Chapter 294 Ten years of immersion, half a step to wonderland!

[In the Hundred Thousand Mountains, you have a great advantage, and that is your familiarity with the nearby terrain! 】

In the real world, Su Xing nodded slightly when he saw this.

The Hundred Thousand Mountains, which Su Xing had explored many times in previous simulations.

Regarding the distribution of forces in the core area, Su Xing is still relatively clear.

If Adventist cadres escape into Shiwan Mountain, ordinary human monks may not dare to pursue them for fear of being attacked by demon cultivators.

But for Su Xing, there are only a few demon cultivators in the [-] mountains who can threaten him, not to mention that several demon kings, Su Xing, are all familiar with them and are very confident.

"Haha, escaping into the Hundred Thousand Mountains? There is really no escape!"

"In that case... I should be able to easily deal with the Adventist cadres!"

"Xue 99 and several other cadres with the code name Blood are considered to be at the peak of the Human Immortal Realm... Yin Yang Pill may be found!"

Thinking of this, Su Xing looked at the simulation panel.

[A group of monks pursued beyond the core area of ​​Shiwanda Mountain and did not dare to continue pursuing deeper. 】

[So you ignored everyone and pursued three Adventist cadres at the peak of the Immortal Realm alone. 】

[At first, the three Adventist cadres thought that there were a large number of casual cultivators behind them to assist in the pursuit. 】

[But as you go deeper, they find that you are the only one pursuing them alone, so they become bolder. 】

[You only felt a little funny in your heart. Looking at the three peak cadres of Human Immortal Realm who stopped, you slashed out with your sword without hesitation. 】

[The spiritual sword Mo Bing in his hand bloomed with a three-foot sword light. With a simple blow, the sword light was not very strong, and it slashed directly towards one of the top cadres of the Human Immortal Realm. 】

[This sword light contains the ultimate swordsmanship that has been upgraded to the perfection of the origin of the sword. He will be killed with one sword...]

[After one sword strike, the Human Immortal Realm cadre fell, and the other two Advent Cult cadres instantly burst out with a speed comparable to that of the Earth Immortal Realm monks, and fled towards the core of Shiwan Mountain. 】

In the real world, Su Xing felt a little ashamed when he saw this.

"Damn, these cult monks...not to mention their attack methods, their ability to save lives is absolutely top-notch!"

Su Xing shook his head slightly.

Counting down the evil cultivators he had experienced, especially represented by Zong Laogou, each one ran faster than the last.

"But it's understandable!"

"Being a villain is stressful... Once your performance is not good, you will be chased by decent monks. Those who run slowly will probably be killed long ago!"

Su Xing complained helplessly and looked at the simulation panel.

[After killing this Advent Cult cadre, you took away his stored magic weapon. 】

[As expected, you found a Yin-Yang Pill in it, which is probably to prepare for the breakthrough to the Earthly Immortal Realm. 】

[At the same time, you also found an identity token marked blood 97. 】

[You take off the Yin Yang Pill, and then Yu Jianfei continues to chase the remaining two Advent Cult cadres. 】

[The two Adventist cadres obviously had good experience in saving their lives. They ran away separately and fled thousands of miles in an instant. 】

[You randomly choose a direction to pursue, and a moment later you encounter Blood 99! 】

[The blood 99 that killed you at will is now like an ant in your eyes. 】

[I saw a look of horror on his face, and he was hurriedly trying to escape. 】

[But in the face of absolute strength, the desire to survive becomes insignificant. 】

[You lightly slashed out a sword, and the sword's origin was strongly coerced, drawing blood directly from 99 heads! 】

[After one sword strike, the corpses were separated...]

[You successfully obtained the identity token with 99 blood and the Yin Yang Pill. 】

[What makes you a little disappointed is that the quality of this Yin Yang Pill is not even as good as the previous one from killing Blood 97. 】

[If you can get a top-quality Yin-Yang Pill, you will undoubtedly be much more confident in surviving the Yin-Yang Fire! 】

[So you no longer hesitate and pursue the last Adventist cadre. 】

[After pursuing this all the way, we have reached the core area of ​​Shiwanda Mountain. 】

[What you didn’t expect was that the Adventist cadre actually stopped in a large mountain shaped like a bull’s horn. 】

[Then he took out a jade slip and seemed to want to ask for help...]

[Your heart immediately tightened. Could it be that this advent sect also has an internal response among the hundreds of thousands of mountain demon cultivators? 】

[The fact is, just as you expected! 】

[Soon, a bull-headed demon cultivator with purple horns and a body like a hill rushed out...]

[You look a little solemn because this is one of the 36 demon kings in the Hundred Thousand Mountains, the Purple Ox Demon King! 】

[Strength has reached the peak of the Earthly Fairyland! 】

[Looking at the posture of this Adventist cadre, it is obvious that he knows this Purple Bull Demon King...]

In the real world, Su Xing frowned slightly when he saw this.

"The cadres of the Advent Sect... not only infiltrate into the human race, but also among the demon cultivators, are there undercover agents from the Advent Sect?"

After Su Xing was a little surprised, he felt it was reasonable.

After all, since there are undercover agents in the human race, it is normal for the demon cultivators to be bribed as well...

"However, if you look at it this way... what happened before makes sense!

"Inside the Hundred Thousand Mountains, the 36 demon kings perished so quickly precisely because there were undercovers among the demon cultivators..."

"Purple Bull Demon King? Remember..."

Su Xing murmured that this was good information for him.

It may be possible to use it in subsequent simulations.

"However, the peak cultivator of the Earthly Immortal Realm...can I compete with my current strength?"

Su Xing touched his chin, and he estimated that if he relied on his martial arts talent, he might be able to successfully kill the Purple Bull Demon King.

But what is needed is to grasp the timing accurately. After all, talent can only be activated once without mentioning martial ethics.

If it is defined as not being in the sneak attack state, then it cannot be triggered...

Thinking of this, Su Xing looked at the simulation panel.

[After the Purple Bull Demon King appeared, the Adventist cadres hid behind him. 】

[As you expected, the Advent Sect has colluded with the Purple Bull Demon King! 】

[The moment he saw you, the Purple Bull Demon King looked surprised, but then his face became a little unhappy. 】

[Obviously he knows that he is being used, and his identity is known to you...]

[Although the Purple Ox Demon King is not happy, he also knows that this matter must not be exposed, otherwise he will be hunted down by demon cultivators and humans. 】

[So, the Purple Bull Demon King launches an offensive against you! 】

[I saw the two horns on its head burst out with amazing power, rushing directly towards you...]

[This one seems to be able to cause mountains to collapse and earth to crack, and the sky and earth to change color! 】

[There is a look of interest on your face...]

[Since you have been promoted to the second level of the Great Witch Body Training Technique, you have never fought against a powerful monk. 】

[At this moment, facing a powerful demon cultivator at the pinnacle of the Earthly Immortal Realm, you really want to test your own level. 】

[With pure physical strength, you know that it is impossible to defeat this bull demon head-on, but if you can ensure that you are safe, you are still very confident. 】

[Thinking of this, your eyes narrowed, and all the strength in your body exploded. Yuanli instantly covered the surface of your body. 】

[After the second level of the Great Witch's Body Forging Art, your pure physical strength combined with Yuanli has almost reached the power of ten mountains and rivers...]

[It’s not an exaggeration to say that he can crush Mount Tai with one punch! 】

[But the power of the bull demon at the pinnacle of this fairyland is equally terrifying! 】

[The two forces collide, and you feel like you are hitting a big mountain. 】

[After shouting loudly, you persisted and used absolute strength to fight against the bull demon at the pinnacle of this fairyland. 】

【Boom boom!In an instant, the terrifying strange power passed directly through the air, causing the surrounding space to become distorted...]

[An even more terrifying force reaches directly to the earth, causing it to collapse. Cracks thousands of feet deep, winding for thousands of miles, almost cut the entire mountain range near the core area of ​​Shiwanda Mountain into two sections...]

[In an instant, several large rivers around them poured into the mountain source, and underground undercurrents gush out...],

[Looking at it, the surrounding terrain is about to be changed, forming a new lake and river basin...]

In the real world, Su Xing raised his eyebrows when he saw this.

"Alas, the battles between powerful monks...are they all so terrifying?"

"With this wave of my hand, I can make the mountains collapse and the earth crack, changing the terrain... Before I know it, I have become a powerful monk!"

Su Xing felt a little emotional.

He knew that the ability to crush the planet world in an instant was not something that could only be achieved by mana and the physical body.

Able to suppress an entire world with the power of an immortal...

Maybe you need to reach the Golden Immortal Stage and truly master the laws of a certain avenue before you can do it, right?
Su Xing shook his head slightly, he was thinking too much.

Right now, the key is to get rid of the purple bull demon king.

"Well, showing weakness to your enemy... is never a good strategy!"

Su Xing murmured, looking at the simulation panel.

[The Purple Bull Demon King was obviously frightened by your amazing power, and soon a look of fanaticism appeared on his face. 】

["It has been thousands of years, and there has been no enemy who can challenge me in terms of strength——"]

[The Purple Bull Demon King said something domineering, and then a pair of horns became thicker and bigger, pointing straight towards you...]

[In an instant, the power of the Purple Bull Demon King increased by several percent. You were shocked. You were directly pushed away by this strange power. You flew dozens of miles away and hit the ground hard, forming a large pit. 】

[You immediately use the body-protecting sword and Yuanli armor to protect yourself firmly and avoid physical injury...]

[But even so, you still feel the slightest pain...]

[But this pain makes you even more excited! 】

[You suddenly have a plan in your heart and use the secret shielding technique to hide your own aura. 】

[As expected, the Purple Bull Demon King was fooled! 】

[As the demon king at the pinnacle of the Earthly Immortal Realm, among the 36 demon kings in the Hundred Thousand Mountains, his strength is also among the top three! 】

[In fact, no demon king can kill him with absolute certainty...]

[Under the great demons of the Heavenly Immortal Realm, the Purple Bull Demon King has few rivals...]

[Because of this, the Purple Bull Demon King becomes even more swollen! 】

[After he felt your gradually weakening aura, most of his vigilance suddenly dissipated, thinking that you had lost most of your combat power under this blow...]

[Therefore, he is going to come down and check it out...]

[After the Purple Bull Demon King approached, you immediately activated one thousand nine hundred body-protecting swords, and combined with your martial arts talents, you launched your most powerful blow! 】

[This attack is like a rainbow piercing the sun, attacking the vital parts of the Purple Bull Demon King! 】

[The Purple Ox Demon King is, after all, a peak cultivator in the Earthly Immortal Realm. When Jian Gang was about to arrive, he had already reacted...]

[However, it’s still half a step too slow! 】

[The sky filled with swords and swords gave the Purple Ox Demon King numerous wounds that were deep enough to show the bones... Several vital parts were hit...]

[The Purple Bull Demon King’s eyes were scarlet in pain, and he had lost part of his mind. 】

[But the Purple Bull Demon King is, after all, the pinnacle demon king of the Earthly Immortal Realm, and his exuberant life is terrifying...]

[After eating your set of body-protecting swords, he did not die immediately. Although his breath was mostly weakened and his strength declined rapidly, he still survived. 】

[But you will not let go of this opportunity to beat the drowned dog! 】

[In this case, you are fighting with the Purple Bull Demon King again...]

[This battle lasts for hundreds of rounds! 】

[In the end, the Purple Bull Demon King was consumed to death by you...]

[You killed a peak cultivator of the Earthly Immortal Realm! 】

In the real world, Su Xing took a deep breath and felt a little surprised in his eyes.

"Now, my strength has reached the peak level of the Earthly Immortal Realm!"

"Tsk, tsk, the body-protecting sword and the lack of martial ethics... are really unreasonable!"

"Furthermore, the power of the body-protecting sword gang is far from reaching its peak. Once the Dao of Sword is understood enough, the number of body-protecting sword gangs will be even greater... Maybe the immortal realm will not be unable to fight!"

In the awakening heart, endless heroism arose at this moment.

The monks in the Celestial Immortal Realm can be regarded as a figure in the entire Three Thousand Worlds!

In most of the Small Thousand Worlds, the Heavenly Immortal Realm can be regarded as the ceiling level...

Even among such huge forces as the Qingyun Sect, monks in the Heavenly Immortal Realm can also be elders!
"This is... far from the limit!"

"Currently, my great witch's body training skills still have a long way to go...and my Qi refining cultivation has not yet reached the Earthly Immortal Realm!"

"If the great witch refines his body to the Dacheng level, the potential will only be more terrifying!"

Thinking of this, Su Xing nodded with satisfaction.According to his guess, Hongyue's strength at this time is probably in the realm of true immortals and mysterious immortals, definitely not as good as the golden immortal realm!
And waking up seems to be not far away from this realm?
"It's just Qingyunzi's strength..."

Su Xing shook his head slightly. He was currently far behind Qingyunzi!

That was an existence that could kill one or two three corpses in one go, surpassing Da Luo and approaching the semi-saint level!

Even if Qingyunzi is in retreat, Su Xing is far from being able to compete with him...

What's more, he is the founder of the Qingyun Sect and has countless strong men under his command. No matter how much a true immortal takes action, Su Xing cannot compete with him.

Before, Su Xing sold Qingyunzi's information to Tianji Pavilion, and had never planned to use Tianji Pavilion to test Qingyunzi's strength.

But the behemoths like Tianji Pavilion have no idea about Qingyunzi.

What's more, it's the little "Karami" who wakes up from this mere fairyland?

"In the final analysis, the state of cultivation is the foundation!"

"This time, if I get the Yin-Yang Pill, I can try to break through the Yin-Yang Fire..."

Su Xing felt a little hopeful and looked at the simulation panel.

[After killing the Purple Bull Demon King, you immediately pursue the Advent Cult cadre who is at the peak of the Human Immortal Realm. 】

[After spending several hours, you successfully found him and captured him alive! 】

[You found a token from his storage ring, marking blood 79!And a top-quality Yin-Yang Pill! 】

[You did not choose to kill him directly, because if you kill the Purple Bull Demon King, it is very likely to cause fighting and division between the human race and Shiwandashan... At this time, the two races still need to fight against the alien race! 】

[You took Blood 79 with you and returned to the gathering place of Baidi City's casual cultivators...]

[Sure enough, three days later, a great demon from the Heavenly Immortal Realm came to the door, questioning the death of the Purple Bull Demon King. 】

[For this reason, the cultivator from the Human Celestial Realm who had been lurking also appeared and confronted him face to face. 】

[When you came up with substantial evidence to prove that the Purple Bull Demon King colluded with the Adventist Cult, the great demon in the Heavenly Immortal Realm immediately retreated speechlessly...]

[Not only were you not scolded, you also received a substantial additional reward. 】

[No.30 In the fourth year, you returned to Baidi City and continued to study the Three Talents Swordsmanship. 】

[In the same year, after settling down a few family members and friends, you went to the Black Water Realm...]

[Riding the Flowing Cloud Golden Light Boat, you go through several space nodes and successfully arrive at the Black Water Realm. 】

[At this time, it is still a year before the secret realm is born. 】

[You continue to practice with peace of mind...]

[In the fifth year of No. 30, the secret realm was born. You successfully obtained a total of 180 Tongyuan flowers, and successfully killed several evil cultivators from the Advent Sect...]

[After doing all this, you are ready to leave the Black Water Realm and go to the Yellow Sand Realm! 】

[In the same year, you drove the Flowing Cloud Golden Light Boat and successfully arrived at the Yellow Sand Realm. 】

[After you came to the Yellow Sand Realm, you did not rush to the Yin Yang Fire Land for the first time, but continued to work hard to understand the Three Talents Sword Art. 】

[Twenty years have passed since this practice! 】

[In five years, you feel that you are not far away from fully understanding the path of swords, but there is still a long way to go...]

[Three talents of swordsmanship combined into one, stuck at the last bottleneck! 】

[You have no choice but to continue to practice hard and hone your understanding of the great road...]

[So, another 25 years have passed. 】

[Practice has no time, and in the blink of an eye it is No. 80 years! 】

[In the past few years, your late blooming talent has finally taken effect, and you feel that your practice of the Three Talents Sword Art has accelerated a lot...]

[But there is still a little bit missing. The realization of using the sword to enter the Tao has yet to be achieved...]

[In desperation, you take a spiritual enlightenment pill, combined with the dual blessings of great wisdom and late blooming, to attack the sword! 】

[Soon, one month has passed! 】

[Finally, on the last day, you successfully broke through the entrance and entered the Tao with your sword! 】

[Congratulations, you have mastered the Three Talents Sword Techniques...understood the Way of Sword, and reached the embryonic stage of the Way of Sword! 】

In the real world, Su Xing breathed a sigh of relief when he saw this.

"Simulating 80 years... plus a spiritual enlightenment pill, it equals 20 years of hard training before I finally understand the way of the sword!"

"That's it, under the double blessing of the natural sword body and the acquired Tao body..."

"If you are a person with average sword cultivation qualifications, how much time will it take?"

Su Xing sighed softly.

Cultivation requires a test of qualifications...and sword cultivation is even more so!

Sword cultivators with low or even average qualifications are eliminated long before they become immortals...

But even for those swordsmen with excellent qualifications in swordsmanship, it would probably take thousands of years to break through this level and enter the Tao with swords!

"But... sword cultivation means a powerful suppressive force in the same realm!"

The corners of Su Xing's mouth raised slightly.

Although sword cultivators are not invincible in the same realm, it is extremely rare for those in the same realm to be able to defeat sword cultivators.

Sword cultivation means a kind of suppressive power!

Ordinary monks, even if they are at the level of genius, are not willing to fight against sword cultivators of the same realm!

In a word, sword cultivators are all crazy!
It is better to take what is straight than to seek what is wrong!
Sword cultivators often fight with their lives... Even if those talented cultivators can defeat them, they will most likely leave indelible scars, so they naturally do not want to fight with sword cultivators.

"However, for me, the greatest significance of becoming a swordsman by entering the Tao with a sword is that the upper limit of the body-protecting sword has been increased!"

"Two thousand body-protecting swords are far from the upper limit now... If we continue to strengthen our practice, the Celestial Realm monks will also be a threat!"

Su Xing is very satisfied. Half of the simulation goal has been completed.

Then, next, we have to try to survive the catastrophe of Yin and Yang.

Su Xing touched his chin and recalled the specific process of overcoming the "three disasters of immortals" in his mind.

Among them, the disaster of yin and yang fire is the most important hurdle to break through from the human fairyland to the earthly fairyland.

Use the two fires of yin and yang to cleanse the internal organs, cut off the hair and cleanse the marrow.

This process is often lengthy and difficult to carry out simultaneously.

Yang fire enhances the internal organs and improves the monk's internal cultivation; Yin fire cuts the hair and cleanses the marrow, increasing the qualifications.

"The difficulty now is that the two fires of yin and yang exist at the same time in that is difficult to baptize for a long time!"

Su Xing frowned slightly, and after thinking for a while, he couldn't think of a perfect solution.

The only way is to first undergo baptism by a certain fire, baptize for half a day every day, and continue to accumulate in this way.

"Oh, that's all it can do!"

Su Xing took a deep breath, but fortunately, after taking the Yin Yang Pill, the benefits will be lifelong and will not be time-limited.

Otherwise, if Su Xing just collects Yin and Yang Pills, he will not be able to complete it in his lifetime...

With a plan in mind, Su Xing looked at the simulation panel.

[After entering Taoism with the sword and becoming a swordsman, you have not slacked off...]

[You quickly went to Huangsha City, and after staying there for a few days, you went to the place where the rumors happened, the birthplace of the Yin and Yang fires...]

[You take the Yin-Yang Pill and enter the Jedi. You feel that the damage from the two fires of Yin-Yang is weakened a lot, but the gain and the baptism of your body remain the same. 】

[After thinking for a moment, you decide to undergo the baptism of Yang Fire first! 】

[Every day during the day, you go to the Land of Sun and Fire, and use the extreme high temperature to cleanse the internal organs in your body...]

[At first you felt a little uncomfortable and the heat was unbearable, but as the baptism of Yang Fire continued, you felt that your physical resistance increased a lot. 】

[At night, you leave the Yin Yang Fire Jedi Land and return to Huangsha City. 】

[Rising at sunrise and returning at sunset...]

[This will be the case for the next thirty years! 】

[1 In ten years, with 30 years of daily practice, you feel that your understanding of the Great Way of Fire is further improving! 】

[Yang Fire is constantly washing and baptizing your internal organs, and you feel that you are still not far away from completely surviving the disaster of Yang Fire. 】

[And your qualifications have also improved slightly during this process. 】

[So, another ten years have passed...]

[In 120 years, one day you feel something in your heart, and a certain shackle in your body seems to have been broken...]

[You know in your heart that you have successfully survived the disaster of Yanghuo! 】

[Between the Yin and Yang fire, you only need the Yin fire to cut the marrow, and then you can completely survive the Yin and Yang fire and advance to the fairyland! 】

[And the monks who have been baptized by fire and have not yet completely passed through the Yin and Yang fire are also called - half-step to the fairyland! 】

In the real world, Su Xing was stunned for a moment when he saw this, then shook his head and smiled bitterly.

"After working on it for a long time...I have only half-stepped into the fairyland, and it still appears!"

Su Xing sighed, understanding this.

In order to become immortals during the Tribulation Period, monks must pass through the five levels of becoming immortals.

In comparison, Yin Yang Fire is much simpler.

"Forget it... Judging from this time, the next time you simulate, you will be able to be completely promoted to the Earth Fairyland!"

"Besides, there is also a body-protecting sword, which requires some practice..."

Su Xing thought so, looking at the simulation panel.

"But we can't waste the next time!"

Su Xing muttered and said silently:
"Use immersive simulation for ten years!"

[Ding, you successfully used the immersive simulation, which lasted for ten years and has 12 remaining energy points...]

Su Xing's vision changed, and then he appeared in a city.

The main city of Huangsha Realm, Huangsha City!
"Huh... a late blooming talent, with more than seven years of great wisdom and foolishness, which is equivalent to about six times the speed of practice!"

"From this point of view, ten years of immersive equivalent to about 45 years of hard work!"

Something strange flashed in Su Xing's eyes.

This is the first time he has chosen such a long-term immersive simulation.

The purpose is to cultivate the body-protecting sword to a higher level as soon as possible!

Compared to this, more than 600 energy sources seemed to be a price that Su Xing could bear.

"In that case, let's officially start practicing!"

Su Xing took a deep breath and was officially ready to comprehend the body-protecting sword...

In the first year, the number of awakened body-protecting swords increased by thirty, and a total of one thousand, 930 body-protecting swords were comprehended!

In the third year, the number of body-protecting swords mastered by Su Xing reached two thousand!

In the seventh year, the number of body-protecting swords is two thousand and 150!

Year [-]... The End of Immersive Simulation!

The number of awakened body-protecting swords was finally fixed at 2000 and [-]!
When Su Xing opened his eyes again, he had returned to the real world.

A look of confusion inevitably flashed through Su Xing's eyes.

Ten years of immersive simulation is equivalent to ten years of waking up to real life in the simulation timeline!
In the past ten years, Su Xing has only done one thing, practicing the body-protecting sword!
This kind of boredom, even with a sober mind, feels a bit uncomfortable...

"Phew... ten years are finally over!"

Su Xing took a deep breath, and the dusty memories in his mind reappeared, and Su Xing determined his time point.

"I am in a simulation now..."

After going through the memories before the immersive simulation in his mind, Su Xing rubbed his eyebrows and murmured:

"Immersive really a bit difficult?"

"The past ten years have passed by so has also been a great psychological challenge!"

"Perhaps in the future, it will be necessary to learn a technique that seals memories!"

For Su Xing, a month of immersive simulation is not a long time.

But ten indeed a bit too long...

Even though the immortal's memory will not fade away like that of a mortal, there will still be a slight sense of strangeness.

After adjusting for a while, Su Xing adjusted his mentality and looked at the simulation panel again.

[After passing through the barrier of Yanghuo, you knew that it was difficult to improve your cultivation, so you practiced the body-protecting sword...]

[After ten years of practice, the number of your body-protecting swords has reached 2000 and [-]! 】

[The power of the body-protecting sword is further enhanced! 】

[In the 130th year, one day you felt something in your heart, and a huge sense of crisis came over you...]

 Colds are prevalent recently and I am not very susceptible to them. The update is a bit late. Please pay attention to your health!

(End of this chapter)

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