Chapter 3 The second simulation, the irreversible ending
That night, Su Xing returned to the dormitory happily.

Don't get me wrong, Su Xing didn't do anything.

He just invited the school girl to the small black room and tried to persuade her.

For this kind of school girl who is about to step into the abyss, what Su Xing focuses on is spiritual salvation.

In the following week, Su Xing began to frantically accept orders, leading new students to level up every day, and exchanged the obtained equipment into energy.

In just one week, Su Xing earned more than 20 Daxia Coins, which was quite fruitful.

On this day, the life simulator has finished cooling down.

Su Xing lay on the bed excitedly and chose simulation.

"Start the simulation!"

[Consumption of 200 energy points, 1082 remaining energy points, no remaining simulation times. 】

【The simulation starts! 】

[It costs 100 energy points to extract the white talent, and 1000 energy points to extract the green talent. Do you want to extract it? 】

Su Xing hesitated for a moment, and chose to extract the white talent
[Spend 100 energy points, remaining energy points are 982 points, random talent is being drawn...]

【Ding, congratulations on your white talent, business elite! 】

[Business Elite]: Your business vision is beyond ordinary people, and it is easier to make money than ordinary businessmen when conducting transactions.

Su Xing nodded slightly.

Although the business elite talent cannot directly improve his strength, it can allow him to gain more wealth in the simulation, so it is not bad.

[In the dormitory, you have a unique business vision, and you plan to invest to make money. 】

[You spent all your savings and bought a lot of low-level skill scrolls and equipment. 】

[You continue to lead new students to level up and earn extra money. 】

[While leveling, you recommend equipment and skills to the freshmen. 】

[The freshmen were moved by your eloquence and spent money to buy it! 】

【By buying low and selling high, you made 3000 million in just one year. 】

[You are about to graduate, and as you are only at the sixth level of Body Refining, you will repeat the grade as expected. 】

[But you were not discouraged and continued your business as a second-hand dealer. 】

[You started to monopolize the second-hand market in the school, from equipment to skill scrolls to recovery potions, you have been involved in everything. 】

[In just two years, you have become a businessman worth hundreds of millions. 】

[You are not satisfied with this and start to develop offline. 】

[You established a trading organization called "Tarot Club" and opened a store in Kyoto. 】

[After another two years, you were expelled from school. 】

[But you don't care about it, because your business is getting bigger and bigger, until one day, you are targeted by someone. 】

[A woman named Wang Qingxuan found you, and you were surprised to find that she was the school girl who was redeemed by your spirit back then. 】

[She told you that she joined a mysterious organization, and her mission this time is to draw you into the organization! 】

[You asked her what organization she was in, but she didn’t tell you. 】

【You refuse to join this mysterious organization. 】

【She told you that if you don't join this organization, you will only die. 】

[You sneered and invited several master-level professional bodyguards. 】

[Your bodyguard was easily killed by her. 】

[You are surprised to find that after not seeing her for several years, she has actually become a master level professional. 】

Su Xing was stunned when he saw this.

You must know that the professional levels in this world from low to high are:

Bronze Rank, Silver Rank, Gold Rank, Master Rank, Master Rank, Heavenly King Rank, Martial Emperor Rank, Legendary Rank, Great Emperor Rank, Holy Rank, God Rank.

And between each level, there are thirty smaller levels.

For example, a Bronze Level 30 professional cannot continue to upgrade after reaching the full level, and must go to the "Advanced Dungeon" to complete the advanced task in order to continue to upgrade.

And from top universities like Kyoto Vocational University, those who break through to gold-level professions can graduate within four years.

And only a genius like Fatty Yu can reach the master level.

But Wang Qingxuan, in just five years, she has grown from a bronze rank to a master rank?
"Hiss~ There may be a big secret behind this mysterious organization!"

Su Xing took a deep breath and continued to look down.

【You thought you were going to die, but Wang Qingxuan didn't kill you. 】

[She told you that you were kind to her back then and she wanted to repay you. 】

【That night, you turned clouds and rain. 】

[The next day, she left, and there were still some blood stains on the sheets. 】

Su Xing was stunned when she saw this, she didn't expect that this was actually the first time for Wang Qingxuan.

Then why did it become that way in the last simulation, and what happened in it?
[After she left, you felt guilty and felt that you had misunderstood her. 】

【You inquired about her whereabouts, but accidentally got the news of her death. 】

[You are shocked, how could a master-level expert like her die so easily! 】

【You suspect in your heart that Wang Qingxuan probably failed to complete the task and was secretly solved by a mysterious organization. 】

[You started to investigate the mysterious organization behind Wang Qingxuan, but found nothing. 】

[You gave up the investigation and started to improve your strength. 】

[While running the business, you are buying a large number of dungeon props that can enhance your physical fitness. 】

[At the same time, you have never given up on your search for immortal cultivation techniques. 】

[Two years have passed, and you haven't found a method of cultivating immortals, but your body training has greatly improved, and you have reached the great perfection of body training. 】

【You suddenly remembered that your sister Su Nian'an died in this year. 】

[You went back home and earnestly told your sister not to enter any dungeon this year. 】

【Although Su Nian'an was puzzled, he obediently agreed. 】

【Your sister has been safe and sound this year. 】

Su Xing was relieved to see this, after all, he saved his sister.

But then, Su Xing's expression changed.

[In the second year, your sister continued to perform the dungeon mission, and she died. 】

[You start to investigate the cause of your sister’s death, but find nothing. 】

[You are not reconciled, you have used a lot of resources and many means to investigate. 】

[You have finally gained something. Someone told you that your sister died in a dungeon called Zhenyaoguan. 】

[You started to inquire about the copy of Zhenyaoguan, but you found nothing. 】

[You have no choice but to give up, continue to run the business, and work hard to temper your body. 】

[Three years have passed, and your strength is still stuck in the body training Dzogchen, and you can't make any progress. 】

[You suddenly remembered that your good brother Yu Yan also died this year. 】

【So you found Yu Yan and told him not to download dungeons this year. 】

[Yu Yan looked hesitant, but still nodded in agreement. 】

【One month later, you got the bad news that Yu Yan died. 】

【You feel something is wrong in your heart, and start to inquire about the cause of Yu Yan's death. 】

[As expected, your investigation revealed that Yu Yan also died in the dungeon of Demon Suppression Pass. 】

[And not only him, most of your classmates back then also died in this copy. 】

[You are terrified, this dungeon named "Suppressing Demon Pass" seems to be like a meat grinder, constantly devouring the lives of the people around you. 】

(End of this chapter)

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