Others practice leveling, I cultivate immortality, go out to Mahayana before leaving the mountain

Chapter 257 Become a member of the Qingyun Sect, the arrogant senior brothers and sisters!

Chapter 257 Become a member of the Qingyun Sect, the arrogant senior brothers and sisters! (Monthly tickets will add more updates, please give me a monthly ticket~)

[Elder Ordinary doesn’t know about this token, but True Immortal Danhuo, as the third generation direct descendant of Qingyun Sect, has naturally seen this token! 】

[Because his master, the second-generation descendant of the Qingyun Sect, the famous Fire Cloud Golden Immortal, has a token exactly like yours! 】

[And for some reason, he was lucky enough to see this symbol of supreme glory...]

[Identity token passed down from the second generation of Qingyun Sect! 】

[This token has no function, it is just a symbol of supreme status and glory! 】

[And within the Qingyun Sect, there are only two or three people who are qualified to issue this token...]

[So, the moment he saw this token, he believed [-]% or [-]% of your identity! 】

[I saw the True Immortal Danhuo stepping forward quickly, and his attitude towards you has changed 180 degrees. 】

[Then he asks to take a look at the token in your hand. 】

[You hand the token to the True Immortal of Danhuo. After repeated confirmation, the True Immortal of Danhuo confirms that this token is indeed the token of the second-generation direct disciple of the Qingyun Sect! 】

[This means that your seniority is the uncle of the True Immortal Danhuo! 】

[Subsequently, in full view of everyone, the True Immortal Danhuo saluted you with his fists clasped and called you uncle. 】

[You were also a little surprised when you saw this. You didn’t expect that the True Immortal Danhuo would actually lower his body like this and call you, a mere monk in the Mahayana stage, uncle. 】

[And this scene was watched by millions of people in Little Qingyun City... I am afraid that within a month, the news that Qingyun Sect has a second-generation disciple will sweep through the entire Little Qingyun world like a tide! 】

[All the monks here have looks of respect and envy towards you. 】

[Becoming the second generation direct disciple of the Qingyun Sect is undoubtedly a big shot in the small Qingyun world. 】

[The monk below, "that noble young master" who was arrogantly watching the show before, has turned pale at this moment, trembling and speechless. 】

[In this world of immortality where the jungle is strong and the strong prey on the weak, if you offend a second-generation direct descendant of the Qingyun Sect, you will undoubtedly miss the path to immortality and may even be targeted to death. 】

[You don’t even need to give any orders. People who are interested will discover what happened during this period. Those monks who want to be better than you will definitely make this "noble young master" and his family disappear completely in the world of immortality... …]

In the real world, Su Xing sighed softly when he saw this.

"This is the real world of immortality!"

"Even if he is a noble son in the eyes of ordinary people and a monk whose ancestors were in the combined Mahayana stage...but in the eyes of top powers like the Qingyun Sect, what is the difference between him and an ant?"

Su Xing once again experienced the reality of the world of immortality.

But this has nothing to do with Su Xing. What Su Xing cares about now is how many benefits he can get from joining the Qingyun Sect?
Can the cultivation level be improved even more?Can the simulation last longer?
Or even...can Blue Star be rescued?
With such doubts, Su Xing looked at the simulation panel.

[In full view of everyone, the True Immortal of Danhuo treated you as a junior and brought you into his cave in Little Qingyun City. 】

[Then the True Immortal of Danhuo used his shielding technique to block the secrets of heaven. You frowned slightly, thinking that he was going to do something wrong to you. 】

[However, True Immortal Danhuo really thinks you are a senior uncle! 】

[He asked how many thousands of years ago you were accepted as a disciple by Master Qingyunzi...]

[It turns out that Qingyunzi has been in seclusion for thousands of years and has never left seclusion. 】

[This True Immortal of Danhuo mistakenly thinks that you are the disciple of Qingyunzi who traveled to three thousand worlds thousands of years ago. 】

[In his perception, you are just a monk in the Mahayana stage. Although your body refining skills are slightly higher, you are not at the level of an immortal. 】

[Therefore, he naturally thinks that your cultivation is far superior to his, and you are at least a powerful monk at the level of Xuanxian and Jinxian. That is why he cannot see through your cultivation...]

[After hearing the words of the True Immortal of Danhuo, you held your forehead and smiled bitterly, secretly thinking that he had a good idea. 】

[After some hesitation, you told the truth and said that you were really just a Mahayana monk, but you were accepted as a disciple by Qingyunzi about a hundred years ago. 】

[Now that I have come to Xiao Qingyun Realm, I just want to return to my master...]

[After hearing your words, the Alchemy Immortal was stunned. 】

[He looked slightly unnatural, and then told you a secret. 】

[It turns out that Qingyunzi has been in seclusion for thousands of years and has never leaked any traces. Not to mention his third-generation direct disciples, even Qingyunzi’s direct disciples have not seen Qingyunzi for thousands of years...]

[After hearing this, you explained that you should have been accepted as a disciple by a clone of Master Qingyun, and the time must not exceed 200 years. 】

[After your repeated affirmation, the True Immortal Danhuo suddenly lost his composure. 】

[Because the Qingyun Sect is in decline at this moment, even the small Qingyun Realm is gradually divided by other monks. 】

[A large part of the reason is that Qingyunzi cannot come out of seclusion... Not to mention other forces, even within the Qingyun Sect, there are disciples who think that Qingyunzi has encountered an accident and has been defeated. 】

[And the news you brought, Qingyunzi has appeared in the past hundred years... This is undoubtedly a shot in the arm for the entire Qingyun Sect! 】

[So True Immortal Danhuo immediately took out a jade slip and sent a message to his master, Immortal Fireyun Jin, to report the matter. 】

[After the news is conveyed, the True Immortal of Danhuo will tell you that he will return to the Qingyun Realm in five years and can take you with him at that time. 】

[During this period, he will provide you with sufficient training resources and training environment...]

[You were quite satisfied with the arrangement of True Immortal Danhuo, so you settled down in a cave in Xiao Qingyun City. 】

[Although you are a descendant of Qingyunzi, you have not yet entered the sect, so naturally you cannot receive your own salary and training materials. 】

[Therefore, in addition to earning your own cultivation resources, the Danhuo True Immortal also supports you. 】

[As the second generation of the direct lineage, True Immortal Danhuo treats you well and guarantees to provide you with millions of spiritual stones every year for your daily practice needs. 】

[You are not interested in spirit stones, what you need is more flesh and blood essence. 】

[So the True Immortal Danhuo will provide you with one hundred pounds of flesh and blood essence from the demon cultivator in the Human Immortal Realm every year...]

[These are not instant riches for you, but free prostitution is better than nothing. 】

[So you stay in Xiao Qingyun City, practice steadily, and improve your cultivation. 】

[In the blink of an eye, five years have passed...]

[In No. 30, your body training level has been raised to the peak of the seventh level of Dacheng Realm, and you are only one step away from reaching the eighth level of Dacheng Realm! 】

[And the spiritual energy in the cave is abundant, and you sometimes use spiritual liquid to practice, your cultivation level has also been upgraded to the peak of the first level of the Mahayana stage. 】

[One day, True Immortal Danhuo found you. He told you that he was going back to Qingyun Sect and asked if you would go with him. 】

[After hearing this, you will naturally not refuse and agree happily. 】

[So on this day, the True Immortal Danhuo took out a small boat-like magic weapon and threw it into the air. 】

[You and the True Immortal Danhuo are sitting on the flying boat, and the formation will soon be activated on the flying boat...]

[A violent spatial fluctuation came from this leaf flying boat, flying in the void. 】

[Danhuo Zhenxian tells you that his understanding of the way of space is not enough, so he is not enough to travel through the world and travel three thousand...]

[But this flying boat treasure was a gift from his master, Fire Cloud Golden Immortal. It is an acquired treasure that can travel in the void and travel through the world...]

[Danhuo Zhenxian tells you that the distance between Xiao Qingyun Realm and Qingyun Realm is unknown. If we use the flying boat route, it will take about a month to reach it. 】

[After hearing this, you nodded slightly and stayed in Feizhou's room, looking curiously at the void around you. 】

[The scene when traveling through the void is somewhat similar to traveling through the universe in the previous life. Like stars, there are coordinates of thousands of small worlds. 】

[It’s just that because the speed of the airship is too fast, you can only see blurry white lights...]

[After watching it for a few days, you felt it was boring, so you continued to practice in seclusion. 】

[Soon, one month passed...]

[When the flying boat slows down slowly, you are awakened by the Danhuo True Immortal and informed that you are already in the Qingyun Realm. 】

[You have some expectations in your heart. When you arrive in Qingyun Realm, you obviously feel that the spiritual energy in the whole world is much more abundant. It is at least twice as abundant as in barren places like Little Qingyun Realm! 】

[And the closer you get to the Qingyun Sect, the more spiritual energy you get. 】

[On the flying boat, True Immortal Danhuo enthusiastically introduces you to the power of Qingyun Sect. 】

[The entire Qingyun Realm is under the direct jurisdiction of the Qingyun Sect, covering an area of ​​more than hundreds of millions of miles. Other forces can only establish organizations and open cities for trading in this realm with the permission of the Qingyun Sect. 】

[And the number of generations of Qingyun Sect disciples has changed over more than a thousand generations. 】

[The only ones who need to know are the disciples within the fourth generation of the direct line. 】

[There are three founders of the Qingyun Sect, one of whom has been dismissed from the army, and the other two, including Qingyunzi, have been in seclusion all year round. 】

[There are 18 second-generation disciples of Qingyun Sect, six of whom are direct descendants of Qingyunzi. 】

[These second-generation direct descendants are also your nominal senior brothers. 】

[Currently, the Qingyun Sect is managed by several second-generation direct descendants such as Huoyun Jinxian. 】

[As for the third generation disciples, the number is even greater, [-] in total. 】

[The number of the fourth generation disciples of Qingyun Sect exceeds a thousand, it is difficult to identify them all...]

[As for those four generations later, in the words of the True Immortal of Danhuo, it is difficult for them to interact with each other and there is no need to know each other. 】

[After hearing this, you nodded slightly and silently kept the words of the True Immortal of Danhuo in your heart. 】

In the real world, Su Xing sighed when he saw this.

"Qingyun Sect, a behemoth that has stood for several guilds in three thousand worlds and will not fall for millions of years... The strength of this sect is really terrifying!"

"But from what I saw in the Luo Tian dungeon...it seems that the strength of the Luo Tian Sect is far less terrifying?"

Su Xing felt a little confused.

The information he had received before was that there were 72 golden immortals in Luotian Sect's heyday... But in the watery moon illusion that Su Xing saw, there were even rare ones above the immortals!

"However, Qingyunzi can't come out of seclusion, so I don't have to worry about my secret being discovered..."

"You can even use the resources of Qingyun Sect to grow your cultivation faster."

"I just don't know what the resources are within the Qingyun Sect?"

Thinking this, Su Xing looked at the simulation panel.

[The flying boat slowly landed and finally stopped at the Qingyun Sect’s mountain gate square...]

[This is also the first time you have seen a sect as grand as a river and as powerful as the sea. 】

[Beyond the mountain gate, there are all dangerous peaks and cliffs. Occasionally, one or two birdsong can be heard...]

[Within the Qingyun Sect’s mountain gate, hundreds of peaks stand, surrounded by white smoke, like a dream...]

[Vaguely, you even heard a few sounds of exotic animals and dragons...]

[A spiritual dragon whose body is like jade and whose body is spotless white approaches you in the clouds and in the mist, with a curious look in its eyes. 】【You are shocked, this is a spiritual dragon! 】

[Even a mature spiritual dragon! 】

[After the Spirit Vein Dragon looked at you for a while, it circled around a few times and played by itself above the clouds and mist in the sky. 】

[The square where the flying boat landed is the main peak of the Qingyun Sect, which is more than ten thousand feet long and wide... The entire body is paved with white jade-like ceramic tiles, extremely luxurious. 】

[This steep main peak looks as if it has been cut open by a sword. It is flat and majestic...]

[Under the leadership of True Immortal Huoyun, you quickly arrived at the main hall in the back mountain of the sect. Only direct disciples within three generations can enter. 】

[Here, you met many monks of your nephew's generation. Their cultivation levels are unfathomable, but they all looked at you curiously. 】

[But this time, most of the second-generation direct disciples are in seclusion. 】

[Only two of Qingyunzi’s direct descendants are not in retreat, namely Huoyun Jinxian and Ziling Fairy. 】

[One is your third senior brother, and the other is your fourth senior sister. They are both powerful monks in the Golden Immortal realm! 】

Su Xing couldn't help but sigh in his heart when he saw this.

"He is worthy of being a behemoth in the Three Thousand Worlds. He is only a second-generation descendant and has the cultivation level of a Golden Immortal..."

"Such two powerful monks...should be given a big gift as a meeting gift, right?"

Su Xing's eyes filled with anticipation, and he looked at the simulation panel.

[The two senior brothers and sisters are extremely eager to treat you. They told you that Master Qingyunzi is in retreat and has received the news of your appearance. He will be able to successfully leave the retreat within a few decades at most. 】

[Before this, you enjoy the treatment of the second generation direct disciple of Qingyun Sect. 】

[In addition, the two senior brothers and sisters also gave you a meeting gift. 】

[Third senior brother Huoyun Jinxian gave you a sword-like magic weapon that is as red as jade. It is a top-quality fairy sword with infinite power. 】

[Fourth Senior Sister Ziling Fairy has prepared a Taoist robe for you, which can withstand cold and heat, resist spells and curses... It is a defensive magic weapon of the highest quality. 】

[You resisted on the surface, but secretly accepted the two fairy treasures in your heart, and you were pleasantly surprised. 】

[With these two magic weapons, you dare to touch them even in the immortal realm! 】

[You have obtained a cave mansion with abundant spiritual energy. It is located on the spiritual veins of Qingyun Sect. The concentration of spiritual energy is similar to that of the cave in the Lingtian where you are. 】

[But the only thing that makes you a little disappointed is that except for two meeting gifts and a cave, you didn't get many substantial benefits. 】

[Because Qingyun Sect has many monks and more than tens of thousands of direct disciples, it adopts a "contribution system". You need to make a certain contribution to the sect in order to receive corresponding treatment and resources. 】

[As a second-generation direct disciple, the basic benefits you can receive every year are only 1000 million low-grade spiritual stones...]

In the real world, Su Xing sighed slightly when he saw this.

"The second-generation disciples are probably all powerful monks close to the level of golden immortals... and they don't expect this minimum living standard."

"Most of them serve in the Qingyun Sect and have been practicing for tens of thousands of years. I'm afraid their contribution is not low... In the entire Qingyun Sect, I am probably the only one with a higher seniority, but my contribution to cultivation is so low..."

"It seems that in the Immortal Cultivation Sect, if you want to obtain the corresponding resources, you still have to fight for them yourself!"

Although Su Xing also wanted to obtain hundreds of millions of spiritual fluids at once, he could transform into an immortal monk on the spot.

But this is obviously unrealistic.

Even though the Qingyun Sect of Nuo University has a deep foundation, the number of disciples is even greater. There are more than hundreds of thousands of direct disciples, and the number of collateral disciples is probably in the tens of millions...

If everyone received their salary based on their seniority and did not pay attention to their contribution to the sect, I am afraid things would have been in chaos long ago.

"However... I have a very high seniority in the Qingyun Sect. It should be easier for me to obtain resources. My growth rate in the Qingyun Sect should be faster..."

Su Xing had a smile on his face. The Qingyun Sect had given him a good feeling so far.

It didn't seem like there was any trap waiting for him.

After all, there is no need for a group of golden immortals to plot against a small Mahayana monk like him...

Thinking of this, Su Xing looked at the simulation panel.

[So for the next year, you stay in the Qingyun Sect and continue to understand this behemoth power in the three thousand worlds. 】

[Of course, the main thing to understand is the way to obtain contribution points and redeem practice resources. 】

[Qingyun Sect has many ways to obtain cultivation resources. 】

[Strong second and third generation direct disciples often go to various small worlds to manage or run businesses. 】

[You can often manage a small world and stay there for hundreds of years, and you can earn a huge amount of contribution points, and you can even make a lot of money from it. 】

[But this method was ruled out by you first. Although you have sufficient status, your strength is not yet that of an immortal. If you encounter an evil cultivator when you go out, your life may not be guaranteed. 】

[In addition to this, the way to earn contribution points is for a senior sect (second and third generation disciples) to find the required resources and earn contribution points from them. 】

[Or you can kill monsters and earn materials to exchange for contribution points. 】

[There are also powerful people who go to various "chaotic worlds" to fight against alien races and earn massive contribution points. 】

[But for you, you chose the safest way. 】

[Plant spiritual plants, resell elixirs, earn contribution points...and exchange them for the materials you need. 】

[No.30 For one year, you stay in your cave, plant the spirit-gathering flower, and start practicing hard. 】

[There is so much spiritual energy in the cave that you can cultivate thousands of spirit-gathering flowers in just three years. 】

[You plant the spirit-gathering flowers and swallow the elixir to improve your body refining skills. 】

[So, three years have passed...]

[No. 30 In the fourth year, you will take out the thousands of spirit-gathering flowers you planted and go to find the sect affairs elder to exchange for contribution points. 】

[The elder of the sect affairs is a third-generation disciple of Xuanxian Realm. I have great respect for you. I will call you little master uncle. 】

[If you were in the outside world, you would not dare to take out a thousand Spirit-Gathering Flowers easily, but within the Qingyun Sect, you have a transcendent status, so you would naturally take out a thousand Spirit-Gathering Flowers to exchange for resources. 】

[The affairs elder was surprised when he saw you taking out so many Soul-Gathering Flowers at once, and then kindly told you that Fairy Ziling is looking for Soul-Gathering Flowers to improve the cave. If you can trade with Ziling Fairy, you will definitely get more. Contribute more. 】

[You accepted the kindness of the affairs elder, so you took out the jade slip and contacted Senior Sister Ziling. 】

[Senior Sister Ziling is aloof, with an indifferent expression that refuses people thousands of miles away, but she still leaves her contact information for you, my junior brother, but you have never looked for her before. 】

[After hearing that you had a large number of Soul-Gathering Flowers for sale, Fairy Ziling immediately became interested and came to your cave to look for you in person. 】

[You handed over one thousand Soul-Gathering Flowers to Fairy Ziling. Fairy Ziling was greatly surprised when she saw it, and immediately expressed her willingness to give 130 million sect contribution points to buy these Soul-Gathering Flowers. 】

[The Qingyun Sect's contribution points are extremely valuable. One contribution point can be easily exchanged for one high-grade spiritual stone...one hundred low-grade spiritual stones. 】

[This is equivalent to a huge wealth of nearly 13 low-grade spiritual stones in exchange for each Spirit Gathering Flower. 】

[Besides, contribution points have many uses and are more useful than spirit stones. They can be exchanged for many rare materials... and even supreme secrets! 】

[In general, Fairy Ziling has no pressure at all due to her cultivation level. She even takes more care of you in this transaction, which makes you feel a little good in your heart. 】

[After the transaction, Fairy Ziling hesitated slightly and asked you where you got so many spirit-gathering flowers, and wanted to buy this information from you, so that you would never suffer a loss. 】

[After thinking for a moment, you frankly admit that you grew these Spirit-Gathering Flowers yourself. 】

[Fairy Ziling was shocked after hearing this. 】

[It should be noted that the Soul-Gathering Flower is a rare thing in heaven and earth, and it is extremely difficult to plant it. 】

[One hundred seeds often require ten years of hard work to plant, but the survival rate is only one-tenth of one-tenth... This is why there are fewer and fewer Spirit-Gathering Flowers and their prices are getting higher and higher. 】

[You said that you are extremely good at growing a flower. It only takes five years to grow the flower. The success rate is more than half, so you can sell the flower. 】

[Fairy Ziling was slightly surprised after hearing this. She has been in need of the Spirit Gathering Flower for a long time to increase the aura content in the cave. 】

[So she asks you to sell the Soul-Gathering Flower to her for a long time, and she is willing to pay a high price to buy it. 】

[This is a win-win situation, and you will naturally not refuse it, so you promise to provide Fairy Ziling with one thousand spirit-gathering flowers every ten years. Fairy Ziling will purchase them with 130 million sect contribution points. 】

In the real world, Su Xing sighed slightly when he saw this:
"Sure enough, even in the Three Thousand Worlds, the Spirit-Gathering Flower is still a rare treasure in the eyes of the Golden Immortal!"

"The higher the cultivation level, the slower the realm improvement, the more spiritual energy is needed... and the Soul Gathering Flower is specially designed to improve the quality of the cave for them. For these powerful monks, it is to increase the speed of cultivation. Naturally, the more the merrier!"

But this is definitely good news for Awakening.

In the entire Three Thousand Worlds, there are almost no monks who can plant Soul Gathering Flowers as easily as Su Xing.

This means that Su Xing is a semi-monopoly!
As long as you have the Soul-Gathering Flower in hand, you will never be short of money!

"Cultivation along the way, wealthy couple's law..."

"Then after you have money, you will further improve your cultivation..."

Look at the simulation panel.

[After the transaction with Ziling Fairy, you received 130 million contribution points! 】

[This amount of contribution points may not be accumulated by ordinary Qingyun Sect disciples after hundreds of years of hard work. 】

[So you spent these contribution points to buy hundreds of kilograms of flesh and blood essence from the peak of the Human Immortal Realm, hoping to advance to the eighth level of the Great Body Refining Realm in one go! 】

[In the blink of an eye, another year has passed. 】

[No. 30 In five years, your body training level has been upgraded to the eighth level of Dacheng Realm! 】

[At this moment, you have enough contribution points and there is no shortage of cultivation resources. What is needed next is to convert the resources into cultivation. 】

[So you continue to practice hard in seclusion...]

[In the blink of an eye, another five years have passed. 】

[No. 40, this year your cultivation level has been promoted to the middle stage of the eighth level of Dacheng Realm! 】

[At the same time, in the past few years, several senior brothers and sisters of the same generation have gradually left seclusion, and they all gave you a apprenticeship ceremony. 】

[What you like most among them is an airship that is comparable to the best fairy treasure. Driven by magic power, your escape speed can even be comparable to that of a monk in the Celestial Realm! 】

[The value of these apprenticeship ceremonies alone is not less than [-] million spiritual stones! 】

[The only thing that makes you a little troubled is that Qingyunzi has not yet come out of seclusion. After Qingyunzi comes out of seclusion, maybe you will get more valuable items! 】

[But it takes no time to cultivate immortality. During this time in Qingyun Sect, you feel good. 】

[The fearful life of the past is gone forever. All you need every day is to seek immortality and seek the Tao. 】

[You are going to wait until Master comes out of seclusion before telling him about Blue Star and see how Master reacts. 】

(There will be another chapter at noon tomorrow ~ please vote for me)
(End of this chapter)

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