Others practice leveling, I cultivate immortality, go out to Mahayana before leaving the mountain

Chapter 265: 6 levels of becoming an immortal, steps to becoming an immortal!

Chapter 265 Six Levels of Immortality, Steps to Becoming an Immortal! (Two in one, please vote for me!)
[After breaking through to the late Mahayana stage, the sea of ​​spiritual energy in your body expands by more than [-]%, and your powerful mana is almost comparable to that of a monk in the Tribulation Stage! 】

[After the retreat, you are satisfied and know that in a few years the god-level aliens will come. 】

[But you also know that the Blue Star crisis cannot be completely solved with the current strength, so you might as well prepare in advance to go to the Three Thousand Worlds! 】

[The continuous improvement of the origin of space allows you to bring the material capacity of three thousand worlds to sixteen cubic meters. 】

[So you can have the luxury of packing away all the spiritual liquid, spirit-gathering flowers, precious herbs, etc. you have accumulated over the years. 】

[You keep moving forward in the direction of the red moon and reach the end of the killing battlefield. 】

[After showing the pass, you came to that mysterious space...]

In the real world, Su Xing nodded slightly when he saw this.

"Yes, in less than 40 years, we have reached the late Mahayana stage!"

"It seems that in this simulation, it is not difficult to reach the eighth level of the Mahayana stage..."

"And the understanding of the origin of space is also constantly deepening... The goal of this immersive simulation is to reach the master level of understanding of the origin of space!"

Su Xing's heart moved and he muttered silently:
"Use an immersive simulation, lasting 30 days!"

[Ding, you successfully used...the remaining energy is 191 million points.]

The simulator beep sounded, and Su Xing appeared in a familiar alien space.

Later, Su Xing decisively took the Qiling Pill, stimulated a state of great wisdom, and began to understand the origin of the surrounding space.

As Su Xing continues to master the origin of space, the time he can survive in the turbulence of the void is getting longer and longer.

This also means that the higher the efficiency of awakening and understanding the origin of space!

In this way, the positive cycle continues, and Su Xing's understanding of the origin of space continues to deepen...

After four days of immersive simulation No. 20, Su Xing’s understanding of the origin of space finally reached the level of mastery!

The remaining six days were not wasted when he woke up and continued to comprehend in the void...


The immersive simulation ends quickly and you wake up back to the real world.

With a movement in his heart, a ray of space origin was like a transparent snake, wrapped around the awakening arm.

Su Xing controlled this source of power and tried to wrap the storage ring.

After several attempts, Su Xing had a smile in his eyes.

"Not bad! The origin of space is great, and the power of the origin can control more than fifty cubic meters of space!"

For Su Xing, a fifty cubic meter storage ring can almost take away most of his valuable items in Lingtian Cave!
Spirit-gathering flowers, spiritual stones, spiritual fluids, elixirs, various precious medicinal materials, talismans, etc...

These will all be important aids after awakening and entering the Three Thousand Worlds!

"At this rate, when the origin of space is complete, we may be able to bring hundreds of cubic meters of supplies!"

"If you truly understand the way of space... I'm afraid you can take the entire Lingtian Cave with you!"

Thinking of this, Su Xing's little heart was beating fast.

If Lingtian Dongtian can bring the three thousand worlds, it means that the dragon of spiritual veins can also be brought with it!
By then, the speed of awakening practice will be further improved!
"Huh... But the comprehension of the Space Avenue is a little difficult for me for the time being... This is something that can only be considered after reaching the Immortal Realm!"

"What we need to do now is still to improve our cultivation and spiritual consciousness..."

Su Xing thought about it secretly and looked at the simulation panel again.

[When you wake up again, you have appeared in the north of Shiwanda Mountain. 】

[Familiar location, a storage ring in your hand contains most of your wealth. 】

[Compared with before, this time traveling through space has less impact on you. You are just slightly out of breath but not injured. 】

[After adjusting your breath, you fly with your sword and head to Baidi City. 】

[You used the pseudonym Su Ye, showed strength comparable to that of a monk in the Tribulation Period, and became a third-class guest elder in Baidi City. 】

[This simulation, you are going to try, the maximum time you can simulate is, so you do not plan to join the Qingyun Sect. 】

[You are practicing in the cave of Baidi City. Tens of thousands of spirit-gathering flowers cooperate with the spirit-gathering array to make your cave aura as full as the cave heaven. 】

[The only thing that gives you a little headache is that the competition in the Taixu Realm here is too great, which is far less than the growth of spiritual consciousness brought about by your honest practice of "Wishful Contemplation". 】

[No. 40, one and a half years after arriving in Xiao Qingyun Realm, your consciousness broke through to [-] miles with difficulty. 】

[The daily practice of wishful thinking makes your spiritual consciousness stronger and stronger. Vaguely, you feel that you have a premonition...]

[This kind of hunch is the ability to avoid unknown risks, and it is the ability to sense the essence and characteristics of things... You know in your heart that this is the realm of six senses! 】

[It is said in ancient books that only after spiritual consciousness reaches the realm of six consciousnesses can one achieve great wisdom, be able to discern the essence of things, study things to gain knowledge, and have a great improvement in understanding! 】

[You know in your heart that you are still some distance away from the six realms of spiritual consciousness, so you work harder to practice...]

[No.40 One year, the growth of spiritual consciousness is getting slower and slower, so you decide to go to Tianji Pavilion to buy relevant information to see if there are any heavenly materials and earthly treasures that can increase spiritual consciousness. 】

[You spent millions of spiritual stones and successfully purchased relevant information. 】

[You have heard that in addition to the Concentrating Spirit Tree, Perseverance Grass and Andrographis Paniculata are also rare herbs for tempering spiritual consciousness, assisting in cultivation, and getting twice the result with half the effort! 】

In the real world, Su Xing grinned when he saw this.

"Hey, is this a coincidence? I should have the Perseverance Grass in my hand!"

"As for Andrographis paniculata...if I remember correctly, there seems to be a lot of stock in the upcoming secret realms of the Tribulation Period?"

Su Xing's heart moved. Among the information he had obtained before, there were several secret realms that would be opened in the future.

"Andrographis paniculata... There seems to be this kind of natural treasure in the secret realm left by the black-hearted old man, and there are quite a lot of it..."

"If I remember correctly, there is an unformed prototype of an immortal treasure in that secret realm?"

Su Xing touched his chin and felt it was time to explore some secrets.

Su Xing has the natural advantage of mastering each secret realm in advance, and can easily obtain the natural and earthly treasures in it.

Even some precious treasures may not be visible even in Qingyun Sect!

Thinking this, Su Xing looked at the simulation panel.

[No.40 In the second year, after some planning, you went to the black-hearted old man’s secret realm. 】

[This secret realm is only ten thousand miles away from Baidi City. Most of the monks competing for it are in the Tribulation Stage, so there is almost no risk to you. 】

[The only thing that needs to be noted is that the black-hearted old man was an evil cultivator during his lifetime. There are many traps in the secret realm he left behind... You need to avoid these traps in advance according to the information in your memory. 】

[You come to the place where the secret realm is in advance and enter it the moment the secret realm is opened. At this time, most monks don’t know that the secret realm is open...]

[You rely on the memory in your mind to perfectly avoid all traps. 】

[A week later, you left the secret realm and looted all the heavenly materials, earthly treasures, etc. in the secret realm...]

[At this moment, most of the monks arrived belatedly and entered the secret realm to explore. 】

[One month later, an interesting news came to Baidi City. 】

[The Black-Hearted Old Man’s secret realm is a trap, and there are no natural or earthly treasures in it. More than [-]% of the hundreds of monks who explored the secret realm were killed, but they did not receive any benefits...]

[After hearing this information, an inexplicable smile appeared on your face. 】

[You will take out dozens of Andrographis paniculata obtained from the secret realm one by one, take one every month, and your spiritual consciousness will progress rapidly...]

[So, four years have passed...]

[No.40 In six years, the range of your consciousness has increased to six thousand miles! 】

[This has exceeded the limit of ordinary Mahayana monks. Even the Tribulation Phase monks who have passed the spiritual consciousness level are almost only at this strength. 】

[But you still feel that you are still a long way from the upper limit...]

[Ordinary monks who want to practice spiritual consciousness, in addition to their own talents, need to swallow the treasures of heaven and earth, or practice the secret method of spiritual consciousness. 】

[But the treasures of heaven, materials and earth are difficult to obtain, and the spiritual consciousness and secret methods have an upper limit...]

[The reason why you are able to have such a powerful spiritual consciousness, in addition to the important role of the Concentration Pill, is the help of the Ruyi Concept and the Spirit of Taixu! 】

[Unfortunately, the effect of the Concentrating Pill is getting weaker and weaker now, so you can only try other heavenly materials and earthly treasures. 】

[In the same year, you started taking Perseverance Grass, and worked hard to practice and improve your spiritual consciousness...]

[Year, the range of your consciousness reached [-] miles! 】

[You are getting closer and closer to entering the realm of six spiritual consciousnesses. 】

[In one year, your cultivation reaches the middle stage of the eighth level of Mahayana...]

[You have almost exhausted the heavenly materials and earthly treasures you obtained in the secret realm, and the speed of improving your spiritual consciousness has slowed down again. 】

[Fortunately, you found out that at the Tianji Pavilion Auction House, there were recently several bottles of elixirs for increasing spiritual consciousness being auctioned. 】

[So you are going to go and auction the elixir. 】

[You finally purchased several bottles of ninth-level elixirs including Awakening Pill, Ten Thousand Soul Pills, etc. for 3000 million spirit stones. 】

[You don’t feel bad about the spiritual stones you spent, because these spiritual stones were easily obtained after you sold the prototype of the black-hearted old man’s fairy treasure. 】

In the real world, Su Xing nodded slightly when he saw this.

"With my strength in the tribulation period, I am invincible to the immortals... Taking out tens of millions of low-grade spiritual stones is not a waste of money..."

If you are a combined or even Mahayana monk, if you take out this spiritual stone, you may be robbed by evil cultivators.

But Su Xing's strength is enough to protect this kind of wealth. As long as the wealth of hundreds of millions of spiritual stones is not exposed, ordinary monks in the tribulation stage will not fight to the death with Su Xing...

"With these pills, the improvement of spiritual consciousness shouldn't be too slow!"

Su Xing rubbed his chin and murmured.

In this simulation, he did not appear in the Qingyun Sect. Coupled with his own heavenly shield, Qingyunzi's memory has not been fully restored, so it is not easy to find his awakening.

What Su Xing is worried about is that the Advent Cult is hunting him down.

Therefore, waking up must be in a safe place...

After thinking about it, Su Xing still felt that Tianmo City was the best fit for him!
"The Demonic City... although it is located on the front line, has persisted the longest, and even the Demonic Generals have incarnated themselves to guard it... Presumably the Advent Sect does not dare to go there easily!"

Su Xing nodded slightly, his mind made up, and he looked at the simulation panel.

[After participating in the auction, there will be no shortage of cultivation resources in a short period of time. You can continue to practice hard. 】

[In the blink of an eye, another four years have passed...]

[In five years, your spiritual consciousness has grown to six thousand seven hundred miles, and your practice of wishful thinking has deepened. 】

[In nine years, your consciousness has grown to seven thousand miles, and all the elixirs obtained from the previous auction have been used up...]

[But you still have not reached the current upper limit of your spiritual consciousness... You are very surprised by this. The higher the upper limit, the stronger your spiritual consciousness will be when you become an immortal in the future! 】

[In No. 60, you performed divination and calculated that if you continued to stay in Baidi City, you might be in trouble in the future. 】

[In recent years, the situation in Shiwandashan has become worse and worse, and the number of monks in Baidi City has become less and less. You know that the Adventist Cult may have freed up its hands to look for you. 】

[So you make a quick decision and take the airship to Heavenly Demon City! 】

[A few months later, you arrived at Demon City...]

[When we arrived at Tianmo City, the premonition of danger was much lessened. Even though the Advent Sect was like a poisonous snake in the darkness, they would not be stupid enough to attack the frontline monks of Tianmo City...]

[Because, most of the elite monks in the Xiao Qingyun world are gathered here! 】

[At this time, Tianmo City is recruiting monks from Xiaoqingyun Realm to jointly resist the aliens. 】

[And you have shown the level of an eighth-level alchemist and a ninth-level formation master, and you have been included among the logistics monks of Tianmo City. 】

[As before, your daily time is relatively free. In addition to the monthly quota of elixirs and repair formations, you spend most of your time practicing. 】

[So, another four years have passed...]

[No.60 In four years, your consciousness has grown to seven thousand two hundred miles. 】

[There are relatively few cultivation resources in Tianmo City, so your consciousness is slowly improving. 】

[In the fifth year of No. 60, your cultivation has reached the late eighth level of the Mahayana period...]

[As the level of Qi refining cultivation increases, the speed of your cultivation gradually slows down. 】

[This year, you accidentally received a piece of news on the front line. Many powerful red-eyed aliens appeared on the front line, which caused great trouble to the monks...]

In the real world, Su Xing frowned slightly when he saw this.

"The alien race with red eyes, could it be Red Moon?"

"Could it be that... Hongyue was resurrected so soon?"

Su Xing fell into deep thought.

Five years after simulation No. 60, in this timeline, Blue Star should have died... and been swallowed by a giant beast.

And whether Hong Yue is resurrected or not, Su Xing doesn't know.

It's just that the red-eyed alien race is probably dominated by the red moon...

"Tsk, tsk, a foreign evil god who was once comparable to Da Luo's realm, his strength must not have returned to its peak, right?"

Su Xing smacked his lips. It was extremely difficult for a powerful living entity to be injured, but once injured, it was even more difficult to recover.

What's more, for an evil god who is comparable to the Great Luo Jinxian, if he wants to be resurrected, even if he plans for ten thousand years, he may not be able to return to his heyday...

"It's a pity that even if he returns to the realm of Jinxian and Taiyi... he will not be able to be stopped by the monks from the Little Qingyun Realm, unless other big forces intervene..."

Su Xing sighed slightly and silently recorded the news of Hong Yue's resurrection.

After the awakening strength is strong enough, the red moon, which has not yet returned to its full glory, may be an opportunity for awakening...

"Next, let's steadily improve our strength... and simulate it for as long as possible!"

Su Xing thought so, looking at the simulation panel.

[No. 60 In the eighth year, the situation in Tianmo City became increasingly worse, and more and more monks were killed and injured on the front lines. 】

[Tianmo City has also mobilized monks from the Little Qingyun Realm more and more frequently. 】

[The aspiring monks took the initiative to go to Tianmo City to participate in the war, but more monks were forcibly recruited by Tianmo City. 】

[Fortunately, you have a pretty good life in Tianmo City. Because you joined earlier and are proficient in alchemy and array formation, many monks respect you very much. 】

[But in recent years, as the pressure on the front line has increased greatly, more and more logistics monks have encountered foreign sneak attacks. 】

[You are always vigilant for possible alien sneak attacks. 】

[No.60 In the ninth year, the city you are in was unfortunately attacked by a god-level alien race. 】

[The tribulation period monks in the city tried their best to resist, but with little success. 】

[At the critical moment, you take action with your sword, and 720 sword beams are fired at once, almost killing this god-level alien on the spot. 】

[After this battle, you will become famous...]

[Your treatment and training resources in Tianmo City have been slightly improved. 】

[In this way, another three years have passed. 】

[No.70 In the second year, the range of your consciousness increased to [-] miles. 】

[And the situation in Tianmo City is getting worse...]

[With the continuous invasion of alien races, I don’t know how long Tianmo City can resist...]

[In Xiao Qingyun Realm, major forces began to retreat one after another, making Xiao Qingyun Realm increasingly empty. 】

[Three years have passed again...]

[No.70 In five years, your consciousness has grown to seven thousand eight hundred miles. 】

[In the same year, your cultivation reached the peak of the eighth level of the Mahayana period, and you began to break through in retreat...]

[No. 70, your first breakthrough failed in six years, but you were not discouraged, but continued to accumulate strength...]

【In this way, another three years have passed. 】

[No.70 In the ninth year, your consciousness has grown to eight thousand miles in this year! 】

[In the same year, your frontline troops were attacked by aliens and suffered heavy casualties...]

[A god-level alien attacks you, and the surrounding tribulation-level monks are desperately trying to resist it...]

[All the monks place their hopes on you, hoping that you can strike out with one sword and severely injure the god-level aliens like you did ten years ago! 】

[But it is a pity that your current strength is still far behind the human fairyland. Without the blessing of talents without martial ethics, you are constantly suppressed by this alien race...]

[You cooperated with several tribulation stage monks and managed to delay for hundreds of rounds, but you were still killed by this god-level alien...]

【you are dead! 】

【Ding, this simulation is over! 】

After the simulation ended, Su Xing breathed a sigh of relief.

"It was only simulated for 79 years... And in No. 70, the Little Qingyun Realm did not fall..."

Su Xing began to analyze that although the Xiaoqingyun world was at a disadvantage against the foreign races, after all, its overall strength was strong. According to this trend, it might not be a problem to persist for more than 100 years...

"It's a pity. If the major forces have not withdrawn and continue to hold on, it is possible to hold on even for 200 years!"

Su Xing shook his head slightly. In 79, this was the longest time he had ever simulated.

Moreover, the cause of death was not the destruction of Little Qingyun Realm, but his own lack of strength to withstand the repeated attacks of the god-level aliens...

"Aliens with low-level divine power are equivalent to monks in the realm of human immortals... And every time in the simulation, I only made one shot that was as powerful as a human immortal, but it was still a little weaker..."

"Currently, in addition to improving your cultivation, the fastest way to improve your strength is the body-protecting sword!"

Su Xing felt something in his heart.

Originally, 720 body-protecting swords were his limit.

But now that the awakening sword intention is complete and the true meaning of the sword has almost entered the kendo, this upper limit has been further increased!
"If I have more than 1000 body-protecting swords, even without the help of martial arts talent, I'm afraid I can fight against the human fairyland!"

Su Xing took a deep breath and felt strong confidence in his heart. "But this time, let's take a look at the simulation rewards first..."

Su Xing looked at the reward list.

[Master of Enchantment]: Purple talent, priced at 100 million points of energy.

[60 years of alchemy experience]: After redemption, the existing alchemy insights will increase slightly, and the price is 6000 million energy.

[Eighth Level of the Mahayana Stage]: A monk in the Mahayana Stage understands the power of the source, seeks the Tao Yun, the magic power resonates with the heaven and the earth, and the sea of ​​spiritual power is endless... The price is 60 billion energy.

[Eight Thousand Miles of Spiritual Consciousness (Entering the Micro Realm)]: The range of divine consciousness reaches eight thousand miles, and the strength of divine consciousness is already equivalent to that of a monk in the Tribulation Stage. It only takes one step further to reach the realm of six consciousnesses. The price is 45 billion energy.

Su Xing looked at the simulation reward in front of him, without much hesitation, and said silently:

"Exchange for the eighth level of cultivation in the Mahayana stage...and eight thousand miles of divine consciousness!"

[Ding, you successfully brought out the eighth level of Mahayana cultivation, spending 60 billion energy, and the remaining energy is 131 million points...]

[Ding, you successfully brought out your spiritual consciousness eight thousand miles away, spending 45 billion energy and leaving 86 million points of remaining energy...]

The simulator beep sounded, and two waves of mysterious energy poured into Su Xing's body.

In just a few breaths, Xing Xing's cultivation momentum began to increase dramatically.

The fifth level of the Mahayana period...the sixth level of the Mahayana period...the seventh level of the Mahayana period!

After reaching the late Mahayana stage, Su Xing's cultivation level went further, directly breaking through to the eighth level of the Mahayana stage!

And the aura keeps rising until it is close to the eighth level peak of the Mahayana stage...

After a while, Su Xing adapted to the surge in cultivation, slowly opened his eyes, and said with satisfaction:
"Yes, the eighth level peak of the Mahayana stage... Based on this calculation, the next simulation breakthrough to the completion of the Mahayana stage is bound to be achieved!"

After a pause, Su Xing murmured:
"After the breakthrough to the Mahayana period is complete, we have to consider overcoming the tribulation and ascending..."

"But for now, let's get used to the new consciousness first!"

Su Xing's heart moved, he left Lingtian Cave and appeared in the dormitory.

Then, with Daxia Kyoto City as the center, the awakened consciousness spread out in all directions like a tide.

In an instant, it enveloped the entire city of Kyoto...then a thousand miles, three thousand miles...five thousand miles, eight thousand miles!

With Su Xing as the center, everything within a radius of eight thousand miles is within the range of Su Xing's spiritual consciousness!
If the normal state is maintained, as long as a strong person with high vital signs appears, it will attract attention.

If the magical power of entering the subtle realm of consciousness is activated, even the slightest movement will not escape the awakening perception...

"It's a pity that maintaining high-intensity observation is very draining on the spirit..."

Su Xing murmured, then withdrew his consciousness.

Currently, the scope of the awakened consciousness is a perfect circle with a radius of eight thousand miles!
Towards the north, the scope of the awakened consciousness has exceeded the Great Xia Kingdom and reaches the Northern Wilderness Kingdom further north.

Facing south, the awakened consciousness is already close to the central and southern part of Daxia Kingdom, only a thousand miles away from Jinling City.

But for the sake of caution, the awakened consciousness did not involve Shuangqing City to prevent it from being sensed by Long Laogou.

Facing east, what Su Xing senses is the vast sea, almost reaching the border of Huangdao Kingdom.

"Under the Immortal Realm, the consciousness is so vast... Then if it is an Immortal, wouldn't it be able to cover the entire world?"

Su Xing's eyes were solemn. Maybe the divine consciousness of Jinxian and Daluo Jinxian could cover the entire Xiaoqian World!
"It seems that from now on, I must be careful when facing powerful people... Otherwise, every move I make may be under their surveillance!"

Su Xing murmured.

After taking a look at the time, Lu Yuanwu had probably arrived at the agreed place.

So he regained his composure and went to meet Lu Yuanwu.

Soon the transaction ended, and nearly 40 billion more simulated energy appeared on the awakening panel.

Yujian went to the Immortal Martial Era dungeon, and when he woke up, he stopped outside the exotic metal veins, opened the formation restriction, and entered it.

"Hey, the miner puppet is very powerful!"

Su Xing looked at the neatly cut raw ore of foreign metals and patted the miner's puppet on the head happily.

"Speaking of which, this miner's puppet has a big head, so why not call him Big Head..."

Su Xing rubbed his chin and muttered, then replaced the miner's puppet with a new spirit stone.

According to this progress, it is estimated that the miner puppet can dig out more than 500 cubic meters of raw ore of different metals in a week, which is more efficient than Su Xing believed.

After waking up, he entered Lingtian Cave and began to forge the next miner puppet.


A week later, Su Xing moved a newly refined miner puppet to the exotic metal vein and then activated it.

"Yes, with my current puppet skills, I can forge a complete one in a week, while the other can only be polished into a shell..."

"According to this progress, if we work hard in two weeks, it won't be a big problem to forge a three-headed miner puppet!"

Su Xing muttered a few words.

Then he looked at the time and estimated that Jin Congxue was already waiting in the villa.

So Su Xing also packed up and left the Immortal Martial Era dungeon.

A few hours later, Su Xing appeared in Jin Congxue's villa.

Jin Congxue wore a cool long skirt today and greeted Su Xing from afar.

"Busy man, what are you busy with this week?"

Jin Congxue blinked her eyes playfully, and then asked in a low voice:

"Ahem, are there any new tasks assigned by the organization?"

Su Xing was stunned for a moment when he saw Jin Congxue suddenly being mysterious. Then he came to his senses, thought about it and said:
"That's about it... Let you open up the market in the United States! Get more Abyss Stones!"

After hearing this, Jin Congxue patted her plump chest and said righteously: "It's all on me!"

After finishing the meal quickly, Su Xing handed over this week's [-] cubic meters of exotic metals to Jin Congxue.

Then the Bigu Pill and the Beauty Pill were delivered together.

Because I haven’t been mining in the past two weeks since I woke up.

Therefore, the simulated energy provided by the Tarot Club has dropped sharply, with only about [-] million energy this week.

Su Xing is not in a hurry, knowing that puppets are a long-term benefit, and within a month, the benefits will be far greater than before.

After leaving the villa, he woke up and returned to the Lingtian Cave.

On May 2025, 5, in the new era, the cooling is over, and you wake up and prepare to start a new round of simulation.

"Start the simulation!"

【Ding!This simulation consumes 8700 energy points, with 132 million remaining energy points and no remaining simulation times. 】

【The simulation starts! 】

[It costs 10 energy points to extract purple talents, and 100 million energy points to extract golden legendary talents. Do you want to extract them? 】

Su Xing did not hesitate and said decisively:

"Extract the golden talent!"

[Ding, congratulations on getting the purple talent Master of Star Calculation. The probability of getting the golden talent next time is 70%...]

[Master of Star Calculation]: Purple talent, Star Calculation of Xiuxian Baiyi, which can predict good and bad luck by observing the changes of stars in the night sky.


"It's purple talent twice in a row, my face is a bit dark!"

Su Xing couldn't help but complain and looked at the introduction of this talent.

"Star calculation... If I remember correctly, this seems to be a branch of divination? In the Three Thousand Worlds, some special tribal wizards seem to do this..."

Su Xing shook his head slightly and stopped paying attention.

Star calculation is not a profound art of cultivating immortals.

"Huh... Since I didn't get a good talent, let's carry out this simulation as planned!"

A ray of light flashed in Su Xing's eyes.

Currently, Su Xing's cultivation has reached the eighth level peak of the Mahayana stage!
There is only one step left to reach the perfection of the Mahayana period, and then you will be ready to transcend the tribulation!

After waking up from this simulation, we must prepare for the disaster...

In addition, Su Xing's current strongest offensive and defensive method, the body-protecting sword, also needs to be further strengthened!
So, Su Xing looked at the simulation panel.

[In Lingtian Cave, you realize that you are in a simulation. 】

[You traded with Lu Yuanwu as promised, and the result was smooth. 】

[Ten days later, you went to Luotian Dungeon! 】

In the real world, Su Xing saw this movement in his heart and silently said:
"Use an immersive simulation that lasts 24 hours!"


The beep fell, and Su Xing appeared in the familiar hall.

The voice of Supreme Elder Wu Chrome came from in front of him:

"Good disciple, go to the back mountain and invite your Uncle Shennong to come..."

Su Xing did as he was told and then rushed to the back mountain.

After successfully bringing Shennong Arita to the main hall, Su Xing followed Wu Chrome to the back hall.

"Good disciple, what do you want to ask me?"

Wu Chrome asked, stroking his beard, his eyes full of love.

After hearing the words, Su Xing pondered for a moment and then asked:

"Master, my current cultivation has almost reached the completion of the Mahayana stage...so I want to ask about how to transcend the tribulation!"

After Wu Chrome heard Su Xing's words, he nodded slightly, and memories flashed through his mind.

"Overcoming the tribulation! That's right... In the blink of an eye, that little kid who was chasing after me to eat the yellow immortal chicken is about to become an immortal..."

After hearing this, Su Xing's heart moved. It seemed that in the background of the dungeon, Luo Xiaochuan, the incarnation of Su Xing, had a close relationship with many people in the sect...

Just when Su Xing was thinking wildly, Wu Chrome asked:
"Xiaochuan, tell me...what is an immortal?"

After Su Xing heard Wu Chrome's words, he thought for a moment and replied:

"Those who have the most perfect magic power, those who enjoy a life span of ten thousand years and are free and at ease are called immortals..."

After Wu Chrome heard Su Xing's answer, he did not judge whether it was right or wrong, but explained:
"The Mahayana stage and the Immortal realm seem to be only one level apart... but they are worlds apart!"

"Even if the Mahayana period is complete, the top monks in the mortal world... are still ordinary people, unable to see the immortal way!"

"Talking down the realms of monks, from refining Qi, building foundations, golden elixirs and Yuanying...or the transformation of gods into voids, and the Mahayana stage of integration...all these experiences are preparations for becoming immortals!"

"Once you enter the refining qi, it's as deep as the sea!"

Su Xing listened quietly to the side. This supreme elder with white beard and hair was obviously reminiscing about his life as an immortal.

Wu Chrome continued:

"At the time of the Golden Core Realm... we formed the Nine Transformation Golden Core, and at the time of the Nascent Soul, we are pursuing the Super Nascent Soul!"

"All this is to lay the foundation for becoming an immortal!"

"Those who don't acquire the Nine Transformation Golden Pill and become a super Nascent Soul... have no hope of becoming immortals. This is no joke!"

After a pause, Wu Chrome continued:

"And after the Mahayana period is completed, the real test for us mortal monks has just begun!"

"Ogawa, you have profound magic power, and your cultivation level is almost that of an immortal... Therefore, among the five levels of becoming an immortal, it is the most appropriate way for you to break through the magic power level first!"

"The five levels of transforming into immortals are: mana level, soul level, heart refining level, physical body level, and tribulation crossing level!"

"These five levels, regardless of the order... you only need to pass one level to begin to fade away from the mortal world and successfully enter the stage of transcending tribulation!"

Su Xing nodded slightly when he heard this, he knew the "Five Levels of Immortality".

As long as you pass the first four of these five levels, you can be called a monk in the Tribulation Stage.

In short, those who simply pass through the magical power barrier can be called monks who have overcome the tribulation stage!
Those who have passed through the four stages of mana, soul, mind, and body are also monks who have overcome tribulation!

Strictly speaking, the transcending tribulation period is not a separate realm, but a state where one can cause thunder tribulation at any time and ascend to immortality!
You only need to pass one of the first four levels, and then you can survive the thunder tribulation and become one of the loose immortals...

But if you want to achieve the orthodox path to immortality, you must pass all five levels!

Su Xing’s original plan was to give priority to the Mana Level or the Heart Refining Level.

In these two levels, he has a natural advantage!
As a gift from the Dragon of Spiritual Veins, the awakening mana is much deeper than those in the same realm.

During the stage of transformation into a god, Awakening passed the "Five Heart-Refining Levels", so passing the Heart-Refining Levels is not a problem...

As for the physical body and soul, Su Xing has been preparing for them.

Work hard to improve your spiritual consciousness and temper your physical body...

Su Xing recalled the relevant information about the Tribulation Period in his mind, but Wu Chrome in front of him said:
"But...the five levels of becoming an immortal may not necessarily be the only five levels!"

After hearing this, Su Xing subconsciously raised his head, showing confusion.

The five levels of immortality have been the consensus of the world of immortality since ancient times... Why are there more than five levels?
But Wu Chrome explained:
"Besides the five levels of transformation into immortals, there is actually another level in our Luotian Sect inheritance, the Spiritual Realm Level!"

"Spiritual realm pass?" Su Xing asked doubtfully.

Wu Chrome nodded and said:
"Before becoming an immortal, what mortals understand is nothing more than the power of the origin... Whether it is the origin of force, the origin of speed, the origin of the five elements, space, time, etc.... none of them touch the category of Tao!"

"But after becoming an immortal, you will continue to deepen your understanding of the Tao. The three immortals of human, earth, and heaven will initially understand the prototype of the Tao... Only in the true immortal realm can you initially grasp the Tao, and then the Xuanxian, Golden Immortal, etc...."

"The reason why immortals are powerful is not only because of their powerful magical powers and endless longevity... but also because they integrate their understanding of the Tao into their own domain!"

Speaking of this, Wu Chrome had a proud look on his face.

"And the inheritance left behind by me, the founder of the Luotian Sect, enables me to initially understand the prototype of the spiritual realm before I become an immortal! This is a power that can only be accessed by the immortal realm!"

"The so-called first step, step by step... As long as you understand the rudiment of the spiritual realm and control the spiritual realm after becoming an immortal, you will be ahead of the monks of the same level and become invincible!"

Speaking of this, Wu Chrome showed a trace of reminiscence on his face and said:

"I, the Patriarch of the Luotian Sect... have cultivated the spiritual realm to the point of perfection... one part of the spiritual realm can almost cover the entire Luotian Realm!"

"And in the Luotian Realm, I, the Patriarch of the Luotian Sect, am invincible! Not to mention the Great Luo Jinxian... Even if the ancient saint comes, he must be courteous!"

After hearing Wu Chrome's words, Su Xing had deep doubts in his eyes...

The Great Luo Jinxian fights the Saint?Only a ghost can believe it!

Sure enough, Wu Chrome coughed awkwardly and said:

"Ahem, maybe it's a bit exaggerated, but within the Great Luo Jinxian... I, the Patriarch of the Luo Tian Sect, am worthy of standing up to anyone!"

After hearing this, Su Xing believed it and asked:
"Master, how do you get through this spiritual realm?"

Hearing this, Wu Chrome explained: "Naturally, I integrate my own understanding of the avenue and the origin into the field... Just listen to me slowly..."


Soon, the immersive simulation ends and you wake up and return to the real world.

At this time, Su Xing has a deeper understanding of the five levels of immortality, no, the six levels of immortality... Su Xing.

"Becoming an immortal is just around the corner!"

Su Xing clenched his fists, wishing he could fly up right now.

But after taking a look at his own realm, Su Xing shook his head and said:

"But before that, let's break through to the completion of the Mahayana stage first!"

He looked back at the simulation panel.

[After coming out of the Luotian dungeon, you have a better understanding of what an immortal is and how to become an immortal...]

[Although the fairyland is ethereal and fascinating...but you still decide to keep your feet on the ground and improve your cultivation first! 】

[In the next few days, you contacted Luo Shuying and entered the Advent Sect as usual. 】

[After joining the Advent Sect, you keep a low profile, practice steadily every day, and understand the body-protecting sword...]

[In this way, seven years have passed...]

[In the seventh year, you designed to remove the leader of the natural faction and replace him. 】

[This year, the number of body-protecting swords you have learned has reached 780...]

[In the eighth year, you got rid of the hidden danger of Long Laogou, and then retreated to prepare to break through to the ninth level of the Mahayana stage! 】

[In the ninth year, you successfully emerged from seclusion and became a ninth-level monk in the Mahayana period! 】

[In Year No. 12, Blood Three came to Blue Star. You presented the innate hibiscus branch, successfully deceived it, and obtained the pass...]

[Then you will take the spirit dragon into the Lingtian Cave and practice hard every day. 】

[In this way, another three years have passed. 】

[In No. 15, the number of your body-protecting swords reached 830. 】

[At this time, you are confident that if all 830 swords are released, even a monk in the Tribulation Stage will definitely die! 】

[In No. 17, your cultivation reached the middle stage of the ninth level of the Mahayana period. 】

[This year, you went to the world of beast control and got rid of legendary and emperor-level aliens...]

[In No. 20, your understanding of the body-protecting sword gang has gone further, reaching 880 sword gangs...]

[You have a vague feeling that the power of the body-protecting sword has gradually surpassed the level of great magical power... reaching the rumored earth evil magical power! 】

(This is a big chapter with [-] words, please vote for me~)

(End of this chapter)

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