Others practice leveling, I cultivate immortality, go out to Mahayana before leaving the mountain

Chapter 281: Overcome the thunder tribulation and finally become an immortal! [Monthly ticket additi

Chapter 281: Overcome the thunder tribulation and finally become an immortal! [Monthly ticket additional updates]

In the real world, when Su Xing saw this, his heart rose in his throat.

"Whether we can make it or not depends on this time!"

"Don't talk about martial arts...be more diligent!"

Su Xing prayed silently in his heart and looked at the simulation panel.

[The sword intent soars to the sky, flying straight into the sky! 】

[Even the thunder calamity above the nine heavens seems to have stopped, and the speed of the thunder clouds gathering has slowed down by three points. 】

[Finally Jian Gang submerged into the thunder clouds, glowing with bursts of golden light. 】

[Dark clouds were gathering at this time, and the atmosphere was extremely dull. It seemed that even Thunder Tribulation fell silent...]

[The sword that penetrated the thunder cloud layer was obviously an existence that even Thunder Tribulation had never imagined! 】

[Throughout the ages, thousands of monks would activate their magical powers to fight against the power of thunder tribulations. 】

[But without exception, these monks all waited for the thunder tribulation to strike before using their magical powers to fight back and reduce the power of the thunder tribulation...]

[But you did the opposite. While Lei Jie was still gathering strength, you launched an offensive towards Lei Jie! 】

[In full view of the public, in front of the thunder calamity, you launched an attack beyond common sense...]

[This "sneak attack" complies with the judgment of not respecting martial ethics, and the talent takes effect successfully! 】

[One thousand six hundred body-protecting swords, with the blessing of Wu De, successfully interfered with the formation of thunder tribulation...]

[The speed and rhythm of the thunder tribulation condensed have changed, and the power is not as powerful as before...]

[In your expectant eyes, the Nine-Nine Thunder Tribulation falls! 】

[Boom boom boom! 】

[You seem to feel a trace of anger from this thunder tribulation... Does this anger come from the way of heaven in this world? 】

[It seems to want to punish you, a young man who has no martial ethics...]

[But at this moment, Tiandao is also powerless! 】

[The Nine-Nine Thunder Tribulation fell, and the thunderclouds in the sky slowly dissipated. 】

[And you take a deep breath, use the last source of the avenue, and activate the spiritual realm to the extreme...]

[Nine-nine thunder tribulations were blocked by the spirit realm, and their power was further weakened. 】

[I saw it penetrate the protective aura and hit your body...]

[In an instant, endless pain reaches the depths of your soul! 】

[Now you finally know why it is so difficult to survive the Nine-Nine Thunder Tribulation. 】

[Because this thunder calamity not only destroys the physical body, but also directly annihilates the soul of the monk! 】

[But fortunately, your six-consciousness realm soul has already been extremely strong. You used the spiritual power "Ruyi Golden Cauldron Technique" to resist the erosion of your spiritual consciousness by the Nine-Nine Thunder Tribulation. 】

[Your body is constantly shaking, but you still have not fallen. Even if your body has turned into charcoal and become dilapidated, you still have not given up...]

[The Origin of Wood, Xiaoqiang Talent, Ancient Witch Body... With the blessing of several talents and the power of the avenue, your body exudes amazing vitality. 】

[Death and rebirth, destruction and recovery, several states are changing within your body...]

[In the end, you survived! 】

[You use up your last strength and raise your middle finger towards the thunder in the sky...]

[The Heavenly Thunder Tribulation made bursts of thunder-like sounds, which seemed a little unwilling, but eventually slowly dissipated. 】

[Congratulations, you have successfully survived the Nine-Nine Thunder Tribulation! 】

[Become a monk in the Immortal Realm! 】

Su Xing breathed a sigh of relief when he saw this, and couldn't hide the excitement in his eyes.

"The ninety-nine thunder tribulations are finally over!"

"To become an immortal in the human immortal stage... now, all I have to do is block the red moon's perception!"

Su Xing felt a little nervous.

If he was [-]% sure of surviving the Nine-Nine Thunder Tribulation, he was only [-]% sure of being able to block the Red Moon's perception...

Everything depends on whether the talent of seeking good luck and avoiding evil will send an early warning...

"But no matter what, after surviving the Nine-Nine Thunder Tribulation, I can be considered as officially possessing the combat power of the Earthly Immortal Realm!"

Su Xing raised the corners of his mouth.

The combat power of the Earth Immortal Realm is also ranked among the strongest in the entire Xiao Qingyun Realm.

After reaching this step, there are more things that Su Xing can do...

Su Xing nodded with satisfaction and looked at the simulation panel.

[After surviving the Nine-Nine Thunder Tribulation, you feel some subtle changes have occurred in yourself...]

[The movement of the immortal power in your body has become smoother, and your understanding of the origin of the avenue seems to have become much clearer...]

[At this point, you become a fairy in the human fairyland and enjoy a long life! 】

[At this moment, although you have survived the thunder tribulation, your body is broken. You can only take out a handful of healing elixirs and swallow them in your mouth to recover from your injuries. 】

[Vaguely, your spiritual consciousness sensed several auras approaching here. After the thunder tribulation, it was the monks who were watching who wanted to see how you were doing. 】

[In this regard, you are a little helpless. If a monk has evil intentions at this time, you will definitely not be able to resist. 】

[And all you can do is to stimulate the immortal power in your body and speed up the recovery of injuries...]

[After a while, you finally regained some strength, but you still lay there, unable to leave. 】

[Fortunately, the monks who were watching didn’t know where you were, so they didn’t dare to get close for a while. 】

[Half a day passed like this...]

[Your injuries are gradually recovering, but your combat power is still less than one-third of what it was in its heyday...]

[What makes it a little difficult for you is that the monks around you seemed to have discovered the fact that you were seriously injured, so they approached one after another. There were even monks who were eager to take action...]

[At this moment, a warning came from your talent to seek good luck and avoid disaster...]

[But the source of the danger is not the surrounding monks! 】

[I saw tens of meters away from you, the space was torn open, and a figure stepped out of the void. 】

[If you take a closer look, the person coming is actually a cadre of Adventist Cult, with blood three! 】

[You immediately knew that the noise of your own thunder tribulation was too great, which attracted the attention of Advent Cult, and even alerted Xue San to personally deal with you...]

[Xue San gave you a cold look and asked you why you betrayed Adventism, but you just sneered and said nothing. 】

[After Xue San approached you, you felt something in your heart and tried to apply the "I can't be unlucky alone" talent to Xue San. 】

[Sure enough, as you expected, Xuesan frowned slightly, seeming to notice something. 】

[I saw him stretching out his hand and pulling out invisible threads of cause and effect. 】

[But the "unlucky talent" is still tightly entangled with Xue San, making him unable to get rid of it for a while. 】

[After Xue San felt the change in his luck, his face became slightly serious. He looked at you and became a little angry. 】

[After torturing you, he knocked you out...]

[When you woke up again, you appeared in the bloody formation where you had been. 】

[Above the formation, blood-red eyes are staring at you...]

[The whispers of Hongyue are heard in your ears...]

[Your consciousness gradually dissipates...]

【you are dead! 】

【Ding, this simulation is over! 】

After the simulation ended, Su Xing took a deep breath.

"The noise caused by the Tribulation... is too big after all!"

"Being discovered by the Adventist Cult is also expected..."

Su Xing shook his head slightly, but he estimated that even if he was not discovered by the Advent Cult.

When his strength is greatly reduced, it is very likely that he will be attacked and killed by nearby monks.

"There are also golden immortals like Xue San, who really have a lot of research on the law of cause and effect and destiny... If you try to divert bad luck to them, you will end up with no good fruits for yourself!"

"But fortunately, the goal of this simulation has been successfully accomplished!"

Su Xing raised the corners of his mouth and looked at the reward of this simulation with some expectancy.

[Acquired Taoist Body]: Golden talent, priced at 1000 million points of energy.

[Ten years of alchemy experience]: After redemption, the existing alchemy insights will increase slightly, and the price is 2000 million energy.

[Spirit Realm Prototype]: The ultimate spiritual realm prototype that contains the nine great avenue origins of wood, fire, thunder, sword, speed, and causal destiny space. It has a variety of characteristics. The spiritual realm is currently solidified and sold for 100 billion simulated energy.

[First Level of Human Immortal Realm Cultivation (Nine-Nine Thunder Tribulations)]: After the baptism of the Nine-Nine Thunder Tribulation, he successfully passed the five levels of becoming an immortal, possessing the initial strength of the Human Immortal Realm, and is sold for 100 billion simulated energy. [Heavenly Thunder Body (Three Stages)]: In the third stage of the Heavenly Thunder Body, after eight or nine thunder tribulations, the body is tempered. The sensitivity to the way of thunder is increased, the purity of the thunder spirit root is increased, and the affinity for the thunder spirit energy is increased. Moderately increases the upper limit of physical potential.The price is 50 billion energy.

[Yuanwu Dan (50 pieces)]: A low-level pill for Yuanwu realm monks, priced at 500 billion energy.

Su Xing's eyes slowly fell towards the last reward option and murmured:

"50 pills, worth 500 billion energy...On average, one pill only has [-] energy?"

Su Xing's eyes lit up. It should be noted that he could earn 2000 million energy by selling a Yuanwu Pill to Daxia officials!
A price difference of two hundred times!

"Tsk, tsk, what we have to worry about now is, can the Daxia military eat these 50 Yuanwu Pills?"

Su Xing is deeply skeptical about this. Even if Daxia officials have accumulated it for thousands of years, can a country produce 10 trillion energy?

Ten trillion simulated energy, which is 500 million tons of third-order alien metals...

Enough to form a mountain of different metals!

"The number of 50 Yuanwu Pills is a bit too much... and 500 billion energy funds also need to be turned over. 20 Yuanwu Pills are enough!"

Su Xing did some calculations and felt that he could digest the 20 Yuanwu Pills slowly by gradually trading with Daxia's military...

By then, the Daxia military will also give birth to [-] heavenly king-level warriors within ten years!
Looking across the Yuanwu Dan options, Su Xing muttered silently:

"I choose to bring out the prototype of the spiritual realm and gain enlightenment!"

[You successfully brought out the prototype of the spiritual realm, spending 100 billion energy, and the remaining energy is 134 million points...]

Simulation prompts fell in my ears, and a series of insights and memories appeared in my waking mind.

At this moment, the nine origins of the avenue merge into one, forming the initial spiritual realm of awakening!

The spiritual realm solidified, and the scope of the awakened spiritual realm further expanded, spreading to an area of ​​[-] feet in radius...

Su Xing can clearly feel that within the scope of Lingtian Dongtian (the scope of the spiritual realm), his mastery of the origin of the sword, the origin of space, etc. has rapidly improved.

Immediately afterwards, Su Xing's aura continued to strengthen, and his understanding of the road of cause and effect and destiny gradually deepened...

After a while, Su Xing slowly opened his eyes with a smile on his lips.

"The solidification of the prototype of the spiritual realm has at least increased my combat power by more than [-]%!"

"No wonder Patriarch Luo Tian relied on his ultimate spiritual realm to dominate the three thousand worlds!"

Su Xing discovered that this spiritual realm is simply a bug-level existence!
Not only can it enhance one's own strength, magical powers, and enlightenment... it can even reduce the opponent's strength!
Under this situation, the monks with spiritual realm are simply a dimension-reducing blow to those without spiritual realm!
"But when we reach the peak of the Human Immortal Realm... the immortals in the Earth Immortal Realm have basically mastered the rudiments of the Spiritual Realm. The only difference is their mastery of the Spiritual Realm!"

Su Xing nodded slightly. At this point, he had an absolute advantage!
Su Xing moves in his heart and releases the secret shielding technique at will. After the strengthening of the path of cause and effect and destiny, the effect of Su Xing's secret shielding technique is further enhanced!
"That's right. With the Xuanyuan Breath Condensing Formation, it's time to try the effect..."

There is no rush to receive the cultivation level. When he wakes up, he first improves the secret shielding method, so that the chance of covering up Hongyue's perception is greater.

After taking a look at the time, Su Xing began to disguise himself and gather his breath, preparing to trade with Lu Yuanwu first.

After a while, Su Xing arrived at the agreed place.

After trading the few thousand pills in his hand, Su Xing gained 200 billion more simulated energy.


After the transaction, Su Xing rushed to the Xianwu copy without stopping.

Entering the ruins of the Wanmu Sect, Su Xing worriedly strengthened the formation and strengthened the effect of the Xuanyuan Breath Condensation Formation, which took several days.

Then he woke up and entered the Lingtian Cave, and set up an additional Xuanyuan Breath Collection Formation.

"Huh... Wanmu Sect's own defensive breath-containing formation, plus the two Xuanyuan breath-containing formations outside and the Xuanyuan breath-containing formation in Lingtian Cave, should be almost there, right?"

Su Xing thought for a while, and then used the secret shielding technique. After consolidating his own secret shield, he looked at the reward list.

With a thought in his heart, Su Xing tried to give feedback on his cultivation.

The air froze for a moment...

The next second, a look of ecstasy flashed in Su Xing's eyes.

The talent of seeking good fortune and avoiding evil has not taken effect!
This means that the secret shielding technique has taken effect and blocked Hongyue's perception!
"Great! This means that Hong Yue's current strength...is below the Mysterious Immortal Realm!"

A strange color flashed in Su Xing's eyes.

If there is only the Xuanxian realm...after a year and a half after waking up, can we directly kill Hongyue in a sneak attack?

Su Xing smiled slightly and said silently:
"I choose to bring out the first level of cultivation in the Immortal Realm..."

[You successfully brought out the first level of cultivation in the Immortal Realm (Nine-nine Heavenly Tribulations), spending 100 billion energy, and the remaining energy is 234 million points...]

The simulated prompt tone fell, and the next second, the aura on Su Xing's body began to surge...

A wisp of immortality poured into Su Xing's body.

Immediately afterwards, various strange phenomena began to appear behind Su Xing. There seemed to be thunderclouds floating over the sky in the Lingtian Cave, but they were quickly shielded by the Xuanyuan Breath Condensing Formation.

After a while, he woke up and slowly exhaled a breath...

"The immortal stage is over!"

Su Xing raised the corners of his mouth slightly, feeling that the essence of life had transformed at this moment.

The original life span of thousands of years is doubled.

From today onwards, you can enjoy a long life after waking up...

"Ten thousand years of life... Then you have to live for that long!"

Su Xing shook his head slightly, presumably the increase in longevity and strength was what Su Xing was concerned about.

"Huh? The increase in mana... seems to be only one level?"

Su Xing frowned slightly, but soon understood.

During the period of transcending tribulation, the magic level is already the greatest transformation from spiritual power to immortal power.

But now, compared to the growth of mana, the bigger change in awakening is the transformation of life essence and potential...

"Huh...immortal realm cultivation has been successfully achieved!"

At this moment, Su Xing felt so happy that he felt a little dizzy...

But he woke up quickly and said to himself:
"You're only in the immortal stage...what's so exciting about it?"

"I think those powerful people in Three Thousand Worlds are still far behind!"

After repeating this for a few times, my awakening mind became ordinary again.

I glanced at the time and saw that there were still three days left before I went to the Tarot Club to pick up the goods.

So Su Xing seized the time and refined two more miner puppets.

In this way, the total amount of foreign metal energy mined by the puppet every week reaches 130 billion points.

On July 22, he woke up and returned to Blue Star, and went to the villa to meet Jin Congxue.

Jin Congxue wore a purple dress today.

After the meal, the two chatted about business.

"Wake up... I have contacted the Daxia military about the Lingmi plan you mentioned before..."

"But we are still negotiating at the moment... I guess the problem is not big, but it seems that it will not be easy for them to raise 1000 million abyss stones within one month!"

After hearing this, Su Xing nodded slightly and said, "Don't worry, Daxia officials can provide it..."

Su Xing suddenly remembered that Jin Congxue was assassinated in the future during the simulation, so he took out a few sixth- and seventh-level talismans and handed them over and said:
"These talismans are all high-quality talismans refined by seniors in the organization. You can use them at critical moments to save your life..."

Su Xing explained to Jin Congxue how to use the talisman.

The two were ambiguous for a while, and then Su Xing returned to Lingtian Cave with a new week of simulated energy.

This week, the simulated energy provided by the Tarot Chamber of Commerce is close to 110 billion.

The total energy of awakening has also reached a remaining energy of about 350 billion.


In the new era, July 2025, 7, Su Xing prepares to start a new round of simulation.

"Start the simulation!"

Just as Su Xing finished speaking, the sound of the simulator came to his ears.

[Ding, it is detected that the host’s cultivation level has broken through to the human fairyland, and has more than 300 billion simulated energy, triggering the simulator version upgrade... Do you want to upgrade? 】

After hearing what the simulator said, Su Xing was stunned, and then asked:

"Version upgrade? What are the specific effects?"

Soon the simulator voice came:
[The updated features of version 5.0 of the simulator are as follows: including improvements to the simulator currency system, optimization of some functions, and improvement of the probability of the talent lottery pool...]

[Note that this simulator upgrade requires 100 billion simulation energy...]

[For specific functions, please refer to the host's simulation panel...]

After hearing this, Su Xing was a little curious and looked at the simulation interface.

(Yesterday, the monthly ticket bonus was added. Thank you for your support! The monthly ticket bonus at the end of the month is always valid!)

(End of this chapter)

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