Others practice leveling, I cultivate immortality, go out to Mahayana before leaving the mountain

Chapter 297 brings out the harvest of cultivation, the Star Realm and the Witch Clan! 【8k】

Chapter 297 brings out the harvest of cultivation, the Star Realm and the Witch Clan! 【8k】

In the real world, Su Xing frowned slightly when he saw this.

"Can a fortune teller from the star world predict my arrival in advance?"

He entered the star realm half a year ago. He spent a day at the landing place of Liuyun Golden Light Boat, and then went to Lingtian Cave.

During the simulation, with sober caution, the traces will be erased and the secrets will be shielded.

But even so, he was still discovered by the monks from the Star Realm...

It is even possible that Su Xing has been discovered before he reaches the star realm!
The monks from the Star Realm had half a year to prepare for the ambush before they came closer.

"Tsk, tsk, it seems that the starry realm monks are better at divination than I thought..."

Wake up and think deeply, the way of divination involves the road of cause and effect and destiny.

Perhaps in the star world, Su Xing can learn this knowledge?
"This is the path of cause and effect and destiny! My current understanding of these two paths is only at the level of the original source... and has not yet introduced the great path into my body..."

"However, there is still potential for further improvement in Bagua arithmetic..."

Su Xing felt a little hot in his heart, but quickly calmed down.

"Right now... I still don't know the attitude of this star monk. Let's take a look first and then talk about it!"

Su Xing murmured, looking at the simulation panel.

[Looking at the monks getting closer, you feel something bad...]

[You run the body-protecting sword gang, and [-] body-protecting sword gangs protect you around your body to ensure your safety. 】

[Then, you glance around, wrapping your sound with mana and penetrating a hundred miles radius. 】

[In the voice transmission, you said that you have no ill intentions, but that the fairy boat was damaged, so you are living in this world. If the fairy boat is repaired, you will leave directly. 】

[After speaking for a while, there was finally movement. 】

[I saw dozens of monks gradually approaching you. These monks have at least a fairyland cultivation level...]

[There are even a few Earthly Immortal Realm monks mixed in among them! 】

[You observed all this calmly, recalling the information from the Star Realm in your mind. 】

[The Star Realm is one of the extremely high-ranking Small Thousand Worlds. The overall cultivation level of the monks in this world is not even inferior to that of the Little Qingyun Realm! 】

[But monks in this world, because of the power to attract stars, practice methods that are different from ordinary monks, so they are extremely repulsive to outside monks. 】

[In the star world, the power of monks is divided into tribes. 】

[There may be hundreds of thousands of monks in a tribe, with a huge range of strength, and they believe in a certain star in the sky. 】

[There are tens of thousands of tribes in the entire Star Realm, and there is a huge gap in strength between tribes. 】

[In small tribes, the leader may only be an Earthly Immortal Realm monk... but those powerful tribes will have Heavenly Immortal Realm monks sitting in charge! 】

[There are even rumors that there are true fairyland monks in the star world...]

[When you first arrived, you decided to be careful. 】

[But you are also a little worried that these "tribal" monks will be the kind of barbarians who drink blood from their hair. 】


[When dozens of native monks from the Star Realm approached, you were stunned for a moment. 】

[Because these monks, from the appearance, are not the kind of indigenous barbarians who drink hair and blood. 】

[Think, they have good looks. The male monks are tall and masculine, while the female monks have wheat-colored skin and have a healthy and energetic beauty. 】

[The clothes you are wearing are not grass skirts and tiger skins, but a special kind of battle clothes. This clothes has a bit of a sense of technology, making you almost feel like you have returned to modern times...]

[After they slowly approached, you used your spiritual consciousness to convey that you had no ill intentions. 】

[Seeing the tense situation of these monks, you clenched the Mo Bing Sword in your hand, ready to counterattack at any time! 】

[The atmosphere gradually becomes tense...]

[You exposed your fairyland cultivation and showed that you are not easy to mess with...]

[After a while, two monks from the middle stage of the Earthly Immortal Realm came to negotiate with you! 】

[They asked you to leave the Star Realm as soon as possible, otherwise it will bring disaster to this place...]

[You raised your eyebrows when you heard this, took out a bag of high-grade spiritual stones and handed it over. 】

[After seeing this spiritual stone, these monks were stunned for a moment, with a look of interest on their faces. 】

[Obviously, the star world monks also know that spiritual stones are a good thing, which can speed up their practice of pulling the power of stars! 】

[But they shake their heads slightly and use their spiritual consciousness to transmit to you - it’s not enough, you have to pay more! 】

[In the end, you paid the price of 20 high-grade spiritual stones and obtained the right to temporarily reside in the star world. 】

[At the same time, you also promised that if the immortal boat is repaired, you will immediately leave the star world. 】

[Before that, you can use resources to trade with the star realm monks in exchange for the items you need. 】

In the real world, Su Xing was speechless when he saw this.

"Tsk, tsk, indeed spiritual stones are hard currency!"

"This star realm monk...is actually real!"

"However, I finally obtained the right to temporarily reside in the Star Realm...it just cost me a few spiritual stones."

Su Xing nodded slightly.

With his current worth, 20 high-grade spiritual stones are only equivalent to 2000 million low-grade spiritual stones, which is really nothing.

In comparison, Su Xing is not willing to go on a killing spree and cause unnecessary trouble.

"According to legend... in the star world, a special stone is produced, called the star stone!"

"This stone was broken down by the falling stars in the sky and fell into the star realm!"

"At the same time, it is also a great witch body training technique, a third-level training aid!"

Su Xing had a look of anticipation on his face, he wanted to see what the star stone could do.

Thinking this, Su Xing looked at the simulation panel.

[After you presented the spirit stone, you got the right to temporarily live in the star world. 】

[After following these indigenous monks into the tribal territory, you were stunned. 】

[Because the Star World is a world of cultivating immortals with relatively advanced technology! 】

[The monks in this world can use the stars as power to develop some high-tech products and even some powerful technological weapons, which are no less powerful than the immortal's strike...]

[While you were surprised, you also began to investigate the power structure of the monks in the star world. 】

[After a month, you have a slightly clearer understanding of the forces in the star world. 】

[In the Star Realm, there are countless tribes, and even they themselves don’t know it. 】

[But the tribe you are in is called the Sirius tribe... but they believe in a star named Sirius in the sky. 】

[The Sirius Tribe is considered powerful among all the tribes in the Star Realm, ranking enough to be in the top ten! 】

[Because there is an astrologer in the heavenly realm in this tribe! 】

[At the beginning, it was this astrologer from the Celestial Realm who calculated your landing place...]

[With curiosity, you inquire and investigate the Sirius tribe. 】

[With the joint efforts of "Success Master" and "Money Ability", you know a lot of secrets. 】

[For example, the Sirius tribe practices a strange technique that can absorb power from the Sirius star for practice. 】

[And this practice is extremely fast, more than two or three times faster than ordinary monks! 】

[What surprises you even more is that this cultivation method does not seem to have many side effects, and it can also induce the power of the stars to deepen and enhance combat power. 】

[This arouses your interest and wants to study this technique. 】

In the real world, Su Xing raised his eyebrows when he saw this.

The quick practice technique...has no side effects?
Before waking up, I had seen the Blood Immortal Sutra, which was most likely an evil technique produced by the Advent Cult.

Although the speed of practice is fast enough, the side effects are too great.

But if the cultivation speed of the monks in the star world is increased without any side effects... then the value of it is probably only slightly less than that of Zhengyi Convincing Qi Jue.

When Zhengyi completes the Qi Convincing Art, he can obtain a seven-fold increase in practice speed. It is the most valuable practice acceleration technique that Su Xing knows so far.

But the two or three times improvement of the star realm monks is also extremely impressive...

It is even more precious than the methods practiced by some mysterious immortals...

Why don't monks from other worlds come to snatch such a precious skill?
Su Xing felt a little curious.

"It's interesting... I just don't know about this tribe's technique in the Star Realm. Can I practice it? Or maybe I can take it and have a look?"

Su Xing looked thoughtfully at the simulation panel.

[You found an elder from the Earthly Immortal Realm of the Tianlang Tribe and expressed your desire to practice this technique. 】

[You were already prepared for a heavy hemorrhage. After all, in your previous impression, the monks of the Tianlang tribe love money very much. If you pay enough spirit stones, you may not need to provoke a fight. 】

[But what you didn’t expect was that this monk actually gave you the technique without saying anything. 】

[This mysterious technique is called the Heavenly Wolf Star Jue. All the monks from the top and bottom of the Sirius tribe practice this technique. 】

[Different tribes practice different techniques. According to legend, they are all given by the stars in the sky...]

[You will undoubtedly be a little surprised to obtain the technique without any effort. 】

[But then, you will know the reason. 】

[It turns out that in the star world, the prerequisite for every tribe to practice Kung Fu is to believe in their tribal star! 】

[This also means that if you want to practice the Sirius Star Art, you need to believe in Sirius first! 】

[You have a vague hunch in your heart that this kind of belief is not a good thing, so you don’t choose to practice. 】

[You first spend spiritual stones to buy rare star stones in the star world. 】

[To this end, you have found an indigenous monk in the Celestial Realm, hoping to buy the Star Stone from him. 】

[He was very surprised when he heard your request. The star stone is only useful for the exercises they practice, and has no effect on outside monks. 】

[This monk doesn’t know what you think, but for the sake of the spirit stone, he still sold you a lot. 】

[You know, star stones also have types and qualities. 】

[Low-grade star stone, priced at 1 high-grade spiritual stones. 】

[Mid-grade star stone, priced at 1 high-grade spiritual stones. 】

[High-grade star stone, priced at 10 high-grade spiritual stones. 】

[Although the star stones are precious, you still bought two of each because you wanted to study them. 】

[After purchasing the star stone, you studied it carefully for a long time, but you just felt that the stone was an ordinary meteorite. Each one was like a fist, and there was nothing strange about it... except that it contained a weak star power. 】

[After studying it for a few months, you lose interest. 】

[Next, you are going to explore the star world carefully. 】

[You left the Sirius tribe, flew with your sword, and went to other tribes. 】

[Because you have obtained the pass certificate from the Sirius Tribe, you can explore normally in friendly tribes near them. 】

[But the relationship between tribes is not always friendly. If you appear in a hostile tribe of the Sirius tribe, you may be hunted down. 】

[But this doesn’t stop you. With your ultimate speed, which is comparable to that of the Heavenly Immortal Realm... and the technique of gathering breath to shield the secrets of the heavens, you began to explore the star realm. 】

Su Xing saw this and murmured:

"The Star Stone...isn't cheap!"

"I just hope that I can get some information from the exploration of the star world..."

[In this way, six years have passed! 】

[130 years, this is your seventh year in the star world. 】

[Since you started exploring the Star Realm six years ago, in the past six years, your footsteps have covered almost half of the Star Realm, and you have visited thousands of tribes. 】

[As mentioned in the previous information, the strength of each tribe varies greatly. 】

[The most powerful tribe you have ever encountered has two Celestial Realm monks! 】

[And the weakest tribe even only has the leader at the peak of the Human Immortal Realm...]

[Those weak tribes may reach an agreement, and the small tribes will pay tribute every year to ensure peace. 】

[Or perhaps, wars between tribes are often for the purpose of plundering newborns and untrained children...]

[This is just because these tribes believe in different stars, such as the Fire Ox Star, Sagittarius Star, Serpent Star, etc...]

[The relationship between different tribes is subtle. 】

[As you continue to explore, you also figure out some of the secrets of the star world. 】

[The more powerful the stars of faith are in each tribe, the stronger the overall strength and the greater the number of advanced monks in this tribe...]

[At the same time, the powerful monks in the tribe can also feed back their power to the stars in the sky during their cultivation to enhance the power of the stars! 】

[In the long run, the strength gap between tribes will become so large! 】

[The strong get stronger and the weak get weaker! 】

[It is precisely because of this that population has become a huge factor in measuring the strength gap between tribes! 】

[You have been traveling for several years, but you have not found any trace of the monks in the True Immortal Realm...]

[But these years of travel have also made you discover a fatal drawback of the monks in the star world. 】

[That means the upper limit is not high! 】

[Since the fall of the Ancestral Star, the most powerful monk has been born in the Star Realm, and he is the only one in the realm of true immortals! 】

[The speed of cultivation is fast enough, but the upper limit is not high...]

[As for the ancestral star, it’s a concept you discovered when reading an ancient book on the star world. 】

[It is said that several Yuanhui ago, there was only one tribe in the star world, and what they believed in was only the ancestral star! 】

[But one day, the ancestral star suddenly dimmed and lost its trace, and from then on thousands of stars appeared in the sky...] [Since then, the star world has been divided into countless tribes, each fighting...]

[Based on your speculation, maybe the secret of the Ancestral Star has something to do with the Witch Clan. 】

[The reason for this inference is naturally that the third level of the Great Witch's Body Forging Art requires star stones to assist in practice...]

In the real world, Su Xing raised his eyebrows when he saw this.

"The Star Realm...an ancient small world. It contains quite a lot of secrets. Maybe it's related to the Witch Clan?"

"Tsk, tsk, I'm actually interested in exploring this!"

Su Xing muttered.

"Also, does this ancestral star have anything to do with the decline of the Wu clan?"

"Belief in different stars to gain power... This method seems a bit strange, doesn't it?"

Su Xing raised his eyebrows.

It should be noted that monks do not believe in gods and Buddhas, but only believe in their own power.

Otherwise, how can we compete with heaven and earth, and how can we be immortal forever?

"I just don't know if the remaining time of this simulation is enough to explore?"

The simulation time has reached 130 years, which means Qingyunzi may find him at any time.

Although the Star Realm is a little far away from the Qingyun Realm, it may only be able to delay time.

"Next, explore the secrets of the star world as much as possible, and find their methods of divination!"

Su Xing murmured, looking at the simulation panel.

[In the next few years, you will continue to explore the star world. 】

[You gradually understand that in the star world, what astrologers practice is to get instructions from the stars in the sky. The "method of divination" they practice is the greatest secret in the star world. 】

[If you want to obtain the corresponding divination secret method, you need a certain amount of merit and belief in the stars. 】

[As you continue to explore the star world, time flies...]

[In the 140th year, one day you felt something in your heart, and your talent for seeking good luck and avoiding evil sent you a warning. 】

[A few days later, Qingyunzi arrived...]

[Qingyunzi searched your soul...]

【you are dead! 】

【Ding, this simulation is over! 】

After the simulation ended, Su Xing raised his eyebrows.

"Sure enough, traveling to farther worlds can extend the time for being discovered by Qingyunzi!"

Su Xing felt that his idea was correct.

As he continues to travel further into the world, the simulation time can be longer.

The longer the simulation time is, the faster the awakening cultivation strength will grow!

In this way, a positive cycle can be formed...

140 years of simulation is already a lot for Su Xing.

77 years later, Su Xing has the blessing of a late bloomer.

This means that the simulated income of Awakening is equivalent to 200 years!
"As for dealing with Qingyunzi directly... this is obviously impossible! We can only hide far away so that we can simulate it for as long as possible!"

After thinking about this, Su Xing began to think about the intelligence of the star world.

According to the information that Su Xing obtained in the Tianji Pavilion before, the star world has existed for a long time, even earlier than the birth of some great worlds!
A long time ago, there were powerful monks in this world who were comparable to the Golden Immortal and Taiyi realms!
But within a few Yuanhui, the monks in this world became weaker and weaker, and finally fell below the true immortal realm.

"The relationship between the star stone and the witch clan...the power of the stars...the way of divination of the stars..."

Su Xing feels more and more that there are quite a lot of secrets hidden in the star world.

"It seems that the future simulation location can be in the star realm... so that we can explore its secrets!"

After Su Xing thought for a while, he couldn't wait to open the reward list, and his heart felt hot.

[Natural Tide Body]: Purple talent, priced at 1 point of energy source.

[First level of the Earthly Immortal Realm]: After cultivating the first level of the Earthly Immortal Realm, through the Yin and Yang fires, the internal organs and spiritual root qualifications are further baptized, the resistance to heat and extreme cold is further improved, the quality of the immortal human body is slightly improved, and the immortal power is circulated and restored The speed increases.The price is 3 energy sources.

[180 Tongyuan Flowers]: A treasure of heaven and earth, it has the effect of stimulating vitality and tempering the vitality. It sells for 18000 energy sources.

[Enlightenment of the body-protecting sword gang]: Gain insights into the body-protecting sword gang with the earthly evil power. After learning it, the number of sword gangs increases to 2400, and the price is 2000 energy sources.

[Two low-grade, medium-grade, and high-grade star stones each]: They are formed by the power of falling stars in the sky, and they are also an important training resource for star witches.The price is 2 energy source.
Su Xing looked at the simulation reward in front of him and thought for a moment.

"Star Stone... Star Witch!"

"Sure enough, the Star Realm and the ancient Witch Clan are inextricably linked!"

Su Xing's eyes lit up. The Great Witch Body Training Technique was taken from the cultivation method passed down by the Witch Clan and could be practiced by the descendants of the Witch Clan or some human monks.

And maybe the Star Witch is a lineage of the ancient Witch Clan?
"No wonder... the Star Realm is so technologically advanced, yet it still gathers in the form of tribes. Maybe it's a tradition left by the Witch Clan?"

Su Xing thought thoughtfully, doesn't this mean that all the monks in the Star Realm contain the blood of the Witch Clan?
But then Su Xing shook his head slightly and said:

"That's not necessarily true... What's more, even if you have the blood of the Witch Clan, after several Yuan Hui have passed, this bloodline will probably be difficult to distinguish, and it will be no different from an ordinary human monk!"

It was about the Witch Clan, and Su Xing's interest became even stronger.

But the Star Stone is not the reward that Su Xing wants to choose now.

"Huh... Next, it's time to be promoted to the Earth Immortal Realm cultivation level... I'm afraid there's a lot of movement. It's more reliable to break through in the ruins of Wanmu Sect!"

Su Xing murmured, first looking at the time, Su Xing began to change his appearance and calm down, preparing to trade with Grandpa Lu.

After a while, [-] energy sources were obtained, and he woke up and set off for the Immortal Martial Era dungeon.

Heading all the way to the ruins of Wanmu Sect, Su Xing strengthened the Xuanyuan Breath Collection Formation, and then escaped into the Lingtian Cave.

Without too much hesitation, Su Xing said decisively:

"I choose to bring out the first level cultivation level of the Earthly Fairyland, as well as 180 Tongyuan flowers!"

As he finished speaking, a simulated prompt sounded in his ear.

[You successfully brought out the cultivation level of the fairyland, spending 3 points of energy source, and the remaining energy source is 11 points...]


The simulated beep fell, and a mysterious energy poured into Su Xing's body.

Immediately afterwards, Su Xing's cultivation aura began to increase dramatically!
After surviving the yin and yang fire, Su Xing felt that his body was sometimes cold and sometimes hot, but finally calmed down.

During this period, Su Xing's qualifications were further improved...

But what has changed the most is Su Xing’s cultivation!

The river of immortal power in the body has exceeded the range of ten feet. The quality of the immortal power has been increased by [-]%, and the total amount has been doubled!
At only the first level of the Earthly Immortal Realm, the strength of the awakened mana is already comparable to that of a monk in the middle stage of the Earthly Immortal Realm!
After the surge of aura ended, Su Xing realized it carefully, and then sighed:
"Sure enough, the further you go to the later stages, the greater the gap between cultivation realms... The light of ten feet of immortal power is already extremely impressive!"

"I wonder if my cultivation level will be improved to the Great Perfection of the Earthly Immortal Realm, will I be able to possess magic power comparable to that of the Heavenly Immortal Realm?"

Su Xing is not sure, but I guess even if it reaches it, it will only be comparable to the first-level magic power of the Celestial Realm, right?
"Oh, it would be great if the Spiritual Vein Dragon could spray me with a few more breaths of immortal energy... Only in this way can the absolute crushing of the magic power be guaranteed!"

Su Xing glanced at the spiritual dragon sleeping in the formation in the distance.

Wisps of black energy escaped from the Spirit Vein Dragon, and were finally resolved by the formation.

"We must speed up the dissipation of this black energy as soon as possible... Only in this way can we ensure the smooth growth of the Spirit Vein Dragon!"

Su Xing touched his chin. He had learned the "transferring flowers and grafting trees" technique before, which could transfer the black energy from the spirit pulse dragon to himself.

Su Xing can eliminate this black energy by practicing exercises such as Qingxin Jue.

Now that the awakened spirit is not weak, and his cultivation has reached the Earthly Immortal Realm, it’s time to give it a try!

Thinking like this, Su woke up in the formation and stretched out his hand to touch the spirit dragon...

Immediately afterwards, the rotation technique changed the situation!
Wisps of black energy quickly withdrew from the Spiritual Vein Dragon's body like peeling off threads and drawing a cocoon, and poured into the awakening body.

The whole process probably only lasted a few breaths.

Then Su Xing stretched out his right hand and saw the wisps of black energy entwining in his palm.

"Tsk tsk... these black energies only need to be run through the meditation technique. It may take three days to remove it?"

After confirming that the black energy was not a big threat and that it would take three days to eliminate it without any side effects, Su Xing breathed a sigh of relief.

Feeling that the black energy on the Spirit Vein Dragon's body has been reduced by about one percent.

According to this speed, you only need to wake up and perform the grafting technique every three days, in conjunction with the evil-dispelling formation.

In about a few months, the black energy of the Spirit Vein Dragon can be completely eliminated.

By then, the growth limit of the Spiritual Vein Dragon will be greatly increased, and the awakened Lingtian Cave can even be upgraded to the top level!

Thinking of this, Su Xing felt a little excited.

"Can the best spiritual liquid be produced in the best cave?"

Thinking of this, Su Xing was full of energy.

Running the Qingxin Art while repairing the puppet is not difficult for Su Xing with the "Seven Apertures Exquisite Heart".

Soon, a week passed.

During this period of awakening, Linglong expelled the black energy twice.

And repaired the three puppets in the transformation stage.

At this time, Su Xing had six god-transformation stage puppets in his hands.

After some hesitation, Su Xing prepared to place these six puppets in the United States to cooperate with the puppet repair operation of Xiaomei.

Flying with a sword, one trip back and forth to explain things, but it only takes a few hours.

After doing all this, the time came to noon on September 9.

Su Xing went to the villa area to meet Jin Congxue as promised.

Jin Congxue sat opposite Su Xing, looked at Su Xing curiously, and said doubtfully:
"Why do I feel like you've become prettier again...it just feels like the distance between you and me seems to be even further?"

After Su Xing heard Jin Congxue's words, he was stunned for a moment, and then said seriously:
"How could it be! You will always be my Sister Xue!"

Su Xing knew that the reason why Jin Congxue had this idea was because Su Xing's cultivation level had further improved, and his cultivation and temperament had changed after arriving in the Earthly Immortal Realm.

The greater the immortality, the stronger the sense of oppression on mortals...

Although Su Xing has tried his best to control his aura, the sense of distance that comes with it is unavoidable...

Su Xing comforted Jin Congxue, and the relationship between the two further deepened, and they just had to break the last window.

But when the crisis is completely resolved, or when the strength is strong enough to protect the people around him, Su Xing only wants the immortal way in his heart!

"Huh! It's good to know!" Jin Congxue wrinkled her cute nose and then said:
"This week's goods are all here... The development of overseas chambers of commerce, especially those in the United States, seems to be improving!"

"Our Tarot Club's trade scope is getting wider and wider, and now it can be regarded as one of the top ten top chambers of commerce in the country!"

"Of course...those really old chambers of commerce have accumulated hundreds or even thousands of years...We are far from being able to compare with this!"

Su Xing looked at Jin Congxue's serious look and couldn't bear to disturb her interest.

He knew how difficult it was for Jin Congxue to develop the Tarot Club to such a scale almost by himself.

Of course, but to Su Qing, none of this is important. All he needs is energy...


After the transaction, Su Xing returned to Lingtian Cave with the source of energy for the new week.

I took a look at the simulated cooling time, but it hasn’t improved yet.

So Su Xing took a look at his current attribute panel.

【Name: Wake Up】

【Age: 23 years old】

【Occupation: Immortal cultivator】

[Cultivation level: First level of the Earthly Immortal Realm, entry to the second level of the Great Witch Body Forging Art]

[Exercise techniques: wish-fulfilling visualization, Luo Tianhua Immortal Art, Zhengyi Conquering Qi Art (second level), Great Witch Body Forging Art]

[Talents: Not talking about martial arts, swallowing the sky, natural sword body, invincible Xiaoqiang, gifting roses, ancient witch body, great wisdom like a fool, accidental enlightenment, alchemy master late bloomer, fire divine body, acquired Taoist body...]

[Skills: Spiritual Domain (prototype), Lihuo Technique (Advanced Level), Alchemy Technique (Minor Level), Five Elements Immortal Explosion Technique (Minor Level), Shennong Spiritual Nurturing Technique (Entry Level), Ten Thousand Miles of Divine Consciousness (Six Consciousness Realm) , Flower of Yuanli, Body Protecting Sword Gang (2000, two hundred)...]

[The origin of the avenue: the avenue of thunder (prototype), the avenue of fire (prototype), the avenue of space (first glimpse of the door), the origin of wood (perfection), the avenue of swords (prototype)...]

[Special Physique: Body of Heavenly Thunder (Second Stage)]

He achieved a breakthrough in both Qi and Body refining, and the total number of talents reached eighteen. The flower of Yuanli bloomed... and the various laws of the Great Dao were further improved.

After thinking for a while, Su Xing murmured:

"For now, if you want to increase your combat power as much as possible in a short period of time... you still need to start with your cultivation and body-protecting sword!"

"The additional 180 Tongyuan flowers brought out before, plus the Tongyuan flowers in the next simulation, should be enough for me to practice the second level of the Great Witch Body Training Art for more than 100 years, right?"

Su Xing took a deep breath and had a plan in mind.

"There is also the improvement of Qi refining cultivation, so don't rush it for now... When you bring out the innate critical veins for practice later, you will get twice the result with half the effort!"


After the simulation time cooled down, Su Xing silently said:

"Start the simulation!"

[The 106st simulation is started, and the current remaining energy source is 13 points... There are no simulations left. 】

【The simulation starts! 】

[It costs 1 point of energy source to extract the golden legendary talent. Do you want to extract it? 】

"Yes!" Su Xing said silently.

[Ding, congratulations on getting the golden talent of "Xunlong Diancun". The probability of drawing the golden talent next time is 60%...]

(End of this chapter)

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