Others practice leveling, I cultivate immortality, go out to Mahayana before leaving the mountain

Chapter 260 Key information, Qingyunzi killed three corpses to prove his truth?

Chapter 260 Key information, Qingyunzi killed three corpses to prove his enlightenment? (Ten thousand words, two in one)

Thinking of this, Su Xing took out a storage ring.

The internal space is one hundred cubic meters, but with Su Xing's current understanding of the origin of space, it cannot be completely protected.

After many attempts, Su Xing discovered that with his current weak space origin, he could at most protect two or three cubic meters of space ring in the inner space at one time.

With the blessing of the origin of the awakening space, the internal space of this storage ring has become extremely solid, and it will not be easily damaged even in the turbulence of the void.

"Huh...even though the space is not big, it's not bad!"

"This means that in future simulations, I can bring two or three cubic meters of items to the Three Thousand Worlds! At least I have the initial starting capital."

"And as my mastery of the origin of space gradually deepens... I can even eventually bring the entire Lingtian Cave to the Three Thousand Worlds!"

Su Xing nodded with satisfaction and looked at the simulation panel.

[After understanding the origin of space, you can stay in the cave and continue practicing. 】

[No. 20 In the fourth year of the [-]th year, your physical training reached the middle stage of the ninth level of Dacheng Realm. 】

[In this way, another two years have passed. 】

[No. 20 In six years, your understanding of formations has gradually deepened and you have mastered more eighth-level formations. 】

[At the same time, you begin to try to understand the ninth-level formation. 】

[Another four years have passed in the blink of an eye. 】

[No. 30, in the past few years, two of your senior brothers have come out of seclusion one after another, and they have given you valuable meeting gifts. 】

[But you know that these brilliance are only temporary. If Qingyunzi comes out of seclusion, he will definitely turn against you because he wants to get the secret of Luotian from you. 】

[So your goal is to accumulate resources as quickly as possible, and then get the opportunity to go out, avoid meeting Qingyunzi as much as possible, and extend the simulation time. 】

[No.30 In the second year, you traded with Fairy Ziling again and exchanged 130 spirit-gathering flowers for [-] million sect contribution points. 】

[Qingyun Sect’s contribution points are precious and can be exchanged for many precious props in the world of immortality. 】

[But Qingyunzi will be released after more than 20 years. Before that, you must spend all your contribution points and leave Qingyun Realm as soon as possible. 】

[You have exchanged a lot of flesh and blood essence from demon cultivators in the human fairyland. These flesh and blood essences are enough to keep your body refining skills growing at a high speed. 】

[You go to the "Sect Treasure House" of Qingyun Sect and exchange a few coins for the insights of the formation masters. These insights are the lifelong research efforts of the formation masters on formations. 】

[By learning these, your understanding of the formation will improve day by day. 】

[During this period, you spent 20 contribution points to purchase the formation insights of a "Xuanxian Realm Formation Master". 】

[It is said that this formation master entered the Tao through formations, and he has a deep understanding of breath gathering formations. From his formation knowledge, you learned the advanced form of the breath gathering formation, called the Xuanyuan breath gathering formation. ! 】

[This formation requires at least a ninth-level formation master to comprehend it. The highest level can be a super compound formation, up to the fifteenth-level formation, which blocks the comprehension of monks below the Golden Immortal level. 】

[You have studied this formation painstakingly, spent three years, and finally got started. 】

[No. 30 In the fifth year, your cultivation has successfully entered the late stage of the ninth level of Dacheng Realm. 】

[Because you have spent time understanding the formation over the years, your cultivation has been a little slack. 】

[No.30 In six years, your understanding of the formation has finally taken a step further!You have become a ninth-level formation master! 】

[The formations you master include spirit gathering formation, breath gathering formation, trapping formation, killing formation, etc. 】

[Even just by setting up the formation, you are confident that you will trap and kill the monks who are in the tribulation period! 】

[After successfully refining the ninth-level formation, you begin to try to learn the seventh-level miniature spirit gathering array...]

[The miniature spirit gathering array is extremely difficult, and its levels do not correspond to ordinary arrays one-to-one, but with your background as a ninth-level array master, you are enough to try to refine it. 】

[You take out the spirit carps and spirit beasts you have raised over the years one by one, and begin to try to carve miniature spirit gathering arrays on them. 】

[In the blink of an eye, another three years have passed. 】

[No. 30 In the ninth year, you successfully mastered the seventh-order miniature spirit gathering array. Although many spirit beasts died in your hands over the years, you finally succeeded in carving it. 】

[Despite your current proficiency, you don’t dare to experiment directly on yourself, so you continue to deepen your study of the miniature spirit gathering array. 】

[No. 40: In one year, your body training has taken a further step, and you have successfully reached the peak of the ninth level of Dacheng Realm! 】

[At the same time, you begin to prepare for the breakthrough to the perfection of Dachengjing. 】

[No. 40 In the second year, you and Senior Sister Ziling made another transaction and sold a thousand Spirit Gathering Flowers to obtain 130 million sect contribution points. 】

[At this moment, the number of contribution points remaining in your hand is 180 million. 】

[And there are only more than ten years left before Qingyunzi comes out of seclusion. 】

In the real world, Su Xing nodded slightly when he saw this and murmured:

"Then the next step is to maximize the benefits obtained from Qingyun Sect... spend all these contribution points, and then leave Qingyun Realm to seek a chance of survival!"

"In the remaining time, I should be able to trade with Fairy Ziling again... More than 300 million contribution points, I wonder what kind of surprise it can bring me?"

Su Xing frowned slightly, exchanging ordinary items would not be of much help to Su Xing.

Because the goal of awakening this time is to reach the perfection of body refining and master the corresponding formation knowledge.

Therefore, the best direction for items to be exchanged for contribution points is related to these two points.

"Super composite formation... The highest level fifteen formation, Xuanyuan Breath Condensation Formation, this is enough for me to learn for a long time... After the formation is further advanced, I can also transform the Lingtian Cave."

"At the same time, shield your own heavenly secrets and collect your breath... In the future, you will be safer in the Three Thousand Worlds!"

Su Xing thought for a moment and decided that if he couldn't spend all the contribution points, he would exchange them all for spiritual stones.

After all, spirit stones are a common resource in the three thousand worlds. Su Xing can use this batch of spirit stones to go to Tianji Pavilion to buy more useful information!
"Stay in Qingyun Sect for a few more years, and then apply to go to other Small Thousand Worlds..."

Su Xing thought so, looking at the simulation panel.

[No. 40 In three years, you spent [-] contribution points to exchange an eighth-level body-building pill from the sect. This pill can increase the success rate by [-]% when breaking through the small bottleneck of body-building. 】

[After taking the elixir, you officially break through in retreat! 】

[Half a year later, you successfully came out of seclusion and achieved a breakthrough in body refining and cultivation to the Dacheng state! 】

[No.40 In four years, you continue to study the seventh-order miniature spirit gathering array. 】

[You have gradually mastered the miniature spirit gathering array, and you are certain that even if the portrayal fails, it will only cause a few months of poor spiritual power and will not endanger the monk's life. 】

[So you issued a sect mission to recruit disciples under the integration stage as voluntary test subjects at the price of one thousand contribution points a day. 】

[One thousand contribution points is equivalent to one hundred thousand low-grade spiritual stones! 】

[After hearing the news, countless sect disciples were eager to try and wanted to be the experimental subjects. 】

[So, you have perfectly recruited the Qi Practicing Monk as the seal carving target of the miniature spirit gathering array. 】

[There were some monks who were scared at first, but even if you fail to set up the formation, it will only make these disciples blocked in their air paths and confused in their spiritual power, and they can rest assured for a few months. 】

[And for those monks with poor conditions, this is like a free benefit! 】

[After all, ordinary fusion monks, even sect disciples, may not be able to earn [-] spiritual stones after working hard for a year. 】

[More and more disciples signed up to serve as experimental subjects, and after you carved the miniature spirit gathering array on the human body, your understanding of the spirit gathering array increased rapidly. 】

[So, one year has passed...]

[No.40 In five years, you spent nearly 30 contribution points to recruit a large number of resource monks as experimental subjects. 】

[This year, you finally fully mastered the seventh-order miniature spirit gathering array! 】

In the real world, Su Xing nodded slightly when he saw this.

At this point in the simulation, the simulation has basically achieved the minimum expectations for awakening.

Then the next thing to do is to exchange for more resources to pave the way for future growth.

"There should be many high-end elixir formulas in the Qingyun Sect, and you can spend some contribution points to purchase them!"

"Or is it a technique above the heaven level? After breaking through to the Immortal Realm...can I obtain a technique to practice to a higher level?"

Su Xing thought this and looked at the simulation panel.

[After thoroughly mastering the seventh-level miniature spirit gathering array, you begin to try to arrange the array in your own Dantian. 】

[The whole process went very smoothly... The seventh-level miniature spirit gathering array operates on its own at the Dantian, and the daily automatic practice benefits it brings are comparable to those of super spiritual root monks! 】

[This year, your Qi refining cultivation has broken through to the third level of the Mahayana stage! 】

[After thinking carefully, you feel that you must consider the future, so you want to use your contribution points to exchange Qingyun Sect's skills. 】

[You purchased an exchange catalog for the sect’s treasure house. After careful screening, you found three valuable items. 】

[The first item, Immortal Law Xuantian Qingyun Record! 】

[This technique is also extremely precious in the Qingyun Sect. It is a cultivation technique above the immortal realm, and the most special thing is that there are no spiritual root attribute requirements. Any attribute technique learned before can be smoothly connected. 】

[Xuan Tian Qing Yun Lu, the highest level can be cultivated to the Golden Immortal Realm! 】

[This is enough to serve as your main practice, and it will be enough for you to practice for a long time in the future. 】

[The only problem is that this technique is quite expensive and requires 200 million contribution points to redeem it. 】

[The second item is the Huan Xin Xuan Dan prescription!The main ingredients of this elixir are Jade Bone Snow Ginseng, Ningshenmu, etc. You have collected most of the medicinal ingredients. 】

[As a ninth-grade elixir, the effect of the Huan Xin Xuan Dan is to reduce the interference of inner demons when "transcending the tribulation and refining the heart", and can effectively increase the success rate of passing the heart refining test. 】

[Furthermore, this elixir is very good for warming and nourishing spiritual consciousness. If it is provided to Luo Shuying, it will definitely increase his strength. 】

[The price of Huan Xin Xuan Dan prescription is [-] contribution points. 】

[The third item you are interested in is an eleventh-level breath-containing stone. This stone can resist the detection of monks below the Earthly Fairy Realm and condense its own breath. 】

[When you run away in the future, I think it will be of great use at this time. 】

[This breath gathering stone is worth 20 sect contribution points. 】

[The prices of the three items require a total contribution of 230 million sects, but you only have about 150 million in hand. 】

[So you continue to plant the Spirit-Gathering Flowers and prepare for the last transaction with Fairy Ziling. 】

[Three years passed quickly. 】

[No. 40 In eight years, you and Fairy Ziling traded one thousand, four hundred spirit-gathering flowers and received 200 million sect contribution points. 】

[Including your previous accumulation, the sect contribution points in your hand reach 350 million! 】

[You purchased the three items you were interested in before, and then exchanged the remaining contribution points for 120 million high-grade spiritual stones. 】

[This year, you applied to leave the Qingyun Sect and go to other small worlds to experience. 】

[But with your current strength, you cannot travel through the world alone, so you can only take a flying boat. 】

[After some hesitation, you decided to go to Xiao Qingyun Realm to see if you could live longer. 】

[One month later, the flying boat you took arrived at Little Qingyun City. 】

[But you did not stay in the city. Instead, you disguised yourself and took an airship to Baidi City. 】

[You stayed anonymous and rented a blessed land in Baidi City. You continued to study formations and plant spirit-gathering flowers every day. 】

In the real world, Su Xing saw this and muttered silently:

"Use an immersive simulation, lasting 30 days!"

[Ding, you successfully used...]

The beep fell, and Su Xing's vision changed.

At this moment, Su Xing is in a cave in Baidi City. Although it is not as full of spiritual energy as Lingtian Cave, it is still very good overall.

"Huh~ I still don't know what changes have happened to Qingyunzi... but it is definitely harmful to me!"

"At this time, we can only hide in Baidi City and study harder."

Thinking of this, Su Xing activated his great wisdom state and began to try to understand the "immortal technique" Taixuan Qingyun Lu in front of him!

Four weeks have passed quickly, and there are only two days left before the immersive simulation.

And Su Xing finally successfully learned this technique of immortal cultivation!
"Huh~ It's indeed the Qingyun Sect's famous technique... it really shouldn't be underestimated!"

Su Xing rubbed his eyebrows. Even though he was now a Mahayana monk, it was still very difficult to memorize an immortal technique.

After all, the "immortal" memory in it requires a large amount of spiritual consciousness.

But at present, when he wakes up, his consciousness is only in the "subtle realm"!
Fortunately, with the blessing of triple understanding, it took nearly a month for Su Xing to finally learn this technique!

"That's right... now we also have the cultivation techniques after the Immortal Realm!"

"The only thing missing is the Qi refining cultivation level...the only way to reach the perfection of the Mahayana stage as soon as possible and to prepare for the tribulation!"

After waking up and memorizing the exercises, he spent some time memorizing the recipe for the "Huan Xin Xuan Dan".

There is still a full day left until the end of the immersive simulation.

"Then next...it's time to go to Tianji Pavilion to see if we can get any information about Qingyunzi!"

Su Xing thought this, and after tidying up, he calmed down and headed to the Tianji Pavilion branch in Baidi City.

Before arriving at the quaint shop, Su Xing saw the three characters "Tianji Pavilion" with flying phoenixes on the door plaque.

When he crossed the threshold, Su Xing raised his eyebrows. He clearly felt a mysterious formation fluctuation.

The feeling of waking up during previous simulations has not been so detailed.

But now that Su Xing is a ninth-level formation master, he feels the horror of this formation even more!
"I'm afraid... this is a formation of level fifteen or above!"

"I sensed a flavor similar to the Xuanyuan Breath Condensing Formation..."

Su Xing took a deep breath and realized more and more the powerful forces behind Tianji Pavilion.

This is a behemoth that is not inferior to the Qingyun Sect!

A thought flashed through Su Xing's mind, and he looked at the girl dozing out of boredom on the table.

"This fellow Taoist, are you buying information or selling information?"

The girl yawned and asked casually.

This was not the first time that Su Xing came here to buy information, so he said directly:
"I want to buy the information about Qingyun Sect's Patriarch... Qingyunzi. I only need Grade A information... How can I go to the Tianji Pavilion headquarters to buy it?"

Su Xing knew that Grade A intelligence could not be purchased in the Baidi City branch, but he currently did not know how to get to the Tianji Realm where the Tianji Pavilion headquarters was located.

So Su Xing wanted to come over and ask directly, which was the easiest and most trouble-free way.

After hearing Su Xing's words, the girl raised her eyebrows and said:
"This fellow Taoist... I don't think you are very strong..."

"In the early stage of Qi Refining Mahayana...I have reached the Dacheng Realm in body refining, but as soon as I come here, I want to inquire about Qingyunzi's information?"

"This doesn't seem to be something you can get with your status!"

Su Xing frowned slightly after hearing this. He was covered with heavenly shielding techniques, and with the presence of the Breath Condensation Stone, even the Earthly Immortal Realm had difficulty seeing through his cultivation.

But this girl could see through it at a glance, which meant that she was at least a monk above the heavenly realm!
But Su Xing didn't panic and asked instead:

"What? Now buying intelligence... also requires investigating customer privacy?"

After hearing this, the girl covered her mouth and chuckled, saying:
"That's not... I'm just afraid that you can't afford the price!"

"And Tianji Pavilion is far away from here... Without the strength of the Celestial Realm, you may not even be qualified to board the cross-border spaceship..."

Su Xing felt a little disappointed after hearing this. He had heard that there were indeed certain risks when traveling through the void.

The further the distance, the greater the risk...

With Su Xing's current strength, it is indeed not safe to travel to distant worlds in a flying boat.

Just when Su Xing was about to leave in despair, the girl behind him suddenly said:

"Wait a minute, fellow Taoist... Although I can't buy Grade A information, I have obtained a good piece of information from Tianji Pavilion. It is the latest news about Qingyunzi within ten years. I wonder if you are interested in taking a look?"

After Su Xing heard this, his heart moved. Could the latest news about Qingyunzi be related to him?

After all, he was the one who brought the news that Qingyunzi had not yet died, and during the last simulation, this news had not been sold.

So Su Xing took advantage of the situation and asked: "What is the price and value of this news?"

The girl slowly stretched out a finger and said:

"One million high-grade spiritual stones...the price of this news is absolutely worth it!"

Speaking of this, the girl seemed to be worried that Su Xing would not buy it, and the girl added:
"If the speculation in this news is correct...I am afraid that the entire Qingyun Realm, and even the structure of the Three Thousand Worlds, will change drastically!"

Su Xing raised his eyebrows after hearing this, and after hesitating for just a second, he took out 100 million spiritual stones and held it against him.

Although spiritual stones are important, they can only be possessed during one simulation, but information is an advance insight into the future, and the effect is immeasurable!

Seeing Su Xing being so arrogant, the girl was slightly surprised. After accepting the spirit stone, she saw that he took out a special jade slip and handed it to Su Xing.

"The information is here... There is no official statistics on the value of this information, but I am telling you in advance that even if you know the information, do not spread it on a large scale, otherwise it may cause unnecessary panic!"

After hearing this, Su Xing became more and more curious. He took a deep breath and penetrated the jade slip with his spiritual consciousness.

After a while, Su Xing had a solemn expression on his face and remained silent.

There is indeed a piece of information about Qingyunzi in this jade slip.

According to the original intelligence of Qingyun Sect, the three immortal peaks collapsed and two peaks collapsed, and the master of Tianji Pavilion originally speculated that Qingyun Zibing had escaped and died.

But decades ago, Su Xing brought news that Qingyunzi was still alive, which was inconsistent with the speculation of the master of Tianji Pavilion.

After repeated confirmations from Tianji Pavilion, it was confirmed that Qingyunzi was not dead and would be released from seclusion in the next few decades.

But the collapse of the Three Immortals Peak was not unfounded, so the Master of the Tianji Pavilion spent his life and made calculations that went against the sky, and finally concluded that Qingyunzi would cause a catastrophe in the three thousand worlds!
It may even cause the next calamity to be triggered in advance!
If it is just this calculation, it is naturally not worth 100 million high-grade spiritual stones.

But the master of Tianji Pavilion also gave a guess of his own!

That is Qingyunzi's "supreme magical power" that can transform the three pure beings in one breath!

This magical power is divided into three parts, dividing one's own spiritual thoughts into three parts, representing the self corpse, the good corpse, and the evil corpse respectively!
After the divine mind is divided into three, both the cultivation and combat power will increase several times!
But this magical power also has a drawback.

That is above Da Luo. If you want to get a glimpse of the "sacred fate", there is only one way!
That is to kill three corpses and become a saint!

Therefore, the Master of Tianji Pavilion speculated that the collapse of the Three Immortals Peak meant that Qingyunzi killed one or even two of the "three corpses"!
But the Master of Tianji Pavilion did not calculate that it was the two corpses that fell.

Under normal circumstances, to kill three corpses to become a saint, you kill the evil corpse first, then the good corpse, and finally the self corpse...

Although this method is difficult, it is more stable and will not go to extremes.

But it would be easiest if you kill the good corpse first, then the evil corpse and the self corpse.

Because whether it is a human or an immortal, good thoughts in the body are easier to remove than evil thoughts!

However, there is a hidden danger in beheading the good corpse first, that is, it is easy to be dominated by the rapidly expanding evil thoughts in the body. If you fail to kill the evil corpse and leave the self corpse behind, you will go to an extreme!Even endangering the Three Thousand Worlds!

According to the "catastrophe" calculated by the master of Tianji Pavilion, he speculated that perhaps Qingyunzi took the risk to kill the good corpse, causing evil thoughts to devour himself, thus causing chaos in the three thousand worlds...


The above is the information and guesses that Su Xing got from the jade slips.

Su Xing's luck was really good. If he had arrived later, perhaps this information would not have been accessible to him, a young Mahayana monk.

It was precisely after learning the content of the intelligence that Su Xing looked so serious.

Because based on what Su Xing knows, I am afraid that the intelligence calculations made by the master of the Tianji Pavilion are correct!

Otherwise, it would be impossible to explain why Qingyunzi would lose his memory. If the clone's spiritual thoughts return, he will definitely know the time to wake up and practice.

There is only one possibility!
The "Qingyunzi" whom I met two years ago when I woke up has been beheaded as a "good corpse" or a "self-corpse"!
And ten years later, Qingyunzi will be released from seclusion, and perhaps only the evil corpse will be left!

"This is really amazing information!"

Su Xing marveled in his heart.

A Da Luo who started "killing three corpses" had already surpassed Da Luo's Golden Immortal level, but had reached the rumored Half-Saint level!
Daluo Jinxian, every time he kills one of the "Three Corpses", his strength will increase tremendously!
The original Qingyunzi was one of the top three thousand world-famous experts.

Now that the "Three Corpses" have been killed, Qingyunzi is probably one of the strongest in the Three Thousand Worlds!

"It's really scary... Such a strong man is interested in the secrets in me. Is there really any possibility for me to survive?"

Su Xing took a deep breath and couldn't help but feel a ray of despair rising in his heart.

But this despair soon passed.

So what if it’s Daluo Jinxian or Half Saint?

Su Xing has a simulator. If the simulation fails once, try it ten times, a hundred times, or a thousand times!
As Su Xing's strength grows, he can simulate more and more times. Even if he is Daluo Jinxian, Su Xing is sure to defeat him one day in the future!
Just when I was awake and thinking, a girl's chuckle came to my ears:

"What do you say? Fellow Taoist, do you think this information is worth it?"

Su Xing did not speak after hearing this, but continued to ask:

"I also want news about various secret realms...the scope is within the Xiao Qingyun Realm, and the strength is in the secret realms between transcending tribulations and the Human Immortal Realm!"

After hearing Su Xing's words, the girl's smile did not diminish, and then asked:

"The secret realm of the tribulation period within the next ten years contains the opportunity to become an immortal... An information of 1000 million low-grade spiritual stones. I have three copies here. How many do you want?"

"There is also an opportunity in the secret realm of the Human Immortal Realm... which contains the secret of the Earth Immortal Realm. A piece of information costs 5000 million low-grade spiritual stones. There is only one copy. Do you want it?"

Su Xing was surprised after hearing this. He didn't expect that Tianji Pavilion really had detailed information about the secret realm.

It's just that the price... seems a bit too expensive!
Any piece of information about the secret realm of the Tribulation Period would require tens of millions of spirit stones...

"Huh? Wait..."

Su Xing's heart moved and he suddenly asked:

"Is there any information about the opening of secret realms in the past 50 years?"

"I want detailed information on all the secret realm intelligence in the past 50 years, between the tribulation period of Xiao Qingyun Realm and the Earth Fairy Realm!"

"Including the monks' exploration situation and the layout in the secret realm..."

After hearing Su Xing's words, a stunned expression appeared on the girl's face for the first time.

Tianji Pavilion speculates on secrets, and the information sold is often the "future".

After all, who would spend a lot of money to buy outdated secret information?
Those secret realms have been explored long ago. Even if the information in the secret realm is known, what is the use?
However, in line with the principle of "customer first", the girl still squatted down and rummaged carefully, and then took out an old wooden box containing dozens of jade slips piled with dust.

"This is the information about all the secret realms opened in Xiao Qingyun World in the past 50 years..."

"There are thirteen pieces of information on the secret realm during the Tribulation Period, seven pieces of information on the secret realm on the Human Immortal Realm, and three pieces of information on the Earth Immortal Realm..."

"Since you want it, let me give you a package price...a total of one hundred thousand low-grade spiritual stones!"

The corner of Su Xing's mouth rose slightly. Sure enough, this kind of "expired" information was especially cheap!
But the problem is that although the information in the simulation has expired, when it comes to waking up in reality, it has not expired at all!
Su Xing can even use these secret realm intelligence to deploy in advance and seize the many benefits in the secret realm!

So Su Xing decisively gave him [-] spirit stones, and then left Tianji Pavilion holding the jade slips in the wooden box.


Long after she woke up and left, a strange look flashed in the girl's eyes and she murmured:

"The disciples accepted by Qingyunzi with a ray of spiritual thought...the monks in the Mahayana period awakened and came from the broken Luotian world..."

"In less than a hundred years, he has practiced to the Mahayana stage. It is suspected that he has learned the Zhengyi Confucian Qi Jue inherited from the Luotian Sect and mastered the secret treasures of the Luotian Sect?"

"I left Qingyun Sect a few months ago... I didn't expect to show up here. Did you have some insight in advance?"

"The catastrophe of troubled times is coming... I don't know whether it will rise or fall?"

Obviously, this girl has known Su Xing's identity for a long time, otherwise, no matter what, [-] million low-grade spiritual stones would not be able to buy the important information that Qingyunzi is about to kill three corpses and become a saint!
Perhaps in the eyes of the girl or the master of Tianji Pavilion, Su Xing is an interesting "ant" who can be used as a good chess piece and have a testing effect...

That's why he disclosed such important information to Su Xing.


On the other side, after Su Xing received the information about the secret realm, he returned to his residence in a hurry, and then began to memorize the secret realm information recorded in these jade slips.

The immersive simulation ends and you wake up and return to reality.

At this moment, there are many memories and information about the secret realm of Xiao Qingyun Realm in my waking mind.

"That's right! With this information, the speed of practice after transcending the tribulation and the immortal realm will not slow down!"

Su Xing raised the corners of his mouth slightly, truly realizing the benefits of simulating predictions in advance!

If it is ordinary information, even Tianji Pavilion can only roughly determine the time and place when a certain secret realm will be opened in the future, and it will be the secret realm left by that immortal monk.

But the information obtained by Su Xing comes from the past secret realm in the future simulation, and the level of detail is different!
Awakening even knows the exact moment when a certain secret realm opens, the number of people participating in the secret realm, whether there are risks, the probability of death or injury in the secret realm, etc.

Even the triggering conditions of a certain mechanism in the secret realm and the treasures contained in a certain secret realm are all clear.

After knowing this, Su Xing was able to plan ahead and successfully obtain a large number of useful items for himself in the cheats!
For example, ten years later, a secret realm of "Earth Immortal Inheritance" will be opened in Xiaoqingyun Realm, and the monk who left this secret realm is a master of weapon refining!
The secret realm contains several prototypes of fairy treasures, and there are even middle-grade fairy weapons!

Or maybe more than ten years later, there is a holy fruit that "enhances physical fitness" in a certain secret realm, and the awakening is predicted in advance.

"Tsk, tsk... Such methods of foretelling in advance can be regarded as robbing the future protagonist of his luck!"

Wake up and feel refreshed.

It is conceivable that during the exploration of these secret realms, there will definitely be "children of luck" and "lucky ones" who will emerge and gain great opportunities.

But now Su Xing knows in advance that all these opportunities will go into Su Xing's pocket.

"But... don't worry about the secret realm for now. We will explore it when the realm is stronger!"

"Right now, we still have to see if Qingyunzi will try his best to find...or even kill me!"

Thinking of this, Su Xing looked at the simulation panel.

[After leaving Tianji Pavilion, you gained a lot of useful information. 】

[But at this time, this information has not yet been used, so you decided to stay in Baidi City and continue to improve your formation methods. 】

[With the talent of "entering the Tao through formations", your understanding of the Tao of formations is unusually fast, and you can quickly digest the techniques of the Five Elements of the Tao. 】

[In this way, another three years have passed. 】

[In one year, you have understood most of the formation inheritance left by the Five Elements Sect. At this moment, you can be called a ninth-level formation master. 】

[If you can understand the tenth level of formation, you can become a true formation master! 】

[But the tenth-level formation requires more than just the formation, but also contains the understanding of the laws and avenues of all things in the world and the power of nature. 】

[Only by integrating the laws of the Dao into the formation, can one enter the Dao with the formation and have combat power comparable to the immortal realm! 】

[And you are still far away from this...]

[So you choose to lay a solid foundation, further understand the ninth-level formation, comprehend the higher-level composite formation, and try to transform the seventh-level miniature spirit gathering array...]

[Another three years have passed. 】

[In four years, your understanding of the seventh-level micro-spirit gathering array has been further improved, and the speed of improving the cultivation level of the micro-spirit gathering array is about [-]% faster. 】

[You know, if you want to advance further and reach the eighth-level miniature spirit gathering array, you need to reach the array master level. 】

[By then, the passive cultivation speed of the miniature spirit gathering array will surpass the super spiritual root and reach a level close to the ethereal root! 】

[So you continue to painstakingly study the formation...]

[In the blink of an eye, another three years have passed. 】

[Seven years ago, one day when you were in Baidi City, you felt a crazy warning in your heart. Your talent for seeking good fortune and avoiding misfortune made your heart beat wildly. 】

[You did a divination, but you didn’t get any hints. 】

[This makes your heart tense, guessing that Qingyunzi may be looking for you in the future. 】

[So you made a decisive decision to leave Baidi City and fled to Shiwan Mountain...]

[The vastness of the Hundred Thousand Mountains may be able to help you resist Qingyunzi’s arrest to a certain extent. 】

[Eight years, you have been hiding in the Hundred Thousand Mountains for one year. 】

[For this past year, you have been sleeping in the open air. What you have done every day is to strengthen the breath gathering formation and shield your own secrets, hoping to avoid Qingyunzi's search. 】

[But this day, Qingyunzi still found you. 】

[Qing Yunzi is wearing a black shirt and stands expressionlessly not far away looking at you, wondering what he is thinking. 】

[Your heart tightened, but you knew it was impossible to escape, so you still stepped forward. 】

[Qingyunzi asked you why you came to this world instead of staying in Qingyun Sect. 】

[You quickly explained that you just came to Shiwanda Mountain to experience and look for opportunities to improve your cultivation. 】

[Qingyunzi nodded slightly after hearing this. After being silent for a while, he asked if you have heard of the word Luo Tian. 】

[You know that this is just Qingyunzi's test, so you don't dare to hide it, saying that you are indeed from Blue Star, have been to the Luotian Sect copy, and obtained a mental technique called Zhengyi Convinced Qi Jue. 】

[After hearing this, Qingyunzi asked you to copy the mental formula to him. 】

[After hearing this, you immediately followed the instructions and handed Zhengyi Convincing Qi Jue to him. 】

[Qingyunzi only realized it briefly and discovered that this method requires people to reach the immortal realm before they can practice it. 】

[But you have practiced cultivation for less than a hundred years, how can you be promoted to the Mahayana stage? 】

[So Qingyunzi asked you if you had any other opportunities...]

[After hearing this, you said that you are extremely good at growing spirit-gathering flowers and have been using spiritual liquid to practice, so your cultivation has made amazing progress. 】

[Qingyunzi was not satisfied with your answer, so he performed a soul search on you! 】

[Your consciousness gradually dissipates...]

【you are dead! 】

【Ding, this simulation is over! 】

After the simulation ended, Su Xing let out a long sigh.

"It seems...even if you tell the truth, you still can't escape the result of Qingyunzi's soul search and death..."

"Perhaps in Qingyunzi's mind at that time, I was not his disciple at all, but just a disciple accepted by his spiritual thoughts, with no name or status..."

Su Xing took a deep breath. It seemed that if he took the path of joining the Qingyun Sect, the result would be obvious, that is, he would be discovered by Qingyunzi and eventually die!
As for Qingyunzi's method of finding him, it's too simple!

As long as Su Xing lived in Qingyun Sect and left his aura, wouldn't it be simple for a Daluo Jinxian to find Su Xing?

"Joining the Qingyun Sect and becoming a second-generation direct disciple...the advantage is that you can easily obtain a lot of resources and practice steadily for about 60 years..."

"But after 60 years, once Qingyunzi comes out of seclusion, I will definitely die!"

Su Xing weighs the pros and cons and joins the Qingyun Sect. There are pros and cons. If you need to find precious resources and profound supernatural powers, you can join!
At the same time, Su Xing also had an idea in his mind.

"Qingyunzi came out of prison more than 50 years later, which proves that he only completely killed the good corpse at that moment!"

"Perhaps... Qingyunzi still has good thoughts and thoughts of self at this time. If I cultivate enough and help him kill the evil corpse in advance, can I survive this disaster?"

Since there are still more than 50 years left, it’s still not too late!

As long as Su Xing preserves Qingyunzi's good corpse and self-dead body before the evil corpse takes over, perhaps Qingyunzi can truly become his master!
By then, with Qingyunzi as a great supporter, he will wake up in the Three Thousand Worlds and be able to walk sideways...

But this is just an idea that Su Xing has, and it is still unclear whether it can be realized.

Su Xing took a deep breath. Although this simulation lasted less than 60 years, there was so much information and benefits gained!
The advance knowledge of Qingyunzi's intelligence, the understanding of the array, or the news of the "secret realm" will make the simulation of Su Xing's future easier.

"As for the next path, naturally I will practice as soon as possible to the completion of the Mahayana stage...and then successfully overcome the tribulation and achieve the immortal realm!"

Su Xing first set a small goal, and then looked at the reward for this simulation.

[Enter the Tao with Formation]: Golden talent, priced at 1000 million points of energy.

[50 years of alchemy experience]: After redemption, the existing alchemy insights will increase slightly, and the price is 5000 million energy.

[Perfect Body Refining Realm]: The ultimate realm of body refining monks in the mortal world. Body refining can be accomplished in a short time, and the physical strength is beyond imagination.The price is 40 billion energy.

[Array Enlightenment]: After redemption, you will gain an array level equivalent to that of a ninth-level array master, and learn more than a hundred arrays such as the Five Elements Array, the seventh-level miniature spirit gathering array, and the Xuanyuan Breath Concentrating Array.The price is 30 billion energy.

[Third Level of Mahayana Stage]: Mahayana stage monks understand the power of the source, seek Tao Yun, the magic power resonates with the heaven and earth, and the sea of ​​spiritual power is endless... The price is 20 billion energy.

(End of this chapter)

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