Chapter 258 Qingyunzi appears, an opportunity to become a saint? (Second update, please vote for me~)

Su Xing nodded slightly when he saw this, and murmured:
"Simulation No. 40, Qingyunzi has not yet come out of seclusion...but by this time Blue Star may have been destroyed."

"This shows that if you want to rely on Qingyunzi to protect Blue Star, I'm afraid it will be extremely difficult..."

"Then if we ask those senior brothers and sisters from the Golden Immortal Realm to take action, I wonder if the crisis can be resolved?"

Su Xing felt a little hopeful.

Although he is not strong enough on his own, it would not be a shame if he could bring in reinforcements to resolve the crisis!
Of course, this is just a small attempt to wake up in a simulation.

After all, the mystery of Luo Tian is related to the Blue Star. Those brothers and sisters don’t know the root cause. Su Xing may not dare to expose this secret.

He looked back at the simulation panel.

[No.40 In one year, your cultivation will be upgraded to the second level of the Mahayana stage. 】

[Even though you have focused on physical cultivation these years and have rarely had time to improve your Qi cultivation, as long as there is plenty of spiritual energy and no shortage of spiritual liquid, your progress in cultivation is not slow. 】

[Another two years have passed in the blink of an eye. 】

[No.40 In three years, you made a second transaction with Fairy Ziling. 】

[Because you are not short of spirit stones and flesh and blood essence for the time being, you want to use the spirit-gathering flower to exchange for the magic weapon you need. 】

[Fairy Ziling asks you what type of magic weapon you need. 】

[After hearing this, you directly stated that you need a magic weapon that can travel through the world and contain the way of space. 】

[After hearing your request, Fairy Ziling declined politely. This kind of magic weapon is extremely valuable and cannot be exchanged for thousands of spirit-gathering flowers. 】

[After thinking about it for a while, Fairy Ziling handed over a bare, dark stone. 】

[You took this inconspicuous stone and felt your hand sink. This palm-sized stone actually weighs no less than a mountain range! 】

[Fairy Ziling tells you that this treasure is called the Void Stone. It was obtained by chance when she went to the Nine Heavens to practice. It is the material to create the acquired treasure and is priceless. 】

[The Void Stone can not only create the treasure of space, but also contains a weak ray of space. If you often comprehend it, you may be able to suddenly understand the origin of space. 】

[You are very surprised after hearing this, and at the same time you also understand that the value of this stone is probably far more than a thousand spirit-gathering flowers. 】

[So you took out eight hundred spirit-gathering flowers as compensation. 】

[After seeing this, Fairy Ziling has a better impression of you. She praises you that you are not a monk eager for quick success and you will definitely achieve something in the future. 】

[After this transaction, your relationship with Fairy Ziling has become closer. 】

[Occasionally when you encounter problems in practice, you will also consult Fairy Ziling. 】

[And Fairy Ziling also bought some Spirit-Gathering Flower seeds from you, tried to plant them herself, and asked you for experience. 】

[You are very generous in imparting your experience, but you also know that the reason why you are so good at planting Soul Gathering Flowers is actually the blessing of Shennong's talent, and others cannot learn from it. 】

[No.40 Four years after you obtained the Void Stone, you have one more daily task, which is to understand the power of space in the Void Stone! 】

[In the turbulence of the mysterious space before, you had vaguely touched the origin of the space, and you had half-stepped into the threshold. 】

[But it is not yet possible to actually use the power of space. 】

[If you can use this space stone properly, even if you cannot forge space treasures, you can still benefit a lot from just understanding it. 】

Su Xing nodded slightly when he saw this.

"The way of space is far more special and difficult than the ordinary laws of the great road... If I can understand it, maybe I can bring enough items to go to the Three Thousand Worlds!"

Su Xing felt a little hopeful.

For Su Xing, the priority of comprehending the power of space is even higher than improving the cultivation level!
Look at the simulation panel.

[No. 40 Six years, after two years of understanding, your perception of the power of space has greatly improved, and you can detect some of the laws of space rhythm. 】

[At this level, although you cannot make space props, perform space jumps, or travel through the world...but the speed of mastering space magical powers is greatly improved. 】

[In this way, another two years have passed. 】

[No.40 In eight years, your mastery of the power of space has finally reached the point where you can get started. 】

[At this time, you can already predict the operating rules and future trajectories of turbulence in the void, and avoid the damage caused to you by space turbulence to a certain extent. 】

[At the same time, you can also use materials such as ores that contain the power of space to initially make some crude space props. 】

[In the year, your Qi refining cultivation has been further improved and you have entered the second middle stage of the Mahayana period. 】

[In one year, your physical training has improved and you have entered the late eighth level of Dacheng Realm! 】

[In this way, another two years have passed. 】

[In three years, you traded with Fairy Ziling and gained a lot of contribution points. 】

[In the same year, another second-generation senior brother of yours came out of seclusion and gave you an immortal bone flower as a gift. 】

[This flower contains extremely strong vitality, and it can be said to bring life back to life for mortals. 】

[And even monks in the earthly immortal realm will recover quickly from their injuries after taking it. 】

Su Xing sighed in his heart when he saw this:
"Oh, these second-generation disciples of Qingyun Sect really have many benefits!"

"Just these greeting gifts are worth the dozens of simulated struggles I've had in the past..."

Several top-quality immortal artifacts, these are treasures that cannot be seen in Blue Star or even Xiao Qingyun Realm.

Su Xing sighed in his heart, only regretting that he did not find the sect organization earlier.

Then he looked at the simulation panel.

[In five years, your understanding of the way of space has further improved. 】

[You can capture the gap in space and perform a short space jump...commonly known as teleportation! 】

[This is not high-speed movement, but a true teleportation across space, but the distance is very short, and it can only span a few miles at a time...]

[But as you gain a deeper understanding of the origin of space, this distance will gradually become longer. 】

[Another three years have passed. 】

[In eight years, your cultivation has gradually approached the peak of the eighth level of Dacheng Realm. 】

[At the same time this year, you got a big news. 】

[Qingyunzi comes out of seclusion and wants to meet you alone! 】

[After hearing the news, you were surprised and happy. 】

[The good news is that if I can get Qingyunzi's approval and be rewarded with some resources and treasures, I'm afraid it will be worth a hundred years of struggle. 】

[But the surprising thing is that you are afraid that Qingyunzi will see through your secret and even want to do something wrong to you, and you will have no power to resist at that time. 】

[After much hesitation, you went to see Qingyunzi. 】

[The retreat place of Qingyunzi is a forbidden mountain peak in the back mountain of Qingyun Sect. No disciple is allowed to enter without being received. 】

[This peak is called Sanxian Peak, which is named after the three founders of the Qingyun Sect. 】

[The shape of Sanxian Peak is like an upright trident, with three forks on the top of the mountain. The peak is ten thousand feet high and towers into the clouds. 】

[But what you see now is that only one branch of the Three Immortals Peak is left, and the other two branches fell into the valley and are missing. 】

[It is said that thousands of years ago, when one of the ancestors of the Qingyun Sect was defeated, a mountain fork peak collapsed, leaving only two prongs of the trident. 】

[Only two of the three immortals of the Qingyun Sect remain, but the name of the Three Immortals Peak will not be changed. 】

[Until 3000 years ago, another small peak of Sanxian Peak also collapsed overnight. 】

[At that time, the entire Qingyun Sect was in panic, worried that Qingyunzi would fall, and the power of the Qingyun Sect would also be less powerful than before...]

[It wasn’t until decades ago that you brought the exact news about Qingyunzi. 】

[And now Qingyunzi meets you in person, the entire Qingyun Sect has regained its backbone, and the future will be as stable as Mount Tai. 】

[Stepping onto the Immortal Climbing Staircase, under the leadership of Huoyun Jinxian, you ascend to the main peak of the Three Immortals Peak, the retreat place of Qingyunzi. 】

Su Xing frowned slightly when he saw this.

In the world of immortality, everything depends on cause and effect and metaphysics.

The collapse of the Three Immortal Peaks would be too much of a coincidence to say it was a coincidence.

But Qingyunzi has not died. This is something Su Xing is very sure about...

"Could it be that there is something secret behind this?"

Su Xing had a vague premonition in his heart and looked at the simulation panel again.

[After ascending to the main peak, a voice as gentle as jade came from the peak. It was Qingyunzi. 】

[Qingyunzi asks you to go to his residence alone and ask Huoyun Jinxian to retreat. 】

[After hearing this, Huo Yun Jinxian looked at you with envy, then bowed and left. 】

[You feel a little nervous, the formation barrier in front of you opens wide, you step into it...]

[You enter it and instantly feel the rich aura on the mountain peak...even beyond the level of cave heaven. 】

[The layout on the mountain peak will make you feel familiar. 】

[One hundred acres of fertile land, a spiritual spring, and a simple thatched house...]

[This is exactly the same as the original layout of the portable spiritual field. 】

[When we arrived in front of the thatched house, a friendly voice came from the room: Come in]

[You stepped into it after hearing this and saw a familiar face. 】【This Qingyunzi's appearance and temperament can be said to be exactly the same as the one you met in the dungeon decades ago. 】

[The only difference is that you remember that Qingyunzi likes to wear green clothes, but today he is wearing white clothes. 】

[You did not pay attention to these details, but saluted Qingyunzi generously and respectfully. 】

[Qingyunzi looked at you with a deep look, chatted with you for a long time, and asked about your background...

[Suddenly he changed the topic and asked if you have heard of Luo Tian...]

[You were shocked after hearing this, but you still answered honestly that you had been to a copy of the Luotian Conference on Blue Star. 】

[After Qingyunzi heard what you said, a strange smile appeared on his face, and then he asked how long you have been practicing. 】

[You were surprised after hearing this, but you still didn’t dare to tell the truth, so you lied and claimed that you had been practicing for almost 200 years...]

[But you know in your heart that this cannot be hidden from Qingyunzi, because he knows your realm and cultivation more than 50 years ago. 】

[Surprisingly, Qingyunzi did not mention this matter. He seemed to have forgotten it. He just took out a stone and said that he wanted to test your aptitude and choose a suitable technique for you. 】

[You were shocked after hearing this, but you were powerless to stop it...]

[When your qualifications and age were tested, the smile on Qingyunzi's face slowly disappeared, and finally became calm. 】

[You have been observing Qingyunzi for a long time, but you haven’t seen any flaws. 】

[Just when you breathed a sigh of relief, Qingyunzi suddenly showed a strange smile...]

[I saw him murmuring: Luo Tian, ​​Luo Tian really still exists!Dao Fifty, Tian Yan 49, one of the human escapes!And you are the one who escaped...]

[After the words fell, Qingyunzi grabbed you and then searched your soul...]

[Your consciousness gradually dissipates...]

[Your consciousness was taken away...]

【you are dead! 】

【Ding, this simulation is over! 】

After the simulation ended, Su Xing stared at the text in front of him expressionlessly.

"Sure enough...will Qingyunzi be unable to resist Luo Tian's temptation in the end?"

"That escaped...what does Qingyunzi mean?"

"It seems that all the powerful monks... Hongyue, Advent Sect, and Qingyunzi are looking for these?"

After a pause, Su Xing's eyes also showed a trace of doubt.

"It's just that I feel like Qingyunzi in this simulation... seems different from before?"

"He has clearly tested my qualifications and age before, why would he test me again?"

Su Xing was a little puzzled by this.

"However, what is certain now is that joining the Qingyun Sect... will not make you fly into the sky as imagined!"

"Because of Qingyunzi... I can only simulate it for less than 60 years!"

Su Xing carefully thought about the pros and cons of this simulation.

Going to Qingyun Sect, you can indeed see a wider world.

You can get more resources and even get many treasures...

But the price is that as soon as Qingyunzi comes out of seclusion, he wakes up and is dead!

"...Not necessarily. If I go to other small worlds before Qingyunzi comes out of seclusion, maybe I won't be able to see him?"

"However, the greatest help that Qingyun Sect can give me should be the ability to obtain some rare magic weapons, high-level elixirs, etc..."

Su Xing thought so.

If you want to improve your body refining skills, the Shiwanda Mountain is your first choice. There is enough flesh and blood essence of the monsters there, and the awakening can grow quickly.

If he were to improve his Qi refining cultivation, he would be able to awaken on the Blue Star, where there would be spiritual fields, caves, tens of millions of drops of spiritual liquid, spiritual vein dragons, etc. These were all exclusive to him, and would be more beneficial to purely improving his cultivation.

"As for what happened behind Qingyunzi? Maybe... there is an answer in Tianji Pavilion?"

Su Xing took a deep breath and thought of the Grade A intelligence in Tianji Pavilion. If he could get it, Su Xing would be closer to the answer!
Su Xing's thoughts were a little confused at this time.

He has always regarded Qingyunzi and Qingyun Sect as his backers.

But looking at it now...

The hustle and bustle in the world is all for benefit, and the hustle and bustle in the world is all for benefit!

Even if Qingyunzi is Daluo Jinxian... he is no exception!
"For a Daluo Jinxian... to be able to attack a junior, can you imagine the temptation?"

"Could it be that...Luo Tian is related to the secret of sanctification!?"

All Su Xing could think of to seduce a Daluo Jinxian by any means necessary was the pursuit of a higher realm...

Become the legendary saint!

This is not comparable to the so-called saints and demon saints on earth... but the highest realm above Da Luo!
"Alas, with my current strength... I still can't participate in this!"

"The only thing you can do now is to stabilize your development and further improve your strength!"

Su Xing sighed and looked at the reward for this simulation.

[Photographic Memory]: Purple talent, priced at 100 million energy points.

[50 years of alchemy experience]: After redemption, the existing alchemy insights will increase slightly, and the price is 5000 million energy.

[Eighth Level of Body Refining Realm]: The ultimate realm of body refining monks in the mortal world. Body refining can be accomplished in a short time, and the strength of the body is beyond imagination.The price is 40 billion energy.

[5000 Juling Flowers]: Priced at 5 million energy.

[Second level of Mahayana stage]: Mahayana stage monks understand the power of the source, seek Tao Yun, the magic power resonates with the heaven and earth, and the sea of ​​spiritual power is endless... The price is 40 billion energy.

[Void Stone]: A treasure located above the nine heavens and existing in the void. It contains a trace of the power of the great avenue of space. It can be used to refine magic weapons, and can also be used to improve the understanding of the origin of space.The price is 150 billion energy.

[Perception of the power of space (entry level)]: For understanding the power of space, if you reach the entry level, you can create space magic weapons and capture space fluctuations.The price is 7 million energy.

[Red Sun Sword]: The best immortal weapon, which contains a ray of true sun fire. Only in the Heavenly Immortal Realm can it exert its maximum power. The price is 200 billion energy.

[The Best Flying Boat]: The best fairy weapon, controlled by magic power, can travel thousands of miles a day, has an escape speed comparable to the immortal realm, and sells for 180 billion energy.

[Purple Ling Treasure Clothes]: The ultimate defensive fairy weapon. It can protect against cold and heat after being worn. It is woven by Zi Ling Fairy and can withstand attacks below the Immortal Realm. It is difficult for ordinary people in the Fairy Realm to break through the treasure robe's defense. It sells for 230 billion energy.

Su Xing looked at the rewards in front of him with longing in his eyes.

"Damn, I really want this reward!"

"It's a pity... I can only choose two things..."

Su Xing sighed.

He first set his sights on the most valuable ones, the three top-grade immortal weapons and the Void Stone!
"A top-quality immortal weapon... it requires nearly 200 billion energy to bring it out. It's too expensive!"

Su Xing sighed.

Do these three immortal treasures greatly improve the awakening strength?
That must be big!

But the problem is, even if you get it, it won’t solve the fundamental problem!
Not to mention that the awakening state is insufficient and cannot exert its maximum power.

Even if he exerts himself, there is no enemy that Awakening needs to face on this blue star...

If it's Long Laogou and his ilk, they can solve it without the need for weapons when they wake up.

But if it's a blood three or a giant beast... Even if he wakes up and gets a weapon, he can't do it!
You can't expect to defeat a true immortal or even a powerful person in the golden immortal realm with just one immortal weapon, right?

"These immortal weapons... are tasteless, and it would be a pity to discard them..."

"The main thing is that these immortal weapons are not worth the high price I spent to obtain them..."

Su Xing sighed softly, and after struggling for a moment, he looked at three of the rewards.

The second level of cultivation in the Mahayana stage!
This is a must-have for waking up...

Then what is tangled is the eighth level of body refining and the entry-level perception of the power of space.

"The power of space is indeed precious... but I can completely understand it through immersive simulation. I only need 7200 million energy, and I should be able to get started... This is a ten-fold difference!"

After some hesitation, Su Xing decided that it would be most cost-effective to bring out the cultivation base.

"A total of four levels of cultivation require 80 billion energy..."

"But it just so happens that the 200 tons of third-level exotic metals promised by Lu Yuanwu are about to arrive... [-] billion energy is enough for me to be promoted to the Tribulation Realm!"

The corners of Su Xing's mouth raised slightly.

Not in a hurry to redeem the reward, Su Xing began to disguise himself and gather his breath, preparing to go find Lu Yuanwu.

Lu Yuanwu had been waiting for the agreed place for a long time.

"Senior, this is the [-] tons of third-level exotic metals promised to you!"

Lu Yuanwu respectfully handed over several storage rings.

Su Xing took the storage ring, her heart moved, and the simulator prompt sounded in her ears.

[Ding, a large amount of energy material has been detected, with a total value of 200 billion simulated energy. Do you want to redeem it? 】

(I’ll give you an update today...I really can’t write anymore~)

(End of this chapter)

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