Others practice leveling, I cultivate immortality, go out to Mahayana before leaving the mountain

Chapter 259 Finally enters the Mahayana period and earns 25 billion energy!

Chapter 259 Finally enters the Mahayana period and earns 250 billion energy! (Two in one, please vote for me~)

Su Xing did not hesitate and directly exchanged all the foreign metals into simulated energy.

In this way, the awakening simulation energy has reached an unprecedented height!
A full 200 ​​billion!
Even though Su Xing was already a time traveler who had seen the world, he still couldn't help but a flash of excitement in his eyes at this moment.

"Well, I understand...this is one hundred thousand pills, please count them!"

Su Xing said calmly and took out [-] bottles of pills.

Lu Yuanwu did not count them, but directly put these elixirs into the storage ring.

Then he looked at Su Xing cautiously and said:

"Senior...most of the spies within Daxia's military have been eradicated..."

"The high-ranking spy is also preparing to arrest... I wonder when the elixir will be officially put into use?"

After Su Xing heard Lu Yuanwu's words, he thought for a moment and understood what he meant.

Even though Lu Yuanwu is Emperor Wu and the logistics manager of Daxia Kingdom, he has successively provided tens of thousands of tons of third-level exotic metals to Su Xing during this period of time.

Although it will not shake the status of the logistics manager, it will inevitably cause some pressure.

After all, if a person transports exotic metals under pressure without seeing anything in return, he may be suspected of "corruption."

Lu Yuanwu meant: Senior, it’s time to use this elixir on a large scale!
Su Xing thought for a moment after hearing this, and then said:

"Although most of the spies have been eliminated... it is still not advisable to rush this matter."

"My suggestion is that in the next six months, you train thousands of master-level experts in batches... wait until half a year later, and then distribute all the elixirs. You will be able to train tens of thousands of master-level experts in one to two years. Strong!"

After Lu Yuanwu heard Su Xing's words, he nodded repeatedly and said excitedly:
"Senior! I've been waiting for your words!"

"As long as the effects of this batch of elixirs are promoted on a large scale... the power in my hands will be greater!"

"From now on, I can trade more exotic metals with you every week...doubling the quantity won't be a problem!"

Su Xing nodded with satisfaction after hearing this.

If the number of grandmaster-level experts in Great Xia is slowly increased, the reaction from the advent sect and foreign races will not be too great.

Even the powerful Heavenly Kings and Martial Emperors would not care...

Su Xing now understood that unless the strength of the human race suddenly surged to an exaggerated level, those forces would forcefully intervene.

Between the two, there is an opportunity to wake up and develop secretly!
"Well, the transaction is over this week... Don't worry, I still have a lot of these two elixirs..."

"If we can cooperate well in the future, it won't be a problem to come up with even more advanced elixirs!"

Su Xing said lightly, with a somewhat casual tone.

Lu Yuanwu was stunned for a moment after hearing Su Xing's words, then realized something and said tremblingly:

"Senior... what you mean by higher-level elixirs is..."

Su Xing's expression remained unchanged and he said casually:

"Of course, it is the elixir that can cultivate the powerful Heavenly King...Martial Emperor."

"Of course...it won't be difficult even to help you break through to the legendary level..."

After hearing Su Xing's affirmative answer, Lu Yuanwu almost got excited and wanted to hug Su Xing's thigh!
"Pre... Senior!"

Seeing that Lu Yuanwu was excited and somewhat incoherent, Su Xing just waved his hand, took a few steps, and then disappeared.

After he woke up and left, Lu Yuanwu clenched his fists excitedly and murmured:

"Happy! The human race should prosper!"

It’s not that Lu Yuanwu has never seen the world or big shots.

But for a general who is dedicated to his country and the human race, the temptation of these pills is really too great!

Su Xing hid all the way and made sure no one was following him, then headed to the Immortal Martial Era dungeon.

After skillfully arriving at the ruins of the Wanmu Sect, under the cover of formations and restrictions, he woke up and returned to the Lingtian Cave.

According to my thoughts before I woke up, those high-level treasures were too expensive and not worth bringing out. This was because of their level of cultivation.

So he woke up and said silently:
"Bring out the second level of cultivation in the Mahayana stage...and the eighth level of cultivation in the Dacheng realm!"

[Ding, you successfully brought out the second level of Mahayana cultivation, spending 40 billion energy, and the remaining energy is 160 billion 4768 million...]

[Ding, you successfully brought out the eighth level cultivation of Dacheng Realm, you spent 40 billion energy, and the remaining energy is 120 billion 4768 million...]

The simulator beep sounded, and then two waves of mysterious energy poured into Su Xing's body.

The first thing that brought about changes was the huge improvement in Qi refining cultivation!

The sea of ​​spiritual power within the awakened body was turbulent at this moment... rushing toward the border like a tsunami.

Hitting the boundary of the sea of ​​spiritual power again and again, making the awakened sea of ​​spiritual power wider and wider.

In just a few moments, the awakened sea of ​​spiritual power was more than twice as strong as before...

And it’s still expanding at an alarming rate!

After more than ten breaths, Su Xing's restless aura began to slowly calm down.

Su Xing held on to his mind, sat cross-legged, and tried hard to adapt to the sudden increase in cultivation!
After a while, Su Xing slowly opened his eyes, and a ray of light flashed through.

"The second level of the Mahayana stage is completed!"

"The total amount of spiritual power in my body is nearly four times stronger than before! So... only at the second level of the Mahayana stage, my spiritual power may be comparable to that of a monk at the eighth or ninth level of the Mahayana stage!"

Under the same realm, strong magic power is naturally a huge advantage.

The reason why Awakening has such strong magic power is not only because of its solid foundation.

The biggest reason is that the tens of millions of drops of spiritual liquid provide enough foundation for awakening!
Ordinary monks do not waste so much spiritual liquid when they enter the Mahayana stage.

The more important point is that it comes from the dragon of spiritual veins, that pure spiritual energy!
It directly made Su Xing surpass all the geniuses!
Su Xing estimated that a Mahayana monk with such powerful magic power as him, even in the heyday of cultivating immortals, would be a talent that is rare to see in thousands or even ten thousand years!
"But... still can't be proud! The Mahayana period alone is not enough..."

Su Xing shook his head gently and was about to kfc himself, but suddenly another force emerged in Su Xing's body.

He is about to achieve a breakthrough in body refining and cultivation!

The sixth level of Dacheng Realm...the seventh level of Dacheng Realm...

The eighth level of Dacheng Realm!
In just a few breaths, the realm of awakening crosses two more small realms.

After getting familiar with the surge in power, Su Xing nodded with satisfaction.

"That's right...the eighth level of Dacheng Realm cultivation is close to the power of Eight Hundred Mountains!"

"In this way, when you reach the Dacheng state, you will have the so-called power of a thousand mountains!"

After a pause, Su Xing said again:

"Coupled with the rapid increase in Qi refining cultivation, even without the help of the Body Protecting Sword Gang and the Heavenly Sword Jue... I can still compete with ordinary cultivators in the tribulation stage!"

After breaking through the two realms of Qi refining and body refining, Su Xing glanced at the sky and murmured:
"That's right, I don't feel the red moon's gaze in reality..."

"Sure enough, because of the simulator, most of the breakthrough news has been blocked."

"This is the best, at least you won't have to worry about premature exposure!"

Su Xing nodded in satisfaction.

However, he also knows that if the realm is raised to a certain height, the breakthrough movement will be too great, and it may be difficult for even the simulator to block it.

When he wakes up, he must use formations, restraints, heavenly shielding techniques, etc. to block the news of his own realm breakthrough.

After his cultivation increased dramatically, Su Xing glanced at the time and murmured:
"In the next few days, as always, go mining and accumulate energy!"

Although we are a little rich, we will need more energy as time goes by, so we must not slack off when we wake up.

Seven days passed quickly...

In the past seven days, Su Xing has dug out two more fourth-level exotic metal veins, which are expected to bring nearly 40 billion energy after purification!
On April 4th, Su Xing left the Xianwu world, returned to Blue Star, and met Jin Congxue as promised.

"Here, here are this week's goods... and the purified exotic metals."

Jin Congxue yawned, and then handed several storage rings to Su Xing.

Su Xing's heart moved. This week's goods, plus foreign metals, provided nearly 50 billion simulated energy!

This surprised Su Xing.

"Wake up, all the raw metal ores you gave me before have been refined as soon as possible..."

"Today, in the Tarot Chamber of Commerce, there are nearly 3000 professionals who just purify exotic metals! This is a huge expense..."

Jin Congxue said sadly.

Originally, the Tarot Chamber of Commerce was able to make a normal profit some time ago, but now the props, elixirs, etc. sold are basically used to pay the salaries of the professionals.

If there is no profitability, it will be difficult for Tarot Club to expand in a short period of time.

After hearing this, Su Xing thought for a moment and asked:

"Sister Xue, how is the overseas market for beauty pills that you mentioned before... opening up?"

Jin Congxue nodded and said:

"The effect is very good! Foreign professionals, due to geographical, occupational and other reasons, tend to age faster than Daxia..."

"So the sales of beauty pills in their store are very good, and the market has been initially opened. What I am worried about now is the shortage of supply."

Su Xing thought for a moment after hearing this and said:

"The price of beauty pills overseas is probably three times higher than in China!"

"From now on, I will provide you with beauty elixirs every week, ensuring that there are enough to sell to other overseas countries!"

After hearing Su Xing's words, Jin Congxue's eyes lit up.

If this is true, the Tarot Chamber of Commerce will probably make a profit immediately and even expand further!

After bidding farewell to Jin Congxue, he woke up and returned to Lingtian Cave.

Before the simulation time cools down, wake up and think about your future development in reality!

"Actually, my plan has been very clear all along...to earn a lot of resources in reality in exchange for simulated energy!"

"Then accumulate strength in the simulation, continuously improve your realm and practice various arts..."

Su Xing murmured.

His method is undoubtedly the most scientific.

But this also means that in the real world, the stronger the awakening force is, the greater the help it will bring to him!The more simulated energy you get!

At present, awakening energy mainly comes from the following channels:
First, the weekly supply of goods and purification of different metals from the Tarot Chamber of Commerce.

If Su Xing mines exotic metals every week, it is estimated that the power he can bring to Su Xing every week will be between 50 and [-] billion, and it will be difficult to increase in a short period of time.

Second, the transactions between the nine puppets of Tianji Pavilion and other chambers of commerce.

Su Xing estimates that a "business run" will take about one to two months and can provide Su Xing with billions to tens of billions of simulated energy.

Third, in the transaction with the Daxia military, the middleman was naturally "Grandpa Lu".

According to Grandpa Lu, the amount of transactions will increase in the future, and Su Xing initially estimates that the weekly income should be more than 30 billion energy.

From this point of view, the net energy earned by Awakening in one month is about 500 to [-] billion!

This may seem like a lot, but when Awakening is about to overcome the calamity and become an immortal, the energy expenditure required will increase geometrically!

"Other than that, the Baili Chamber of Commerce only occasionally has some goods... It's not particularly critical."

Su Xing frowned slightly. Although there is no shortage of energy for the time being, he must prepare for a rainy day!
Thinking about it this way, the expansion of overseas markets and transactions with other countries are inevitable!

"However... strength-enhancing elixirs such as Yangyuan Pill and Fu-Refining Pill are naturally given priority by Daxia's military... After all, Daxia is under the greatest pressure!"

"If the demon-suppressing barrier is not broken, Blue Star will be fine...those demons and ghosts will not be able to come out of other taboo-level dungeons."

"But pills that are purely profitable, such as beauty pills, will naturally be sold out in exchange for a large amount of equipment and props..."

The corners of Su Xing's mouth raised slightly.

The entire Blue Star Seven Kingdoms and Twelve Regions, except Daxia Kingdom, other countries are also a blue ocean, waiting to wake up and expand!
After making some plans for his future development, Su Xing glanced at the simulation time.

Seeing that the cooling time has expired, Su Xing silently said:
"Start the simulation!"

【Ding!This simulation consumes 8300 energy points, with 191 million remaining energy points and no remaining simulation times. 】

【The simulation starts! 】

[It costs 10 energy points to extract purple talents, and 100 million energy points to extract golden legendary talents. Do you want to extract them? 】

Su Xing thought for a moment after seeing this and murmured:
"The probability of drawing a golden talent is still too low at present... It takes an average of five simulations to draw a golden talent."

"It seems it's time to increase the probability of drawing a wave of golden talents!"

The current basic probability of Awakening to draw golden talents is 40%. If 50.00 billion energy is spent, it can be increased to [-]%! (Current simulator version upper limit)

On average, after two or three simulations, you can get a golden talent!
What you need to pay for waking up is just a week of simulated energy, which will definitely increase the upper limit of your potential!
"If you can get golden quality Qi refining and body refining talents, you can make a lot of money!"

Thinking of this, Su Xing rubbed his hands with some excitement and said silently:

"Spend 40 billion energy to increase the probability of golden talent lottery!"

[Ding, you successfully spent 40 billion energy, and the remaining energy is 151 million points...]

[The current basic probability of drawing golden talents is 50%, and the probability of this drawing is 70%...]

40 billion energy was spent all at once. Su Xing felt a little distressed in his heart, but he still said decisively:
"Extract golden quality talents!"

[Ding, congratulations on getting the golden talent to enter the Dao. The probability of drawing the golden talent next time is 50%...]

[Enter the Tao through formations]: With golden talent, you are a genius of formations that is rare in the world of immortality for thousands of years. Your understanding of formations is far beyond ordinary people. You can easily comprehend the basic formations, and you can even enter the Tao through formations, achieving a powerful achievement in the world of immortality. Formation master!
Su Xing's eyes lit up when he saw the newly revealed talent, and he nodded with satisfaction.

"Not bad! A good start!"

"After this probability is increased, the chance of winning the golden talent is greatly increased..."

Su Xing glanced at the introduction of the new talent.

This talent of "entering the Tao through the formation" should be the upper-level talent of the "Tao formation wizard", which can greatly increase the speed of awakening and comprehending the Tao of the formation.

As for how fast the realization is, you have to wake up and try it yourself to find out.

"So far, the formations have been of great help to me... Whether it's the spirit gathering array in Lingtian Cave, the breath gathering shielding array... or the miniature spirit gathering array that increases the speed of practice, they all have great potential!"

In general, the array is very helpful for awakening.

"Now that the new talent has been drawn...then the simulation plan this time will also be slightly changed!"

Wake up thinking.

"First of all, I will train my body and cultivate my body, and then I will reach the Dacheng state in one go. This will greatly increase my strength!"

"But for Qi refining, even with the help of spiritual liquid... I have been practicing for six to seventy years, and I estimate that I will be able to reach one or two levels at most..."

"It takes at least four simulations to reach the perfection of the Mahayana realm..."

Su Xing made some calculations and decided to learn the seventh-level miniature spirit gathering array first, and then find ways to improve the quality of the cave and accumulate more spiritual liquid!

By then... when you wake up in the Mahayana stage, you can also ensure rapid growth in cultivation!

"It's a pity that I didn't get the golden spiritual root talent...otherwise there would be no need to go to such trouble."

Su Xing sighed, then looked at the simulation panel.

[In Lingtian Cave, you realize that you are in a simulation. 】

[You disguised yourself and conducted transactions with Lu Yuanwu, and there were no accidents during the transaction. 】

[Because elixirs are valued by the Daxia military, Lu Yuanwu brought you two thousand tons of third-level exotic metals this week...]

[This is slightly beyond your expectations and gives you a little surprise. 】

[Ten days later, you have accumulated great wisdom blessings and are ready to go to Luotian Dungeon! 】

In the real world, Su Xing saw this and muttered silently:

"Use an immersive simulation that lasts 24 hours!"

[Ding, you successfully used...]

The simulator beep sounded, and when I woke up, my vision changed.

"This time my cultivation has broken into the Mahayana realm! I wonder what kind of surprises the Luotian copy will bring me!?"

Su Xing had some expectations in her heart.

After completing the body refining, he wakes up and obtains the Great Witch Body Refining Technique, which is the supreme secret method that leads directly to the Holy Realm!

Now in the Qi Refining Mahayana period... the rewards should not be bad, right?

While he was waking up and thinking, a voice came from the front of the hall.

"Good disciple, go to the back mountain and invite your senior brother Shennong to come over..."

"After you find Senior Brother Shennong... I will let you know if I have anything to do."

Su Xing's eyes lit up after hearing this, and then he bowed respectfully and left the hall.

Su Xing chatted and laughed with Senior Brother Shennong along the way, and took him to the Luotian Conference venue.

After waiting, he woke up and went to the main hall, where he met his master, Wu Chrome!
Wu Chrome called Su Xing to the back hall, and then said with a slightly serious expression:
"My good disciple, you are the most outstanding genius in our Luo Tian Sect's history in thousands of years!"

"Before reaching the age of [-], I have already reached the Mahayana stage of Qi refining... and I have entered the late stage of Dacheng state in body refining!"

"But after becoming an immortal, you have to make a choice... I would like to ask you, do you want to go into Qi refining or body refining?"

After Su Xing heard Wu Chrome's words, his heart moved slightly.His previous answer was to choose body training, so he got the Great Witch Body Training Technique!
Now that the Great Witch Body Forging Technique has been obtained, Su Xing naturally has to choose another reward!

As for trade-offs...children make choices!

Wake up and choose them all!
Thinking of this, Su Xing said decisively:
"Master, my disciple wants to follow the path of Qi refining...to achieve the orthodox path of immortality!"

After hearing Su Xing's words, Wu Chrome was not surprised, but a slightly disappointed look flashed in his eyes.

Then Wu Chrome stroked his beard and praised:

"In this case, I will teach you the Luo Tian Sect's supreme secret method... Zhengyi Conquering Qi Jue!"

"This secret method is not a skill, but it is a supreme mental method. After becoming an immortal... it can greatly reduce the time required for practice, so that you can spend more time understanding the laws of the great road..."

After Wu Chrome said this, he stretched out his hand to wake up his eyebrows.

A picture suddenly flooded into my mind when I woke up.

Vaguely, Su Xing seemed to see an old man with white beard and hair, as elegant as an immortal, standing on a towering mountain peak.

Regardless of sunrise or sunset, severe cold or heat, day after day, year after year... this old man eats the spiritual energy of heaven and earth, and his cultivation speed is thousands of miles.

Traveling through countless years...after countless thousands of years...

The old man's face actually gradually became younger.

In the end, he changed from an 80-year-old man to a young man in his early 20s!

And at this time, these three flowers condensed on top of the immortal, creating the Great Luo Wonderland!
After a long time...

When he regained consciousness again, he had returned to the real world.

"Zhengyi Convinced Qi Jue...the supreme secret technique practiced by the Patriarch of Luo Tianzong!"

"Hiss~ If this kind of immortal magic were to appear in this world, I'm afraid it would cause the world to fight over it and not practice it!"

Su Xing took a deep breath, the shock in his eyes was indescribable.

He finally understood why the Patriarch of the Luo Tian Sect rose up as quickly as a star.

"No wonder those Golden Immortals...even Daluo Golden Immortals value Luo Tian's legacy so much!"

"Just these two supreme secrets may have attracted all the monks in the three thousand worlds to fall into the dust!"

Wake up and recall the powerful ability of Zheng Yifu Qi Jue.

Zhengyi's Qi Jue is indeed not a martial art, nor a supernatural power, but a mental method!
This mental method has only one function, to increase the speed of practice!

Zhengyi Convincing Qi Jue is divided into three levels, and can be practiced after you have become a human immortal.

The first level is to obey the twelve o'clock energy.

At sunrise every day, take the first ray of purple energy and practice for an hour, which can equal a day of hard work!
This first level can greatly increase the speed of monks' cultivation!

You can save more time to practice other things, or understand the origin of the great road...

Zhengyi takes the second level of Qijue, taking 24 solar terms!

On such solar terms as spring rain, awakening of insects, dew, severe heat, light snow, and frost, one day of practice can be worth a month of hard work!
At this stage, as long as you practice during the 24 solar terms, 24 days is worth two years of hard work for an ordinary monk!
Zhengyi takes the third level of Qi Jue and takes the Qi of the Four Seasons!
On the Beginning of Spring, Beginning of Summer, Beginning of Autumn and Beginning of Winter, one day of practice can be worth a year!
Four days of practice can equal four years!

Su Xing recalled the effect of Zhengyi Fu Qi Jue in his mind, and after a little calculation, he sighed:

"If you practice the Zhengyi Confucian Qi Jue to the third level, you can practice it for an hour every day and 24 days a year, which is equivalent to the seven years of hard training of an ordinary monk!"

"And the speed of improvement is secondary...the most important thing is to save years of practice and be able to understand the power of the great road..."

Although Su Xing has not yet reached the immortal realm, he is also aware of the difficulty of improving his cultivation after becoming an immortal.

Ordinary human immortal monks with heavenly spiritual roots would find it difficult to advance to the first level in hundreds of years, and it would probably be difficult for them to ascend to human-immortal perfection even after thousands of years.

And the further you go, the more difficult it will be to improve your realm...

If there are no unexpected encounters or great opportunities, ordinary monks in the Immortal Realm will spend most of their lifespan on improving their magic power.

It is difficult to have time to improve the understanding of the great road...

But if Su Xing masters the Zhengyi Conquering Qi method, it may only take a few decades to advance to the next level.

Coupled with sufficient spiritual liquid and the speed bonus of cave cultivation, it is possible that the progress of cultivation may not be much slower than that of the Mahayana stage...

"Zhengyi Convinced Qi Jue is indeed a supreme secret method! The practice speed of this mental method can be increased, and it can even be superimposed with the martial arts! Get twice the result with half the effort!"

Su Xing took a deep breath and suppressed his excitement.

In the world of cultivating immortals, exercises can indeed improve the speed of cultivation.

Heaven level skills may be more than twice as fast as Xuan level skills, and they are [-] to [-]% faster than earth level skills.

But after reaching a certain level, when everyone practices advanced skills, the difference in practice speed caused by the skills is almost negligible.

This makes Zhengyi Convinced Qi Jue even more terrifying, this supreme secret method!
When Tianlinggen is combined with Zhengyifu Qi Jue, the speed of practice may not be slower than that of Konglinggen!
"So...Qingyunzi, Xuesan and others, do they suspect that I have practiced this technique, and that's why they suspect that I have obtained Luo Tian's treasure?"

Wake up thinking.

These people may not necessarily know the specific effects of the Zhengyi Conquering Qi Jue, nor do they know that one needs to reach the Immortal Realm before they can practice it. They only know that it can greatly increase the speed of practice.

So before he had awakened for a hundred years and achieved the Mahayana stage, they mistakenly thought he had practiced the Zhengyi Conquering Qi Jue?
Su Xing nodded slightly, and the more he thought about it, the more likely he felt that this was possible!
"In addition to the two supreme secret techniques, Luotian Sect must have other treasures! We can only wait to explore a little bit in the future..."

Su Xing took a deep breath. Whether it was to keep this secret or for his own safety, he must not slack off in improving his strength!
Thinking this, Su Xing looked at the simulation panel.

[After leaving the Luotian copy, you returned to Lingtian Cave with mixed emotions. 】

[After careful planning, you decided to execute the original plan. 】

[With the help of Luo Shuying, you joined the Advent Cult! 】

[After joining the Advent Cult, you refined the elixir while painstakingly studying the miniature spirit gathering array. 】

[You have lost the talent blessing of the talisman expert. Fortunately, the talisman knowledge has not disappeared. In the later stage of the miniature spirit gathering array, the knowledge of the array will be tested more! 】

[With the blessing of the talent of entering the Tao through formations, your understanding of the Tao of formations will increase rapidly! 】

[In the third year, you will hand over the refined elixir to the Daxia military, and then study the formation with all your strength. 】

[You have studied the formation scriptures left by the Five Elements Sect, and in just a few years, you have made up for the previous deficiencies in the formation foundation. 】

[You once again mastered dozens of low-level formations, and began to study intermediate compound formations. 】

In the real world, Su Xing nodded slightly when he saw this and murmured:

"According to the records in the Five Elements Sect, the first to third level formations are the basic formations."

"Levels four to six are primary compound formations...Levels seven to nine are intermediate compound formations!"

"Before, my mastery of the Spirit Gathering Formation was barely enough to reach the intermediate compound formation level. The next step is to improve it in an all-round way!"

"After comprehending the method of interdependence of the five elements... I will certainly be able to comprehend the layout of the seventh-level miniature spirit gathering array!"

Su Xing is looking forward to this.

The seventh-level miniature spirit gathering array brings the passive cultivation bonus to the awakening, which is comparable to the super spiritual root!

This is equivalent to Su Xing’s current cultivation speed, increased by more than [-]%!

Thinking of this, Su Xing looked at the simulation panel.

[In the blink of an eye, four years have passed. 】

[In the seventh year, you have already mastered the intermediate compound formations and have barely mastered several formation methods including spirit gathering formation, water dividing formation, fire gathering formation, etc. 】

[But the formations are extensive and profound, and the details and understanding of different formations require a lot of time to polish. 】

[This year, you kill the natural faction leader and replace him. 】

[In the eighth year, you designed to kill Long Laogou and became the supreme leader of the Supreme Advent Sect on Blue Star. 】

[After that, you continue to study the formation, and you are so intoxicated that you don’t know how many years have passed. 】

[Another three years have passed in the blink of an eye. 】

[In No. 11, your understanding of the formation has been further improved, and you can be called a true seventh-level formation master! 】

[There are dozens of seventh-level formations you have mastered, and the formation speed is even faster! 】

[In the same year, Blood Three came to Blue Star. 】

[You presented the innate hibiscus branch and gained Blood Three’s trust and the pass. 】

[In No. 12, you refined the Nine Transformations Pill and tried to break through to the ninth level of Dacheng Realm! 】

[You are lucky. With the help of the Nine Transformations Pill, your cultivation has been successfully promoted from the peak of the eighth level of the Dacheng Realm to the ninth level of the Dacheng Realm! 】

[No.13, if you continue to stay in Blue Star, it will be of no use to your physical training and improvement. 】

[So you went to the world of beast control and eliminated all the legendary monsters and three monster emperors. 】

[You put Qingyun Ling and a small bag of Soul Gathering Flower seeds into your abdomen and head to the killing battlefield. 】

[You show your pass, avoid a battle, and enter the strange space where you can travel through the world. 】

In the real world, Su Xing thought about this after seeing this.

Now there are two choices left for Su Xing. The first is to start from the temporary passage of Advent Sect and go to Shiwan Mountain to improve the body training level faster!
The second is to start from the black channel, completely sever ties with the Advent Sect, and then find a way to join the Qingyun Sect to obtain more resources!

"My current cultivation level has been promoted to the ninth level of the Great Perfection Realm of Body Refining... I'm not far away from perfection, and I don't need to go to the Hundred Thousand Mountains anymore..."

"In this case, it's better to go to Qingyun Sect..."

Su Xing took a deep breath.

He knew that once Qingyunzi came out of seclusion, he would definitely die.

But Qingyun Sect has what Su Xing wants, that Void Stone!
With the help of the Void Stone and "immersive simulation", Su Xing's understanding of the origin of space will rapidly improve!
In addition, Su Xing also wanted to try to see if he could escape disaster if he joined the Qingyun Sect but did not stay in the Qingyun Realm...

Thinking of this, Su Xing looked at the simulation panel.

[After hesitating for a moment, you decided to go to Xiao Qingyun Realm from the black passage. 】

[You hold up 720 body-protecting swords and prepare to cross the turbulent flow of the void. 】

[You did not choose to spend the Spirit-enlightening Pill here because the time is too short and your insights are limited...]

[You spent six hundred swords to successfully reach the entrance of the black passage and then entered it. 】

[You have come to another void. This is where you guessed that Luo Tian fought a few times ago...]

[The terrifying aftermath of that battle still lingers in the air, and the law of the avenue and the power of the source are wandering...]

[After entering this space, your heart beats wildly, and a warning comes from Seeking Good Luck and Avoiding Disaster. You know that Hongyue discovered your intrusion. 】

[So you didn’t hesitate and quickly looked for the passage where the Little Qingyun Realm was. 】

[With amazing luck, you successfully entered the passage...]

[There is a tearing feeling in the space, and your consciousness gradually blurs. 】

[When you wake up again, you appear at the northern edge of Shiwanda Mountain. 】

[You are only slightly injured at the moment, but all your belongings have disappeared...]

[After thinking for a while, you decided to go to Baidi City to rest temporarily, and then go to Xiao Qingyun City via airship. 】

[While you were on your way, you saved the two female cultivators from Baidi City and killed a demon cultivator in the Tribulation Stage. 】

[After arriving at Baidi City, you sold the corpse of the demon cultivator during the Tribulation Period in exchange for initial funds. 】

[You have heard that there are still four years until the next Qingyun Sect recruits students. 】

[So you plan to live in Baidi City temporarily during this period. 】

[In No. 14, you rented a cave and planted the Spirit-Gathering Flower. 】

[In the next three years, you will plant Soul Gathering Flowers while increasing your understanding of the formation. 】

[You can feel that after you become the ninth-level formation master, you can try the layout of the seventh-level miniature spirit gathering array. 】

[Three years passed quickly...]

[In No. 17, you harvested the [-] Spirit-Gathering Flowers you planted over the past three years, purchased an airship ticket, and prepared to go to Little Qingyun City. 】

[The airship arrived at Little Qingyun City smoothly. 】

[At this time, Qingyun Sect is enrolling students, and the entire Qingyun City is buzzing with people, and there is a constant flow of monks coming and going...]

[You found an inn in Qingyun City and waited quietly for the final appearance of the True Immortal Danhuo. 】

[Three months passed quickly. 】

[After the enrollment ceremony, the True Immortal Danhuo came forward. 】

[After seeing you, send a message to True Immortal Danhuo and show the Qingyun Order. 】

[The True Immortal Danhuo immediately stood in awe after seeing you, and quickly invited you into the cave to talk. 】

[When you found out your origin, you said you wanted to go to the Qingyun Sect’s main sect in the Qingyun Realm. 】

[Danhuo True Immortal naturally agrees, and at the same time he tells you that he is going to Qingyun Sect in three years and can take you with him. 】

[After hearing this, you readily agree. The True Immortal of Danhuo has arranged a Cave Heaven Mansion for you, where you can safely plant Soul Gathering Flowers and gain insights into the cultivation of the Formation Dao. 】

In the real world, Su Xing nodded slightly when he saw this.

"Simulation No. 20, the True Immortal of Danhuo will go to Qingyun Realm... It seems that we must take advantage of this time to go to Qingyun Sect, otherwise we will have to wait for a long time..."

"Currently, less than half of the simulation goals have been achieved..."

After a pause, he woke up and said:
"Then the next step is to cultivate to the perfection of body refining...understand the origin of space, and build the seventh-order miniature spirit gathering array!"

Su Xing estimates that there are still 40 to [-] years to go. In any case, this goal can be achieved.

Look at the simulation panel.

[In Xiao Qingyun City, you live a very comfortable life, with no shortage of cultivation materials. You have a leisurely time every day, just practicing formations, refining your body, and planting spirit-gathering flowers. 】

[In the blink of an eye, three years have passed...]

[In No. 20, under the leadership of the True Immortal Danhuo, you took that flying boat and prepared to go to the Qingyun Realm. 】

[One month later, you arrived at Qingyun Sect and saw the huge power and grand gate of Qingyun Sect...]

[You are once again shocked by the generosity of the Qingyun Sect. 】

[After entering Qingyun Sect, you were received by Fairy Huoyun Jin and Fairy Ziling. 】

[They told you that Master Qingyunzi is in retreat and gave you two top-quality immortal treasures. 】

[You and your two senior brothers and sisters left each other’s contact information, and then went to your cave. 】

[You start planting spirit-gathering flowers in the cave, exercising your body and practicing the formation every day. 】

[Another three years have passed in the blink of an eye. 】

[No. 20 In three years, you have taken a step further in your understanding of formations and become an eighth-level formation master! 】

[In the same year, the Soul-Gathering Flowers were harvested, and the number of Soul-Gathering Flowers in your hand exceeded two thousand. 】

[So you chose to trade with Fairy Ziling and exchanged [-] spirit-gathering flowers for the Void Stone. 】

[Your relationship with Fairy Ziling has deepened, and you have agreed to trade with her as soon as possible if there is a Soul Gathering Flower in the future. 】

[In Qingyun Sect, there are all kinds of elixirs, but the exchange requires corresponding permissions. 】

[So you spent a sum of contribution points and asked Senior Sister Ziling to help you redeem a top-quality Spirit-enlightening Pill. 】

[After returning to the cave, you are ready to understand the origin of space...]

In the real world, Su Xing saw this movement in his heart and silently said:
"Use an immersive simulation, lasting 30 days!"

[Ding, you successfully used immersion...the remaining energy is 150 billion 5673 million points...]

The simulated prompt sound fell, and Su Xing's vision changed, and the next second he appeared in Qingyun Sect.

At this moment, in Su Xing's hand, there was an inconspicuous stone. It was only the size of a fist, but it was as heavy as a stone.

"Is this...the Void Stone?"

Su Xing raised his eyebrows, seeing the patterns on the Void Stone, he vaguely felt a strange spatial rhythm.

Under normal circumstances, it would be extremely difficult for Su Xing to capture the rhythm of this space!

But if it is with the addition of understanding, it will be different.

Su Xing took out the Qiling Pill and took it, then activated the great wisdom state blessing and began to try to understand the Void Stone.

In front of his eyes, wisps of space origin were keenly perceived by Su Xing as if they were substance.

On the tenth day, Su Xing had a preliminary understanding of the origin of space, and became more aware of the rhythm of space.

No. 20 Three days later, Su Xing officially started understanding the origin of space and was able to make simple space magic tools.

No. 30 days, the awakening goes a step further and can control a ray of original power in the body to change the spatial structure on a small scale.


When the immersive simulation ended, Su Xing slowly opened his eyes, a look of satisfaction flashing in his eyes.

"Yes, you have already started with just one immersive simulation... This is the origin of space!"

Su Xing's heart stirred, and a strange rhythm appeared in his palm, which was invisible and intangible.

But this rhythm caused the surrounding space to become distorted.

"What will happen if you use your own space origin to wrap the storage magic weapon?"

(End of this chapter)

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