Others practice leveling, I cultivate immortality, go out to Mahayana before leaving the mountain

Chapter 262: Seven years of simulation, drastic changes in the world of Xiao Qingyun!

Chapter 262: After 70 years of simulation, the Xiaoqingyun world undergoes drastic changes! (Breaking news, please vote for me~)

In the real world, Su Xing nodded slightly when he saw this.

"Currently, I am only at the entry level for the origin of space, but I can also wrap up an independent space of two to three cubic meters..."

"Then you can bring part of the initial capital to the Three Thousand Worlds, and the development speed will undoubtedly be much faster!"

Su Xing thought for a while and decided to bring the most cost-effective items from Three Thousand Worlds.

Soul-Gathering Flower and... Soul-Gathering Flower Seeds!

Julinghua is extremely fragile in its infancy and growth stages. Even weak disturbances such as over-irrigation and insufficient sunlight will cause it to wither.

But in the mature stage, Julinghua is the most tenacious plant in the world.

Even if it is separated from the soil and spiritual energy, it will not wither within a few months.

Moreover, the Juling Flower is very small, one piece is only about the size of a palm.

Two cubic meters of space is enough to hold thousands of Juling flowers!
One Spirit-Gathering Flower is worth 10 yuan of low-grade spiritual stones, and those thousands of them are worth hundreds of millions of low-grade spiritual stones!
Ordinary monks in the Immortal Realm do not have such a rich net worth...

"With this initial capital, I believe my development in the Xiao Qingyun world will be smoother!"

Su Xing murmured, looking at the simulation panel.

[On the eve of heading to the killing battlefield, you start preparing supplies in advance. 】

[You have purchased a storage ring that is in good condition and has an internal space of 2.6 cubic meters. After your try, the origin of space just covers it. 】

[You started transplanting the Soul-Gathering Flowers from Lingtian Cave Heaven and picked [-] Soul-Gathering Flowers and placed them among them. 】

[In addition to the mature Spirit-Gathering Flower, you also put in two thousand Spirit-Gathering Flower seeds, Nine Turns Pill, Qiling Pill and other more precious elixir materials. 】

[You left the last bit of space for the spirit sword Mo Bing. 】

[After 40 years of nurturing, the spirit sword Mo Bing has a connection with you. The grade of the spirit treasure is close to the best spirit sword. You don’t want to give it up easily. 】

[When you are ready, you put on the storage ring and went to the killing battlefield. 】

[He rushed all the way towards the red moon. After a few days, you arrived at the end of the killing battlefield. 】

[After showing the pass, you entered the gate of the world and arrived at that different space. 】

[At this moment, you are faced with two choices, go to the Three Thousand Worlds through the black passage, or arrive at the valley gathering place where the Advent Cult is located. 】

In the real world, Su Xing saw this movement in his heart and silently said:
"Use an immersive simulation... for 30 days!"

[Ding, you successfully used immersion... The remaining energy is 164 billion 3253 million points. 】

The beep fell, and the vision in front of Su Xing changed, and the next second he appeared in the different space in the gap in the world.

At your feet is a beautiful star road, shining with silver light... Not far to the left of Su Xing is the temporary passage of Adventism.

And behind the layers of void turbulence, there is another black passage.

"After getting the pass, Hong Yue will not notice it as long as I don't enter the black passage..."

"And the void turbulence here is filled with many spatial sources. If it can be understood, the effect will be even better than the Void Stone!"

Su Xing's plan is to rely on the body-protecting sword to stay in the void turbulence for a long time and capture more of the origin of space...

And with the blessing of the Qiling Pill and the state of great wisdom, the goal of awakening is to reach a small level of understanding of the origin of space!
Thinking like this, Su Xing took out a Spirit-enlightening Pill, activated his great wisdom state, raised his body-protecting sword, and resolutely rushed towards the turbulent void in front of him.

Even though he knew that 720 swords were enough to withstand the turbulent flow of the void, Su Xing was still a little nervous.

Wake up and take a step forward, stepping into the turbulent flow of the void.

The terrifying turbulence tore through Su Xing's body like a blade, violently colliding with the body-protecting sword...

Boom boom boom!
In just a few breaths, more than ten of the revived body-protecting swords were broken.

And Su Xing also felt that the space in front of him changed, containing faint white light spots, which was the origin of the space!
"Successfully captured the original breath of space..."

Su Xing felt happy in his heart. While controlling the body-protecting sword, he guided the origin of space and realized the deeper power of the origin.

In this way, the number of awakened body-protecting sword gangs decreased rapidly.

In just a few minutes, the 720 body-protecting sword gangs were worn down until only a hundred were left.

Under this circumstance, Su Xing estimated the distance and returned to the star road again.

"Huh... there are still twenty body-protecting swords left, and I have been able to persist in the turbulence of the void for a total of 7 minutes..."

"My understanding of the origin of space has gone one step further!"

Su Xing nodded with satisfaction, and then simply stayed in the safe area, sitting cross-legged to restore the sword intent and Yuan force in his body.

At the same time, he carefully realized the origin of the space he just captured.

In this way, twelve hours passed quickly.

The awakening sword intent is restored again, and the body-protecting sword gang is also reassembled.

Su Xing stood up slowly, a smile flashed in his eyes.

"Yes, the effect of facing the void is indeed better than the effect of comprehending the void stone!"

"As long as you stay in this space for 30 days, your understanding of the origin of space will definitely reach the level of master!"

Su Xing thought so.

So for the next month, Su Xing kept shuttling through the turbulent flow of the void, as if stuck in a bug, constantly gaining experience points for "Awareness of the Origin of Space".

Living in the turbulence of the void, the effect of understanding the origin of space is better than Su Xing imagined!
It was not until Day No. 17 that Su Xing's understanding of the origin of space had reached the level of success...

As he continued to practice in the turbulence of the void, Su Xing became more and more proficient in mastering the laws of the void.

After his comprehension of the origin of space reached the minor level, Su Xing was able to persist for a quarter of an hour at a stretch, and his daily comprehension efficiency nearly doubled.

In this way, another twelve days passed.

Seeing that the immersive simulation was about to end, Su Xing stood up slowly and murmured:

"It's almost time... It's time to cross the turbulent void and enter the black passage!"

Thinking of this, Su Xing moved his body-protecting sword and shuttled through the void with familiarity.

A few minutes later, Su Xing successfully passed through the obstacles of numerous void turbulences and arrived outside the black passage.

At this time, 720 body-protecting swords were awakened, only 320 were consumed, and [-] swords were left.

Su Xing took a deep breath and stepped into the black passage.

The next second, he woke up and entered a new space.

Su Xing tried to spread his spiritual consciousness to explore the surroundings, but the space here was very strange. The range of Su Xing's consciousness of [-] miles was actually reduced to less than [-] feet at this moment.

"The space here...is somewhat similar to the stomach space of the giant beast..."

Su Xing observed with the naked eye and saw many shimmering fragments, like stars.

These are the fragments of each world.

There are also many strange light groups, which are fragments of the laws of various avenues and the original power...

The aftermath of the battle in ancient times remains in the void...

Just stepping into this space, Su Xing felt that his understanding of the origin of space had improved.

However, at this moment, Su Xing's heartbeat suddenly accelerated, and a crazy warning came from the talent of seeking good luck and avoiding evil.

"It's a pity. If I could stay in this space for a long time... my understanding of the original power and the laws of the great road would be absolutely huge!"

Su Xing sighed softly, knowing that Hongyue had sensed his invasion.

So Su Xing began to rely on pure intuition and luck to shuttle through the cracks and passages of various worlds.

After a while, Su Xing stayed outside a world passage and murmured:

"This should be it... This familiar feeling is the passage to the Little Qingyun Realm!"

Su Xing took a step forward and felt the space around him tearing apart sharply.

Then my consciousness became blurry...

When Su Xing came back to his senses, the immersive simulation was over, and Su Xing returned to the real world.

"An immersive simulation... my understanding of the origin of the void has been directly upgraded to the level of success!"

With a smile on his face, Su Xing realized that the origin of space in his body had increased several times more than before!
"Then let's see, how much space can we fully master with our current understanding of the origin of void?"

Su Xing took out a few storage rings and started trying them.

After a moment, Su Xing nodded with satisfaction.

"Yes, it has been increased by about three times...the origin of space can completely cover eight cubic meters of space..."

Although it is only an increase of five cubic meters, it means that the supplies that Su Xing can carry will be greatly improved!

Not to mention anything else, the more than 1 spirit-gathering flowers can all be taken to the three thousand worlds when they wake up.

Bringing nearly one billion low-grade spiritual stones to Su Xing!

I am afraid that only monks from the Earthly Immortal Realm can come up with this resource...

"With the initial funds, there is no need to contact the Qingyun Sect except for some plans... maybe the simulation can be longer?"

Su Xing thought so, looking at the simulation panel.

[When you wake up again, you have arrived at the northern peripheral area of ​​Shiwanda Mountain. 】

[You are only slightly injured and retain most of your combat power. 】

[What surprises you even more is that the storage ring on your hand is still there, and the materials in the storage ring are brought over as you expected. 】

[After you repair a little, you are ready to leave Shiwandashan and go to Baidi City. 】

[During this period, you killed a few demon cultivators and took the essence of their flesh and blood. 】

[A few days later, you arrived at Baidi City. 】

[In the previous simulation, you wanted to join the Qingyun Sect, but the Qingyun Sect was not your final destination, and the consequences would be serious. 】

[Now you want to join the Baidi Tower to practice. Maybe you can use the Baidi Tower to survive and grow. 】

[So you showed strength comparable to the Tribulation Stage, and successfully became the third-class guest elder of Baidi Tower. 】

[Baidi Tower, as an alliance of casual cultivators, does not have many restrictions on the cultivators under its command. 】

[You only need to turn in a portion of the spirit stones every year, and you can have a blessed land as a cave in Baidi City. 】

[So you thought for a moment and rented a blessed land in the center of Baidi City as a training ground. 】【The concentration of aura in the blessed land is far less than that in Lingtian Cave, but fortunately you have more than 3000 spirit-gathering flowers. 】

[The Spirit Gathering Flower was transplanted into the Blessed Land, and the ninth level Spirit Gathering Array and Xuanyuan Breath Condensing Array were set up. In just one year, the aura concentration in the cave was comparable to that of a low-grade cave heaven. 】

[This vision of a blessed land ascending to the cave heaven will definitely attract the attention of the monks in Baidi City. 】

[Fortunately, the Xuanyuan Breath Condensation Formation has the effect of shielding the inner and outer heavenly secrets. Even if you arrange it in the cave, even a heavenly immortal may not be able to detect it if you don't observe carefully. 】

[You spent a year setting up a dojo in Baidi City, and then rented a shop in the city. Under the title of Master of Formation, you occasionally helped other monks set up formations. 】

[In this way, three years passed slowly. 】

[No. 40 In the fourth year, your cultivation has entered the middle stage of the fourth level of Mahayana, and your magic power has further improved. 】

[Within three years, many casual cultivators in Baidi City knew that a powerful monk named Su Ye was the third-class guest elder of Baidi Tower. 】

[Not only is his cultivation level unfathomable and he has reached the stage of transcending tribulation, he is also a ninth-level master of formations with excellent formation techniques, and is very close to the master of tenth-level formations. 】

[This makes your status in Baidi Tower comparable to that of a monk in the Immortal Realm! 】

[In three years, you have planted Soul-Gathering Flowers one after another, and the number of Soul-Gathering Flowers in the blessed land has reached nearly [-]. 】

[The only thing that makes you a little dissatisfied is that in the Xiao Qingyun world, the growth of spiritual consciousness is slow. 】

[Because in the Little Qingyun Realm, there is also the Taixu Realm. 】

[But in the Taixu world here, there are a lot of monks above the Return to Void stage, which leads to many monks competing for the Taixu Spirit! 】

[You have been busy for three years before you can barely swallow a few yellow-level Taixu spirits. This speed is far faster than ordinary Mahayana monks...]

In the real world, Su Xing sighed when he saw this.

"Sure enough, there are many monks in the Three Thousand Worlds...the competition in the Taixu Realm has become too fierce!"

"There are too many monks and too little food...the spirit of Taixu is not so easy to capture!"

Su Xing nodded slightly. On the Blue Star, depletion of spiritual energy is not without its benefits.

There are so many high-level monks that Su Xing can better devour the spirit of Taixu in the Taixu world and increase his spiritual consciousness...

This is good news for him!

"It seems that if you want to improve your consciousness in the future... you will need to stay on Blue Star for a few more years..."

"However, since we are going to the Three Thousand Worlds, we should focus on practicing the idea of ​​wishful thinking, and we can also quickly increase the realm of spiritual consciousness!"

Su Xing thought so, looking at the simulation panel.

[The mind wanders too much, the competition is strong, and the gains outweigh the losses, so you decide to use the time you spend every day to practice wishful thinking. 】

[As the scope of your spiritual consciousness continues to grow, the realm of your spiritual consciousness will also improve slightly. 】

[Now that you observe the wish-fulfilling contemplation for five or six hours every day, you don’t even feel that the consumption of your spiritual consciousness is serious. 】

[At the same time, in the pattern, the appearance of the old man holding the jade Ruyi becomes clearer and clearer. 】

[You have a hunch that if you can completely observe the old man's appearance, your spiritual consciousness may be able to enter a new realm...]

[Life in Baidi City is quite leisurely. In addition to the boring practice every day, you also occasionally go to the city to experience the unique style of the world of immortality. 】

[In this way, five years passed slowly. 】

[No. 40 In the ninth year, the intensity of your spiritual consciousness has further increased, reaching [-] miles of spiritual consciousness. 】

[At the same time, you have occasionally inquired about news from the Little Qingyun World in recent years, and have become more and more familiar with the situation in the Three Thousand Worlds. 】

[In just over ten years, seven or eight Small Thousand Worlds fell to the attacks of alien races, or lost contact with the outside world and fell into chaos. 】

[And the situation in Xiaoqingyun World is not optimistic either. Foreign races have stepped up their invasion of the world. In recent years, Baidilou and other decent forces have recruited monks to resist. 】

[To be on the safe side, you did not join the frontal battlefield. 】

[But as a guest of Baidi Tower, you sold a batch of talismans and elixirs at a low price, using your meager efforts. 】

[In addition, you pay special attention to the news and intelligence in Shiwandashan. 】

[You learned that more than 36 of the 20 demon kings in the Hundred Thousand Mountains have been killed one after another, and less than ten are left. They are still competing with each other, and their strength has been greatly reduced...]

[The Hu Immortal lost your help and was also killed in the past two years, and the Hu Immortal Village was destroyed...]

[You sighed after hearing this, but fortunately Baidi City is still safe under the rule of Baidi Tower. 】

In the real world, Su Xing felt a little emotional when he saw this.

"Under the general trend, even the Earthly Immortal and Celestial Immortal Realm monks cannot survive alone... According to the development of this situation, if there is no support from the top forces, the Little Qingyun Realm may not be able to sustain it for long..."

The strength of Xiao Qingyun Realm in the Three Thousand Worlds is comparable to that of the Middle Thousand Worlds.

It is the gateway to the Qingyun Realm, and it is so difficult to resist, let alone the other Small Thousand Worlds...

"But with my current strength, I can't interfere with this..."

"It's better to seize the opportunity to develop and increase your cultivation level!"

Su Xing thought so, looking at the simulation panel.

[Year, you stayed in the Baidi Tower to practice peacefully, but just relying on spiritual stones and spiritual energy to cultivate, I am afraid it will take you three to fifty years of hard training before you can reach the fifth level of the Mahayana stage. 】

[Although you have a lot of Soul-Gathering Flowers in your hand, you don’t want to attract attention, and there is no way to make a safe move. 】

[It just so happened that this year, thousands of miles away from Baidi Tower, a secret realm appeared. 】

[According to the information you received before, the secret realm here is a treasure trove left by a monk in the Immortal Realm. 】

[This monk in the Human Immortal Realm was an accomplished spiritual cultivator during his lifetime. Information shows that there are a small number of Soul Gathering Flowers remaining in the secret realm here. 】

[In the original timeline, a few lucky people got more than a hundred spirit-gathering flowers from this secret realm. 】

[So you only need to enter this secret realm as a cover, and you can successfully take out thousands of spirit-gathering flowers. 】

[At that time, others will only think that you are a lucky guy with good luck. 】

[So this year, ten years after arriving in Baidi City, you left Baidi City for the first time and went to a secret realm. 】

[Your leaving the city has attracted the attention of some monks. 】

[But no one knew the value of this secret realm before it was opened, so most of the monks who explored the secret realm were Mahayana and Tribulation-Transcending monks. 】

[You successfully entered the secret realm and conducted some exploration. 】

[The main purpose of your entering the secret realm this time is as a cover, so you only became slightly familiar with the terrain in the secret realm and collected a few herbs from previous years. 】

[After one month, you leave the secret realm and return to Baidi City. 】

[Three months later, you found the Tianji Pavilion Auction House and auctioned a thousand Spirit-Gathering Flowers. 】

[One year, the Spirit-Gathering Flower was successfully bought by several Earthly Immortal Realm monks, and you received 1000 million low-grade spiritual stones. 】

[You spent 500 million low-grade spiritual stones and bought 100 million drops of mid-grade spiritual liquid at a premium at the auction. 】

[The value of middle-grade spiritual liquid is not as good as that of medium-grade spiritual stones, but it is extremely rare. Only some of the spiritual liquid is sold at auctions. 】

[In the Xiaoqingyun world, it is extremely difficult to buy a drop of middle-grade spiritual liquid from three low-grade spiritual stones. 】

[Because the middle-grade spiritual liquid is full of spiritual energy, it can save a lot of practice time. 】

[After you buy enough middle-grade spiritual liquid, you will return to the cave and continue to practice hard. 】

[In this way, four years have passed. 】

[In five years, you have spent millions of drops of middle-grade spiritual liquid, and your cultivation has further improved, reaching the fourth level of the late Mahayana stage! 】

[In the same year, your spiritual consciousness also increased a lot, and its range reached three thousand miles. 】

[You know in your heart that Qingyunzi will be released from seclusion soon. Whether he will remember you is still unknown. 】

[Therefore, you must improve your cultivation level as soon as possible to achieve the goal of this simulation. 】

[But without the middle-grade spiritual fluid, the growth rate of your cultivation will slow down. 】

[Seven years ago, you participated in the auction and sold 600 million drops of mid-grade spiritual liquid again at a premium of 120 million low-grade spiritual stones. 】

[After that, you will break through in seclusion and start to improve your cultivation. 】

[In No. 60, you successfully came out of seclusion and your cultivation reached the peak of the fourth level of the Mahayana period! 】

[In the same year, your consciousness increased to [-] miles. 】

[As always, you stay in Baidi City to practice, occasionally attend auctions, purchase spiritual liquid, and live a leisurely life. 】

[In this way, another seven years have passed. 】

[No. 60 In the seventh year, you successfully exited the seclusion, and your cultivation level was a natural breakthrough to the fifth level of the Mahayana stage. 】

[At the same time, your consciousness has also increased to [-] miles. 】

[Three thousand three hundred miles of spiritual consciousness, in the Mahayana period, can be regarded as a powerful person with spiritual consciousness, but you are not satisfied with this. 】

[You know that your foundation is solid and there is room for further improvement. At the same time, you also know the next level of spiritual consciousness into the subtle realm, the six consciousness realm! 】

[The monks in this realm have the sixth inspiration. They can have the inspiration of the heart in addition to being insensitive to the eyes, ears, tongue, nose, and body! 】

[Generally speaking, only the immortal realm can reach the Six Consciousness Realm, but there are also some monks in the Tribulation Stage with powerful spiritual consciousness who can reach it. 】

[This is also your goal in the next stage of understanding spiritual consciousness. 】

[In this way, another three years have passed. 】

[The 70th year, before you know it, this is the 30th year since you came to Baidi City. 】

[And you also broke the previous longest simulation record... Staying away from Qingyun Sect seems to be a good choice. 】

[Although you lack various precious resources, you have been simulating for longer, and your cultivation progress has not dropped. 】

[And in these 30 years, the entire Xiao Qingyun world has also undergone earth-shaking changes. 】

[In the Hundred Thousand Mountains, all 36 demon kings died! 】

[The Advent Sect’s cadres with the code name Blood Letter gathered together to launch a surprise attack on the Heavenly Demon Prison! 】

[Qingyunzi comes out of seclusion and announces the withdrawal of all forces in Xiaoqingyun Realm! 】

[Even the bustling Baidi City in the past has gradually become deserted and in danger...]

(Today’s small explosion, please vote for me~)

(End of this chapter)

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