Others practice leveling, I cultivate immortality, go out to Mahayana before leaving the mountain

Chapter 289 Journey into the Abyss, the Treasure Flowing Cloud Golden Light Boat! 【8k】

Chapter 289 Journey into the Abyss, the Treasure Flowing Cloud Golden Light Boat! 【8k】

After improving his cultivation level, Su Xing was not in a trance.

Looking at the time, he saw that the transaction with Lu Yuanwu was not far away.

So after waking up and disguising himself, he calmed down and went to the agreed place to trade.

In one transaction, another [-] energy sources were obtained.

After the transaction, he woke up and returned to Lingtian Cave.

This week, Su Xing did not choose to refine puppets or elixirs.

Low-level elixirs such as Beauty Pill and Bigu Pill are refined by alchemy puppets.

The spiritual plants in the spiritual field are also taken care of by the spiritual cultivation puppets.

The thirty awakened miner puppets can also provide a stable supply of foreign metal energy every week.

After being busy for nearly two years, Su Xing suddenly felt free.

"Tsk, tsk, I really got half a day's leisure..."

Su Xing walked around the campus slowly, then returned to Lingtian Cave, and began to look through some ancient books on the world of immortality that he had obtained before.

To increase knowledge and understanding of the world of immortality.

As the sun rises and sets, the day passes.

On August 8th, Su Xing couldn't sit still for a while, and suddenly thought of something.

"How about... going to other countries to see and explore?"

Su Xing touched his chin. He had been to the Endless Abyss dungeon in the United States before in the simulation.

Judging from my experience when I woke up, there was no risk in waking up if I didn't go down to the very depths of the abyss.

"Then let's go explore the United States..."

Su Xing estimated the time and found that the United States was less than [-] miles away from Daxia.

At the speed of Awakening Yujian's flight, it would take an hour to arrive.

So Su Xing began to change his appearance and calm down, making his appearance and equipment closer to those of American professionals, and then flew with his sword to the United States.

To the east of Daxia Kingdom, across thousands of miles of ocean, you can see Huangdao Kingdom.

Continuing eastward, crossing an ocean about seven to eight thousand miles wide, Su Xing arrived in the United States.

He casually applied a formation on his body to block his perception and sight, and he walked on the streets of America as if there was no one else around.

The consciousness spread like a tide and soon covered most of the United States.

The professionals here are very different from those in Daxia.

The type of dungeon is also biased towards Western mythology, such as vampires, western cowboys, demons, etc.

The power system is somewhat similar to the alien consciousness.

There are powerful professionals who can transform into big green men. The upper limit of their power is determined by their anger, but it is ultimately limited.

There are also professionals who can summon armor, but they are not omnipotent.

Su Xing traveled around the United States for two days and saw a lot of unique dungeon equipment and props here.

For example, a kind of holy water that can cause a lot of damage to evil dungeon bosses...

But what makes Su Xing a little regretful is that except for the abyss stone, there are no special props that contain a lot of energy.

As for the Abyss Stone, due to the official purchase of Daxia some time ago, the price in the entire market has increased a lot.

Su Xing estimated that it would take some time to calm down the price of the Abyss Stone.

"Tsk tsk... But here in the United States, generally speaking, there are a lot of white and green equipment, and there are more low-level professionals here!"

"Perhaps, you can let a few puppets stay here, trade some props and equipment, and I will come and harvest them regularly?"

Su Xing touched his chin. Although he was currently not lacking in energy.

However, after the Earthly Immortal and Heavenly Immortal Realms, within the Great Xia Kingdom, a week of energy acquisition may not be able to meet the simulation needs of awakening.

But there is more than one Great Xia Kingdom on Blue Star!

Among the so-called Seven Kingdoms and Twelve Domains, although Daxia is the most powerful country, the other six countries are not weak either.

The total energy that small countries and organizations in the twelve neutral regions can bring to awakening may be several times that of Great Xia!
"Yeah, but after all, I'm in Daxia... I still have to be careful when dealing with the chamber of commerce here!"

Su Xing thought for a moment and summoned the puppet Xiaomei from the Lingtian Cave.

A few months have passed, and Xiaomei has reached the peak strength of the golden elixir.

He practiced in the cave every day and kept getting pills. Even when he woke up, he even used some low-grade spiritual liquid to help him practice.

Coupled with the effect of the seventh-level miniature spirit gathering array, it has a cultivation speed that exceeds that of Tianlinggen.

This made the cultivation speed of puppet cultivator Xiaomei comparable to the core disciples of the sects in the world.

"Well, compared to other puppets, the puppet cultivator has obviously already developed spiritual intelligence and can execute slightly more complex orders... As for strength..."

"The peak of the golden elixir is close to the king-level strength. Coupled with a few life-saving talismans and high-level magic weapons, there should be no threat in the United States..."

Su Xing murmured.

The number of Heavenly Kings and Martial Emperor-level professionals in the United States is even lower than that in Great Xia.

On the contrary, the number of low-level professionals is much higher.

"From now on, you can stay in the United States... I will give you some goods, and you can contact the American Chamber of Commerce. Remember to be smart. You can set up a small chamber of commerce yourself and recruit a few American professionals..."

"By the way, remember that your appearance should be similar to that of American professionals..."

Su Xing gave a few instructions and took out a few storage rings, which contained a lot of goods, low-level resources for cultivators, and gave them to Xiaomei for sale.

There are fewer Adventist cults in the United States, and Su Xing is not worried about being discovered.

Puppet repair Xiaomei nodded obediently and said: "Yes, master..."

Su Xing thought about it and felt that it was still a bit unsafe.

So she used her gift "Giving Rose" to give the green gift of good luck and business elites to Xiaomei.

Vaguely, Su Xing felt the subtle changes in Xiao Mei's body, and the line of cause and effect between him and Xiao Mei increased.

With these two talents, it will not be difficult for Xiaomei to open a chamber of commerce in the United States.

After doing all this, Su Xing allowed Xiao Mei to move freely, and he rushed to the entrance to the dungeon of the Endless Abyss.


After passing through an underground cave, Su Xing clearly felt waves of space fluctuations coming from him.

Su Xing successfully entered the first level of the endless abyss.

After entering the endless abyss, Su Xing looked at the surrounding environment. The sky was blood-colored, but there was no light source. There seemed to be an invisible barrier above his head.

The soil under his feet was also red, as if soaked in blood.

In order to prevent accidents, Su Xing did not use his spiritual consciousness on a large scale and only controlled his spiritual consciousness within a radius of ten miles.

In the awakening induction, there are many professionals on the first floor, all of whom are "warriors" from the United States, fighting against the monsters of the abyss.

The monsters on the first level, that is, the aliens, are not very strong, only at the silver and gold levels, but if you kill them, there is a certain probability of dropping an abyss stone.

Su Xing randomly killed hundreds of monsters along the way and obtained more than a hundred abyss stones.

The auspicious star's talent makes the awakening's explosion rate close to [-]%.

A low-level abyss stone worth 100 yuan awakened about 100 million simulated energy, which is a bit of energy source.

Su Xing did not stay too much on the first floor, but went to the second floor.

On the second level, the number of professionals was obviously much smaller, but the number of monsters had not decreased.

After waking up, he killed about a hundred monsters and obtained 100 yuan of abyss stones, which he tried to exchange for energy sources.

"Huh? The abyss stone on the second level... seems to be of higher quality!"

Su Xing raised his eyebrows. The second layer of 100 Yuan Abyss Stone provided Su Xing with two sources of energy.

Su Xing became somewhat interested, so he continued.

The third level, one hundred stones of the abyss, provides five points of energy source...

The fifth level, one hundred stones of the abyss, provides ten points of energy source.

On the tenth level, one hundred stones of the abyss provide thirty points of energy source.

No. 20, one hundred stones of the abyss, providing one hundred points of energy source!

Around the 20th floor, the lowest monsters that appear in the abyss are master-level monsters.

Most of them are around the Heavenly King and Martial Emperor levels, and there are a lot of them!

Even when he woke up, he saw a monster alien that was close to the legendary level!

At this level, professionals are extremely rare, and almost only the absolute elite team of king-level professionals can brush up once in a long time.

"This level... the speed of obtaining the Abyss Stone seems not bad!"

Su Xing murmured.

The 20th floor of the abyss is not as wide as the first floor, but its area is not small.

It's just that each monster is far away from each other, and it takes a little time to find it when it wakes up.

In about an hour, after waking up, you can kill more than a hundred abyss monsters, get a hundred abyss stones, and earn a hundred points of energy source.

It’s equivalent to [-] million points of simulated energy!
"On this floor, the number of monsters is about several thousand...and they seem to be constantly refreshed and replenished every once in a while, maintaining an overall unchanged number?"

Su Xing became somewhat interested.

So for the next three days, I spent all my time "spawning monsters" on the 20th floor of the Endless Abyss!
In three days, I woke up with nearly [-] points of energy source!

This is a good amount of extra money for Su Xing...

"Tsk tsk... If you have time in the future, you can come here often, or go to a deeper level to brush monsters..."

Su Xing murmured.

In previous simulations, he had explored the first level of the Endless Abyss.

The monsters there have saint-level strength!

However, the number is too small...the efficiency of brushing Abyss Stone may not be as good as twenty or thirty layers.

"Well, after finishing this last wave, let's go back..."

Su Xing murmured, and then controlled the sword energy.

A sword light can often penetrate several monsters ten miles apart. To wake up, you only need to pick up the Abyss Stone.


After waking up and leaving the Endless Abyss, a team of blond and blue-eyed professionals entered the No. 20 floor of the Endless Abyss.

This is a standard king-level team!
A team of five people, composed of priests, warriors, mages, etc., cooperate with each other.

They are also the top three professional teams in the entire United States...

"Kyle! Kyle! Everyone, be careful... there will be a large number of king-level monsters appearing on the 20th floor of the abyss!"

The captain of the blond team said in American.

"Shet! Why do you have to come to the 20th floor... We are on the [-]th floor, isn't it safe?" A beautiful girl with big waves complained.

"There is an old saying in Daxia, which is that wealth can be found in danger... Now Daxia is purchasing a large amount of abyss stones from our country, the United States, and the price of high-quality abyss stones has risen sharply!"

"After completing this task, we can upgrade our equipment and prepare to be promoted to Martial Emperor!"

A Nige professional said.

"Everyone, be careful... gather together and explore..."

This team of professionals carefully explored for a long time, but could not see any trace of monsters.

"Strange... where are the monsters on this floor? Could they have been brushed away by other professionals!?"

"Idiot! How is that possible? There are hundreds of monsters on this floor... let alone a team of professionals. Even Ares, the strongest god of war in the United States, and an emperor-level professional, can't do it!"

"Damn it! There won't be any accidents here, right? Retreat quickly... report this to the police!"

This team of professionals hurriedly fled to the upper levels.


Su Xing didn't know about this incident, so he flew with his sword and returned to Daxia Kingdom.

In the next two days, Su Xing was not idle either.

After refining some talismans, Su Xing went to the dungeon of the Xianwu Era, took out the raw metal ore, and headed to the villa.

Jin Congxue is not at home this week, and should be handling business related to the Tarot Club.

After waking up, he put down the elixirs and exotic metal ores, and then harvested the Tarot harvest for a new week.

In this way, there are an additional [-] points of energy source.


Returning to Lingtian Cave, Su Xing took a look at his remaining energy source.

14 points!
"That's right... these energy sources should be enough to extract half a step of acquired space treasures, right?"

Su Xing's heart felt hot.

The thought of being able to control Lingbao to the target world made Su Xing hard not to be tempted.

In the new era, June 2025, 8, Awakening will start a new round of simulation.

"Start the simulation!"

[The 101st simulation is started, and the current remaining energy source is 14 points... There are no simulations left. 】

【The simulation starts! 】

[It costs 1 point of energy source to extract the golden legendary talent. Do you want to extract it? 】

"Yes!" Su Xing said silently.
[Ding, congratulations on getting the purple talent Super Smell. The probability of drawing the golden talent next time is 70%...]

[Super Smell]: Purple talent, your sense of smell is beyond ordinary people. You can identify the location of enemies through smell, and you can also track and identify material components through smell...

"Huh? This talent..."

Su Xing touched his chin, a pretty good purple talent.

It's a pity that I came a little late. Now that I have awakened, I have enough consciousness and have mastered the tracking technique, so my super sense of smell is a bit useless.

"Forget it, let's officially start the simulation!"

Su Xing's heart moved and he looked at the simulation panel.

[In Lingtian Cave, you realize that you are in a simulation. 】

[You take out the materials you obtained previously and want to refine more puppets. 】

[This time, your goal is to expand the number of people in Tianji Pavilion tenfold!Create a hundred puppets and send them to Blue Star countries for trade. 】

【In this way, you can earn more simulation energy. 】

[The production of puppets is not only related to the strength of the puppet master, but the material itself is also very important. 】

[But there are not many materials in your hand that are enough to refine high-level puppets. 】

[And using fourth-level exotic metal ores, you can only create a puppet comparable to the king level at best. 】【You first went to Luotian Dungeon and learned several blueprints for making combat puppets...】

[For the next one year, in addition to practicing every day, you will refine combat puppets. 】

[Because when trading in other countries, you will inevitably encounter some dangers. At this time, the combat effectiveness of the puppet becomes particularly important. 】

[In the second year, you spent a year and successfully created fifty combat puppets that were comparable to the Nascent Soul stage. 】

[You charged them with energy, and equipped him with enough talismans for self-defense. Five puppets formed a group, and brought enough beauty pills, life-extending pills, low-level talismans, and elixirs, equipment comparable to legendary weapons...]

[Soon, another year passed. 】

[In the third year, you try to take back the items obtained from these puppet transactions. 】

[You discovered that the loss of fifty puppets reached more than [-]%... Nearly twenty puppets were damaged in the battle. 】

[But even so, you have obtained enough goods...]

[In one year, these puppets have brought you hundreds of thousands of tons of different metals of various levels, countless white equipment, various types of dungeon props, and millions of abyss stones. 】

[You cannot estimate the specific value of these goods, but it is estimated that it is not less than hundreds of thousands of energy sources! 】

[This allows you to see the blue ocean of transactions between countries!The seven countries and twelve regions are all important sources of energy for you...]

[But you also discovered a problem. The puppet is not strong enough and can be easily damaged. 】

[So you went to the ancestral land of the Spirit Clan and took out the Luo Tian inheritance. 】

[These puppets in the inheritance treasure range from gods to transcending tribulations, and can execute complex commands. 】

[The strength is definitely sufficient...but what makes you a little troubled is that most of its puppets have been damaged, and you need to spend some time repairing them. 】

In the real world, Su Xing raised his eyebrows when he saw this.

"Indeed, on Blue Star, the materials for refining puppets are limited...the most can only come from those ruins!"

"If the puppets and other inheritances are obtained from the ancestral land of the Spirit Clan, even if they need to be repaired, it will be much faster than making them directly!"

Su Xing touched his chin.

This week's trip to the United States made Su Xing realize that we must speed up the establishment of energy acquisition channels in other countries to ensure future development.

"The next meeting with Luo Shuying should be around the [-]th... we can go and have a chat then!"

Su Xing murmured.

He hasn't seen Luo Shuying for several months.

But according to the previous agreement between him and Luo Shuying, she would go to the previously agreed place on the [-]th of every month and wait for half a day.

If she didn't wake up, she could just go back.

"Well, we should go to the ancestral land of the Spiritual Clan as soon as possible..."

He looked back at the simulation panel.

[Repairing the Spirit Clan puppets is not difficult. After practicing, you will spend several months repairing all the puppets. 】

[You still organize a puppet team of five people. The target is too big and easy to detect. 】

[For some time to come, you will stay at Blue Star to practice peacefully. 】

[In the long practice, 15 years have passed by...]

[Simulation No. 17, your cultivation has reached the peak of the fourth level of the Human Immortal Realm. 】

[Immediately afterwards, you began to accumulate information, and the moisture broke through the fifth level of the human fairyland! 】

[Simulation No. 20, you successfully broke through. 】

[Congratulations on becoming a fifth-level monk in the Human Immortal Realm! 】

[In the same year, you went to the world of beast control...]

[In the past 20 years, you have also been observing the transactions of puppets traveling to various countries. 】

[You have found that in orderly countries such as the United States and Huangdao, the probability of puppet damage is low, but you need to pay attention to the possible detection of the Adventist Cult. 】

[Fortunately, you have Luo Shuying as an insider. She tells you that the Adventist Cult is already investigating the instigator behind the puppet, but they have not acted rashly. 】

[And Luo Shuying offered to become the commander-in-chief of the investigation puppet organization "Tianji Pavilion", so the Advent Sect naturally failed to make any progress. 】

[In the Twelve Domains, it is relatively chaotic, consisting of various small countries and organizations. It is full of professional unions, bloody violence, and is an area where the law is difficult to radiate. 】

[Although puppets here are somewhat risky, they can obtain more precious materials from the black market, including high-level abyss stones, large amounts of exotic metals, etc...]

Su Xing raised his eyebrows when he saw this.

"The Twelve Realms...are indeed chaotic places!"

Su Xing murmured.

In a world of extraordinary beings, even with modern technology, it is still full of violence, killing and bloody crimes.

These professionals are often extremely powerful, but similar to "evil cultivators" in nature. They will be expelled from the Seven Kingdoms and concentrated in the Twelve Domains.

In terms of the number of mid-level professionals, between master level and king level, there are even more in the Twelve Regions than in the Seven Kingdoms combined!
Before the end, these professionals were also forced to go to the Demon Suppressing Pass to jointly resist the aliens and contribute some of their strength.

"When you have time later, you can also go and see the Twelve Regions in person..."

Su Xing murmured that he had never been to these chaotic areas before, but he had heard many rumors about them.

For example, a certain Martial Emperor-level or even Legend-level professional committed a heinous crime and hid in the chaotic Twelve Realms to establish his own business empire...

After Su Xing thought for a while, he looked at the simulation panel.

[There are no years of practice, and another eight years have passed...]

[No. 20, the Demon Saint with Double Eyes came and used the drag technique...]

[No. 30 In the third year, the Demon Saint with Double Eyes has retreated, but you do not plan to stay in Blue Star, but are preparing to go to the Three Thousand Worlds! 】

[Through the different space, you arrive at Xiao Qingyun Realm. 】

[The first thing you do is rush towards Baidi City. 】

[You sold the information you obtained previously in Tianji Pavilion of Baidi City. 】

[Later, you took an airship to Little Qingyun City...]

[You contacted the True Immortal of Danhuo and showed your identity. 】

[Danhuo True Immortal is very respectful to you and tells you that he will go to Qingyun Realm in four years. 】

[After hearing this, you naturally agreed, so you stayed as a monk in Xiao Qingyun City. 】

[Although you know that if you go to Qingyun Sect, you will definitely be found by Qingyunzi in advance, but for the space treasure acquired the day after tomorrow, the only place you can think of to refine it is in Qingyun Sect. 】

[You stay in Xiao Qingyun City and practice with peace of mind. 】

[In the fifth year of No. 30, your cultivation level has reached the middle stage of the fifth level of the Human Immortal Realm...]

[No.30 In the seventh year, you and the True Immortal Danhuo went to Qingyun Realm. 】

[After arriving at Qingyun Sect, you are shocked by the majesty of Qingyun Sect’s mountain gate. 】

[You have a cave of your own, cave heaven level. 】

[Several fellow senior brothers and sisters have given you many treasures as gifts. 】

[You obtained the contact information of Fairy Ziling, and by selling the Spirit Gathering Flower, you obtained a large amount of sect contribution, totaling tens of millions of points. 】

[After you have these sect contributions, you start to purchase various materials required for refining within the sect. 】

[It took you 13 years just to purchase and find these precious materials! 】

[Year, your cultivation has been promoted to the late stage of the fifth level of Human Immortal Realm. 】

[In the same year, you found a great master of weapon refining in the sect, an elder from the Mysterious Immortal Realm, and spent one million contribution points to ask him to build you a flying boat that can travel through the world and cross the void...]

[You specially offer four ethereal stones, hoping that they can be used to create a half-step acquired treasure level magic weapon! 】

[This refining took three years...]

[Three years ago, one day over the Weapon Refining Peak, small thunder tribulations gathered...]

[This is not a catastrophe for monks, but a catastrophe for weapons! 】

[Only those with acquired treasure levels and above have the possibility of triggering weapon tribulations. 】

[Looking at the scale of this thunder tribulation, the elder of Weapon Refining Peak must have successfully refined half of the acquired treasure! 】

[You are ecstatic and head to the Weapon Refining Peak. 】

[Sure enough, in the weapon refining room, you saw a three-foot-long magical flying boat with a golden body. 】

[This boat can be big or small, it can be as big as a hundred feet, or as small as an inch. 】

[Compared to the previous one, this time the flying boat that has reached the half-step acquired treasure level has a more exquisite shape and a stronger body...]

[At the same time, it also has the function you value most, stable and long-distance travel through the small world! 】

[The top-grade immortal treasure level can only travel through the neighboring small worlds and cannot travel long distances. 】

[But at the level of half-acquired treasure, even if you travel through three or five small worlds at once, it will still be strong and not damaged...]

[As for realizing true long-distance travel, traveling through ten or even dozens of small worlds at once, that requires a true acquired treasure to achieve it. 】

[Even so, you are very satisfied. With this spaceship, you can try to travel by yourself in the future. Whether it is escaping or exploring other worlds, your means will be much better! 】

[You name this flying boat the Floating Cloud Golden Light Boat. Its shape is very close to its name. 】

[After owning this flying boat, you did not use it, but carefully put it away. 】

[After that, you contacted Fairy Ziling and hoped that she would take you to Xiao Qingyun Realm. 】

In the real world, Su Xing nodded slightly when he saw this.

"Indeed, the Flowing Cloud Golden Light Boat cannot be used this time... After all, if the boat body is damaged, what I bring out will be the damaged flying boat."

"And with my level of weapon refining, it is obviously impossible to repair..."

"Wait a moment. After bringing out the complete flying boat, even if it is damaged every time during the simulation, you won't feel bad..."

Su Xing knew the secrets involved, so he was not in a hurry.

"As for which realm Fairy Ziling takes me to, there is no difference...because with Qingyunzi's strength, it will probably take less than 30 to [-] years to find me, right?"

Su Xing sighed and planned to break through his cultivation level as soon as possible in the last moment.

[After leaving Qingyun Sect, you returned to practice in Xiao Qingyun Realm. 】

[Soon, another seven years passed. 】

[In No. 60, your cultivation reached the peak of the fifth level of the Human Immortal Realm. 】

[In the same year, you sold the information about the great demon in the Heavenly Fairy Realm...]

[Then you go to the depths of Shiwan Mountain, open a cave, and practice retreat every day. 】

[No.60 In five years, after several preparations, you successfully broke through to the sixth level of the Immortal Realm! 】

[In No. 80, your cultivation reached the middle stage of the sixth level of the Human Immortal Realm. 】

[With the blessing of a late bloomer, your practice speed is amazing...]

[But you are also vaguely worried. Qingyunzi will come to your door at any time. You must practice as soon as possible! 】

[One day, you take the Qiling Pill and prepare to understand the body-protecting sword. 】

In the real world, Su Xing saw this movement in his heart and silently said:
“Use immersive…”


The awakening consciousness appeared in the retreat cave.

Without wasting time, Su Xing began to practice the body-protecting sword.

Because of the late blooming talent, if immersive simulation is used after 77, it will get twice the result with half the effort!

Soon, the immersive simulation ends and you wake up and return to reality.

Feeling the progress of the body-protecting sword, Su Xing nodded with satisfaction.

"Yes, the total number of body-protecting swords has reached [-], and the power has been slightly increased..."

"I saw that before I understood the great way of swords, the total number of body-protecting swords was only about two thousand..."

Su Xing prepares to raise the body-protecting sword to its current limit first, and then tries to understand the path of the sword.

Look at the simulation panel.

[After taking one step closer to the Body Protecting Sword Gang, you have no choice to continue to stay in the Hundred Thousand Mountains. 】

[You don’t know when Qingyunzi will come back, so if you plan to go to Tianmo City, you can probably delay it for a while. 】

[In the same year, you took an airship to Tianmo City, where you transformed into the Captain of Ten Thousands, shielding your own secrets, hoping to delay the time of being found by Qingyunzi. 】

[In this way, ten years have passed. 】

[In the year No. 90, your cultivation reached the peak of the sixth level of the Human Immortal Realm! 】

[One day, a warning came from the talent of seeking good luck and avoiding evil. 】

[The next day, Qingyunzi appeared...]

[After the negotiation between the demon general and Qingyunzi, you were abandoned...]

[You explained everything to Qingyunzi, but Qingyunzi didn’t believe it...]

[You have been soul-searched...]

【you are dead! 】

【Ding, this simulation is over! 】

After the simulation ended, Su Xing shook his head slightly.

"It's a pity that my cultivation has only reached the late stage of the sixth level of Human Immortal Realm..."

"Did you simulate No. 90 years before being found by Qingyunzi?"

Su Xing murmured.

This time was slightly later than he expected.

It seems that the Heavenly Secret Shielding Technique and the Xuanyuan Breath Collection Formation played some role.

"Let's take a look at the rewards of this simulation!"

Su Xing rubbed his hands excitedly and couldn't wait to get the space treasure!
Look at the simulation reward list.

[Super Smell]: Purple talent, priced at 1 point of energy source.

[Sixth Level of Immortal Realm Cultivation]: A monk in the Human Immortal Realm has reached the peak of the sixth level of the Human Immortal Realm. The price is 2 energy sources.

[Liuyun Golden Light Boat]: A high-end flying boat built by a master of weapon refining. It can travel across the world at medium distances. It has all the living facilities inside. The boat is sturdy and has reached the level of a half-acquired treasure.The price is 8 energy source.

[50 Nascent Soul Realm Battle Puppets]: Priced at [-] energy sources.

"A half-step acquired treasure, priced at 8 energy sources? It's still acceptable..."

Su Xing gritted his teeth and said silently:

"I choose the sixth level of cultivation in the Human Immortal Realm, and the Flowing Cloud Golden Light Boat!"

[You successfully brought out the sixth level of cultivation in the Immortal Realm, spending 2 energy source points, and the remaining energy source points are 12 points...]

[You successfully brought out the Liuyun Golden Light Boat, spending 8 energy sources, and the remaining energy sources are 4 points...]

(End of this chapter)

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