Others practice leveling, I cultivate immortality, go out to Mahayana before leaving the mountain

Chapter 270: Breaking through the Yuanshen Pass and reaching the Immortal Realm Yuanshen!

Chapter 270: Breaking through the Yuanshen Pass and reaching the Immortal Realm Yuanshen! (Additional update with monthly pass, first update)
[The moment you step into the Six Consciousness Realm, your spiritual consciousness finally takes the final step and reaches Wanli Divine Consciousness! 】

[At the same time, the upper limit of the spiritual consciousness that was originally stuck in a bottleneck breaks through that layer of shackles, and your spiritual consciousness can be further improved in the future...]

[You seem to have realized in your heart that ten thousand miles of divine consciousness is a threshold that can only be reached by monks who have entered the realm of six consciousnesses! 】

[And after crossing this threshold, the spiritual consciousness will move towards a broader world and be able to improve rapidly! 】

In the real world, Su Xing saw this movement in his heart and murmured:
"Is it the sixth level of spiritual consciousness?"

"After hearing about the Six Consciousness Realm, you can understand things and understand the essence of things..."

"Spiritual consciousness has the ability to see through illusions, and can even increase wisdom and understanding!"

Su Xing was looking forward to this very much, knowing that the Six Consciousness Realm was a huge hurdle.

But what specific changes will happen after the Six Consciousness Realm, you still need to wake up and experience it yourself.

"Since we have reached the Six Consciousness Realm, we can naturally pass through the Yuanshen Pass easily!"

Su Xing took a deep breath, and there was only one goal for the next time, to have an immortal-level soul!
Look at the analog panel!

[After reaching the Six Consciousness Realm, you feel that your spirit has reached its peak at this moment...]

[So, you no longer hesitate and prepare to break through the Yuan Shen level with all your strength! 】

[You released your sword energy, dug a cave [-] feet deep underground, and opened a secret room. 】

[Then a formation restriction was placed all over the body, and then he formally retreated! 】

[Your Qi is guarding the Dantian, holding Yuan is guarding one...all the energy and energy of your body are concentrated in the Dantian. 】

[At this moment, under your inner vision, the golden figure in the Dantian becomes extremely active, and seems to have gradually gained its own consciousness...]

[Your consciousness continues to amplify, and the little Yuanshen can act just like you, holding Yuan Shouyi in his arms, making the final breakthrough! 】

[You sit there for a hundred days, feeling extremely peaceful and lonely, like an old well and deep pool that remains unchanged forever. 】

[Suddenly, at a certain moment, your soul and consciousness reached their limit. 】

[You opened your eyes suddenly, and the little golden man in your Dantian opened your eyes at the same time...]

[Like a stone breaking the tranquility of the ancient pond, causing waves of ripples! 】

[The shackles shattered with a sound...]

[The whole process was surprisingly simple and smooth...]

[Congratulations, you have successfully broken through the five levels of immortality and the soul level! 】

Seeing this, Su Xing had a look of ecstasy on his face.

"The breakthrough of Yuanshen Pass went smoother than I imagined!"

"Also...the real difficulty is the preparation of the spiritual consciousness in the early stage, and my spiritual consciousness is far superior to that of monks in the same realm...I even entered the six consciousness realm before the breakthrough!"

"Breaking through the Yuan Shen Pass is naturally a matter of course!"

Su Xing knows that the average spiritual consciousness of a monk in the Tribulation Stage is only three to five thousand miles.

Ten Thousand Miles of Divine Consciousness is beyond the reach of ordinary people in the Immortal Realm!

Only monks in the Earthly Immortal Realm or Heavenly Immortal Realm can possess this kind of spiritual consciousness and can reach the Six Consciousness Realm!

And since Su Xing has reached this state ahead of schedule, the Yuanshen Pass will naturally not be difficult for him...

Even easier than the previous Heart Refining Level!
"Yes, we have now passed two of the six levels of immortality...the remaining mana level is the easiest!"

Su Xing nodded slightly. He had already decided to break through the mana barrier in the next simulation!
Among the six levels of transformation into immortals, the magic level is definitely the easiest, but it is also the one that improves the monks the most!

Because this is an amazing transformation of spiritual power into immortal power!
"Successfully broke through the Yuan Shen Pass... This simulation is also considered to be successfully completed. Next, you can explore the world of spirit beasts and improve your spiritual consciousness..."

Su Xing thought so, looking at the simulation panel.

[After breaking through the soul barrier, you feel some changes in your soul. 】

[You can easily enter the Taixu Realm, and the speed of the soul is more than several times higher than before...]

[What surprises you even more is that you have learned a new skill, the soul leaves the body! 】

[Although monks under the Immortal Realm can also have their souls leave the body, their physical bodies are often difficult to control. 】

[But now you can use your soul to travel around the small world, galloping thousands of miles in an instant, which is twice as fast as your sword flying speed! 】

[In addition, you find that you can even place a ray of distraction on others and monitor their every move. 】

[This distraction is different from the imprint of divine consciousness. The soul cooperates with the "Six Consciousness Realm", and you can easily perceive what this person is experiencing. 】

[You are very curious about this, and you place a ray of distraction on a civet, feeling the civet galloping on the grassland, as if you are in the first-person perspective, so relaxed and free. 】

[After you try it a few times, you will gradually adapt to this ability. 】

[So you broke out of the ground and got out of the customs smoothly! 】

[You don’t know when Qingyunzi will come to your door, but you are still going to take advantage of the next time to carefully explore the world of spiritual beasts. 】

[The spirit beast world is a small thousand world, with a territory of hundreds of millions of miles, and its area is even larger than that of the Xiao Qingyun Sect. 】

[The monks in this world are very strange. They are somewhat similar to the beast-controlling world. They all use spiritual beasts as contracts and cultivate spiritual beasts as their main combat power. 】

[In terms of strength and cultivation, the monks and spirit beasts in this world are not as good as the Little Qingyun Sect, and the powerful people in the human immortal and earth immortal realms are already considered to have ceiling combat power. 】

[This realm is located behind the Xiao Qingyun Realm. The main foreign forces are blocked by the Xiao Qingyun Realm, so there are fewer wars. 】

[But in recent years, invasions by alien races have begun to appear one after another...]

Su Xing frowned slightly when he saw this and said with emotion:
"The Spiritual Beast Realm should be regarded as an ordinary Xiaoqian World...the overall strength of the monks is far inferior to that of the Little Qingyun Realm."

"But because of its better location, it is less invaded... But once the Little Qingyun Realm is invaded, the strength of the monks in this realm may not be able to resist at all!"

Su Xing sighed.

The so-called skin does not exist, how will the hair be attached?

This is the principle of Three Thousand Worlds. Once the surrounding world is invaded, the destruction of this world is not far away...

It's a pity that the powerful monks of Three Thousand Worlds don't seem to know this yet.

In other words, even if they know the truth of lips and teeth, they will still fight among themselves and consume their strength...

"Forget it, let's see if there is any information or treasures in the spirit beast world that can be helpful to me?"

Su Xing looked at the simulation panel.

[After you disguise yourself and calm down for a while, you start to wander in the world of spiritual beasts...]

[Soon, two years passed. 】

[In No. 70, you have basically investigated the situation in the spirit beast world. 】

[In the world of spiritual beasts, the Holy Beast Sect is the only one, and almost all the monks in advanced realms come from this sect. 】

[But forces such as Tianji Pavilion, Baidi Tower, and Qingyun Sect rarely come into contact with this world. 】

[Maybe it’s because this world is relatively barren and there are no excellent resources. Only the Holy Beast Sect’s beast breeding and beast control skills are worth looking forward to...]

[One day, you made a divination and predicted that death was imminent. 】

[One month later, Qingyunzi appeared, this time wearing white clothes. 】

[It seems that you are not in the "obsessed" state of mind before, Qingyunzi asked you about Luo Tian-related matters...]

[Then you were searched for your soul...]

【you are dead! 】

[This simulation is over! 】

After the simulation ended, Su Xing took a deep breath.

"Sure enough, the changes in Qingyunzi's body are definitely related to Fairy Ziling!"

"I deliberately didn't tell Fairy Ziling about this during this simulation. It seems like it's back to the previous timeline?"

Su Xing secretly made up his mind to investigate clearly later on, what is so special about this so-called Xuanyin Holy Body?
"Although the simulation only lasted 70 years, the goal of this simulation has been basically completed..."

Su Xing looked forward to it and looked at the simulated reward.

[Hidden Weapon Master]: Purple talent, priced at 100 million energy points.

[60 years of alchemy experience]: After redemption, the existing alchemy insights will increase slightly, and the price is 6000 million energy.

[Enlightenment of Yuanshen Pass (Six Consciousness Realm Ten Thousand Miles of Divine Consciousness)]: You have successfully passed the Yuanshen Pass of the five levels of immortality. Your spiritual consciousness and soul have been greatly improved. With Wanli Divine Consciousness, you can separate a ray The soul is separated from the body... priced at 50 billion energy!
[160 million drops of high-grade spiritual liquid, 500 million drops of medium-grade spiritual liquid, and 4000 million drops of low-grade spiritual liquid]: Priced at 250 billion energy.

"The 250 billion energy required to exchange the spiritual liquid... coupled with the energy required for the Yuanshen Pass, does this seem a bit insufficient?"

Su Xing frowned slightly. The energy he currently had on hand was only a little over 140 billion.

Even if you add in the energy from Lu Yuanwu and the Tarot Society this week, the total is only about 200 billion.

There is still a gap of 100 billion simulated energy here...

"It seems it's time to bring back the puppets who went out..."

Su Xing murmured.

He had previously sent nine puppets out to conduct transactions.

During this period of time, Su Xing has been secretly paying attention to the mark of divine consciousness in the puppet.

No accident happened...

Now that two months have passed, these puppets must have traded a lot of simulated energy, right?

Su Xing thought this, and activated the puppet mark in his heart.

At the same time, the commercial center cities in various parts of Daxia Kingdom.

Beiyuan City where Beiyuan Chamber of Commerce is located... Jinling City where Jin's Trading Company is located... Mingzhu City where Mingzhu Chamber of Commerce is located... Baili City where Baili Chamber of Commerce is located...

A total of nine puppets received the order and began to rush towards the outside of Kyoto.

"Calculating the time, we should be able to get back smoothly in three days at most!"

Su Xing murmured.

Then he began to change his appearance, regain his breath, and woke up to prepare to meet Lu Yuanwu.

There was no accident in the transaction, and another 40 billion simulated energy was obtained.

Now the simulated energy in Su Xing's hands is already 180 billion!

"Well, the Yangyuan Pill and Fu-Refining Pill in hand are enough to be traded five more times...enough to bring another energy income of close to 100 billion!"

Su Xing estimated that after four or five simulations, he would become a fairy.

All of them are bringing out more rebirth pills and exchanging more exotic metals from the Daxia military!

In the following week, Su Xing did not refine any more puppets, but instead refined some life-extending pills and high-level talismans...

With the blessing of the "Seven Apertures Exquisite Heart", the awakening refining efficiency is extremely high. In just one week, more than ten furnaces of the Life Extension Pill were refined.

The success rate of the elixir is [-]%, and the probability of the best life-extending elixir is over [-]%!

As for the talismans, Su Xing mainly refines the fifth-level talismans, which can burst out an attack comparable to the level of the Martial Emperor in a short period of time.

Talismans of this level should be the most popular among major chambers of commerce, and they are valuable.

On the third day, all nine puppets sent out by Su Xingwai had returned.

And Su Xing also got the goods that their transaction completed.

Most of the high-end props given to them before they woke up have been spent, so they just took this opportunity to replenish them.

This transaction of nine puppets brought back a total of 40 tons of second-order exotic metals to Su Xing, worth [-] billion energy.

Five thousand tons of third-order exotic metals, worth 100 billion energy.

Two hundred tons of fourth-order metal, worth 40 billion energy.

There are countless white equipments worth 20 billion energy.

There are countless copies of various props, worth 50 billion energy...

This means that in just over two months, the "puppet organization" created by Su Xing can bring him more than 200 billion simulated energy.

The average monthly energy income exceeds [-] billion!
Su Xing refilled these puppets with energy and spiritual stones, and gave them sixth-level talismans as a means of survival.

Then they were sent again to the cities where the major chambers of commerce were located.

After doing all this, Su Xing went to the Immortal Martial Era dungeon. This week, the seven miner puppets mined the raw ore of foreign metals, which could bring 35 billion in revenue to Su Xing the next week!After extracting the foreign metal ore, he woke up and returned to Blue Star.

"Tsk tsk, the puppet method is really useful!"

"As long as I have enough puppets... doesn't it mean I don't have to do anything? Every time, I can harvest enough energy!"

Su Xing felt a little comfortable in his heart. At present, his method of obtaining simulated energy has stabilized.

After regaining his breath in disguise, Su woke up and went to the villa to meet Jin Congxue.

Jin Congxue was wearing a red dress today, and looked at Su Xing with a strange expression.

After finishing the meal, Jin Congxue got down to business.

"Ah Xing, is our organization... dealing with major chambers of commerce?"

"I went back to Jinling City last week and got some talismans from the Jin Chamber of Commerce... These talismans seem to be very similar to the ones you gave me back then!"

Jin Congxue took out a fourth-level talisman and gestured towards Su Xing.

Su Xing raised his eyebrows after hearing this, and then admitted frankly.

"Yes, in addition to the two of us... there are many senior experts in the organization!"

"They specialize in trading with major chambers of commerce, on the one hand to enhance the strength of the human race, and on the other hand to accumulate funds for the organization!"

Jin Congxue nodded after hearing this, agreeing with this explanation.

Su Xing said seriously:

"Sister Xue, no matter who asks you in the future... you cannot tell anything about the organization, do you understand?"

After hearing this, Jin Congxue nodded obediently and agreed.

Su Xing felt relieved.

On Blue Star, Su Xing and Jin Congxue are the closest friends.

It is only a matter of time before we know these things, including the "Tianji Pavilion Transaction".

Now that I know it, there are some benefits.

At least when Jin Congxue took out the talisman, even if it was seen by others, it could be said that it was obtained from the "Tianji Pavilion".

It will not be connected to Su Xing...

The two finished chatting about work and then came back to chat before Shanshan said goodbye.

This week, the Tarot Club brought a full 26 billion simulated energy to Awakening, including the proceeds from the purification of foreign metals last week.

Su Xing also handed over the elixirs and exotic metal ores to Jin Congxue one by one.

After getting enough energy, Su Xing couldn't wait to return to Lingtian Cave.

"One...ten...hundreds of millions..."

Su Xing looked at the energy on the simulation panel, and his heart was beating fast.

A full 450 billion simulated energy!

This is much more than Su Xing imagined...

"Tsk tsk, the simulation energy is more abundant than ever before!"

"It's a pity that subsequent simulations require more and more energy..."

Su Xing is a little worried. The amount of energy increase may increase dramatically after entering the fairyland!

Therefore, you must be prepared to wake up and prepare enough energy in advance...

After sighing with emotion, Su Xing looked at the simulation reward and said silently:
"Exchange the spiritual liquid...and gain enlightenment on the soul level!"

As he finished speaking, the simulator prompt sounded in his ears.

[Ding, you successfully brought out the enlightenment of the Yuanshen Pass (six consciousness realm ten thousand miles of spiritual consciousness), spent 50 energy, and the remaining energy is 407 million points...]

[Ding, you successfully brought out some spiritual liquid, spending 250 billion energy, and the remaining energy is 157 million points...]

The beep fell, and a ray of energy poured into Su Xing's body.

Su Xing quickly held on to her mind and welcomed the breakthrough...

Immediately afterwards, the awakened consciousness began to grow rapidly!
Eight thousand miles...nine thousand miles...ninety-five hundred miles...

Finally, in one go, he broke through to the realm of divine consciousness!
At the same time, step into the realm of six spiritual consciousnesses!

And with the great growth of the awakening consciousness, the little soul in the dantian also began to change rapidly.

The palm-sized golden figure becomes more vivid.

With a color like gold plating, the villain slowly opened his eyes, and a ray of golden light flashed past.

At this moment, Su Xing finally passed the second level of the five levels of immortality, the Yuanshen level!
After the breakthrough, Su Xing slowly opened his eyes.

With a thought in my heart, I appeared in the school dormitory.

"Tsk tsk... Yuanshen Pass, immortal-level Yuanshen... let me see the specific effect!"

Su Xing felt a little hopeful.

Su Xing sat cross-legged on the bed, and then controlled his soul to leave the body.

After the soul left the body, the surrounding things seemed to be infinitely far away in the eyes of the awakening.

With a God's perspective, you can clearly see everything around you.

This feeling is very different from the feeling of pure spiritual consciousness. It is clearer and more real...

The awakened soul wanders between heaven and earth at extremely fast speeds, even more than twice as fast as flying with a sword.

"Let's see what Jin Congxue is doing first..."

Su Xing murmured, and after a breath, appeared next to Jin Congxue.

Jin Congxue was concentrating on processing documents at this time, which seemed to be related to the future development of the Tarot Society.

"Put a ray of spiritual consciousness on Jin Congxue?"

Su Xing tried a little bit, separated out a grain of soul like golden sand, and integrated it into Jin Congxue's body.

Jin Congxue shrugged her lovely nose and looked around.

"Tsk, tsk, with this ray of soul around, if Jin Congxue encounters danger in the future, I can directly protect her!"

Su Xing murmured, although this ray of soul is inconspicuous, if Su Xing is willing, it can be detonated and can cause a blow comparable to that of a monk in the integration stage!
With this method, no one on Blue Star can threaten Jin Congxue's life.

"Well, the soul has weakened slightly...it will take about two or three days to recover!"

Su Xing slightly realized the changes in his soul, and these side effects were completely acceptable.

At this time, Jin Congxue seemed to have finished her work and was lying on the soft bed, stretching.

"Huh? What are you doing, Sister Xue? Why did you close the curtains?"

Su Xing was confused for a moment.

Jin Congxue closed the curtains, lay on the soft bed again, and took out his mobile phone.

Su Xing took a quick look, and it was Su Xing's photo that came into view.

Then Jin Congxue's face turned slightly flushed, and her exquisite body curves were clearly visible... He whispered in a low voice:

"Su Lang..."

Su Xing immediately blushed and quickly stayed away from the villa.

He kept muttering: "Ahem, don't look at anything inappropriate..."


After leaving the villa, the awakened consciousness continued to wander around Kyoto City.

Without alerting anyone, Su Xing Yuan Shen entered the depths of the Daxia Military Region.

Arriving at the private villa, Su Xing looked at Lu Yuanwu in front of him.

Lu Yuanwu was packing up his storage rings at this time, and seemed to be preparing to rush to the agreed place.

Lu Yuanwu looked excited and murmured:
"Okay! Okay! In one month... our military region will have hundreds more master-level experts!"

"There is hope for the revitalization of the human race and the expulsion of alien races!"

"Thanks to senior for all this!"

"It's a pity that the seniors have been unwilling to have too much contact...otherwise, our human race could even counterattack the foreign race's base camp!"

Lu Yuanwu is obviously a traditional giant, running around for the four words "revitalization of the human race" every day.

Su Xing nodded slightly and said: "As expected of Grandpa Lu, he serves the country with loyalty!"

Su Xing thought for a while and placed a ray of soul on Lu Yuanwu.

When he wakes up in the future, he will know where Lu Yuanwu is and what he is doing with just a thought in his heart.

Firstly, the transaction is safer, and secondly, it can also be protected.

Two rays of consciousness were separated in succession, and he woke up slightly tired.

Then there was a movement in my heart, and the soul returned to the body again...

"Tsk, tsk, this soul is very useful!"

"And with my soul... it's very difficult to detect it in the Immortal Realm. I just wonder if Old Dog Long can detect it?"

Su Xing shook his head slightly and decided not to take this risk.

"The two strands of consciousness will be separated and will be restored in about a week..."

Su Xing made a rough estimate.

I glanced at the time and saw that it was not far from the completion of the simulation cooling down.

Wake up and start planning the next simulation.

"Currently, in addition to the six levels of immortality, apart from the spirit realm level, we have already passed the heart refining level and the soul level..."

"These two levels are really limited in terms of improvement in strength... they are more about the sublimation of immortality!"

After a pause, Su Xing continued:
"However, now that enough spiritual fluid has been accumulated... it's time to proceed to that level!"

"Mana Level! The simplest, but also the most important level among the five levels of becoming an immortal!"

"As long as I pass the mana barrier, my spiritual power will be upgraded to fairy power! My strength will definitely rise to another level!"

Su Xing felt a little hopeful.

Although the sea of ​​spiritual power is vast now that I have awakened, it is only spiritual power...

There is a qualitative difference between spiritual power and immortal power!
Ordinary monks in the Tribulation Stage, after their spiritual power is transformed into immortal power, may change from the original sea of ​​spiritual power to the size of a small stream...

But after turning into immortal power, the power of magic and magical powers will be greatly enhanced!

No matter how weak a monk is in the Tribulation Stage, he can successfully transform spiritual power into immortal power...

The amount of transformable immortal power directly affects the combat power and potential of the immortal realm!

That's why Su Xing pays so much attention to it and accumulates spiritual liquid like crazy, just to use his strength to crush the monks from the Immortal Realm!


The simulation time will cool down soon!

On June 2025, 6 in the new era, Awakening starts a new round of simulation.

【Ding!This simulation consumes 9000 energy points, with 157 million remaining energy points and no remaining simulation times. 】

【The simulation starts! 】

[It costs 10 energy points to extract purple talents, and 100 million energy points to extract golden legendary talents. Do you want to extract them? 】

"Extract the golden talent!"

Su Xing had some expectations in his heart. There was a 50.00% probability that he would be able to withdraw money this time, right?
[Ding, congratulations on getting the golden talent Ancient Witch Body. The probability of getting the golden talent next time is 50%...]

(There is another chapter to be updated during the day, please vote for me~)

(End of this chapter)

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