

[After entering the fourth level of integration, your mana is more than twice as powerful as when you were in the early stage of integration. 】

[No. 20: In year 49, you made a small breakthrough in your understanding of the body-protecting Gang Qi. This year, you were able to summon [-] sword gangs at the same time to protect your whole body. The sword gangs integrate offense and defense. Ordinary Mahayana monks cannot get close. 】

[In this way, another four years have passed. 】

[No. 20 In five years, your cultivation has reached the middle stage of the fourth level of integration. 】

[Because you eliminated the monsters in the beast control world in advance, the Demon Suppression Pass has been peaceful this year. 】

[In the same year, your body-protecting aura has been cultivated to 64 sword auras! 】

[With the sword as a defense, the 64 body-protecting swords can even withstand a blow from a middle-stage Mahayana monk! 】

[And if 64 swords are slashed at the same time, even middle-stage Mahayana monks will have to avoid the sharp edge temporarily! 】

[In this way, your shortcoming of insufficient defense has finally been erased. In addition to having another attack card that is comparable to the monks in the middle stage of the Mahayana, your defense has finally caught up with the level of the middle stage of the Mahayana! 】

In the real world, Su Xing nodded with satisfaction when he saw this.

"That's right, I have another trump card in my hand that is comparable to the middle stage of Mahayana (mid-stage Demon Saint). If I fight against that Demon Saint later, I won't be so embarrassed..."

Strictly speaking, Su Xing's current cultivation level still belongs to the peak level of Demon Emperor.

The reason why he was able to defeat the Demon Saint was because of the few trump cards in Su Xing's hand.

The first trump card is the power of the ten mountains at the peak of Hunyuan Realm!Coupled with the superior power and the understanding of the origin of power, the power of awakening is close to that of the mid-stage Demon Saint!
The second trump card is the mid-stage integration cultivation combined with the Burning Shou Jue. If you burn a thousand years of life at once, you can have mana comparable to the early stage of Mahayana.

The third trump card, the Dacheng-level Heavenly Sword Technique, is the most powerful attack method in Su Xing's hand. It uses sword energy as the medium and the origin of the sword as the core to produce a sword energy that is comparable to a full-strength strike of the Demon Saint in the middle stage.

However, this method consumes a lot of energy, and Su Xing can only chop out a few sword energy like this at present.

The fourth trump card is naturally the newly learned body-protecting sword, which makes Su Xing comparable to a Mahayana monk in terms of defense, and his offensive methods are further improved.

"There are 64 body-protecting swords, but they are still at the entry-level level of magical power. The upper limit of this magical power may be higher than I thought!"

Su Xing had some surprise in his eyes.

According to the information obtained from Luo Tianzong, the defense level of this body-protecting sword should be sufficient.

If Su Xing cultivates it to the Dacheng level, and then cooperates with the later stages of body refining, he may be able to cross the turbulent flow of the void with his physical body!
"That's right, lay the foundation step by step...and then break through to the perfection of body refining in one breath!"

Su Xingyan smiled and looked at the simulation panel.

[No. 20 In the sixth year, you add three more sword gangs, and you can summon a total of 67 body-protecting sword gangs, which is even more powerful. 】

[According to your speculation, if you want to achieve a small level of body-protecting sword gang, you need to summon one hundred and eight sword gangs at the same time. 】

[At this time, there are still two years before the arrival of the Demon Saint. You are ready to further enhance the power of the body-protecting sword before this battle! 】

[So, you accumulated a month of great wisdom blessings, and took another top-quality spiritual enlightenment pill...]

[After that, you will formally retreat and fully understand the body-protecting sword! 】

[When you realize it, the whole body is wrapped with strong sword intent, and the protective sword is looming, running and active. 】

[In the blink of an eye, one month has passed...]

[In just one month, you have added eighteen more body-protecting swords. 】

[At this time, you have summoned a total of 85 protective swords! 】

[Even for middle-stage Mahayana monks, it is not easy to break through this body-protecting sword...]

[So, two years have passed...]

[No. 20, your cultivation has reached the late fourth level of the integration stage, and you are only one step away from the peak. 】

[At the same time, the number of body-protecting swords you have learned has also reached 91. You are full of confidence in the upcoming battle between the Demon Saints! 】

[One day, you performed a divination and calculated that there would be a small calamity within seven days of the Demon Suppression Pass. If the small calamity was passed, there would be no worries in the Demon Suppression Pass for ten years. 】

[You know in your heart that this is the hexagram of the coming Demon Saint. 】

[Sure enough, seven days later, the black army of monster beasts was overwhelming the city and was about to be destroyed. Their numbers were unknown. 】

[One hundred legendary demon beasts, two demon emperors, and one demon saint have arrived at the Demon Suppression Pass! 】

[For a moment, everyone in Zhenyao Guan was in panic, including the human race emperor and a group of legendary strong men, all of whom showed despair. 】

[At the critical moment, you take action! 】

[The Ten Thousand Zhang Sword Qi was swung out, killing hundreds of thousands of demonic beasts in an instant. 】

[Then you killed a Demon Emperor with one strike and challenged the Double-Eyed Demon Saint. 】

[After seeing your terrifying strength, the Double-Eyed Demon Saint's pupils shrank slightly, but he still announced his acceptance of the challenge. 】

[The war is about to break out. 】

[In this fight, due to your understanding of the body-protecting sword, your strength has been further enhanced. Most of the Double-Eyed Demon Saint's attacks on you can be blocked by the body-protecting sword. 】

[At the beginning of the battle, you suppressed the Demon Saint almost the whole time. According to your deduction, you can kill him in two days at most. 】

[But you don’t intend to do this. You know that the Demon Saint with Double Eyes has a life-saving trump card and can leave the battlefield at any time. 】

[And once he escapes, the Demon Suppression Pass will be destroyed ten years later. 】

[So you plan to change your strategy, use only eight points of strength, and pretend to be on par with the Demon Saint. 】

[As expected, the Demon Saint with Double Eyes was successfully fooled! 】

[You fought with the Demon Saint for seven days and seven nights. In the end, the Demon Saint had one of his arms cut off by you, and you were also "seriously injured." 】

[In this case, you and the Demon Saint each choose to give in and agree to fight again in one year. 】

[You agreed to return to the Demon Suppression Pass, and the Demon Saint with Double Eyes also retreated three thousand miles, preparing to form an army to attack again. 】

[No. 20, you once again realized the three swords, and the number of body-protecting swords came to 94. 】

[In the same year, you fought against the Demon Saint again, and it ended with both parties being "seriously injured"...]

[You and the Demon Saint "met each other" and agreed to recover from your injuries and fight again in a year. 】

[In this way, another three years have passed in the blink of an eye...]

[No.30 In the past three years, the Demon Saint has fought with you every year, and your understanding of the sword's intention has become even better during the battle. 】

[And the Demon Saint with Double Eyes is fished for by you every year, and every time he is just a little bit worse, he is almost turned into a cockroach by you. 】

[It was not until this year that the Demon Saint with Double Eyes finally discovered something was wrong. 】

[Because he fights with you every year, and each time he is injured twice, but there is never a winner. This seems too much of a coincidence. 】

[Moreover, before the Demon Saint with Double Eyes attacked Demon Suppression Pass, he issued a military order and threatened to capture it within three years. 】

[However, it has been five years, and the Demon Suppression Pass is still as strong as ever. 】

[Even in the past five years, it can be said that it has been the safest five years in Zhenyao Pass. 】

[So, the Demon Saint finally decided to give up fighting you, and instead left Blue Star and returned to the alien race, hoping to seek foreign aid. 】

[This year, the total number of body-protecting sword gangs you have comprehended has reached one hundred and three, and you are getting closer and closer to completing the body-protecting sword gang. 】

In the real world, Su Xing sighed when he saw this.

"It's a pity that I have only been fishing for this demon saint for five years... If I could fish for a while longer, maybe I could further extend the simulation time..."

"I just don't know how long it will take for the Demon Saint to move in for reinforcements. I'm afraid that the next time the Demon Suppression Pass will be destroyed."

Su Xing shook his head slightly, but for him, it was enough to extend the simulation time as much as possible and improve his own strength.

Now is not the time to completely break the table with the alien race and the Adventist Cult...

Before having absolute strength, Su Xing only pursues steady development.

Look at the simulation panel.

[No.30 Five years, it has been three years since the Demon Saint left. 】

[In the past three years, several legendary powerhouses have been added to the Demon Suppression Pass, and the total number of legendary powerhouses in the Demon Suppression Pass has reached nearly thirty. 】

[But except for you and the old emperor, no new emperor-level powerhouses were born. 】

[What makes you a little surprised is that your good brothers Yu Yan and Jin Congxue both have the strength close to legendary powerhouses. 】

[And Luo Shuying reached the peak of legend ten years ago and is now looking for an opportunity to break through to the emperor level. 】

[No.30 In six years, you once again mastered a new sword. 】

[This year, you have finally fully mastered the one hundred and eight body-protecting swords. Your mastery of the body-protecting swords has reached a minor level! 】

[According to your experiment, one hundred and eight body-protecting swords are fully activated, and the attack effect is comparable to a full-strength blow from a monk in the middle stage of Mahayana! 】

[What is even stronger is the defensive effect of the body-protecting sword. The sword protects the whole body, and you can even resist the attacks of late Mahayana monks! 】

Su Xing's eyes lit up slightly when he saw this.

"Finally, the body-protecting sword has been successfully completed..."

"After this simulation, my offensive skills should be comparable to those of mid-stage Mahayana monks, and my defensive power should be comparable to those of late-stage Mahayana monks!"

"But if... the body-protecting sword is cultivated to perfection, will it be able to withstand the attacks of transcending tribulations and even immortals!?"

Thinking of this, Su Xing's heartbeat accelerated slightly, and he was looking forward to it.

This body-protecting sword is definitely the strongest defensive magical power he has ever mastered!

Look at the simulation panel.

[For the next four years, everything in the Demon Suppression Guan was peaceful. 】

[In the year No. 40, one day you had a feeling in your heart and made a divination, and learned that the Demon Suppressing Pass would usher in a catastrophe within the next month. Under this catastrophe, the Demon Suppressing Pass would be broken, and the human race It will also be destroyed soon...]

[At this moment, you understand that in one month, it may be time for the Demon Suppression Pass to be destroyed. 】

[The alien who respects the pupil demon saint will eventually return and bring the immortal realm! 】

[So you no longer hesitate and summon all your relatives and friends, including Jin Congxue, Luo Shuying, Yu Yan, Wang Qingxuan and others, to Blue Star. 】

[At the same time, you also informed the pinnacle emperor of the human race that one month from now, the Demon Suppression Pass will be destroyed. 】

[The Great Emperor of the Human Race was neither happy nor sad after hearing this. He hopes that you can bring some of the legendary powerhouses back to Blue Star, and he will make his final resistance here. 】

[You nodded silently after hearing this. You had one last thing to do for this simulation, so you agreed. 】

[You took part of the human race and fled back to Blue Star, waiting for the arrival of the last behemoth. 】

[One month later, you received information that the Demon Suppression Pass was broken. 】

[A few months later, the giant beast came and swallowed the entire Blue Star in one bite. 】

[When the giant beast came, you tried to fight back with sword energy, but the sword energy was only swallowed by the beast, and then disappeared into nothingness. 】

[You have no choice but to pick up the body-protecting sword and be swallowed into the belly of the giant beast. 】

[This year, the number of your body-protecting swords has reached 120! 】

[After being swallowed into the belly of the giant beast, you start looking for the location of the large thunder area. 】

[Because you know that the opportunity for you to break your limits and achieve great body refining is within it! 】

[I don’t know how long it took, but you found a large thunder area. 】

[Above the thunder area here, a terrifying thunder and lightning storm like a horned dragon broke out. The power of each thunder and lightning almost reached the weakest thunder disaster. 】

[Under this thunder, you feel the vague energy surging in it, faintly echoing your body. 】

[You know, this is the body of thunder, the induction of the origin of thunder! 】

[The thunder here may not only help you break your limits, but also allow you to further understand the origin of thunder and successfully advance the body of thunder! 】

[You step into the area, activate the body-protecting Qi, and prepare to withstand the thunder's bombardment! 】

[However, the thunder here is too terrifying. The power of each thunder attack is comparable to the peak of the Mahayana period! 】

[In the last simulation, you were seriously injured after one thunderbolt, and your soul was destroyed after two thunderbolts...]

[Even if the body-protecting sword is completed at this time, you are not completely sure that you can block the thunder here. 】

[But now the arrow is on the string and it has to be fired! 】

[A thunder comparable to a full-strength strike from a peak Mahayana monk, accompanied by the origin of thunder, is coming towards you! 】

[With just one blow, your body-protecting sword will be shattered layer by layer and will disappear completely. 】

[You sighed secretly in your heart. It seems that the 120 eight body-protecting swords are still unable to withstand this terrifying thunder. 】

[But fortunately, you have the body of thunder, which has a certain immunity to thunder attacks. Coupled with the invincible Xiaoqiang talent, you can barely resist the injury...]

[However, you are not happy at all, because the second thunder followed...]

[After the second thunder, you still managed to survive, but the protective sword was completely broken. 】

[At the same time, you feel that your body of thunder seems to have undergone some subtle changes, and it is gradually getting stronger...]

[With the help of these thunders, your understanding of the origin of thunder is also rapidly improving...]

[In the blink of an eye, the third thunderbolt struck, but you resisted, and you were seriously injured and on the verge of death...]

[The fourth thunder struck...]

【you are dead! 】

[This simulation is over! 】

After the simulation ended, Su Xing sighed.

"It's a pity, it's still close!"

"It seems that the 120 eight-layer body-protecting sword is not enough to stop this thunderous attack..."

"If the body-protecting sword is further advanced, it may be able to withstand the thunder, which will allow me to understand the origin of thunder further, and the body of thunder can also be further advanced!" In short, the direction of awakening is right.

In the terrifying large-scale thunder area, Su Xing was able to successfully resist it with the body-protecting sword.

The 120 eight-ray body-protecting sword gang allows Su Xing to resist the number of thunderbolts from one to three!

If the body-protecting sword is one step closer, he can advance to the body of thunder upon awakening, understand the origin of thunder, and break the limit again!

"The simulation lasted 40 years, and further explored the prerequisites for the ultimate body refining..."

Su Xing nodded slightly and looked at the simulated reward.

[Master Chef]: Purple talent, priced at 100 million energy points.

[20 years of alchemy experience]: After redemption, the existing alchemy insights will increase slightly, and the price is 1000 million energy.

[Fourth Level of Integration Stage]: A monk in the middle stage of integration, who can sense the prototype of the great avenue and understand the power of the source. He has cultivated to the peak of the fourth level of integration. He is only one step away from the fifth level of integration stage and can break through at any time... Priced at 15 billion energy .

[Tian Lei Body Phase 3 (Unfinished)]: The second phase of the Sky Thunder Body, after the Sky Thunder Tempering Body, absorbs the origin of thunder and strengthens the body, the understanding of the origin of thunder is greatly improved, and the purity of the thunder spirit root is improved. Increased affinity to thunder aura.The price is [-] million energy.

[The Origin of Thunder (Introduction)]: Have a certain understanding of the Origin of Thunder. The Origin of Thunder is the basic construction of the Avenue of Thunder. It has extremely strong destructive power and great restraint against monsters and ghosts. It sells for 2 million energy.

[Body Protecting Sword Gang (Xiao Cheng)]: It was formed by the awakening and comprehension of monks. With the Body Protecting Gang Qi as the reference, Yuanli and Sword Intent as the core, it summons the Sword Gang to protect you. Its power is comparable to the level of a great supernatural power, and it is both offensive and defensive. As one body, Xi Zhi can fight across the ranks. Currently, there are 128 body-protecting swords.The price is 7 billion energy.

"The second stage of the Heavenly Thunder Body...the introduction to the origin of thunder?"

Su Xing's eyes brightened slightly, but he didn't expect that the short period of thunder tempering he had experienced would give him two more reward options.

"But it's a pity that these two are in an unfinished state... If the strength is stronger and the body-protecting sword has a deeper understanding, it may be possible to successfully advance the body of thunder and understand more of the origin of thunder... "

Su Xing sighed softly. The reward he wanted this time was still the cultivation level in the integration stage and 120 eight layers of body-protecting Qi.

"The two rewards combined require close to 22 billion simulated energy... Counting the goods traded this week, it should be barely enough..."

"Fortunately, we didn't break through to the fifth level of the integration stage, otherwise the energy might not be enough to bring out two rewards..."

Su Xing felt a little helpless. He had been taking debts in exchange for rewards recently.

Perhaps after Lu Yuanwu finished trading the [-] tons of third-level exotic metals, Su Xing would have more money.

Su Xing glanced at the time, and Lu Yuanwu should already be waiting at the agreed place.

So he woke up and disguised himself, gathered his breath, and went to find Lu Yuanwu.

Soon the transaction ended, and 20 billion simulated energy was obtained. Su Xing cautiously returned to Lingtian Cave without any accidents.

"I won't be refining this week's puppets for now...right now, there is still one important thing waiting for me to do!"

"With my current mastery of the puppet method, I may be able to make a preliminary attempt to refine Wanmu Zhenren..."

Wanmu Zhenren, a half-step integration stage monk, plus he is a genius in his own right, almost comparable to an emperor-level powerhouse!
If Su Xing can subdue it and refine it into a puppet, it will not only add a powerful combat power, but also create an additional high-level pill puppet!

After all, Master Wanmu comes from Wanmu Sect, which is a serious alchemy sect!
Thinking this way, Su Xing felt a little hopeful in his heart, and then he began to disguise himself and hold his breath.

A quarter of an hour later, Su Xing disguised himself as a middle-aged man who had never appeared before, and his waistcoat was once again increased by one.

"If you want to enter the ruins of Wanmu Sect, you must first get three pieces of broken jade... I'm afraid I won't have time to make elixirs this week..."

Su Xing sighed and then set off to leave Kyoto City.

After flying with his sword for half an hour, he woke up and arrived at the entrance to the Immortal Martial Era.

After waking up and casting a spell, he entered the Immortal Martial Era dungeon.

"Huh, according to the distance, this is the closest to Changchun Gate... Let's go there to get the broken jade first."

Su Xing murmured, then flew with his sword and began to search for the three major sects.

The way to obtain broken jade couldn't be simpler. Su Xing only needs to cast a simple spell such as ecstasy to obtain broken jade from three sects.

The only troublesome thing is that the three major sects are far apart.

It took Su Xing a day to collect three pieces of jade.

After collecting the broken jade, Su Xing began to search for the ruins of Wanmu Sect.

Another day later, Su Xing successfully found the boulder that served as the entrance to the formation.

"After dismantling this formation, you can enter the ruins of Wanmu Sect..."

Su Xing did not choose to break through with brute force. Instead, he used the formation's understanding and spent some effort to temporarily open a passage.

Then, Su Xing's heart moved and he entered the ruins of Wanmu Sect.

After passing through the formation, Su Xing clearly felt that he had entered a space that was not here.

"Hiss, it seems that before Wanmu Sect, there were senior monks who knew the way of space... This space seems to be still in the copy of the Immortal Martial Era, but it is definitely not within the mountain just now..."

A flash of surprise flashed in Su Xing's eyes. Even integrating the way of space into the formation was extremely difficult.

Su Xing estimated that this ruins might have existed for a long time, and it should have been created tens of thousands of years ago by a senior monk who had transcended tribulations or even reached the level of loose immortal.

Entering the ruins, Su woke up and found the familiar tomb passage, and then his spiritual consciousness spread like a tide...

"If I remember correctly, there should be a living dead puppet in the middle stage of the Void Breaking Realm here..."

Su Xing's eyes brightened slightly, and he decided to capture the puppet first. After all, this was a figure with combat power comparable to that of the middle stage of the Legend!
Soon, Su Xing saw the puppet in the middle stage of Breaking the Void Realm.

I saw this living dead puppet with pale skin and no life in it, rushing towards Su Xing.

Su Xing captured the living dead puppet alive with just a few moves.

"Tsk, tsk, quite fierce... It's a pity that I am no longer the little monk in the god transformation stage..."

Although in reality, it was the first time for Su Xing to enter this ruins, it still felt like revisiting the old place.

The living dead puppet that I once woke up and struggled to defeat...

Now in the hands of Su Xing, he can only be regarded as an ant...

"First destroy the core of this puppet so that he can no longer move..."

It was easy to wake up. He reached deep into the living dead puppet's chest with one hand and took out a black spherical object with sharp edges.

"Huh? A single combat puppet...can fight independently, and can also control combat with one consciousness?"

It didn't take much effort for Su Xing to figure out the details of this living dead puppet, and then put it into the Lingtian Cave.

"Then...it's your turn next! Master Wanmu!"

Su Xing had some expectation in his eyes, and then he quickly ran towards the tomb passage ahead.

A few minutes later, Su Xing arrived at the core of the ruins, and a formation restriction isolated Su Xing from the outside.

"Tsk tsk, this restriction is quite good. It will take a certain amount of time to unlock..."

Su Xing took out a few materials and began to break the restrictions in front of him.

A few hours later, the formation restriction was awakened and a temporary channel was successfully opened.

Su Xing seized the opportunity and got in immediately.

What hit him was the rich spiritual energy, which made Su Xing feel relaxed all over.

"Although the concentration of this spiritual energy is not as good as Lingtian Cave Heaven, it is still comparable to ordinary blessed lands..."

Su Xing nodded with satisfaction. Even in the Xiaoqingyun world, such a blessed place is rare.


A few hundred meters in front of the awakening, a dragon's roar came.

Su Xing looked intently and saw that under a stone platform, suppressing a dragon-shaped creature that was about ten feet long and covered in crystal white body but with a bit of black energy.

"Spiritual Dragon!"

Su Xing's breathing became heavier, and a flash of desire flashed in his eyes.

"No... now is not the time to release the spiritual dragon!"

Su Xing suppressed the desire in his heart, knowing that once the dragon with spiritual veins was released, it would attract blood three, which would be a disaster for Su Xing.

"Oh, I can only feel sorry for you and have to stay here for a while..."

Su Xing walked around the spiritual dragon, and then glanced at the core area of ​​the ruins.

Looking around, there was a large spiritual field a hundred meters in front of Su Xing, and several puppets were cultivating spiritual plants.

"Tsk tsk, there are thousands of elixir plants in this spiritual field alone, and each one is more than 3000 years old!"

"This kind of elixir is enough to refine eighth-level or even ninth-level elixirs!"

Su Xing was not polite at all. He transplanted all the elixirs into the spiritual field cave like a wind and the remaining clouds, even the spiritual soil under his feet was not spared.

Soon the core area, which was overflowing with spiritual energy, had been reduced to a bare area by the awakening, and the rock layer was about to be seen.

The five puppets specially used to take care of the spiritual field were not spared even after they woke up.

An hour later, Su Xing had almost evacuated the entire core of the ruins.

"Then...only Wanmu Zhenren will be left!"

Su Xing jumped up, came to the bronze sarcophagus, and then pushed open the lid of Wan Mu Zhenren's coffin.

"Who disturbed my deep sleep..."

Wanmu Zhenren woke up from his deep sleep, and a vicissitudes of sound poured into Su Xing's ears.

Looking at the handsome Wan Mu, who was dressed in green clothes and had fair skin, Su Xing felt annoyed for no reason.

"Nah! Are you just pretending?"

Su Xing raised his hand and slapped Wanmu Zhenren in the face with a big blow.

Wanmu Zhenren, who had just recovered, was instantly confused.

"Who are you?"

"My tender father!"

Su Xing raised his hand and made another big push.

After being slapped several times, Wan Mu's face became swollen, and he was completely unable to resist in Su Xing's hands.

And the words in Wan Mu's mouth, which were originally arrogant, domineering and overflowing with anger, are constantly changing...

"How dare you hit me!"

"Stop...I have no enmity or enmity with you..."

"stop it now……"

"Shangxian, spare me!"

The power of awakening to the perfection of Hunyuan Realm, which is the power of ten mountains, is simply not something that Master Wanmu in front of him can bear.

Even if he only used [-]% of his strength, Wan Mu Zhenren could be manipulated like a little chicken in Su Xing's hands.

"Haha, weren't you crazy before? Why are you so timid now?"

Su Xing rarely vented his frustration.

After beating Master Wan Mu violently, Su Xing let out a long sigh of relief:

"Shutan! The enemy who was invincible in the past... As long as I persist in growing, I will eventually step on my feet in the future!"

"So, the most annoying thing is a close battle... How can there be any comfort in torturing someone?"

Su Xing sighed, then used his spiritual power to send a qi machine into Wanmu Zhenren's dantian.

After successfully blocking the cultivation base of Master Wan Mu, Master Wan Mu's cultivation level changed from a half-step integration to become a Nascent Soul stage monk.

Su Xing then removed all the arms and legs of Wanmu Zhenren, sealing off his physical training.

After doing all this, in the horrified eyes of Master Wan Mu, Su Xing used the soul-searching technique to search for his soul.

An hour later...

Su Xing stuffed Zhenren Wanmu, who had turned into a puddle of mud, into the Lingtian Cave and destroyed his soul.

In this way, Wanmu Zhenren was left with only a body and turned into a real puppet of the living dead.

After dealing with Master Wan Mu, Su Xing also placed the bronze sarcophagus into the Lingtian Cave.

Before leaving, I didn't forget to take one last look at the pitiful spiritual dragon.

After strengthening the breath gathering formation and restrictions, Su Xing left the ruins of Wanmu Sect.

A few hours later, Su Xing returned to the student dormitory of Kyoto University and entered the Lingtian Cave.

Immediately afterwards, Su Xing began to sort out the memories obtained from the soul search of Zhenren Wan Mu.

After a long time, Su Xing rubbed his eyebrows.

"The life of Master Wanmu... he is really a hypocrite!"

Su Xing sighed. After becoming a puppet of the living dead, Master Wan Mu lost many memories, but Su Xing still sorted out a lot.

Wanmu Zhenren, born in the middle of the Xianwu era, was born in Wanmu Sect, and his father was the master of Wanmu Sect!
Born with spiritual roots, extraordinary appearance, and all kinds of cultivation resources, he is destined to be a villain at a glance.

He officially entered spiritual practice at the age of eight, and it only took him half a year to successfully build the foundation.

Entering the Golden Elixir stage at the age of ten... Entering the Nascent Soul stage at the age of 20...

At the age of 40, he became a god... At the age of 150, he became a monk in the Void Stage!
But until he was a thousand years old, Master Wanmu was still stuck at the peak of the Void Return Stage, unable to break into the Fusion Stage!
Wanmu Zhenren was unwilling to accept this, so he searched the major ruins and secret realms in the world of the Xianwu Era.

Finally, I got a prescription called Huang Quan Dan... and a technique of transforming spiritual veins into dragons!
So, Master Wanmu started his plan...

Let the era where spiritual energy is already exhausted be completely reduced to the Age of Ending Dharma!
But unexpectedly, a spiritual dragon was actually hatched...

"Tsk, tsk, this Master Wanmu got the Huangquan Pill...it seems to be a coincidence, as if he was calculated?"

Su Xing was thoughtful, but couldn't make a final conclusion.

"But... this is an eighth-level alchemist puppet. After some transformation, it can be used by me from now on!"

Su Xing nodded with satisfaction and looked at Wan Mu, who had completely lost consciousness and turned into a puppet of the living dead.

"From now on, let me call you Wanmu!"

Su Xing immediately tried to transform this Wanmu real puppet.

But after trying it for a while, I found that it is not easy.

Wanmu Zhenren is very powerful, and with Su Xing's current understanding of the way of puppets, he is still unable to retain it to the greatest extent.

So, Su Xing settled for the next best thing and began to improve the living dead puppet in the middle stage of Breaking the Void...

A week passed in the blink of an eye...

On March [-]rd, Su Xing yawned, looked at the living dead puppet in front of him, and nodded with satisfaction.

"Huh... finally the transformation has been completed. Although it has not been able to exert its full strength, it is equivalent to the early stage of the Shattering Void Realm..."

Su Xing took a few high-grade spiritual stones and put them into the core of the living dead puppet to use as kinetic energy.

"Come on, punch me, don't hold back!"

Su Xing issued his first order.

Immediately, a huge fist struck at Su Xing's front door.

Su Xing blocked it easily, and then began to check the changes in the puppet.

"Hiss~ Just one attack by the Void-Breaking Realm monk consumed half of the high-grade spiritual stone!"

Su Xing suddenly felt distressed.

Although hundreds of thousands of spirit stones were obtained from the Wanmu Ruins, spirit stones are still a precious resource for Su Xing.

Su Xing then tried to control the living dead puppet.

After a while, Su Xing nodded slightly and said:

"If we launch an offensive and maintain the attack of the Void-Breaking Realm monks... this will consume too many spiritual stones!"

"But if it's just an ordinary action, you only need one high-grade spiritual stone a year, which is okay..."

Su Xing nodded with satisfaction. When he took out the core of the living dead puppet, Su Xing found more than ten top-quality spiritual stones. Presumably, these top-quality spiritual stones were the source of power for the living dead puppet.

"If it is inconvenient to show up in the future, you can let this living dead puppet take action... Seeing as your face is so pale, then call me Xiaobai!"

Su Xing murmured.

It was almost noon at this time. Su Xingyi Rong took a breath and prepared to go to Jin Congxue for a deal.

Two hours later, he regained consciousness and returned to Lingtian Cave.

The new week's goods are exchanged for simulated energy, and the total energy so awakened exceeds 23 billion.

"I choose to bring out the fourth level of cultivation in the integration stage...and the Xiaocheng level body-protecting sword."

[You successfully brought out the fourth level of cultivation in the integration stage, spending 15 billion energy points, and the remaining energy is 8 million points. 】

[You successfully brought out the Body Protecting Sword Gang (Xiaocheng level), which cost 7 million energy points and left 1 million energy points. 】

The simulator beep sounded, and then Su Xing's momentum began to surge...

The first level of the integration stage...the second level of the integration stage...the third level of the integration stage!

Finally, the fourth peak of the integration stage!
After a long time, Su Xing adapted to the skyrocketing cultivation level and said with satisfaction:

"Yes, the peak of the fourth level of the integration stage... is only one step away from reaching the fifth level of the integration stage!"

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(End of this chapter)

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