Others practice leveling, I cultivate immortality, go out to Mahayana before leaving the mountain

Chapter 298: The golden talent to find the dragon’s acupoint, the real Luo Tian legacy! 【8k】

Chapter 298: The golden talent to find the dragon’s acupoint, the real Luo Tian legacy! 【8k】

Looking for dragon points?

Su Xing was stunned for a moment. His first reaction was that this was a talent for digging graves, or that he could find a spiritual dragon.

But when Su Xing saw the complete introduction of this talent, his eyes suddenly brightened.

[Dragon Hunting Point]: Golden talent, you are born with the ability to sense rare treasures and rare mineral veins, and can find precious ores buried in the soil. You can be called a walking treasure hunting machine!
  "This talent... seems to be an upgraded version of the previous geological expert!"

Su Xing touched his chin and muttered.

The talent of a geological expert allows Su Xing to sense exotic metals and spiritual mineral veins within a certain range.

And this dragon-seeking talent is obviously stronger than that of geological experts. The items it can sense are not only limited to ores, but also all kinds of heavenly materials and earthly treasures.

"Huh... now that I have this talent, will it become much easier to explore the secret realm?"

Su Xing thought about it for a while and prepared to test the effect of the new talent.

A geological expert, Su Xing discovered the exotic metal veins from the Xianwu era, which provided Su Xing with a large amount of energy.

Unfortunately, exotic metals were limited after all. Su Xing estimated that the veins of exotic metals in the Xianwu Era would be enough for him to dig for two or three months at most before they would gradually dry up.

Before that, Awakening must find new veins.

Su Xing does not intend to explore the world of Blood Demon Cave for the time being. After all, it is the lair of Dragon Old Dog. If it is mined in the past, it will easily cause trouble.

"It is necessary to bring out the talent of seeking dragon's acupoints... So this simulation will focus on improving the body refining skills!"

Su Xing thought so, looking at the simulation panel.

[In Lingtian Cave, you realize that you are in a simulation. 】

[Ten days later, after accumulating one day of great wisdom blessing, you went to the Luotian Sect copy. 】

"Using an immersive simulation, lasting one day."


The simulated beep sounded, and Su Xing's vision changed.

Appearing in the Luotian Sect's main hall, Su Xing went through the familiar task process.

Immediately afterwards, Luo Qingniu appeared at the Luotian Conference with Su Xing.

Just when Su Xing thought that he was going to be "plot-killed" and forcibly asked to leave the venue, something different happened.

Luo Qingniu beside him suddenly sighed and said:

"Actually, I know you are not Xiaochuan..."

"And those of us are already gone..."

Su Xing was preparing to go to the Sutra Pavilion to read at this moment. After hearing these words, he was suddenly stunned.

After forcing a smile, Su Xing said subconsciously:
  "Master...what are you talking about? Why can't I understand?"

Luo Qingniu took a deep breath, turned back to look at Su Xing, and said seriously:
  "Child, I don't know who you are or what era you come from... Can you tell me what the real world looks like now?"

"We people... have been stuck on this day for several Yuanhui!"

After hearing Luo Qingniu's words, Su Xing's heart was shaken crazily!
  So... including Luo Qingniu and Granny Gui... all the Luotian Sect monks know? !
  From the beginning to the end, they knew that they were no longer alive?
  Already knew...they were just acting with me?
  "No...even if I know they have been repeating it...this should be the first time they meet me!"

"After all, for Luotian Dungeon, every simulation is my first time to enter!"

Su Xing reacted quickly.

Two years ago, he could enter the dungeon every year, and he could enter the Luotian dungeon three times in each simulation.

In the past year or so, there have only been two opportunities.

Su Xing estimated that soon he would be able to enter the Luo Tian dungeon only once per simulation!

This means that he can enter Luotian Dungeon about sixty times at most.

Before Luo Tian is completely closed, Su Xing must completely figure out Luo Tian's secret!

But now, Su Xing's cultivation level has been upgraded to the Earth Fairyland, and the plot of the dungeon has changed again!
  These "NPCs" in the dungeon clearly know that they will stay on this day forever!
  "So...what is Luo Tianzong's attitude towards me?"

"From the current point of view, it should be the friendly camp... Should I tell the truth?"

"Am I considered a descendant of Luo Tian with my current identity?"

At this moment, several thoughts flashed through Su Xing's mind.

At this moment, Luo Qingniu started to explain himself.

"Child, no matter who you are... or how long it has been... we, the old immortals of Luo Tian Sect, can only rely on you!"

"You possess the Luotian Transformation Technique, Ruyi Guansi Thought, Great Witch Body Training Technique... and even the Zhengyi Conquering Qi Technique appears in your body!"

"Although I don't know where you got these Luotian secret techniques, in fact, you are already regarded as my descendant of Luotian!"

After a pause, Luo Qingniu continued:

"Not long after, maybe one year, two years... we old immortals will disappear completely!"

"It doesn't matter if we die...but Luo Tian's inheritance cannot be cut off just like this!"

"Although your current cultivation level is still low...but no matter what, I need to tell you everything!"

As he spoke, Luo Qingniu stretched out his hand and pointed at the center of the Luotian Conference venue in front of him.

In the center of this broad Temple of Heaven, a palm-sized, simple mirror slowly rose.

That ancient mirror has a dichotomy of yin and yang engraved on it, but it is different from the Eight Diagrams. It seems to exist between reality and illusion...

It seems that everything has traveled through time and space, and even time has frozen at this moment.

That simple and extraordinary little mirror, overflowing with colorful light, brushed against everyone in Luo Tian's copy, except for Su Xing...

Su Xing was extremely shocked. The moment the mirror appeared, Su Xing's heart twitched violently.

There is no doubt that this mirror is a treasure!
  And it is a treasure that Su Xing has never seen before, a treasure that transcends everything... even far more precious than the spiritual dragon and the innate hibiscus branches!

"What on earth is this mirror...?"

Su Xing's heart shook wildly.

Next, Luo Qingniu answered Su Xing's question.

"This mirror is called Luotian Mirror... It is one of the three treasures of chaos in the world at the beginning of the birth of heaven and earth... It transcends all time, space and fate and cause and effect!"

"It can be called...a thing that suppresses eternity!"

"It's also the biggest secret of our Luo Tian Sect!"

Luo Qingniu glanced at Su Xing and explained:
  "A few Yuan Hui ago, since that battle... our Luo Tian Sect has rapidly disintegrated, and our strength is far less than it was in its heyday!"

"In order to ensure the inheritance of our Luo Tian Sect, we chose two options at the beginning!"

"First, select some elite and reliable disciples, take some immortal seedlings to other small realms, and then lurk... until the time is right, and a descendant strong enough appears to revive our Luo Tian Sect!"

"At that time, there were a total of [-] disciples ranging from the Earth Immortal to the Golden Immortal Realm, and they brought out hundreds of thousands of immortal seedlings... to different small realms in order to preserve the Luotian inheritance!"

"But hundreds of thousands of years have passed...and none of Luo Tian's descendants have come back...so I think it probably failed!"

Speaking of this, a sad look appeared in Luo Qingniu's eyes.

Su Xing also understood at this moment that during the last Luo Tian Conference, Su Xing saw Luo Qingniu's sadness, not only because the Luo Tian Sect was invaded by aliens and the Luo Tian Patriarch died in battle...

It's even more because the Luo Tianzong inheritance has been ended...

Listening to Luo Qingniu's sad tone, Su Xing felt inexplicably sad.

Luo Qingniu continued:
  "The second option is for all the disciples and elders in the Luotian Sect at that time to hold the Luotian Conference... to sacrifice their own freedom and stay on that day forever!"

"This method is to use the supreme power of the Luotian Realm to allow millions of monks in the Luotian Sect to enter it, so that they can live forever... until the day when the Luotian Realm completely loses its power!"

"With the help of Luo Tianjing, we immortals can at least exist in the mirror for several Yuanhui... Although we have lost our freedom, we have retained our inheritance and hope!"

"If one day, the disciples of the Luo Tian Sect return and can reach a profound realm that even our ancestors have never reached, perhaps we can be allowed to reappear in the world!"

"After that day, Luo Tianjing spent most of his power just to seal us..."

Speaking of this, Luo Qingniu sighed:

"It's a pity that several Yuanhui have passed... Luo Tianjing is getting darker and darker day by day, and the remaining energy is no longer enough to support the existence of this illusory world..."

"And we old immortals will also be annihilated in the sorrow of the long river of time as the Luotian realm dissipates..."

Su Xing's eyes widened when he heard this.

At this moment, he finally knew what kind of existence the copy of Luo Tian was!
  In the Luotian dungeon, the same day keeps looping... In fact, every one of the dungeons, at least a small number of "NPCs" know that this day is constantly looping!

Since the day they were sealed into Luo Tianjing, they have been waiting for the appearance of Luo Tian's successor!

It's a pity that hundreds of thousands of years have passed, and Luo Tian's successor has yet to appear.

And the power of Luo Tianjing is gradually dissipating...

"So, the original body of Luo Tian's copy is Luo Tian Mirror!"

"And Luo Tianjing is what Qingyunzi and Advent Sect have been looking for?"

When he woke up, he vaguely understood the cause and effect.

There is no need to say more about how valuable this Luotian Mirror is.

One of the three treasures of chaos at the beginning of the birth of heaven and earth, even earlier than the birth of some worlds!

It is also the foundation for Luo Tianzong to open its doors!

If you can get Luo Tianjing, it is not only equivalent to getting a chaos treasure.

What's more, he can inherit all the treasures and inheritance of Luotian Sect!
  These seniors sealed in Luo Tianjing... are an extremely huge treasure house of knowledge!

At the same time, Su Xing also noticed a very important sentence.

Luo Qingniu said that Luo Tianjing "has the power of virtual reality transformation"!
  Doesn't that mean that everything in Luo Tianzong...may also be real?

Su Xing can also inherit the endless treasures and wealth! ?
  Thinking of this, my awakened heart was pounding.

If this is the case, this treasure, let alone the Great Luo Jinxian, would be very exciting even if the saint were alive!

"But... how can I inherit Luo Tianjing?"

Su Xing felt extremely longing in her heart at this moment.

Luo Qingniu glanced at Su Xing and said:

"Over the past few Yuanhui, this mirror has encountered many people who came... They mistakenly entered the Luotian Mirror, but most of them have no cultivation!"

"Tens of thousands of years ago... there were people with cultivation levels who came here, but their highest cultivation level was in the Earthly Immortal Realm!"

"They are far from meeting the standards for opening Luo Tianjing..."

"Actually, I shouldn't have told you these things now!"

"However, Luo Tianjing's power is running low, and I have no choice... Since you have the inheritance of our Luo Tian Sect, are you willing to do something for us?"

After Su Xing heard this, his heart moved and he quickly said:

"Disciple is willing!"

Luo Qingniu nodded slightly, obviously at this moment he was acting as a doctor, and said:

"According to my calculations...it will take about a year and a month before Luo Tianjing completely dissipates...During this period, I hope you can find a strong person above the True Immortal Realm!"

"Because only those who are powerful in the True Immortal Realm... can inherit Luo Tianjing, restore part of the energy of Luo Tianjing, and extend the existence of Luo Tianjing..."

"As a reward, I am willing to tell you about the treasures that our Luo Tian Sect has hidden in various small worlds..."

"Although several epochs have passed, perhaps most of the treasures have been lost in the long river of time...but there must still be many treasures that will exist!"

"And all you need to do is to find an upright monk who is above the True Immortal Realm and make him the successor of our Luotian Sect!"

Luo Qingniu first explained the matter in detail, expressed his sincerity, and then offered him benefits.

Luo Tianzong's treasures hidden all over the world are obviously like the "Ancestral Land of the Spirit Clan". If the quantity is sufficient, it would be a treasure that would make the Golden Immortal and even the Taiyi Golden Immortal excited!

After hearing Luo Qingniu's words, Su Xing was silent for a moment and made some calculations in his mind.

"One year and one month... In reality, it's about more than a year, which is less than sixty simulations!"

"During this period, I must reach the True Immortal Realm before I can completely obtain the Luo Tianjing and inherit the Luo Tian Sect's inheritance?"

"And one month a year... is still too unreliable... It would be best to reach the True Immortal Realm within a year, or even half a year, and inherit Luo Tianjing!"

Su Xing thought to himself.

Naturally, he is unwilling to give up the Luotian Sect inheritance to others, so he can only reach the True Immortal Realm in one year!
  Currently, Su Xing's cultivation is at the early stage of the Earthly Immortal Realm, and he is still two full realms away from the True Immortal Realm!

However, Su Xing's cultivation base grows extremely fast. Within thirty or forty simulations, Su Xing is still very confident that he will reach the true fairyland!

Thinking of this, Su Xing said decisively without any hesitation:

"Disciple is willing to find a successor for Luotian Sect within one year!"

After hearing Su Xing's answer, Luo Qingniu breathed a sigh of relief, nodded happily, and then stretched out his hand to point between Su Xing's eyebrows.

"This is the thirty-sixth place of our Luotian Sect. It is the place where the inheritance and relics of the outside world are hidden. The secret method that has been opened is also told to you..."

"Hundreds of thousands of years have passed, and I don't know how much is left...but compared to you, it is still a huge fortune!"

Su Xing closed his eyes slightly, digesting the information in his mind, and then felt happy.

The wealth hidden in each of these thirty-six secrets is not weaker than that of the "Ancestral Land of the Spiritual Clan", and there are even many times the treasure inheritance.

"It's a pity that hundreds of thousands of years have passed, and it's hard to say how many of these treasures are left... But even if there are only more than ten places, it will be enough for me to practice to the realm of Xuanxian, right?"

Wake up and feel happy.

Luo Qingniu asked at this time:

"My child, although your cultivation level is not high enough...but you still have the title of inheritor of my Luotian Sect..."

"I would like to ask you now, how is the situation outside?" After asking, Luo Qingniu had a look of inquiry in his eyes.

Anyone trapped in a world for hundreds of thousands of years would be curious about the situation outside, right?

After Su Xing heard Luo Qingniu's words, he pondered for a moment, and then said:

"Luo Tianzong has indeed...disappeared in the Three Thousand Worlds!"

"At least on the surface, Luo Tianzong has not appeared in Three Thousand Worlds... As for whether it is hidden, I don't know..."

After Su Xing said this, Luo Qingniu sighed, and the last hope in his heart was cut off.

"I have been to the spirit world...it seems to be a place led by Luo Tianzong's disciple, Luo Bing'er..."

When Su Xing said this, Granny Ghost suddenly appeared behind Su Xing and asked in a trembling voice:

"Child...you, what did you just say?"

"What happened to Luo Bing'er...?"

Seeing Granny Gui's anxious look, Su Xing was silent for a moment and said:

"Luo Bing'er successfully took thousands of immortal seedlings to escape to the spirit world...but she was ambushed during the process and was seriously injured and died soon after..."

"However, that part of the Xianmiao disciples, under the leadership of the puppet, still embarked on the path of cultivation..."

"It's just that in today's world, there is a lack of spiritual energy. They can't refine it, so they turn to spiritual cultivation, live in the spiritual world, and change their name to the spiritual tribe!"

After hearing Su Xing's words, Granny Ghost trembled and almost lost her balance.

But Su Xing still said:
  "I once received the inheritance from that Luo Tian Sect...Senior Sister Luo Bing'er, she said...she also wanted to hear you sing a lullaby to him..."

After hearing Su Xing's last words, Granny Ghost finally couldn't hold it back and burst into tears.

"Bing'er...Bing'er has done a great job..."

Su Xing was filled with emotion when he saw Granny Ghost bursting into tears.

After his mood calmed down slightly, Su Xing introduced the current situation of Three Thousand Worlds to Luo Qingniu.

From the situation in the Three Thousand Worlds to the invasion of alien races, the former Luo Tianjie, now Blue Star and the surrounding copy worlds are in danger for you.

At the end, Luo Qingniu sighed and said:

"The lips are dead and the teeth are cold... Such a simple truth, but the forces in the Three Thousand Worlds don't understand it. It's really ridiculous!"

"If other forces were willing to lend a helping hand... and cooperate with me, the Patriarch of the Luotian Sect, the aliens would have been expelled long ago!"

"Alas, everything in heaven and earth has its fate... This disaster is probably unavoidable in my three thousand worlds!"

After speaking, Luo Qingniu looked up at the sky, wondering what he was thinking.

Su Xing took the opportunity to ask the doubts in his heart:

"Senior, this disciple would like to ask... Now the founder of Qingyun Sect, Qingyunzi, failed to kill the three corpses in reverse... This also caused him to become a demon and his mind and character changed drastically..."

"I wonder if there is any way to restore Qingyunzi's true nature... After all, a semi-saint is the backbone of my three thousand worlds!"

After hearing this, Luo Qingniu sighed slightly and said:

"Once you start killing the three corpses in reverse, you can't stop..."

"Unless Qingyunzi himself realizes the problem, the cultivation efforts of several Yuanhui will be in vain... Qingyunzi's obsession will only become worse!"

"With my perspective, I'm afraid it's difficult to change the outcome..."

Su Xing felt helpless when he heard that Luo Qingniu said there was nothing he could do.

If it is not necessary, it is really not a good thing for people like Qingyunzi to stand on the opposite side of Su Xing.

But now, there is no way to solve it...

"Oh, that's fine...just stay far away!"

Su Xing shook his head slightly.

During this trip to Luo Tianzong, Su Xing had already gained a lot, but he didn't expect anything more.

For the rest of the time, Su Xing continued to learn the art of puppetry in Luotian Sect, and made up for his shortcomings in low-level spells...


Soon, the immersive simulation ends and the person wakes up and returns to reality.

"Huh... Luo Tian's treasure is really an enviable treasure!"

"Next, just finding the treasures of those small worlds will be enough for me to gain a lot!"

Su Xing touched his chin and recalled the coordinates of the treasures in his mind.

"Huh? It seems... there is a Luotian treasure in the Black Water Realm!"

Su Xing's eyes brightened.

When Luo Tianzong's disciples fled, the various branches of the major relics were located at varying distances, and there were very few near the Xiao Qingyun Realm.

In addition to the relics of the Spirit Clan's ancestral land that Su Xing has already obtained, the Black Water Realm is a location in the world that Su Xing already knows.

"Yes, I just happened to be looking for Tongyuanhua and I'm going to the Blackwater Realm. Then I can find out!"

Su Xing nodded slightly and looked at the simulation panel.

[After leaving the Luotian copy, you have gained a lot. 】

[In the next year, you will continue to refine puppets and try to let the puppets form forces in the seven countries and twelve regions. 】

[The Twelve Domains are in chaos, but strength is paramount. The puppet organization quickly flourished and became a famous organization among them, bringing you a lot of goods. 】

[At the same time, on the Advent Sect side, due to the cooperation of Luo Shuying, the puppet organization is still hidden...]

[In the second year, you took out the Tongyuan Flower you prepared earlier and prepared to try the refining of Diyuan Dan...]

In the real world, Su Xing saw this movement in his heart and silently said:
  "Use immersive simulation, 2 months duration!"


The simulation prompt tone fell, and the awakening figure appeared in the simulation world.

Taking out the Qiling Pill, Su Xing murmured:
  "Although after seventy-seven years, the effect of taking the Spirit-enlightening Pill will be better...but now the practice of the Great Witch Body Training Art cannot wait that long!"

"Cultivation of the Great Witch's Body Forging Technique to the second level of perfection as soon as possible... Before that, the refining skills of the Earth Yuan Dan still need to be strengthened!"

Before this, the refining skills of the Awakening Earth Yuandan were still some distance away from Dacheng in the realm of Xiaocheng.

But only at the Dacheng level, one can refine the best Earth Yuan Dan, and the awakening body refining speed will be faster.

Therefore, Su Xing plans to improve his refining skills of Diyuan Dan first.

After taking the Qiling Pill, he woke up and spent the next month frantically refining the pill.

Refining two furnaces of Earth Yuan Dan in one day, Su Xing refined sixty furnaces of Earth Yuan Dan in just one month.

The rate of elixir formation is about [-]%. Su Xing harvested fifty furnaces of elixirs in total, totaling one hundred and fifty.

"It's a pity...it's still a little short of Dacheng..."

Su Xing shook his head slightly, and while there was still one month of immersive simulation time, he continued to refine it.

Finally, in the last few days of the immersive simulation, Su Xing successfully refined the first batch of the best Diyuan Dan!
  The effect of the top-grade Diyuan Dan is more than twice that of ordinary Diyuan Dan!
  This means that Su Xing’s refining skills of Diyuan Dan have successfully reached the Dacheng level!

The immersive simulation ended, and Su Xing nodded with satisfaction.

"That's right...the success rate of alchemy is about [-]%!"

"The chance of refining the best Earth Yuan Dan is also [-]%..."

Su Xing estimated that the more than [-] Diyuan Pills in his hand were enough to refine more than [-] Diyuan Pills, which would be enough for him to practice for nearly fifty years!

"Before the secret of the Black Water Realm is opened, I can stay in Blue Star for a few more years and practice some great witchcraft body training techniques!"

Su Xing thought so, looking at the simulation panel.

[Next, you spent half a year refining a total of 470 furnaces of Earth Yuan Dan, [-] finished pills, and [-] top quality Earth Yuan Dan. 】

[You start taking Diyuan Dan to assist the practice of the great witch’s body training technique! 】

[The second level of the Great Witch’s Body Forging Technique is to cultivate the physical body of essence and blood, and what is cultivated is the Yuan Power in the body! 】

[You can still practice without taking the Diyuan Pill, but the speed of practice is extremely slow and you can hardly feel the progress. 】

[But after taking Diyuan Dan, you can clearly feel that your body refining speed is several times faster. 】

[Taking one Diyuan Pill in one month can help you practice as fast as half a year in the past! 】

[In this way, eight years have passed. 】

[In the tenth year, you feel that your great witch body training technique has improved slightly, and the flower of Yuanli within your body has bloomed a little. 】

[The energy in the body is endless, and even the physical strength is about [-]% stronger than before. 】

[While you are overjoyed, you can continue to practice the Great Witch Body Training Technique. 】

【In this way, another ten years have passed. 】

[In the past ten years, in addition to practicing, you have occasionally made time to explore the dungeon world near Blue Star to see if there are large veins of exotic metals in those dungeons. 】

[But you have explored dozens of dungeon worlds and only discovered some first- and second-order exotic metal veins, which is not enough to arouse your interest. 】

[The talent of training dragons and acupoints allows you to gain innate sensing and be able to sense the traces of exotic metals and treasures within a radius of ten miles. 】

[The higher the quality of the ores and exotic treasures, the stronger the induction...]

[You have traveled through those dungeon worlds for ten years, but you have not found any, which shows that there are indeed no high-level exotic metal veins in those dungeons...]

In the real world, Su Xing felt helpless when he saw this.

"In Daxia Kingdom, I am afraid that more than [-]% of the copies of the exotic metals have been mastered by Daxia Kingdom... After thousands of years of accumulation, if you want to obtain large quantities of exotic metals, you still need to obtain them from them!"

"However... this talent for finding dragon acupoints is still very good. Previously, the geological expert's range was only one mile, but now it is ten miles away. The search efficiency has been directly improved a hundred times!"

Su Xing was very satisfied with this, but it was a pity that the copies of exotic metals on Blue Star were limited.

Maybe when you wake up, you can go to overseas dungeon worlds, or go directly to the Three Thousand Worlds to search?
  "There's no rush for now...but after twenty years, it's almost time for me to go to the Three Thousand Worlds!"

Thinking this, Su Xing looked at the simulation panel.

[In the [-]th year, your great witch body-forging skills have improved again, but unfortunately, your search for exotic metal veins has yielded no results. 】

[You decide to go to the Three Thousand Worlds to find Luo Tian’s legacy...]

[You have informed the higher-ups of Daxia about the large-scale invasion of alien races in the future, but it is really difficult to make them abandon their homeland. Even if you try your best to deceive, you can only save the fire for Daxia. 】

[But fortunately, your family and friends are willing to go with you to the Three Thousand Worlds for refuge...]

[After passing through the different space, you arrived at Xiao Qingyun Realm! 】

[After settling your family and friends in Baidi City, you went to Tianji Pavilion to sell information and obtain a large amount of resources. 】

[In the same year, you drove the Flowing Cloud Golden Light Boat to the Black Water Realm! 】

[After arriving in the Black Water Realm, you immediately went to the location Luo Qingniu told you. 】

[But you have searched all over this place and used the power of Xunlong Diancun... but you have not found any trace of the Luotian Sect's relics. 】

[You are guessing that perhaps the Luo Tian Sect monks were intercepted and killed on the way...or maybe the Luo Tian Sect's relics have been discovered by other monks and are not here...]

[But you don’t intend to give up just yet. Instead, you are looking for possible treasures in the Black Water Realm with the help of your talent of finding dragons and acupoints. 】

[In the Black Water Realm, most of it is sea area, and there is very little land, but there is also a sect of cultivating immortals, the Black Water Sect! 】

[You disguise yourself, calm down, and go to the Blackwater Sect to investigate...]

[What makes you a little surprised is that after your investigation, you actually found a trace of Luo Tian's legacy...]

[It is recorded in the ancient books of the Blackwater Religion that they are not the native monks of the Blackwater Realm, but monks who migrated from other realms hundreds of thousands of years ago. 】

[My ancestors were also born, great monks in the heavenly realm! 】

[But in the endless years of inheritance, the original group of monks fell apart and took away part of the inheritance. At the same time, they lost the most precious inheritance treasure of the Black Water Sect - the Weak Water Black Flag! 】

[According to legend, this flag is an acquired treasure that can control powerful weak water and swallow everything in the world...]

[After learning that Luo Tian’s relics scattered in the Black Water Realm have been used, you felt a little disappointed, but you still investigated. 】

[You discovered that several monks in the Black Water Realm have the aura of practicing the Blood Immortal Sutra. This makes you certain that the Black Water Realm has been deeply invaded by the Advent Cult...]

In the real world, Su Xing frowned slightly when he saw this.

"Weak Water Black Flag...the acquired treasure?"

If Su Xing remembered correctly, he once saw a dull monk in the Advent Sect. At that time, he used a powerful offensive method that seemed similar to the weak water black flag.

"Could it be that Luo Tian's legacy and the weak water black flag were obtained by that monk?"

Su Xing frowned slightly and calculated the time.

"At this time... the monk should still be in the Black Water Realm. Maybe Luo Tian's legacy is on him at this time?"

Su Xing's eyes lit up and he looked at the simulation panel.

[Weak Water Black Flag has undoubtedly aroused your interest, and you began to look for traces of the dull monk you met in the Black Water Realm. 】

[It didn’t take long for you to find the location of the dull monk. 】

[In order to avoid the Advent Cult’s alertness, you quietly wait for the opportunity. 】

[Soon, three years passed...]

[In the twenty-third year, one day, the dull monk left the Blackwater Sect and headed for the endless ocean. Finally, he stopped at a certain sea area and plunged into the sea. 】

[You were slightly doubtful, so you concealed your aura and followed him from a distance, monitoring his whereabouts with your spiritual consciousness...]

(End of this chapter)

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