Chapter 30 Selling Rich Woman’s Happy Pill

A moment later, outside the gate of Kyoto Vocational University, under a sycamore tree.

Jin Congxue was wearing a brown woolen windbreaker. She looked at Su Xing with smiling eyes and said:
"What good things do you have for me?"

Su Xing smiled, first handed the twenty catties of Lingmi prepared in advance to Jin Congxue, and then took out a nourishing pill and handed it over.

"This is good stuff, try it!"

Because he had simulated it in advance, Su Xing still believed in Jin Congxue.

Jin Congxue took the beauty pill and observed it carefully for a moment.

I started with the elixir, which was crystal clear. I brought it close to my nose and sniffed it, and there was a faint herbal aroma.

Jin Congxue held the elixir in her hand, glanced at Su Xing suspiciously, and said half-jokingly:
"You kid won't want to do something bad to me...and then drug me?"

After hearing this, Su Xing raised his eyebrows and smiled:
"Oh? Then I wonder if Jin Congxue dares to eat it? Are you afraid that I will do something bad to you?"

Jin Congxue laughed when he heard this, swallowed the beauty pill into his body, and looked at Su Xing with provocative eyes.

That coquettish expression is full of charms, making Su Xing's lower abdomen burst into flames.

The elixir melted as soon as it entered the body. Jin Congxue let out a sigh, and then carefully sensed his physical condition.

Seeing a thin layer of dirt on Jin Congxue's fair skin, Jin Congxue was taken aback, and quickly took out a small mirror from his bag to look at his face.

Jin Congxue was stunned after taking photos carefully for a while, and asked in disbelief:
"Wake up, how did you do it? The fine lines on my face have disappeared! It feels like my skin is at least three or four years younger!"

Su Xing smiled slightly after hearing this. Jin Congxue was less than 30 years old, but because she took good care of herself, her skin condition was only 23-[-].

But right now, after taking the revived Nourishing Pill, the skin condition has changed to about 20 years old!

Su Xing pointed to the beauty pill in his hand and said:

"How is it? This is a new pill I developed...Rich Woman Happy Pill!"

"Rich Woman Happy Pill..." Jin Congxue blushed slightly after hearing this and said sweetly:

"That doesn't sound like a serious name for you!"

After Su Xing heard this, he smiled and said:

"Who cares if his name is serious or not? Just say you will be unhappy after eating, right?"

Jin Congxue nodded subconsciously after hearing this. Women especially care about their appearance, especially beautiful women.

Su Xing went on to say:

"This rich woman's happy pill can make people return to youth. One pill can last for about a month, and the follow-up effect will gradually fade... The effect is probably that a 30-year-old woman returns to 20 years old, and a 40-year-old woman returns to 30 years old. face!"

Jin Congxue nodded after hearing this. According to the current performance of her skin, it was indeed the same as what Su Xing said, so she asked:
"So, what do you mean?"

Su Xing took out a bottle of beauty elixir from his arms and said:
"I have fifty rich woman happy pills, I hope you can sell them for me!"

Jin Congxue was stunned for a moment after hearing this, and said with some shock:
"Such a valuable pill, are you sure you want to sell it? Are you really the one who developed these pills?"

Su Xing nodded and said:
"That's right, I can provide at least fifty rich women happy pills every month, and hope to have a long-term cooperation with your Jin's firm!"

Jin Congxue's expression changed slightly. As a daughter of a merchant family, Jin Congxue had already realized the great business opportunities contained in this.

So Jin Congxue said to Su Xing a little excitedly:
"Let's talk about this in detail! My Jin's firm has a villa not far from the Kyoto Vocational University, let's go there and talk!"

Su Xing nodded after hearing this. Judging from Jin Congxue's reaction, this beauty pill should be extremely important.

Jin Congxue took out a mobile phone, dialed it and said a few words, and soon a black Rolls Royce drove over, which caused a burst of exclamation from the surrounding students.

Su Xing quickly got into the car, and after driving for 10 minutes, the two came to a villa.

At this moment, there are already three or four middle-aged men waiting in the villa.

Jin Congxue introduced:

"Su Xing, this beauty pill is not a vulgar thing, its value is too high...According to the rules of my Jin's firm, there is an appraiser to decide the value together, don't you mind?"

Su Xing shook his head after hearing this. It is true that he and Jin Congxue are friends, but business is business, so it is natural to make it clear.

Soon several appraisers took out specific tools to appraise the Yangyan Pill.

Speaking of which, there is a life profession called appraiser in this world, and most of them work in certain forces, such as the few appraisers right now.

After observing carefully for more than ten minutes, the appraiser said in amazement:

"This elixir is harmless to the human body, but it uses a unique energy to temporarily relieve aging and even rejuvenate!"

Several appraisers discussed it and said unanimously:
"After our discussion, we think the value of this elixir should be around 100 million Daxia coins. Although the elixir is miraculous, it can only last for one month after all, and it needs to be taken for a long time... If the price is too expensive, there should be no market. "

After that, several appraisers looked at Su Xing and wanted to ask Su Xing if he agreed with the price.

Just as Su Xing was about to nod his head, Jin Congxue interrupted:

"Masters, although you have talked about the use value of this elixir... you have ignored the commercial value behind the elixir!"

Several appraisal masters frowned slightly after hearing this, but Jin Congxue said bluntly:
"Do you think people who can afford this pill will be ordinary people?"

"According to my estimation, the vast majority of those who buy these elixirs will be middle-aged women...or, in other words, those noble ladies from wealthy families!"

"And by selling these elixirs to them, we can not only make money, but also accumulate contacts and resources for our Jin's Trading Company!"

"What do you think is more important, money or personal connections?"

After hearing Jin Congxue's words, several appraisers fell silent.

For ordinary businessmen, perhaps money is more important.

But for a behemoth like Jin's Trading Company in Daxia, the accumulation of human resources is obviously more important.

Jin Congxue continued:

"So, I think...we should help Su Xing conduct auctions for free in the form of auctions, so as to further expand the influence of my Jin's firm! What do you think?"

After hearing Jin Congxue's words, several appraisers showed strange looks on their faces. With their eyes, they could not see the value of this elixir. However, businessmen are profit-seeking by nature, so naturally the more they earn, the better. .

But Jin Congxue in front of him is completely stretching out his arms and turning away!
Several appraisers looked at Su Xing and saw that he was young and had an extraordinary appearance, and he was even more capable of producing such elixirs.

Their hearts moved and they thought: Could it be that this is the future uncle of my Jin's Trading Company?

So several appraisers quickly said:

"Everything is up to Miss Jin!"

Jin Congxue nodded with satisfaction after hearing this, and then looked at Su Xing with a look of asking for credit.

Soon, the two parties signed a business contract.

Su Xing provides "Rich Woman Happy Pill" and designates Jin's business as the only sales channel.

Jin's Trading Company gave all the profits from the auction to Su Xing.

After signing the contract, several appraisers left in a hurry with the Yangyan Pill.

And Jin Congxue looked at Su Xing, with beautiful eyes, and said playfully:
"Su Xing, you said that I did you such a big favor, how can you thank me?"

(End of this chapter)

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