Others practice leveling, I cultivate immortality, go out to Mahayana before leaving the mountain

Chapter 261 The Dacheng Realm is completed, the 9th-level formation master!

Chapter 261: The Dacheng Realm is complete, the ninth-level formation master! (Additional update with monthly pass, first update)
Su Xing glanced at the rewards of this simulation and thought briefly in his mind.

"The perfect cultivation level of the Body Refining Realm...this must be brought out!"

"As for the rest, it is the choice of golden talent and formation awareness..."

Su Xing did not hesitate and directly chose the formation path to comprehend.

After all, enlightenment of the formation is Su Xing's goal, and the seventh-level miniature spirit gathering array can also allow Su Xing to practice more quickly!

As for the talent of "entering the Tao through formations", as a type of cultivating immortals and hundreds of arts, it is not wrong for Su Xing to temporarily put it in the talent pool and take it out for use when the time is right.

Thinking this way, Su Xing silently said:

"I choose to reach the perfection of body refining and realize the formation path!"

[Ding, you successfully brought out the Dacheng Realm and perfected your cultivation. You spent 40 billion energy, and the remaining energy is 109 billion...]

[Ding, you successfully brought out the formation enlightenment, spending 30 billion energy, and the remaining energy is 79 billion...]

The sound of the simulator sounded in his ears, and two mysterious energies poured into Su Xing's body.

The next moment, Su Xing's momentum began to surge.

The eighth level of the great body refining realm... the ninth level of the great body refining realm!

Finally, the body refining state is completed!
The strength and power of the awakened body have once again increased by several percent!
At this moment, the pure physical power of Su Xing has reached the astonishing power of a thousand mountains!

If combined with the blessing of the superior force and the source of power, the power that can be unleashed in a short period of time is even more amazing!

It is no exaggeration to say that one punch caused earthquakes and tsunamis...
After waking up and adjusting his breath, he got used to the sudden increase in strength.

In addition to the growth in physical training, Su Xing's mind also flooded with insights about the formation.

Countless knowledge about formations, layout procedures... cracking methods, etc. poured into Su Xing's mind.

In just a few moments, Su Xing became a real formation master, and was even just one step away from becoming a formation master!

"Master of the Ninth Level Formation...Now that the low-level formations are in my hands, I can say that I can easily pick them up...I can set them up in a matter of seconds!"

Su Xing nodded with satisfaction. The great improvement of the formation path had many benefits for him.

Now with a sober eye, looking at the spirit gathering array in Lingtian Cave, it already looks a bit rough.

"This week, we will first remodel the formations in the Lingtian Cave... The ninth-level spirit gathering formation is enough to increase the spiritual energy content in the cave by more than [-]%!"

"With the seventh-level miniature spirit gathering array, my cultivation speed will be more than twice as fast as before during the integration stage!"

Su Xing murmured, feeling very satisfied.

During the integration stage, it may take one to twenty years to break through to the first level.

In the Mahayana stage, if there are sufficient awakening resources, we will be able to maintain this speed and quickly reach the completion of the Mahayana stage!

Su Xing glanced at the time, and instead of rushing to set up the formation, he calmed down in disguise and went to meet Lu Yuanwu.

Arriving at the agreed place, Lu Yuanwu had been waiting for a long time.

"Senior! This is this week's exotic metal..."

Lu Yuanwu came up to him from afar with a smile on his face.

It can be seen that Lu Yuanwu is in a very good mood. It should be that the elixir has begun to show results, and his status in the Daxia military has been greatly improved.

Su Xing took the alien metal and converted it into 40 billion simulated energy.

Then his heart moved, and [-] pills fell in front of Lu Yuanwu.

"The deal is done, see you later..." Su Xing said lightly, and with the power of operating space, he instantly disappeared from the place and appeared within a kilometer away.

Su Xing sensed the loss of space within his body and frowned slightly.

"My current understanding of the way of space is still too shallow... Although I can achieve short-distance teleportation, it consumes a lot of money..."

Su Xing just tried it a little bit, and then flew with his sword to the Immortal Martial Era dungeon.

On the other side, Lu Yuanwu's eyes suddenly became serious when he saw Su Xing's figure disappear instantly without any trace.

"Senior's strength... hiss~ Is this the power of space? I'm afraid this senior's strength is no weaker than that of the great emperor of my human race!"

Lu Yuanwu felt admiration in his heart again and murmured:
"Senior is really a master and a noble person in this world...Although items such as exotic metals are very precious to ordinary people, they are probably not worth mentioning in front of such powerful people..."

"I think...senior is probably just trying to help revitalize our Daxia human race, so he is so generous, right?"

Lu Yuanwu couldn't help but think to himself. In his opinion, the price of third-level exotic metals was not comparable to that of elixirs. There was no difference between waking up and giving it away for free.


On the other side, Su Xing arrived at the Immortal Martial Era dungeon, then entered the Lingtian Cave and began to try to set up a seventh-level miniature spirit gathering array.

"Before you arrange it on yourself, let's try it on Xiaomei first..."

Su Xing's heart moved, and he summoned the puppet cultivator Xiaomei, and arranged a seventh-level miniature spirit gathering array on her body.

The whole process lasted for several hours. During this period, the awakened consciousness was highly focused and moved quickly, and his understanding of the formation was completely integrated into the palm-sized miniature spirit gathering array.

A few hours later, Su Xing breathed a sigh of relief.

"After several hours, I finally got it done!"

"The difficulty of setting up the seventh-level miniature spirit gathering array... is indeed comparable to that of the ninth-level array!"

After Su Xing finished setting up the formation, he carefully checked the spiritual energy fluctuations on Xiaomei's body.

As expected, Xiaomei's rate of absorbing spiritual energy has further increased, and is even comparable to her current awakening.

"The seventh-level miniature spirit gathering array...is equivalent to the super spiritual root qualification! It's really impressive!"

Su Xing sighed.

At present, Xiaomei's cultivation level has reached the second level of the Golden Core stage!
In the Lingtian Cave, there is plenty of spiritual liquid, and Su Xing regularly feeds Yuandan and other elixirs.

This makes Xiaomei's cultivation progress much faster than when she woke up!

Su Xing estimated that at this rate, Xiaomei would be able to break through to the Nascent Soul realm in at most half a year.

"Tsk, tsk, a puppet, the treatment is much faster than what I used to do... With a cultivation speed close to the super spiritual root, it must not be difficult to condense the Nine Transformation Golden Pill and the super Nascent Soul..."

Su Xing couldn't help but sigh in his heart.

After arranging the miniature spirit gathering array for Puppet Xiu Xiaomei, he woke up and rested for a few hours, and then began to arrange the seventh level miniature spirit gathering array for himself.

A few hours passed quickly...

Su Xing rubbed the center of his brows and couldn't help but smile.

"Seventh level miniature spirit gathering array, done!"

"My cultivation speed is more than [-]% faster than before!"

Su Xing nodded with satisfaction, but at the same time, he also discovered a problem in the layout of the miniature spirit gathering array.

My spiritual consciousness is not enough!

Awakening into the subtle realm of spiritual consciousness, one naturally has absolute suppressive power during the stage of divine transformation.

But now after entering the Mahayana stage, the awakened spiritual consciousness is 20 feet, which can only be regarded as average. Even the arrangement of the seventh-level miniature spirit gathering array is a bit reluctant.

"It seems...it's time to improve your spiritual consciousness!"

Su Xing murmured that spiritual consciousness is a part of cultivation strength that cannot be ignored.

For Su Xing, after his spiritual consciousness is strong, he has advantages in refining elixirs, refining weapons, drawing talismans and forming formations...

"There are also several puppets sent out... If my consciousness is strong enough, it can cover the entire Daxia Kingdom! Then I won't have to worry about accidents!"

Su Xing made a decision in his heart.

In the next simulation, we must step up our efforts to improve our spiritual consciousness!
In addition to current needs, there is another reason why spiritual consciousness must be improved.

Among the "five passes" to overcome the tribulation, there is one pass called the Spiritual Consciousness Pass!
You need to awaken your consciousness to be strong enough to successfully survive the tribulation!


After waking up and repairing for a while, he began to transform the formation in Lingtian Cave.

The original seventh-level spirit-gathering array was transformed into a ninth-level spirit-gathering array by Awakening.

Although they are both at the intermediate compound spirit gathering array level, the spiritual energy gathering efficiency is greatly improved.

This means that the storage speed of spiritual liquid in Lingtian Cave can also be slightly increased!
In addition to the spirit gathering array, Su Xing transformed the breath gathering array into the Xuanyuan breath gathering array, which greatly improved the effect of shielding the heavenly secrets.

Su Xing also arranged several fire element formations at a special alchemy site, such as the fire gathering formation and the fire element formation.

It can make the flame more stable and more powerful, and the efficiency of awakening alchemy and weapon refining will also be slightly improved.

Finally, of course, Su Xing did not forget the water gathering array used to collect spiritual liquid.

After further modifications, the water-gathering array has become more efficient, and the loss when condensing the spiritual liquid has also been reduced.

Su Xing even specially arranged a water diversion array, connected to the spiritual well in front of the thatched house.

In this way, the spiritual energy concentration of the spiritual spring water is further increased, making the spiritual spring sweet and delicious.

After doing all this, Su Xing began to transform dozens of his pill puppets.

In addition to refining Bigu Pills, Su Xing also implanted new functions into them:
Refining the beauty elixir!
Considering that Tarot will expand towards overseas markets in the future, Beauty Pills must be an important product.

And this kind of inferior elixir can be easily refined by Dan Puppet.

Su Xing arranged everything in Lingtian Cave in an orderly manner. More than four days have passed.

With less than three days left, Su Xing did not waste it. He went to the exotic metal veins and dug out two thousand cubic meters of fourth-level exotic metals.

After refining, these foreign metals can bring nearly 20 billion simulated energy to awakening.


Time soon came to April 2025, 4, in the new era. Su Xing left the Xianwu Era dungeon and went to the villa to meet Jin Congxue on time.

Jin Congxue wore a sexy black one-piece dress today, which made Su Xing's heart beat faster.

"Here are this week's exotic metals and goods..."

Jin Congxue handed over several storage rings.

Su Xing also nodded and handed Jin Congxue the Bigu Pills and the newly dug foreign metal ore in the past few weeks.

"By the way...there are also the beauty pills I accumulated before. Aren't you going to open up overseas markets? These should be enough for the time being..."

Su Xing handed over several thousand beauty pills.

After hearing this, Jin Congxue nodded slightly and said:

"When I have time in the next two days, I will personally go to the United States...the beauty pill must be very popular there!"

After hearing this, Su Xing nodded and said: "Yes! There are also some special props from overseas. You can also bring a few more back to show me..."

Su Xing said smoothly, and Jin Congxue nodded slightly after hearing this.

Although Su Xing currently has a stable source of energy.

However, there may be substances in the copies in other overseas countries that Su Xing doesn't know about, which can bring a lot of energy to Su Xing.


After bidding farewell to Jin Congxue, he woke up and returned to Lingtian Cave, ready to start a new round of simulation.

This week, Jin Congxue's cargo plus exotic metals brought Su Xing nearly 45 billion energy, plus the 40 billion energy brought by Lu Yuanwu.The total awakening energy is close to 165 billion!
"Start the simulation!"

【Ding!This simulation consumes 8400 energy points, leaving 165 remaining energy, and no remaining simulation times. 】

【The simulation starts! 】

[It costs 10 energy points to extract purple talents, and 100 million energy points to extract golden legendary talents. Do you want to extract them? 】

Su Xing did not hesitate. The current basic probability of drawing golden talents is 50.00%.

This means that even if the simulator lottery probability is impressive, new golden talents can be drawn out at most two or three times.

"Extract the golden talent!"

[Ding, congratulations on getting the purple talent Wind of Cut Sleeves. The probability of getting the golden talent next time is 60%...]

[Wind of Broken Sleeves]: Purple talent, you look masculine and have the wind of broken sleeves. Become a Taoist partner with someone of the same gender. When you practice dual cultivation, your cultivation speed will increase by 50.00%.

wake:? ? ?
Seeing the newly drawn purple talent, Su Xing's scalp felt numb.

"Damn, I can't use this talent even if I kill him... Not to mention the 50.00% increase in practice speed... It's just a 5.00% increase. Well, let's talk about it then..."

Su Xing couldn't help but complain, and he quickly labeled this talent as a "gift rose". When the time is right, he might give it to other monks.

"Okay, 50.00% probability. It's normal that you didn't draw it the first time..."

Su Xing comforted herself in this way.

"Since the talent is not enough... then this simulation will be carried out according to the original plan!"

Among the goals of awakening, the next step should be to attack with all our strength to reach the completion of the Mahayana period and lay the foundation for overcoming the tribulation in advance.

"Currently, my Qi refining level is at the second level of the Mahayana stage... It is best to simulate three times to break through to the completion of the Mahayana stage!"

"There is also spiritual consciousness that needs to be strengthened as soon as possible. I haven't been to the Taixu Realm for a long time, and the idea of ​​wishful thinking also needs to be further practiced!"

After a pause, Su Xing added:

"Of course, improving strength is the first priority!"

"If you can fully comprehend the Heavenly Sword Technique...and enter the Tao with the sword, you might be able to gain immortal-level combat power in advance!"

Su Xing quickly made a plan. The goals of this simulation can be summarized as follows:

Liver cultivation, liver consciousness... By the way, practice the Heavenly Sword Technique. If you are lucky and trigger an epiphany by chance, you will make a lot of money!
Thinking this, Su Xing looked at the simulation panel.

[In Lingtian Cave, you realize that you are simulating! 】

[You traded with Lu Yuanwu as promised, without any accidents. 】

[Ten days later, you went to Luotian Dungeon to learn the way of puppets. 】

[...After coming out of the Luotian dungeon, you contacted Luo Shuying and joined the Advent Sect. 】

[In the next two years, you will stay in the Advent Sect, occasionally refining elixirs, and focus more on the cultivation of spiritual consciousness. 】

Su Xing nodded slightly when he saw this. The number of pills he had given to Daxia's military in reality was enough to last for 25 years. Then during the simulation, he would have two years left to work hard to improve his strength.

"It's time to enter the Taixu world again, devour Taixu, and increase your spiritual consciousness..."

Look at the simulation panel.

[In the third year, you will practice for four hours every day to improve your Qi refining skills, and spend the remaining time wandering in the Taixu Realm. 】

[With the blessing of auspicious stars and high talent, you have devoured several Xuan-level Taixu spirits and dozens of Yellow-level Taixu spirits in two years. 】

[At the same time, you set aside two hours every day to understand the Heavenly Sword Technique and try to understand the origin of the sword. 】

[In this way, another four years have passed. 】

[In the seventh year, you designed to remove the leader of the natural faction and replace him. 】

[This year, your cultivation has broken through to the third level of the Mahayana stage! 】

[At the same time, the range of your consciousness has further increased to 22 miles ([-] feet)]

[In the eighth year, you used the innate hibiscus branches as bait and designed to get rid of the old dog Long. 】

[After killing Long Laogou, you breathed a sigh of relief and practiced harder. 】

[So, two years have passed. 】

[In the tenth year, your mind traveled to the Taixu Realm and swallowed the spirit of Taixu. The range of your consciousness increased to one thousand six hundred miles. 】

[In Year No. 11, Blood Three comes to Blue Star. You offer your innate hibiscus branches and obtain the pass. 】

[After the blood is gone, you will introduce the dragon of spiritual veins into the spiritual field cave. 】

[After the dragon with spiritual veins entered the Lingtian Cave, the spiritual energy became more abundant, and the amount of spiritual fluid formed also increased by [-]%. 】

[In No. 13, you swallowed millions of drops of spiritual liquid and reached the middle stage of the third level of Mahayana. 】

[In this way, another two years have passed. 】

[In No. 15, you wandered around the Taixu Realm with amazing luck. You encountered an earth-level Taixu spirit and successfully devoured it. Your consciousness increased by dozens of miles. 】

[At the same time, you obtained a spiritual attack method called the "Golden Sword Forging God Method", but the effect was not as good as the Ruyi Golden Cauldron Method, so you did not practice it. 】

[This year, your spiritual consciousness range reaches [-] miles! 】

In the real world, Su Xing nodded with satisfaction when he saw this.

"Yes, both spiritual consciousness and cultivation are steadily increasing..."

"And actually encountered a heaven-level Taixu spirit? An earth-level Taixu spirit... can give birth to the method of ancient divine consciousness! It's just that the quality is not high..."

"But if we can encounter a heaven-level Taixu spirit, we might be able to acquire an extremely powerful spiritual attack technique!"

Thinking of this, Su Xing felt vaguely hopeful.

"Don't be in a hurry to go to the Three Thousand World. Because of the existence of the Spirit Vein Dragon, my cultivation on Blue Star will improve even faster than in the Three Thousand World..."

"When the Demon Suppressing Pass is really unable to be defended... it won't be too late to go to the Three Thousand Worlds!"

Thinking this, Su Xing looked at the simulation panel.

[In No. 16, you continued to wander around Taixu. As your spiritual consciousness continued to grow, you were able to capture the spirit of Taixu almost every month and increase your spiritual consciousness. 】

[On the other side, the spiritual liquid in Lingtian Cave is also rapidly accumulating. Every year, you can harvest nearly 50 drops of low-grade spiritual liquid and [-] drops of medium-grade spiritual liquid. 】

[So, two years have passed. 】

[In No. 18, the range of your spiritual consciousness increased to [-] miles, and most of the entire northern region of Daxia was covered by your spiritual consciousness. 】

[In No. 19, you went to the world of beast control and killed hundreds of legendary monsters and three monster emperors. 】

[In the same year, your cultivation level was promoted to the late third level of the Mahayana period. 】

[In No. 20, you have made some progress in your practice of Heavenly Sword Jue, but you still have not broken through to the realm of perfection. Without triggering accidental enlightenment, it will be very difficult to perfect the sword intention within a hundred years. 】

[In this way, another five years have passed. 】

[No.20 In five years, the range of your spiritual consciousness has increased to [-] miles, but the intensity of your spiritual consciousness still remains at a subtle level. 】

[So in addition to wandering around in the void, you should also take some time to understand the thoughts of wishful thinking. 】

[No. 20 In the sixth year, your cultivation reached the third level peak of the Mahayana period. 】

[You begin to prepare for breaking through the fourth level of the Mahayana stage. 】

[In No. 20, the Demon Saint with Double Eyes came to the Demon Suppression Pass. With your current strength, you can naturally crush him easily. 】

[But you choose to play hard to get and delay as much time as possible. 】

[This year, your spiritual consciousness has grown to 2000 and [-] miles. 】

[In No. 30, you tried to break through to the middle stage of Mahayana for the first time. 】

[You prepare a million drops of spiritual liquid and prepare for a breakthrough. 】

[You came out of seclusion six months later. This breakthrough unfortunately failed. 】

[The advantages brought by the Tianling Root have been almost exhausted in the Mahayana stage, and your sea of ​​spiritual power far exceeds that of ordinary Mahayana monks, and your magic power is rich, so it is even more difficult to break through. 】

[But you are not discouraged and continue to accumulate spiritual fluid to prepare for the next breakthrough. 】

[No. 30, the third year, this year the Demon Saint found out the clues and left the Demon Suppression Pass. 】

[And you have accumulated enough spiritual liquid to launch a second breakthrough towards the middle stage of Mahayana! 】

[During this breakthrough, the Dragon of Spiritual Veins played a key role. He spit out a mouthful of pure spiritual energy to help you successfully break through to the fourth level of the Mahayana stage! 】

[Congratulations on becoming a mid-level Mahayana monk! 】

[After being promoted to the middle stage of the Mahayana stage, your sea of ​​spiritual power will further expand, and your magic power will be as powerful as that of a perfect monk in the Mahayana stage! 】

[You are a little surprised by this, but you are still neither arrogant nor impatient, and work hard to consolidate your cultivation. 】

In the real world, Su Xing breathed a sigh of relief when he saw this and said with satisfaction:

"That's right! In the middle stage of Mahayana alone, the mana is as powerful as in the full stage of Mahayana!"

"Then you will have a natural advantage when passing through the magic power level of the five levels of tribulation! You will be able to convert more immortal power!"

There are five passes to overcome the tribulation, one of which is called the Magic Pass.

This level is the process of transforming spiritual power into immortal power!
The deeper the magic power, the greater the advantage in this level!

Su Xing estimated that when he reached the perfection of the Mahayana stage, his magical power would be as powerful as an ordinary monk who had passed through the magical barrier and condensed his immortal power during the "tribulation period".

The so-called step first, step by step!

It ensures that the magic power is stronger than that of monks in the same realm, allowing Su Xing to still ensure the suppression of strength after reaching the immortal realm!

"No. 30 has been promoted to the fourth level of the Mahayana stage in three years... It seems that this simulation should not be a problem to upgrade to the fifth level of the Mahayana stage!"

Su Xing became more and more aware of the power of the Spiritual Vein Dragon. Without the help of the Spiritual Vein Dragon, he would have struggled for several years or even ten years in the early stages of Mahayana.

[After being promoted to the middle stage of the Mahayana, you will continue to wander around in the universe and enhance your spiritual consciousness. 】

[In this way, three years have passed. 】

[No.30 In seven years, your consciousness has grown to [-] miles! 】

[The increase in the strength of your spiritual consciousness will improve your puppet manipulation, formation, and breath gathering, and you will benefit a lot. 】

[But as your cultivation level continues to grow, your Qi refining speed will become slower and slower. 】

[In this way, three years have passed. 】

[In No. 40, your cultivation is still at the early stage of the fourth level of the Mahayana period, but it is not far from the middle stage. 】

[At the same time, your spiritual consciousness has maintained a growth rate of one hundred miles in three years, reaching [-] miles of spiritual consciousness! 】

[At the same time, you also know that the day is approaching when the alien races will invade the Demon Suppression Pass in a large scale, and you are not yet sure you can compete with the god-level alien races. 】

[So you decided to go to the Three Thousand Worlds and continue your path of cultivation. 】

[But compared to before, you have an absolute advantage this time, mastering the origin of space...]

[This means that you can take some precious materials with you to the Three Thousand Worlds...]

(End of this chapter)

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