Others practice leveling, I cultivate immortality, go out to Mahayana before leaving the mountain

Chapter 295: The awakened swordsmanship, the sword of safety! 【1st update】

Chapter 295: The awakened swordsmanship, the sword of safety! 【First update】

[The next day, Qingyunzi attacked...]

[No matter how you explain it, even if you offer a wish-fulfilling visualization picture, Qingyunzi will still search your soul...]

[Your consciousness gradually dissipates...]

【You are dead! 】

【Ding, this simulation is over! 】

After the simulation ended, Su Xing shook his head slightly.

"It's a pity. With my current strength, 130 years of simulation may be the limit... If I am stronger in the future, I should be able to further extend the simulation..."

"Befriending Qingyunzi has been proven to be undesirable...it's time to improve your cultivation!"

Su Xing looked at the simulation panel.

[Natural Juemai]: Golden talent, priced at 10 points of energy source.

[Three Catastrophes of the Immortal, Yang Fire]: One of the three disasters of the Immortal, the baptism of Yang fire, the two fires of Yin and Yang, can baptize the internal organs and strengthen the immortal body after experiencing it. If you survive the Yin and Yang fire, you can achieve the realm of earthly immortals!Price: 1 energy source

[180 Tongyuan Flowers]: A treasure of heaven and earth, it has the effect of stimulating vitality and tempering the vitality. It sells for 18000 energy sources.

[Perception of the Dao of Swords (prototype)]: Use the sword to enter the Dao and become a swordsman. You need to practice more advanced sword techniques to further improve. The price is 3 energy sources.

Su Xing looked at the simulated reward in front of him, feeling a little confused.

The innate talent of breaking pulses has been given up by the awakening for the time being. It may be used later if the master cultivates Qi and does not need pills.

As for the Tongyuan Flower, Su Xing had the intention to bring it out once to ensure that the Yuan Dan needed for the second level of the Great Witch's Body Training Technique was enough, but not now.

"In the end, the most important thing right now is to achieve the fairyland and further improve your strength!"

Su Xing murmured, and then said decisively:
"I choose the Three Disasters of Immortals...and the Enlightenment of the Great Sword!"

[You successfully brought out the Immortal’s Three Disasters and Yang Fire Enlightenment. You spent 1 points of energy source, and the remaining energy source is 11 points...]

[You successfully brought out the enlightenment of the Great Sword, spending 3 energy source points, and the remaining energy source points are 8 points...]

The simulated prompt tone fell, and two mysterious energies poured into Su Xing's body.

Su Xing first felt that his internal organs had been baptized, and his body was a little hot, and finally calmed down...

Just a moment!

Yin and yang fire, yang fire, smooth passage!

At the same time, Su Xing's mind was flooded with a lot of insights about the way of swordsmanship, and his sword intent was infinitely higher, entering a whole new level!

From the origin of the sword to the avenue of the sword, that is a qualitative leap!

Su Xing sat cross-legged, and after a moment of quiet reflection, he slowly stood up.

With a thought in his heart, 2000 and two hundred body-protecting swords surrounded Su Xing's body.

"The Avenue of Swords... Although it is only the prototype of the avenue, the number of body-protecting swords that can be mastered has also greatly increased..."

"But the way of the sword is different from other great laws. In the world of immortality, it almost never comes into being naturally. You can only gain some insights by studying sword techniques and the like?"

Su Xing murmured.

If you want to take your body-protecting sword to a higher level, you may need to go to Luotian Sect again.

"There's no rush for now... The prototype of the Sword Avenue is enough for the time being. The key is to upgrade to the Earthly Immortal Realm as soon as possible!"

Su Xing glanced at the time, and then began to disguise himself and hold his breath.

A moment later, Su Xing successfully completed the transaction and obtained [-] energy sources.

In the following week, he woke up in the Lingtian Cave and repaired the three-headed god-stage puppet.

On September 9rd, Su Xing went to the Xianwu World and took out the raw metal ore mined in the new week.

As Su Xing's understanding of the art of swords improved, the speed of sword control increased by a full [-]% again!

Now it only takes eight hours to wake up and fly a million miles with a sword!

Because the speed of sword control is not only related to the mastery of magical powers and one's own cultivation...

What's more important is the understanding of kendo!
The speed of sword control has been greatly improved, and the speed of waking up and traveling to various dungeon worlds and to other countries is also much faster.

This saves a lot of effort for Su Xing.

After getting the foreign metal ore, Su Xing went to the villa to make an appointment with Jin Congxue.

After the transaction was completed, Su Xing did not stay too long, but returned directly to Lingtian Cave.

Su Xing couldn't wait and was ready to start a new round of simulation.

Entering the Luotian copy again!
After the cooling time is over, start the simulation as soon as you wake up!
"Start the simulation!"

[The 105st simulation is started, and the current remaining energy source is 13 points... There are no simulations left. 】

【The simulation starts! 】

[It costs 1 point of energy source to extract the golden legendary talent. Do you want to extract it? 】

"Yes!" Su Xing said silently.

[Ding, congratulations on getting the purple talent natural tide body. The probability of drawing the golden talent next time is 70%...]

[Natural Tide Body]: Purple talent, you are born with more water in your body, and your perception of water aura is higher than ordinary people.


Damn, why is this physique so weird?

Su Xing rolled his eyes. Rather than using it himself, maybe giving this physique away would be more effective?

Wake up thinking.

Shaking his head, Su Xing muttered silently:

"Forget it, let's officially start the simulation!"

[In Lingtian Cave, you realize that you are simulating...]

[Ten days later, you went to the Luotian Sect copy! 】

"Use immersive simulation..." Su Xing muttered silently.


The next second, Su Xing's vision changed and he appeared in Luo Tian's copy.

In the familiar Luo Tianzong hall, Su Xing completed the mission process, returned to his master Luo Qingniu, and asked:
"Master, my disciple's three-talented swordsmanship has merged into three swords. He has entered the Tao with his sword and cannot continue to grow. I wonder if there is a way to become a swordsman?"

After hearing Su Xing's words, Luo Qingniu was silent for a moment, and then said:

"I don't know much about the way of the Sword Immortal...but what is certain is that all sword cultivators need to find their own path after reaching the realm of the Sword Immortal!"

Your own path?
Su Xing was stunned for a moment, with a hint of doubt in his eyes.

Luo Qingniu nodded and said:

"The swordsmen in the world cultivate all their swords for themselves!"

"If you practice swordsmanship, you have to follow the path of predecessors...you can only explore it yourself!"

Su Xing frowned slightly after hearing Luo Qingniu's words.

Find out for yourself...

Although there is a lot of time in the awakening simulation, if you just explore on your own, it will definitely not be as efficient as learning ready-made sword skills!

Seemingly sensing what Su Xing was thinking, Luo Qingniu said:

"Ogawa, you are extremely talented...but your swordsmanship talent is only secondary, the more important thing is your character!"

"We, Luo Tian Sect, once had an ancestor who was a sword cultivator... He only cultivated to the level of Taiyi Golden Immortal in his whole life, but with the Taiyi Golden Immortal cultivation level, he fought against Daluo Golden Immortal without defeat!"

After Su Xing heard this, his eyes suddenly lit up.

Taiyi Sword Immortal fights against Daluo Jinxian!Su Xing can definitely learn this sword technique!
After all, the sword is only part of the many means of awakening.

Even if he could only have Daluo's combat power, Su Xing would be satisfied...

After all, with the strength of Da Luo, the simulation of awakening can be greatly extended, and there will be plenty of time to improve the cultivation strength...

Thinking this, Su Xing asked:

"Master, what about Patriarch Taiyi's swordsmanship..."

But Luo Qingniu shook his head slightly and said:

"I said, Sword Immortal has no skills..."

"However, that Patriarch left his own path..."

With that said, Luo Qingniu took out an ancient book like a diary, handed it to Su Xing and said:
"If you have time, you can learn from the ancestor's original method to cultivate your own swordsmanship!"

Su Xing nodded slightly after hearing this, took the ancient book and started to read it.

This is indeed a diary. In the diary, it only records the sword practice of the ancestor.

Su Xing's memory was astonishing. He quickly read the diary with a look of surprise on his face.

This master of swordsmanship has been practicing swordsmanship for a total of 10 years!
There is no introduction to swordsmanship or sword moves in this diary.

Some are just his life experiences!

But this grandmaster, from the day he learned the sword, he never left the sword in his life...

Therefore, from the trajectory of his life, Su Xing roughly summarized four key points: First, raise a sword!
Use the sword to cultivate your own sense of kendo and warm up the sword in your hand!

There is no time limit for sword cultivation. Strictly speaking, a sword cultivator spends his whole life cultivating a sword, and the longer he cultivates the sword, the more connected he is with the sword, and the more terrifying his strength becomes!
Second, kill the enemy!
Kill the enemy with a pure sword, abandoning all sword moves, sword skills and even the sword's sword intent!

This Taiyi Sword Immortal has fought throughout his life and killed hundreds of millions of enemies... In this constant battle, he has enhanced his understanding of the sword!
Third, sword energy and sword gang!
Use sword energy and sword gang as a means to kill everything that cannot be cut off in the world!
Once upon a time, this Taiyi Sword Immortal mastered his sword energy to the point where he could cut off thousands of worlds with one sword!

Fourth, sword intent!
Use your own kendo will to choose your own path...

Regarding this point, the Patriarch used the invincible sword intention!
This requires the sword cultivator to have absolute confidence in his own strength and possess absolute will!
"Create your own path..."

Su Xing was thoughtful. What Su Xing saw in the swordsmanship of his ancestor was the ultimate pursuit of swords.

In my whole life, I have only practiced swordsmanship. Perhaps it is because of this that I can achieve that invincible swordsmanship?
"Invincible swordsmanship...is it suitable for me?"

Su Xing took a deep breath and immediately shook his head.

There is no doubt that this is not a good place to wake up.

When Awakening's strength was low, he encountered too many powerful enemies in previous simulations.

Even in the simulation... Su Xing has been defeated before and cannot be called invincible.

"So...what is the swordsmanship I am seeking?"

Su Xing closed his eyes and meditated. After a long time, a noun appeared in Su Xing's mind.


The path that Su Xing follows is the safe path of swordsmanship!
What you are pursuing is your own ultimate safety!

But...how to realize this sword technique?
Su Xing suddenly smiled and murmured:
"Kill all the enemies... wouldn't it be safe?"

"The swordsmanship I seek is to protect myself and the people I love!"

"Everyone killed by the sword is an enemy!"

At this moment, Su Xing seemed to feel that his sword intention and swordsmanship had been greatly improved!

Su Xing has found his own way of swordsmanship, it's safe!

After finding his own way of swordsmanship, Su Xing did not remember to leave. Instead, he went to the Sutra Pavilion, hoping to find the secret technique to seal part of his memory.

This is to prevent the immersive simulation from being too long and causing some confusion in the waking memory.

Su woke up and went to the seventh floor of the Sutra Pavilion. After several searches, he finally found an immortal technique.

Fu Yijue!
The effect of this technique is simple, blocking one's own or other people's memories.

Of course, it is easy to block one's own memory, but to block other people's memories, one must either obtain consent and ensure that the other party's soul is fully open, or one's strength and cultivation far exceeds the target, forcing the blockade!
The practice of this magical technique was not easy for Su Xing. It took Su Xing most of the day to memorize this secret technique without getting started.


The immersive simulation ends and you wake up and return to reality.

"Huh... Fu Yi Jue! It's really good! This is just right for me. It blocks some memories!"

Su Xing murmured, and then recalled the sword technique he had found this time:
"The pursuit of safety... is more difficult than the pursuit of invincibility!"

"Because if you want to be safe, you must be invincible!"

Su Xing took a deep breath, eyes full of determination, and looked at the simulation panel.

[After coming out of Luotian, you found your own way of swordsmanship - the way to safety! 】

[This swordsmanship may be more difficult than any before...but you are not afraid! 】

[So next, you choose to continue practicing in Blue Star. 】

[Ten years to sharpen a sword, time flies. 】

[In the tenth year, the number of body-protecting swords you have learned reaches [-]! 】

[In the same year, you went to the world of beast control to eliminate hidden dangers. 】

[In order to seek an opportunity to break through to the Earthly Fairy Realm as soon as possible, you decided to go to the Little Qingyun Realm! 】

[You have contacted the Daxia military, but at this time the alien offensive is still weak, and the Demon Suppression Pass is still strong. 】

[So, you took your family and friends, put them into the Lingtian Cave, and left Blue Star. 】

[After passing through the different space, you arrived at Xiao Qingyun Realm. 】

[At this time, it is only the tenth year of the simulation. The situation in Xiaoqingyun Realm is still good, and the foreign races are at a disadvantage. 】

[You went to Baidi City and sold the previous information, including the information about the Purple Bull Demon King. 】

[In the 12th year of No. [-], Baidi City secretly summoned loose cultivators to prepare for the encirclement and suppression of the major strongholds of the Advent Sect. 】

[You sneaked into it and went to the valley gathering place, preparing to encircle and suppress the Adventist cadres. 】

[Because you were prepared to take action in advance, the three cadres at the peak of Human Immortal Realm did not even have time to escape to the depths of Shiwan Mountain. 】

[You have successfully obtained a top-quality Yin-Yang Pill, but you are not planning to go to the Yellow Sand Realm to survive the Three Immortal Disasters. 】

[Before that, you have more important things to do. 】

[After you settled your family and friends, you drove the Flowing Cloud Golden Light Boat to the Black Water Realm. 】

[For more than 20 years, you will stay in the Black Water Realm and practice the Zhengyi Conquering Qi Art, hoping to trigger an epiphany by chance...]

[No. 30 In the fifth year, you entered the secret realm, killed the Adventist cadres, and obtained 180 Tongyuan flowers! 】

In the real world, Su Xing nodded slightly when he saw this.

"It's a pity that the accidental epiphany was not triggered... but fortunately, Tongyuanhua was successfully obtained!"

That's right, in addition to breaking through to the Earthly Fairyland in this simulation of Su Xing's, the more important goal is to find a way to obtain the Tongyuan Flower!
Previously, Su Xing had drawn a "double-edged sword" talent and was born with an inexhaustible pulse.

You can't use elixirs to practice, but it can double the speed of practice!
Therefore, after breaking through the Earthly Immortal Realm, he woke up and prepared to launch a perfect charge towards the second level of the Great Witch's Body Forging Technique as soon as possible!
If he can successfully practice to the second level of the Great Witch Body Training Technique, he will be able to turn around and practice qi-refining cultivation when he wakes up, thereby quickly improving his qi-refining cultivation with the help of his natural innate pulse.

Of course, it would be best if one could successfully practice the Zhengyi Fu Qi Jue to the third level.

If you can't, don't force yourself to wake up.

"180 Tongyuan Flowers are enough to refine hundreds of Diyuan Pills. Together with those obtained later in the simulation, there are more than 1000 Diyuan Pills!"

"This amount should be enough..."

Su Xing murmured.

More than 1000 Diyuan Pills, one taken a month, should be enough for him to practice the second level of the Great Witch Body Training Art for more than 100 years.

Thinking this, Su Xing looked at the simulation panel.

[After obtaining the Tongyuan Flower, you did not refine the elixir. 】

[You decide to leave this world as soon as possible and go to the yellow sand world! 】

[After nearly two months of traveling through the void, you have successfully arrived in the yellow sand world! 】

[You have come to the Jedi, ready to break through the final Yin Fire disaster! 】

[If you can successfully break through this disaster, you can be promoted to the Earthly Immortal Realm...]

[Yin Fire, every time after sunset, the temperature here will drop sharply, and ordinary immortals will find it difficult to resist! 】

[After taking the Yin Yang Pill, you feel much better, so every day after sunset, you will go to the Yin Fire Disaster to cut off your hair and wash your marrow. 】

[Yin fire, when it penetrates the limbs and bones, can increase your qualification accumulation...]

[35 years have passed since this cultivation! 】

[In No. 70, the baptism of Yin Fire on your body has been mostly completed. All that is needed is the accumulation of time. 】

[And during these decades, you have also accumulated a full five years of great wisdom blessing. 】

【In this way, another ten years have passed. 】

[No. 80, as early as three years ago, you triggered your late bloomer talent, and your cultivation speed doubled! 】

In the real world, Su Xing saw this and no longer hesitated, and said decisively:

"Use immersive simulation for 10 years!"

[Ding, you successfully used immersive simulation, and the remaining energy is 12 points...]

The simulation prompt tone falls, and the awakening appears in the simulation world.

The first thing is to practice the Binding Memory Jue!

This decision is necessary for long-term immersive simulation!

Fu Yi Jue is extremely mysterious and can not only block memories within a certain period of time.

It can even fix some memories and wait until the appropriate time to retrieve them.

Su Xing takes a Spirit-enlightening Pill, activates the state of great wisdom, and prepares to practice the Memory Binding Jue!
On the tenth day of the immersive simulation, Su Xing finally mastered the Memory Binding Jue!

Immediately, Su Xing chose to permanently block his recent memory to ensure that he could still be sensitive to memory and time after leaving the immersive simulation.

After getting ready, Su Xing officially started practicing.

Su Xing’s first choice is still Zhengyi Convincing Qi Jue!
In this way, ten years passed in the blink of an eye...

After waking up and returning to the real world, his eyes were a little confused, but he immediately realized something and immediately used the Memory Binding Jue!
Immediately after, a lot of memory recall, Su Xing regained the memory nodes before the immersive simulation.

"Huh... ten years of immersion is equivalent to three to forty years of hard training. Once you have conquered the third level of Qi Jue, it is still far away!"

(After staying up for several hours, I only wrote [-] words. There is still one chapter to be published during the day tomorrow~Good night~)

(End of this chapter)

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