Others practice leveling, I cultivate immortality, go out to Mahayana before leaving the mountain

Chapter 282: Big update of the simulator, Luo Tianhua Immortal Technique! [Thanks to the leader past

Chapter 282: Big update of the simulator, Luo Tianhua Immortal Technique! [Thanks to the leader pastor for bringing the breeze]

[The functions of version 5.0 of the simulator are as follows]:
[1. The energy currency system is upgraded. Simulated energy is upgraded to simulated source and automatically exchanged. The exchange ratio is 100 million points of simulated energy, which is exchanged for 1 point of energy source. 】

【2. Cancel the basic energy required for simulation. 】

[3. The cost of immersive simulation is changed to 1 point of energy source for one day of immersive simulation. 】

[4. The upper limit of golden talent lottery probability is increased to 60.00%. 】

[5. Add ten talent upper limit columns. 】

[6. Optimization of the talent prize pool lottery function...]

Su Xing glanced at the simulation panel, and then his eyes lit up.

"The upgrade of the simulator this time has changed...a lot!"

"Especially the ten extra talent columns will save me a lot of energy!"

Su Xing rubbed his chin and muttered.

At present, the cost of awakening a talent and expanding the talent bar has reached 100 billion simulated energy.

Even if you wake up, you will feel a burst of pain when faced with such a huge amount.

And this newly expanded talent bar allows Awakening to save a lot of money!

The key is!

The talent bar has been increased, giving Awakening the possibility of combining multiple talents.

The blessings of various holy bodies and divine bodies have become an achievable plan!
"Well, there is also immersive simulation... A simulation originally required 24 million simulation energy for 240 hours, but now it only requires 1 point of energy source, which can save a lot of energy!"

Su Xing nodded slightly. If he has enough energy in the future...

It may be possible to use immersive simulation for a year and a half to understand some magical powers...

This means that in addition to the simulation rewards brought out every time you wake up, you will also get an additional good profit!

[This simulator version upgrade will cost 100 billion energy... Do you want to upgrade? 】


Su Xing said decisively without hesitation.

[The simulator is being upgraded...]

[Ding, upgrade completed!Life Simulator version 5.0 is at your service! 】

Su Xing nodded slightly, not in a hurry to simulate, but looked at his attribute panel.

【Name: Wake Up】

【Age: 23 years old】

【Occupation: Immortal cultivator】

[Cultivation: Level [-] of Human Immortal Stage, Level [-] of Great Witch Body Training Skills]

[Gong Techniques: Ruyi Visualization Picture, Wan Mu Jue, Wan Yan Jue, Zhengyi Fu Qi Jue, Great Witch Body Forging Jue]

[Talents: Not talking about martial arts, swallowing the sky, natural sword body, unbeatable Xiaoqiang, gifting roses, ancient witch body, great wisdom like a fool, accidental enlightenment, alchemy wizard, three elements of thunder, wood and fire, spiritual roots, strength to pull up the mountain , descendants of Shennong, auspicious stars shining brightly, seeking good fortune and avoiding misfortune, masters of success study】

[Skills: Spiritual Domain (prototype), Lihuo Technique (Advanced Level), Alchemy Technique (Minor Level), Five Elements Immortal Explosion Technique (Minor Level), Shennong Spirit Nurturing Technique (Entry Level), Wanli Divine Consciousness (Six Consciousness Realm) , Yuanli (External Release Level Perfect), Sancai Sword Technique (Perfect), Body Protection Sword Gang ([-] Ways), Thousand Miles Tracking Technique (Introduction), Bagua Calculation Technique (Perfect), Formation Dao (Dacheng), Sword Controlling (Perfection), Puppetry (Xiao Cheng), Several Immortal Cultivation Techniques...]

[The origin of the avenue: the avenue of thunder (prototype), the avenue of fire (prototype), the avenue of space (prototype), the origin of wood (perfection), the origin of the sword (perfection), the origin of speed (dacheng), the origin of power (dacheng) , The Origin of Destiny (Dacheng), The Origin of Cause and Effect (Dacheng)]

[Special Physique: Body of Heavenly Thunder (Second Stage)]

Currently, Awakening has fifteen talents. After the system upgrade, the upper limit of the talent bar will be expanded to 25. This is undoubtedly a great enhancement to Awakening's strength.

As for various magical skills, awakening has also been slightly improved.

The biggest change is the awakening of the nine avenues of origin!
A total of three prototypes of the great avenues are understood, the power of the two origins is perfected, and the three origins are completed!

These are also what Xing Xing relies on to cross levels and fight against the immortals in the fairyland!
"Speaking of which, it's time to practice some Zhengyi Confucian Qi Jue... If you don't practice, I don't know how slow your practice will be in the Immortal Realm by just practicing on your own."

Su Xing murmured:
"There are still skills after the immortal stage, it's time to go to Luotian again!"

Su Xing had a hunch that after going to the Immortal Realm and going to Luotian, he would definitely get a big surprise.

Maybe, Luo Tian's secret will be further revealed...

Su Xing looked at the sign of the first level of the Great Witch's Body Training Skill, thoughtfully.

"The Great Witch's body training technique is currently an important means for me to continue to improve my strength after reaching the Immortal Realm..."

"Furthermore, the essence of flesh and blood is relatively easy to obtain. With the ancient witch body, it is not difficult to practice the first level...it should be given priority to improve!"

After Su Xing planned for a while, he looked at the simulation panel.

"Start the simulation!"

[The current remaining energy source is 25073 points, and there are no remaining simulation times. 】

【The simulation starts! 】

[It costs 1 point of energy source to extract the golden legendary talent. Do you want to extract it? 】

Su Xing thought about it and spent 1000 points of energy source (10 billion energy) to increase the golden talent lottery probability to 60.00%.

"The probability of golden talent will increase sooner or later...but this simulation..."

Su Xing didn't hesitate much. The golden talent he drew in the previous simulation, the acquired Taoist body, was of great use to Su Xing.

It's just that I was eager to improve my cultivation last time, so I didn't bring it out for the time being.

But now that the talent column is free, Su Xing naturally wants to bring out the acquired Taoist talent.

So, Su Xing clicked on the talent pool lottery interface. At this time, there were three unused golden talents in the talent pool.

The divine body of fire, entering the Tao through formation, and the acquired Tao body.

Every time you draw a talent, you spend a bit of energy source...

Su Xing drew twice in a row and finally got the acquired Taoist body.

The sound of the simulator also sounded in my ears.

[Ding, congratulations on getting the golden talent Houtian Dao Body, the simulation begins...]

[In Lingtian Cave, you realize that you are in a simulation. 】

[You stayed in Lingtian Cave for ten days, accumulated great wisdom, and then went to Luotian Dungeon...]

When Su Xing saw this, his heart moved and he muttered silently:
"Use an immersive simulation... for 1 days!"

[Ding, you successfully spent 1 point of energy source, and the remaining energy source is 24070 points...]

The beep fell, and Su Xing's vision changed.

The next second, he appeared in the Luotian Sect's main hall.

"Xiaochuan, go to the back mountain and invite your senior brother Shennong to come over and attend the Luotian Conference together..."

There was a vicissitudes of sound in his ears, and Su Xing took a closer look.

The man who spoke had a majestic face that could not be looked directly at, but there was an unexpected touch of kindness in the corners of his eyes. He was seven feet tall, well-proportioned, and wore a Taoist robe. He looked very like an immortal.

Su Xing doesn’t recognize this person!

It seems to be the new master?The name is... Luo Qingniu?

"Yes! Master!"

Su Xing nodded, then followed the route in his memory and walked towards the back mountain, preparing to find his senior brother Shennong Youtian.

Along the way, Su Xing tried to recall the information he got after entering the dungeon.

But unexpectedly found... there was no information at all!

Su Xing only knew that the immortal named Luo Qingniu just now was the leader of Luotian Sect, and he knew nothing about the rest...

"The master of Luotian Sect...isn't he the previous master?"

Su Xing was a little confused, but then he seemed to think of something and murmured:
"Sure enough... things are getting interesting!"

"Luo Tian's copy seems to be very different this time!"

Su Xing quickened his pace and went to the back mountain to find Brother Shennong working in the fields.

Along with Senior Brother Shennong, Su Xing returned to the main hall.

After seeing Master Luo Qingniu, he only nodded slightly and waved to Su Xing and Senior Brother Shennong.

Su Xing followed Luo Qingniu and walked towards the outside of the hall.

Along the way, Su Xing saw many figures, walking in the same direction.

In this way, after waking up and walking for about an hour, Luo Qingniu slowly stopped and waved his hand at the formation barrier in front of him.

Immediately afterwards, the transparent barrier dissipated, and Su Xing saw a scenery he had never seen before.

I saw countless monks sitting in a huge altar of heaven, either praying or meditating, with solemn expressions.

Occasionally, monks from the Luo Tian Sect would arrive, but they would just silently enter the Temple of Heaven, find a good seat, sit down, and look at the sky.

At this moment, Luo Qingniu's voice came to Su Xing's ears.

"Xiaochuan, do you know... why does the Luotian Conference exist?"

Why does the Luotian Conference exist?

After hearing this, Su Xing was stunned for a moment and opened his mouth to say something, but finally shut up.

Like a pebble falling into a pool, ripples appear.

At this moment, Su Xing's heart was also filled with huge waves.

"Really? A copy of the Luotian Conference... What is the purpose of this Luotian Conference?"

"Why don't I know it until now... and why, I have never been curious about this Luotian Conference and want to explore its secrets!?"

"Even... I have never thought about it in this direction? It's scary to think about it..."

In just a moment, the cold sweat on Su Xing's back soaked the Taoist robe, and he felt a chill.

There seems to be an unknown power... Su Xing has never considered this aspect.

I have never thought about what the Luotian Conference is for?
It wasn't until Luo Qingniu spoke up about this issue that this unknown prison was broken...

Su Xing also just started thinking about this issue...

Before Su Xing could answer, Luo Qingniu let out a long sigh and said in a tragic tone:
"The Luotian Conference... is to pay homage to the martyrs of our Luotian Sect!"

For some reason, after hearing Luo Qingniu's words, Su Xing felt a little tragic in his heart, and seemed to be infected by his tone.

Su Xing remained silent and did not speak, while Luo Qingniu explained the reason for the Luotian Conference.

"Several Yuanhui ago, foreign races from outside the territory attacked our Luotian Realm... along with hundreds of small thousand worlds in our Luotian Sect, they were successively captured..."

"After learning about this matter, we, Luo Tianzong, immediately sent the Golden Immortal Stage Overhaul to investigate and defend against foreign enemies..."

"Of course, the power of alien races cannot be resisted by one family, so we, Luo Tian Sect, have asked for help from other top sects in the three thousand worlds... but no one came to help..."

"It's really ridiculous. Mortals also understand this principle of dying lips and cold teeth, but those immortals who have been practicing for hundreds of thousands of years don't know it!"

Su Xing didn't say anything when he heard this. He had already obtained some information about this in Tianji Pavilion.

But this is the first time I heard it from the people of Luotian Sect...

Luo Qing Newton paused, and there seemed to be a tear streak across the corner of his eyes.

"That battle... lasted for tens of thousands of years!"

"Even if the foreign race is powerful, several Yuan Hui ago, our Luo Tian Sect was the number one force in the human race... If the saint doesn't show up, and with the Luo Tian Patriarch sitting in charge, our Luo Tian Realm should be fine!"

"However, the alien power was beyond imagination, and they dispatched several beings comparable to the Da Luo realm. In the final battle... I, Patriarch Luo Tian, ​​unfortunately died..."

"In a battle that lasted for tens of thousands of years, more than tens of thousands of the immortals in our Luo Tian Sect were killed or injured?"

"The number of monks killed and injured during the Tribulation Period...is even more numerous!"

"The power of Patriarch Luo Tian reaches the sky, and he alone controls three powerful men who are comparable to the Great Luo Jinxian... The world he fought was shattered and the avenues were fragmented..."

"But in the end, our Luo Tianzong was defeated!"

Speaking of this, Luo Qingniu had a hint of painful reminiscence in his eyes.

"Of course, the power of the Immortal, the founder of the Luo Tian Sect, is limited after all... I, the 72nd Golden Immortal of the Luo Tian Sect, were also hunted to death by aliens..."

"After that battle, Luo Tianjie was in pieces. It has lost its former glory and has been around for as long as the Yuanhui..."

"During that battle, our Luotian Sect's inheritance was lost. Many disciples took the inheritance with them and fled to other worlds. Their whereabouts are unknown..."

"It's sad, it's a pity!"

"Since that battle, the remnant members of our Luo Tian Sect have held this Luo Tian Conference every hundred years. One is to pay homage to the ancestors and monks, and the other is to revive the flag and drive out the alien races... to return to the past glory of our Luo Tian Sect!"

After hearing Luo Qingniu's words, Su Xing was shocked in his heart.

From his tragic words, I can hear the tragedy of that battle...

But Su Xing also thought of a deeper meaning and said in his heart:

"No wonder... although there are immortals in the Luotian Sect, most of them are scattered immortals. Even the golden immortals have never been seen..."

"It turns out that the timeline where this copy is located is already after the Luo Tian Sect was invaded and the main force was destroyed by several Yuanhui..."

Su Xing nodded slightly, and a doubt that had troubled him for a long time was quietly solved.

But Su Xing also had a bigger doubt in his heart.

What kind of existence is this copy of Luotian?
Why does it transcend time and keep repeating the day of the Luotian Conference?
Su Xing frowned slightly, feeling that things were not simple.

Luotian dungeon is different from other dungeon worlds.

After all, the timelines of other dungeon worlds are synchronized with Blue Star, and they are independent small worlds.

Only Luo Tianzong kept rehearsing the same day...

Just when he was awake and thinking, Luo Qingniu continued:
"Xiaochuan, you were born extraordinary... You have practiced cultivation for less than 300 years and you have already become an immortal... You are our hope for the rise of Luo Tian Sect!"

"But your strength is still too low now...you must endure the humiliation and bear the burden and move forward!"

"Xiaochuan, please sit next to me and watch the Luotian Conference..."

Luo Qingniu said to Su Xing.

Su Xing's heart moved. The background this time has also changed. Luo Xiaochuan practiced for 300 years and became an immortal?

Su Xing remained calm and found a seat outside the Temple of Heaven to sit down and watch the ceremony quietly.

But after a while, an invisible restriction ejected the awakening directly from the barrier of the Temple of Heaven.

Su Xing wanted to go in again, but couldn't.

"Hmm? The Luotian Conference won't allow anyone to watch the ceremony?"

"It is forbidden to enter this place... It seems that it is because the cultivation level has not been reached yet?"

Su Xing frowned slightly, then reluctantly came to the Sutra Pavilion.

This time, in addition to exploring the changes in Luotian Realm after the Immortal Realm, Su Xing also has an important purpose.

Come to the Sutra Pavilion and find a practice method that suits you after the human-immortal stage...

Su Xing arrived at the seventh floor of the Sutra Pavilion. At this time, Su Xing's identity was enough to come to the Sutra Pavilion to find the magical powers or techniques he needed.

"Taichen Transformation Duel...Huh? It can induce the surrounding gravity, and it can reach the highest level of Daluo Jinxian? Unfortunately...it is an earth-based technique..."

"Exotic Fire Technique? It can swallow three thousand worlds of divine fire to increase your cultivation level...cultivate to the highest level in Da Luo Jin Fairyland. Yes, this can be considered!" "Beimiao Technique..."

When I woke up in the exercise area on the seventh floor of the Sutra Pavilion, I was dazzled by what I saw.

Those that can be stored on this floor are all top-notch techniques, and there are more than ten in number.

In the world of cultivating immortals, all skills can only be cultivated to the realm of Daluo Jinxian at most...

As for Da Luo, you have to rely on your own understanding to make a breakthrough!
Just when Su Xing was thinking about how to choose the technique, the figure of Granny Ghost came from behind.

"Ogawa, are you here to choose the cultivation method for the Immortal?"

After Su Xing heard this, he quickly turned around and saluted the ghost mother-in-law: "Yes, mother-in-law!"

Granny Ghost nodded slightly, then looked at Su Xing and said with satisfaction:

"Yes, after only 300 years of practice...he became an immortal, and even understood the rudiments of the spiritual realm...there is hope for a golden immortal in the future!"

"Can I choose the mind skill?"

After hearing this, Su Xing shook his head slightly and said, "Not yet..."

After thinking about it for a while, Granny Ghost said:
"In our Luo Tian Sect, there are countless techniques...but powerful techniques may not be suitable for everyone..."

"I see that your physique is special and you have mutated spiritual roots... you may be able to practice the Luo Tian Transformation Technique. I wonder if you are willing?"

Su Xing's heart moved after hearing this.

Luo Tian's Immortal Transformation Technique... This has something to do with Luo Tian. Could it be the top technique of Luo Tian Sect?

So Su Xing bowed and asked, "I wonder how this Luo Tian Transformation Technique... is different from other Da Luo techniques?"

Granny Ghost smiled after hearing this and just said:

"Like other techniques at this level, the Luo Tian Transformation Technique is only a cultivation technique for the Da Luo realm..."

"It's just that it is said to be open to all rivers, and any spiritual root can be practiced...the speed of cultivation may be three minutes slower than the ordinary Daluo method..."

"But I, the Patriarch of the Luotian Sect, once said personally that within this technique... there may be a secret to becoming a saint!"

After hearing Granny Gui's words, Su Xing's heart moved, and he thought of Qingyunzi, the Advent Sect and others who were flocking to Luo Tian's treasure.

"Could it be that...this Luo Tian Transformation Technique is also an important reason?"

When it comes to the secret of sanctification, Su Xing will naturally not hesitate.

As for the average cultivation speed...with Zhengyi Fuqi Jue to make up for it, this is not a problem!

So Su Xing said decisively:
"Mother-in-law. I choose Luo Tian's immortality method!"

After hearing this, Granny Ghost nodded with satisfaction, took out a jade slip and handed it to Su Xing.

After Su Xing took it, Granny Ghost said:
"Xiaochuan... your cultivation level is quite good now. If you have time to go to other worlds in the future... I think you can do me a favor..."

Su Xing was stunned for a moment after hearing this, and then came to his senses.

I've owed Granny Ghost dozens of favors...will I finally pay them back?

"This is because your cultivation level has reached...so it can trigger the mission, right?"

Su Xing thought to himself.

Then he looked at Granny Ghost and said seriously:
"Mother-in-law, if you need anything, just tell me..."

Granny Ghost nodded when she heard this. After being silent for a while, her eyes became more desolate.

I saw him saying:
"After that battle, none of our Luo Tian Sect disciples had any hope of escaping... But in order to ensure that the fire of Luo Tian's inheritance continues, we chose two options..."

"One of them is that some disciples are led by the elders of the sect and flee to other worlds to open sects, hoping to pass on the inheritance and return to the sect when the time is right..."

"And my Taoist companions and disciples have all received the task of taking the inheritance... to other worlds..."

"My eldest disciple Bing'er is going to a small world called the True Spirit World, which is not far from Luotian Sect..."

"And my Taoist companion, True Immortal Li Yun, went to the further Qingmu Realm..."

After a pause, Granny Ghost still had a glimmer of hope in her eyes.

"It has been thousands of years since they left... I wonder if they can return safely?"

"If you are successful in your cultivation in the future, I hope you can let them return to their homeland... It is best to be alive. Even if you die... I hope they can return to their roots..."

Su Xing was silent for a moment after hearing this. Judging from the timeline, Gui Granny's Taoist companions and disciples should be dead...

But Su Xing still nodded and said:

"Don't worry, mother-in-law! I will definitely try my best to find them... maybe after ten thousand years, they will have established a sect over there!"

Su Xing comforted him.

The ghost mother-in-law trembled slightly and said to Su Xing:
"If you find... I have a formula here, if you write it down, they will definitely recognize you..."

After that, a chant came into Su Xing's ears.

Su Xing silently wrote it down, and then witnessed the ghost mother-in-law slowly disappearing...

After the ghost mother-in-law left, Su Xing murmured:

"Is the way that Granny Gui cultivates... the path of ghost immortality?"

After awakening and being promoted to the Immortal Realm, his cultivation and senses have been greatly improved, and he can clearly feel that the ghost mother-in-law is different from ordinary monks.

After several comparisons, Su Xing was basically certain that Granny Gui had cultivated herself into a ghost immortal!

After the ghost mother-in-law left, she regained consciousness and looked at the jade slip in her hand, and began to remember.

Luo Tian's Immortal Transformation Technique is an immortal technique.

But fortunately, he regained consciousness and passed through the immortal barrier, achieving the six realms of spiritual consciousness.

Therefore, before the end of the immersive simulation, memorize this skill completely.

Soon the immersive simulation ends...

Wake up and return to reality.

"Luo Tian's inheritance... Luo Tian's conference... Luo Tian's legacy?"

Su Xing kept mumbling, then took out a pen and paper and began to write and draw.

After a while, Su Xing sorted out part of the timeline of Luo Tian's copy.

"Based on the information obtained so far..."

"More than ten Yuanhui ago, in the ancient times... at that time, the descendants of the Wu Clan and the ancestors of the Luotian Sect jointly founded the Luotian Sect, and also established the three major families of the Luotian Sect..."

"Not long after that, the Patriarch of the Luo Tian Sect became a Da Luo monk and traveled across several Yuanhui in the three thousand worlds."

"And the Luotian Sect's 72 Golden Immortals have also made the Luotian Sect the top sect of the human race in the Three Thousand Worlds, with hundreds of Small Thousand Worlds..."

"Several Yuans will pass...until the aliens attack!"

"At this point in time, maybe 60 million years ago?"

"At that time, the foreign tribes attacked, and the Luo Tianzong was caught off guard. After engaging in the battle, they found that it was difficult to resist with the power of one sect, so they asked for help..."

"But other top forces have not helped..."

"This battle may have lasted for several guilds...three or four million years?"

"Until the Luo Tian Patriarch was defeated and the Luo Tian Sect was defeated, the Xiaoqian World within the power, along with the entire Luo Tian Realm, were cannibalized... and turned into the Blue Star where it is now?"

"In that battle, Hong Yue died...and stayed near Blue Star, looking for a chance to be resurrected?"

"And the power of the Luo Tian Sect is far less than it used to be, and it declined rapidly a year or two ago. And it has retained part of its inheritance and allowed its elders and disciples to go to other worlds?"

"At this point in time, it should be about one Yuanhui ago?"

"And the timeline where the Luotian copy is located is ten thousand years after the disciples left for other worlds...a certain Luotian Conference? And repeating that day all the time?"

"So... the timeline where Luo Tian's copy is located is five to 10 years old!"

"Every time I enter Luo Tian, ​​I go back to the past, travel to Luo Xiaochuan, and observe everything from a first-person perspective?"

Su Xing rubbed his eyebrows. He also learned more about the secrets of Luo Tian's copy.

"So... tens of thousands of years have passed, does the Luotian Sect still exist?"

"Have those elders and disciples who went out...succeeded in establishing a sect and retaining the inheritance?"

Awakening is unknown.

"The Yuling Realm...Aoki Realm, we must get the location coordinates of these two realms. Let's go take a look then!"

"If we can find a descendant of the Luo Tian Sect... he is a friend rather than an enemy. It will definitely be a great help in fighting against the aliens!"

Su Xing thought so.

Whether it is to fulfill the long-cherished wish of the ghost mother-in-law, or to benefit oneself, it is necessary to visit these two realms when awakening.

Of course, you have to start with simulation to find out the details!

"And Luo Tianhua Immortal Art, is it what Qingyunzi has been looking for?"

"The cultivation after the Immortal Realm...can be considered accomplished!"

Su Xing summarized it, and after making sure nothing was missed, he looked at the simulation panel.

[After leaving the Luotian copy, you return to Blue Star. 】

[In the next month, you implement the Lingmi Plan to make sure there is no danger. 】

[In order to ensure further monitoring of the Advent Cult, you joined the Advent Cult under the leadership of Luo Shuying...]

[After joining the Advent Sect, you began to try to practice the Luo Tian Transformation Art...]

[Luo Tianhua Immortal Art is all-encompassing and can be seamlessly connected with the Wanmu Art and Wanyan Art that you practice...]

[Every day in Advent Cult, in addition to practicing, you also observe the trends of Advent Cult. 】

[In this way, seven years have passed...]

[In the seventh year, you became the leader of the natural faction. 】

[Over the years, you have secretly eliminated many assassins who were planning to assassinate Jin Congxue...]

[In the eighth year, you killed Old Dog Long and eliminated all worries. 】

[In the tenth year, you entered the Luotian Immortal Transformation Art and began to think about leaving Blue Star. 】

[Because at this moment, your cultivation level has been promoted to the immortal realm. If you meet Xue San, he will definitely find out the clues... Then you will escape death! 】

In the real world, Su Xing frowned slightly when he saw this and murmured:

"By the way... With a cultivation level of Immortal Realm, Blood Three will definitely investigate me. When he knows my age, he will definitely be in bad luck!"

Su Xing said it was very dangerous, but in reality he had not considered this issue.

Fortunately, he took this into consideration in the simulation.

"It seems... I have to leave Blue Star early!"

"If you stay on Blue Star in the future... you will definitely not be able to join the Advent Cult, at least you won't be able to kill Long Laogou!"

Su Xing frowned. Naturally, he joined the Advent Cult for better surveillance and to prevent accidents.

But now that his cultivation level is as high as that of an immortal, it is difficult for him to escape the surveillance of Blood Three.

"Alas, it seems that we can only abandon Lingtian Cave Heaven and Lingmai Dragon for the time being and go to the Three Thousand Worlds to practice!"

Su Xing sighed helplessly.

At present, his mastery of the Dao of Space is only the prototype of the Dao, and has not yet reached the stage of first glimpse of its path.

If he has a first glimpse of the way of space, Su Xing is sure to take the entire Lingtian Cave to the Three Thousand Worlds...

By then, the starting point for awakening will be much higher, and there will be no need to search for a cave...

"But there's no point in staying in Blue Star anymore... Then let's go explore the Three Thousand Worlds!"

Su Xing murmured.

What he wants to know now is the location coordinates of Yuling Realm and Aoki Realm.

There may still be some inheritance from the Luo Tian Sect... and it's the kind that Su Xing can directly obtain!

Thinking this, Su Xing looked at the simulation panel.

[You will put all the wealth accumulated on Blue Star into Zhenren Wanmu’s storage magic weapon, which is enough to ensure that you will have no worries in practicing for a hundred years...]

[Then, you went to the world of beast control and killed the legendary and emperor-level monsters before leaving Blue Star. 】

[After reaching the end of the killing battlefield, you saw the killing messenger...]

[With your cultivation level, the Killing Messenger is naturally no match for you. Even if the red moon gives it power, you will still easily kill it. 】

[You entered a different space...you passed through the black passage and arrived at the northern part of Shiwanda Mountain! 】

[The first thing you do when you arrive in Xiao Qingyun Realm is go to Tianji Pavilion. 】

In the real world, Su Xing saw this and muttered: "Use immersive..."


His vision changed, and Su Xing appeared in Tianji Pavilion.

"Fellow Taoist, are you buying or selling information?" A girl's voice came to my ears.

Su Xing sells information related to Hongyue, Qingyunzi and Advent Cult.

There was a solemn expression on the girl's face and she said: "Fellow Taoist, the information you mentioned is very relevant... I can't verify the truth or falsehood for the time being."

"I'll give you part of the deposit first...and how about you come back to collect the remaining balance after 20 years?"

Su Xing nodded slightly after hearing this, and he naturally agreed.

After a pause, Su Xing asked:

"Do you... have the world coordinates of Yuling Realm and Aoki Realm for sale?"

After hearing Su Xing's words, a strange color flashed in the girl's eyes, but she nodded:

"Of course there is. The Greenwood Realm is dozens of Small Thousand Worlds away from the Little Qingyun Realm..."

"As for the Yuling World, it was invaded by alien races tens of thousands of years ago... Are you sure you still want this information?"

After hearing this, Su Xing nodded and said, "Yes!"

The girl handed over two jade slips, and the awakening consciousness penetrated them.


The immersive simulation ends and you wake up and return to the real world.

Recalling the two pieces of information in his mind, Su Xing had a headache.

"The Aoki Realm is too far away...I can't go there until my cultivation reaches a certain level..."

"As for the Yuling Realm, the intelligence says it was destroyed along with the Luotian Realm?"

"Shouldn't be..."

Su Xing suddenly thought of something, compared the spatial coordinates of the Yuling World, and then recalled the coordinate information of the copy world near Blue Star in his mind...

After a moment, a strange color flashed across Su Xing's eyes.

"The location of the Spirit Realm seems to be highly coincident with the current location of the Spirit World!"

(End of this chapter)

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