Chapter 4 Cultivation is refined, body training is perfect!

Seeing this, Su Xing's face completely changed. Where is this Dungeon Pass dungeon?
How could so many professionals die from it?

And these professionals seem to have a reason to go, they must enter the Zhenyaoguan dungeon!
Wake up and then simulate.

【You haven't given up your investigation, and you've been working hard while running your own business. 】

[One year has passed, your business has covered half of the low-level professional market in Kyoto, but your cultivation is still stuck in the body training Dzogchen. 】

[This year, relying on foresight, you quickly sold a large number of low-level equipment, and instead purchased many recovery potions! 】

[Under market fluctuations, you earn a lot of money. 】

[You have become a business tycoon in the low-level professional market in Kyoto. 】

[But you did not relax your vigilance, because you knew that in four years there would be a catastrophe that would sweep the entire continent. 】

【You start planning for this disaster, and you want to use your wealth and power to tell the news to some key people. 】

【You failed, no one believed your news. 】

[You have no choice but to protect yourself. 】

[You began to sell off a large number of properties and buy foreign properties. 】

[Three years later, you moved to the United States with your parents and tens of billions of funds. 】

[The United States is also a powerful country, with very few high-level professionals, located on the other side of the ocean tens of thousands of miles away. 】

[The occupations here are very different from those in the previous country, with characteristic occupations such as vampires, werewolves, and western cowboys. 】

[Another year has passed, and finally the year when the giant beast attacked. 】

【You are anxious, hoping to escape the attack of that giant beast in the country of America. 】

[On this day, a demon that covered the sky and the sun appeared over the United States. 】

demon? !
Su Xing was stunned when he saw this. Could there be more than one monster attacking the real world?
[Countless professionals jumped up into the air, trying to deal with this demon, but they just died. 】

[Civilians and professionals on the street fled frantically, and many Brother Ni took the opportunity to buy for zero yuan. 】

【You sigh until you are sure of death, and before you die, you take a deep breath of cigarettes. 】

[The devil launched an endless curse, and all human beings in the entire United States died. 】

[You died at the age of 36! 】

[This simulation is over! 】

[You can choose one of the following rewards: Business Elite (talent), Body Refining Dzogchen (cultivation)]

[Business Elite (White Talent)]: The price is 1000 energy points.

[Body training Dzogchen (cultivation base)]: The price is 500 energy points.

Su Xing looked at the two rewards in front of him and thought for a moment, then said silently:
"I choose to cultivate!"

[Ding, you chose to bring back the conjoined Dzogchen (cultivation) from the simulation, which consumed 500 energy points and left 482 energy points. 】

At the same time, the awakened physical strength began to skyrocket.

In just tens of seconds, he rose from the sixth level of body refining to the seventh level of body refining.

Afterwards, the eighth level of body training... the ninth level... the great perfection of body training!

Su Xing carefully felt the power coming from his body, at this moment his strength probably far exceeded ten thousand catties!
The strength is several times higher than before!
"Hiss... I'm afraid my current strength is comparable to those silver-ranked professionals who have just been promoted?"

Su Xing was glad that he did not choose the wrong talent.

Although the talent of a business elite can bring him a lot of wealth in the simulator, it will not help him in the real world for the time being.

And the cultivation level of body training Dzogchen is real, and his cultivation base will skyrocket, and his efficiency of leading people to leveling and gold mining in dungeons will be greatly improved.

At that time, more equipment can be obtained, which can be converted into energy for better simulation.

Aside from improving his strength, Su Xing was also constantly thinking about countermeasures.

"Is there really no way to avoid the catastrophe 15 years later?"

Su Xing shook his head lightly, in the simulator, he was already a billionaire worth tens of billions in this life.

Although it is still not worth mentioning in the eyes of high-level professionals, it still has some right to speak.

But no one in the human race believed his news.

Don't believe it?

Su Xing's heart moved, and he murmured:
"Could it be that... the high-level human race already knew the news at that time, but there was no way to avoid it?"

"So they're suppressing the news, just to keep the general public from panicking?"

Su Xing took a deep breath, he was more than half sure that this was the reason.

As for whether this is the truth, further exploration by Su Xing is needed.

After the simulation was over, Su Xing checked his professional panel.

The professional panel is an ability that every professional has and can see their own attributes.

【Name: Wake Up】

[Occupation: Immortal Cultivator (the only hidden occupation)]

[Cultivation level: Qi refining level, body training Dzogchen]

[Cultivation method: none]

[Talent: Spirit Root Holder]

[Skill: None]

[Equipment: Jade Blood Long Sword (Green), Long Spiked Chain Mail (Green), Qingyun Boots (Green)]

Due to the special nature of the profession, the awakened profession panel is different from that of ordinary professions.

For example, the "repair" column of other professionals shows the level.

For example, Bronze Rank 30, Silver Rank 15, etc...

But what Su Xing shows is his cultivation, which has two types: Qi refining and body refining.

This allows Su Xing to enjoy two kinds of bonuses, which is equivalent to a dual-professional person, and his strength far exceeds that of an ordinary professional person.

In addition, there is an extra column of "Kung Fu" on the awakening panel, which ordinary professionals do not have.

The only pity is that Su Xing can't learn ordinary skills, it seems that he can only learn skills related to immortal cultivators.

This made Su Xing unable to master a skill so far.

Fortunately, Su Xing can still wear various equipment.

Professional equipment from low to high are:
White Common, Green Excellent, Blue Excellent, Orange Rare, Red Treasure, Purple Epic, Golden Legend, Dark Gold Immortal, Color Myth, Black Supreme...

The three pieces of equipment commonly used by Su Xing are all green and of excellent quality. Not only do they have higher durability, but they can also kill ordinary bronze-level monsters instantly.

"Tsk tsk, body training is perfect, my strength and physical defense are at least several times higher than before!!"

The physique that was awakened before was extremely strong, more than ten times higher than that of ordinary people, a proper little superman level.

But now, Su Xing's physical training has broken through to the state of Dzogchen, which is almost equivalent to dozens of times the physical fitness of an ordinary person!

I am afraid that it is much stronger than the average silver-rank professional.

"However, there is still too much difference... Only by continuing to improve our strength can we hope to deal with the catastrophe that will happen 15 years later!"

Su Xing murmured.

So for the next week, Su Xing continued to make money like crazy.

Due to the improvement in strength, Su Xing's earning efficiency is much higher than before, earning more than 40 in a week.

Su Xing left about 100 million in start-up capital, and then spent the remaining [-] to buy white equipment.

Harvested a full 1600 points of energy.

The current awakening energy has reached 2082 points!
When the life simulator was refreshed, Su Xing couldn't wait to choose the simulation.

"Start the simulation!"

[Consumption of 300 energy points, 1782 remaining energy points, no remaining simulation times. 】

【The simulation starts! 】

[It costs 100 energy points to extract the white talent, and 1000 energy points to extract the green talent. Do you want to extract it? 】

"Draw white talent!"

Su Xing did not hesitate. It takes 1000 points of energy to bring out a white talent, and the price of a green talent would probably be even higher.

And with Xing Xing's current financial resources, he can only extract white talents.

[Ding, congratulations on obtaining the white talent, you will die with peace! 】

 I think many readers are not clear about the level correspondence between cultivators and professionals, so I would like to explain it here.

  Immortal cultivators are divided into two channels: Qi training, foundation building, golden elixir, Yuanying... or body training, bone training, organ training, Yuanwu realm...

  Corresponding to the bronze, silver, gold, master levels of professionals...

  The world where the protagonist lives can be understood as a fantasy world of high martial arts. The strength of professionals is still very strong. Strong people have the ability to move mountains, fill seas, and become saints.

  However, due to the mysterious abilities of immortal cultivators, at the same level, immortal cultivators are often stronger.The protagonist practices both physical and qi training to become stronger.

  However, the specifics cannot be judged rigidly, because professionals also have hidden professions, and their strength is much stronger than ordinary professionals...

  The above is the setting answer, thank you for your support!

(End of this chapter)

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