Others practice leveling, I cultivate immortality, go out to Mahayana before leaving the mountain

Chapter 293: The golden talent is born with an inexhaustible pulse and sweeps away the Advent Sect b

Chapter 293: The golden talent is born with an inexhaustible pulse and sweeps away the Advent Sect branch!

[One day later, Qingyunzi found you. 】

[Qingyunzi is already a little crazy at this moment, and he searches for your soul without any explanation. 】

[You quickly said that you had sneaked into the Luotian copy and brought him a supreme secret method called Ruyiguan Idea! 】

[You wrapped the visualization picture in your mind with your spiritual consciousness. After passing the wishful visualization picture to Qingyunzi, your spiritual consciousness was greatly damaged. 】

[After Qingyunzi got the visualization picture, he remained silent for a long time. 】

[Finally, I looked up to the sky and screamed, already a little delirious!Like a madman! 】

[Qingyunzi planned his whole life to reverse the three corpses in order to find a holy path, but found that the future was blocked...]

[After the Taoist heart was damaged, black energy arose from Qingyunzi's body, and he was completely possessed by the devil! 】

[When you saw this, you suddenly felt bad and prepared to run away, but Qingyunzi held you in his hand! 】

【you are dead! 】

【Ding, this simulation is over! 】

After the simulation ended, Su Xing's face looked a little solemn.

"Sure enough... with Qingyunzi's current cultivation level, it is obviously unrealistic to rebuild the wish-fulfilling visualization diagram..."

"And without the wish-fulfilling visualization diagram, the shortcomings of one-qi transforming into three pure states cannot be made up for... The road to self-determination is cut off. This is crazy!"

Su Xing somewhat understood Qingyunzi.

After practicing for hundreds of thousands or even millions of years, and painstakingly planning the road to becoming a saint, only to fall short...

No one can bear this kind of experience!
"Alas, it seems that the road to making friends with Qingyunzi is temporarily dead!"

"The way to extend the simulation is to go to the further Small Thousand Worlds to escape Qingyunzi's pursuit!"

The three thousand worlds are so vast and boundless. Su Xing believes that even if Qingyunzi is a Daluo Golden Immortal or a Half-Saint, he will definitely not be able to find every corner!
What needs to be done to wake up is to escape to a world far enough away so that the simulation can last longer!
Before that, awakening requires stronger Qi-refining cultivation and a higher level of understanding of the avenue of space!
"Almost! This simulation space avenue is complete... the two fires of Yin and Yang have also found their whereabouts!"

"It's not far away from reaching the Earthly Fairyland...!"

Su Xing took a deep breath and looked at the reward for this simulation.

[A Thousand Cups Will Not Get Drunk]: Purple talent, priced at 1 point of energy source.

[Second Level of the Great Witch's Body Forging Technique (Entry)]: Entry to the second level of the Great Witch's Body Forging Technique, possessing the power of three mountains and rivers, the flower of Yuanli within the body blooms, the Yuanli is endless, and the pure physical power can fight against the early monks in the fairyland!The price is 3 energy sources.

[10 Diyuan Pills]: The eleventh-level elixir can activate the vitality in the body and stimulate the birth and growth of the flowers of Yuanli. It is the elixir used by the ancient witch clan to forge the body.The price is [-] energy sources.

[Perception of the Avenue of Space (First Preview of the Gateway)]: Comprehension of the Avenue of Space has reached the second stage of the First Preview of the Gateway. The power of space has been greatly improved. It can teleport over long distances, and the means of space attack have been greatly improved.The price is 10 energy sources.

Su Xing glanced at the price of the simulated reward, and his heart suddenly tightened.

"The second level (entry level) cultivation of the Great Witch's body training technique requires 3 energy sources?"

"Doesn't this mean that after the Earthly Immortal Realm, the amount of energy required to improve each level of cultivation has tripled!"

Su Xing took a deep breath and looked a little ugly.

Calculating it this way, the energy he earns every week is not enough...

"As for the understanding of this space avenue, just getting a first glimpse of it requires such an exaggerated price?"

"Alas, the energy source I currently have on hand seems a bit inadequate..."

Su Xing sighed. He had calculated everything, and the energy source in his hand was only a little over 11.

It is not enough to extract the two cultivation skills of Space Avenue Insight and Great Witch Body Training Technique.

"But after the transaction with Lu Yuanwu, I should have enough energy to receive the reward..."

"As for the energy in the future, we have to find a way as soon as possible!"

Su Xing did not hesitate. He first disguised himself and gathered his breath before going to trade with Lu Yuanwu.

After a while, the awakening transaction was completed, and Yu Jian went to the copy of the Immortal Martial Era.

After replenishing the spiritual stone energy for the thirty absentee puppets, they woke up and entered the spiritual field cave.

"I choose to bring out the second level of cultivation of the Great Witch's Body Forging Technique, as well as my understanding of the Great Path of Space!"

Su Xing muttered silently, and the simulator prompt sounded in his ears.

[You successfully brought out the second level (entry level) cultivation of the Great Witch Body Forging Technique, spending 3 energy source points, and the remaining energy source is 10 points...]

[You successfully brought out the enlightenment of the Space Avenue, spent 10 energy source points, and the remaining energy source points are 502 points...]

The simulated beep fell, and my heart started to bleed.

There were more than [-] points of energy source, and in the blink of an eye, only [-] points were left...

"Alas, understanding and cultivating the Great Dao consumes most of the energy!"

Su Xing sighed helplessly.

The next second, two mysterious energies poured into Su Xing's body.

The first is the huge improvement in physical training!
The physical strength and defense of the awakened body tripled in an instant!
From the power of one mountain and river, it was directly upgraded to the power of three mountains and rivers!
What has changed even more is the Yuan Power within the awakening body!
The original seed of Yuanli slowly broke through its shell and transformed into a blooming flower of Yuanli...

Yuanli is more and more endless, and even the quality has been greatly improved!

Su Xing can sense that if he uses Yuanli at this moment, both his strength and defense will be greatly increased!
After being promoted to the Immortal Human Body, the original Yuan Li can only increase the strength by less than [-]%, and the effect is far less than that of the Divine Power Realm...

But now, Yuan Li's increase in physical body and strength has more than tripled!
Especially...the power of Yuanli's magical body-protecting sword has been further enhanced!
Before he could be happy when he woke up, a lot of insights about the avenue of space emerged in his mind.

Simultaneously, Su Xing also understood the surrounding space more thoroughly.

In just a few breaths, Su Xing felt that the space around him seemed a little different in his eyes.

With a thought in my heart, I woke up and used the power of space...

If we talk about it, in the original prototype of the Space Avenue, every ray of space power was as thin as a gossamer.

Now it is like a fine net, firmly covering the surrounding space, completely under the control of Su Xing!
Ten feet... fifty feet... one hundred feet!
110 feet!

Su Xing can feel that the limit of his space avenue is to completely control the space within a radius of 110 feet!

In this area, Su Xing is the only true god of space law!

Unless... there is a master of space avenues who is more profound than Awakening and appears in this space...

The 110-foot range is already enough to cover the entire Lingtian Cave!
This also means that Su Xing can now truly bring the entire Lingtian Cave to follow his heart and leave Blue Star with him!

It's like taking out the storage artifact and its contents!
But the difference is that Lingtian Cave can contain life!
This means that Su Xing can completely bring the spiritual dragon, and even the relatives and friends he cares about, out of Blue Star and escape to the three thousand worlds!

Su Xing took a deep breath, eyes filled with excitement.

After two years of hard work, he finally had the ability to protect his family and friends!

At the very least, those people he cares about will not die in the alien catastrophe decades later...

"However, the spiritual field space is not omnipotent!"

"After all, this little space can't save the entire people of Blue Star!"

Su Xing sighed. After all, Blue Star was the land where he was born and raised. He couldn't bear to abandon it unless it was absolutely necessary.

Moreover, Blue Star is related to Luo Tian, ​​and there are huge secrets hidden that Su Xing has not discovered yet, which makes it impossible for Su Xing to give up Blue Star easily...

"But... Lingtian Cave Heaven is not omnipotent!"

Su Xing still had an anxiety that had been dormant for a long time.

After all, Qingyunzi gifted Lingtian Cave to him.

As long as this cave exists, can Qingyunzi sense the location of his awakening?
But it is really impossible for Su Xing to give up this cave!
If it were before, Su Xing would not have a solution to this problem.

But now, as Su Xing continues to improve his understanding of the Dao of Space, he has also vaguely touched the deeper Dao of Space!

That is, with supreme power, forcibly open up a portable space that belongs entirely to oneself, or let part of the world space be integrated into the existing space blessing!

Su Xing estimated that in order to achieve this, the Space Avenue must at least reach the level of being slightly small...

There is still a big gap between awakening and this realm.

"The road ahead is long! The most urgent task is to obtain more energy sources!"

Su Xing murmured.

This week, he plans to recall the Tianji Pavilion puppets scattered throughout Daxia.

A few months have passed. Those puppets must have traded a lot of goods, and they can return a wave of blood to the awakened energy, bringing a large amount of energy source.

The awakened "Tianji Pavilion" puppet organization's plan to radiate to all parts of the world must be implemented as soon as possible.

Therefore, Su Xing plans to repair the god-level puppets first. The strength of this level of puppets is comparable to that of the Martial Emperor, enough to protect themselves in the Seven Kingdoms and Twelve Domains, and to develop forces to bring a large amount of energy source to Su Xing.

Especially in the chaotic twelve domains, if the moral bottom line of awakening is slightly lower... it will be enough to bring in a massive amount of energy in a short time!

Awakening has strong mobility and can do whatever he says.

In one week, three puppets in the divine transformation stage were repaired.

Together with the previous five puppets, Su Xing prepared a batch of fifth- and sixth-level talismans for them, a large number of life-extending pills, and even ten thousand Yuanwu Pills!

These goods are enough for the puppet organization to exchange for a large amount of energy materials.

Of course, in order to ensure that nothing goes wrong, Su Xing prepared enough spiritual stones for them as a source of power, as well as many talismans of level seven or above to ensure the puppets' combat effectiveness!
After doing all this, Xing Yujian flew [-] miles and came to the so-called "Chaos Domain" of Blue Star!
Twelve regions!
"This is the Twelve Domains!"

Awakening Yujian was high in the sky, and his spiritual consciousness spread out like a tide, covering the entire twelve domains in an instant.

The twelve domains are composed of a continent plus hundreds of peninsulas and small islands along the coast.

The total area is more than three times that of the entire Daxia Kingdom!
Because it has twelve powerful professionals who command twelve different organizations and form an alliance, it is called the Twelve Domains.

The twelve domains are relatively chaotic, where strength is everything, overriding the laws customized by the Seven Kingdoms Human Alliance.

Many defected professionals who are master level or above, or even Martial Emperor Legend level, will hide in the Twelve Domains, secretly form their own "empire", and enjoy endless resources and power...

The awakening consciousness continued to sweep through the twelve domains. After half a day, he roughly learned the strength of the strongest professional in the entire twelve domains.

"Hiss...the overall strength of the twelve regions really cannot be underestimated!"

A strange color flashed in Su Xing's eyes.

According to his perception, there are only six hidden legendary professionals in the twelve domains!
There are dozens of Martial Emperor-level professionals, and no less than a hundred professionals above the Heavenly King level!
Such strength is almost one-third to one-half of the high-end power of Daxia Kingdom!
As for masters to grandmasters, the number of professionals is even several times that of Great Xia!
These professionals come from all over the world, including illegal professionals from the United States, Huangdao Country and even Daxia Country, lurking here.

For thousands of years, the Twelve Domains have been difficult to eradicate, so a hidden rule has gradually formed.

These professionals from the chaotic evil or chaotic neutral camp can only act within the twelve domains. As long as they do not go to the seven empires, they simply turn a blind eye.

"The highest level can only be a legendary level professional. The puppet in the transformation stage holds a seventh-level talisman. He should be able to create his own power in the twelve domains!"

Su Xing murmured, then cast a stealth formation for himself and landed in a city in the Twelve Domains.

Wearing a black robe, he woke up and observed the city as if he were in a deserted place.

There were sounds of quarrels and fights everywhere in the streets and alleys.

In just 10 minutes, Su Xing saw no less than six thefts, three robberies, and even a murder case!
And the owners of these violent incidents are all professionals!
It can be used by anyone from bronze to silver to those who work at the Heavenly King level.

Su Xing walked through a chaotic market and came to a black market.

In this black market, there are no laws or principles, and it is not uncommon for buyers and sellers to fight on the spot.

If you are strong enough, even if you forcefully buy and sell, it will be fine!

Of course, even in the Twelve Domains, there is such meager to almost non-existent integrity...

If you often rob, buy and sell by force, or even buy things without paying for them, you can easily be blacklisted and scorned by sellers and buyers, leading to a bad reputation.

Even in serious cases, those legendary and Martial Emperor-level "Emperors of the Twelve Domains" will interfere!
Su Xing wandered around the twelve domains for an hour and left with satisfaction.

In a deserted corner, Su Xing released the three-headed god-forming puppet and the five-headed Nascent Soul stage puppet.

Later, Su Xing gave them orders.

"Next, you can move freely in these twelve domains..."

"Remember, you have to do legal business and be honest!"

"Of course, if you encounter someone who buys or sells by force...just do it to him and steal all that person's money!"

Su Xing ordered.

His credo is:

I will not offend anyone unless they offend me; if someone offends me, I will destroy them directly!
These words could not be more appropriate in the Twelve Domains.

If he were not worried about making too much noise and alerting the Adventist Cult, Su Xing could even directly kill an emperor who was full of evil in the twelve domains, and then let the puppet take over, which would surely bring more wealth and energy in a short period of time. !
"These goods should be enough for your transactions in the next six months..."

"Remember, what I need are exotic metals and abyss stones, as well as various low-level dungeon props and equipment!"

"You can just exchange for all these supplies!"

Su Xing ordered.These puppets are highly intelligent and can execute relatively complex orders, including trivial transactions.

"Yes, Master!"

The eight-headed puppets cupped their hands and replied, each carrying their goods and disappearing into the nearby city.

Su Xing nodded slightly when he saw this scene.

Today he has planted the seeds, and he is just waiting for the time to harvest the fruits!


Time soon came to September 9th. After Su Xing disguised himself and collected his breath, he went to trade with Jin Congxue.

This week, Su Xing recalled the puppets scattered across Daxia, bringing huge wealth that he had not expected!
All the merchant puppets, within a few months, brought thousands of tons of fourth-order exotic metals, countless second-order and third-order exotic metals to Su Xing, as well as many dungeon props and equipment.

The total energy source brought is worth one hundred and three thousand points!

At noon on September [-], Su Xing went to the villa area and made an appointment with Jin Congxue.

Jin Congxue wore a black short skirt today and sat across from Su Xing. The two quickly chatted about business.

"Here are this week's goods...please count them..."

Jin Congxue handed over a storage ring, and Su Xing exchanged it for absorption, gaining an additional [-] points of energy.

After the transaction was completed, Jin Congxue suddenly thought of something and said to Su Xing:
"By the way, something seems to have happened in the United States recently..."


Su Xing was stunned for a moment after hearing this, frowned and asked:

"Did any accident happen over there in the United States?"

After hearing this, Jin Congxue said seriously:

"I heard that there is a powerful emperor-level man in the United States!"

"That strong man sneaked into the endless abyss and cleared out all the monsters on the [-]th to [-]th floor of the abyss in just a few days..."

"This move has attracted great attention from the American officials. Many king-level professionals even stated that their country has indeed gained a peak powerhouse!"

After a pause, Jin Congxue felt helpless when she said this.

"Because of this, in recent times, American professionals and even major chambers of commerce have become somewhat arrogant in the Human Alliance...even surpassing our Daxia country!"

After Su Xing heard Jin Congxue's words, a strange look appeared on his face.

The mighty Emperor...swept across twenty or thirty levels of the abyss?
Isn't this what he did two weeks ago?
Su Xing was a little confused. When did he become an American professional?

Su Xing was speechless and roughly guessed what the United States was thinking.

Is this like a certain country in the previous life that took credit for itself in order to improve its international voice?
Thinking of this, Su Xing smiled helplessly and said to Jin Congxue:
"You don't need to pay too much attention to this matter..."

After a pause, Su Xing added.

"That's not an American professional, but a senior in our organization!"

After hearing Su Xing's words, Jin Congxue's eyes suddenly lit up, and then he reacted with a look of astonishment.

Is there an emperor-level powerhouse in the organization?
This is something Jin Congxue never expected!
Before, she knew that the organization was very powerful, but she didn't expect... to be so strong!


After bidding farewell to Jin Congxue, he woke up and returned to Lingtian Cave.

Because the puppet was awakened this week, the amount of energy sources obtained was extremely large.

The awakened energy source once again exceeded 13 points.

In the new era, September 2025, 9, Su Xing is preparing to start a new round of simulation.

"Start the simulation!"

[The 104st simulation is started, and the current remaining energy source is 13 points... There are no simulations left. 】

【The simulation starts! 】

[It costs 1 point of energy source to extract the golden legendary talent. Do you want to extract it? 】

"Yes!" Su Xing said silently.

[Ding, congratulations on getting the golden talent Natural Juemai. The probability of drawing the golden talent next time is 60%...]

[Natural Juemai]: A golden talent, you are born unable to improve your cultivation by taking elixir-like resources, but in your natural state, your cultivation speed increases twice as fast...

"Huh? This talent..."

Su Xing frowned slightly, this seemed to be a double-edged sword talent.

After possessing this talent, Su Xing cannot increase his cultivation speed by taking cultivation-increasing elixirs...

For example, Diyuan Dan cannot be taken...

But at the same time, the gains it brings are also huge!

The speed of cultivation improvement is doubled!
This means that the cultivation level that originally took 30 to [-] years can be achieved in only more than ten years!

"I just don't know, can this innate talent of terminal pulse be superimposed with the talent of late bloomer?"

Su Xing was a little curious.

Soon, Su Xing thought of the application scenario of this talent.

When refining the body, you need to take Diyuan Dan to wake up. The gain outweighs the gain in bringing out this talent...

But when you are improving your Qi refining skills, you may be able to enjoy twice the speed of improvement by waking up and taking the spiritual liquid!

Thinking of this, Su Xing's eyes lit up.

As the level of cultivation increases, the level of cultivation in the Earthly Immortal Realm can easily increase for two or three thousand years.

Even awakening requires a lot of time and resources to practice...

And with this talent, Su Xing's practice speed can still be guaranteed to be extremely fast!
"Yes... When the time is right, this talent can be brought out, but it is not suitable yet..."

Su Xing quickly went through the plan for this simulation in his mind.

"The Yin Yang Pill needs to be found, and the understanding of the Great Sword Way needs to be further improved!"

Su Xing entered the second level of the Great Witch Body Training Technique, and his mastery of Yuan Power further increased.

This also means that the upper limit of the awakening body protection sword is higher, and what is lacking is just the understanding of the sword.

If one can enter the Tao with the sword and fully understand the Tao of the sword, the power of the body-protecting sword can be further enhanced!
Su Xing thought so, looking at the simulation panel.

[In Lingtian Cave, you realize that you are in a simulation. 】

[Ten days later, you repaired several puppets in the transformation stage, and then entered the Luotian dungeon...]

[After coming out of the Luotian copy, you tried to send the major puppets to the seven countries and twelve regions to accumulate the initial source of energy. 】

[After that, you stay on the Blue Star, pick up the Three Talents Sword Technique and start practicing. 】

[When the origin of the sword was perfected before you, you once realized that if the Three Talents Sword Art can combine the three swords into one, you can enter the Tao with the sword and further enhance your strength. 】

[For this reason, you have devoted yourself to practice, and ten years have passed in the blink of an eye...]

[In the tenth year, you have further integrated the three swordsmanship, and it seems that you are about to reach the point where the three swords become one, but you still have not taken the last step. 】

[This year, you went to the world of beast control to eliminate disasters. 】

[In No. 15, the puppet forces you have sent over the years have grown tremendously, covering almost the entire Seven Kingdoms and Twelve Regions. 】

[Among the twelve domains, seven imperial emperors have been replaced by “puppet”, which can bring you massive resources every year. 】

[You continue to practice on Blue Star, and 13 years have passed in the blink of an eye...]

[No.20, the Demon Saint with Double Eyes arrives...]

[No.30 In three years, you are going to leave Blue Star. 】

[But this time, you are going to take your relatives and friends and leave here! 】

[The capacity of Lingtian Cave is limited. You can put all your family, relatives and friends into Lingtian Cave, hoping that they can live longer. 】

[Several people, including Jin Congxue and Luo Shuying, all hope to go to the Three Thousand Worlds. 】

[Except, Lu Yuanwu...]

[In the end, Lu Yuanwu chose to stay in Blue Star and live and die with the human race! 】

[You admire Lu Yuanwu’s behavior, but in order to ensure that the fire of the Blue Star human race is not extinguished, you took a part of the human race, placed them in the winter of Lingtian, and went to the killing battlefield. 】

[Rush towards the direction of the red moon, and you will soon arrive at that different space. 】

[Exerting the power of space, you will wrap the entire Lingtian Cave in it, including the humans and even the spiritual dragons in it! 】

[After a violent space fluctuation, you arrived at the Little Qingyun Realm...]

In the real world, Su Xing took a deep breath when he saw this.

"Finally, after working hard for so long, I finally brought some humans away from Blue Star. This can be considered a small goal accomplished..."

Su Xing knows that there may still be a long way to go before completely saving Blue Star, but now a partial rescue is not bad.

"Then for this simulation, go to the Yellow Sand Realm as soon as possible...but before that, you have to find the whereabouts of the Yin Yang Pill!"

Su Xing knew that the Yin Yang Pill was extremely rare, but some cultivators at the top of the Immortal Realm might have it.

Among them, the blood was 99, and Su Xing seriously suspected that he had it.

Therefore, Su Xing set his sights on Xue 99.

"Blood 99 should still be in that valley... Maybe I can take advantage of the opportunity to sell information, mix among the casual cultivators, and launch a sneak attack on the Advent Cult cadres?"

Su Xing touched his chin thoughtfully.

The training resources of Adventist cadres can be worth as much as two or three monks of the same realm.

If you can rob some Adventist cadres, you will surely be able to obtain a lot of resources...

Maybe the resources for cultivation promotion in the Earthly Fairyland can be raised!

Thinking this, Su Xing no longer hesitated and looked at the simulation panel.

[After arriving at Xiao Qingyun Realm, you immediately settled the human race in Baidi City. 】

[Except for some relatives and friends, you let the rest of them destroy themselves. After all, you only did it to have a clear conscience, and it is the end of your kindness and righteousness at this point...]

[You went to Tianji Pavilion in Baidi City and sold most of the information immediately. 】

[This information is either about Qingyunzi or about the Advent Sect and Hongyue...]

[After leaking the information about the Adventist stronghold, you are particularly concerned about this information! 】

[In August of the same year, you were lurking in Baidi City and discovered that Baidi City had begun to gather loose cultivators to encircle and suppress several strongholds of the Advent Sect. 】

[Among them, there is the stronghold where you stayed before, which is where Blood 99 lives! 】

[With your current strength, even if you lose to the top cadres of Advent Sect, your life will not be in danger. 】

[So you plan to lurk among this group of casual cultivators and take the opportunity to sneak attack the Adventist stronghold. It is best to get a storage magic weapon with a blood level of 99 and get the Yin and Yang Pill! 】

[In January of the same year, you and your group of hundreds of Tribulation Stage monks, dozens of Immortal Realm cultivators, and even a few Earth Immortal Realm monks took action...]

[With the induction of your spiritual consciousness, you can even detect that there are monks from the Celestial Realm following you secretly, ensuring that your actions are foolproof...]

[You spent several months lurking outside the valley base, and finally the Earth Fairyland monks took the lead in charging towards the valley base! 】

[This battle is a complete massacre. It is the massacre of the Advent Sect by the casual cultivators of the Little Qingyun Realm! 】

[Even though there are several Earth Immortals and Human Immortal Realm monks guarding the Advent Sect Valley, they never expected that the Human Race would suddenly attack, and naturally they would suffer heavy losses! 】

[Especially the monks in the valley who were preparing to participate in the Blood Miao Competition during the Tribulation Period, almost all of them were slaughtered by the casual cultivators of the Little Qingyun Realm...]

[It seems that the battle between good and evil is equally cruel? 】

[You didn’t take that much into consideration, but quickly rushed to the forbidden area of ​​​​the valley, hoping to find the location of Blood 99. 】

[But when you arrived, all the cadres of Advent Sect had fled. 】

[They each used their magical powers and fled towards the depths of the Hundred Thousand Mountains at an astonishing speed.

[In the territory of demon cultivators, human monks do not dare to run wild easily. The Advent Cult wants to reduce the threat of being pursued...]

[Indeed, under the circumstances again, most of the casual cultivators gave up the pursuit. 】

[But you are familiar with the internal situation of Shiwanda Mountain, and Xue 99 and several other monks at the top of Human Immortal Realm are right in front of you. Naturally, you want to rob and kill, looking for the Yin Yang Pill...]

[With this belief, you rush into a hundred thousand mountains like a tiger into a flock of sheep...]

(End of this chapter)

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