Others practice leveling, I cultivate immortality, go out to Mahayana before leaving the mountain

Chapter 266: The magical power of Tiangang and Earthly Evil, the origin of the devil!

Chapter 266: The magical power of Tiangang and Earthly Evil, the origin of the devil! (Monthly tickets are in full demand, please give me monthly tickets~)

Su Xing's heart moved when she saw this.

The earth evil magical power, this is the information Su Xing obtained in the Three Thousand Worlds.

A category of magical powers, from the most basic ones to minor magical powers, great magical powers...

Further up, there are the Earthly Evil and the Divine Power of Tiangang!
Rumor has it that in the Three Thousand Worlds, Tianji Pavilion also ranks the magical powers mastered by all geniuses.

36 Tiangang, 72 Earthly Demonic Powers...

Tiangang is in front, Earthly Evil is behind!
This means that there are countless Tiangang Disha, and there are only one hundred and eight types that can be rated on the list!

There is one most basic criterion for judging the Earthly Demon's magical power, which is to fight across levels!

A monk in the middle stage of the Human Immortal Realm who has mastered the magical power of the Earthly Demon can even defeat a monk in the early stage of the Earthly Immortal Realm by leaps and bounds!
All possessors of earth evil magical powers are famous geniuses in the Three Thousand Worlds. They are often born in the Great Thousand Worlds, and there may not be one born in hundreds of small Thousand Worlds...

Of course, the power of magical powers is limited, even if it is the earth evil magical power.

You may be able to fight across levels in the Human Immortal and Earth Immortal realms, but when you reach the realm of True Immortals and Mysterious Immortals... you may not be able to fight across levels.

Unless, master a Tiangang magical power!
"Tiangang magical power... As long as you master one, it will be the perfect golden immortal seed, the existence of the great avenue..."

Su Xing murmured.

"However, with 880 swords, it shouldn't be able to reach the level of the earthly evil magical power. It should still stay at the top level of great magical power..."

"However, if the number of sword gangs reaches more than 1000, maybe we can barely reach the level of Earthly Evil magical power?"

Thinking of this, Su Xing's eyes lit up.

It should be noted that the upper limit potential of the body-protecting sword depends on the awakened sword intention and Yuanli mastery...

If Su Xing has enough understanding of the way of the sword, the upper limit of the body-protecting sword will also be increased!
"Tsk, tsk, it seems that in the future, the body-protecting Jian Gang will at least have Earth Demon-level magical powers... and may even reach Tiangang-level powers!"

Su Xing took a deep breath, feeling a little hopeful.

In addition to the body-protecting sword, he also has a magical power called "Five Elements Spiritual Explosion", which also has strong growth potential!

Having powerful magical powers is undoubtedly good news. After Su Xing becomes an immortal, these magical powers will allow Su Xing to still maintain the advantage of fighting across levels!
[The power of the body-protecting sword has been further enhanced. You still practice hard and never forget your original intention...]

[In this way, another three years have passed. 】

[No. 20 In three years, the number of your body-protecting swords has reached [-]! 】

[And your cultivation level is also very close to the late stage of the ninth level of the Mahayana period...]

[So, another two years have passed. 】

[No. In the fifth year of No. 20, your Qi refining cultivation reached the late ninth level of the Mahayana period, and you began to plan for the final breakthrough. 】

[You take out all the millions of drops of mid-grade spiritual liquid that you have accumulated before and start practicing in seclusion...]

[This retreat lasted for three years! 】

[No. 20, you knew that the Demon Saint with Double Eyes was coming, so you left seclusion early. 】

[At this time, your cultivation has reached the peak of the ninth level of the Mahayana period...]

[So you go to Demon Town Pass...]

[Sure enough, one month later, the Demon Saint with Double Eyes arrived. 】

[You follow the plan and prepare to delay...]

[In the blink of an eye, five years have passed. 】

[No.30 In three years, the number of your body-protecting swords has reached more than a thousand! 】

[And this is still not your upper limit at this time...]

[While the Demon Saint has withdrawn, you must work hard to break through to the completion of the Mahayana period...]

[You enter Lingtian Cave and begin to retreat. 】

[After half a year of seclusion, your momentum has reached its peak and your spiritual power has grown rapidly...]

[At the critical moment of your breakthrough, the spiritual dragon, which had received the hint in advance, spurted out a mouthful of pure spiritual energy...]

[No surprise, you have successfully ascended to the perfect state of the Mahayana stage! 】

[After breaking through to Mahayana perfection, you can vaguely feel subtle changes taking place in yourself...]

[Cultivation of immortals is originally a transformation from mortal to immortal, and you have now reached an extreme. From now on, you can enter the fairyland...]

[Your understanding of the origin and the avenue is more acute. It seems that you were originally looking at it from a distance, but now that you are closer, you can see it more clearly! 】

[At this time, you have two choices in your eyes. Stay in Blue Star to fight against the god-level aliens that may arrive in ten years. 】

[Or, leave Blue Star and go to Three Thousand Worlds to experience...]

[After some hesitation, you decided to go to the Three Thousand Worlds! 】

[You brought some necessary supplies and put them into the storage ring. 】

[At this time, your mastery of the origin of space is enough to cover a fifty cubic meter storage ring and bring most valuable items with you...]

[After you are ready, you go to the Demon Suppressing Pass and walk in the direction of the red moon...]

[After showing the pass, you arrived at the different space passage. 】

Su Xing nodded slightly when he saw this and said:

"With my current strength, combined with my martial ethics, I will definitely be able to kill the god-level alien race... but what? It won't change anything!"

"Even if we hold on to the Demon Suppression Pass for the time being... in one to twenty years, a more powerful alien race may come..."

"It's not easy to defend until you have absolute strength..."

"On the contrary, this simulation can only be used once. If used in the three thousand worlds, the simulation can last longer..."

Su Xing thought so.

"Then the next step is to further understand the origin of space!"

Su Xing muttered silently, "Use immersive simulation, lasting 30 days!"


The simulator beep sounded, and Awakening appeared in that strange space again.

The surrounding void was surrounded by turbulence, and he woke up without hesitation. He took the Spirit-enlightening Pill and activated the state of enlightenment...

After a short operation, under the protection of the body-protecting sword, I understood the origin of space...

Soon, the immersive simulation ends...

After waking up and returning to the real world, a look of pity appeared on his face.

"It's a pity that 30 days of enlightenment...is equivalent to ten years of hard training, but there is still a long way to go before reaching perfection..."

Su Xing estimated that it would take another ten years for him to understand the origin of space before he could reach the level of perfection.

"But... the current source of space should be enough to cover hundreds of cubic meters of storage rings, which is enough for the time being!"

Su Xing nodded slightly. Although he failed to reach perfection in one go, his original power was still much stronger.

Now that Su Xing's heart is moving, he can be reached instantly within a radius of dozens of miles.

Of course, every teleportation, with the help of the source of space, consumes the source of space in the body. In a short period of time, the awakening can only be used no more than three times.

"Tsk, tsk, it involves space and time... these are things that only gods can have access to! I mastered them in advance, which is not bad!"

Su Xing is quite satisfied with this.

"The way of space has an extremely high upper limit...the rest of my life will be long, and I will slowly understand it..."

Su Xing looked at the simulation panel again.

[When you come to your senses, you have arrived at the northern part of Shiwanda Mountain. 】

[You are almost uninjured at this time, but it is still difficult to stay awake when traveling through time. 】

[You estimate that your spiritual consciousness is not strong enough to travel through the world. If your spiritual consciousness is stronger and you have a deeper understanding of the way of space, you may be able to arrive soberly later...]

[After confirming the direction, you are ready to go to Baidi City. 】

[No. 30 In the fifth year, you have lived in Baidi City for more than a year. 】

[At this time, Baidi City is relatively peaceful, and the invasion of foreign races has not yet reached this point. 】

[But you don’t dare to take it lightly, you can feel the undercurrent surging under the seemingly peaceful...]

[In the past few years, the number of demon kings in the Hundred Thousand Mountains has gradually decreased, and the actions of the Advent Cult have become more frequent. 】

[If you hadn't paid special attention to this information, ordinary monks wouldn't have cared about it at all...]

[Like a docile boiled frog, the alien race and Advent Cult continue to deepen their invasion of the Little Qingyun Realm. When the monks react, it is too late...]

[No. 30 In eight years, the number of your body-protecting swords has further increased, reaching one thousand and sixty-three! 】

[You have confidence. Regardless of your martial arts talent and cooperation, even a monk in the middle stage of the Immortal Realm will not be able to withstand your sword... Even a monk in the late stage of the Immortal Realm needs to avoid the edge temporarily! 】

[This year, you made a decision to reveal the planning information of the Advent Cult and the alien race to the human race in advance...]

[And the way to reveal it is to trade with Tianji Pavilion! 】

[With this intention, you entered the Tianji Pavilion branch in Baidi City...]

In the real world, Su Xing frowned slightly when he saw this. "Wouldn't it endanger ourselves by revealing the information about the alien race and Advent Cult in advance?"

Su Xing frowned slightly, but after careful consideration, he may have investigated clearly in future simulations and found that Tianji Pavilion is a relatively trustworthy force.

"Forget it, it's nothing more than a simulation... Let's see, what will happen if the information about the alien race and Advent Cult is revealed to Tianji Pavilion in advance?"

Su Xing thought this and said silently: "Use immersive simulation for 24 hours..."


The beep fell, and Su Xing appeared in the Tianji Pavilion store.

"This fellow Taoist looks a little unfamiliar? Is he here to buy information?"

The girl lay lazily on the table, yawning out of boredom.

Su Xing raised his eyebrows when he saw it, leaned closer and asked in a deep voice:

"Does your Tianji Pavilion accept any information?"

After hearing this, the girl nodded naturally and said: "Of course, there is so much information in the world... Of course, it will be acquired!"

"But... I have to evaluate the specific value of your information..."

Su Xing nodded slightly after hearing this. The income from selling the information was second to none.

Mainly, he wanted to see what changes would happen to the future if revealed in advance?
The girl then asked: "What is the information that fellow Taoist wants to sell about?"

Su Xing said in a deep voice: "It's about the Advent Cult... and the alien race!"

After hearing Su Xing's words, the girl's face turned slightly serious, she waved her hand to place a ban and said:

"Tell me the news carefully...it's related to the alien race and Advent Cult. If the information is true, your reward will be indispensable!"

Su Xing organized his thoughts and revealed the first news.

"A few chapters ago, the aliens invaded the Luotian world... After this battle, the Luotian world was destroyed, but the aliens also suffered huge losses!"

"Among them, an evil god codenamed Hongyue died in battle. His strength should be at the level of Da Luo Jinxian!"

After hearing this, the girl glanced at Su Xing unexpectedly and frowned slightly.

She had known these secrets for several years before the Yuan Dynasty. If so, naturally they were not considered important information.

"That's it? If you only have this information... please leave. Our Tianji Pavilion already knew it!"

The girl said lazily.

Su Xing naturally knew that Tianji Pavilion knew about it, after all, he bought this information from Tianji Pavilion.

But Su Xing did not leave, but said shockingly:
"According to reliable information, the evil god Hong Yue is already preparing to be resurrected!"

"In ten years at the earliest, or in 30 to [-] years at the earliest, the red moon will be resurrected!"

"At that time, they will join the invasion of the Three Thousand Worlds...and the Little Qingyun Realm will be their primary target!"

After hearing Su Xing's words, the girl frowned, stood up suddenly, and confirmed repeatedly:
"Are you sure this information is true? We have not received any news that Red Moon will be resurrected!"

Su Xing said with great certainty: "The news is [-]% true, I swear on this by my cultivation!"

After hearing Su Xing's words, the girl's face twitched a few times.

Tianji Pavilion has its own way of recognizing people. Seeing that Su Xing was so sure, she almost believed it.

"The matter is of great importance at this time. We need to focus on investigation and verify it with multiple parties... We cannot confirm the authenticity for the time being."

"However, I can give you 1000 million spirit stones as a reward for this information. As for the rest, we will know after verifying the information!"

Su Xing was slightly surprised after hearing this. He didn't expect that a mere piece of information could be of such value.

Seeing that the girl wanted to urge Xing Xing to leave, she wanted to contact someone.

But Su Xing did not move, but continued:

"Wait! I haven't finished speaking yet, there is other information..."

"As far as I know, the location of a branch of the Advent Sect is located in the southern valley of Shiwanda Mountain... There are a large number of evil cultivators gathered in this valley, and they are quite powerful!"

"Among them, there should be one killer with a blood code number of around [-] who is stationed all year round... There are also several killers with blood code numbers between [-] and [-] who are also in this valley..."

Su Xing told the girl the detailed address of the valley.

The girl nodded slightly after hearing this, but felt a little tricky.

The descendant of the sect has a blood code number of about [-], and his strength is between that of a heavenly immortal and a true immortal. Such strength is already extremely difficult to deal with, and it may be necessary to mobilize all the major righteous forces to deal with it.

"I understand, do you have any other information? I will settle the settlement with you..."

Su Xing nodded slightly and continued to sell information:
"There is also something to do with the Hundred Thousand Mountains... The current internal strife in the Hundred Thousand Mountains is serious, and behind it is actually the Advent Sect that is fueling the flames... Within ten years, one or two Celestial Realm demon cultivators may die on the battlefield..."

"When the internal strife in Shiwandashan becomes serious, the invasion of alien races and the Advent Cult will become even more fierce!"

"The accuracy of this information is over [-]%... How much involvement of the Adventist Cult is unknown..."

After hearing Su Xing's words, the girl thought about it for a moment, and then agreed:

"Okay, these three pieces of information are worth a total of 25 high-grade spiritual stones... Is that okay?"

When Su Xing heard the price, he was stunned for a moment. 25 high-grade spiritual stones were difficult for ordinary monks in the Tribulation Stage to come up with.

"Is it so profitable to sell information?"

Su Xing muttered, then shook his head slightly and said:
"I don't want the spirit stone... I want to exchange it for other corresponding information!"

The girl was not surprised after hearing this, so she asked:
"Then what information do you want in exchange?"

Su Xing listened and said:
"I want to exchange for information about the leader of the Heavenly Demon Prison, the Heavenly Demon General!"

The girl raised her eyebrows after hearing this, becoming more and more curious about Su Xing's identity, but still said:

"The Heavenly Demon General is a Da Luo Jinxian. You can only exchange these spiritual stones for Class C intelligence at most. Are you sure you want to exchange them?"

Su Xing frowned slightly after hearing this. Class C intelligence involves very few secrets. If exchanged, it would not be that helpful to Su Xing...

Just when Su Xing was struggling, he suddenly thought of something and added:
"By the way, I have another piece of information about Qingyunzi!"

"Listen to the value... Qingyunzi is currently at the critical moment of killing the three corpses to become a saint, but he did not kill the evil corpse first, but killed the self corpse or the good corpse... Qingyun Sect's Three Immortal Peaks collapsed, and with it related……"

"When Qingyunzi comes out of seclusion 20 years later, his strength has surpassed that of ordinary Da Luo and reached the semi-saint level..."

Su Xing told this information as completely as possible.

At this time, Tianji Pavilion may not have received the exact information yet, and the information on Su Xing's selling should be of great value.

As expected, after hearing Su Xing's words, the girl's expression changed slightly. It was about the leader of the top forces in the three thousand worlds, so she naturally had to pay attention to it.

Moreover, the information Su Xing mentioned is very similar to Tianji Pavilion’s guess, but more accurate...

So the girl nodded and said:
"The information you have is of great value and is highly feasible..."

"If several pieces of information are added together, I can sell you a piece of B-level information about the Demon General. There are some secrets in it that are only found in Grade-A information!"

"Of course, if you don't want to exchange it... I can give you 50 high-grade spiritual stones! You choose?"

After hearing this, Su Xing did not hesitate and said directly: "I choose intelligence!"

After hearing this, the girl rummaged under the table, then took out a jade slip and handed it to Su Xing.

Su Xing took the jade slip familiarly and began to read the information.

After a long time, Su Xing slowly opened his eyes, with a strange look in his eyes.

"Unexpectedly, there is still such a relationship...the Demon General?"

Su Xing cupped his hands towards the girl and then left.

After waking up and leaving, thousands of phantoms appeared behind the girl, constantly evolving, and their changing speed was as fast as intercepting time...

(Specifically, the scene of Doctor Strange calculating 400 million times in his mind...)
After a long time, the girl said to herself:
"This person is so familiar with Luo Tian. Could it be that he is the person who inherited Luo Tian's legacy..."

"No, why does he still know about Qingyunzi? Could it be that he is a member of the Qingyun Sect?"

"The person that the Adventist Church investigated in the past few years...could it be him?"

"The news about the Demon General...why does he care so much?"


The immersive simulation ends and you wake up and return to the real world.

Recalling the information in his mind, Su Xing took a deep breath.

"No wonder Tianmo Prison and Qingyun Sect don't deal with it...it turns out there is such a connection!"

"The leader of the Heavenly Demon Prison, the Heavenly Demon General, is a powerful monk who has lived for more than ten years... He has fought countless battles in his life and rarely lost, but he was defeated at the hands of Patriarch Luo Tian..."

After a pause, Su Xing murmured:
"The two also seemed to have a friendship because of the war..."

"When the Luotian world was invaded, the leader of the Heavenly Demon Prison, the Demon General, wanted to rush to help... but was stopped by Immortal Yunhe, one of the three founders of the Qingyun Sect!"

"Without enough support, Luo Tian was eventually destroyed, and the Demon General became furious and turned hostile to the Qingyun Sect..."

(There is a big chapter left at noon, Xiaobao is asking for monthly votes~)

(End of this chapter)

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