Others practice leveling, I cultivate immortality, go out to Mahayana before leaving the mountain

Chapter 290 The Golden Talent Alchemy Master comes to the yellow sand world for the first time [8k]

Chapter 290 The Golden Talent Alchemy Master comes to the yellow sand world for the first time [8k]

The simulated beep fell, and a mysterious energy poured into Su Xing's body.

Su Xing's cultivation aura began to rise.

In just a few breaths, he went from the fourth level of the Human Immortal Realm to the peak of the sixth level of the Human Immortal Realm.

There is only one step left to become a late-stage monk in the Immortal Realm!
"It's a pity...it's only a little bit short, but I should be able to successfully break through to the Great Perfection in the next simulation!"

A flash of confidence flashed in Su Xing's eyes.

He doesn't need to look for Qingyunzi in the next simulation, and he can simulate it for at least 120 years.

In addition, with the Liuyun Golden Light Boat, you can try to travel to other worlds, and maybe you can simulate it for a longer time.

And every additional year of simulation, with the blessing of a late bloomer, is a double bonus!
"Why do you feel that after the Human Immortal Realm, the progress of cultivation...is much faster than during the Tribulation Stage?"

The corners of Su Xing's mouth rose slightly. The faster his cultivation level improved, the better it would be for him!
All he has to worry about is obtaining simulated energy.

It took some time for him to wake up and adapt to his increased cultivation.

At this moment, the mana in his body has increased by more than [-]% compared to a week ago.

"By the way, there's also the Liuyun Golden Light Boat!"

Su Xing quickly looked at the inch-long boat at his feet, which looked like an exquisite model.

Su Xing took a few steps back, and with a thought in his heart, he injected a ray of immortal power into the Liuyun Golden Light Boat.

Immortal power was injected into it, and a dazzling golden light flashed on the Liuyun Golden Light Boat.

The one-inch-long boat model instantly transformed into a three-foot-long and one-foot-wide boat, enough to accommodate several people.

If Su Xing is willing, he can even turn this small boat into a large ship that is a hundred feet long and thirty feet wide!

It's more crowded, enough to accommodate more than a thousand people...

"Tsk, tsk, with this Liuyun Golden Light Boat... Even if Blue Star is destroyed immediately, I can escape from Blue Star with my family and friends!"

Su Xing felt a little excited.

With his previous ability, he was able to leave alone and escape to the Little Qingyun Realm.

But those he cared about, such as Jin Congxue, Luo Shuying, Wang Qingxuan, Yu Yan... or his family, could not escape with him.

But things are different now. With this Liuyun Golden Light Boat, Su Xing can completely lead a group of people to escape first.

"If it really comes to that last resort... I can only abandon Blue Star and escape with some of my people..."

Su Xing murmured.

He is very tolerant. Su Xing does not necessarily want to be the hero who saves the world.

As long as your family and friends are okay...

Even before the destruction of Blue Star, Su Xing could take more than a thousand human beings on the Flowing Cloud Golden Light Boat and take them to escape to the Little Qingyun Realm. This can be regarded as a good deed.

At least it is guaranteed that the Blue Star people will not become extinct...

Thinking this, Su Xing couldn't wait to test the Liuyun Golden Light Boat.

Entering the canoe, a glass-like cover appeared on the originally semi-open domeless canoe.

From the inside of the Liuyun Golden Light Boat, you can see the outside clearly, but from the outside, you cannot see the inside.

Different from Su Xing's imagination, this Liuyun Golden Light Boat even has a bit of high-tech feel.

There are many array switches on the operating table.

For example, flying at high altitude, traveling across the world...or flying at full speed, pressing the defense formation button...

Invisibility formation, breath gathering formation, spirit gathering formation, space formation... you name it!
It can even release magical attacks, which are powerful enough to kill immortals!

Of course, all of this requires spiritual energy or fairy energy as support!
You can use a large number of spiritual stones as power, or you can wake up and input your own fairy power to control it, which is very user-friendly.

"Tsk tsk... It is indeed a magic weapon of the Immortal Family! This Liuyun Golden Light Boat is definitely a must-have for killing people, stealing goods, and running away!"

Su Xing was very satisfied with Liuyun Jinguangzhou.

Unfortunately, on Blue Star, there is no chance to wake up and use it yet.

In the future, maybe I can try immersive simulation when I wake up...

“It’s almost time, it’s time to go find Lu Yuanwu!”

Su Xing murmured.

Then Yi Rong gathered his breath and went to trade, and got another [-] energy sources.

This week, Su Xing flew to the United States with his sword again.

On the one hand, it is to see if there is anything wrong with Xiaomei.

But I found that she did a pretty good job. She disguised herself as a blonde and blue-eyed beauty. Not only did she sell a lot of goods, she even recruited a few followers.

After confirming that there was no problem in the United States, I woke up and went to the abyss dungeon.

This week, Su Xing went back and forth between the [-]th and [-]th floors of the abyss to farm monsters.

In six days, the abyss stones obtained were worth [-] points of energy source in total!
On September 9, Su Xing went to the Xianwu dungeon and brought out the foreign metal ore.


New era, September 2025, 9, in a villa in Kyoto City.

Su Xing looked at Jin Congxue in front of her, wearing a black skirt and light makeup, quite like a queen.

"Ah Xing, this week's goods and exotic metals..."

Jin Congxue handed over two storage rings and reached out to take them.

Su Xing smiled and handed over the elixir and raw ore of foreign metal as usual.

Seeing Jin Congxue hesitate, Su Xing wondered:
"Sister Xue, I see that you are a little unhappy. Is there anything that is troubling you?"

Jin Congxue's little face turned red from suppressing it, and she said softly:

"Someone promised me to go to a movie last time... It's been almost a month and there's still no movement!"

Su Xing was stunned for a moment when he heard this, then nodded and said:
"Oh! You should have told me to go to the movies with you!"

Su Xing has been relatively free recently, with various puppets doing work, and he has at least one day of rest a week.

Seeing Su Xing's perfunctory attitude, Jin Congxue suddenly became unhappy and hummed:

"Then shouldn't you invite me? Now that I say it...it becomes me inviting you!"

Seeing that Jin Congxue seemed to be really angry, Su Xing was stunned for a moment and said quickly:

"Look, let's go see a movie now!"

"I'll buy a ticket now..."

Jin Congxue's eyes lit up after hearing this, and the two of them were going to find a movie theater in the city to watch a new movie.

Before leaving, Su Xing said thoughtfully:

"Alas, women are indeed an obstacle on my path to becoming an immortal..."

With a sober brain circuit, there is a high probability that he will not understand Jin Congxue’s little thoughts...


After watching a movie, I woke up and returned to Lingtian Cave.

At this time, the simulator's cooling time has just ended, and it's time to wake up and prepare to start a new week of simulation.

"Start the simulation!"

[The 102st simulation is started, and the current remaining energy source is 10 points... There are no simulations left. 】

【The simulation starts! 】

[It costs 1 point of energy source to extract the golden legendary talent. Do you want to extract it? 】

"Yes!" Su Xing said silently.

[Ding, congratulations on getting the golden talent Alchemy Master. The probability of drawing the golden talent next time is 60%...]

[Alchemy Master]: With golden talent, your skills in alchemy are astonishing. You are expected to become a master of alchemy and refine spiritual elixirs...

Looking at the newly drawn talent, Su Xing was a little disappointed at first.

The golden quality spiritual root has still not been drawn out after such a long time...

But after seeing his new talent clearly, Su Xing's eyes brightened again.

"Alchemy Master... This seems to be an upgraded version of the purple alchemy talent!"

"Elixirs with spiritual power refer to..."

Su Xing touched his chin. He had heard that the great power at the end of the alchemy line could make the elixir give birth to consciousness.

That kind of elixir can even lead to immortality!

For example, the Dragon and Tiger Pill is a high-level pill that allows monks to increase the power of dragons and tigers.

But in the hands of an alchemy expert, the refined Dragon Tiger Pill can even transform into a real dragon and tiger, with combat power comparable to that of an immortal!

"But...this alchemy talent comes at just the right time!"

"The next level of the Great Witch's Body Training Art requires you to refine the Earth Elemental Pill yourself... It's just right to have this talent for Alchemy!"

Su Xing murmured, looking at the simulation panel.

This time the goal is to achieve perfection in human paradise!
[In Lingtian Cave, you realize that you are in a simulation. 】

[A few days later, you went to see Luo Shuying. 】

[You got the token of the ancestral land of the spirit clan and went to the spirit world. 】

[You successfully obtained the inheritance left by Luo Tianzong...]

[Another half month later, you entered the Luotian dungeon and learned the way of puppets...]

[For the next year, in addition to practicing every day, you will repair the puppet. 】

[You sent the repaired puppets to various countries in Blue Star, allowing them to form forces and conduct transactions in various places, further expanding the scale of Tianji Pavilion. 】

[One year has passed very quickly. 】

[In the second year, you have a premonition that you are about to break through to the late stage of the Immortal Realm. 】

[For this reason, you went to the ruins of Wanmu Sect. 】

[After strengthening the Xuanyuan Breath Condensation Formation, you set up a restriction to shield the secret, and then put the Spirit Vein Dragon into the Lingtian Cave...]

[Sure enough, as you expected, Long Laogou did not sense the appearance of the spiritual dragon. 】

[Even though they are both dragons, with the double blessing of formations and heavenly shielding techniques, it is difficult for even Xuanxian to detect it, let alone a mere Void-Breaking Realm hybrid dragon? 】

[You put the Spirit Vein Dragon into the Ling Tian Cave and took good care of it, and quickly won the favor of the Spirit Vein Dragon. 】

【Another year has passed. 】

[In your three years, you are preparing to break through to the seventh level of the Immortal Realm! 】

[This retreat lasted for a year...]

[When you are about to fail in your breakthrough, the Spiritual Vein Dragon spits out a mouthful of pure fairy energy to help you successfully break through to the late stage of the Immortal Realm! 】

[Congratulations, you have broken through to the seventh level of the Immortal Realm! 】

Su Xing's eyes lit up when he saw this, he nodded slightly and said:
"Yes, it's indeed time to release the spiritual dragon..."

"With the blessing of the formation, Long Laogou cannot sense it... As long as the spirit dragon is placed in the Lingtian Cave, the Cave may be able to be further upgraded!"

The quality of Su Xing's current cave has reached the middle-grade cave.

If the Spirit Vein Dragon moves in, maybe he can reach the top level cave in a few months.

By then, the recovery speed and spiritual liquid output will be further improved.

"That's right! If you successfully break through to the seventh level of the Immortal Realm once, then the probability of breaking through to the Great Perfection of the Immortal Realm in this simulation is even higher!"

Su Xing nodded in satisfaction.

Then he looked at the simulation panel.

[After breaking through to the seventh level of the Human Immortal Realm, you stay on Blue Star and continue to practice. 】

[15 years have passed very quickly...]

[In No. 17, your cultivation level has been promoted to the middle stage of the seventh level of Human Immortal Realm. 】

[This year you went to the world of animal control to solve hidden dangers...]

[No.20, the Demon Saint came to Blue Star...]

[You guarded the Demon Suppression Pass for five years, and the Demon Saint was defeated. 】

[No. 30 In three years, your cultivation has been promoted to the late seventh level of Human Immortal Realm. 】

[In the same year, you went from the Killing Fields to the Little Qingyun Realm. 】

[The first thing you do when you come to Xiao Qingyun Realm is go to Tianji Pavilion to sell information. 】

[But you have not forgotten that two years from now will be the birth of the Tongyuan Flower in the Black Water Realm! 】

[Tongyuan Flower is an important material for refining Earth Yuan Dan. You must go to the Black Water Realm. 】

[You come to the southern part of Xiao Qingyun Realm and find the space coordinates of the Black Water Realm. 】

[Then he controlled the Flowing Cloud Golden Light Boat and sailed towards the void. 】

[The Liuyun Golden Light Boat is driving in the void, and there are turbulent voids everywhere around it. 】

[Occasionally, you can see strange beasts of the void sleeping and looking for food in the void. 】

[The strength of these void beasts is at least as strong as that of an immortal. Even the rumored powerful void beasts have a strength comparable to that of Daluo Jinxian! 】

[You hold up the protective formation of the Liuyun Golden Light Boat to resist the erosion of the void. 】

[Seven days later, you arrived at the first void node. 】

[You are driving the Flowing Cloud Golden Light Boat, successfully passing through space nodes and crossing countless voids...]

[In this way, you only need to pass through two more void nodes to successfully reach the Black Water Realm. 】

In the real world, Su Xing nodded slightly when he saw this.

Traveling between each world is extremely difficult, otherwise it would not be difficult for even immortals to reach it.

If the distance between the Small Thousand Worlds is simply measured by distance, even adjacent Small Thousand Worlds.

It also takes angels flying and traveling for thousands of years to reach it.

At this time, you need to contact the space nodes in the void to make a long-distance space jump.

Each jump may cover a distance of hundreds of millions of miles.

Adjacent small worlds often need to cross two or three void nodes.

And if it is a small thousand world that is far away, it even needs to cross dozens of void nodes.

Therefore, long-distance jumps cannot be achieved except in the true fairyland.

Otherwise, even the immortal power cannot support the flight of the immortal boat...

"Fortunately, the Liuyun Golden Light Boat has an energy storage function, and my mana has also improved a lot compared to before..."

"This time, can we reach the Black Water Realm safely?"

Su Xing was a little nervous.

In a previous simulation, he failed to travel across the world and was forced to descend into a world that was about to be destroyed, causing his simulation time to be shortened for a long time.

This time, we can't make the same mistake again...

Thinking this, Su Xing looked at the simulation panel.

[After passing through the first void node, most of the fairy power in your body will be consumed. 】

[So you activated the energy storage function of Liuyun Golden Light Boat and sailed automatically. 】

[Only a three-day voyage has consumed tens of millions of drops of high-quality spiritual liquid from you, which makes you extremely distressed. 】

[After your mana is restored, you inject your own fairy power to sail. 】

[A week later, you passed through the second void node. 】

[Another ten days later, you arrived at the space coordinates of the Black Water Realm. 】【Driving the Flowing Cloud Golden Light Boat and landing slowly...】

[Congratulations, you successfully arrived in the Black Water Realm! 】

[According to your information, the most powerful sect in the Black Water Realm only has Earthly Immortal Realm monks in charge, and its strength is far inferior to that of the Little Qingyun Realm. 】

[But you also know that the Black Water Realm is definitely infiltrated by the Advent Cult. 】

[The blood seedlings of the Mahayana stage came from the small world of Blackwater...]

[And two years later, the opening of the Tongyuanhua Secret Realm may lead to another fierce battle. 】

[Black Water Realm, 90.00% of the area is covered by the ocean. 】

[And the place where the secret realm is opened is also at the bottom of the ocean at a depth of ten thousand feet. 】

[Su Xing came to the location where the secret realm appeared in advance, used water-proof beads, and opened an underwater cave nearby. Make sure you can enter the secret realm as soon as it opens. 】

[But at the same time, you are also a little worried. 】

[The Advent Cult is not weak in the Black Water Realm. When the secret realm opens, will any Advent Cult members come? 】

When Su Xing saw this, he was also a little curious.

"This Black Water Realm should be like the Blue Star, which has been corrupted into disgrace by the Advent Cult..."

"But Long Laogou's strength is average... Is there a more powerful being in the Advent Sect of the Black Water Realm?"

Su Xing is worried that if the top-ranked cadres with the code name "Scarlet" appear here, it will be bad.

Thinking this, Su Xing looked at the simulation panel.

[In order to ensure that all the Tongyuan Flowers are yours, you continue to practice hard, hoping to improve your cultivation. 】

[No. 30 In the ninth year, your cultivation is still at the late stage of the seventh level of the Human Immortal Realm. 】

[But the moment the secret realm opened, you rushed in immediately. 】

[According to the intelligence, Tongyuan Flower is the most precious treasure of heaven and earth in the secret realm here, and it is also hidden in the deepest place. 】

[And on the third day after you entered the secret realm, several figures also entered the secret realm together. 】

[You are exploring the secret realm. With the talent of auspicious stars, you successfully reach the deepest part of the secret realm and pick out all the Tongyuan flowers. 】

[And just when you were about to leave, three figures surrounded you. 】

[You don’t know their identities, but judging from the cause and effect on them, they must be evil cultivators! 】

[One is in the late stage of the Earth Immortal Realm, one is in the early stage of the Earth Immortal Realm, and there is a monk who is at the peak of the Human Immortal Realm...]

[Your guess is that these three people are all members of the Advent Cult! 】

[A fight begins. 】

[You were one against three, and you were at a disadvantage at first. However, after you designed to kill the early-stage cultivator of the Earthly Immortal Realm, the pressure was greatly reduced. 】

[This battle lasted for a whole day and night, and the whole sea was boiling. 】

[You inspired [-] body-protecting swords, cooperated without mentioning martial ethics, and directly killed the monk in the late stage of the Earthly Immortal Realm...]

[Only that one cultivator at the peak of Human Immortal Realm is left. You kill him easily and then search for his soul. 】

[After searching for souls, as expected, these three people are all Adventist cadres! 】

[Code names Blood 49, Blood 59 and Blood 91...]

[From the storage instruments of these three people, you got a large amount of spiritual stones and spiritual liquid, as well as many cultivation resources. 】

[These three people have a total of nearly ten million drops of medium-grade spiritual liquid in their storage instruments, as well as millions of spiritual stones, which is enough for you to practice for a long time. 】

[You carefully inspect every magic weapon, and those with a slight mark will be destroyed by you. 】

[After making sure that there were no flaws left, you drove the spirit boat and returned to the Little Qingyun Realm in a month...]

In the real world, Su Xing raised his eyebrows when he saw this.

"Blood 49, blood 59...and blood 91?"

"It seems that the Advent Sect really knows about this secret realm. In the previous timeline, these Tongyuan Flowers were probably obtained by them!"

Su Xing's understanding of Adventism has also become more comprehensive.

"It seems that the Adventist Cult is stronger than I thought..."

"Perhaps the top sixty cadres with code names are all monks from the Earthly Immortal Realm!"

"And blood level 49 is already in the late stage of the Earthly Immortal Realm... before ranking [-]th, maybe you can reach the Heavenly Immortal Realm?"

Su Xing was silent for a while, and then suddenly laughed.

After reaching the Immortal Realm, the improvement of cultivation level is slow and requires a lot of resources.

If it were to rob ordinary monks, Su Xing wouldn't be able to do such things.

But aren’t these Adventist cadres just awakened money-giving boys?
"Tsk tsk, it seems that I have the means to make a fortune in the future..."

"Tens of millions of drops of middle-grade spiritual liquid...tsk, tsk, this is enough for me to practice for 20 years!"

Naturally, the more spiritual fluid, the better.

Su Xing nodded with satisfaction and looked at the simulation panel again.

"Next, improve your cultivation to the perfection of human fairyland as soon as possible!"

[After returning to Xiao Qingyun Realm, you will immediately practice in seclusion. 】

[With the support of sufficient spiritual fluid, your cultivation has progressed rapidly. 】

[No. 40 In five years, your cultivation has reached the peak of the Human Immortal Realm. 】

[After five years of accumulating knowledge, you try to break through to the eighth level of the Immortal Realm! 】

[Year, you successfully broke through to the eighth level of the Immortal Realm! 】

[At this time, on the front line of Tianmo City, red-eyed aliens have arrived one after another. 】

[You know in your heart that the red moon comes earlier this time, so you practice harder. 】

[In addition to practicing, you also purchased some information about other Xiaoqian worlds near the Xiaoqingyun world. 】

[Most of the Small Thousand Worlds are experiencing invasion by alien races. 】

[Even some small thousand worlds have been completely annihilated by alien races. 】

[This gives you a headache, so you can only try your best to choose a safer world that is far away from the frontline battlefield...]

【In this way, 15 years passed quickly. 】

[No. 60 In the fifth year, your cultivation level has been promoted to the middle stage of the eighth level of the Human Immortal Realm. 】

[As your cultivation level increases, you feel that your cultivation speed is getting slower and slower...]

[In No. 80, your cultivation reached the late eighth level of the Human Immortal Realm. 】

[After these years of investigation, you have already made a preliminary escape direction. You are not going to sit still and wait for death in the Little Qingyun World, and are preparing to escape to other Little Thousand Worlds. 】

[During your investigation, you found three worlds suitable for escape! 】

[They are the spirit beast world, the yellow sand world and the star world respectively. 】

[Among them, you have been to the Spiritual Beast Realm before, and it is also suffering from alien invasions, but its level of danger is far less than that of the Little Qingyun Realm. 】

[According to your speculation, the spirit beast world will be completely invaded after the Xiao Qingyun world. 】

[The Star Realm is the farthest world from the Little Qingyun Realm. It is separated by three small worlds and requires thirteen void nodes. 】

[Monks in the Star Realm all have strange abilities. They can activate the power of the stars and bless their bodies. Their strength is often stronger than that of monks in the same realm. 】

[It is also the strongest world of cultivating immortals among the three small thousand worlds. 】

[But with your magic power, it may be difficult to reach the star realm. 】

[The Huangsha Realm is located in the west of the Little Qingyun Realm, a relatively barren world. 】

[Because the world is barren and the monks are not weak, they were invaded later by aliens. 】

[Interestingly, almost 90.00% of the area in the world here is covered by desert. 】

[And in the yellow sand world, most of the monks have earth spiritual roots, and more than [-]% of the monks are also cultivators! 】

Su Xing saw this and murmured:

"The Yellow Sand Realm also allows for physical training..."

"It seems that the harsh environment will also lead to changes in the monk's major direction..."

Wake up thinking.

He first ruled out the world of spirit beasts.

Su Xing had been to this world before, but was found by Qingyunzi, which meant that it was not safe to escape to the spirit beast world.

"And the Star Realm...seems a little too far?"

"Perhaps it will be safer to go to this world after reaching the Earthly Immortal Realm..."

Su Xing murmured, making a decision in his heart, and looked at the simulation panel.

[After your deduction, I feel that the Yellow Sand World is more suitable for escape. Although this world is remote and has fewer cultivation resources, you have enough spiritual liquid in your body to practice cultivation. 】

[But the Yellow Sand Realm needs to cross six void nodes from the Little Qingyun Realm. 】

[You are going to practice some more and make a breakthrough before heading here. 】

[So, another eight years of seclusion. 】

[No. 80 In eight years, your cultivation has reached the peak of the eighth level of the Human Immortal Realm. 】

[You start to retreat and break through, and attack the ninth level of the human fairyland. 】

【you made it……】

[In No. 90, one day you felt something in your heart and successfully became a ninth-level monk in the Human Immortal Realm. 】

[After breaking through to the ninth level of the Human Immortal Realm, you did not immediately go to the Yellow Sand Realm. 】

[You have a more important thing to do, refining Earth Yuan Dan! 】

[Over the years, you have collected all the materials for refining the Earth Yuan Dan. 】

[So you take the Qiling Pill and prepare to start refining the Diyuan Pill...]

In the real world, Su Xing saw this movement in his heart and silently said:
"Using immersive simulation, duration 30 days..."


The vision in front of him changed, and his awakening consciousness entered the simulator.

"The eleventh-level elixir Diyuan Dan... with the blessing of the Alchemy Master and the Ling Qi Dan, I don't know how long it will take to learn it?"

Su Xing pursed his lips. His current understanding of alchemy was only about refining tenth-level elixirs, far from being a master alchemy master.

But if the Earth Yuan Dan is successfully refined, then it will be considered as officially stepping into the threshold of the Alchemy Master.

"Diyuan Dan is a small pill...just suitable for improving proficiency!"

Su Xing thought so.

In the Three Thousand Worlds, elixirs are also divided into large and small elixirs.

The size of the elixir does not refer to the quality level of the elixir, but to the time of refining the elixir and the number of times it is taken.

For example, it takes dozens of days to refine a Nine-turn Pill, and you can only take one in a lifetime, which is a proper Great Pill.

The Diyuan Pill, Yuanwu Pill, etc. are all small pills that can be refined several times a day. One refining only takes a few hours.

It can also be taken for a long time to assist in spiritual practice. This is a small elixir.

Su Xing takes the Qiling Pill and activates the blessing of great wisdom. Counting the help of his late bloomer talent, one month of refining can be worth 20 years!
The Master of Alchemy made Su Xing's understanding of alchemy much more thorough in an instant.

On the first day of the immersive simulation, Su Xing opened the furnace to refine Diyuan Dan twice, but both ended in failure.

Every day after that, Su Xing made two furnaces, but both failed...

But in the failure, Su Xing summed up his experience and felt that his mastery of Diyuan Dan and his understanding of the Dan Dao were rapidly improving.

Until No.15 days.

When he woke up and refined the Earth Yuan Dan, an idea flashed in his mind, and the whole process went extremely smoothly.

When the elixir was ready, a slight mistake led to the refining of three inferior Diyuan elixirs.

"Well...it took half a month to refine the inferior Diyuan Dan. At this rate...you can get started in one month!"

Su Xing took a deep breath and continued refining.

In this way, until No. 20, three days later, the success rate of awakening alchemy was already [-]% to [-]%.

For the refining of Diyuan Dan, it has truly reached the entry level.

Looking at the silver-white elixir in his hand that contained the slightest bit of energy, Su Xing nodded with satisfaction.

"The Earth Yuan Pill... assists the flower of Yuan Power in the body to bloom... stimulates the growth of Yuan Power, so as to achieve the role of stepping into the second level of the Great Witch Body Training Art and assisting the second level of cultivation!"

Su Xing nodded in satisfaction.

The remaining seven days of immersive simulation were not wasted when he woke up and continued to refine the Earth Yuan Dan.


The immersive simulation ends and awakening consciousness returns.

Recalling the memory of refining the Earth Yuan Dan in his mind, Su Xing concluded:
"After one month of immersive simulation, the Diyuan Dan refining efficiency reached [-]%, which is a complete introduction...but there is still a long way to go before the Xiaocheng level."

"But at this time, my alchemy skills have reached the master level!"

"Once you have thoroughly learned the Diyuan Pill, it won't be so difficult to refine eleventh-level elixirs in the future..."

Su Xing is quite satisfied with this.

Look at the simulation panel.

[You have spent a month and successfully mastered the art of refining Diyuan Dan. 】

[After that, you will not stop and prepare to go to the yellow sand world...]

[Coming to the space node in the southwest of Xiaoqingyun Realm, you activate the Flowing Cloud Golden Fairy Boat and sail into the void...]

[Seven days later, you crossed the first void node. 】

[Continue to drive towards the yellow sand world...]

[Crossing the void and traveling to other worlds is more difficult than you think. 】

[In the first four void nodes, you can also rely on the spiritual liquid and mana output in turn to ensure the smooth sailing of the Liuyun Golden Light Boat. 】

[But after traveling through the void for more than a month, before trying to travel through the fifth void node, your mana is already somewhat disordered. 】

[You understand now that there is no spiritual energy in the void and the environment is special, so it is an extremely harsh environment for monks. 】

[A monk with strong magic power can hold on for a long time, but even if you have a deep foundation and your magic power at this moment is comparable to that of an ordinary early-stage fairyland monk, it is still difficult to hold on. 】

[But fortunately, Liuyun Golden Light Boat is a half-step acquired treasure, its toughness exceeds your imagination. 】

[In the stumbling situation in the second half, Liuyun Golden Light Boat finally safely sailed through all six void nodes and arrived at the Yellow Sand Realm! 】

[When it landed in the yellow sand world, the external and internal formations of Liuyun Golden Light Boat were damaged to varying degrees. 】

[You can only make an emergency landing, and eventually the Liuyun Golden Light Boat will not be able to continue driving. 】

[In this simulation, you can only stay in the yellow sand world...]

[After arriving in the Yellow Sand Realm, the first thing you do is to investigate the power structure of this world. 】

[According to the intelligence, there are monks from the Heavenly Immortal Realm in the Yellow Sand Realm...]

[And their pure physical training is comparable to that of the Celestial Realm. Their physical training was trained in the extremely harsh environment of the Yellow Sand Realm. 】

[The monks within the Yellow Sand Realm are extremely united and live in one of the few oases. 】

[What you didn’t expect is that the monks in this world are actually proficient in puppetry. 】

[After you made sure that the monks in the Yellow Sand Realm were good and that the alien invasion situation was not too bad, you opened a cave in the depths of the desert. 】

[What you didn’t expect is that the yellow sand world is full of earth and fire spiritual energy. Because you have a divine body of fire, your cultivation speed is slightly increased...]

(End of this chapter)

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