Others practice leveling, I cultivate immortality, go out to Mahayana before leaving the mountain

Chapter 268 Finally enters the period of transcending tribulation, and the heart-refining pass is co

Chapter 268 Finally enters the period of transcending tribulation, and the heart-refining pass is completed! (Ten thousand words, two in one)

"Golden talent, exquisite heart with seven orifices?"

Su Xing was stunned for a moment. The first time he saw this talent, he thought of the legendary "Bigan"'s exquisite heart with seven orifices.

"It is said that Bigan's seven-orificed exquisite heart can see through illusions and gain insight into everything in the world... Could it be that my golden talent has a similar effect?"

Su Xing touched his chin and looked at Tian Tian to explain.

[Seven Apertures Exquisite Heart]: With golden talent, you can multi-task and make connections by analogy. While practicing a certain skill, other skills can also gain benefits. At the same time, the efficiency of cultivating hundreds of immortal skills is greatly improved...

"Huh? This talent..."

Su Xing raised his eyebrows. The effect of Qiqiao Exquisite Heart seemed different from what he imagined?
"I remember that I once received the talent of dual-purpose, which doubled the efficiency of alchemy. Could it be that this seven-orificed exquisite heart has a similar effect?"

Thinking of this, Su Xing's eyes suddenly lit up.

If this is true, it will definitely be of great help to awakening!

The efficiency of refining alchemy, making talismans, setting up formations, refining weapons, refining puppets, etc. has been greatly improved!

“We still have to try it to know the specific effect!”

Su Xing looked forward to the simulation panel with anticipation in his heart.

[In Lingtian Cave, you realize that you are in a simulation. 】

[You traded with Lu Yuanwu as promised, and there was no accident. 】

[After returning to Lingtian Cave, you began to try new talent effects. 】

[You first try to make alchemy, and you find that your alchemy efficiency has doubled again! 】

[With the blessing of the Qiqiao Exquisite Heart, you can open four furnaces to refine elixirs at the same time. Like low-level elixirs such as Bigu Pill, you can refine tens of thousands of them in a week! 】

[And even for Yangyuan Pills and Fu-Refining Pills, you can refine four to five thousand pills in a week...]

[But if you are refining high-level elixirs, the efficiency is much lower, because there is only one alchemy furnace that can support the refining of high-level elixirs. 】

[After trying out the benefits of the Seven Orifices Exquisite Heart on alchemy, you start making talismans again. 】

[You are surprised to find that your skills in making talismans have improved a lot. You can make seventh-level talismans smoothly, and you can barely make even eighth-level talismans...]

[And the speed of making talismans is also nearly twice as fast...]

[Immediately afterwards, I started trying to set up formations and make puppets...]

[After a month of continuous attempts, you have a comprehensive understanding of the talent of the Qiqiao Exquisite Heart! 】

[All in all, this is a powerful talent that improves the skills of cultivating immortals! 】

[Not only can skills be improved, but efficiency can also be greatly improved... The improvement effect is about [-]% to more than double. 】

[With this new talent, your speed in refining puppets will be greatly increased! 】

[In just one week, you can refine three miner puppets! 】

[You are very satisfied with this. In the next ten days, you accumulate great wisdom status bonus and go to Luotian dungeon...]

“Using immersive simulation…”


After coming out of the Luotian copy, Su Xing breathed a sigh of relief with a smile on his face.

"The new talent is surprisingly useful! Even the learning speed of the puppet method has been slightly improved!"

"It seems that the plan for this simulation is going to change slightly!"

Su Xing touched his chin.

His original idea was to cross the heart and collect enough resources.

But looking at it now, this talent adds too much to him, especially the bonus to productivity.

Such a practical talent, Su Xing cannot miss it.

"So, don't rush to collect this round of resources. Let's go through the Heart Refining Pass first and bring out our talents!"

Su Xing sighed softly.

"Sure enough, talent is the primary productive force!"

Look at the simulation panel.

[After leaving the Luo Tian dungeon, you go to meet Luo Shuying. 】

[Under the guidance of Luo Shuying, you successfully joined the Advent Cult. 】

[After joining the Advent Cult, you begin to prepare for the smooth passage of the Heart Refining Pass. 】

[Although you have passed the "Five Levels of Divine Transformation" and have a strong heart, you have always been cautious and chose to refine the Mysterious Heart Pill. 】

[Huan Xin Xuandan is a ninth-grade elixir. Its main effect is to calm the mind, keep the spiritual platform clear, and prevent people from going crazy. 】

[Forefathers monks discovered that Huan Xin Xuandan is extremely effective in overcoming the "Heart Refining Pass" during the tribulation. After taking it, it can increase the chance of passing by more than [-]%! 】

[The main ingredients for refining Huanxin Xuandan are Jade Bone Snow Ginseng, Ningshenmu...Huanxin Grass and Snow Lotus. 】

[Among them, you already own the Jade Bone Snow Ginseng and the Ningshen Tree, and you have already planted the seeds of the Snow Lotus, just waiting to be harvested. 】

[Snowdrops need to be planted in extremely cold places, and their growth cycle lasts for hundreds of years. 】

[But fortunately, you have the talent blessing of the descendants of Shennong, and with the help of wood spiritual energy to mature, you may be able to mature in more than ten years...]

[So, next you travel between Adventism and the Far North. 】

[You plant snow lotuses in the far north and place spiritual formations and restrictions to ensure that hundreds of snow lotuses mature smoothly. 】

[Afterwards, Yu Jian flew tens of thousands of miles every week to the far north to ripen snowdrops. 】

[Seven years have passed very quickly. 】

[In the seventh year, you designed to remove the leader of the natural faction and replace him. 】

[In the eighth year, you get rid of the old dog Long and wait quietly for the arrival of Blood Three. 】

[In the 11th year of No. [-], Xue San arrived at Blue Star. You offered the spiritual dragon and obtained the pass. 】

[When you saw Blood Three, you also thought about transferring the "I can't be unlucky alone" to him by giving him the rose talent. 】

[But when you transferred your talent, the Money Demon King in the Earth Immortal Realm had a vague sense of it, but as the Blood Trio is a Golden Immortal, his senses may be more sensitive. 】

[It is very likely that you will be found to have done something to him, and you will definitely die by then. 】

[What's more, a golden immortal must have some research on cause and effect and destiny. Once you discover changes in your luck, you will not get any good results...]

[After Blood Three leaves, you take care of the snow lotus as always. 】

[This year, the snowdrops are almost mature. You can expect to harvest hundreds of snowdrops in up to five years. 】

[In No. 13, you went to the Beast Controlling World dungeon and killed the legendary monsters and monster emperors, which could extend Blue Star's luck for several more years. 】

[No.16, you successfully harvested the snowdrops. 】

[At this time, three of the four main ingredients for refining Huan Xin Xuan Dan have been gathered. 】

[There is no news except the Fantasy Heart Grass. 】

[You know that it is impossible to find this elixir on Blue Star, so you are preparing to go to the Three Thousand Worlds. 】

[You went to the killing battlefield and walked in the direction of the red moon. 】

[You showed your pass and entered that different space...]

When Su Xing saw this, his heart moved and he muttered silently:
"Use an immersive simulation, lasting 30 days!"


The simulator prompt sounded, and he woke up and appeared in a different space.

Summoning the body-protecting sword, Su Xing looked at the turbulent flow of space in front of him and murmured:
"In this immersive simulation, you can fully understand the origin of space in one breath!"

After the words fell, Su Xing broke into the turbulent flow of space alone...

Time passed by minute by minute.

When the immersive simulation progressed to No. 20 for eight days, Su Xing finally took a step further, and his mastery of the origin of space reached a perfect level!
"Then the next step... is to try to understand the prototype of the avenue..."

Su Xing looked at the turbulent flow of space in front of him, as if he wanted to catch the shadow of the prototype of the space avenue from this wisp of void.

With the blessing of Qiling Pill, Su Xing's understanding has been greatly improved.

But unfortunately, it is obviously impossible to comprehend the profound way of space so easily.

The immersive simulation ends quickly and you wake up back to reality.

"It's a pity... Judging from my current situation, I have no clue about the understanding of the Space Avenue..."

Su Xing sighed and looked at the strand of space origin wrapped in his hand.

With a thought in his heart, Su Xing took out a few storage rings, wanting to see the improvement that would come after the origin of space was perfected.

After a while, the attempt ended, and Su Xing had a hint of surprise on his face.

"Not bad! The space covered has increased to [-] cubic meters!"

Su Xing felt a little excited.

Five hundred cubic meters means that Su Xing can bring almost all his savings with him.

Various resources, magic weapons useful to you, etc...

The only pity is that the storage ring cannot contain living creatures. If you want to take the dragon with spiritual veins to the three thousand worlds, you need to be able to completely cover the entire Cave Heaven Paradise...

"Entering the Tao through the power of the source... Once I understand the space avenue, it should be alright, right?"

"The goal this time is to find the Huanxin Grass, refine the Huanxin Xuandan... and successfully pass the Heart Refining Pass!"

Su Xing thought so, and looked at the simulation panel again.

[Through the world passage, you arrive at the northern part of Shiwanda Mountain in Xiaoqingyun Realm. 】

[You can keenly feel that your coma time is much shorter than before, and there are no injuries on your body, but there is still some spiritual disorder. 】

[After you tidied up a little, you headed to Baidi City. 】

[You lived in Baidi City for a year, during which time you inquired about the Fantasy Heart Grass. 】

[Unfortunately, the Fantasy Heart Grass is extremely rare and you have not found it. 】

[In No. 17, you went to Tianji Pavilion and sold information about the Blood Moon and Advent Sect to the Tianji Pavilion girl. 】

[You purchased information related to Fantasy Heart Grass. 】

[You learned that this kind of elixir is extremely rare and is almost impossible to find in the Little Qingyun Realm. There has been no news about the Magic Heart Grass in the Little Qingyun Realm in the past hundred years. In desperation, you can only give up. 】

[You are going to Qingyun Sect to find news about Fantasy Heart Grass...]

Su Xing nodded slightly when he saw this.

"There is definitely Huanxin Grass in Qingyun Sect... there is even the finished Huanxin Xuandan!"

"It's just a pity... If this is the case, the simulation time will be greatly reduced..."

Su Xing shook his head. He originally thought he could refine it by himself, but he miscalculated. He didn't know that Fantasy Heart Grass was so difficult to find.

In the end, all the previous efforts were in vain...

"Forget it, let's go to Qingyun Sect again!"

Look at the simulation panel.

[In desperation, you can only prepare to go to Qingyun Sect. 】

[You first take the airship to Little Qingyun City. 】

[After waiting for about a year in the city, Qingyun Sect enrollment officially began. 】

[In No. 18, after the enrollment ceremony, you met the True Immortal of Danhuo. 】

[After knowing your identity, True Immortal Danhuo treated you with great respect and said that you can follow him to Qingyun Sect in two years. 】

[Of course you agreed, so you stayed in Xiao Qingyun City and waited quietly. 】

[In No. 20, you followed the True Immortal Danhuo on a flying boat and arrived at the Qingyun Realm. 】

[The majestic Qingyun Sect, which looks like a fairy palace, stands among the steep mountains. Looking from a distance, it will make your heart agitate. 】

[You joined the Qingyun Sect and received the treatment of a second-generation direct disciple. 】

[At this time, Fairy Huo Yun Jin and Fairy Zi Ling are not in retreat, and you have received a generous meeting gift from them. 】

【Another year has passed. 】

[No. 20: In year [-], you contacted Fairy Ziling, sold thousands of spirit-gathering flowers, and gained millions of sect contribution points. 】

[You are going to go to the sect to buy Huan Xin Xuandan. 】

[But you unexpectedly learned that this elixir is extremely rare and is of great benefit to monks in the tribulation period. It is often reserved by sect disciples in advance. If you want to redeem this elixir at this time, you need to wait until 150 years later...]

[As a second-generation disciple, you can naturally overwhelm others with your power, but this will not restore your Taoist heart. 】

[Fortunately, the Fantasy Heart Grass still exists in the sect, so you bought more than a hundred Fantasy Heart Grass and prepared to refine it yourself. 】

Su Xing was slightly surprised when he saw this. Even a sect like Qingyun Sect would lack the Huan Xin Xuan Dan?
But if you think about it carefully, this is also possible.

"After all, there are many disciples in the Qingyun Sect, and the Huanxin Xuandan is difficult to refine, but it is extremely important to the disciples in the tribulation period...I am afraid that everyone wants to redeem it to increase the possibility of breaking through to the heart-refining level..."

Su Xing thought for a moment and muttered:

"With the size of Qingyun Sect, the number of monks who undergo the tribulation every year is probably not one thousand but eight hundred... Of course, we need to wait."

"But you might as well refine it yourself!"

"If it were me before, it might be difficult to refine ninth-level elixirs, but now that I have the blessing of the Qiqiao Exquisite Heart, I may be able to refine the best ninth-level elixirs..."

Su Xing thought so, looking at the simulation panel.

[After obtaining the Fantasy Heart Grass, you have obtained all the herbs needed to refine the Magic Heart Mysterious Pill. 】

[After more than [-] years of continuous accumulation, your great wisdom status bonus at this time can last for about a year. 】

[You decide to spend four hours every day to carefully refine a furnace of Huan Xin Xuan Dan...]

[In the first month, you refined eighteen furnaces of Huan Xin Xuan Dan. There is no doubt that all of them failed. 】

[But you are too familiar with the medicinal properties and refining steps of Huan Xin Xuan Dan, and you feel that your alchemy skills have improved rapidly. 】

[In the second month, you continued to refine fifteen furnaces of Huan Xin Xuan Dan, but all failed. You sum up your experience. 】

[In the third month, you refine ten furnaces of Huan Xin Xuan Dan, and you succeed in one furnace. You feel like you are gradually knocking on the door. 】

[In the fourth month, you refined seven furnaces of Huan Xin Xuan Dan, and succeeded in two furnaces. You have finally started refining Huan Xin Xuan Dan. 】

[Refining the elixir for four consecutive months, you feel that your alchemy skills have improved a lot, so you plan to thoroughly digest these alchemy insights before refining. 】

[In this way, one year has passed. 】

[No.20 In the second year, you purchased a lot of new Magic Heart Grass and Snow Lotus and continued to prepare for refining. 】

[You spent three months refining more than twenty furnaces of Huan Xin Xuan Dan. You feel that you are making rapid progress and are about to reach the level of Xiaocheng. 】

[No. 20 In three years, you refined the Huan Xin Xuan Dan for forty furnaces, and finally your understanding of it reached a minor level. 】

[At this time, you have been able to refine the normal quality Huan Xin Xuan Dan, but you are still not satisfied if you can obtain the top quality Huan Xin Xuan Dan. 】

[When passing the Heart Refining Pass, the chance can be increased by [-]%! 】

Su Xing sighed when he saw this:

"Oh, the [-]% chance is not low!"

"Ordinary monks would fight to the death even for this half chance..."

Su Xing thought for a while.

Among the six levels of transforming into immortals, the Heart Refining Pass is considered to be quite difficult.

For ordinary monks, the chance of success in mind training is only about [-] to [-]%.

If you fail, even if you cultivate yourself for a hundred years, your chances of trying the second time will be halved.

However, when awakening in the stage of becoming a god, one has to go through the "Five Levels of Transformation" in advance, and one's mind is as tough as iron, so the success rate can be around [-]%.

Counting a top-grade Illusion Heart Mysterious Pill, the success rate is about [-]%.

"Ninety-five percent chance... there is also a risk of failure!"

Su Xing touched his chin and muttered:

"If it doesn't work, then prepare a few more top-grade Fantasy Heart Mysterious Pills. There should be a [-]% chance, right?"

Su Xing cautiously felt that five or six top-grade Fantasy Heart Mysterious Pills would have a greater chance.

Of course, ordinary monks would not be so wasteful, because only the first one of the Huan Xin Xuandan has the best effect, and the second one has only [-]% of the effect of the first one, so it is constantly reduced...

"If it doesn't work, we can only waste this simulation opportunity..."

Su Xing felt that there was a [-]% chance that he could give it a try!

Thinking this, Su Xing looked at the simulation panel.

[No. 20 In four years, you continued to refine the Huan Xin Xuandan, and there were eleven elixirs, none of which were the best. 】

[Your proficiency in Huan Xin Xuan Dan has been slightly improved...]

[No. 20, in five years, thirteen pills have been produced, none of which are the best. Your pill-making skills have improved slightly...]

[In this way, another five years have passed. 】

[In No. 30, your success rate in refining the Huan Xin Xuan Dan has reached over [-]%, and you are not far away from completing the elixir. 】

[No. 30 In three years, you refined 37 Huanxin Xuandan, and successfully refined eleven top-grade Huanxin Xuandan! 】

[Your refining skills of Huan Xin Xuandan have reached the master level! 】

[At this time, you are ready for the Heart Refining Tribulation. 】

[But to be on the safe side, you can ask Fairy Ziling for her experience in surviving the Heart Refining Tribulation. 】

[Fairy Ziling tells you that she has a special physique and does not have the trouble of inner demons refining her heart, so she has no experience...]

In the real world, Su Xing rolled his eyes when he saw this and said:

"Damn, is there such a outrageous thing?"

"Special physique... Direct transformation into an immortal requires one of the five stages? The advantage of this special physique is too great!"

Su Xing shook his head, feeling a little helpless.

"Forget it, let's give it a try!"

Look at the simulation panel.

[After bidding farewell to Fairy Ziling, you announced your retreat. 】

[You return to your own cave and plant flowers and grass every day, cultivate your health...]

[No. 30 In the fourth year, one day you divined a divination, and the divination was very auspicious, so you made a prompt decision to prepare for the test of the Heart Refining Pass! 】

[You sit cross-legged in the cave, your heart is like a bright mirror, and the whole spiritual platform becomes empty for a while. 】

[You took out a handful of the best Fantasy Heart Mysterious Pill and swallowed it. 】

[Your state of mind gradually calms down, and your six spiritual senses continue to amplify at this moment...your thoughts continue to drift away. 】

[Your consciousness gradually dissipates...]

[When you open your eyes again, you have lost all your memory. 】


[You look at everything around you curiously, but find that everything has become huge, which makes you scared. 】

[Just as I was about to speak, I heard crying...]

[You find that it’s not that the things around you have gotten bigger, but that you have gotten smaller... you have become a baby! 】

[In this life, you were born into a poor peasant family. At this time, there was war and people were in dire straits...]

[Fortunately, my family has three acres of fertile farmland, and my life is pretty good. 】

[When you grow up, you know that there are six people in your family. 】

[In addition to your parents, you have three sisters. 】

[You are the youngest in the family, but you are the most favored. Even in this era when meat is almost unavailable, your father will still travel more than ten miles for you, taking grain to the landlord's house in exchange for two taels of lard. 】【The days go by like this. Although you are poor, you can wear new clothes every New Year and eat lard once or twice a month. 】

[Opposite of you are the old mother whose clothes are mended and patched, and the three sisters who have had no fat in their bellies for several months. 】

[But your family is happy with it, because you symbolize the hope of the family. 】

[When you were six years old, your eldest sister turned 14 and married an honest man from the next village. The dowry was two old hens. 】

[You don’t know what it means to get married. You only know that if you want to see your eldest sister in the future, you have to walk more than ten miles and you can’t see her more than once a year. 】

[When you were eight years old, your second sister also reached the age of marriage. 】

[The second sister is good-looking and married to a 30-year-old teacher in the village. 】

[This teacher heard that he had been admitted to the scholar examination more than ten years ago, but he never won the exam and never got married. 】

[This arrogant brother-in-law seems to be difficult to get along with, and his family is very poor. When the second sister got married, she did not bring back any dowry, and she even took away a few newly made quilts. 】

[But your parents are very happy because you can start reading and literacy...]

[Your teacher is naturally your second brother-in-law. 】

[He often spanks you with a thin pointer, just for small things like wiping your butt with a book made of paper. 】

[This seems like a trivial matter to you...]

[You don’t like reading, but you especially like to tease the neighbor’s rhubarb. 】

[Dahuang is a dog. He is very thin but very fierce. He only wags his tail at you. 】

[Although you don’t like reading, you seem to be very smart. You can memorize the contents of the book after reading it several times. 】

[When you were 12 years old, your second brother-in-law made a rare visit to your home. He had always looked down on poor families. 】

[The second brother-in-law told your parents that you are very talented and the smartest student he has ever seen. 】

[If you can go to the city to take the scholar exam, you might be able to pass the exam! 】

[But at this time, your family is poor, and your mother is still suffering from illness due to her pregnancy with you, and she is still unable to do hard work. 】

[This year, your third sister got married. She was married to a county far away, and she seemed to be a concubine for a landlord's family. 】

[You have seen that landlord, he has a fat head and big ears, and there is a lot of contempt in his words. 】

[The third sister got married, and there was an old scalper and a few coins in the family. 】

[You are already 12 years old at this time, and you are smart... You know that this is the money you got from selling your sister. 】

[So you had a big quarrel with your parents and didn’t want to take the scholar exam. You just wanted the third sister to come back...]

[Later, the second brother-in-law took you more than ten miles and took you by car to the county seat. 】

[At the third brother-in-law’s house, you saw the third sister you hadn’t seen for a long time. 】

[But the third sister, who used to be like a pistachio no matter how hard or tired she was, is now shedding tears. 】

[From the words of the second brother-in-law, you know that the third sister's life is not good. Although she is a concubine, she does the work of a maid, and she is beaten and scolded by her wife who is not a member of the staff. 】

[The second brother-in-law tells you that as long as you pass the examination, they will not dare to beat and scold the third sister like this! 】

【You believe it! 】

[So you study hard for the first time, for your family! 】

[You get up when the rooster crows all day long and go to your second brother-in-law’s school, and don’t go home until the sun sets every day. 】

[Because kerosene is expensive, I can only go home and sleep when the sun sets. 】

[Your talent is amazing. In just half a year, you have mastered all the hundreds of books written by your second brother-in-law! 】

[Your knowledge has even surpassed that of my second brother-in-law. Do you think you can take the imperial examination! 】

[But the second brother-in-law said you can’t do it! 】

[He asked you to go to the county seat, read more books, and become an apprentice to the county magistrate...]

[In order to go to the county town to study with a teacher, my parents sold the old scalper. 】

[On the day the cow was sold, you saw your father crying. This was the first time you had seen him cry in your life. 】

[After selling everything, you got the opportunity to study in the county town. 】

[Because you have no place to live, you can only stay at the third brother-in-law's house temporarily, which made the third sister beat and scolded a few more times! 】

[You see all this in your eyes and vow to win the election and let your family live a good life! 】

[So, two years have passed...]

[When you were 15 years old, you took the scholar examination. 】

[The mere scholar examination will naturally not be a problem for you. 】

[You became No. 1 in the Xiucai Examination and the head of the case...]

[In the spring of the second year, you take the Juren Examination. 】

[You won the exam, but your ranking was only second...]

[No.1 is the youngest son of the county magistrate. You don’t understand. He obviously doesn’t write as well as you and doesn’t read as much as you. Why does he do better than you in the exam? 】

[But it doesn’t matter. After winning the election, your family’s treatment will be completely different! 】

[You made a special trip to your third brother-in-law’s house. Your third brother-in-law, who used to be so arrogant towards you, now begins to greet you with greetings and flattery in your words...]

[The third sister who hasn’t changed into new clothes in three years now has decent clothes! 】

[You received funding from the county, and your family moved from the countryside to a house in the county. 】

[Even your second brother-in-law, who used to have a straight face towards you, is relieved and bursting into tears. 】

[He tells you that his long-cherished wish that has not been realized for half his life has finally been realized in you! 】

[After winning the election, your parents no longer engaged in farm work, but began to help you with blind dates. 】

[You are good-looking, seven feet tall, and all the matchmakers in the county have crossed the threshold...]

【But that’s not your ambition! 】

[Because you know that if you can pass the Jinshi exam, you can have your eldest sister and second brother-in-law come home to see you! 】

[So you study harder and study harder...]

[In this way, another four years have passed. 】

[When you were 20 years old, you went to Beijing to take the exam...]

[A few months later, you were informed that you had passed the Jinshi exam! 】

[And he is the No. 1 Jinshi, the top scholar! 】

[The county magistrate's son, who was ahead of you at the beginning, failed to pass the Jinshi examination for three consecutive years. 】

[You raised your eyebrows fiercely. The county magistrate who used to be polite to you has now become a little humble...]

[A few months later, you learned that you had the opportunity to go to Beijing to meet the Saint...]

[The emperor admires your talent very much and wants to marry the princess to you. 】

[You glanced at the princess who looked like a hundred and sixty-year-old and politely declined. 】

[The emperor was furious about this, so as the number one scholar, you can only return to the county town and become a county magistrate...]

[Every civil and military court looks at you with pity. 】

[But you are not sad, you even think this is better! 】

[Because you already know that this emperor is ignorant and immoral, people everywhere have insufficient food to eat, and wars are frequent. Perhaps returning to the place is a better choice. 】

[At the age of 21, you return home in fine clothes. 】

[The top scholar in the county is the top master in hundreds of years! 】

[On that day, countless people came to visit...]

[You are young and mature, just accept the gift and make good friends with the villagers. 】

[You brought the eldest sister and the second sister’s family to the county town and bought a house for them. 】

[In this way, you can meet each other every month. 】

[At the age of 22, you got married. 】

[Your wife is the daughter of a businessman in the city. She is only [-] years old, fair and beautiful, and has a wealthy family...]

[At the age of 23, the previous county magistrate resigned, and you received the imperial edict to become the new county magistrate. 】

[You are very happy about this because you don’t have to be separated from your family...]

[In this way, another seven years have passed. 】

[When you are 30 years old, wars are frequent in various places, the dynasty is in its final years, and many monsters are born...]

[There are peasant uprisings in the south and foreign invasions in the north. 】

[The decadent dynasty can no longer continue its rule...]

[Fortunately, you were prepared. Over the years, you have been recruiting troops, and you have secretly accumulated an elite force of 2000 people. 】

[When the news of the death of the old emperor spread, everyone everywhere rebelled...including you! 】

[Your father-in-law is a very shrewd businessman. He feels that you are born extraordinary, so he helps you greatly. 】

【At this time, wars broke out frequently in various places, hundreds of people were living in dire straits, and they didn't even have enough to eat. 】

[It is no exaggeration to say that as long as you have a mouthful of food, a strong man can go through life and death for you! 】

[So, in just one or two years, you used money and food to recruit a militia of 2 people. 】

[At this time, the foreign invasion has reached Kyoto City. 】

[And you plan to conquer from south to north, heading all the way to the north...The ultimate goal is King Qin! . 】

[You marched forward with great success and suppressed the peasant rebellion. 】

[The rebellion in the surrounding provinces was successfully quelled by you in just two or three years. 】

[Your troops are gradually increasing, and your new recruits have become elite soldiers! 】

[In just two or three years, the number of soldiers and horses you have has exceeded [-], and you have become a great prince! 】

[At this time, there are still three vassal kings in the south who are supporting their own forces. Your goal is to defeat them one by one first. 】

[But they each have enough troops and horses. They have dozens of cities under their command, and their military strength is several times that of yours. 】

[This gives you a big headache, you can only grow steadily...]

[But fate seems to be particularly fond of you. 】

[When you were 36 years old, two vassal kings fell ill and died, and the power of your subordinates was greatly reduced...]

[You took the opportunity to lead your troops to attack, and in just three years, you defeated the city one after another! 】

[When you are 40 years old, you have hundreds of cities and hundreds of thousands of troops under your command! 】

[You attack the last feudal king...]

[In the end, after a bloody battle, you became the uncrowned king of the south! 】

[At the age of 43, you segregated the south of the Changhe River, looking at the capital in the distance, with [-] elite soldiers under your command! 】

[The next year, you received news that the foreign tribes in the north massacred the royal family, and no one among the thousands of people in the palace survived! 】

[You know in your heart that the opportunity has come! 】

[So, you personally led the Northern Expedition, leading [-] elite troops towards Kyoto City! 】

[At this time, you have enough troops and horses, and you have only one target! 】

【Establish a new dynasty! 】

[You led your army to a surprise attack on Kyoto, opening the city gates along the way without encountering any obstruction. 】

[But there are bandits everywhere and the order is chaotic, you can't bear it...]

[At this time, you get news that the foreigners have withdrawn from the city of Kyoto and returned to the northern grasslands, leaving only a few thousand soldiers and horses to guard Kyoto. 】

[You know in your heart that this is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity! 】

[So you immediately decided to let most of the soldiers maintain order in various cities and arrive at Kyoto at normal marching speed. 】

[And you, leading five thousand elite cavalry, make a surprise attack on Kyoto to take back Kyoto city in one fell swoop! 】

[The cavalry rushes day and night...]

[But even so, it was already half a month later when we arrived in Kyoto City. 】

[Among the five thousand elite cavalry along the way, only a little over four thousand are left...]

[Moreover, we are exhausted! 】

[But when you look at the foreign flags planted outside Kyoto, you know that this is a last ditch effort! 】

[So, you immediately ordered to repair the place for half a day, and then attack the city! 】

[It is extremely difficult for cavalry to attack a city...]

[But the soldiers under your command will win every battle with you, and their elite momentum cannot be stopped by the three to five thousand old and weak soldiers in the city! 】

[So, after one day of attacking the city, the city was broken! 】

[Five thousand elite soldiers, only less than three thousand are left...]

[But you broke into the royal city! 】

[Conquered the old capital that had been in the hands of foreigners for more than ten years...]

[At this time, you feel heroic! 】

[But three days later... the dark shadow outside Kyoto City gave you a heavy blow! 】

[It turns out that you fell into the trap! 】

[The foreigners have not returned to the grassland. They are just hiding hundreds of miles north of Kyoto City. They are just waiting for you to enter the city and want to catch the turtle in the jar! 】

[When you react, it’s already too late...]

[20 troops, including even [-] cavalry, are pressing under the walls of Kyoto...]

[But you only have 3000 soldiers guarding the city! 】

[Three thousand versus 20...you will definitely lose! 】

[This is the most difficult battle in your life...]

[After many years of fighting on the battlefield, you have to use 20 elite soldiers to defend a [-]-strong army and attack the city for ten days! 】

[But even so, the city was still broken...]

[My soldiers, your son asked you to leave the city to break out...]

[But you know in your heart that under the encirclement and suppression of a hundred thousand cavalry, the chance of survival is almost zero...]

[At this moment, thunder suddenly fell from the cloudless sky...]

[Immediately afterwards, strong winds and thunder rolled from the sky! 】

[Countless meteorites fell from the sky and hit the military camp outside Kyoto. 】

[In just a quarter of an hour... less than one thousandth of the 20-strong army survived! 】

【you win! 】

[This sudden meteorite rain saved you! 】

[I also helped you defend the city...]

[The people in the city were immediately frightened by the vision coming from the sky, and the officials in the city said that this was God's will! 】

[And you are the true pride of heaven, and you are destined to be lucky! 】

[So, you took advantage of this meteor shower that day and... became emperor! 】

[Everyone was shocked by this vision coming from the sky...]

[Only you, looking up beyond the thunderclouds, seem to see two figures fighting...]

[It seems that there are immortals in this world? 】

[So, for the next 20 years, you will be looking for immortals, hoping to get a trace of immortality...]

[When you are 68 years old, you have been bedridden after years of fighting. 】

[But you have always had a dream of immortality in your heart...]

[That day, that scene of immortal fighting... that rain of meteorites, will make your life difficult...]

[Lying on the dragon-patterned jade bed, you slowly closed your eyes and ended your magnificent life! 】

[Before you die, your life flashes before your eyes...]

[You seem to have returned to your infancy...in the swaddling clothes of a poor family. 】

[You seem to have remembered everything...]

[A tear streaked from the corner of my eye! 】

[When you come to your senses again, you have returned to Lingtian Cave...]

[You know, you are monk Su Xing... you are also the emperor who was born in poverty, had a troubled life, and sought immortality in his later years...]

[The magnificent life of a mortal, the scenes of the past...are etched into your memory. 】

[You sense the huge gap between immortals and mortals...]

[In your body, the seed of fairy nature that was originally planted begins to take root and sprout! 】

[Congratulations, you successfully passed the Heart Refining Level! 】

In the real world, Su Xing breathed a sigh of relief when he saw this.

The lines of cold words in front of him made it difficult for Su Xing to understand them personally.

"This...is the Heart Refining Pass?"

Su Xing frowned slightly.

"It seems... I just lived a mortal life? Even if I am an emperor... I can be a mortal!"

Su Xing was a little confused.

Even in the simulation, his life was said to be unmatched by eternity, and with good luck, he could be a mortal!

The gap between Xian and Xian is too big!
"Wait... Immortal? Could it be that... this heart-refining pass is to transform the mind into immortality?!"

Su Xing seemed to react.

But whether it is exactly as Su Xing thought, we need to wait for the simulation to be completed to verify...

"Tsk, tsk, this is how you pass the heart-refining test?"

"It seems...it's not that difficult!"

Su Xing raised his eyebrows, feeling very good, and looked at the simulation panel again.

[After passing the Lianxin Pass, when you come out, you realize that a full ten years have passed! 】

[No.40 Five years ago, you were released from seclusion! 】

[You have become a real monk in the tribulation period! 】

[The Heart-Refining Pass is the most dangerous of the five levels of spiritual transformation. If you fail, you will only become a loose immortal...]

[And you who have passed the heart-refining test have a transcendent state of mind and perseverance... If you were under the red moon, you might not be affected anymore! 】

[But you also know that it will probably be less than ten years before Qingyunzi comes out of seclusion. 】

[And once Qingyunzi discovers your traces, you may die without a chance to survive...]

[So you no longer hesitate and leave immediately to leave this world...]

[You made a deal with Fairy Ziling and left the Qingyun Realm in a flying boat. 】

[Before leaving, you left a jade slip with a note for Zilin Fairy, which recorded your guess about Qingyunzi killing three corpses...]

(Huh~ I’m sending you ten thousand words today. This is another story I’m simulating after the fifth stage of transformation into a god... the main tone is naturally the pursuit of immortality from mortals to immortals...)
(Finally, please give me a monthly pass! I hope you all like it! There is no charge for this section...)
(End of this chapter)

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