Others practice leveling, I cultivate immortality, go out to Mahayana before leaving the mountain

Chapter 250: Treasure Suzaku Tail Feather, Achieving the Great Body Refining Realm!

Chapter 250: Treasure Suzaku Tail Feather, Achieving the Great Body Refining Realm! (two in one, ten thousand words)
[In the seventh year, you designed to get rid of the leader of the natural faction and replace him...]

[In the eighth year, you killed the Dragon Protector and became the leader of the Blue Star Advent Cult. 】

[You know in your heart that three years from now, Blood Three will come to Blue Star, but before that, you have the final say on Blue Star. 】

[So, you use your talent as a geological expert and put more energy into searching for spiritual veins and exotic metal ores every day. 】

[In Year No. 11, you searched more than half of the Xianwu Continent, but still did not find any spiritual veins. 】

[But luckily, you discovered more veins of exotic metals, and you recorded them one by one on the map you drew.]

[In the same year, Blood Three came to Advent Sect. You presented the Dragon of Spiritual Veins, gained Blood Three’s trust, and obtained the pass. 】

[This year, Blood Three requires you to strengthen the investigation of Tianji Pavilion. 】

[After you deceived Xue San away, you continued to work hard to investigate the traces of the spiritual veins...]

In the real world, Su Xing nodded slightly when he saw this.

"At this time, my cultivation has reached the perfection of the integration stage, and I cannot break through for the time being, so the spiritual dragon simulation is no longer needed..."

"On the contrary, it is a branch that contains the avenue of wood fire. You can try to understand the origin of wood fire."

After a pause, Su Xing continued:
"But what surprises me even more is the talent of this geological expert... With this talent, the search for exotic metal veins has become much easier..."

"I just don't know if there are any spiritual veins in the copy of the Immortal Martial Era?"

Su Xing was a little curious and looked at the simulation panel.

[In No. 12, you continued to explore the Xianwu Continent and discovered many foreign metal mining areas, which contain a lot of energy. 】

[But what makes you a little disappointed is that not a single spiritual vein has been discovered. 】

[Three years have passed in the blink of an eye...]

[No.15, suddenly one day you felt a special mineral vein. 】

[This is not the foreign metal vein you encountered before, but a spiritual vein! 】

[However, this spiritual vein is too weak, and you can only vaguely feel that there are some spiritual stones buried under the ground. 】

[You did not hesitate and quickly mined this area. 】

[An hour later, you dug 500 meters underground and found more than 100 low-grade spiritual stones. 】

[But as you continue to dig deeper, you feel that there seem to be more spiritual stones below! 】

[This makes you feel excited and more motivated to continue digging. 】

[Three days later, you finally discovered a small spiritual mineral vein hidden thousands of feet underground. 】

[The quality of this spiritual mineral vein is not high, it is just low-grade spiritual mineral, but the number of spiritual stones is quite large. 】

[There is also a small formation above the mineral veins, which not only blocks the aura of the spiritual veins, but also prevents the slow spread of the spiritual energy in the spiritual veins. 】

[But this just made it easier for you. It took you three days to mine the entire vein. 】

[This mineral vein is thousands of meters deep underground and spans ten kilometers. 】

[After all mining is completed, you have obtained 30 low-grade spiritual stones...]

[After finding the spiritual vein, you continue to survey the Xianwu Continent...]

[In No. 17, you are sure that you have visited every corner of the continent, recorded in detail all possible foreign metal veins, and returned to Blue Star. 】

Su Xing looked at the simulated text in front of him with a look of surprise in his eyes.

"It seems that in this age of Dharma End, it is not that there are no spiritual veins at all!"

"I'm afraid this spiritual vein has existed thousands of years ago, but I'm afraid Wanmu Zhenren also ignored its existence at the beginning... That's why it has been preserved to this day."

"30 low-grade spiritual stones are not many, but they are not bad for me..."

Su Xing nodded with satisfaction, and then said silently:
“Use immersive…”



An hour later, he woke up and returned to Blue Star. At this moment, in his mind, he had memorized all the information about the foreign metal veins in the copy of the Immortal Martial Era, including that spiritual vein!
"Yes, Not Bad!"

"There are nearly a thousand first- to fourth-order exotic metal veins...including 87 third-order exotic metal veins and sixteen fourth-order exotic metal veins..."

"These veins are enough for me to dig out a lot of exotic metals!"

Su Xing was very satisfied with this.

It was very difficult for him to find foreign metals before, but with this "geological expert" talent, it was much easier to find veins of foreign metals!

He looked back at the simulation panel.

[In No. 18, you went to a copy of the Beast Controlling World and killed hundreds of legendary monsters and three monster emperors. 】

[In the next time, you will be in the world of beast control, hoping to find more exotic metal mining areas. 】

[You discovered that in the world of beast control, there are also special metals called fine gold and mithril. These metals can barely reach the third or fourth level of different metal strength. 】

[Because exotic metals are actually the general name for all kinds of exotic metals, and they contain abundant energy. 】

[You will spend three to five months every year looking for traces of exotic metal veins in the beast-controlling world. 】

[So, two years have passed. 】

[In No. 20, your understanding of the Wood Fire Avenue has reached the entry level a few years ago. 】

[You remember that in the Immortal Martial Era dungeon, there is one last ruin, waiting for you to explore. 】

[So you entered the Fire Control Sect ruins, hoping to find the secret deep in the core. 】

[You find that the difficulty of cracking the ban at the core of the Fire Control Sect's ruins is beyond your expectations. 】

[Although your understanding of the origin of fire has reached the entry level, it is still difficult to crack. 】

[So you continue to practice hard, and three years have passed. 】

[No. 20 In three years, your understanding of the origin of fire has gone one step further. Although you have not achieved a small success, it is enough to break the restriction here. 】

[You successfully broke the restriction and entered the core area of ​​the Fire Control Sect ruins. 】

[You discovered that in the core area, there is actually a special place of inner earth fire. 】

[The temperature of this flame is so high that even you feel a little hot. 】

[You used your spiritual consciousness to search within a hundred feet, but found no trace of the puppet. 】

[Finally, you look at the bronze sarcophagus...]

[You opened the bronze sarcophagus and saw the fire-bending master inside...]

[But the fire-controlling real person is not a puppet, but has turned into a mummy! 】

[In the hands of the mummy, he holds a storage ring and a jade slip with a note. 】

[You penetrated the storage ring with your spiritual consciousness and found that there were piles of various magic weapons, weapon refining methods... Fire Control Sect inheritance... and even countless high-level ores. 】

[You put the storage ring in your bag with satisfaction, and then looked at the jade slip. 】

[The fire-bending master left a message before he died. 】

[You put your spiritual consciousness into the jade slip and received this message. 】

[It turns out that after Master Huo Yu took Huang Quan Dan and fell into a deep sleep, he woke up once. 】

[The reason for waking up is because of a Suzaku tail feather. The Suzaku tail feather contains the last ray of consciousness of the Suzaku true spirit that is about to collapse, awakening the fire-bending master. 】

[After waking up, Master Huo Yu discovered the changes in his body. He was very sure that he had become a chess piece in the hands of others and was about to be transformed into a puppet without any consciousness. 】

[The firebending master was unwilling to accept this, so he held the Suzaku tail feather in his mouth, hoping to use Suzaku's "power of rebirth" to escape the fate of becoming a puppet. 】

[But the final result was undoubtedly a failure. 】

[Master Huoyu did not become a puppet, but completely disappeared from this world, and his soul was thrown into reincarnation...]

[After you received the message in the jade slip, your face showed a strange color. The Suzaku tail feather is a precious material from the top mythical beasts in ancient times! 】

[You silently prayed for the firebending master, and then opened his mouth, and sure enough you found a red feather as thick as a thumb. 】

[After your inspection, you were surprised to find that the remaining Suzaku True Spirit has completely dissipated...]

[Just when you feel a little disappointed, you suddenly feel a restlessness in your body...]

[You were stunned for a moment, and then you realized that this throbbing came from the magical power you mastered, the Lihuo Technique! 】

[A kind of enlightenment arises in your heart, Lihuo Technique, which is derived from Nanming Lihuo, one of the ancient divine fires. 】

[And Nanming Lihuo symbolizes rebirth in destruction. It not only has terrifying destructive power, but also breeds vitality! 】

[Just as you were lost in thought, a red light flashed on the Suzaku tail feather in front of you, completely integrating into your body...]

[You were shocked and quickly checked for any changes in your body. 】

[After your examination, it was found that there was nothing unusual about my body. 】

[With a thought in your mind, you cast the Lihuo Technique and summoned a wisp of Lihuo. 】

[Sure enough, you feel that there is a vitality that has never been seen in Lihuo... It seems that there is also a true spirit! 】

[But the true spirit has fallen into a deep sleep...]

[You cast the fire-living technique and found that there was no change. 】

[You guess in your mind that maybe after you perfect the Lihuo Technique, you can awaken the sleeping Suzaku True Spirit...]

In the real world, Su Xing was stunned when he looked at the simulated text in front of him.

"Holy shit... Firebending Sect ruins, Suzaku tail feathers! A valuable treasure that contains the spirit of Suzaku!?"

Su Xing simply couldn't believe why a mere firebending sect could inherit such a treasure.

According to Su Xing's common sense, he knew that Suzaku was a real divine beast and a terrifying and powerful being in the fairy world.

Even if there were immortals born in the ancestors of the Fire Control Sect, compared with Suzaku, they are still far behind!
Even if you raise two or three levels, you won't be able to catch up to others...

"Hiss~ This world of immortal martial arts is really something extraordinary!"

"The Fire Control Sect actually has the inheritance of the Suzaku Tail Feather... the Five Elements Sect has the art of the Five Elements... the Wanmu Sect has the branch of the innate Fusang Sacred Tree!"

"These three items... are not like things that Xiaoqian World can have... If you have the same thing, it may be luck, but you have all three at the same time!"

"Could it be that...the world here is related to some other world?"

Su Xing was shocked and confused.

Blue Star, including the dungeon worlds around Blue Star, is really extraordinary!
From the perspective of world status, only Blue Star can barely be regarded as a small thousand world.

As for other dungeon times, it can’t even be considered a small world, it can only be regarded as a small world...

But even so, the secrets held by Blue Star and the surrounding copy worlds are almost comparable to those of a vast world!

Su Xing frowned slightly, various thoughts vaguely flashed through his mind, but he couldn't completely connect them.

"Almost... As I continue to explore Blue Star, maybe I can really find the reason why so many powerful people value Blue Star!"

Su Xing murmured that he always felt that there seemed to be an invisible net on the Blue Star that connected everything...

"Alas, but my strength is still too low now..."

"After this simulation, first enter the realm of body refining! Then enter the three thousand worlds to explore opportunities!"

Su Xing took a deep breath and looked at the simulation panel.

[After carefully burying the firebending master, you left this ruins. 】

[The spirit of Suzaku is attached to Li Huo, but it has not caused any changes in you. 】

[In the following time, you will continue to search for possible veins of exotic metals. 】

[Two years have passed very quickly...]

[No. 20 In five years, you have explored most areas of the beast-controlling world and found no trace of spiritual veins. 】

[However, many veins of exotic metals were found. 】

[At this moment, there are still three years until the arrival of the Demon Saint. You are ready to explore the world of beast control for the last time during this time. 】

[So, three years have passed. 】

[No. 20 In eight years, you recorded the locations of almost all the exotic metal veins in the world of beast control. 】

Seeing this, Su Xing muttered silently:
"Using immersive simulation, duration 1 hour..."


After the immersive simulation ended, he woke up and returned to the real world, with a look of surprise in his eyes.

"Unexpectedly, the number of exotic metal veins contained in the Beast Control World is actually more than that in the Immortal Martial World!"

"This geological expert's talent is truly amazing!"

Su Xing nodded with satisfaction. He knew that there were not many dungeon worlds containing exotic metal mining areas.

Generally, only sufficiently advanced copies will contain a large amount of them.

What Su Xing knows so far is the Beast Controlling World, the Immortal Martial World, and the Blood Demon Cave dungeon.

There is only one last place that has not yet been explored.

"In this simulation, try to record the coordinates of all possible foreign metal veins..."

“In the future, in reality, I can go mining myself and earn a lot of simulated energy!”

Su Xing nodded slightly and looked at the simulation panel again.

[After leaving the Beast Control Realm, you rushed to the Demon Suppression Pass. 】

[One month later, the Demon Saint arrives. 】

[You repeat your old tricks and are on par with the Demon Saint Dou to delay time. 】

[In the blink of an eye, five years have passed. 】

【No.30 In the third year, the Demon Saint discovered the clues and left the Demon Suppression Pass. 】

[You know in your heart that the Demon Suppression Pass will be destroyed in seven years, so you are ready to seize the last time to explore the Blood Demon Realm. 】

[You have been exploring the Blood Demon Realm for seven full years, and you have measured every inch of the Blood Demon Realm. 】

[You have not found any traces of spiritual veins. Long Laogou must have explored it thousands of years ago. 】

[But you discovered a lot of exotic metal veins, the number of which is no less than that of Xianwu World. You recorded the coordinates of these veins one by one. 】

[In No. 40, news came that the Demon Suppression Pass had been breached. At this time, you had just finished exploring the Blood Demon Realm and returned to Blue Star. 】

In the real world, Su Xing silently said:

“Use immersive…”


An hour later, I woke up and returned to reality with a smile in my eyes.

"That's right! The three dungeon worlds contain more than [-] third- and fourth-level mineral veins... This is enough for me to mine for a long time!"

"If you have time to mine a wave in the future, you will no longer be short of energy..."

Su Xing decided to remind Jin Congxue to expand the scale of the Tarot Club and recruit more low-level professionals to purify exotic metal ores to bring more income from exotic metals to Su Xing.

"Huh... But the 40th year has also arrived. In this simulation, we must break through to the realm of body refining in one fell swoop!"

Su Xing murmured, looking at the simulation panel.

[A few months later, the giant beast came to Blue Star and swallowed the entire Great Xia Kingdom in one bite. 】

[You hold up the body-protecting sword and enter the belly of the giant beast. 】

[Then he took out the Qiling Pill and swallowed it in one mouthful! 】

[Because the thunder area in the belly space of the giant beast contains a large amount of the origin of thunder. 】

[And the origin of thunder is one of the most difficult sources of power for you to obtain so far, because you can only capture some of it in the spring thunder of Jingzhe Day and in the thunder area. 】

[Others, such as the origin of wood and fire, the origin of power, the origin of swords, etc., you have stable ways to obtain. 】

[When you take the Qiling Pill and cooperate with the state of great wisdom, the speed at which you understand the origin will be increased a hundred times! 】

[In this state of great blessing from understanding, you have entered a large thunder area! 】

[Boom boom boom!The terrifying giant thunder slams towards you like a horned dragon. 】

[The body-protecting sword has blocked most of the damage for you, and the remaining rays of thunder, in conjunction with the origin of thunder, continue to temper your body. 】

[Injuries appeared quickly on your body, but with the blessing of Xiaoqiang’s talent, you recovered quickly...]

[After an hour, this thunder area slowly dissipated, and you went to the next thunder area. 】

[In this way, after repeatedly entering three large thunder areas. 】

[Your understanding of the origin of thunder has reached the entry level! 】

[With such a fast comprehension speed, in addition to the blessing of the Spirit-enlightening Pill, the role of the Heavenly Thunder Body cannot be ignored. 】

[And in this process, your physical body is also approaching its limit little by little...]

[In the next three days, you will continue to approach the limit and continue to absorb and understand the origin of thunder...]

[Three days have passed very quickly, and you have visited more than ten large thunder areas. At this moment, you feel that you are only one step away from finally breaking the limit! 】

[So you stepped into the last thunder area without hesitation! 】

[The terrifying thunder strikes again, and you have long been accustomed to it. You have skillfully tempered your body and understood the origin of thunder...]

[Finally, you seemed to hear a crisp sound, and one of the shackles on your body was successfully broken! 】

[Congratulations on becoming a master of body refining! 】

[But you frown slightly, because your understanding of the origin of thunder is still short of the last step before you can reach the realm of Xiaocheng! 】【So, you made a crazy decision! 】

[You temporarily close the body-protecting sword, and the terrifying thunder strikes directly towards your body. 】

[The terrifying thunder, accompanied by severe pain, instantly penetrates your body. 】

[Even a body that has reached the level of body refining is quickly destroyed by the destructive power of this thunder. The skin begins to carbonize rapidly, and your vitality begins to decrease rapidly...]

[But soon, several kinds of energy emerged from your body, quickly repairing your injuries. 】

[The first one to bear the brunt is naturally Xiaoqiang’s talent, which allows your physical body to recover quickly. 】

[What makes you a little surprised is that the body of heavenly thunder and the enlightenment of the origin of wood are also quickly repairing your physical body, making your vitality strong again. 】

[Before the next thunder comes, you grit your teeth and rush out of this thunder area. 】

[At this moment, you can feel that your body is filled with a large amount of the origin of thunder. You endure the severe pain and begin to understand the origin of thunder...]

[One day passed quickly...]

[Most of your injuries have recovered now. 】

[What makes you even more excited is that your understanding of the origin of thunder has successfully reached the level of Xiaocheng! 】

[So, you summoned the body-protecting Jian Gang again, trying to find other thunder areas. 】

[But what makes you a little sad is that the thunder area has long since dissipated, and there are more space turbulence in the void. 】

[With a move in your heart, try to understand the origin of space contained in this void...]

[You vaguely feel a trace of the rhythm of the origin of space, but the turbulence of space is too terrifying... This is not a power that an immortal can come into contact with. 】

[After only holding on for a quarter of an hour, you were completely annihilated. 】

【you are dead! 】

【Ding, this simulation is over! 】

After the simulation ended, a strange color flashed in Su Xing's eyes.

"Unexpectedly, the spatial turbulence of this giant beast also contains the origin of space? This is good news!"

If he could understand the origin of space, Su Xing could try to expand the area of ​​the Lingtian Cave and plant more spiritual rice and spiritual plants!
The amount of spiritual liquid produced will even increase!

"It is rumored that in the world of immortality, there are powerful monks who can go to the Nine Heavens and comprehend the way of space... Could it be that the Nine Heavens above refers to the void?"

Su Xing's eyes lit up. If he could understand the avenue of space, it would definitely be a huge improvement for Su Xing!

When you realize it to a certain extent, you can even wake up and tear open the void by yourself and go to other worlds!

"Alas, but this seems a little too far away from me... For now, let's improve our cultivation first!"

Thinking of this, Su Xing's little heart was beating fast.

The ultimate cultivation level of body refining is about to be obtained!
Su Xing couldn't wait to look at the rewards of this simulation.

[Geological Expert]: Purple talent, priced at 100 million energy points.

[20 years of alchemy experience]: After redemption, the existing alchemy insights will increase slightly, and the price is 1000 million energy.

[Origin of Thunder (Small Success)]: The basic composition of the Avenue of Thunder. It has terrifying destructive power. It has extra damage bonus against evil and ghostly objects. It sells for 15 billion energy.

[Origin of Fire (Xiao Cheng)]: The basic composition of the Avenue of Fire contains terrifying power and can enhance the power of fire spells.The price is 15 billion energy.

[Physical Refining Realm Level 20]: The ultimate realm of body refining monks in the mortal world. Body refining can be accomplished in a short time. The strength of the physical body is beyond imagination, and it has the power of thirty mountains.The price is [-] billion energy.

"Does the origin of thunder at Xiaocheng level actually require 15 billion energy?"

Su Xing frowned slightly, the energy required exceeded Su Xing's expectation.

"Bringing out cultivation, plus understanding the origin of thunder, requires a total of 35 billion energy..."

"As for the geological expert talent, there is no need to bring it out for the time being."

Su Xing murmured.

Because for Su Xing, the talent of a geological expert is to find veins of foreign metals, and Su Xing already has the coordinates of many veins in his memory.

Just spend a certain amount of time mining it.

"Currently, the energy in my hand is about 5000 million, plus Lu Yuanwu's goods this week... I will exchange part of Wanmu Zhenren's inheritance into energy, which should be enough!"

Su Xing suddenly noticed that his understanding of the origin of fire had actually reached the level of Xiaocheng.

"It's strange, it's not entry level, how come it becomes junior level?"

Su Xing raised his eyebrows, and after thinking about it carefully, he thought there might be only one reason.

That redbird tail feather!

Perhaps, in addition to changing the fire-living technique, it also increased Su Xing's understanding of the origin of fire!
"This is an unexpected surprise!"

"To break through to the Mahayana realm...you need to comprehend the power of an origin to achieve great success, and you also need enough divine consciousness and spiritual power. This Suzaku Tail Feather comes at the right time!"

Su Xing murmured.

Previously in the Luotian copy, Su Xing had asked about the requirements for breaking through to the Qi Refining Mahayana.

The answer given by the master who woke up at that time was that it is best to realize the power of an origin to a level above the great level... and then break into the integration stage, which will be of great benefit!
"Now my Qi refining cultivation level has been improved to the completion of the integration stage...the Mahayana stage is not far away..."

"Everything is developing in a good direction!"

Su Xing nodded with satisfaction, then began to disguise himself and went to meet Lu Yuanwu.

After the transaction with Lu Yuanwu ended, Su Xing did not return to school immediately, but went to the Xianwu Era dungeon.

Skillfully enter the ruins of Wanmu Sect, and then enter the Lingtian Cave.

Su Xing selected thousands of unused low-grade magical instruments and talismans and exchanged them for simulated energy.

When the simulation energy was sufficient, Su Xing silently said:

"I choose to bring out the great cultivation level of body refining...and the understanding of the origin of thunder (small level)!"

As he finished speaking, the sound of the simulator sounded in his ears.

[Ding, you successfully brought out the body-refining level, spending 20 billion energy points, and the remaining energy is 15 million points. 】

[You successfully brought out the enlightenment of the origin of thunder (small success), spending 15 billion energy, and the remaining energy is 3553 million points. 】

The beep fell, and two mysterious energies poured into Su Xing's body.

The first thing Su Xing felt was the great increase in his physical strength.

This energy is constantly changing the strength of the awakened physical body. The whole process is extremely comfortable and does not cause the pain of ordinary body-refining monks.

It’s as if this cultivation level belongs to awakening in the first place...

At the same time, thunder was rolling over the ruins where Su Xing was located, and within a radius of a hundred miles, it seemed that a huge storm was brewing.

But the storm failed to settle in the end.

A moment later, when Su Xing slowly opened his eyes, his strength had reached the level of body refining!

Feeling the surge of power in his body, Su Xing's eyes were filled with wonder.

"The body of heavenly thunder has increased my physical limit..."

"At this time, the power of the Thirty Mountains is terrifying. Even without any other means... I can still fight against the mid-stage Demon Saint or even the late-stage monks!"

If combined with the body-protecting sword, Su Xing is confident that even a monk in the Tribulation Stage will dare to fight!
As for the higher fairyland...

To be honest, Su Xing was not sure. Although there was only one realm between the immortal realm and the tribulation period.

But there is indeed a real separation between immortals and mortals!

The difference is so huge that it’s self-evident!

Unless you wake up and master the Heavenly Sword Technique to perfection, and the Body-Protective Sword Gang, can you have the confidence to cross the border and challenge the immortals at the time of Mahayana (Dacheng)...

And receiving the rewards this time has brought about changes in Su Xing, not only his cultivation has reached a new level.

Su Xing's heart moved, and a purple light emerged from his palm.

"Tsk, tsk, Taoist's little magical power, the thunder in the palm can be mastered without any teacher!"

Su Xing sighed in admiration.

The origin of thunder is the most fundamental element of all thunder in the world, and it leads directly to the existence of the avenue of thunder.

It is no exaggeration to say that with this source of thunder, Su Xing will learn thunder and lightning magical powers much faster, and the aura of thunder will also contain thunder.

He has great restraint against evil monsters.

"Huh... After completing the body refining, we will go to Xiao Qingyun Realm and enter the Hundred Thousand Mountains..."

"Even if he is captured by the Tiger Immortal, he can still simulate for decades more, explore three thousand worlds, and work hard to improve his body training."

Su Xing murmured.

"By the way, since we have come to this copy of the Immortal Martial Era, let's dig two veins of exotic metals..."

Su Xing recalled the memories in his mind. There were two fourth-level exotic metal veins within a thousand miles of the Wanmu Sect ruins.

Su Xing did not hesitate, flew with his sword, and arrived at the mineral vein in a moment.

Then he held the Mo Bing Sword, wrapped the awakened energy around it, and started digging underground.

Among ordinary mineral veins, exotic metal ores are relatively scattered, so if Su Xing wants to dig an entire mineral vein, he will need to dig extensively within a radius of one mile.

Moreover, high-level exotic metals are often hidden deep underground.

Therefore, Su Xing spent five days digging two exotic metal ore veins and dug out approximately [-] cubic meters of fourth-level exotic metal ore.

The purity of these 30 cubic meters of foreign metal ore is not high, and it is worth about 300 billion energy if directly converted. If it is given to Jin Congxue for purification, [-] tons of fourth-order foreign metals can be purified.

Converted, that’s close to 60 billion simulated energy!

"Huh, earn 60 billion simulated energy in just one week?"

"This is very fast!"

"I just don't know how long it will take for Jin Congxue to purify foreign metals? I should ask her to find more professionals to purify foreign metals!"

Currently, exotic metals are Su Xing's largest source of energy, so Su Xing plans to focus all of the Tarot Club's main business on processing and mining exotic metals.

I looked at the time and saw that it was already the early morning of March 3th.

After waking up, he was ready to leave this copy and return to Blue Star.

At noon, Su Xing met Jin Congxue on time.

After the two had a meal, General Su Xing took out several storage rings and handed them to Jin Congxue.

After Jin Congxue saw the items in the storage ring, she was immediately shocked and asked:

"Is this the exotic metal mined by our seniors? Hiss... these are all fourth-order exotic metals? Where did you find them?"

After hearing this, Su Xing smiled mysteriously and said:
"Ahem, this is an organizational secret, I can't tell you!"

After hearing this, Jin Congxue rolled her eyes coquettishly, snorted softly, and suddenly asked mysteriously:

"Wake up...can you tell your seniors to let me join your organization?"

Su Xing was stunned when he saw the longing look on Jin Congxue's little face.

Let Jin Congxue join Tianji Pavilion...

But Tianji Pavilion doesn't exist at all. It was an organization founded by Su Xing himself and formed by all puppets, specifically to collect energy for himself!
Seeing Jin Congxue's eager eyes, Su Xing was too embarrassed to refuse directly, so he said:

"Ahem, Sister Xue, your strength is too low..."

"Our organization is very dangerous! For your own safety... I don't recommend you join!"

Jin Congxue rolled her eyes after hearing this, and then she showed a hint of aura and said proudly:
"Hahaha, you didn't expect it! Sister, I was promoted successfully! Now I am a king-level boss!"

"My sister will protect you from now on! How about it? Am I strong enough to join?"

After hearing this, Su Xing wanted to say no, but it didn't feel right.

So Su Xing thought about it and said:

"Ahem, actually Xiao Bai some time ago...Senior Bai came here to consider you. After he returned, he told me that you performed well and could become a peripheral member of the organization!"

"From now on, I will be your boss...all your organizational actions need to be reported to me."

"Of course, you need to keep everything about the organization absolutely confidential...the organization will also give you some special rewards!"

After hearing Su Xing's words, Jin Congxue nodded repeatedly.

Then Jin Congxue showed a look of fear and shock and said:
"Awake... these talismans were also refined by the seniors in the organization, right?"

"The effect is so powerful! I have never seen such a powerful prop!"

"You don't know, when I was on the promotion mission, I had just defeated one boss, but I didn't expect that the other king-level boss suddenly came and killed me... Then I activated this talisman out of desperation!"

After a pause, Jin Congxue recalled:

"And guess what?"

"With a swish, a ten-foot-long golden light flew out, directly cutting the king-level boss into two ends!"

"That was a king-level boss! It only took so long..."

"Thanks to this, I was successfully promoted to a king-level expert."

After hearing this, Su Xing nodded slightly, his eyes showing surprise at the right time, matching Jin Congxue's vanity.

But in fact, when she heard the ten-foot-long golden light, Su Xing knew that she had activated a sixth-level golden blade talisman, which was enough to kill the Martial Emperor-level boss instantly.

Using this talisman is really overkill.

But Su Xing did not accuse Jin Congxue. He just took out another talisman, handed it to Jin Congxue, and said:
"Sister Xue, you can only use these talismans by yourself...you must not let others know about them, do you understand?"

"And it cannot be used until it is a matter of life and death..."

Jin Congxue nodded obediently after hearing this, and then asked with a smile:

"Hehe, of course! I have to keep the organization secret!"

"I just don't know, what is the first task our organization gives me?"

After hearing this, Su Xing pointed to the storage ring in Jin Congxue's hand and said:

"Your first task is to recruit more professionals and purify the exotic metal ores!"

"In the future, there will be a steady stream of exotic metals arriving. You need to purify them as quickly as possible and then hand them over to me..."

Jin Congxue nodded after hearing this, saluted playfully, and said seriously:
"Guaranteed to complete the mission!"


After Su Xing left the villa, he detoured all the way, returned to the school, and entered the Lingtian Cave.

This week, Tarot will provide Su Xing with more than [-] million energy!

On the afternoon of March 24, the simulation cooling was not yet complete, so I woke up and thought about the goals of the next simulation.

"After completing the body refining... If my cultivation level can be further improved, then I will go to the Three Thousand Worlds. Entering the Hundred Thousand Mountains will have the highest benefits!"

"At the same time, we should further explore whether there is an opportunity to leave Shiwanda Mountain and reach Qingyun Sect..."

"As for the other black world passage, you can also try it...see if you can physically cross the void and enter another space?"

Su Xing nodded slightly. With the improvement of body training, Su Xing didn't need to worry too much until he reached the realm of transcending tribulation.

Because of the existence of the Nine Transformations Pill, and the abundance of high-level flesh and blood essences in the Hundred Thousand Mountains, the awakening and body refining cultivation level will be able to reach the peak of Dacheng sooner or later.

"It's just... after reaching the Dacheng level, it may be more difficult to further improve the body through body refining..."

Su Xing sighed softly.

A Mahayana monk has a lifespan of five thousand years.

For ordinary monks, if they want to advance to the first level of cultivation, it may take more than 300 years. If they want to break through a small bottleneck, they will often spend 500 years in seclusion.

As for body refining...it's more difficult than refining qi!
"But... after entering the Three Thousand Worlds, maybe I can try to find a method of body refining to improve my body refining realm?"

Wake up thinking.

"In addition, the Qi refining cultivation level must also reach the Mahayana stage as soon as possible..."

"Currently, I am close to breaking through to the Mahayana stage. All I need is the three attribute origins corresponding to the spiritual roots...wood, fire, and thunder. Choose one of the three to cultivate to perfection and break through to the Mahayana stage!"

"Although I need to understand all three origins after entering the Mahayana stage... But for now, I can just choose one to realize perfection!"

After waking up and pondering for a moment, he decided to improve the origin of fire first.

Because of the existence of that branch, Su Xing can realize the origin of wood fire at any time.

Coupled with the possession of Suzaku tail feathers, it is easier to awaken and understand the origin of fire.

With the help of Qiling Pill, you can fully understand the origin of fire with just a few immersive simulations!
"Phew, the simulation time has finally cooled down, it's time to start the simulation!"

Su Xing's heart moved and he muttered silently: "Start the simulation!"

【Ding!This simulation consumes 8000 energy points, with 3 million remaining energy points and no remaining simulation times. 】

【The simulation starts! 】

[It costs 10 energy points to extract purple talents, and 100 million energy points to extract golden legendary talents. Do you want to extract them? 】

"Huh~ When you have more energy in your hands, it's time to try to upgrade the golden talent probability..."

Su Xing murmured:
"But now, of course, I still choose to draw the golden talent!"

After he finished speaking, the simulator prompt sounded in his ear:

[Ding, congratulations on getting the golden talent Swallowing the Sky, the guaranteed probability is cleared, and the probability of getting the golden talent next time is 10%...]

(End of this chapter)

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