Others practice leveling, I cultivate immortality, go out to Mahayana before leaving the mountain

Chapter 269: Taking hundreds of millions of spiritual fluids, the six realms of consciousness are ac

Chapter 269: Taking hundreds of millions of spiritual fluids, the six consciousnesses are achieved! (Two in one, please subscribe)

Su Xing's heart moved when she saw this.

"Will revealing the information to Fairy Ziling in advance bring any changes to the future?"

Su Xing is actually not optimistic about this. After all, Qingyunzi is a semi-saint-level existence, and the Qingyun Sect is well-deserved.

Although Fairy Ziling has a noble status, she is only a second-generation descendant, and her status is too different from Qingyunzi...

"However, this can be considered as a backup plan... As long as there is even a slight change, it will be great!"

Su Xing thought so.

"Complete the Heart Refining Pass, and this simulation is coming to an end... Fortunately, we still have to go to the front line of Tianmo City, as long as we are not exposed!"

Su Xing is ready to take a little risk next, and try his best to find out the strength distribution of the alien invasion of Xiao Qingyun Realm.

So, look at the simulation panel.

[In the sixth year of No. 40, you left the Qingyun Sect and went to the Little Qingyun Realm...]

[You didn’t stay too long. After changing your identity, you took the airship to Tianmo City. 】

[At this time, Tianmo City is at the peak of the war, and it is recruiting casual cultivators to join the war. 】

[And after you showed your cultivation during the Tribulation Period, you successfully became a centurion in the Demonic City. 】

[You found that there are a lot of supporting monks in Tianmo City, especially the number of monks in the Human Immortal Realm. 】

[Your guess is that the information sold to Tianji Pavilion 30 years ago played a role in making Xiao Qingyun world wary of foreign races. 】

[This time you did not reveal your identity as an alchemist, nor did you show your swordsmanship skills...]

[In peacetime, when you go to war, you show yourself as a physical cultivator, hoping that you can escape Qingyunzi's pursuit. 】

[Although the Lianxin Pass does not greatly improve your strength, you still stand out from all the tribulation-transcending monks with your pure physical strength. 】

[In just three years, you have become a captain of thousands, and more than ten demigod-level aliens have died in your hands. 】

[Year, you discovered that red-eyed aliens began to appear on the battlefield one after another. 】

[You know in your heart that this is the resurrection of the red moon, and the red-eyed alien race has joined the ranks of invading the Little Qingyun Realm... The next step is the most difficult moment for the Little Qingyun Realm. 】

[But fortunately, Xiao Qingyun Realm prepared 30 years in advance, so the losses were not serious in the face of the first raid. 】

[As a captain of thousands, you quickly made a name for yourself on the battlefield. Your terrifying physical qualities made you known as the number one physical practitioner in the Immortal Realm of Xiao Qingyun Realm. 】

[The growth of reputation can be good or bad for you. 】

[The disadvantage is that you don’t want to attract too much attention, but the advantage is that after becoming a thousand captain, your network of contacts gradually broadens, and you know the general strength of the front line of Xiaoqingyun Realm. 】

[In Tianmo City, there are approximately 500 monks in the Tribulation Stage, and they are all warrior cultivators known for their bravery. 】

[500 of them were supported by other forces over the past 30 years, and 1000 were local forces. 】

[And during the Tribulation Period, there are hundreds of thousands of Mahayana monks, who are the main force on the battlefield. 】

[In terms of high-end combat power, the human race has a total of [-] captains of the Human Immortal Realm, nearly half of whom are supported by major forces. 】

[Ten commanders from the Earthly Immortal Realm, three generals from the Heavenly Immortal Realm... and a great cultivator from the True Immortal Realm guarding the Heavenly Demon City. 】

[Of course, you also know that the clone of the Heavenly Demon General, who is comparable to the Golden Fairyland, is the real trump card of Heavenly Demon City. 】

[In addition to the human cultivators, the role of demon cultivators on the frontline of Xiao Qingyun Realm cannot be ignored. Their total combat strength is equivalent to one-third of human cultivators. 】

[Especially the two great demons from the Heavenly Immortal Realm, galloping across the battlefield. 】

[As for the alien side, it was originally slightly weaker than the human race, so it has been defended by the human race. 】

[But since the arrival of the red-eyed aliens, the number of red-eyed aliens at the emperor and demon saint levels has been countless...the number of demigods and god-level red-eyed aliens has more than doubled. 】

[This makes it increasingly difficult for the human race to hold on...]

[What makes you even more frightened is that the red-eyed alien race seems to be endlessly killing them. The continuous support and ebb and flow of support make the gap between the two sides wider and wider. 】

In the real world, Su Xing frowned slightly when he saw this and said:
"In the first 50 years, the strength of the monks in the Little Qingyun Realm was close to that of the foreign races, or even slightly better..."

"But the turning point of the war situation is naturally the arrival of the red moon... If I extend the time of Blue Star's destruction, doesn't it mean that I can also slow down the invasion of Little Qingyun Realm?"

Su Xing touched his chin thoughtfully.

"Of course, the most important thing is the battle between the top combat forces... Tianji Pavilion, Baidi Tower, and Qingyun Sect have withdrawn one after another. The Heavenly Demon Prison is far away from each other, and the distant water cannot save the nearby fire. This is also the fundamental reason why the small Qingyun world is destined to be invaded. reason!"

Su Xing shook his head slightly and murmured:

"But if we can unite all the major forces and form an alliance to fight against the aliens, maybe we can really drive out the aliens completely!"

Su Xing thought so, but he also knew that it was extremely difficult to form this alliance.

Because in the Three Thousand Worlds, the major forces are inherently hostile. If they want to get rid of the alien races, but they are not united internally, it will be difficult to reach the sky...

"But this time I know the strength configuration of the alien race, and I have gained more!"

Knowing the overall strength of the alien invasion of Xiao Qingyun Realm, if he wakes up and is strong enough in the future, he can also deploy a counterattack in advance.

Su Xing looked at the simulation panel.

[Three years, three years have passed, and your performance on the battlefield is still brave. 】

[Even if you hide most of your strength, you are still valued by the commander of the Earth Fairyland and become one of the candidates for the Captain of Ten Thousands. 】

[In this way, another seven years passed while resisting the alien race with difficulty...]

[In No. 60, the losses on the front line became more and more serious. 】

[What caused the greatest loss to the Xiao Qingyun Realm was that this year, two Celestial Realm demon cultivators went to chase a powerful alien race, but they were ambushed. 】

[Under the attack of four powerful alien gods, one of the Celestial Realm demon cultivators died on the spot, while the other one barely escaped, but was seriously injured and died...]

[Write this incident down silently so that you can avoid it early in the future. 】

[Another five years have passed in the blink of an eye. 】

[No. 60 In the fifth year, the city you are in is under pressure from the alien army. In order to save your life, you are forced to use all your strength. 】

[With the blessing of Wu De, you release [-] body-protecting swords and kill a foreigner who is comparable to the middle stage of the Immortal Realm. 】

[After this battle, your reputation greatly increased and you were promoted to Captain of Ten Thousands, but you also knew that trouble might be coming. 】

[Five years have passed peacefully again. 】

[No. In the year 70, one day you performed a divination and learned that you were going to die in the near future, and it was unavoidable. 】

[You know in your heart that maybe Qingyunzi knows your location. 】

[You are quite powerless in your heart, waiting quietly for that day to come...]

[Half a month later, Qingyunzi came to you. 】

[This time he was wearing black clothes, and his aura seemed very different from before. 】

[You are quite surprised, and you are about to pretend to defend yourself, but unexpectedly Qingyunzi seems to be extremely disgusted and angry with you. 】

[With one blow, you will be wiped out...]

【you are dead! 】

【Ding, this simulation is over! 】

After the simulation ended, Su Xing frowned and said doubtfully:
"What's going on? Something seems to have changed in Qingyunzi..."

Compared with Qingyunzi's performance in previous simulations, this time he felt a little anxious and even obsessed!

"Is it because I told Tianji Pavilion about the news that Qingyunzi killed three corpses?"

Su Xing quickly denied it. He had informed him before but did not get this change.

"Then...the only change I made was to mention this matter to Fairy Ziling!"

Su Xing thought about the jade slip with a note he left behind, but felt a little strange in his heart.

"The jade slip with the note made Fairy Ziling aware of Qingyunzi's situation... Why did it have such a huge impact?"

Su Xing was confused, could it be that Fairy Ziling prevented Qingyunzi from killing the three corpses?
But how can a mere golden immortal stop Da Luo?

I woke up and thought about it for a long time, but I couldn't figure it out.

"It seems that the key problem lies with Fairy Ziling... In the subsequent simulations, we should have more contact with Fairy Ziling!"

Su Xing's heart moved and he murmured.

Although he still couldn't escape the disaster of Qingyunzi, Su Xing's mood was not much disturbed.

Because the biggest goal of this simulated awakening has been achieved, the Heart Refining Pass has been successfully passed!

“Let’s take a look at the rewards of this simulation first!”

Su Xing had some expectations in her heart.

[Seven Orifices Exquisite Heart]: Golden talent, priced at 1000 million points of energy.

[80 years of alchemy experience]: After redemption, the existing alchemy insights will be slightly increased, including the experience of refining the ninth-grade elixir Huan Xin Xuan Dan, priced at 5 million energy.

[A ray of immortality (Lianxin Pass)]: There is a difference between immortals and mortals. In the eyes of immortals, mortal emperors and generals are no different from ants. However, after seeing a thousand years of life, they are detached in the world of mortals and have a firmness like immortals. State of mind... selling for 30 billion energy!
[Huan Xin Xuan Dan (100 pieces)]: A ninth-grade elixir, a strange elixir that can increase the spirit and toughen the mind. It is of great benefit to some spiritual races for breakthroughs. It sells for 50 billion energy.

Seeing the new round of simulation rewards, Su Xing did not hesitate and said silently:
"I choose the golden talent, the seven-orificed exquisite heart...and a ray of fairy nature!"

[Ding, it is detected that your talent bar is full. Do you want to replace the talent? 】

Su Xing heard the simulator prompt in his ears. He hesitated for a moment and looked at the properties panel.

【Name: Wake Up】

【Age: 23 years old】

【Occupation: Immortal cultivator】

[Cultivation: The Mahayana period is complete, the Dacheng state is complete]

[Gong Techniques: Ruyi Visualization Picture, Changchun Gong, Wanyan Jue, Zhengyi Fuqi Jue, Dawu Body Forging Jue]

[Talents: No martial ethics, swallowing the sky, natural sword body, invincible Xiaoqiang, giving roses to others, great wisdom like a fool, accidental enlightenment, alchemy wizard, three elements of thunder, wood and fire, heavenly spiritual roots, strength to conquer mountains, prosperous business fortune , descendants of Shennong, auspicious stars shining brightly, seeking good fortune and avoiding misfortune, masters of success study】

[Skills: Lihuo Technique (Advanced Level), Alchemy Technique (Xiao Cheng Level), Divine Psychic Explosion Technique (Entry Level), Shennong Spiritual Nurturing Technique (Entry Level), Eight Thousand Miles Divine Sense (Entering the Micro Realm), Yuan Li (External Release) Level Perfect), Three Talents Sword Technique (Perfect), Protective Sword Art (One Thousand Four Hundred Ways), Ten Thousand Miles Tracking Technique (Introduction), Bagua Arithmetic Technique (Perfect), Formation Dao (Xiao Cheng), Sword Control Technique (Perfect) , The Way of Puppetry (Xiao Cheng), several immortality cultivation techniques...]

[Perception of the origin: The origin of thunder (Xiaocheng), the origin of fire (Perfection), the origin of wood (Xiaocheng), the origin of the sword (Perfection), the origin of speed (Dacheng), the origin of force (Dacheng), the origin of space (Dacheng) Perfect)]

[Special Physique: Body of Heavenly Thunder (Second Stage)]

Compared with before, Su Xing's talent, skills and original understanding have been greatly improved.

But now, almost all the talents left by Su Xing have their own uses. It is really a bit confusing for Su Xing to replace them.

"Unknowingly, I have accumulated five golden talents... The golden talents are powerful and cannot be replaced!"

"And the important talents of understanding talents, masters of success studies...the descendants of Shennong obviously cannot be replaced..."

After some hesitation, Su Xing looked at a talent he had acquired very early.

Good business luck!
This talent gave Su Xing a lot of help in the early stage.

It brings good luck to the business in the early stage of the Tarot Club, rises rapidly, and provides a lot of simulation energy.

"But now the Tarot Chamber of Commerce is on the right track... My main source of simulated energy is also foreign metals, so business prosperity doesn't seem to be important anymore..."

"What's more, with the blessing of lucky stars and the blessing of pursuing good luck and avoiding bad luck, your luck will not be bad..."

After Su Xing hesitated, he said:
"Replace the talent of prosperous business with the exquisite heart of seven orifices..."

[Ding, talent replacement is in progress...]

[Ding, you successfully brought out the gift of Seven Apertures and Exquisite Heart, you spent 1000 million energy, and the remaining energy is 111 million points.]

[Ding, you successfully brought out a ray of immortality (Refining Heart Pass), spending 30 billion energy, and the remaining energy is 81 million points...]

The beep fell, and two rays of energy poured into Su Xing's body.

The talent of Qiqiao Exquisite Heart makes Su Xing feel slightly different and his mind is more active...

What has changed even more is that ray of immortality!
A large number of memory fragments flooded into my waking mind...

From a crying baby in swaddling clothes... to seeing three sisters getting married...

Then the top pick in high school returns home in glory...

War broke out, and the king came to Beijing...

Seeing meteorites falling from the sky, the shock and yearning for immortals to fight...

Then in the rest of my life, my search for immortality was fruitless, and I felt regretful and unwilling before my death...

A mortal's magnificent life was awakened and experienced in just a few moments.

When Su Xing opened his eyes again, a wisp of tears slipped from the corner of his eyes...

"There is a difference between immortals and mortals...so this is an immortal?"

Su Xing murmured, seeming to have some realization in his heart!
From this moment on, Su Xing truly became a monk in the Tribulation Stage.

Passing through the five levels of becoming an immortal is the most thrilling level, the heart-refining level!
After a long silence, Su Xing glanced at the time.

"It's almost time..."

After waking up and changing his appearance, he calmed down, left the Lingtian Cave, and went back to see Lu Yuanwu as always.

Lu Yuanwu waited for a long time, and when he saw Xing Xing, he excitedly said: "Senior!"

Su Xing just nodded slightly, then waved his hand to take out the elixir, and said calmly: "This is this week's goods..."

Lu Yuanwu hurriedly took care of things, and after counting, he thanked Su Xing.

After waking up and leaving, Lu Yuanwu murmured:

"Strange, why do you feel that senior has become a little different?"

"I originally thought that my seniors were as unpredictable as mountains and abyss... but now I feel a little ordinary..."

Lu Yuanwu scratched his head and felt a little strange.


After bidding farewell to Lu Yuanwu, Su Xing went to the Xianwu Era dungeon with his sword as usual.

Entering the Lingtian Cave, Su Xing began to try to refine the puppet.

"Sigh... Even though it's the tribulation period, I still have to work hard on my liver energy!"

In the next week, wake up and refine the miner puppet.

In just one week, Su Xing refined three miner puppets.

Counting the original four puppets, there are seven in total, which can bring about 35 billion simulated energy to Awakening every week!

After waking up and refining the puppets, he also installed mine patrol marks on the cores of several puppets.

In this way, once the exotic metal veins are dug, they will automatically go to the discovered mining area to awaken and dig.

Su Xing settled the miner puppet, and then returned to Blue Star to find Jin Congxue.

After finishing the meal, Su Xing and Jin Congxue exchanged a few words.

Give the new week's elixirs and foreign metal ores to Jin Congxue, wake up and return to Lingtian Cave.


In Lingtian Cave, Su Xing looked at the energy on the simulation panel and murmured:

"There is quite a bit more energy this week...a total of over 60 billion energy...and there will be more and more in the future!"

Su Xing is quite satisfied with this.

It is expected that in two weeks, tens of billions of simulated energy will be recorded every week after waking up!

Until the exotic metal veins are excavated and the more than [-] Yuan Yang Pills left in Su Xing's hand are exhausted...

While the simulation cooling is not yet complete, Su Xing starts the next step of simulation planning.

"The next step is to pass the Yuan Shen Pass... work hard to cultivate the spiritual consciousness to ten thousand feet and enter the Six Consciousness Realm. This pass can be passed steadily!"

"There are also resources needed for the magic level, which need to be prepared in advance!"

Su Xing is not worried about the Yuanshen Pass. What Su Xing is looking forward to is the Mana Pass!

When passing through the mana barrier, the more resources you prepare, the more spiritual liquid you inject, etc., the more confident you will be to survive the awakening!
Although the amount of spiritual fluid currently possessed by Su Xing is tens of millions, it is still not enough for him...

What's more, the amount of spiritual liquid required for cultivation after reaching the Immortal Realm may be even greater!
Therefore, Su Xing is preparing to bring back a batch of resources for this simulation.

"Well, the simulated cooling is almost done!"

Su Xing glanced at the panel.

On May 2025, 5, in the new era, Suxi started a new round of simulation.

【Ding!This simulation consumes 8900 energy points, leaving 142 million points of remaining energy, and no remaining simulation times. 】

【The simulation starts! 】

[It costs 10 energy points to extract purple talents, and 100 million energy points to extract golden legendary talents. Do you want to extract them? 】

"Extract the golden talent!" Su Xing said silently.

[Ding, congratulations on getting the purple talent Hidden Weapon Master. The probability of getting the golden talent next time is 60%...]

[Hidden Weapon Master]: Purple talent, you are quite experienced in the use of hidden weapons, and you can often use the right way to trick people. You are quite talented...


"Sure enough, purple talent...but this talent doesn't seem to be of much use?"

Although Su Xing was interested in refining some hidden weapons, it was too energy-consuming. It was better to improve his swordsmanship and cultivation realm...

"Forget it, let's start the simulation!"

Su Xing shook his head slightly and looked at the simulation panel.

[In Lingtian Cave, you realize that you are in a simulation. 】【You dealt with Lu Yuanwu as promised, and no accidents happened...】

[Ten days later, you went to Luotian Dungeon...]

[You joined the Advent Cult...]

[You became successful in the Advent Cult, and you began to practice spiritual consciousness in seclusion. 】

[In the second year, you wandered too far away...]

[In the third year, your mind wanders too far...]

[Four years have passed very quickly! 】

[In the seventh year, this year, the range of your consciousness has increased to [-] miles! 】

[At the same time, as your spiritual consciousness continues to grow, you also feel a bottleneck...]

[This year, you plan to get rid of the natural faction leader and replace him. 】

[In the eighth year, you get rid of Old Dog Long, and you can practice with peace of mind in the future. 】

[Over the years, a total of 400 million drops of low-grade spiritual fluid have been produced in Lingtian Cave. You collected them together and did not use them. 】

[So, another three years have passed...]

[In Year No. 11, Blood Three came to Blue Star. 】

[You offered the innate hibiscus branch and successfully deceived Xue San...]

[You successfully obtained the pass, and after three blood runs, you took the Spirit Vein Dragon back to the Lingtian Cave. 】

[After the spiritual dragon enters the cave, the spiritual energy in the cave becomes more abundant. 】

[The production speed of low-grade spiritual liquid is increased by nearly [-]%, and at the same time, mid-grade spiritual liquid is born...]

[In Year No. 12, the number of new low-grade spiritual liquids you accumulated reached 650 million drops, and the number of medium-grade spiritual liquids was [-] drops! 】

[Then you will live a very leisurely life in Blue Star, practicing your spiritual consciousness every day, planting flowers and grass to accumulate spiritual fluid...]

[In this way, another five years have passed. 】

[In No. 17, the number of low-grade spiritual liquid you accumulated reached 1000 million drops, and the number of medium-grade spiritual liquid reached nearly 50 drops. 】

[By continuously devouring the Taixu Spirit, your consciousness has grown to eight thousand six hundred miles, and the growth rate continues to decrease...]

[This year, in order to extend the simulation time, you went to the world of beast control. 】

[In No. 20, your consciousness has grown to [-] miles. 】

[No. 20 In five years, the range of your consciousness has increased to [-] miles...]

[You have discovered that the Taixu Spirit does not have an unlimited limit to the growth of your spiritual consciousness. You need to devour higher-level Taixu Spirits to ensure the growth of your spiritual consciousness. 】

[Yellow-level Taixu Spirits have little effect on your gain. Only Earth-level Taixu Spirits have better effects...]

[As for the heaven-level Taixu spirit, you have been exploring for decades and have never found it...]

[No.20 In eight years, your consciousness has grown to eight thousand nine hundred miles. 】

[This year, you have accumulated 800 million drops of low-grade spiritual liquid and 140 million drops of medium-grade spiritual liquid. 】

[This year the Demon Saint comes to the Demon Suppressing Pass, and you begin to perform the "drag" spell. 】

[In the blink of an eye, five years have passed...]

[No.30 In three years, you have accumulated 200 million drops of low-grade spiritual liquid and 180 million drops of medium-grade spiritual liquid. 】

[In the same year, your spiritual consciousness increased to nine thousand miles. 】

[As your consciousness reaches nine thousand miles, you feel that you have encountered a bottleneck. 】

[So you no longer simply wander around in the void, but pay more attention to the practice of wishful thinking...]

[In this way, seven years have passed. 】

[No. 40, you have accumulated a total of 3000 million drops of low-grade spiritual liquid and 250 million drops of medium-grade spiritual liquid over the years. 】

[You have even planted more Soul-Gathering Flowers. The number of Soul-Gathering Flowers you have accumulated is close to fifteen thousand. 】

[Your consciousness has also been difficult to raise to nearly [-] miles this year. 】

[At this time, it is very close to the alien race attacking the Demon Suppression Pass again. 】

[You do not plan to stay in Blue Star, but are going to Three Thousand Worlds in exchange for more resources! 】

[Your first goal is naturally high-quality spiritual liquid! 】

[You put all the fifteen thousand spirit-gathering flowers in the storage ring, and then took more than 40 million drops of spiritual liquid that you had worked hard to accumulate for 3000 years, and headed to the killing battlefield. 】

[You walk in the direction of the red moon, show your pass, and enter the different space. 】

In the real world, Su Xing looked at the simulated text in front of him and nodded slightly.

"Did it take 40 years to accumulate more than 3000 million drops of spiritual liquid?"

"Tsk tsk...this spiritual liquid is really difficult to obtain!"

"However, the Soul-Gathering Flowers are the most valuable! As long as I take these Soul-Gathering Flowers to the Three Thousand Worlds... I will definitely be able to obtain more spiritual liquid!"

Su Xing's eyes were full of confidence.

Then he said silently:
"Using immersive simulation, duration 30 days..."


Thirty days passed quickly in the simulation, but only a few seconds passed in the real world.

Su Xing slowly opened his eyes and sighed:

"It's too difficult to comprehend the way of space... With the blessing of Qiling Pill and Great Wisdom, it's equivalent to ten years of hard training, but I can only perceive a glimmer of it?"

Su Xing shook his head, with some disappointment in his eyes.

But my confidence was quickly restored!
"If once doesn't work, then do it twice or three times! Ten times a hundred times!"

"Anyway, I have plenty of time... I must understand the way of space!"

Su Xing felt very proud.

Every week, Awakening can be immersed in simulation.

No matter how difficult the way of space is, I believe it can still be awakened and "lived out"!
Thinking this, Su Xing looked at the simulation panel.

[When you wake up again, you will appear in the north of Shiwanda Mountain. 】

[You check your storage ring immediately and see that it is full of resources such as Spirit Gathering Flowers and Spiritual Liquid, and there is no loss. You breathe a sigh of relief...]

[Your goal this time, in addition to passing the soul level, the most important thing is to accumulate enough spiritual fluid! 】

[This is not only to lay the foundation for you to overcome the magic barrier... but also to accumulate resources for your practice after the immortal realm. 】

[And the fastest way to obtain resources is naturally to join the Qingyun Sect! 】

[As always, you first went to Baidi City. 】

[You sold the information about Blood Moon Advent Sect Qingyunzi...but it was too late at this time, and you only received 3000 million spiritual stones as a reward. 】

[Afterwards, you take the airship to Little Qingyun City without stopping. 】

[At this time, the Qingyun Sect’s enrollment ceremony is being held enthusiastically. 】

[You wait quietly for a month, and then show the Qingyun Order to the True Immortal Danhuo. 】

[You have received the attention of True Immortal Danhuo, and he told you that you can go to Qingyun Sect in three years. 】

[After hearing this, you naturally agreed. At the same time, you also made a request to the True Immortal of Danhuo, hoping to exchange for the spiritual fluid. 】

[Danhuo Zhenxian tells you that spiritual liquid is very precious. After ordinary monks get it, they often use it to improve their cultivation, so the amount of spiritual liquid in his hand is not much. 】

[But considering your status as a second-generation direct disciple, you still purchased 100 million drops of mid-grade spiritual liquid from him. 】

[To this end, you spent a total of 300 million low-grade spiritual stones...]

In the real world, Su Xing sighed when he saw this.

"Sure enough, spiritual liquid is extremely rare in the Three Thousand Worlds. Even the true immortals are not willing to sell it easily!"

Su Xing knew that the True Immortal of Danhuo naturally had more than a million drops of middle-grade spiritual liquid in her body.

But it's one thing to have someone, but it's another thing to be willing to sell...

The source of spiritual liquid is rare, and it is often only produced in small amounts in ancient ruins or cave heaven paradise.

Moreover, the spiritual liquid is extremely efficient in improving cultivation and can save a lot of time...

Therefore, even if the spiritual energy content of a drop of middle-grade spiritual liquid is only slightly higher than that of a low-grade spiritual stone, its value is comparable to that of a middle-grade spiritual stone!

And most monks are not willing to sell it!

For those who practice immortality, most of their life is spent on practicing and improving their cultivation.

But if you use spiritual liquid to practice, the speed will be several times faster than using spiritual stones...

Therefore, to them, spiritual liquid is time and longevity!

After thinking about this, Su Xing shook his head slightly and said:
"I just hope that Qingyun Sect can get some spiritual liquid easily!"

Su Xing thought so, looking at the simulation panel.

[In the next three years, you will stay in the cave and concentrate on cultivating your spiritual consciousness. 】

[No.40 In three years, your consciousness has grown to nine thousand three hundred miles...]

[In the same year, you followed the Danhuo True Immortal back to Qingyun Sect in a flying boat. 】

[As a second-generation direct disciple, your return is taken seriously by the sect. 】

[Several second-generation disciples, including Fairy Ziling and Fairy Huoyunjin, met you and gave you valuable gifts. 】

[Your goal in this simulation is to accumulate resources, so naturally you will not refuse. 】

[You even deliberately got close to these brothers and sisters of the same generation, and left jade slips of sound transmission with them. 】

[No. 40 In the fourth year, you contacted Fairy Ziling and told her that you had a large number of Spirit-Gathering Flowers in your hands. 】

[You hope to buy enough spiritual fluid from her! 】

[Fairy Ziling is a golden immortal, has practiced for thousands of years, and is worth a lot of money, so she naturally agrees. 】

[You take out a thousand spirit-gathering flowers and propose a deal. 】

[Fairy Ziling was surprised when she saw a thousand spirit-gathering flowers. She asked you if you could use your sect contribution points to trade spirit stones. 】

[You made it clear that you hope to obtain spiritual liquid. 】

[Fairy Ziling tells you that she just broke through the small realm a hundred years ago, and the spiritual liquid in her hand is almost exhausted. She can only provide you with 50 drops of high-grade spiritual liquid and one million drops of medium-grade spiritual liquid. 】

[You follow the good deeds and spend six hundred spirit-gathering flowers to pocket these spiritual fluids. 】

[In the next few years, you have made many transactions with senior brothers and sisters in the sect. Although the amount of each transaction is not large, the accumulation should not be underestimated. 】

[No. 40 Seven years, this year your consciousness has grown to nine thousand four hundred miles. 】

[At the same time, you have accumulated a total of 100 million drops of high-grade spiritual liquid, 400 million drops of medium-grade spiritual liquid, and 3000 million drops of low-grade spiritual liquid over the years...]

In the real world, Su Xing frowned slightly when he saw this.

"Alas, you can't exchange resources for money!"

"But it's also... something like spiritual liquid, which can be transformed into cultivation after being used. Who would hoard a large amount of it?"

"And just these spiritual liquids, the total value has reached 170 billion energy!"

Su Xing had a slight headache.

The problem he faces now is that he has enough resources, but not enough spiritual liquid to exchange for him...

After all, Golden Immortals and True Immortal Realm monks would spend millions of drops of high-grade spiritual fluid in one retreat, but they would not have much in their hands.

Otherwise, everyone does not need to be so eager for the Soul Gathering Flower to improve the quality of the cave...

Isn't the purpose of it just to obtain more spiritual liquid and speed up cultivation?

"Sigh, but even if there are 1000 million high-grade spiritual liquid... with the simulated energy in my hand, I can't swallow so much..."

"The optimal amount should be around 250 billion simulated energy, so we can still make it!"

Su Xing thought so, and looked at the simulation panel again.

[You know that Qingyunzi will be out of seclusion in a few years, so you plan to get as much spiritual liquid as possible. 】

[In the past few years, you have been in frequent contact with Fairy Ziling. After she learned that you could plant spirit-gathering flowers, she became very interested in you. You occasionally sit down and talk about overcoming tribulations and cultivating spirits. 】

[During your interaction with Fairy Ziling, you learned several key pieces of information. 】

[First, Fairy Ziling is an orphan adopted by Qingyunzi 3 years ago. Her hometown is in a small world that has been invaded by alien races, called the Ice Spirit World. 】

[Secondly, Ziling Fairy has a special physique. She is a Xuanyin Holy Body. Her cultivation speed even exceeds that of the ethereal root, and she is not troubled by inner demons. 】

[Thirdly, Fairy Ziling has always been aloof and does not like to communicate with her fellow disciples. She has never had a Taoist companion in 3 years. 】

[And she herself said that she is not interested in things between men and women. If you didn't have the Soul-Gathering Flower, your friendship would be just that of fellow disciples...]

[You secretly keep this information in mind and ask her what she thinks of Qingyunzi. 】

[When Qingyunzi was mentioned, the deserted Ziling Fairy rarely showed a smile. She said that Qingyunzi had been accepted as a disciple since she was a child, and Qingyunzi was like a father to her. 】

[She is willing to die for Qingyunzi. 】

[You nodded silently after hearing this and didn’t say much...]

[In the next three years, you traded with various brothers and sisters, selling many magic weapons and even spirit-gathering flowers, and obtained more spiritual liquid. 】

[Year, you proposed to Fairy Ziling that you wanted to experience in other worlds. 】

[Fairy Ziling agrees and promises to keep it a secret for you. 】

In the real world, Su Xing frowned slightly when he saw this.

"Xuanyin Holy Physique...what kind of special physique is this?"

Su Xing had a vague hunch in his heart that the changes in Qingyunzi's body might be related to Fairy Ziling's special physique...

"When you have time in the future, go to Tianji Pavilion and inquire about it. Maybe you can get more detailed information about this physique..."

Su Xing thought so, looking at the simulation panel.

[One year, under the escort of Fairy Ziling, you went to a new small world. 】

[This small world is called the Spiritual Beast Realm, and there is a beast-controlling sect within it. Among them, the Holy Beast Sect has a profound foundation and has been passed down for a long time...]

[This Small Thousand World is two Small Thousand Worlds away from Qingyun Realm. Do you think it will take longer for Qingyunzi to find it. 】

[After arriving in the spirit beast world, you begin the final sprint, trying to improve your spiritual consciousness. 】

[In five years, your spiritual consciousness has grown to nine thousand six hundred miles, and your understanding of the idea of ​​wishful thinking has become even better! 】

[The old man’s face is getting clearer and clearer, and you can even see the expression on his face clearly...]

[And as the idea of ​​wishful thinking progresses, you unexpectedly find that your spiritual consciousness has actually increased a lot. 】

[In this way, another five years have passed. 】

[No. 60 years, you still stay in the world of spiritual beasts. 】

[This realm is vast, even larger than the Little Qingyun Realm, and it is far away from the Qingyun Sect. You can practice with peace of mind...]

[You set up the Xuanyuan Breath Condensation Formation and blocked your own secrets in order to delay the chance of being discovered by Qingyunzi. 】

[Because with Fairy Ziling’s feelings for Qingyunzi, you are not sure how long this senior sister can keep this secret from you...]

[This year, your consciousness has grown to nine thousand eight hundred miles...]

[In the practice of wishful thinking day after day, your spiritual consciousness will further grow. 】

[In this way, another three years have passed. 】

[No.60 In three years, your consciousness has grown to nine thousand nine hundred miles. 】

[At this point, you have clearly felt that the bottleneck is difficult to break through. 】

[So you are ready to give it a final try. You activate the state of great wisdom accumulated in the past 40 years, your understanding is greatly improved, and you make the final realization...]

[So, two years have passed...]

[No.60 In five years, your consciousness has grown to 950 miles...]

[No.60 In six years, your consciousness has grown to 980 miles! 】

[No.60 In eight years, your consciousness has grown to nine thousand nine hundred and ninety-nine miles! 】

[You are only one step away from the final Wanli Divine Consciousness! 】

[But when it comes to this one, no matter how hard you try, you can't improve even a little bit. 】

[You know in your heart that the induction of spiritual consciousness thousands of miles away may be the limit of the subtle realm of spiritual consciousness! 】

[So, you put all your effort into studying the idea of ​​wishful thinking...]

[Day after day, year after year...]

[Your understanding of the idea of ​​wishful thinking becomes more and more profound, and you can feel that your sixth consciousness is gradually becoming clearer...]

[Besides everything that your ears, nose, mouth, eyes and fingers touch... there seems to be new perceptions slowly being born! 】

[You secretly sense more things besides the five senses...]

[Finally one day, a shackles broke through silently! 】

[Congratulations, you have entered the realm of six consciousnesses! 】

(End of this chapter)

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