Others practice leveling, I cultivate immortality, go out to Mahayana before leaving the mountain

Chapter 247 Three Sword Gangs, the chain reaction of killing the Demon Saint!

Chapter 247 Three hundred swords, the chain reaction of killing the Demon Saint! (Breaking news today, please vote for me~)

As long as you wake up and are willing, you can enter the fifth level of the integration stage in just a few months by retreating in the simulation.

This is a small bug in the simulator. The energy required for the peak of the fourth level of the integration period and the early stage of the fourth level of the integration period are the same.

Therefore, Su Xing's current simulation does not have enough energy, and he can completely break through in the next simulation. It will only take half a year at most to achieve it.

"Well, in the middle stage of integration, my mana is more than twice as strong as in the early stage of integration... At this moment, my sea of ​​spiritual power is wider..."

Su Xing nodded with satisfaction, and then his heart moved.

"Body-protecting Qi, rise!"

A total of 120 eight body-protecting swords appeared within one foot of the awakening body.

In every sword gang, there is a trace of the true meaning of the sword.

And on the surface of each sword gang, there is also a thin layer of Yuanli wrapped around it.

Yuan Li makes Jian Gang even more powerful, and its defensive properties are greatly improved.

120 Eight swords surround Su Xing's body, protecting him 360 degrees without blind spots.

The sword light flashed with cold light, which was intimidating.

"That's right! Each of these swords can probably severely injure a monk at the peak of his integration stage..."

"120 Eight swords come out at once. Even a middle-stage Mahayana monk will be severely injured in an instant!"

Su Xing is quite satisfied with the power of the body-protecting sword.

However, compared to the lethality of Jian Gang, its terrifying defensive power combined with Yuan Li is enough to withstand the attacks of late Mahayana monks!
"The body-protecting sword is the strongest trump card in my hand!"

Su Xing murmured.

The only pity is that the body-protecting sword gang consumes a lot of sword intent and energy. If it is broken or exhausted, it will be difficult to release another body-protecting sword gang within a short period of time after waking up.

After getting familiar with the body-protecting sword, Su Xing glanced at the simulation panel.

The number of simulations has just finished cooling down, wake up and prepare to start a new round of simulation!

"Start the simulation!"

【Ding!This simulation consumes 7700 energy points, with 1 million remaining energy points and no remaining simulation times. 】

【The simulation starts! 】

[It costs 10 energy points to extract purple talents, and 100 million energy points to extract golden legendary talents. Do you want to extract them? 】

"Extract golden quality talents!"

Su Xing said silently.

[Ding, congratulations on getting the purple talent Golden Jade Clothes. The probability of getting the golden talent next time is 30%...]

[Golden Jade Clothes]: Purple talent, your talent in textiles and clothing is amazing, you can easily make gorgeous Taoist uniforms, and you are very popular among monks in the world of immortality.

"Yeah, it's another rubbish talent. Fortunately, it has a guaranteed probability..."

Su Xing shook his head slightly, no longer paying attention to the newly drawn talent, but planning the goal of this simulation.

"My current cultivation level is at the peak of the fourth level of the integration stage... It shouldn't be difficult to break through to the eighth level of the integration stage in the simulation!"

"In addition, the body-protecting Qi also needs to be further strengthened. If we can reach the Dacheng level, we should be able to start breaking through to the Dacheng level of body refining!"

But then Su Xing frowned slightly.

"However, the eighth level of the integration stage requires 20 billion energy... plus the body-protecting Gangqi Dacheng, at least 30 billion energy must be prepared... the energy for the next week seems to be a bit insufficient!"

Su Xing sighed, thinking that after he handed over the goods next week, he would only have 24 billion energy on hand, which was still a big gap!

"Forget it, let's simulate it first... If the energy is insufficient, then we can only exchange some of the materials obtained from the Wanmu Ruins into energy..."

The number of treasures in Wanmu Zhenren's storage magic weapon is much more than Zong Laogou's storage bag!

After all, this is the entire net worth of a half-step integration stage monk!
He is even much richer than ordinary monks in the Fusion Stage.

Because before Wanmu Zhenren fell asleep, he had taken most of the wealth of Wanmu Sect as his own!

The Wan Mu Zhenren's storage ring after awakening contained a huge amount of materials, including a mountain of various rare treasures, minerals, magic weapons, and herbal materials...

But for a while, Su Xing couldn't sort it out, so he could only wait for the simulation to end and then check it carefully.

"Simulate it first!"

Su Xing looked at the simulation panel.

[In Lingtian Cave, you realize that you are in a simulation. 】

[You continued to trade with Lu Yuanwu without any problems. 】

[During the period, Lu Yuanwu told you that in one and a half months, he will be able to obtain [-] tons of third-level exotic metals approved by the military. 】

[After trading with Lu Yuanwu, you return to Lingtian Cave and accumulate great wisdom. 】

[Ten days later, you went to Luotian Dungeon. 】


[After the immersive simulation is over, you have gained a lot and your understanding of the puppetry has become more sophisticated. 】

[Under the recommendation of Luo Shuying, you joined the Advent Cult. 】

[After joining Adventism, two years passed in the blink of an eye...]

[In the third year, you refined more than 20 elixirs and secretly presented them to the Daxia military. 】

[And your Qi refining cultivation level also broke through to the fifth level of the integration stage a year ago. 】

[After refining the elixir, you will focus all your energy on understanding the body-protecting sword and improving your Qi-refining cultivation. 】

[In the same year, you took 90 drops of middle-grade spiritual liquid, and your cultivation level improved rapidly. 】

[In the fourth year, your cultivation will be raised to the peak of the fifth level of the integration period. 】

[In the fifth year, you took one million drops of high-grade spiritual liquid, and in one fell swoop, you broke through to the sixth level of the integration stage! 】

[In the sixth year, you begin to focus on understanding the body-protecting sword. 】

[With these years of practice, you have mastered a total of 140 nine body-protecting swords, and your power is even greater than before. 】

[In the seventh year, you designed to remove the current natural faction leader and replace him. 】

[In the eighth year, you killed Long Laogou and eliminated the biggest hidden danger on Blue Star. 】

[In the ninth year, your cultivation will be promoted to the middle of the sixth level of the integration stage. 】

[As your cultivation level increases day by day, the amount of spiritual energy you need is even greater. Fortunately, you still have millions of drops of spiritual liquid, which is enough to cultivate to the peak of the sixth level of the integration stage. 】

[But what interests you more is the branch of the innate hibiscus sacred tree obtained from Zhenren Wanmu. 】

[You find that this branch contains a ray of wood and a ray of fire. 】

[These two strands of Dao Yun are not the basic origin, but the real Dao perception. If you can understand them, you will definitely benefit a lot. 】

[The Law of the Great Dao, you cannot directly comprehend it, but you can parse out the abundant power of the origin of wood and fire, which will bring you a lot of benefits. 】

[So, in the next two years, in addition to practicing, you also began to try to understand this ordinary branch. 】

[No. 11, two years have passed, and you have already scratched the surface of your understanding of the original power of wood and fire. 】

[The origin of wood is full of vitality, which can make your vitality more vigorous and speed up the recovery of injuries. 】

[Even if you constantly understand the origin of wood, you can prolong your life, and your lifespan will be far longer than that of ordinary monks in the integration period. 】

[And the origin of fire makes your aura more destructive, and the power of your Fire Lifting Technique has been greatly improved. 】

[What makes you even more excited is that you seem to be able to integrate the original power of wood fire into the Five Elements Spirit Explosion Technique, increasing the power of the Spirit Explosion Technique several times...]

[But it is a pity that before you can fully understand the original power of wood and fire, Blood Three has already arrived on Blue Star. 】

[After much hesitation, you think that the improvement in Qi refining cultivation at this stage is still greater than the understanding of the two paths, so you offer the branch and successfully gain the trust and pass of Blood Three. 】

Su Xing raised his eyebrows when he saw this.

"Yes! Fusion stage monks can further understand the power of the source..."

"And I have the spiritual roots of wood and fire. I am born with a better understanding of the path of wood and fire than ordinary monks. Perhaps in the future, I can carefully understand the power of these two sources!"

For awakening, whether it is the acceleration of injury recovery from the origin of wood or the blessing of the origin of fire to improve the fire-living technique, it is important.

The Five Elements Spirit Gathering Technique is a self-created magical power that needs no introduction.

"In future simulations, if I need to improve my cultivation, I will offer branches and leave the spiritual dragon behind..."

"If you need to improve your understanding of the Wood Fire Avenue, I will offer the spiritual dragon and leave the branches..."

Su Xing's heart moved, and he gradually figured out the routine.

Look at the simulation panel.

[After Xue San left, you temporarily stopped understanding the origin of wood and fire, and instead tried your best to improve your cultivation and understand the body-protecting sword. 】

[You take out the Spiritual Vein Dragon from the ruins of Wanmu Sect and introduce it to the Queen of Lingtian Cave. The spiritual energy becomes more abundant, and medium and low-grade spiritual liquid is produced every day. 】

[In No. 13, after exhausting millions of drops of spiritual liquid, your cultivation level has been raised to the peak of the sixth level of the integration stage, and you are only one step away from the late stage of integration. 】

[You know in your heart that this small bottleneck is not easy to break through, so you work hard and focus more on the understanding of the body-protecting sword. 】

[In this way, two years passed slowly...]

[In No. 15, the total number of sword gangs you master has reached 180 six paths, and the power of the body-protecting sword gang is even greater than before. 】

[Now you have 180 six-path swords coming out at once, and your power is comparable to a full-strength strike from a monk in the late Mahayana period. 】

[This Jian Gang becomes one of the strongest trump cards in your hand...]

[In No. 16, you took 20 drops of medium-grade spiritual liquid to try to break through to the late stage of integration. 】

[You failed to break through, and your spiritual energy was in chaos. It took half a year to adjust your breath to recover. 】

"Huh? The breakthrough failed..."

Su Xing was stunned for a moment. He almost never failed to achieve a breakthrough in a small realm.

But the breakthrough from the middle to the late stage of the integration has now failed.

"Well, it seems that as your cultivation level increases, it becomes more and more difficult to break through the bottleneck..."

"Three lines of mutated heavenly spiritual roots can still reap dividends during the integration stage, but if they enter the Mahayana stage, they may completely lose their advantage..."

"I am still a Nine-turn Golden elixir, a super Nascent Soul... There is a failure rate in the late stages of breakthrough integration, ordinary monks, let alone need to say more..."

Su Xing sighed.

The path of spiritual practice places too much emphasis on qualifications and resources...

If Su Xing wants to improve his qualifications, there are only two ways now.

First, extract the golden quality spiritual root.

Second, achieve the second stage of the Heavenly Thunder Body to further purify the thunder spirit root, thereby improving the quality of the spirit root...

"It's a pity that the miniature spirit gathering array can only increase the speed during normal practice. When breaking through, it still relies on the spiritual root qualifications..."

Su Xing shook his head slightly. He vaguely guessed that the reason why the Five Elements Master did not break through to the integration stage back then was probably because he did not have enough true spiritual root qualifications, right?
"However, after all, the later stage of integration is just a small bottleneck. With a little polishing, it shouldn't be a big problem..."

Su Xing adjusted his mentality and looked at the simulation panel again.

[After failing to break through and merge in the later stage, you are not discouraged, but instead pay more attention to polishing your cultivation. 】

[This year you went to the killing battlefield of the beast-controlling world and killed hundreds of legendary monsters and three monster emperors. 】

[In No. 17, the number of sword gangs you mastered reached 190, and the power has been slightly improved. 】

[In No. 18, you prepared one hundred thousand drops of mid-grade spiritual liquid and millions of drops of high-grade spiritual liquid to make another breakthrough. 】

[This time, you succeeded. 】

[Congratulations on entering the seventh level of integration and becoming a late-stage integration monk! 】

[In No. 19, when you were looking for Wanmu Zhenren’s storage ring, you accidentally found a diary. 】

[This diary records some of Wan Mu’s experiences. 】

[In your spare time, you may read it occasionally, it is quite interesting. 】

[One day, you got a key piece of information. 】

[Thousands of years ago, the location of the ruins of the Fire Control Sect, the last sect in the Xianwu Era! 】

In the real world, Su Xing raised his eyebrows when he saw this.

"Three major sects in the Immortal Martial Era, the Five Elements Sect is good at setting up formations. From them, I obtained the Five Elements Mutual Generation Method and the Improved Spiritual Explosion Technique, and also obtained key inheritances such as the Five Elements Formation Technique and the Miniature Spirit Gathering Array..."

"And the Wanmu Sect is good at refining alchemy, so it must have a more complete method of refining alchemy, thousands of elixirs... and the Wanmu Determination Technique!"

"As for the Fire Control Sect, it seems that they refine weapons...maybe there are treasures I need in these ruins?"

Su Xing showed a look of interest on his face.

The first two sect ruins brought Su Xing quite a surprise.

I wonder what kind of surprises await the awakening of the last ruins?
Thinking of this, Su Xing looked at the simulation panel with a sense of inquiry.

[The information about the last ancient sect ruins has aroused your interest. 】

[So you decided to go to the Xianwu Era dungeon to explore. 】【According to the prompts in Wan Mu's diary, you finally found the location of the Fire Control Sect's ruins after a lot of effort. 】

[Unlike the first two sect ruins, the Fire Control Sect ruins are located in an underground cave in the Xianwu Continent. The temperature in the cave is extremely high, accompanied by magma and ground fire. 】

[You broke through the ruins formation and entered the ruins. 】

[This is still an ancient tomb, but the surrounding temperature is extremely high. You exude your spiritual consciousness and enter it. 】

[During this period, I encountered two puppets from the early stage of breaking the void, and you easily solved them. 】

[But when you are about to enter the core of the ruins, you are blocked by a restriction. 】

[This restriction is different from ordinary formations. It actually requires a certain understanding of the origin of fire in order to be perfectly unlocked. 】

[You don’t have enough understanding of the origin of fire, so you can’t perfectly break the restrictions. 】

[So you chose a more violent method and defeated all laws with one force! 】

[You raise your fists and use your Yuanli and a trace of the source of power. The terrifying power instantly collapses the restriction. 】

[But what you didn’t expect is that after the restriction collapsed, the core of the ruins here actually began to collapse. 】

[Fortunately, you have advanced cultivation and superb physical strength, and successfully escaped from the ruins, but you were unable to explore the core area of ​​the ruins. 】

[It is a pity that you left the world of Xianwu...]

"Huh? It's actually a relic with a self-destruction mechanism that cannot be violently activated from the outside..."

A look of surprise appeared on Su Xing's face.

"Perhaps there are some secrets and treasures hidden in the ruins of the Fire Control Sect?"

"Forget it...when you understand the origin of fire enough in the future, you can find a way to open it..."

Su Xing shook his head slightly. Although he felt a little regretful, he didn't care too much.

He looked back at the simulation panel.

[After leaving the Immortal Martial Era dungeon, you continue to practice quietly. 】

[In No. 20, after the cultivation reaches the late stage of integration, the breakthrough of the small realm needs to be calculated in hundreds of years. 】

[Even if you want to break through the first level, it will not be easy without sufficient resources. 】

[Because you are accumulating spiritual liquid, your cultivation is still at the early stage of the seventh level of the integration stage. 】

[No. 20 In the year [-], you realized three more sword swords, and the total number of sword swords you mastered reached an astonishing two hundred and eight. 】

[But you still have not reached the Dacheng level of body protection sword. 】

[You continue to work hard to understand the body-protecting sword, and work hard to improve your cultivation. 】

[In this way, four years have passed. 】

[No. 20 In the fifth year, you took 200 million drops of spiritual liquid, and your cultivation level was successfully promoted to the middle stage of the seventh level of the integration stage. 】

[At this time, there are still three years left until the Demon Saint arrives. 】

[So you are ready to step up your understanding of the body-protecting sword. 】

[No. 20, this year, the number of body-protecting swords you mastered reached 230. 】

[One day, you performed a divination and calculated that there would be a small disaster within seven days of the Demon Suppression Pass. 】

[You understand instantly that the Demon Saint with Double Eyes is about to come to this world...]

[Sure enough, seven days later, the Demon Saint arrived! 】

[Countless monsters and monsters are overwhelming the city, ready to destroy it. 】

[You stand on a flying sword, high in the sky, and declare war on the Demon Saint...]

[The Demon Saint with Double Eyes has indeed been fooled. You fight with Qi and pretend to be evenly matched to delay time. 】

[In the next five years, you will do this every year...]

[No. 30 Three years, in the past few years, you and the Demon Saint have been fighting every year, but you have never relaxed in your practice. 】

[You swallowed the 300 million drops of spiritual liquid you accumulated, and broke through to the late stage of the seventh level of integration in one breath. You are only one step away from the eighth level of integration...]

[And your understanding of the body-protecting sword is getting better and better day by day. 】

[Five years have passed, and the number of body-protecting swords you have mastered has reached 250! 】

[250 Four body-protecting swords came out at once, and the astonishing swords erupted were even comparable to a blow from a peak Mahayana monk! 】

[The defensive blessing brought by the body-protecting aura is also close to that of a peak Mahayana monk. 】

[This year, the Demon Saint launched the final battle with you. 】

[You know that after this battle, the Demon Saint will notice the clues and choose to retreat. 】

[But you don’t intend to let him go, but you really have murderous intentions! 】

[So during the battle, you pretended to be invincible and were suppressed by the Double-Eyed Demon Saint at every turn. 】

[But at the critical moment, you burst out with 250 four body-protecting swords in one breath! 】

[This is a blow comparable to that of a peak Mahayana monk! 】

[As for the Demon Saint with Double Eyes, who was only in the middle stage of Demon Saint, even though his bloodline was extraordinary and his physical examination was astonishing, he was still killed instantly by this blow! 】

[Immediately afterwards, you annihilated the soul of the Double-Eyed Demon Saint. 】

[You found storage props from the corpse of the demon saint. Most of them are used by aliens and are of no use to you. 】

[You obtained a lot of information from the Demon Saint’s storage props. You learned that the Demon Saint comes from the royal “Gourmet Beast” clan of the Demon Clan. 】

[At the same time, you also have a general understanding of the strength of the alien race. 】

[There are many types of alien races, and the number of races is tens of millions, but the strongest among them are a few camps: demons, demons, evil, gods...]

[The monsters among the alien races are different from the ordinary monsters in the Three Thousand Worlds. They possess a strange energy that allows them to identify themselves. 】

[Among the alien races, the hierarchy is extremely strict. 】

[In addition to cannon fodder aliens and ordinary aliens, they are also divided into royal families, royal families, imperial families, and holy families...]

[The higher the level of the alien race, the stronger the bloodline and strength it possesses. 】

[The best among the Imperial Clan and the Saint Clan, he kills enemies as much as he eats and drinks. He is also the top talent in the entire Three Thousand Worlds. 】

[You have learned about the alien race, and you are even more curious about this race that continuously invades and destroys the three thousand worlds. 】

[But your current strength is not enough to pay attention to these. 】

[So you took out the life-saving trump card on the Demon Saint’s body and found that it was a strange sphere. 】

[With a thought in your mind, you tried to activate this trump card, but then a warning was sent from you, and you quickly stopped the activation. 】

[You understand, maybe activating this trump card will bring you a disaster of life and death. 】

"This life-saving trump card... allows the Double-Eyed Demon Saint to teleport to other worlds. Maybe the teleported world is the base camp of the demon clan?"

"That's right...if I activate this trump card privately, I will definitely be dead!"

Su Xing murmured.

After killing the Demon Saint with Double Eyes, Su Xing got a lot of information from the Demon Saint.

The overall strength of the alien race is stronger than Su Xing imagined!

This double-eyed demon saint is just a genius among the royal family. How terrifying must the stronger imperial clan and saint clan be?
"Also...according to the information we received before, it seems that the Little Qingyun Realm is also being invaded by alien races."

"It's just that the overall strength of the Little Qingyun Realm is much stronger than that of Blue Star... so the current situation is quite stable..."

But what Su Xing could predict was.

Because of the existence of the Advent Cult, the alien race is powerful... and the human race has been declining in recent years.

Perhaps one day, not only the Small Thousand Worlds will fall... some Middle Thousands and even the Great Thousand Worlds will also be in danger of being destroyed by alien races!

"Forget it, don't think about this anymore... I am still a young monk in the integration stage and have not even reached the immortal state, so why should I think about this?"

Su Xing shook his head and looked at the simulation panel.

After killing the Demon Saint, what will happen to the Demon Suppression Pass?
[After killing the Demon Saint, you no longer pay attention to anything else, but work harder to understand the body-protecting sword. 】

[This year, you took the Qiling Pill and combined with your state of great wisdom, you mastered 54 swords in one month. 】

[The total number of body-protecting swords you master has reached an astonishing [-]! 】

[Three hundred and eight body-protecting swords come out at once, and their power is probably infinitely close to that of a strong person in the Tribulation Stage! 】

[As a defensive method, even a full blow from a peak monk in the Mahayana stage will be difficult to destroy the body-protecting sword. 】

[At the same time, you have also vaguely touched the requirements for the body-protecting sword to reach the Dacheng level. 】

[Comprehend the 360 ​​body-protecting swords, and integrate them into one, which may reach the Dacheng level! 】

[You are not far away from reaching this goal. 】

[It is conceivable that if you successfully master the Dacheng-level body-protecting sword, you may be invincible if you are below the tribulation stage! 】

[By then, your strength will have undergone a qualitative change! 】

[No. 30 In four years, the total number of body-protecting swords you have mastered has reached 310, and your power has improved slightly. 】

[No.30 In five years, your cultivation reached the peak of the seventh level of the integration period. 】

[You took out the 80 drops of mid-grade spiritual liquid that you had accumulated before, and tried to sprint to the eighth level of the integration stage! 】

[After half a year, you successfully came out of seclusion. 】

[Congratulations on becoming an eighth-level monk in the integration stage! 】

[After reaching the eighth level of the integration stage, you will devote all your attention to the understanding of the body-protecting sword. 】

[In the blink of an eye, two years have passed...]

[No. 30 In seven years, the total number of body-protecting swords you have mastered has reached an astonishing 320 four, and you are not far from Dacheng. 】

[One day, you performed a divination and discovered that within a month, the Demon Suppression Pass will face a catastrophe. 】

[You are suddenly startled, and then you understand that this is the demon clan who is going to attack again. 】

[This time, you did not choose to escape. 】

[You plan to live and die with the Demon-Suppressing Pass! 】

[Because the 320 Four Body Protecting Sword Gang gives you almost the offensive power of a monk in the Tribulation Stage. If you don’t come to the Immortal Realm, you can defend the Demon Suppression Pass! 】

[And if you return to Blue Star, the giant beast will come in a few months, and you will not gain anything, so you might as well give it a try. 】

[One month later, a terrifying figure arrived at the Demon Suppression Pass. 】

[This is a gigantic beast that is ten thousand feet tall, and its body shape is somewhat similar to the "Gourmet Beast", the real form of the double-eyed monster. 】

[You know in your heart that maybe after killing the demon saint, his elders came to the door. 】

[What makes you feel even more desperate is that this giant beast is indeed at the immortal level...that is, it has reached the so-called god level among aliens! 】

[No surprise, you have no power to resist in front of this god-level combat power. 】

【you are dead! 】

[This simulation is over! 】

In the real world, Su Xing sighed when he saw this.

"Alas, I didn't expect that after killing the Demon Saint, the end time of the simulation would be advanced..."

"Three years are missing. It seems that it is not appropriate to kill the Demon Saint directly in the future. We have to let him escape back."

Su Xing shook his head slightly. Overall, this attempt was a small loss.

"However... the goal of this simulation has basically been achieved. 320 four body-protecting swords. We are only 36 short of the completion of the body-protecting swords."

"In the next simulation, you only need to take the Qiling Pill and cooperate with the immersive simulation, and you will definitely be able to reach the Great Level of Body Protecting Sword Gang!"

"By then, my defense will be comparable to that of a monk in the Tribulation Stage!"

Su Xing had some vague expectations in his heart.

After the body-protecting sword is completed, you can sprint to the level of body-refining when you wake up!

"There are also firebending sect ruins. If you have time in the future, you can explore it..."

Su Xing looked at the reward for this simulation.

[Golden Jade Clothes]: Purple talent, priced at 100 million energy points.

[20 years of alchemy experience]: After redemption, the existing alchemy insights will increase slightly, and the price is 1000 million energy.

[Eighth level of cultivation in the integration stage]: A monk in the late stage of integration, he can sense the prototype of the avenue and understand the power of the source... The price is 20 billion energy.

[Body Protecting Sword Gang (Xiao Cheng)]: It was formed by the awakening and comprehension of monks. With the Body Protecting Gang Qi as the reference, Yuanli and Sword Intent as the core, it summons the Sword Gang to protect you. Its power is comparable to the level of a great supernatural power, and it is both offensive and defensive. As one body, Xi Zhi can fight across the ranks. Currently, there are 324 body-protecting swords.The price is 11 billion energy.

[Origin of Wood (Uninitiated)]: The basic composition of the Avenue of Wood contains strong vitality, is gentle and silent, has the power of flesh and bones of the living dead, and can extend life.The price is 2 million energy.

[Origin of Fire (Uninitiated)]: The basic composition of the Avenue of Fire contains terrifying power and can enhance the power of fire spells.The price is 2 million energy.

(There is another chapter at noon~)

(End of this chapter)

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