Others practice leveling, I cultivate immortality, go out to Mahayana before leaving the mountain

Chapter 291: Achieving Perfection in Immortal Realm, Three Disasters for Immortals! 【3k】

Chapter 291: Achieving Great Perfection in Immortal Realm and Three Disasters for Immortals! 【8k】

In the real world, Su Xing breathed a sigh of relief when he saw this.

"Alas, no matter what... we arrived at the Yellow Sand Realm successfully!"

Su Xing was a little lucky that he didn't take the risk to control the Flowing Cloud Golden Light Boat to other worlds during the last simulation.

Otherwise, he would really not know how to cultivate the damaged Liuyun Golden Light Boat in exchange.

"Simulation No. 90... I don't know how long it will take before the Yellow Sand Realm will be invaded?"

"Or... I will be found by Qingyunzi first?"

Su Xing was a little helpless.

Now he seemed to be playing a cat and mouse game.

Qingyunzi was the cat, and he was the mouse running around. He could only run away as much as possible and simulate it longer.

"The top priority is to improve your cultivation to the Great Perfection of the Immortal Realm as soon as possible!"

"As for the rest, it's not too late to explore it later!"

Su Xing murmured, looking at the simulation panel.

[After arriving at the Yellow Sand Realm, you open a cave in the desert. 】

[After setting up many breath-containing formations and blocking heavenly secrets, you feel a little more at ease, and sprint towards the Great Perfection of the Human Immortal Realm with all your strength...]

[In 1 year, after ten years of hard training, your cultivation level has reached the middle stage of the ninth level of the Human Immortal Realm. 】

[As your cultivation continues to improve, more and more resources are needed to improve your cultivation. 】

[When you practice the Zhengyi Confucian Qi Jue every day, you will consume 24 drops per hour, and on every [-]th solar term day, you will need to consume [-] drops of high-grade spiritual liquid. 】

[But it is precisely because of the sufficient spiritual liquid that your cultivation speed is still fast when you are at the peak of the Human Immortal Realm. 】

[Simulation 1, your cultivation has been upgraded to the late stage of the ninth level of the Human Immortal Realm. 】

[In 120 years, your cultivation has reached the peak of the ninth level of the Human Immortal Realm! 】

[After you left seclusion this year, you made a special trip to see the battle situation on the front lines in Fanhuangsha Realm. 】

[Fortunately, the monks in the Yellow Sand Realm are tough and good at fighting, so the battle situation is still balanced. 】

[But you are worried that Qingyunzi may come to your door, so you want to break through to perfection as soon as possible. 】

[123. You spent hundreds of thousands of drops of high-grade spiritual liquid to try to break through for the first time. 】

[You failed... The mana in the body was disordered, and it took a year to recover. 】

[In 125 years, you once again launched an impact towards the perfection of the human fairyland. 】

[This is also your last chance, because the high-grade spiritual liquid you accumulated before is only enough for you to break through for the last time...]

[In this way, you will be in seclusion for three years. 】

[In the 128th year, one day, you will be blessed and spiritually blessed, and your cultivation will naturally rise to the perfection of the human fairyland! 】

[Under tremendous pressure, you succeeded! 】

[At this moment, you are only one step away from the Earthly Immortal Realm. After surviving the three disasters, you can become an Earthly Immortal! 】

In the real world, Su Xing was relieved to see this.

"Fortunately, I came to the yellow sand world...simulated for 120 years! Finally, I was promoted to the perfection of the human fairyland!"

Su Xing is quite satisfied with this.

After more than 100 years of hard training, he has completed a path that ordinary people in the fairyland may not be able to complete in 3000 years.

"Then... Next, we have to consider surviving the three disasters!"

In the Three Thousand Worlds, there are the so-called three disasters of immortals, which are the three disasters of wind, fire and thunder.

After surviving the three disasters, one can pass through human immortals, earth-breaking immortals, transcending heavenly immortals, and reach the realm of true immortals.

In layman's terms, when a human is at the peak of the Immortal Realm, he or she needs to survive one of the three disasters before he can become an Earth Immortal.

When you reach the peak of the Earthly Immortal Realm, you can survive another disaster and become a Heavenly Immortal.

At the peak of the Heavenly Immortal Realm, only after surviving the last disaster can you achieve the true Immortal Realm!
Of course, the wind, fire and thunder among the three disasters are not ordinary wind, fire and thunder.

Wind disaster is the wind that passes through the hall, passing through the Dantian of the human body, tempering the three souls and seven souls, stabilizing the spirit, and making the immortals deepen their understanding of the Tao.

Fire is not the fire of the world, but the two fires of yin and yang, washing the limbs and bones, and exercising the internal organs.

The thunder disaster is a thunder from the sky. Different from the thunder disaster, this thunder disaster is a heart-breaking thunder that can temper the mind and grow the bones.

Only when all three disasters have passed can one achieve the state of true immortality.

"According to common sense, when a person reaches the peak of the immortal realm, he will face the first disaster, the disaster of yin and yang fire..."

"With my divine body of fire and the prototype of the Avenue of Fire, I wonder if I can survive this disaster smoothly?"

Su Xing frowned slightly, feeling a little unsure.

Although his foundation is solid, ordinary monks at the pinnacle of the Immortal Realm, even if they are only one step away from the Earth Immortals, still need to hone their skills for hundreds of thousands of years before they dare to try to survive the first disaster.

Because once you fail to overcome the disaster, your realm will fall, and it will be difficult to increase your cultivation level.

At worst, all the souls will be destroyed, and all soldiers will die...

"Before passing through the two fires of yin and yang, if you can break through to the second level of the Great Witch Body Forging Art, you may be able to increase your chances of winning a lot?"

Su Xing touched his chin and thought.

He is currently looking for the Tongyuan Flower, and the Diyuan Dan can also be initially refined.

It's just that the quality of the Earth Yuan Pill is not good, so he is ready to make a breakthrough when he is able to refine the top quality Earth Yuan Pill.

Thinking this, Su Xing looked at the simulation panel.

[After your cultivation reaches the Great Perfection of Human Immortal Realm, you will explore the yellow sand world. 】

[This world is indeed as the intelligence said, filled with yellow sand and the climate is extremely harsh. 】

[Even in the depths of the desert, the highest temperature can reach nearly 200 degrees. However, at night, the temperature drops to more than [-] degrees below zero. 】

[Although the Immortal has been protected from the cold and heat, you naturally don't like being in such a harsh environment with thin spiritual energy. 】

[So you found an oasis city called Huanghua City, paid some spirit stones, and found an inn in the city to stay temporarily. 】

[The monks in the Huangsha Realm all have simple and unpretentious appearances. You can often see a strong lady who is one meter tall and has a waist circumference of 1.8 meters. 】

[You are in the yellow sand world, while trying the second level of the Great Witch's Body Training Technique, taking Diyuan Dan to activate your vitality. 】

[But it failed several times. You suspect there may be two problems. 】

[The quality of the Earth Yuan Dan is not enough, or is your own Yuanli cultivation not enough? 】

In the real world, Su Xing nodded slightly when he saw this.

"Speaking of which... my Yuan Power has not been improved for a long time... ever since I reached the level of external release of my Yuan Power in the Divine Power Realm, there has been no improvement..."

"Originally, Yuan Li's increase in power was terrifying, but after reaching the Immortal Realm, that increase became much weaker, far less than the increase in the source of power..."

"Could it be that...there are some details I didn't notice before I gave birth to the Flower of Yuanli?"

Su Xing touched his chin, preparing to ask carefully the next time he went to the Luotian dungeon.

Thinking this, Su Xing looked at the simulation panel.

[Unable to break through to the second level of the Great Witch's Body Forging Technique for the time being, you simply explored the yellow sand world. 】

[You discovered that there are many interesting rumors in Chifang City, the major cities in the Huangsha Realm. 】

[For example, there were monks in the Tribulation Stage who were dried by the sun in the depths of the desert and died of dehydration. There were also monks in the Fairyland who crossed the desert at night and were frozen into ice sculptures, losing all their vitality...]

[Of course you don’t believe these rumors. No matter how bad the climate is in the desert, how can it threaten the immortals? 】

[In this way, you have been in the yellow sand world for two or three years, but you have discovered that these rumors are not groundless, and there are many cases, which makes you interested in exploring. 】

[In the 130th year, one day your talent will give you a crazy warning...]

[You feel a little helpless. You haven't explored the depths of the Yellow Sand Realm yet, but Qingyunzi may be coming to you. 】

[You have also tried to repair Liuyun Golden Immortal Boat over the years, but you can't start it again. 】

[One day later, Qingyunzi appeared. 】

[You explain in every possible way...]

[You are soul-searched by Qingyunzi...]

【you are dead! 】

【Ding, this simulation is over! 】

After the simulation ended, Su Xing felt helpless, but then comforted him:

"Forget it, after 130 years of simulating it, I have reached the Perfect Realm of Human Immortality. I have completed my mission!"

"It's just that there seems to be secrets in the depths of the yellow sand world that haven't been explored yet?"

"Maybe we can explore it during the next simulation?"

Wake up thinking.

Then he looked at the simulation reward.

[Alchemy Master]: Golden talent, priced at 10 points of energy source.

[Great Perfection in the Human Immortal Realm]: The monks in the Human Immortal Realm have reached the pinnacle of the Human Immortal Realm and are selling for 4 energy sources.

[10 Diyuan Pills]: The eleventh-level elixir can activate the vitality in the body and stimulate the birth and growth of the flowers of Yuanli. It is the elixir used by the ancient witch clan to forge the body.The price is [-] energy sources.

[10 Tongyuan Flowers]: A treasure of heaven and earth, it has the effect of stimulating vitality and tempering the vitality. It sells for 1000 energy sources.

[Thousands of low-grade spiritual stones]: 1 energy sources.

"Ten Diyuan Pills are worth [-] energy sources... This is really not cheap!"

Su Xing muttered.

The practice of the second level of the Great Witch Body Training Art requires long-term use of Diyuan Dan.

But one Earth Yuan Pill is worth a thousand points of energy source, which means that it is difficult for Su Xing to bring out a large number of Earth Yuan Pills for long-term practice.

"In comparison, the price of Tongyuan Flower is much lower... and one Tongyuan Flower is enough to refine three Earth Yuan Pills..."

Su Xing touched his chin. It was obviously much more cost-effective to bring out the Tongyuan Flower and then refine the Earthly Essence Pill in the simulation.

"But this is a simulation!"

Su Xing raised the corners of his mouth slightly and said decisively.

"I choose the talent of Alchemy Master and the cultivation of Dzogchen in Human Immortal Realm!"

After Su Xing finished speaking, a simulated prompt sounded in his ear.

[You successfully brought out the Dzogchen cultivation level in the Immortal Realm, spending 4 energy source points, and the remaining energy source points are 6 points...]

[Ding, it has been detected that you have the same type of talent, Alchemy Wizard, and it is being replaced automatically...]

[You successfully brought out the talented alchemy master, spent 10 points of energy source, and the remaining energy source is 6 points...]

The beep fell, and two mysterious energies poured into Su Xing's body.

A golden light sank into Su Xing's body.

Su Xing felt that he had a lot of inspiration for the alchemy problems that were difficult to solve in the past.

Take a step further in mastering alchemy techniques, heat, etc.!
However, the biggest change is naturally the improvement of cultivation!
In just a few breaths, Su Xing's cultivation level began to rise.

The peak of the sixth level of the Human Immortal Realm...the seventh level of the Human Immortal Realm!

As time went by, he was promoted to the late stage of Human Immortal Realm, but the growth of his cultivation aura became more and more exaggerated.

The eighth level of human immortality... the ninth level of human immortality...

Finally, the paradise of human beings reaches perfection!

After waking up and meditating for a long time, he slowly opened his eyes and let out a breath of dirty breath.

"The human being has reached the perfection of the Immortal Realm... The immortal power in his body is so strong that it is nine feet wide... This has already reached the mana of the early stage of the Earthly Immortal Realm!"

In the Immortal Realm, the gap between the realms becomes larger the further you go.

When he wakes up and reaches perfection in the Human Immortal Realm, he has the powerful magic power of the early stage of the Earth Immortal Realm, which is unique...

"Phew...the cultivation level has been further improved, and we are not far from the Earthly Immortal Realm!"

The corners of Su Xing's mouth rose slightly, and pride arose in his heart.

"Perhaps, I can try to control the Flowing Cloud Golden Light Boat and leave Blue Star?"

"Hmm... But I'd better do some experiments in the simulation now to prevent accidents!"

In the short term, Awakening has three goals.

The Great Witch forged the second level of body training, passed through the two fires of Yin and Yang, and reached the second level of the Human Immortal Realm!
Then take a first look at the avenue of space, so that you can travel through the world more smoothly.

After waking up and thinking for a moment, Yi Rong calmed down and went to trade with Lu Yuanwu.

After acquiring another [-] energy sources, he woke up and flew with his sword, heading to the Immortal Martial Era dungeon.

"The Xuanyuan Breath Condensation Formation can withstand the induction of Long Laogou... Then it's time for the Spiritual Vein Dragon to connect to the Lingtian Cave Heaven!"

Su Xing murmured and headed to the core area of ​​the Wanmu Sect ruins.

The core of Wanmu Sect's ruins has been looted by Su Xing for a long time. Even Wan Mu Zhenren has become a powerful puppet of Su Xing.

At the core of the huge ruins, only the Spirit Vein Dragon was trapped alone in the formation.

Seeing Xing Xing coming, Spirit Dragon suddenly let out a shrill cry.


"Huh? Why are you still acting coquettishly and cutely?" Su Xing touched his chin, a little speechless.

"Just wait a moment. I'll set up a few formations before I rescue you... But you have to promise that you won't move around after I let you out, and you will follow me to the same place honestly!"

Su Xing said earnestly, trying to deceive Linglong.

"Xiao Hei! You really don't know... how chaotic the outside world is now. Little dragons like you are most likely to be refined by others... or trapped for tens of thousands of years!"

"Huh? You don't know how long tens of thousands of years are?"

"That's about as long as you've been trapped until now... multiply that by a hundred times!"

Su Xing used his talent as a successful master to deceive the spirit dragon while setting up the formation.

The spiritual dragon has already given birth to spiritual wisdom, and a child with wisdom no less than ten years old will naturally be able to understand what Su Xing says.

Seeing the Spirit Vein Dragon hiding in the formation, shivering at being deceived, Su Xing nodded with satisfaction.

In the next three days, Su Xing was busy deciphering the formation and strengthening the Xuanyuan breath gathering formation.

At the same time, the Spirit Vein Dragon was also subjected to intense brainwashing for three days!
When everything was ready, Su Xing stood in front of the formation that trapped the Spirit Vein Dragon and said:
"I'll let you out right away...but you have to remember that everyone outside is a bad guy!"

The spiritual dragon shivered in the corner of the formation, and she didn't seem to think so now.

Su Xing was very satisfied with the reaction of the Spirit Vein Dragon, and then made some arrangements to completely eliminate the formation that trapped the Spirit Vein Dragon.

The spirit dragon escaped from the trap, the formation came into contact, and a unique aura that belonged to the spirit vein dragon and acquired treasure level spurted out.But it was quickly resisted by the Xuanyuan Breath Condensing Formation.

Seeing the spirit-veined dragon, he was excited for a while, but then his eyes showed a look of fear.

Su Xing did not hesitate and directly used the power of space to put the spirit dragon into the Lingtian Cave.

"Phew...no danger, finally done!"

Su Xing wiped the non-existent sweat on his forehead. The moment when the spirit dragon escaped from the trap, it caused quite a stir.

After confirming that there was no problem with the formation restriction, Su Xing's heart moved and he turned around and entered the Lingtian Cave.

At this moment, in the Lingtian Cave, the Spirit Vein Dragon looked at everything around him curiously.

She has been trapped in a formation that is several feet wide since she was born. In comparison, the Lingtian Cave with a radius of [-] feet is definitely a big world for him.

In the Lingtian Cave, various formation restrictions have been created by Awakening a long time ago, so the aura of the Spiritual Vein Dragon will naturally not be leaked.

Seeing the spirit-veined dragon's curious eyes like a kitten, Su Xing comforted him:

"Ahem, Xiaohei! This will be your home from now on!"

"But you have to remember that in the spiritual fields over there, you are not allowed to step on the spiritual grains planted there...and you are not allowed to destroy those spiritual gathering flowers and elixirs!"

After that, Su Xing pointed to the open space in front of him and said:
"After that, I will open a pond for you here and inject spiritual liquid into the water. You can live here from now on!"

Su Xing said as he took out several bottles of medium-grade spiritual liquid, about thirty to fifty thousand drops.

The spirit dragon is greedily breathing the surrounding spiritual energy at this moment. For a creature like the spirit dragon, the temptation of having a place with abundant spiritual energy is too great!
Su Xing waved his hand and opened several bottles of medium-grade spiritual liquid, and the rich spiritual energy rushed towards his face.

The Spirit Vein Dragon was stunned when he saw this, and a small pool of ambergris saliva flowed out, which fell to the ground and turned into thousands of drops of low-grade spiritual fluid.

Su Xing's eyes widened and he muttered: "My dear, this Spirit Vein Dragon is really a treasure!"

After confirming that Su Xing had no ill intentions toward him, the Spiritual Vein Dragon approached, stretched out its faucet, and tried to introduce a few bottles of medium-grade spiritual liquid.

Spiritual liquid is an excellent food for the Spirit Vein Dragon!
I saw the spirit dragon sucking the spiritual liquid greedily, and tens of thousands of drops of medium-grade spiritual liquid dissipated in an instant.

Afterwards, Linglong looked like he had eaten and drank enough, and leaned lazily under a big tree.

There were waves of blush on her face, and when she woke up, she knew that she had taken in too much spiritual energy, causing her to be spiritually drunk.

While the Spirit Vein Dragon was drunk and asleep, Su Xing stepped forward and carefully explored Xiao Hei's body.

Sure enough, Su Xing found strands of black energy entwining around the Spirit Vein Dragon's body, from the inside out, in an unknown quantity.

This black energy caused Spirit Dragon to occasionally show painful expressions in his sleep.

It will even greatly hinder the growth of the spiritual dragon!
"Well, we have to find a way to deal with this black energy as soon as possible...otherwise it will be extremely detrimental to the growth of the spiritual dragon."

Before waking up, he had learned two ways to deal with black energy in Luo Tianzong.

The first is to use the secret technique of "transferring flowers and wood" to transfer the black energy to Su Xing's body, and then use Su Xing's own exercises such as Qingxin Jue to eliminate it.

The second step is to use the formation method to dissolve the evil spirit to help the Spiritual Vein Dragon resolve it.

Su Xing plans to take a two-pronged approach!

With this thought in mind, Su Xing spent two days arranging two formations to resolve the evil spirit where the spirit dragon was sleeping.

Sure enough, traces of black energy slowly dissipated from the spirit dragon, blended into the formation and disappeared.

"Not bad...although the speed is very slow, it is still somewhat effective!"

"But it's a pity that this evil spirit formation can only slowly dissolve the evil spirit... I don't know how long it will take before it can be completely resolved?"

Su Xing observed it and found that the evil spirit in the spirit dragon's body was too strong, and the evil spirit formation might be damaged after a few weeks.

At that time, it will need to be awakened and rearranged.

"But it's not bad...it's better than no effect at all!"

Su Xing nodded. As for grafting on the old tree, he planned to try again in two days.

Because today is already September 9th, I have to go find Luo Shuying when I wake up.

After regaining his breath in disguise, he regained consciousness and came out with his sword, arriving at the agreed upon location in less than two quarters of an hour.

At this time, Luo Shuying had been waiting for a long time. She appeared as soon as Su Xing appeared and said in surprise:
"Senior, are you here?"

After saying that, Luo Shuying showed another look of complaint and said:
"Senior, what were you doing some time ago...Why haven't you been here for several months?"

Su Xing showed a mysterious expression, and the old god said:
"Of course we are on the road to fight against the aliens... You have been waiting for a long time!"

With that said, Su Xing took out several bottles of pills, including several bottles of Concentration Pills.

"These elixirs will be of great assistance to your path after becoming a legend... You should practice well!"

Luo Shuying's eyes lit up after seeing it, and she happily took the elixir: "Thank you, senior!"

"Senior, these are the treasures of heaven and earth that I have obtained in the past few months... and the information I have obtained!"

Luo Shuying handed over the storage ring, and then informed Su Xing of some information he had investigated.

Among them, the Advent Sect’s undercover agents in Daxia’s military have been completely eradicated, and they plan to send out new undercover agents!
But dispatching undercover agents is not something that happens overnight, and it may be difficult to achieve results within three to five years.

Su Xing nodded slightly after hearing this, looking very satisfied, which made Luo Shuying feel very satisfied.

But in fact, most of this information has already been known to Su Xing.

Su Xing thought for a while and prepared to give Luo Shuying a new task.

"Shu Ying, if in the future the Advent Sect investigates an organization called Tianji Pavilion... remember to tell me!"

"However, don't show off your flaws... put your own safety first!"

Luo Shuying nodded obediently after hearing this.

She thinks that senior is really nice, he is strong, speaks nicely, and he also cares about her...

After chatting with Luo Shuying for a while, Su Xing brought up business.

"Shu Ying, I need to borrow your spirit token... I have something to do in the next few days and I have to go to the spirit world!"

Luo Shuying was not curious about how Su Xing knew this, so he just handed over a token.

Afterwards, the two chatted for a while before they separated.

Before leaving, Luo Shuying showed a reluctant expression.


On the other side, after getting the token, as soon as he woke up, he used his sword to go to the designated space node, an island in the East China Sea.

This took about half an hour to wake up.

Arriving at the space node on the island, he awakened the Quick Spirit Token and felt space fluctuations coming from beside him.

"Interesting...a space formation that is still functioning?"

Su Xing murmured, and the next second, the figure disappeared from the place.

After appearing in the spirit world, Su Xing observed the surrounding terrain.

The ecology here is very similar to that of Blue Star. The difference is that there are no high-tech products and the nature is relatively well preserved.

"The ancestral land of the Spiritual Clan...should be in that direction!"

After waking up and following the memory in his mind, he flew thousands of miles with his sword and came to a deep mountain.

There is a lot of fog in the deep mountains here, and the Qi movement is disordered, making it difficult for ordinary people to detect any abnormalities.

"Sure enough... it was created after the Breath Condensing Formation and Mist Formation were damaged... Looking at the scale of the formation, it must be at least the twelfth level or above!"

Su Xing murmured, then explored deep into the fog.

Another hour or two passed, and Su Xing appeared on a flat stone slab. The seals carved under his feet were damaged formation patterns.

After waking up, he began to repair the teleportation array.

A few hours later, Su Xing successfully activated the formation, shouted the password, and appeared in a palace.

As described in the simulation, the palace here is very similar to the one in the Luotian copy.

After observing for a while, Su Xing came to the sarcophagus, bowed slightly, and then pushed the sarcophagus open.

What came into view was a white skeleton, but it was not intimidating. Instead, there was a trace of fairy aura coming from it.

"Luo Tianzong Earth Immortal, Luo Bing'er's body..."

Su Xing pursed his lips, placed the body properly, and took out the storage ring on the fingertips of the bones.

The spiritual consciousness penetrates into it, and there are countless treasures for immortal cultivators.

There are mountains of spiritual stones, countless magical powers, and magical materials!
And that Zunhu Dao puppet, with just a little repair, can be a powerful help in awakening!

Darling... With this storage ring, even a Xuanxian may not have such wealth, right?

Su Xing's little heart was beating fast and she quickly put away the storage ring.

After activating the jade slip in Bai Gu's hand, Luo Bing'er's reminder sounded in his mind.

"...Tell Master, Bing'er misses the lullaby she sang..."

After paying attention to the last sentence in the jade slip, Su Xing was silent for a while and murmured:
"Don't worry, since I have inherited your Taoist friend's property...then I will fulfill your wish!"

Su Xing took a deep breath, then pushed open the sarcophagus, and saw the millions of drops of high-grade spiritual liquid hidden under the sarcophagus!
Taking out the storage container, Su Xing also pocketed the spiritual liquid, not a drop left...

After doing all this, he woke up and flew with his sword, leaving Blue Star...


When Su Xing rushed back to Blue Star, it was already noon on September 9.

So he rushed to the villa without stopping. When he saw Jin Congxue, who had been waiting for a while, Su Xing apologized slightly.

"Sorry...there was a little delay!"

Su Xing explained.

Jin Congxue didn't pay attention. After the two of them finished eating, they traded goods and chatted.


After the meal, I woke up and returned to the Lingtian Cave.

Seeing that the simulation time was about to end, Su Xing murmured:

"In this simulation, try to raise the understanding of Diyuan Dan to the level of Dacheng and Perfection!"

"At the same time, you need to enter the second level of the Great Witch's Body Training Technique as soon as possible!"

After setting the goal, Su Xing silently said:
"Start the simulation!"

[The 103st simulation is started, and the current remaining energy source is 11 points... There are no simulations left. 】

【The simulation starts! 】

[It costs 1 point of energy source to extract the golden legendary talent. Do you want to extract it? 】

"Yes!" Su Xing said silently.

[Ding, congratulations on getting the purple talent of not getting drunk after a thousand cups. The probability of drawing a gold talent in the next simulation is 60%...]

[Never get drunk after a thousand cups]: Purple talent, you are born with a huge capacity for alcohol. Even if it is high-concentration fairy wine, you can drink it without getting drunk. After possessing this talent, you will become the most handsome boy in the wine shop...

"Tsk tsk, a purple talent for life... OK!"

Su Xing didn't dwell too much on it. He might be able to use his talent of not getting drunk after a thousand cups.

"Let's officially start the simulation!"

Su Xing couldn't wait and looked at the simulation panel.

[In Lingtian Cave, you realize that you are in a simulation. 】

[You are in Lingtian Cave, trying to repair the broken puppet. 】

[In ten days, you repaired several low-level puppets in the Nascent Soul stage. 】

[You find that the refining methods of these puppets are extremely clever. During the repair process, your puppet skills have improved slightly. 】

[After a few days, you are going to Luotian Dungeon...]

In the real world, Su Xing saw this and muttered:
“Using immersive simulation…”


His vision changed, and Su Xing appeared in Luo Tian's copy.

After going through the familiar task process, Su Xing called his master Luo Qingniu and asked:
"Master, I seem to have encountered some bottlenecks in the great witchcraft body training technique."

"How to warm and nourish the flower of Yuanli so that it can fully bloom?"

After hearing Su Xing's words, Luo Qingniu thought for a while and said:
"Xiaochuan, I see that your foundation is solid...the elemental power within your body is several times stronger than that of an ordinary monk, so it is normal for the flower of elemental power to bloom to be a little more difficult!"

"Just like a towering tree, when it sprouts and takes root, it naturally cannot absorb as much nutrients as the weeds around it... so it needs more careful care!"

After comforting him for a while, Luo Qingniu explained:
"The second level of the Great Witch's Body Forging Technique is essentially the process from the seed of Yuanli to the flower of Yuanli...and then letting the flower of Yuanli bloom vigorously!"

"The more prosperous the flower of Yuanli is, the further the Great Witch can advance to the second level of the Body Forging Technique!"

"Therefore, it is necessary to take careful care and use Yuanli as an opportunity to continuously and gently stimulate the Yuanli seeds to speed up their production of Yuanli..."

"I have some experiences from senior monks here, and I want to pass them on to you for the time being!"

After saying that, Luo Qingniu handed over a jade slip.

Su Xing quickly took it, looked into it with his mind, and his eyes suddenly lit up.

After putting away the jade slips, Su Xing was not in a hurry to practice.

After thinking about it, Su Xing asked curiously:
"Master, does our Luo Tian Sect's Pure Heart Art... really only have one piece?"

After Luo Qingniu heard Su Xing's words, he nodded and said:

"There is indeed only one Qingxin Jue... and as a Qingxin technique, its effect is actually average..."

After hearing Luo Qingniu's explanation again, Su Xing became even more confused, why was Qingyunzi so obsessed with finding the Pure Heart Secret?

With doubts in his heart, Su Xing bit the bullet and asked:

"Master, I once heard that there is a big force in the Three Thousand Worlds called Qingyun Sect..."

"The founder of Qingyun Sect, Qingyunzi, seems to be very interested in Qingxin Jue?"

After hearing Su Xing's words, Luo Qingniu was stunned for a moment. After recalling it carefully, he couldn't help laughing.

"Haha, after hearing what you said... my teacher reminded me of an interesting anecdote!"

"According to legend, several Yuanhui ago, I, the founder of the Luotian Sect, once found a secret realm passed down from ancient times..."

"In the secret realm, I met Qingyunzi from Qingyun Sect... The two of them had adventures in each other in the secret realm!"

"Grandmaster Qingyunzi, it is said that he obtained one qi to transform the three pure beings, which is also his famous technique. When he has cultivated it to a high level, one person can transform into three people. Their minds are connected, and together they can crush a kind of Da Luo Jinxian!"

"And I, Patriarch Luo Tian, ​​have acquired a method of visualization called Ruyi Contemplation..."

"At that time, Qingyunzi asked my ancestor what he got."

"The Patriarch Luo Tian got so playful that he took out the Qingxin Jue and said that this is what he gained..."

(End of this chapter)

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