Others practice leveling, I cultivate immortality, go out to Mahayana before leaving the mountain

Chapter 267 Kill the alien gods again and fight the Demon City in bloody battle!

Chapter 267 Kill the alien gods again and fight the Demon City in bloody battle! (7k big chapter, please vote for me~)

This is the information Su Xing obtained from Tianji Pavilion.

The relationship between Tianmo Prison and Qingyun Sect is at odds. The relationship between the two seems to be related to Luo Tian?
"However, the relationship between the Demon General and Luo Tian... is still unknown!"

In addition, Su Xing also obtained other information about the Demon General.

For example, the demon general Daluo Jinxian is powerful. His base camp is located in the Chaos Domain, and he fights against foreign races all year round...

In this small Qingyun world, there is only one incarnation of the Heavenly Demon General left, which at most has the power of a golden immortal.

The most critical information is that the Demon General is a great monk with both gas and gas cultivation!

His body-refining cultivation is even higher than his qi-refining cultivation!

It is suspected that he has obtained the ancient secret method of body refining...possessing ancient bloodline...

"It's a pity that the Heavenly Demon Prison headquarters is too far away from the Little Qingyun Realm... There are hundreds of Small Thousand Worlds separated by it. With my current cultivation level, it is difficult to reach..."

Su Xing closed his eyes slightly and carefully summarized the information obtained this time.

"In short, the Heavenly Demon Prison has been fighting against foreign races all year round... He is definitely not a traitor to the human race, and may be the first target to defect to!"

"If you want to hone your skills on the battlefield, this would be a good place... However, the front line is full of dangers, and there may be a risk of dying early..."

Su Xing sums up the gains and losses. Where there are losses, there must be gains.

By joining the Heavenly Demon Prison, you should not have to worry about the threats from the Qingyun Sect and Advent Sect for the time being.

However, facing the powerful alien race on the front line, Su Xing still lacks the ability to protect himself.

"Oh, forget it... let's simulate it first and see what impact this information will have after it is leaked?"

Su Xing thought so, looking at the simulation panel.

[After coming out of the Baidi Pavilion branch, you return to the cave. 】

[After careful consideration, you decided to go to Tianmo City. 】

[Because the battle situation on the front line is not bad at this time, if you join at this time, with your cultivation skills and cultivation, you might be able to make a fortune as a monk officer. 】

[Although being on the front line is a bit dangerous, it is also beneficial to the training of swordsmanship and the practice of body-protecting swordsmanship. 】

[After confirmation, you can set off immediately...]

[You took the airship all the way, and a few months later, you arrived at Tianmo City. 】

[No. 30, the first year you joined Tianmo City. 】

[This year, the war between the alien race and the Xiao Qingyun Realm is still at an intense stage, and the two sides are fighting back and forth. 】

[Even Xiao Qingyun’s side still has an advantage! 】

[The number of monks in Tianmo City is huge, three points more than that of Baidi City. 】

[The monks who come and go are all advanced in cultivation. It is rare to see monks below the stage of transformation going to the front lines...]

[However, Tianmo City is located in the far north, where spiritual energy is relatively thin and commercial trade is underdeveloped. 】

[But it also has an advantage, that is, the major forces in the Little Qingyun World and even the Three Thousand Worlds will more or less support strategic materials to Tianmo City. 】

[In the front lines, the flesh and blood essence of saint-level aliens is often seen, and even the flesh-and-blood essence of god-level aliens can occasionally be obtained...]

[Because of this, this is a paradise for physical training! 】

[Many monks with strong physical bodies will join the battle on the front lines to obtain the essence of flesh and blood to strengthen their own cultivation...]

In the real world, Su Xing nodded slightly when he saw this.

"Little Qingyun Realm is a small thousand world...the world's area is hundreds of times that of Blue Star, and its population is more than dozens of times that of Blue Star!"

"The number and quality of the powerful people in the Little Qingyun Realm are even higher than those of Blue Star..."

Su Xing touched his chin and felt that there were many physical practitioners in Tianmo City, and there might be room for manipulation.

"The Rebirth Pill is a pill that is very useful for physical cultivation... For ordinary physical cultivation, taking two or three Rebirth Pills a month can already improve your cultivation..."

"My physical body is powerful, and I follow the path of the ancient witch. My strength is more than several times greater than that of monks of the same realm, but the resources required are ten times or even dozens of times..."

Su Xing pursues the ultimate path and strives to lay the foundation for the avenue.

Which genius cultivator requires several times or even more cultivation resources than ordinary cultivators?
What Su Xing lacks is not resources, but simulation energy and time. The best thing is to go naturally and perfectly...

"If I show my talent as an alchemist and provide them with rebirth elixirs on a regular basis, maybe I can become a logistics general?"

Thinking of this, Su Xing felt a little hopeful.

Occasionally refining elixirs, practicing sword skills every day...

If the mood strikes, wouldn't it be nice to go to the front lines to kill enemies and hone your sword skills?

Su Xing planned this and looked at the simulation panel.

[After finding out the situation in Tianmo City, you go to the frontline army of monks to apply. 】

[With your superb skills, you successfully applied for the position of captain of the supply and demand department of the army, leading several alchemists who are in the Void Return stage. 】

[At this time, the war on the frontline is a little better. Your daily refining is nothing more than various elixirs to restore spiritual power and injuries. Occasionally, you also refine rebirth elixirs. 】

[You spend three hours every day refining elixirs and accumulate thousands of rebirth elixirs in a year. 】

[In No. 40, the number of body-protecting swords you have mastered reached one thousand and eighty-eight. 】

[During this period, you were in good spirits. After completing the alchemy task, you went to the front line and killed a few saint-level aliens, accumulated military merit, and became a centurion of the supply and demand department, commanding hundreds of monks who have returned to the void and merged stages. 】

[After becoming a centurion, you will have more free time. You only need to supervise your subordinates to complete tasks on time, and you will have an independent house and a beautiful concubine to accompany you. 】

[In this way, another five years have passed. 】

[No. 40 In the fifth year, the number of body-protecting auras reached 130. 】

[In the battle on the front line, your swordsmanship will improve a little, and your body-protecting sword will also progress faster. 】

[This year, you were promoted to captain of five hundred by virtue of your military merit, and commanded hundreds of monks under you. 】

[In the same year, you deliberately showed off your rebirth elixir skills. 】

[A commander on the front line, after knowing this pill, hopes to purchase this pill recipe on behalf of Tianmo City. 】

[It’s just a pill recipe, so you naturally sell it, hoping to enhance the overall power of the Xiao Qingyun world. 】

[You have received a large reward, including a prototype of an immortal treasure and millions of spiritual stones...]

[At the same time, there is good news, you have been promoted again! 】

[You have been promoted from a captain of five hundred to a captain of thousands, commanding thousands of monks. 】

[At the level of captain of a thousand, only powerful tribulation monks can take on the role. It is extremely rare for you to be promoted from captain of a troop to captain of a thousand in just two years by virtue of your military merits. 】

【But you are not satisfied with this! 】

[Because you know that only by gaining a higher status can you have the right to speak... and you can change the future direction to a certain extent. 】

[Refining the Rebirth Pill is not easy, especially for some seventh- and eighth-level alchemists. Whether it is the quality or quantity of the pills, they are far inferior to you. 】

[If you spend four hours a day refining elixirs, you can refine seven or eight furnaces of rebirth elixirs. The elixirs are all at the seventh or eighth level, and even the best elixirs are occasionally released. 】

[As for ordinary seventh-level alchemy masters, the success rate of refining the seventh-level rebirth elixir is very low. They can only refine one or two furnaces a day, which is far different from yours. 】

[With this alchemy skill, you have gained the attention of a leader of the Earthly Immortal Realm, and he has promoted you very much. 】

[In just a few years, you have become a hot candidate for Captain Ten Thousands! 】

[The captain of ten thousand men in the Demonic City requires the strength of the human fairyland to be able to take on the role. 】

[Occasionally, there are monks in the Tribulation Stage who have strange abilities and take this position. 】

[In the past few years, you have occasionally gone out to hone your sword skills, practice body-protecting sword skills, and killed two or three demigod-level aliens. 】

[This will greatly increase your prestige in the military! 】

[Year, this year the number of your body-protecting swords has reached 180! 】

[Perennial insights coupled with occasional actual combat will allow you to ensure a sword-gang growth rate close to ten levels a year. 】

[This year, you were exceptionally promoted to the rank of Captain of Ten Thousands, and you belong to the Military Supplies Department. Most of your officers are alchemists and talisman masters, and they provide a fixed amount of strategic supplies to the front line every month. 】

[In recent years, with the intensification of the invasion of alien races, the situation on the frontline has become increasingly grim. 】

[Fortunately, Tianmo City seems to have received the news in advance and received assistance from a group of monks above the Human Immortal Realm. 】

[This also means that even where the logistics and military supplies are located, there are still one or two Immortal Realm monks guarding them. 】

[You guess in your mind that perhaps the information originally sold to Tianji Pavilion played a role. 】

[Because you have inquired about information over the years and heard a piece of news. 】

[Loose cultivators gathered in Baidi City, led by a Celestial Immortal Realm monk, and made a surprise attack in the valley where the descending sect was located. 】

[Not only did he ruin the blood seedling competition, he also killed several Advent sect cadres with blood codenames on the spot! 】

[Among them, blood 99 is impressively listed! 】

In the real world, Su Xing couldn't help but smile when he saw this.

"Tsk, tsk, old 99! You've killed me so many times before... now it's finally your turn to suffer!"

The corners of Su Xing's mouth raised. The blood 99's strength was close to that of the Earthly Fairyland. Su Xing was not his opponent for the time being.

But this does not prevent Su Xing from being the sixth and unable to defeat him. But as long as the news is revealed, there will naturally be righteous monks to encircle and suppress the evil cultivators!
Of course, don't think that the righteous monks who encircle and suppress evil cultivators are good people. They are naturally profitable.

In the Three Thousand Worlds, as long as you don't do evil, kill and plunder wantonly, you can be regarded as a righteous monk. It is unrealistic to expect to punish evil and promote good.

If ordinary monks rob other monks and become robbing cultivators, they will be classified as evil cultivators. The only places waiting for them are extremist organizations such as the Advent Sect.

But if an ordinary monk robs evil cultivators, not only can he take all their wealth for himself, but he can also gain a good reputation!

You know, evil cultivators who often rob are much richer than ordinary cultivators!
Su Xing touched his chin and muttered:

"Tsk, tsk, if you have time in the future, maybe you can go to the Advent Sect Valley again and write down the locations of all the Advent Sect gathering places... so that you can catch them all in one go!"

The truly powerful ones in the Advent Sect are the top twenty or even top ten strong ones with blood code names. Their cultivation is terrifying and they have been practicing for tens of thousands of years.

However, these powerful men often travel between the three thousand worlds and are not guarding the Little Qingyun Realm.

If those cadres with code names of twenty or even fifty are left behind, the forces in the Xiaoqingyun world may not be able to wipe them out...

Su Xing thought for a moment and looked at the simulation panel.

[In addition to the news about Advent Cult, you find that the consumption inside Shiwanda Mountain has also slowed down a lot. Although there are wars between demon kings, they rarely lead to life and death. 】

[There were 36 demon kings back then, but now there are still more than [-] demon kings left. The power of demon cultivators cannot be underestimated. 】

[At the same time, you also discovered that there are demon cultivators participating in the battle on the frontline battlefield to fight against the aliens together. 】

[They are often more violent than human monks. After killing foreigners, they directly take out the essence of heart, lungs, flesh and blood and chew them alive. It is a so-called tonic. 】

[Fortunately, the demon cultivator troops are far away from ordinary cultivators, so you won't run into them, so it's okay. 】

[The brutal fighting life on the front line has been turned into a retirement life by you during the past ten years. 】

[Complete the alchemy work for a quota of six hours per day, and the rest of the time is at your own discretion. 】

[But this leisurely life did not last long...]

[Eight years, this year, red-eyed alien races began to appear on the frontline battlefields one after another. 】

[The red-eyed aliens are not afraid of death, and their strength cannot be underestimated, causing great losses to the monks of the Little Qingyun Realm. 】

[Fortunately, Tianmo City seemed to have been prepared and sent troops to support in advance to stop the losses. 】

[But even so, this sudden red-eyed alien race also killed several monks in the Earthly Immortal Realm, and more than a dozen monks in the Human Immortal Realm are not sure whether they are alive or dead...]

[You watch this scene silently. With your current strength, there is nothing you can do. 】

[The good news is that your understanding of sword gangs has gone further. This year, the number of body-protecting sword gangs you have mastered has reached 250! 】

[But the sharp deterioration of the battle situation on the front line has forced you to practice harder and spend more time refining elixirs...]

In the real world, Su Xing sighed when he saw this.

"Alas, we still can't stop Hong Yue's resurrection!"

"Once this red-eyed alien comes, the power of a single Xiao Qingyun Realm will definitely not be able to stop it..."

"But if you know in advance that the aliens are invading in large numbers and make more preparations, you should be able to delay it for a little longer..."

Su Xing was very open to this.

The alien race is deeply entrenched and has invaded several guilds of the Three Thousand Worlds for a long time. It is impossible to defeat them in one fell swoop.

Unless Su Xing has absolute strength to suppress...

So what Awakening needs to do now is to improve his strength and cultivation as much as possible and extend the simulation time.

Only when Su Xing fully rises will we face the alien race head-on...

He looked back at the simulation panel.

[In the brutal frontline fighting, another seven years passed. 】

【No.60 In five years, the situation on the frontline has become increasingly worse, and bad news comes one after another. 】

[The first bad news is that the number of red-eyed aliens is endless. In the past ten years of war, millions of monks have died, and the number of red-eyed aliens killed in battle is several times that of the human race. 】

[But even so, the endless stream of red-eyed aliens are still active on the battlefield, and the monks in Tianmo City are gradually dying...] [The second bad news is that Qingyun Sect announced its withdrawal from the Little Qingyun Realm, and Qingyun City was disbanded overnight. This The strength of Xiao Qingyun Realm was greatly reduced. 】

[Not only is the number of monks reduced, it is also a huge blow to morale...]

[No. 60 In the sixth year, you finished your day of practice and couldn’t help but smile. 】

[This year, the number of your body-protecting swords has reached [-]! 】

[You are very sure that the body-protecting Jian Gang has completely reached the level of earth evil magical power! 】

[With these thirteen hundred body-protecting swords, you can dare to fight even if you are a monk in the Immortal Realm! 】

Su Xing breathed a sigh of relief when he saw this.

"Huh... one thousand three hundred body-protecting swords and earth-shaking magical powers have finally been achieved!"

Su Xing's two major goals for this simulation have been completed, so it's time to consider how to transcend the tribulation period.

"There are six levels of overcoming the tribulation. Currently, the ones I am most confident about are the Mana Level and the Spiritual Consciousness Level..."

"As for the magic power level, one needs to transform one's spiritual power into immortal power, which requires a huge amount of resources... It is best to have a spiritual dragon to guard it in order to achieve it!"

"With the resources I currently have, I may not be able to do this..."

"However, I am quite confident about the Yuan Shen Pass. With eight thousand miles of spiritual consciousness, I only need to take one step closer to the Six Consciousness Realm. Passing the Yuan Shen Pass is a sure thing!"

Su Xing rubbed his chin and thought.

The goal of this simulation is to basically complete the awakening.

It is estimated that the simulation is coming to an end, and the next thing to do is to increase the power of the body-protecting sword as much as possible!

Look at the simulation panel.

[The situation on the frontline continues to be tense, and you seem to be back to when you were at Blue Star. 】

[The familiar faces around you gradually disappear before your eyes, and the number of monks on the front line is getting smaller and smaller. 】

[Tianmo City began to forcibly recruit troops from Xiao Qingyun Realm, and the monks with a little strength were all pulled to the front line to fight...]

[Fortunately, you are the Captain of Ten Thousands, one of the most respected monks by the commander of the Earthly Immortal Realm, and you are also the logistics and military supplies department, so you are not in danger. 】

[But every once in a while, there are also god-level and demigod-level aliens coming to sneak attacks, but they are all blocked by the monks from the Human Immortal Realm. 】

[In this way, another seven years have passed. 】

[No.70 In three years, the number of your body-protecting swords has reached 360. 】

[In the same year, an alien with medium divine power led several aliens to sneak attack the rear of the monk army. 】

[Fortunately, the commander of the fairyland came to the rescue in time to avoid losses. 】

[In this battle, you inspired your strongest sword, combined with your talent for martial arts... A thousand 360 swords came out, and a foreigner who was close to the middle stage of the Immortal Realm was killed by you with one blow! 】

[On that day, the light of the sword spread across the sky and the earth, and the sword pierced through the heads of the foreign tribesmen, like a startling leaf spreading into the sky...]

[After this battle, you will become famous! 】

[With the cultivation level of the Tribulation Stage (others think), he has terrifying strength comparable to the middle stage of Human Immortal Stage! 】

[Even the commander of the Earthly Immortal Realm appreciates you more, and the generals of the Heavenly Immortal Realm were even alarmed...]

[But the general also said it was a pity, saying that if you had been born ten thousand years earlier, there might have been one more swordsman in the heavenly realm! 】

[You remained silent about this, knowing that the situation was becoming more and more tense, and you worked harder to practice the body-protecting sword. 】

[In this way, another seven years have passed. 】

[In No. 80, the number of body-protecting swords you learned reached [-]! 】

[At this time, you are confident that if you activate all the swords, you will also have the opportunity to severely injure or even kill the early human immortal monks. 】

[One day, you practice Sword Gang as always. 】

[Suddenly, screams for help came from the military camp. When you opened your eyes again, you saw countless red-eyed aliens who had reached the rear of the army at some point...]

[Digital aliens with medium-level divine power are among them! 】

[And the high-end combat power you have is just a commander in the Earthly Immortal Realm and several Ten Thousand Captains in the Human Immortal Realm...]

[This battle is undoubtedly lost, and it is a situation of being crushed! 】

[In this battle, you still performed brilliantly, dragging down a low-level alien with divine power by yourself and severely damaging it. 】

[But the commander of the Earth Fairyland died in battle. Under the encirclement and suppression of other alien races, you held on until the last moment without saying a word. 】

[The general will not be greedy for life, but the scholar will be determined to die! 】

[As a result of this battle, everyone from the commander of the Earthly Immortal Realm to the ten thousand captains of the Human Immortal Realm, including you, died in battle... and hundreds of thousands of monks were all devoured by the aliens...]

【you are dead! 】

【Ding, this simulation is over! 】

After the simulation ended, Su Xing looked a little complicated.

"Oh, even if you don't become an immortal, you are just an ant... But even if you become an immortal, nothing will change in the world of human immortals and earthly immortals..."

"The Earth Immortal Realm Overhaul will also die in battle...just like the Demon Suppression Pass in the future..."

Su Xing admired these strong men.

It’s not admiration for cultivation, but admiration for character and personality.

Whether it was the commander of the Earthly Fairyland who admired the awakening and died fighting alien gods...

It is Lu Yuanwu who said at the beginning that "the mountains and rivers of Daxia are in good condition, and there is no shortage of people who dare to die". He has a strong heart and is worthy of admiration.

"However, this simulation lasted for 80 years...both the body-protecting sword and the improvement of Qi-refining cultivation have met expectations..."

Su Xing nodded with satisfaction and spent the simulation time on improving the body-protecting sword. Su Xing's upper limit of strength would increase significantly.

"Let's take a look at the rewards of this simulation first..."

Look at the reward list.

[Master of Star Calculation]: Purple talent, priced at 100 million points of energy.

[80 years of alchemy experience]: After redemption, the existing alchemy insights will increase slightly, and the price is 8000 million energy.

[Perfection of the Mahayana period]: A monk who has completed the Mahayana period, understands the power of the source, seeks the Tao Yun, his magic power resonates with the heaven and earth, and the sea of ​​spiritual power is endless. He can be ready to transform into immortals at any time and enter the period of transcending tribulation... Priced at 40 billion energy.

[Body Protecting Sword Gang (One Thousand Four Hundred Ways)]: Taking the body protecting Gang Qi as a reference, Yuanli and Sword Intent as the core, attack and defense are integrated. The power increases with the growth of swordsmanship. It has reached the level of earth evil magical power. Get used to it. Immortal realm monks can cross ranks and fight, and currently have a total of 30 body-protecting swords.The price is [-] billion energy.

In this simulation, the awakening goal is clear, and the most worthy of bringing out are naturally the cultivation level and the body-protecting sword.

So he woke up and said silently:
"I choose to bring out the perfect cultivation level in the Mahayana period and the body-protecting sword!"

[Ding, you successfully brought out the perfect cultivation level in the Mahayana period, spending 40 billion energy, and the remaining energy is 91 million points.]

[Ding, you successfully brought out the body-protecting sword (one thousand four hundred ways), spending 30 billion energy, and the remaining energy is 61 million points...]

The simulator beep sounded, and two mysterious energies poured into Su Xing's body.

The next second, Su Xing's cultivation level began to rise.

The eighth level of the Mahayana period...the ninth level of the Mahayana period!

The Mahayana period is complete!
In just a moment, Su Xing's cultivation realm has continuously crossed two small levels, reaching the completion of the Mahayana stage!

At this moment, the capacity of the sea of ​​spiritual power in Su Xing's body increased rapidly, expanding again by more than [-]%!

The richness of the spiritual power in the awakened body has surpassed the monks who have passed the "mana level".

Of course, it's just a quantitative improvement, but the quality is much worse...

After all, awakening is currently using spiritual power, and after passing the mana barrier, you can use fairy power!

The gap between the two is more than a tiny bit!
In addition to the sudden increase in cultivation, Su Xing also felt that the sword intent in his body was surging.

rub rub!
Su Xing's heart moved, and one thousand four hundred swords appeared around his body!
Offense and defense in one!
In terms of defensive power, there are [-] swords and swords that cannot be broken through by the monks in the Tribulation Stage. Only the immortals can continue to attack to cause damage to it.

As for the attack, [-] swords came out at once, and even in the middle stage of the Immortal Realm, one had to avoid the sharp edge for a while!

"Huh... Now, even if I don't rely on martial arts talent, I can still be considered to have immortal-level combat power!"

"The magical power of the Earthly Demon...is truly worthy of its reputation!"

After Su Xing got used to the increase in strength, he looked at the time.

At this time, Grandpa Lu must have been waiting for a long time.

So Su Xing disguised himself, calmed down, and went to meet Grandpa Lu for business.

With another 40 billion simulated energy in hand, he awakened Yu Jian and flew to the Immortal Martial Era dungeon.

For the next week, Su Xing spent time in the Lingtian Cave.

Within a week, Su Xing completed the unfinished mining puppet and made a new puppet.

In this way, the number of mining puppets currently controlled by Su Xing comes to four!

From now on, these four mining puppets will be able to provide Su Xing with nearly 20 billion simulated energy every week!
"Huh... finally finished!"

Su Xing breathed a long sigh of relief, looked at the masterpiece in front of him with satisfaction, and murmured:
"It's just a fourth-level exotic metal ore vein, two thousand cubic meters of exotic metal ore, and it was dug out in about a week..."

"It seems that we need to add an automatic mineral search function to record the locations of the remaining hundreds of mineral veins..."

In the Immortal Martial Age dungeon, the number of exotic metal veins is not endless.

There are probably more than a hundred of third- and fourth-level mineral veins that can provide a lot of energy for awakening.

If twenty mining puppets dig together, they will finish digging in less than half a year.

When they wake up, they will need to transfer them to the Beast Controlling World dungeon, or find another dungeon...

"However, more than a hundred ore veins provide 2000 billion energy, which is enough!"

Su Xing murmured.

I glanced at the time and it was almost time to meet Jin Congxue.

So after waking up and tidying up, he returned to Blue Star and went to the villa area to find Jin Congxue.

Jin Congxue is wearing a white floral skirt today, looking a little playful.

The two sat across from each other, chatting about work and tasting delicious food.

"Well, by the way... the market in the United States is also opening up a little bit... The first batch of abyss stones has been shipped this week, but the quantity is not large, only [-]..."

Jin Congxue handed over a storage ring, which contained the exotic metals purified last week, various goods, and [-] ordinary abyss stones.

Because the amount of raw ore of different metals was not large last week, the energy output of the Tarot Club this week was less than one billion.

But Su Xing knows that the trough is only temporary, and he will gain more and more energy in the future.

So Su Xing encouraged:
"The organization is already aware of your contribution...Sister Xue, do you have any requirements?"

Jin Congxue was stunned for a moment after hearing Su Xing's words, and asked doubtfully: "Can I still make a request?"

Su Xing nodded and said: "What do you want? More advanced equipment...or a powerful talisman like last time? We can satisfy you!"

After hearing Su Xing's words, Jin Congxue immediately said with a straight face:

"Hmph, who cares about these things like you?"

"This girl is also a powerful person at the level of a heavenly king. Why can't I protect myself?"

For some reason, Jin Congxue got into a temper, and Su Xing ran away immediately when he saw this...

After waking up and leaving, Jin Congxue muttered:

"Humph! What a straight man! He doesn't understand other people's thoughts at all..."


On the other side, the queen woke up and returned to Lingtian Cave, and began to prepare the plan for the next simulation.

"My cultivation has reached the completion of the Mahayana stage, and the next step is to enter the Tribulation Stage!"

After careful consideration by Su Xing, among the six levels of immortality, it is better to pass the heart-refining level first!

Lianxinguan is the most reliable way to awaken!
Although the mana level is still certain, if more resources can be raised, perhaps the mana level after breaking through to the Immortal Realm can be further increased!
So there is no rush...

After setting the goal, Su Xing glanced at the time and saw that the simulation had finished cooling down, so Su Xing silently said:
"Start the simulation!"

On May 2025, 5, in the new era, Su Xing is preparing to start a new round of simulation.

【Ding!This simulation consumes 8800 energy points, with 112 million remaining energy points and no remaining simulation times. 】

【The simulation starts! 】

[It costs 10 energy points to extract purple talents, and 100 million energy points to extract golden legendary talents. Do you want to extract them? 】

"I failed to draw the golden talent twice in a row. Is it time to hit gold this time?"

Su Xing muttered and said decisively: "Extract the golden talent!"

[Ding, congratulations on getting the golden talent Seven Apertures and Exquisite Heart. The probability of getting the golden talent next time is 50%...]

(This is a big chapter of [-] words. I am asking for monthly votes~)

(End of this chapter)

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