Others practice leveling, I cultivate immortality, go out to Mahayana before leaving the mountain

Chapter 249 The integration period is complete, and the body of thunder is advanced!

Chapter 249 The integration period is complete, and the body of thunder is advanced! (Ten thousand words, two in one)

In the real world, Su Xing saw this and made a little calculation.

"The total value of second- and third-level exotic metals is 160 billion energy, plus dungeon props and various low-level equipment... the final total value should be between 250 billion and 300 billion energy!"

Thinking of this, Su Xing's eyes lit up.

This proves that the establishment of a puppet organization is really feasible!

Just by trading with major chambers of commerce, you can earn 300 to [-] billion energy in three months!
In comparison, the energy Tarot will bring to awakening is only one-tenth of this organization!

"Tsk, tsk, this is still the beginning of the establishment of the organization... If it becomes famous later, I'm afraid it will gain even more energy!"

Su Xing's little heart was beating fast.

Su Xing is satisfied with the benefits of this plan.

"But the question is, how risky is this plan?"

"If the risk cannot be tolerated...even if the return is high, it cannot be executed!"

Su Xing murmured, looking at the simulation panel again.

[After taking back the ten scattered puppets, you found that several of the king-level puppets had varying degrees of damage. 】

[You repair them one by one and place them in the Lingtian Cave to recharge. 】

[In the blink of an eye, one year has passed. 】

[In the second year, you stayed in the Advent Sect and continued to refine elixirs, taking the time to visit the Luotian dungeon. 】

[You start to send out ten puppets for the second time and give them twice the trading materials as before. 】

[Three months later, nine puppets returned. One of the puppets disappeared and his whereabouts are unknown. 】

[You learned that the trading partner of this puppet is the Pearl Chamber of Commerce in the Magic City. 】

[So you sent Master Wanmu to investigate secretly. 】

[You learned that the Pearl Chamber of Commerce sent a Martial Emperor and three Heavenly King-level experts to capture the Nascent Soul puppet and torture it, hoping to find out the secret of the so-called "Tianji Pavilion". 】

[You were very angry about this, so you did not hesitate to spend thousands of drops of spiritual liquid to let Zhenren Wanmu take action to kill a Martial Emperor and three Heavenly Kings, and rescued the Nascent Soul puppet. 】

[After this battle, the name of Tianji Pavilion completely shocked these chambers of commerce. 】

[In future transactions, no puppets in Tianji Pavilion were injured. 】

Su Xing nodded slightly when he saw this.

Those chambers of commerce, seeking profit first, will naturally bully the weak and fear the strong. As long as they show their strength, they can naturally be intimidated.

But what Su Xing cares about is not these, but whether Long Laogou will know about it and make Xue San vigilant?
Thinking this, Su Xing looked at the simulation panel.

[In the third year, your status in Advent Cult is increasing day by day. 】

[You handed over the elixir you refined over the past two years to the Daxia military, adding many strong men to the human race. 】

[At the same time, you also have more time to work hard to improve your Qi refining skills. 】

[In the fourth year, you learned that Long Laogou issued an order to investigate a secret organization called Tianji Pavilion. 】

[After hearing the news, your heart tightened. As expected, the existence of Tianji Pavilion still attracted Long Laogou’s attention. 】

[But you don’t know whether Xue San, who is far away in the three thousand worlds, has heard of this news, or what he thinks. 】

[To be on the safe side, you have temporarily terminated the eight puppets' transactions, leaving only Wanmu Zhenren and Xiaobai to trade with major chambers of commerce. 】

[In this way, another two years have passed. 】

[In the sixth year, you swallowed millions of drops of high-grade spiritual liquid, and your cultivation level rose to the middle eighth level of integration. 】

[As your cultivation level gets higher and higher, your cultivation speed also slows down. 】

[In the seventh year, Xiaobai was seriously injured and escaped. You learned that he was ambushed by the leader of the fanatical faction, but finally managed to escape. 】

[You took Xiaobai back to Lingtian Cave. In the same year, you designed to get rid of the leader of the natural faction and replaced him. 】

[At the same time, you have studied the mysterious branches over the years and have a preliminary understanding of the origin of wood and fire. 】

[In the eighth year, you designed to get rid of Long Laogou, so you successfully removed the last obstacle to the Blue Star Advent Sect. 】

[In the next two years, you will work hard to practice and understand the origin of wood and fire. 】

[In the tenth year, your understanding of the origin of fire has finally reached the entry level. 】

[You know in your heart that the Blood Three will come next year, so you hid the puppet in the ruins of Wanmu Sect in advance. 】

[In Year No. 11, Blood Three came. You presented the branches of the treasure tree and successfully gained Blood Three’s trust. 】

[At the same time, Xue San asked you for information about Tianji Pavilion...]

[You feel tense in your heart, but remain calm on the outside. 】

[You said Qianji Pavilion is very mysterious. They only trade with major chambers of commerce, provide some low-level items for monks, and exchange a large amount of exotic metals, equipment, etc. 】

[After Xue San heard this, a strange color flashed in his eyes, and he murmured words such as "Heaven's Secret" and "Thousands of Secrets"...]

[Xue San tells you not to confront Tianji Pavilion head-on, but you need to observe secretly. If Tianji Pavilion has any major actions, you must tell him as soon as possible. 】

[You know in your heart that Xue San may have misunderstood something, but you are also happy to do so. 】

[After Xue San leaves, you take the puppet and the spirit dragon back to Lingtian Cave and continue to study step by step. 】

[At this time, you are the leader of the Advent Sect on Blue Star, and you are not worried that the secrets of Tianji Pavilion will be leaked to Xue San...]

Su Xing looked at the simulated text in front of him and raised his eyebrows.

"Qianji Pavilion... Tianji Pavilion?"

"Could it be that Xu San mistakenly believed that Tianji Pavilion was a subordinate organization secretly sent by Qianji Pavilion to Blue Star?"

Wake up thinking.

"I didn't expect that a name chosen at random would actually have the effect of shaking the mountain and shaking the tiger... so that the Advent Sect would not dare to act rashly!"

"It seems that as long as Tianji Pavilion acts carefully and doesn't reveal too much, it may be able to bring me huge profits!"

Su Xing is quite satisfied with the result.

However, the specific follow-up risks will need to be further explored in future simulations.

"Then next, it's time to make every effort to improve our strength and reach the state of perfect union as soon as possible..."

Su Xing murmured and looked at the simulation panel.

[After Blood Three has left, the biggest threat to Tianji Pavilion has been avoided for the time being. You still let Tianji Pavilion trade with major chambers of commerce outside to see if there are any hidden risks. 】

[In No. 12, your cultivation reached the peak of the eighth level of the integration stage, and you began to break through to the ninth level of the integration stage. 】

[You prepare 50 drops of mid-grade spiritual liquid and start preparing for a breakthrough. 】

[After half a year, you successfully emerged from seclusion and were promoted to the ninth level of the integration stage! 】

[In No. 13, you went to the ruins of the beast-controlling world and dealt with all the legendary monsters and the three demon emperors. 】

[In No. 14, you suddenly received a message from Xue San. He asked you why the aliens in the beast-controlling world died so quickly. 】

[And ask you if there have been any changes in Tianji Pavilion during this period. 】

[You stated that there was no unusual movement in Tianji Pavilion, and you did not know the specific situation in the beast-controlling world. 】

[Xue San is very dissatisfied with your answer. He said that he will take time to visit Blue Star again when he has time. 】

[You were surprised after hearing this, and hid several puppets back in the ruins of Wanmu Sect. 】

[In No. 15, you took out a top-quality Spirit-enlightening Pill, accumulated a month of great wisdom blessings, and prepared to attack the Great Perfection of the Body-Protective Sword Gang. 】

In the real world, Su Xing saw this and muttered silently:

"Using immersive simulation, duration 30 days..."

[Ding, you successfully used the immersive...the remaining energy is 2 million points.]

The beep fell, and Su Xing's vision changed.

"Huh... the current number of sword gangs is 320. In one month, it needs to reach 360 sword gangs before it can be completed!"

Su Xing murmured, then took out the Qiling Pill and drank it, and immediately began to understand the body-protecting sword.

With the dual blessing of the Spiritual Enlightenment Pill and the Great Wisdom State, one month of understanding is better than ten years!

In the first ten days, Su Xing realized a total of 16 sword gangs, and the total number of body-protecting sword gangs reached 340.

On the 20th day, the number of sword gangs awakened and understood reached 350!

But as the number of sword gangs continued to increase, Su Xing also felt a little struggling.

At the eighth day of No. 20, Su Xing successfully mastered 360 swords.

The mastery of the Awakening Body Protection Sword Gang has finally reached the Dacheng level!
"There are only two days left, we can't waste them..."

Su Xing murmured, then took out a few jade slips, which recorded some commonly used monk spells, and began to study them.


Soon the immersive simulation ends and the person wakes up and returns to reality.

"360 body-protecting swords, successfully mastered!"

"Then the next step is to wait to enter the belly of the giant beast and find the opportunity for great success!"

The corners of Su Xing's mouth rose slightly, feeling a little excited.

"I just don't know when the Blood Three will come back to Blue Star... Before that, it's not advisable to increase your strength too quickly, otherwise it will be bad to attract the attention of the Blood Three!"

Su Xing looked at the simulation panel.

[In No. 16, you only relied on spiritual energy and spiritual stones to practice and began to accumulate spiritual liquid. 】

[In this way, five years passed quickly...]

[No.20 One year, one day you make a divination and predict that you will be in disaster within seven days. 】

[Your heart suddenly tightened, knowing that perhaps Blood Three was about to come to Blue Star. 】

[So you hid the Spiritual Vein Dragon, the Spirit-Gathering Flower, etc. in the ruins of the Wanmu Sect. 】

[Sure enough, seven days later, Blood Three came, and he asked you for information about Tianji Pavilion. 】

[You said that Tianji Pavilion has not done much in recent years. 】

[Xue San nodded slightly and went to the beast-controlling world in person to investigate the situation. 】

[Fortunately, more than ten years have passed and the traces of that year have almost disappeared. Xue San does not doubt you. 】

[After coming out of the copy of the Beast Controlling World, Xue San left Blue Star. 】

[After Xue San leaves, you take the Spirit Gathering Flower and the Spirit Vein Dragon back to the Lingtian Cave again. 】

[In this way, the next three years will be safe and sound. 】

[No. 20 In four years, your cultivation has successfully reached the middle stage of the ninth level of the integration stage. 】

[You have accumulated hundreds of thousands of drops of mid-grade spiritual liquid and millions of drops of low-grade spiritual liquid, and are ready to quickly improve your cultivation. 】

[In the boring retreat practice, another two years have passed...]

[No. 20 In the sixth year, your cultivation has reached the late ninth level of the integration stage. 】

[You will practice every day, polish your spiritual power, and make steady progress towards the completion of the integration period. 】

[So, two years have passed. 】

[No.20, the Demon Saint came to suppress the Demon Pass. 】

[You repeat your old tricks, suppress your strength, and get double injuries every time you fight against the Demon Saint. 】

[Five years have passed slowly, and these have been the most stable five years in Demon Town Pass. 】

[No. 30 In three years, your cultivation has finally reached the peak of the ninth level of the integration stage. 】

[This year, the Demon Saint discovered something was wrong and left the Demon Suppression Pass. 】

[In the same year, you began to break through to the completion of the integration period. 】

[You prepared 30 drops of mid-grade spiritual liquid and a million drops of low-grade spiritual liquid to officially break through the retreat. 】

[After half a year, you failed to break through and are still stuck at the peak of the ninth level of integration. 】

[But you are neither arrogant nor impatient, continue to polish your realm and aura, accumulate spiritual fluid, and wait for the next breakthrough. 】

[Six years have passed slowly...]

[No.30 In the ninth year, you have once again prepared enough spiritual liquid to sprint towards the completion of the integration period. 】

【This time, you succeeded! 】

[Congratulations, you have successfully broken through to the integration stage! 】

[No. 40, you know in your heart that the Demon Suppression Pass will be inevitably destroyed in this year. 】

[So you no longer hesitate, leave the Demon Suppression Pass, and return to Blue Star. 】

[Sure enough, a few months later, information came that the Demon Suppression Pass had been destroyed. 】

[In the same year, giant beasts invaded and swallowed up the entire Daxia Kingdom. 】

[You hold up the protective energy and enter the giant beast copy space. 】

[Mountains, rivers, vegetation, and all life gradually turn into nothingness before your eyes. 】

[But relying on your own cultivation and the existence of body-protecting Gang Qi, you will be fine. 】

[You are looking for traces of the large thunder area. 】

[A few hours later, you discovered a large thunder area. 】

[Without any hesitation, you entered this area. 】

[Six feet wide, like a terrifying thunderbolt like a horned dragon, coming towards you. 】

[You hold up the body-protecting sword, and this thunderbolt is firmly blocked by you. 】

[Threads of thunder and lightning, mixed with the origin of thunder, are constantly tempering your body. In the tempering of this thunder, you feel waves of severe pain. 】

[But these sources of thunder can only hurt you, and under the influence of Xiaoqiang’s talent, your injuries will recover quickly...]

[Under the tempering of the origin of thunder, you are approaching your limit little by little. 】

[At the same time, your body of thunder is gradually approaching the second stage. 】

[Your understanding of the origin of thunder gradually deepens...]

In the real world, Su Xing was relieved to see this.

"Sure enough, just as I thought, the body-protecting sword can completely block most of the thunder...the rest is just enough for me to temper my body and break the limit!"

According to Su Xing's speculation, the defensive power of the 360 ​​body-protecting swords should be close to that of a monk entering the Tribulation Realm for the first time.

There is still a gap in power between the thunder in a large thunder area and the real thunder tribulation.

So Su Xing should be able to block it easily.

"Then the next step is to stabilize the body tempering and achieve the second stage of the Heavenly Thunder Body, breaking the limit..."

Su Xing looked forward to the simulation panel with some anticipation.

[One... three... five...]

[The terrifying thunder like a horned dragon is constantly tempering your body. 】

[And you are also getting closer to your limit... You can feel that your body of thunder is undergoing some kind of transformation. 】

[After a long time, this thunder area collapsed, and you felt that your strength had taken another big step forward. 】

[You did not hesitate and started looking for the next large thunder area...]

[In this way, three days and three nights passed. 】

[You have experienced six large-scale thunder areas. You can feel that in this process, you have gained an understanding of the origin of thunder. 】

[What surprises you even more is that the origin of thunder has broken into the second stage, and you are only one step away from breaking the limit and achieving the ultimate body refining! 】

[At this time, the space in this void has become increasingly unstable, and various spatial turbulences are everywhere. 】

[You carefully avoid these turbulences and look for the last large thunder area. 】

[Finally, after a few hours, you entered the last thunder area. 】

[The terrifying thunder strikes again, constantly tempering your body...]

[One... two... five! 】

[You withstood eight thunderbolts! 】

[Finally, at the ninth level, you feel that your physical body is broken. 】

[Your power surges at this moment! 】

[Your Heavenly Thunder Body also completed its breakthrough at this moment and successfully entered the second stage! 】

[The thunder area slowly dissipates... You are surprised to find that you have become a master of body refining! 】

[So, you try to survive the turbulence of the void...]

[You hold up the body-protecting sword and use the power of your physical body to cross the void. 】

[Body-protecting Jian Gang persisted in three void turbulences...]

[You were torn into pieces by the fourth void turbulence...]

【you are dead! 】

[This simulation is over! 】

Su Xing looked at the simulated text in front of him, with a flash of light in his eyes.

"The realm of body refining is now complete!?"

Su Xing took a deep breath and felt that it all happened too suddenly.

"It seems that the power of this body-protecting sword is stronger than I imagined!"

"Surprisingly, it went so smoothly and the body refining was completed!"

Wake up and feel happy.

But he also knew that what he saw was just cold simulated text. The hardships involved in the simulation were difficult for Su Xing to understand.

"Then, let's take a look at the rewards of this simulation!"

Su Xing's heart moved and he looked at the reward list.

[Fairy Spirit Wine]: Purple talent, priced at 100 million points of energy.

[20 years of alchemy experience]: After redemption, the existing alchemy insights will increase slightly, and the price is 1000 million energy.

[Complete cultivation in the integration period]: A monk in the late integration period, sensing the prototype of the avenue, comprehending the power of the source... The price is 10 billion energy. [Origin of Wood (Introduction)]: The basic composition of the avenue of wood contains strong vitality, is gentle and silent, has the power of the flesh and bones of the living dead, and can prolong life.The price is 5 million energy.

[Origin of Fire (Introduction)]: The basic composition of the Avenue of Fire contains terrifying power and can enhance the power of fire spells.The price is 5 million energy.

[Origin of Thunder (Introduction)]: The basic composition of the Avenue of Thunder has terrifying destructive power. It has extra damage bonus against evil and ghostly objects. It sells for 5 million energy.

[Sky Thunder Body (Second Stage)]: In the second stage of the Sky Thunder Body, after being tempered by the Sky Thunder, it absorbs the origin of thunder and strengthens the body. The understanding of the origin of thunder is greatly accelerated, and the purity of the thunder spirit root is improved. The affinity of thunder aura is increased, slightly increasing the upper limit of the physical body's potential.The price is 10 billion energy.

[Physical Refining Realm Level 25]: The ultimate realm of body refining monks in the mortal world. Body refining can be accomplished in a short time. The physical strength is beyond imagination and has the power of 20 mountains.The price is [-] billion energy.
In this simulation, Su Xing made many attempts, so there were many more reward options.

"The realm of great body refining...does the first level actually require 20 billion energy?"

Su Xing sighed. As his cultivation level increased, the energy required increased faster than he imagined.

"It seems... that the establishment of the Tianji Pavilion puppet organization is imperative! Otherwise, I will have a huge shortage of energy in the future... and may even be unable to improve my realm!"

Su Xing shook his head slightly and glanced at the rewards one by one.

Originally, Su Xing would decisively choose the cultivation level of the Great Body Refining Realm. After all, Su Xing's power will more than double, close to the power of 25 mountains!
But when Su Xing saw the introduction of the second stage of the Heavenly Thunder Body, he hesitated.

"The body of Heavenly Thunder can enhance the sense of spiritual energy, enhance the awareness of the origin of thunder... and even increase the upper limit of the potential of the physical body!"

Su Xing felt something in his heart.

If we obtain the physical body first and then break through to the Dacheng state next time, wouldn't we be able to have stronger power!
"Hiss... If this is really the case, we can really wait for a round of simulation!"

Su Xing murmured.

"In this case, it is the most appropriate choice to complete the cultivation during the integration period... and to cooperate with the second stage of the Heavenly Thunder Body!"

Su Xing thought so.

"The energy required for these two rewards is 20 billion. As long as we trade with Lu Yuanwu, it will be enough!"

Thinking of this, Su Xing couldn't wait to start to lose his breath and set out to prepare for the transaction with Lu Yuanwu.


Half an hour later, Su Xing successfully returned to Lingtian Cave.

"I choose the Dzogchen cultivation level of the integration stage, and the second stage of the Heavenly Thunder Body!"

Su Xing said impatiently.

[Ding, you successfully brought out the perfect cultivation level in the integration period, spending 10 billion energy points, and the remaining energy is 12 million points. 】

[You successfully brought out the body of thunder (second stage), spending 10 billion energy and leaving 2 million points of remaining energy. 】

The simulator beep sounded, and two mysterious forces poured into Su Xing's body.

The first thing that changed drastically was Su Xing’s cultivation.

I saw that Xing Xing's cultivation had surpassed two levels in just a few breaths.

From the eighth level of the integration stage, he broke through to the great perfection of the integration stage in one fell swoop!

During this period, Su Xing has been holding on to his mind and working hard to adjust to the huge changes in spiritual power...

After a while, Su Xing slowly opened his eyes, and a golden light flashed through.

"The integration period is complete, and the total amount of mana in my body has doubled again!"

"At this moment, even if I don't rely on other means, the Burning Life Jue alone is enough for me to fight across the ranks!"

No matter what, the improvement of Qi refining cultivation has always been the core.

After the cultivation breakthrough, the awakened physical body also began to change rapidly.

A flash of lightning flashed in Su Xing's eyes, and then, faintly rushing thunder wrapped around Su Xing's body.

Su Xing felt that his strength had improved slightly, and the biggest change was his ability to sense the surrounding thunder aura...

"Hiss, the second stage of the Heavenly Thunder Body has increased my spiritual root sensitivity by at least [-]%!"

Su Xing was delighted. Sure enough, the advancement of the Heavenly Thunder Body could also bring about an improvement in Su Xing's qualifications!

Actually this is no secret.

In the Three Thousand Worlds, there are various types of spiritual roots such as miscellaneous spiritual roots, true spiritual roots, heavenly spiritual roots, super spiritual roots, and ethereal spiritual roots.

Another major influence on qualifications is the various rare physiques.

For example, the Xuanyin Treasure Body, the Ancient Holy Body, the Great Dao Divine Body, etc...

The importance of physical fitness to qualifications is no less important than spiritual roots, and even slightly exceeds it!

Because of various rare physiques, they not only affect the speed of cultivation, but can even increase combat effectiveness!
"Not bad... It seems that the body of thunder is the right choice..."

"The subsequent simulations, when you break through to the Dacheng realm, will bring about an increase in power that will definitely be even more terrifying!"

Su Xing nodded in satisfaction.

After realizing some changes in strength, he woke up and started a new week of work.

"The goal this week is to completely repair Wanmu's puppet..."

"Experiment a few more times in the simulation to evaluate the risks of Tianji Pavilion's establishment... Then you can try to earn a lot of energy!"

Su Xing murmured.

Although with the improvement of his strength, there are almost no threats to him on Blue Star, but there are dangers from other worlds, so Su Xing still has to be cautious.


Soon, a week passed and it was March 3th.

Su Xing is busy with the final production of Wanmu's real puppet.

Carefully inject the core of the puppet into it, and then take out dozens of top-quality spiritual stones and put them into it.

Finally, Su Xing imprinted his soul mark.

"Phew~ Finally, it's done!"

Su Xing breathed a sigh of relief.

"Xiao Muzi, do somersaults for the master!"

Su Xing tried to give an order, but Wanmu Zhenren in front of him also turned somersaults obediently, looking a little funny.

"Well, that's right... Even though he's a puppet, because he was a living dead and his body was well preserved, he acts like an ordinary person!"

Su Xing nodded slightly.

Su Xing put a lot of effort into this Wanmu real puppet.

In addition to preserving the peak combat power of the Void Return Stage, Su Xing also embedded a miniature spirit gathering array inside the puppet.

In this case, Wanmu Zhenren can automatically absorb the spiritual energy in the Lingtian Cave to recharge, minimizing the consumption of spiritual liquid and spiritual stones.

And there are two methods for Su Xing to control the puppet.

The first is to seize control of its puppet through the soul mark, so that Su Xing can directly control its actions.

However, this can only be achieved if Master Wanmu is within the scope of his awakened consciousness.

The second method of control is to issue orders.

Although this kind of advanced puppet has no real personality and consciousness, it can execute more complex commands.

For example, Su Xing asked Zhenren Wan Mu to trade on his behalf. Not only was he able to trade smoothly, he was even able to bargain and bargain, just like a normal person...

"Well, the only pity is that after becoming a puppet, your cultivation level is fixed..."

"If I want to further improve the puppet's combat power, I will have to improve my puppet skills and add high-level materials and metals to it...or prepare high-level magic weapons for it."

Su Xing shook his head slightly. At this point, ordinary puppets and puppet cultivators were incomparable.

After all, the upper limit of puppet cultivation is extremely high, and the upper limit of ordinary puppets is almost locked.

"However, the strength is basically enough... At present, the only person on Blue Star who has the same strength as Wanmu is Long Laogou..."

"As long as Long Laogou doesn't take action himself, Wanmu Puppet is enough to intimidate all Xiaoxiao!"

Now that Wan Mu Zhenren has been refined, the number of war puppets that can be used in Su Xing's hands has reached ten.

Su Xing can already start letting these puppets go out and trade with major chambers of commerce.

But before that, Su Xing prepared for the next simulation to test the risks again.

"Counting the time, it's time to meet Jin Congxue..."

Su Xing murmured, and then began his daily routine of disguising himself and gathering his breath.

This time, Su Xing planned to go there. After all, every date with Jin Congxue was one of the few moments of relaxation.

A quarter of an hour later, Su Xing arrived at the villa.

I saw Jin Congxue who was a little nervous.

"Wake up! Is it you?"

A look of surprise flashed in Jin Congxue's eyes.

Su Xing smiled when he saw this and said, "Of course it's me... Why are you so nervous?"

After hearing this, Jin Congxue breathed a long sigh of relief, patted her chest and said:

"Phew, I was scared to death... That senior came to trade before. I thought something happened to you?"

Su Xing felt a little moved when she saw that Jin Congxue was really worried about him.

"Don't worry, I am protected by the senior experts in the organization. What accidents can happen to me?"

Su Xing comforted, then changed the subject.

"By the way, you saw Senior Bai last time, right? What do you think of him?"

Hearing this, Jin Congxue said with a solemn look in his eyes:

"The strength is unfathomable... No wonder you are able to refine so many elixirs. It turns out there is a mysterious master behind you!"

"That Senior Bai is probably at least a Martial Emperor-level expert!"

Jin Congxue said this with a look of awe in his eyes.

The Martial Emperor's forces are among the strongest in the entire Daxia and even Blue Star!
Su Xing laughed and said nothing.

She couldn't help but think in her heart: What would it be like if Jin Congxue knew that Su Xing, whom she spent time with day and night, was actually a being who surpassed the peak of the Great Emperor and was truly the strongest person in the human race?
Must be fun, right?

Just when Su Xing was thinking about it, Jin Congxue showed a look of worry in his eyes and said with some hesitation:
"Wake up...could this mysterious organization you belong to be a bad entity? Have some kind of ulterior secret?"

Su Xing was stunned for a moment after hearing Jin Congxue's words, and then realized that Jin Congxue was asking whether his organization was a heretical organization that "betrayed the human race".

So Su Xing immediately replied seriously:
"Don't worry, Sister Xue, I assure you that this organization I am in definitely exists to protect and revitalize the human race!"

"It's just that due to some special reasons, we are all existences that cannot be known to the public... we will only fight against the aliens in secret!"

"So, please keep my secret and don't tell anyone about me and the organization...even your closest relatives!"

Seeing Su Xing's serious tone, Jin Congxue nodded obediently and said:

"Don't worry, I won't betray your trust!"

After Su Xing and Jin Congxue explained, the two began to chat while eating, and their relationship became more and more intense.

When it was almost over, Jin Congxue handed this week's goods to Su Xing, and Su Xing also handed over [-] Bigu Pills and said:
"This is [-] elixirs. Please apply for one more copy of the second-level exotic metal mining area..."

After hearing this, Jin Congxue nodded and said, "Don't worry, this is what I should do!"

After Su Xing left, Jin Congxue looked at the ring in her hand and blamed herself:
"How can they be a traitor if they wake up their organization and provide Daxia with important elixirs such as Bigu Pill? Alas, I am such a fool!"


After waking up and returning to the Lingtian Cave, he exchanged the new week's goods for energy, thus adding more than 5000 million simulated energy.

And next week, the simulated energy recorded by Su Xing will reach [-] million!
The flow of Bigu Pill was to the Daxia military, and Jin Congxue traded it on its behalf.

To awaken himself, he used Yangyuan Pill, Fu-Refining Pill and Lu Yuanwu to trade.

There seems to be a certain risk that clues will be discovered, but in fact it is not.

Because there are thousands of copies on Blue Star.

Among them, the props and elixirs produced in the dungeon are endless, so it is not easy to associate them together.

As long as he doesn't wake up through the Tarot Council and uses the Yangyuan Pill, Lu Yuanwu will not think of him.

This is also the policy set by Su Xing.

Items sold through other means will no longer be traded through the Tarot Club.

For example, the previous longevity elixirs... and future talismans, high-level elixirs, and weapons are not planned to be sold by Su Xing through the Tarot Club.

Nowadays, the Tarot Society is more like a protective shield for Su Xing, and it is also a channel for contacting Jin Congxue and getting information about the outside world.


Time soon came to the afternoon, the cooling time was over, and I woke up ready to start a new round of simulation.

"Start the simulation!"

【Ding!This simulation consumes 7900 energy points, with 2 million remaining energy points and no remaining simulation times. 】

【The simulation starts! 】

[It costs 10 energy points to extract purple talents, and 100 million energy points to extract golden legendary talents. Do you want to extract them? 】

"Extract golden quality talents!"

Su Xing said silently.

[Ding, congratulations on getting the purple talent geological expert. The probability of getting the gold talent next time is 50%...]

[Geology Expert]: Purple talent, you have a special sense of spiritual veins and special ores, and can easily discover hidden spiritual veins and special ores.

In the real world, Su Xing's eyes lit up after seeing this talent.

"Hey... I finally discovered a useful talent!"

Although it is a purple talent, this talent is perfect for awakening.

Finding spiritual veins can bring cultivation resources to Awakening... Doesn't finding special ores include exotic metals?It can bring energy to awakening!
"I just don't know how effective this talent is!"

"If you can really use this talent to find spiritual stones and exotic metals, you can make a lot of money!"

Su Xing couldn't wait to experience it and looked at the simulation panel.

[In Lingtian Cave, you realize that you are in a simulation. 】

[There were no accidents in your transaction with Lu Yuanwu. 】

[You gave the longevity pills, high-level talismans, etc. to a few puppets and asked them to trade with other chambers of commerce. 】

[Ten days later, you went to Luotian Dungeon. 】

[Your puppetry skills are getting better and better, but they are still at the minor level. 】

[According to your speculation, the skill of Dacheng-level puppetry is already terrifying, enough to produce a puppet comparable to the Immortal Realm. 】

[And you still have a long way to go before this goal. 】

[Under the recommendation of Luo Shuying, you joined the Advent Cult. 】

[In the next two years, you will refine elixirs every day to consolidate your position in the sect. 】

[In the third year, you handed over the more than 20 elixirs you refined to the Daxia military. 】

[At the same time, in the past two years, the puppet organization Tianji Pavilion you established has brought you mountains of exotic metals, various equipment, and copy props...]

[With your previous experience, you prepared several sixth-level talismans for each puppet to defend themselves. 】

[As long as the talisman is activated, each puppet can have strength comparable to that of the Martial Emperor! 】

[In this way, the puppet itself does not need to fight. With the help of the talisman, the consumption of spiritual stones and spiritual energy is greatly reduced...]

In the real world, Su Xing's eyes lit up when he saw this, he patted his head and said:

"Yes! Why didn't I think of it?"

"The puppet's own fighting requires a large amount of spiritual energy, which requires a long time to recharge..."

"But if only the puppet fights by activating the talisman, unnecessary energy loss can be completely reduced. A puppet can move for a longer time!"

After a pause, Su Xing continued:
"Moreover, equipped with a sixth-level talisman, the powerful Martial Emperor can also fight... If there is a seventh-level talisman, wouldn't it be possible to kill the Martial Emperor!?"

"By then, there will be no need to worry about the small actions of these chambers of commerce..."

Su Xing nodded with satisfaction, and inadvertently, a new direction was explored in the simulation.

Moreover, spiritual energy and spiritual stones are precious resources for awakening.

As for the talismans, you can carve dozens of fifth-level and several sixth-level talismans in just one day after waking up, which is enough to consume!

As for the materials for seal-engraving talismans... monster animal skins, spiritual ink, spiritual paper, etc., there are many more in the storage rings of Master Wan Mu and Master Wuxing.

When you wake up, you don’t have to worry about insufficient materials for a long time.

"Not bad!"

Su Xing sighed in admiration and looked at the simulation panel.

[In the fourth year, in addition to consolidating your position within the Advent Sect, you began to look for possible spiritual veins. 】

[The first thing you think of is the Immortal Martial Era dungeon, so you enter this dungeon. 】

[You try to activate the "Geological Expert" talent, but find that the scope of this talent is smaller than you thought. 】

[You can only sense the existence of spiritual veins if you are very close to the spiritual veins and need to stay for a certain period of time. 】

[This range is probably within a hundred feet of the special sensitivity to spiritual veins...]

[So in desperation, you can only use your feet to measure every land in the Xianwu Era, hoping to find the location of the spiritual veins. 】

[You have been in the Xianwu Era dungeon for a year, and on average you can detect the geology within a radius of a hundred miles every day, looking for special ores with spiritual veins. 】

[The bad news is that you have surveyed nearly one-tenth of the Xianwu Continent and still cannot find a single spiritual vein. 】

[The good news is that you have discovered a lot of exotic metal veins. Although most of them are second- and third-level exotic metals, if they can all be mined, the energy should not be underestimated. 】

In the real world, Su Xing sighed when he saw this:
"Sure enough, in the era of spiritual energy depletion, spiritual veins are not so easy to find...I am afraid that all the spiritual veins on the Xianwu Continent have been wiped out by thousands of trees..."

"But fortunately, there are exotic metal ores, so it's not a loss! Of course...if we can go to Xiao Qingyun Realm, can we find the hidden spiritual veins!"

Su Xing felt a little hopeful and looked at the simulation panel.

[In the fifth year, to avoid being suspected, you cannot stay in the Immortal Martial Era dungeon all year round. 】

[So you set aside a few months every year to explore the Immortal Martial Dungeon, and record the location of every exotic metal vein in case you need it. 】

[So, two years have passed...]

(End of this chapter)

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