Others practice leveling, I cultivate immortality, go out to Mahayana before leaving the mountain

Chapter 263 Golden talent does not depend on martial ethics!The Road to the Sword Immortal!

Chapter 263 Golden talent does not depend on martial ethics!The Road to the Sword Immortal! (Ten thousand words, two in one)

In the real world, Su Xing frowned slightly when he saw this.

Sure enough, just as he had guessed before, the alien invasion of the Three Thousand Worlds continued to deepen.

Now, even the Xiao Qingyun world has fallen into a fierce battle.

"The Hundred Thousand Mountains were destroyed, and the demon cultivator is also an important combat force in the Little Qingyun Realm... but was destroyed from within by the Advent Cult!"

"But Baidi Tower, Tianji Pavilion, and Qingyun Sect have their own base camp... they will not fight to the death to protect the Little Qingyun Realm..."

Su Xing analyzes the future situation.

Xiao Qingyun Realm is the gateway to Qingyun Realm and should be defended.

But the most fatal thing is that there is something wrong with Qingyunzi... A big Luo Jinxian is not firm in his position, which makes it even more difficult for Xiao Qingyun to hold on.

"Sigh... I wonder how long the little Qingyun world can last?"

"If it is breached, where will the hundreds of millions of monks go?"

Su Xing sighed and looked at the simulation panel.

[In the formerly prosperous Baidi City, the number of monks has dropped sharply. 】

[Most casual cultivators either voluntarily or are forced to go to the front line to fight against alien races. 】

[As the elder of Baidilou Keqing, you also have certain obligations to participate in the war, but considering your status as a formation master, you only occasionally repair some formation treasures in the logistics department. 】

[So, three years have passed. 】

[In the third year of No. 70, the number of monks in Baidi City became less and less. Some of the monks who were familiar with them in the past also went to the front line one after another and never came back. 】

[You sighed in your heart, knowing it was time to run away. 】

[So on a moonless night, you left Baidi City and went to Shiwan Mountain. 】

[In Shiwandashan, although all 36 demon kings are dead, there are still a few great demons in the Celestial Realm, and there are not many demon cultivators. 】

[You have prepared enough supplies, and you can live a comfortable life even in the mountains of [-] mountains. 】

[The most important thing is that with the cover of hundreds of thousands of mountains...safety! 】

[So, another five years have passed. 】

[No.70 In eight years, you stayed in Shiwan Mountain for five years, and your cultivation level further increased. 】

[Your consciousness has been raised to [-] miles this year. 】

[But the only thing that makes you a little regretful is that even if you practice swordsmanship for two hours every day, your enlightenment on the Heavenly Sword Art has not yet been triggered. 】

[Your understanding of sword intent is still at the Dacheng level. 】

[One day, you made a prediction and predicted that you will encounter a disaster of life and death in the near future. 】

[You are confused, wondering whether this calamity comes from Qingyunzi or the Advent Sect...]

[For the sake of safety, you left Shiwandashan and ran away in Xiaoqingyun Realm. 】

[You want to go to Tianji Pavilion to see if you can get a quota to escape from other worlds...]

[But before arriving at Tianji Pavilion, a figure appeared behind you. 】

[The visitor is actually not Qingyunzi, but Xuesan! 】

[Obviously, your betrayal of the Advent Cult and your passing through the black passage have been exposed. 】

[The Advent Cult has followed the clues over the years and found your identity. 】

[In the hands of Xue San, you have no power to resist...]

[He searched your soul. 】

[Your consciousness gradually collapses...]

【you are dead! 】

【Ding, this simulation is over! 】

After the simulation ended, Su Xing frowned slightly.

"Have you only lived for 78 years... It seems that there are certain risks in rebelling against Adventism. This Bloody Three actually pursued me?"

"Obviously Hong Yue will not let others know about the space behind the black passage... Is that why the Advent Cult is chasing me?"

Su Xing guessed that maybe Xue San and even the entire Advent Sect had been looking for information about him, but they had to step up their invasion of Little Qingyun Realm in the past few years, so they had no time to target Su Xing.

And when the little Qingyun world was almost invaded, they freed up their hands to find Su Xing.

"However, the goal of this simulation has basically been achieved...the fifth level of the Mahayana stage is not bad..."

"The spiritual consciousness has also reached three thousand five hundred miles..."

Su Xing nodded slightly and looked at the reward for this simulation.

[Wind of the Broken Sleeve]: Purple talent, priced at 100 million energy points.

[70 years of alchemy experience]: After redemption, the existing alchemy insights will increase slightly, and the price is 7000 million energy.

[Three Thousand Five Hundred Miles of Spiritual Consciousness]: The divine consciousness of entering the subtle realm has reached the limit of ordinary Mahayana monks, and is sold for 22 billion energy.

[Fifth Level of Mahayana Stage]: Mahayana stage monks understand the power of the source, seek Tao Yun, the magic power resonates with the heaven and earth, and the sea of ​​spiritual power is endless... The price is 60 billion energy.

[Perception of the Heavenly Sword Art]: Dacheng-level Heavenly Sword Art, the true meaning of the sword has been understood to the Dacheng level, and the price is 15 billion energy.

In this simulation, the awakening goal is clear, so the reward options are relatively pure.

Without any hesitation, Su Xing silently said:

"I choose to bring out the fifth level of cultivation in the Mahayana stage...and the spiritual consciousness of [-] miles!"

As he finished speaking, the sound of the simulator sounded in his ears.

[Ding, you successfully brought out your spiritual consciousness for 22 miles, spending 142 billion energy, and the remaining energy is 3253 million points...]

[Ding, you successfully brought out the fifth level of Mahayana cultivation, spending 60 billion energy, and the remaining energy is 82 million points...]

The simulator beep sounded, and two mysterious energies poured into Su Xing's body.

The first is the huge improvement in cultivation!

The second level of the Mahayana period...the third level of the Mahayana period...the fourth level of the Mahayana period!

Su Xing successfully crossed a small bottleneck and became a mid-stage Mahayana monk!

But it was not over yet. Su Xing's cultivation level further improved, and it did not slowly stop until the fifth level of the Mahayana stage.

"The fifth level of the Mahayana stage...the strength of my magic power has surpassed that of a perfect monk in the Mahayana stage, and has touched the threshold of the Tribulation Stage!"

The corners of Su Xing's mouth raised slightly.

The improvement of the sea of ​​spiritual power is more powerful than Su Xing imagined.

Su Xing estimates that by the time he reaches the eighth or ninth level of the Mahayana stage, his magic power may have surpassed that of ordinary tribulation monks who have passed the "mana power barrier"!
And what’s improved this time is not just Su Xing’s Qi refining cultivation!

Su Xing's heart moved, he left the Lingtian Cave and appeared in the outside world.

Then the consciousness spread like a tide.

In just a few breaths, the awakened consciousness completely covered Kyoto City.

Then it spread to several cities around Kyoto...

In the end, almost the entire northern plain and two or three provinces in northern Daxia were affected by the awakening consciousness!
"The spiritual consciousness is three thousand five hundred miles away...just enough to be able to sense the situation of the two puppets heading to the Beiyuan Chamber of Commerce..."

Su Xing nodded slightly. Kyoto City is located in the northern part of Daxia, and Su Xing could sense the situation of the Beiyuan Chamber of Commerce.

But Jinling City or Guangzhou, which is further away, is more than ten thousand miles away from Su Xing, and Su Xing's current spiritual consciousness cannot cover it at all.

"If the range of divine consciousness can be increased to ten thousand miles long...even if I am in Kyoto, every move in Jinling City will be within my senses!"

Su Xing murmured, the strength of divine consciousness needs to be further improved!
Su Xing glanced at the time. Lu Yuanwu might have been waiting for a long time.

So Su Xing began to disguise himself and calm down, and went to meet Lu Yuanwu.

After a while, the awakening 40 billion simulated energy was obtained, and then Yu Jian went to the copy of the Xianwu Era.

In the next week, Su Xing continued to mine raw ores of foreign metals.

The raw ores of different metals will become an important source of energy for Awakening in the future.


A week passed quickly, and Su Xing took a batch of fourth-level exotic metal ores to meet Jin Congxue.

Since Su Xing was busy setting up formations in the previous week, the number of foreign metals was small.

As a result, the total energy of this week's goods plus foreign metals is only 25 billion.

After chatting with Jin Congxue, he woke up and returned to Lingtian Cave to prepare for the next simulation.

"Huh, there are still more than 140 billion of simulated energy left in hand, and there will be no shortage in a short time..."

"But always relying on yourself to mine exotic metals is not the answer. We have to find a way to develop a puppet that specializes in mining!"

Su Xing's current mastery of the puppet method is enough.

What's missing now is the puppet blueprint.

In the Three Thousand Worlds, there are naturally puppets who specialize in mining spiritual vein minerals.

The special design of this type of puppet enables it to mine ore at low cost and with high efficiency.

If Su Xing can get these puppet blueprints, he can save a lot of time.

"It seems that for this simulation to go to Luotian Dungeon, we need to specifically ask for advice on the refining method of this kind of puppet..."

Su Xing set a small goal in his mind.

Watching the simulation time cool down, wake up and prepare for simulation.

On April 2025, 4, in the new era, Su Xing started a new round of simulation on time.

"Start the simulation!"

【Ding!This simulation consumes 8500 energy points, leaving 147 remaining energy, and no remaining simulation times. 】

【The simulation starts! 】

[It costs 10 energy points to extract purple talents, and 100 million energy points to extract golden legendary talents. Do you want to extract them? 】

Su Xing did not hesitate and said decisively:

"Extract the golden talent!"

[Ding, congratulations on getting the golden talent regardless of martial ethics. The probability of getting the golden talent next time is 50%...]

[Not talking about martial arts]: Golden talent, this talent can only be used once per simulation. When facing an elder who is older than you, you can use "sneak attack", and the damage caused by the first attack will be doubled. (ps: Young man, you don’t follow martial ethics!)
"Damn it, another big hit!"

Su Xing took a deep breath and looked at the newly drawn golden talent introduction.

"Not talking about martial ethics... this seems to be a conceptual talent!"

"The damage of the first attack is doubled in the case of a sneak attack?"

Su Xing muttered, and then his eyes lit up.

The prerequisite is that the "elder" is older than Su Xing, which was directly ignored by Su Xing.

In the Three Thousand Worlds, those who are stronger than Su Xing are probably thousands or tens of thousands years older... The prerequisites for this talent can be said to be [-]% effective!
"Double the damage for the first time...this seems a bit fierce!"

Su Xing touched his chin. Currently, his strongest attack method is naturally the body-protecting sword, with 720 sword energy blasts!

Even a monk in the Tribulation Stage will be seriously injured or even die under this move...

Then if the damage is doubled again...

Su Xing is not sure whether he can kill a powerful person in the fairyland instantly. After all, the gap between immortals and mortals is too big!
If you don't become an immortal, you will end up as an ant...

But speaking of the previous sentence, 90.00% of monks in the Tribulation Stage will be instantly killed by the awakening move, so it shouldn’t be a big problem!
"Tsk tsk, there's something about this talent! I finally got a talent that directly enhances my strength!"

The corners of Su Xing's mouth raised slightly.

At the same time, I can’t wait to improve my understanding of the Heavenly Sword Technique!

If the Heavenly Sword Technique is upgraded to the state of perfection, coupled with the talent of "No Martial Arts", I am afraid that even immortals can be killed!

"It seems that the goal of this simulation has to be slightly changed..."

"This golden talent must be brought out, and secondly, the improvement of cultivation level cannot be ignored... Of course, it would be even better if one can comprehend the perfect Heavenly Sword Technique!"

Thinking of this, Su Xing looked at the simulation panel expectantly.

[In Lingtian Cave, you realize that you are in a simulation. 】

[You went to trade with Lu Yuanwu, and nothing unexpected happened during the process. 】

[Ten days later, you went to Luotian Dungeon. 】

[After coming out of the Luotian dungeon, you learned a lot about the way of puppets, and asked Granny Ghost for advice on how to make miner puppets. 】

[Some time later, under the leadership of Luo Shuying, you joined the Advent Cult. 】

[After joining the Advent Sect, you start daily practice and comprehend the Heavenly Sword Technique. 】

[You spend four hours every day practicing swordsmanship, and your swordsmanship slowly increases. 】

[At the same time, you also start to consume spiritual fluid and perform daily practice. 】

[In this way, three years have passed. 】

[In the third year, your understanding of the Heavenly Sword Technique has increased slightly, but you are far from reaching the perfect boundary of the origin of the sword. 】

[Every action has been experienced hundreds of thousands of times in your mind, and you have kept every sword move in mind. However, the enlightenment of the origin of the sword requires time and does not happen overnight. 】

[So, another three years have passed...]

[In the sixth year, your Qi refining cultivation has taken a further step, reaching the middle stage of the fifth level of the Mahayana period. 】

[In the seventh year, you remove the natural faction leader and replace him. 】

[In the eighth year, you designed to get rid of Long Laogou and eliminated a hidden disaster. 】

[Everything went as smoothly as you planned. 】

[And as time goes by, your mastery of the Heavenly Sword Technique gradually deepens, and your understanding of the origin of the sword becomes deeper and deeper. 】

[In the tenth year, you practiced in seclusion for a year, took millions of drops of middle-grade spiritual liquid, and became more and more advanced in your Qi refining. 】

[In Year No. 11, Blood Three comes to Blue Star. You offer the innate hibiscus branch and obtain the pass. 】

[You are not in a hurry to go to the Three Thousand Worlds, but stay in Blue Star to continue to learn swordsmanship and improve your cultivation. 】

[In this way, another three years have passed. 】

[In No. 14, your cultivation level has been upgraded to the late fifth level of the Mahayana period. 】

[In the same year, you went to the world of beast control and killed all the legendary and emperor-level aliens. 】

[No.15, you cherish your years on Blue Star.Because you know that if you go to the Three Thousand Worlds, it will be more or less dangerous. 】

[In Blue Star, at least for the first 30 years, you are absolutely safe. 】

[In the peaceful practice, another five years have passed. 】

[In No. 20, your cultivation has reached the peak of the fifth level of the Mahayana period, and you are only one step away from a breakthrough. 】

[No. 20 For one year, you still practice the Heavenly Sword Art for four hours every day, but you still haven't triggered your enlightenment. 】

In the real world, Su Xing sighed when he saw this.

"It's a pity... I still haven't realized the Heavenly Sword Jue... If I didn't realize it, I'm afraid it would take two or even three simulations to reach the perfect state, right?"

Before waking up, I also tried to practice the Heavenly Sword Art during the simulation, hoping to achieve enlightenment and save the number of simulations.

But if the epiphany has not been achieved, the awakening will not be delayed.

Only by improving your strongest moves can you gain immortal-level combat power as soon as possible!
After possessing the immortal fighting power, Su Xing can do more things, such as extending the Blue Star time...or exploring the secret realm of Xiao Qingyun Realm.

"The focus of this simulation is still on the comprehension of the Heavenly Sword Technique!"

Su Xing made up his mind and looked at the simulation panel.

[In the next two years, you will practice swordsmanship every day and accumulate knowledge. 】

[No. 20 In three years, you accumulated millions of drops of spiritual liquid, and in one go, you broke through to the sixth level of the Mahayana stage! 】

[And because of the existence of the Dragon of Spiritual Veins, the birth rate of spiritual liquid in Lingtian Cave is not slow, and you have more resources for practice. 】

[In this way, another five years have passed. 】

[No. 20 Eight years ago, you still failed to trigger the enlightenment of Heavenly Sword Art. 】

[This year, the Demon Saint with Double Eyes came to the Demon Suppression Pass. 】

[You repeated your old tricks and guarded the Yaozhen Pass for a full five years...]

[In the third year of No. 30, the Demon Saint with Double Eyes discovered the clues and left the Demon Suppression Pass. 】

[This year, your cultivation has reached the middle stage of the sixth level of the Mahayana period. 】

[Seeing that the Heavenly Sword Technique has been unable to be understood for a long time, you decided to go to the Three Thousand Worlds to see if you can find an opportunity. 】

[With your current grasp of the origin of space, you can bring out eight or nine cubic meters of resources. 】

[So you brought out all the tens of thousands of spirit-gathering flowers, and brought out the accumulated hundreds of thousands of drops of mid-grade spiritual liquid and millions of drops of low-grade spiritual liquid, keeping them as needed for cultivation. 】

[After doing all this, you went to the killing battlefield. 】

[Rush towards the direction of the red moon, you arrive at the end of the killing battlefield and enter that strange space. 】

In the real world, Su Xing saw this and muttered:
"Use Immersion... Duration 30 days!"

[Ding, you successfully used immersive simulation...the remaining energy is 146 billion points...]

The simulator beep sounded, and the awakening appeared in front of the familiar turbulence of the void.

Then he took the Qiling Pill, activated the blessing of great wisdom, awakened and summoned the body-protecting sword, and began to comprehend the power of space...


The immersive simulation ends and you wake up and return to the real world.

In the real world, Su Xing sighed.

"It's a pity, we are still a little short of reaching the master level of understanding the origin of space..."

Su Xing's heart moved, and he tried to stimulate the origin of space.

Although it has not reached the Dacheng level, the power of space in Su Xing's body must have been much stronger before.

At present, Su Xing can use the source of space to protect about sixteen cubic meters of space, and can bring more items to the Three Thousand Worlds!
"As for teleportation... it seems that anyone within a ten-mile radius can arrive immediately, and it can be used twice in a short period of time!"

Su Xing nodded with satisfaction, this teleportation ability.Whether it is used to show the saint in front of others or used to save lives, it is excellent!

He looked back at the simulation panel.

[After passing through the gate of the world, you arrived at the Little Qingyun Realm. 】

[Beyond the familiar Hundred Thousand Mountains, you wake up. 】

[Relying on the previous memory, you quickly anchored the coordinates and set off for Baidi City. 】

[You rented an inn in Baidi City and stayed there for a year. 】

[During this period, you sold a hundred spirit-gathering flowers and received 1000 million low-grade spirit stones. 】

[Although there are some risks, with your strength, you can still hold on to 1000 million spirit stones. 】

[No. 30 In the fourth year, you went to Tianji Pavilion, preparing to purchase relevant information. 】

[This time, the information you want to buy is how to quickly improve your swordsmanship. 】

[Although the conditions are a bit harsh, you still obtained a key piece of information at the cost of 800 million spirit stones. 】

[In the Three Thousand Worlds, there is a mysterious fruit called the Spirit Sword Fruit. This fruit contains the origin of the sword. If taken by a monk who is born with a sword, it can be worth hundreds of years of hard work for ordinary swordsmen, and they can gain a better understanding of the way of the sword. Big increase! 】

[After receiving this news, you were pleasantly surprised and wanted to buy the location information of the Spirit Sword Fruit. 】

[But this fruit is too rare and does not exist in the Little Qingyun World. Tianji Pavilion tells you that perhaps the big forces in the Three Thousand Worlds possess this kind of fruit. 】

[After hearing the news, you sighed, knowing that you had to go to Qingyun Sect again! 】

Su Xing raised his eyebrows as he looked at the words in front of him.

"Spiritual Sword Fruit...a magical fruit that can increase your understanding of the sword!"

"Three thousand worlds are indeed full of wonders... If these precious resources can be obtained, they will definitely allow me to grow rapidly!"

Taking one Spirit Sword Fruit is worth hundreds of years of hard work in practicing ordinary swordsmanship.

And Su Xing's natural sword body, after taking it, is probably worth ten years of hard training!

It is equivalent to the effect of Qiling Pill for one month!
After all this calculation, it’s not a bad idea to go to Qingyun Sect…

"Tsk, tsk, even though the mountain of Qingyunzi is pressing down on me, after going to Qingyun Sect, the simulation time will definitely be shortened... but those heavenly and earthly treasures are still too tempting!"

Su Xing knew that in the Xiao Qingyun world, as a casual cultivator with no foundation, it would be difficult for him to obtain such precious heavenly materials and earthly treasures.

But if you are in Qingyun Sect, it will be different...

Thinking this, Su Xing looked at the simulation panel.

[You make up your mind to go to Qingyun Sect. 】

[But before that, you must go to Xiao Qingyun City and contact the True Immortal of Danhuo. 】

[So you no longer hesitate, set off immediately, and arrived at Xiao Qingyun City by airship. 】

[You practice peacefully in Xiao Qingyun City. After a few years, the Qingyun Sect’s enrollment ceremony officially begins! 】

[After the enrollment was over, you showed your identity and got the attention of True Immortal Danhuo. He called himself a junior in front of you and treated you respectfully. 】

[Danhuo Zhenxian tells you that in a few years he will go to Qingyun Realm and return to Qingyun Sect. You can be with him then. 】

[You naturally agree, so you can practice peacefully in Xiao Qingyun City. 】

[In No. 40, your cultivation has improved again and reached the middle stage of the sixth level of the Qi Refining Mahayana period. 】

[At the same time, your understanding of the Heavenly Sword Technique has also become more refined, but what makes you a little disappointed is that you still failed to trigger the accidental epiphany. 】

[In the same year, under the leadership of the True Immortal Danhuo, you went to the Qingyun Realm. 】

[The flying boat shuttles through the void. One month later, you arrived at Qingyun Sect. 】

[At the same time, the news that Qingyunzi had not yet died spread throughout the entire sect. 】

[You have received precious gifts from several senior brothers and sisters, and you have also obtained a cave at the level of a cave. 】

[After some time, you contacted Fairy Ziling and traded with her using the Spirit Gathering Flower. 】

[You got 150 million contribution points, so you started thinking of ways to buy the Spirit Sword Fruit. 】

[The Spirit Sword Fruit is extremely rare, even for monks in the Immortal Realm, it is rare to find. 】

[But in Qingyun Sect, there are mountains of heavenly materials and earthly treasures. You still found the Spirit Sword Fruit in the sect’s treasure house. 】

[One Spirit Sword Fruit is worth 50 sect contribution points! 】

[Although the price is a bit expensive, you redeem it decisively. 】

[After redeeming the Spirit Sword Fruit, you return to the cave and prepare to take it. 】

[The Spirit Sword Fruit is golden in color and looks like a small sword. You just take a bite and the entire Spirit Sword Fruit turns into a sword light and escapes into your body. 】

[Then, you feel a wisp of the true meaning of the sword running around in your body. 】

[You quickly sit down and begin to digest this sword intent...]

[The natural sword body talent plays a great role at this moment. 】

[Three days later, when you opened your eyes again, a sword flashed through your eyes. 】

[Although taking the Spirit Sword Fruit does not allow you to directly comprehend the Heavenly Sword Art, it is worth your more than ten years of hard work. 】

[You can feel that you have already seen the threshold of the perfection of the sword's meaning. You can practice the sword for at most fifty or sixty years before you can successfully break through to the perfection of the sword's true meaning. 】

[The only pity is that such a precious spiritual fruit can only be consumed once per person in a lifetime. 】

In the real world, when Su Xing saw this, he felt a pang of regret in his heart.

"It's a pity... I took the Spirit Sword Fruit, but my sword intention still failed to be perfected..."

"This Heavenly Sword Technique is too difficult... I am born with a sword body, so it will take me one or two hundred years of hard training to get from the beginning to perfection."

"Then if it's an ordinary sword practice, wouldn't it take two to three thousand years to master it?"

Su Xing smacked his lips and felt a little emotional.

In this world of cultivating immortals, it is true that qualifications are important.

Ordinary monks can't practice swords at all!

The most difficult part of perfecting the Heavenly Sword Technique is to understand the origin of the sword...

The true meaning of the sword is the basic construction of the Dao of Swords. If you cultivate it perfectly, you can hope to enter the Dao with the sword and become a sword immortal!

However, it seems that it is not impossible for a monk in the immortal realm to live for ten thousand years and spend two to three thousand years to become a swordsman...

"It's just that there are still about twenty years left in the final time. I'm afraid this simulation of the Heavenly Sword Technique will be difficult to complete..."

Su Xing felt a little disappointed, but it was just a matter of simulating it one more time.

So, look at the simulation panel.

[After taking the Spirit Sword Fruit, your understanding of the sword's meaning will be greatly increased, but there is still some distance between you and the perfection of the origin of the sword. 】

[At this time, there are still more than ten years before Qingyunzi comes out of seclusion. 】

[You decided to maximize the value of the Qingyun Sect. After practicing, you recorded the heavenly materials and earthly treasures in the Qingyun Sect's treasure house, hoping to see if there were any treasures that could be of great use to you. 】

[After your statistics, I was surprised to find that there are even many treasures at the level of innate treasures and acquired treasures in the Qingyun Sect's treasure house! 】

[These treasures have been listed on the Tianji Pavilion's "Heaven, Earth and People" list. If they were in the outside world, they would definitely cause a bloody battle among monks in the small world. 】

[But within the Qingyun Sect, as long as there is enough contribution from the sect, even an ordinary disciple can redeem it. 】

[Of course, this contribution is an astronomical figure, and it is not easy for even a second-generation disciple to come up with it. 】

[You did not pay too much attention to those treasures, but looked for these treasures of heaven and earth that are useful to you. 】

[Among them, you discovered a ninth-level elixir called "Xuan Shen Dan", which can promote the growth of spiritual consciousness. When you take it when practicing spiritual consciousness skills, the effect is outstanding. 】

[A Mysterious God Pill is worth [-] contribution points and can be taken multiple times. It is an affordable pill that you can exchange for. 】

[There is also a "body-building liquid" that can temper the body, which is of great benefit to physical training and strengthening the physical body...]

[After you record the effects of some heavenly materials and earthly treasures, you will continue to practice hard. 】

In the real world, Su Xing saw this and muttered:
“Use immersive…”


After the immersive simulation ended, Su Xing nodded with satisfaction. Su Xing had memorized most of the treasures in the Qingyun Sect's treasure house.

If necessary in the future, Su Xing can accumulate contribution points and redeem them.

He looked back at the simulation panel.

[Qingyunzi will not leave seclusion within ten years, and you are safe during this period, so I plan to stay a little longer. 】

[Your Dongtian Mansion is full of spiritual energy, practice every day, and your cultivation is progressing very quickly. 】

[Three years have passed like this...]

[No. 40 In three years, your cultivation level has been upgraded to the late sixth level of the Mahayana period. 】

[At the same time, your understanding of the true meaning of the sword is also constantly increasing. 】

[You continue to practice in the Qingyun Sect, and occasionally use the channels of the Qingyun Sect to inquire about news about the Three Thousand Worlds. 】

[What you are most concerned about is the strength and cadre composition of the Advent Sect! 】

[According to the information from the Qingyun Sect, the Adventist Sect was first born several Huiyuan ago. It was a pagan organization that was born only after the destruction of the Luotian Realm. 】

[And the most mysterious and powerful person of the Advent Cult is naturally its leader - Blood Immortal! 】

[It is rumored that the Blood Immortal has the strength of the Great Luo Golden Immortal and is also the top powerhouse in the Three Thousand Worlds! 】

[Under the Blood Immortal, there are cadres with the code name of Blood. 】

[It has been confirmed by the Qingyun Sect that all cadres with blood code numbers within ten have the strength of the Golden Immortal Realm! 】

[And within twenty with the blood code number, those who have cultivation level above True Immortal...]

[Even the cadres with the blood code number [-] have reached the peak of human immortality with their strength. 】

[After learning this information, you were very surprised and became even more fearful of the Advent Cult. 】

[Such terrifying strength is hardly any weaker than that of the Qingyun Sect...]

[You know from the intelligence that the major cadres of the Advent Sect are often scattered in various small worlds, cooperating with foreign invasions. 】

[And the world that is being invaded and losing contact with the outside world is called the Chaotic World...]

[Once invaded by aliens, there is almost no possibility of taking it back... Everything in the world will become food for the aliens. 】

In the real world, Su Xing frowned when he saw this.

"According to this logic, Blue Star...should belong to the chaotic world?"

"No wonder...except for the Advent Cult, almost no top forces can intervene...It seems that the aliens regard Blue Star as their meal!"

Su Xing sighed, feeling a little helpless.

The huge gap between Blue Star and the foreign races almost makes any human race despair.

In the original timeline, in just 15 years, the entire Blue Star and the surrounding copy worlds would be swallowed up.

And this is not the limit. As long as the foreign race frees up its hands, even if it only discharges one strong person above the god level, I am afraid that this time will be shortened rapidly.

"However, it's different now... As long as I subtly enhance the strength of the human race and strengthen myself... so what if the aliens invade?"

Su Xing always had some confidence in his heart. As long as he was given time, even the strongest aliens would be crushed by them!
Perhaps, waking up will be the only variable...

He looked back at the simulation panel.

[You have gained a lot of information from the Qingyun Sect and have a deeper understanding of the Three Thousand Worlds. 】

[For the next seven years, you will stay in Qingyun Sect with peace of mind. 】

[In the year, your cultivation has reached the peak of the sixth level of the Mahayana period, and you are only one step away from breaking through to the seventh level of the Mahayana period! 】

[You know that in a few years, Qingyunzi will be released from seclusion. 】

[So you requested to leave Qingyun Sect and go to other worlds to experience. 】

[Because of the previous experience, the information you reported is to stay in Qingyun Realm for experience. 】

[But in private, you quietly contacted Fairy Ziling and asked her to take you to Xiao Qingyun Realm and keep it a secret for you. 】

[In return, you gave her an additional thousand spirit-gathering flowers, and she also sent you to Xiao Qingyun Realm. 】

[After returning to Xiao Qingyun Realm, you disguised yourself, established a new identity, and stayed in Baidi City to practice with peace of mind. 】

[In this way, five years have passed. 】

[In five years, you take out millions of drops of high-grade spiritual liquid obtained from Qingyun Sect, and prepare to break through to the seventh level of the Mahayana stage in one breath! 】

[You succeeded, congratulations on becoming a late Mahayana monk...]

[But in the past five years, your understanding of the Heavenly Sword Art has become more and more pure, and you have vaguely touched the threshold of perfection. 】

[In the same year, you felt that it was not safe to stay in Baidi City, so you prepared to leave Baidi City and go to a farther city. 】

[You take the airship and prepare to go to Tianji City. 】

[This is the main city of Tianji Pavilion in Xiao Qingyun Realm. The business is extremely developed, even more prosperous than Baidi City. 】

[You took the January airship, traveled tens of millions of miles, arrived at Tianji City, and lurked in Tianji City. 】

[So, three years have passed...]

[Eight years ago, you wanted to become the guest elder of Tianji Pavilion, but you learned that Tianji Pavilion does not recruit members from the outside. 】

[All members of Tianji Pavilion have been trained since childhood...]

[In desperation, you can only give up. 】

[Nine years ago, you suddenly received news that Tianji Pavilion was preparing to evacuate its layout in Xiaoqingyun Realm, leaving only some Tianji Pavilion shops to sell information, but Tianji City was almost evacuated overnight...]

Su Xing saw this slightly frowned, and murmured:
"Nine years... At this time, Qingyunzi should have been released from seclusion!"

"So, what kind of news has Tianji Pavilion received? You feel that Xiao Qingyun Realm cannot be defended, so you plan to run away in advance?"

Su Xing can understand this.

Strictly speaking, the branches of these large neutral forces, such as Baidi City and Tianji Pavilion, in various small worlds are like overseas investments...

But now that overseas wars are serious and profits are low, it is natural to withdraw investment...

"Tianji Pavilion is going to run away... I also have to leave Tianji City as soon as possible..."

Su Xing thought so, and looked at the simulation panel again.

[Tianji Pavilion is getting depressed day by day, and you are also ready to run away. 】

[There are not many choices left for you at this time. 】

[You have stayed in Baidi City before, and it is easy to leave clues and be discovered by Qingyunzi. 】

[Going to Xiao Qingyun City is tantamount to seeking death. 】

[After careful consideration, you decide to go to Demon City! 】

[Tianmo City is the main city of Tianmo Prison. It is located in the southernmost part of Xiao Qingyun Realm. It is also the frontline area for fighting against alien races...]

[From the south to the north of Tianji Pavilion, there are hundreds of millions of miles away...]

[You took the airship for several months, circumnavigating the entire Hundred Thousand Mountains, and then stopped outside a small city thousands of miles away from Tianmo City. 】

[On the next journey, you plan to fly with your sword, so as to expose the least traces. 】

[You have lost your composure, changed your identity several times, and blocked your own secrets, hoping to escape Qingyunzi's induction. 】

[In No. 60, after many twists and turns, you finally arrived at Tianmo City. 】

[Compared to several other cities, the number of monks in Tianmo City is much smaller, and the fairy merchant trade is far inferior to that of other cities. 】

[But the monks in Tianmo City are more powerful, their cultivation is more advanced, and they are full of murderous aura. 】

[Along the way, you rarely see monks below the Return to Void stage in the city. Instead, monks in the Fusion stage and Mahayana stage dominate. 】

[But what you never expected was that as soon as you arrived, you were captured and made into a strong man, and forced to the front line of the battlefield. 】

[On the frontline battlefield, many monks die in battle every day. Even immortals dare not say that they can save their lives. 】

[After only a few months on the frontline battlefield, you have sensed a lot of immortal-level alien auras, which are extremely threatening to you. 】

[You quickly realized that the front line was not a place suitable for you, so you showed your alchemy and talisman skills, showing that you could refine and make seventh- and eighth-level elixirs. 】

[As an alchemy master and a talisman master, you have been dropped into the logistics unit. This place is undoubtedly much safer. 】

[What you need to do every day is to refine the amount of elixirs and talismans, and the remaining time will be used to practice your sword intent. 】

[In places very close to the battlefield, you see familiar faces disappearing every day. 】

[This feeling is very familiar to you, as if you have returned to those days on the Blue Star decades ago. 】

[This makes you work harder to understand the Heavenly Sword Art... I hope to reach perfection as soon as possible! 】

[It seems that the chill and fighting on the battlefield have changed your mood...]

[No. 60: In the third year after arriving in Tianmo City, one day when you were practicing your sword, you fell into a mysterious realm. 】

[Congratulations, you triggered a serendipitous epiphany! 】

[In your senses, every move and style of the sword seems to have its own charm. Every scene of sword practice for hundreds of years seems to be vivid in your mind. 】

[Sword power, sword energy...power, speed! 】

[At this moment, you seem to have caught an unusual detail... This is something you have never noticed before! 】

[This epiphany lasted for seven days and seven nights! 】

[This is the longest epiphany you have ever had...]

[And your understanding of the Heavenly Sword Art has also successfully entered the realm of perfection! 】

[Subsequently, the true meaning of the sword you carry has also reached its perfect state...]

[But the rewards of this epiphany are more than that! 】

[What excites you most is that in the epiphany, you know the path you will take next! 】

[Integrate the Heavenly Sword Technique's sword power, sword energy, power and speed... and then combine it with the sword's intention to break through to the realm of perfection! 】

[Three talents of swordsmanship, the three swords of heaven, earth and man merge into one...you can enter the Tao with your sword! 】

【Become a Sword Immortal! 】

(End of this chapter)

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