Others practice leveling, I cultivate immortality, go out to Mahayana before leaving the mountain

Chapter 283: The old driver wakes up, is there not enough gas? [Monthly ticket additional updates]

Chapter 283: The old driver wakes up, is there not enough gas? [Monthly ticket additional updates]

The spirit world, one of the many world copies near Blue Star.

Although I have never been to Su Xing, I have had many interactions with him...

Because Luo Shuying comes from the spirit world!
"Wait a minute... Luo Shuying's surname is Luo!"

"One of the three major surname families of Luo Tianzong... Isn't Luo Shuying the descendant left behind after the Luo family left for the spirit world?"

Su Xing had a strange look on his face, the more he thought about it, the more likely it was.

Luo Shuying, and even the entire Spirit Clan, have extremely special abilities!

Their power comes from the spirit...their bodies are also much stronger than ordinary extraordinary beings!
This seems to be somewhat similar to a very special line of immortal cultivators...spiritual cultivation!
The so-called spiritual cultivation does not involve magic and spiritual energy...it only cultivates the realm of spiritual consciousness!
Use your spirit to shake your body and gain extraordinary power!

"So it is precisely because of this...that Luo Shuying and the Spirit Clan absorb the Concentrating Pill so well?"

Su Xing squinted his eyes, becoming more and more certain that Luo Shuying might be related to the descendants of Luo Tianzong.

And the spirit world... is most likely the spirit-controlling world of the past!
"It seems... in the next simulation, it is necessary to go to the spirit world to explore in person!"

Su Xing whispered, looking back at the simulation panel.

[After leaving Tianji Pavilion, you went to the major shops in Baidi City and purchased some Yuanwu Dan. 】

[After spending 700 million low-grade spiritual stones, you got [-] top-grade Yuanwu Dan, and the remaining [-]... agreed to take it after ten years. 】

[After purchasing the elixir, you went to Baidi City. After showing your cultivation in the Immortal Realm, you became the second-class elder of Baidi City. 】

[After spending some spiritual stones, you obtained a high-grade blessed land as a cave. 】

[After obtaining the cave abode, you carefully arranged the Xuanyuan Breath Condensation Formation, and also arranged multiple confusing formations and restrictions, before you started practicing with confidence...]

[You take out thousands of drops of high-grade spiritual liquid and start practicing...]

[After arriving at the Immortal Realm, practice became slower. 】

[When the spiritual liquid enters the body, it must first be transformed into immortal energy, and then the skills can be used to... improve the cultivation level. 】

[If the magic power of an immortal is like a well, then every intake of spiritual liquid is like water droplets dripping from the wall... falling into the well continuously, until the mouth of the well is filled, the realm of cultivation will be broken...]

[In this way, ten years passed in the blink of an eye...]

[In ten years, you have spent tens of millions of drops of high-grade spiritual liquid on your cultivation, but your magic power continues, and you have not even reached one-fifth of the first level of the Human Immortal Realm...]

[This speed of practice makes you very dissatisfied...]

In the real world, Su Xing frowned slightly when he saw this.

"In ten years...even with the help of spiritual liquid, the progress of the first level is only one-fifth?"

Su Xing finally understood why the progress of immortal cultivation was so slow, and it often took hundreds of years for a breakthrough.

"My spiritual root is a mutated heavenly spiritual root... It has fallen into the inferior realm in the realm of human beings..."

"Fortunately, with the assistance of the seventh-level miniature spirit gathering array, combined with the body of heavenly thunder, the effect even surpasses that of ordinary super spiritual roots... But even so, it will take 50 years, or even longer, to break through the first level in the human immortal realm!"

"And this speed... will only get slower the further you go!"

Su Xing sighed, the shortcomings of insufficient qualifications were revealed at this moment.

"If you are an ordinary cultivator with heavenly spiritual roots, even if you are lucky enough to become an immortal, it may take 150 years to break through to the first level!"

"At this speed, there is still enough spiritual liquid and spiritual stone to assist...otherwise, even three to five hundred years will not be able to break through the first level!"

After a pause, Su Xing continued to think along this line of thought.

"Ordinary immortal monks may be three to five thousand years old when they break through to the immortal realm... Even with proper maintenance and without the help of life-extending secret medicine, they can only live for another 5000 years or so..."

"If you are a fierce and aggressive person, you are more likely to leave hidden wounds... You may not even live for 5000 years..."

"This means that even if a cultivator in the Human Immortal Realm with Heavenly Spiritual Roots spends all his lifespan on cultivation, he may not be able to achieve a breakthrough!"

Su Xing sighed softly.

It is not without reason that monks fight endlessly.

There are only so many resources in total... If you continue to live in peace with the world, you will end up with your lifespan running out and turning into loess in the end...

"However, the speed of this cultivation is still too slow!"

"The improvement of spiritual roots depends entirely on luck...and my luck talent does not take effect on the simulator..."

"Looking at it now, we still need to practice the Zhengyi Conquering Qi Jue as soon as possible!"

Su Xing thought so, looking at the simulation panel.

[After ten years of practice, you feel that your progress is slow, so you simply leave the seclusion and go to the store to take out the [-] top-grade Yuanwu Pills agreed upon at that time. 】

[Then, you start to think of ways to find out the whereabouts of the space magic weapon. 】

[The Qingmu Realm is far away from the Little Qingyun Realm. Even if you have sufficient cultivation, you still need to use escape magic weapons to travel through the world...]

[But this type of space magic weapon is too rare. You have inquired and looked for it in Baidi City many times, but you have not found this type of magic weapon. 】

[After searching to no avail, you give up for the time being and return to the cave to continue seclusion. 】

[The slow progress of your practice has made you decide to give priority to comprehending the Zhengyi Conquering Qi Jue! 】

Seeing this, Su Xing muttered silently:
"Use an immersive simulation... for 30 days!"

[Ding, you successfully used the immersive simulation...the remaining energy source is 24039 points...]

The simulated prompt tone fell, and Su Xing appeared in the cave.

"You have to seize the time to practice the Zhengyi Conquering Qi Jue... Otherwise, the speed of practice in the future will be a big problem!"

Su Xing murmured.

The first level of Zhengyi Convincing Qi Jue allows Su Xing to practice for an hour every day, saving 90.00% of the time to practice other magical powers, etc., which is undoubtedly of great help.

The second level not only saves 90.00% of the time, but also triples the speed of awakening practice!
At the third level, the speed of cultivation is increased to seven times the original rate!
With such an amazing practice speed bonus, it would be foolish for Su Xing not to take the lead in practice...

Thinking this way, Su Xing swallowed a Spirit-enlightening Pill, activated the blessing of great wisdom, and then began to practice the "Zhengyi Conquering Qi Jue".


In the blink of an eye, 30 days passed, the immersive simulation ended, and I woke up and returned to reality.

In the sky of Lingtian Cave, Su Xing slowly opened his eyes and sighed:

"Zhengyi Convinced Qi Jue... is indeed the supreme secret method of Luotian Sect..."

"The difficulty of this practice is too high!"

Su Xing shook his head slightly. One month of immersive simulation, combined with the Ling Qi Pill and the Great Wisdom bonus, was equivalent to ten years of hard training. However, as soon as he was convinced of Qi Jue, Su Xing still hadn't started yet.

I haven’t even learned the first level...

"According to this progress, it will take more than 100 years to learn just the first level..."

Su Xing made some calculations and murmured.

"But Zhengyi's cultivation of Qi Jue... you will definitely not suffer any loss, and the further you go, the greater the benefits will be!"

Su Xing thought about it for a while, and after preparation, he spared the number of simulations and devoted himself to practicing the Zhengyi Conquering Qi Jue.

Thinking this, Su Xing looked at the simulation panel.

[You have practiced the Zhengyifu Qi Jue for a while, and you are surprised at how difficult this technique is. 】

[In this way, your Qi refining practice has temporarily reached a bottleneck, and you have decided to focus on body refining practice...]

[In the blink of an eye, another ten years have passed...]

[No. 30, you received the intelligence follow-up reward promised by Tianji Pavilion. 】

[But you still have no clue about how to obtain the space magic weapon. 】

[In desperation, you plan to go to Qingyun Sect and try to see if there is a magic weapon suitable for you...]

[You took the airship and headed to Little Qingyun City. 】

[This is the time when Qingyun Sect is enrolling students. After the enrollment was over, you contacted the True Immortal of Danhuo...]

[Danhuo Zhenxian tells you that in three years, you can go to Qingyun Realm with him. 】

[In the blink of an eye, three years have passed...]

[You took a flying boat and arrived at the Qingyun Sect with the True Immortal Danhuo...]

In the real world, Su Xing nodded slightly when he saw this.

"The goal of this simulation is to bring out the body-refining talent, detect intelligence... and obtain 20 pills..."

"Therefore, the duration of the simulation is not important..." The Yuanwu Pills currently in Su Xing's hand have been exhausted. The 20 pills in this simulation are extremely critical, and are related to Su Xing's energy income for a long time in the future. Naturally Cannot be postponed.

As for the growth of cultivation, the practice of supernatural powers, the acquisition of magic weapons, etc... they can all be postponed later.

The source of energy is the foundation of everything!

"The goal of this simulation has basically been completed... Let's see if there is a suitable space magic weapon!"

Thinking this, Su Xing looked at the simulation panel.

[After arriving at Qingyun Sect, you quickly attracted the attention of your second-generation brothers and sisters. 】

[You were the latest to get started, and you are very talented. You quickly received a lot of greeting gifts...]

[But what makes you a little regretful is that you did not see the space magic weapon. 】

[You settled down in Qingyun Sect, and ten years passed in the blink of an eye...]

[No. 40 Three years. In these ten years, you and Senior Sister Ziling got along well. You often discussed the ways of raising spirits and taught her to plant spirit-gathering flowers. 】

[At the same time, you also learned from Fairy Ziling that space magic weapons that travel through the world are extremely rare, and most of them are acquired treasures. 】

[Even if a few of the best immortal treasures can travel through the world, they will be damaged and cannot be used for a long time...]

[You are a little helpless when you hear this, but you still hope to find the whereabouts of the space magic weapon. 】

[You have heard that even within the Qingyun Sect, there are no refined space fairy treasures for sale. 】

[This can only be done by collecting materials, spending contribution points, and asking the sect's weapon-refining elders to create it. 】

[After receiving this information, you begin to collect space materials and contact the elders of the sect. 】

[In this way, another few years have passed...]

[No. 40 Seven years. Over the years, you have continued to sell Spirit Gathering Flowers and accumulated nearly [-] million sect contribution points. 】

[Most of the sect contribution points are used by you to exchange for space weapon refining materials. 】

[Skeleton materials injected into space monsters, space attribute ores, void stones, etc...]

[Year, you spent 300 million sect contributions and successfully hired an elder from the Xuanxian Realm to refine space fairy treasures for you. 】

[This Xuanxian realm weapon refining elder has first-class weapon refining skills and is a great weapon refining master. He has a record of creating several top-quality fairy treasures. 】

[So you spend a lot of money to have it design a space-type spaceship for you, preferably one that can travel across the world multiple times and sail long distances...]

[After agreeing to you, this Xuanxian Realm elder began to refine the flying boat day and night...]

[In the blink of an eye, one year has passed...]

[One day, colorful clouds suddenly appeared on the Qingyun Sect's Weapon Refining Peak. This was a sign of the birth of the best immortal treasure! 】

[Soon, you received a message from the elder of Qi Refining, and the immortal treasure was refined...]

[After hearing the news, you rushed to the Weapon Refining Peak and saw that in the Weapon Refining Room, there was a flying boat that was three feet long and about ten feet wide, with a deep black body...]

[This flying boat can be freely changed in size. It is usually the size of a leaf and can be carried anywhere. 】

[When necessary, it can even transform into a huge spaceship with a width of a hundred feet, which can accommodate a thousand people inside...]

[But the larger the flying boat is, the more spiritual stones and spiritual energy it requires, and it is also more fragile and easily destroyed. 】

[This is a truly top-quality fairy treasure flying boat that can travel through the world! 】

[You can’t put it down for this Ye Feizhou...]

[However, the weapon refiner elder showed a look of regret. 】

[He said that this time the weapon refining lacked a key material, the ethereal stone! 】

[If he can find this stone, he has made a breakthrough in refining the stone this time, and can even refine a flying boat that is half a step above the acquired treasure level! 】

[The flying boat in front of me can only travel short distances to nearby small worlds... If it is a half-step acquired treasure, it can even travel long distances through more than ten worlds! 】

[After seeing Elder Qi Lian’s regretful expression, you silently keep these in mind...]

In the real world, Su Xing sighed when he saw this.

"It's a pity...the best immortal treasure, the half-step acquired treasure, that's a qualitative change!"

Su Xing shook his head slightly.

Above the spiritual weapon, there is the fairy weapon, also known as the fairy treasure.

It is a powerful magic weapon that only immortals are qualified to control.

Low-grade, medium-grade, top-grade, and top-grade immortal weapons are often owned by the three immortals of human, earth, and heaven, as well as by monks in the true immortal realm.

As for the acquired treasure, it is a magic weapon that only Xuanxian, Jinxian... and even Taiyi Jinxian can possess!
The huge gap can be imagined.

Under the same level, a top-grade immortal treasure versus a mid-grade immortal treasure would almost crush the level...

There is no need to talk about the gap between acquired treasures and top-grade immortal weapons.

"Is it the ethereal stone? You can remember it. You can find this stone in the next simulation, or you can create a half-step acquired treasure!"

This simulation of Su Xing is mainly to test the water. It is naturally best to be able to refine a space magic weapon in one go.

If you don’t like it, you can be better prepared for the next simulation...

"This simulation is over...but we can also use this magic weapon to try to see if we can go to other worlds, right?"

Su Xing thought so, looking at the simulation panel.

[After building the ultimate fairy treasure flying boat, you can’t wait to experiment. 】

[At this time, it was not far away from Qingyunzi’s release from seclusion. 】

[So you ask Fairy Ziling, hoping she will send you to Xiao Qingyun Realm. 】

[Three years later, you arrived in Xiao Qingyun Realm. 】

[After Fairy Ziling left, you did not choose to stay in this world. 】

[You want to try to control a flying boat and go to other worlds...]

[After some thinking, you decided to go to the Black Water Realm, which is very close to the Little Qingyun Realm...]

[It is said that this world is extremely desolate. Almost 90.00% of the world is composed of sea water, and there are even sea monsters above the immortal realm in the deep sea...]

[You disguised yourself, calmed down, went to Tianji Pavilion, and purchased the coordinates of the Black Water Realm and related information. 】

[Then I went to Fangshi and bought some magic weapons that can survive in the water, such as water-proof beads...]

[After making all these preparations, you went to a space node in Xiao Qingyun Realm. 】

[According to the general direction, the Black Water Realm is located in the southwest of the Little Qingyun Realm. 】

[You used the power of space to keenly capture the spatial coordinates of the Black Water Realm... Then, you activated the flying boat, entered the space wormhole, and left the Little Qingyun Realm...]

[This is your first time driving a spaceship, and it is also your first time trying to travel around the world independently. 】

[Even though you have made adequate preparations before, you are still in a hurry...]

[To control a top-grade fairy-level flying boat requires a huge amount of fairy power, and your cultivation in the fairyland cannot support such a huge consumption. 】

[Just a few space jumps have consumed most of your spiritual power...]

[Fortunately, you have millions of high-grade spiritual liquid...]

[Regardless of the cost, you crazily instill immortal power into the flying boat while absorbing the spiritual liquid, like a ruthless immortal power transformation machine...]

[But you still overestimated your strength after all...]

[On the 15th day of the flying boat's jump space, you felt mentally and physically haggard, your whole body's immortal power was chaotic, and you couldn't control it...]

[And you are in the void at the moment. If you escape from the flying boat, you will definitely die. 】

[Fortunately, the flying boat comes with a defensive formation. You use your remaining immortal power to support the defensive formation, but you are unable to control the flying boat to continue flying...]

[Just like that, you are lost in the void. 】

[The flying boat is like a rootless duckweed in space, floating towards the unknown world...]

When Su Xing saw this, his vision went dark, and he complained crazily:
"Damn, it's like driving without enough gas! Even an experienced driver can't do anything about it..."

"Oh, I just hope that I will randomly come to a safer world..."

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(End of this chapter)

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