Others practice leveling, I cultivate immortality, go out to Mahayana before leaving the mountain

Chapter 31: The talent came up with an idea, and the elixir became more rounded?

Chapter 31 The genius has a brainstorm, and the pill is more mellow?

After waking up, he nodded.

Although it was a win-win situation for both parties, Jin Congxue did help him a lot in this matter, and it can be said that he did his best.

So Su Xing took out a few more beauty pills from his bosom, and said:
"This is a high-end version of the 'Rich Woman Happy Pill' that is [-]% more effective than the previous one and can last for three months. Consider it a gift to you!"

After hearing this, Jin Congxue took the pill with a smile on his eyes, but said:

"This is not enough to send me off... Tonight, how about you invite me to a big meal?"

After Su Xing heard it, he couldn't laugh or cry, he thought Jin Congxue had some conditions, so it turned out that he was treating him to dinner!
Su Xing naturally would not refuse, so he said:
"I can't ask for it!"

The next day, Su Xing returned to the dormitory refreshed.

Su Xing has delivered fifty beauty pills to Jin Congxue, and Jin Congxue said that the beauty pills can be auctioned within a week.

The unit price of these fifty beauty pills is at least 5000 million Daxia coins!
For this reason, Jin Congxue also paid a deposit of 2000 million yuan to Su Xing.

Su Xing didn't ask for money directly, but bought white equipment worth 2000 million Daxia coins from Jin's firm.

A total of 2 pieces of white equipment, equivalent to more than 13 simulated energy points!

This made the simulation energy that was not sufficient to wake up abundant again.

On the afternoon of December NO.17, Su Xing chose to conduct a simulation in the dormitory.

"Start the simulation!"

[This time consumes 1500 energy points, the remaining energy is 143000 points, and the remaining number of simulations is none. 】

【The simulation starts! 】

[It costs 100 energy points to extract the white talent, and 1000 energy points to extract the green talent. Do you want to extract it? 】

"Draw the green talent!"

Su Xing now has a stable source of income, with a weekly guarantee of hundreds of thousands of energy points, so he will naturally choose the green talent.

[Ding, congratulations on getting the green talent, I have an idea! 】

[A brainstorm]: Green talent, your mind is more active than ordinary people, when you face difficulties, you can occasionally have a brainstorm and solve problems.

Su Xing's eyes brightened when he saw the newly drawn green talent.

A brainstorm?This is clearly a talent in perception!
Maybe when I encounter difficulties in learning alchemy, I can use this talent to quickly break through the bottleneck?
After drawing the talent, Su Xing didn't rush to simulate, but thought about the goal of this simulation.

Obviously, the talent of having an idea is helpful to the practice of alchemy.

Therefore, Su Xing prepared to focus mainly on alchemy in this simulation.

"I hope I can improve from fur-level alchemy to entry-level?"

Su Xing looked at the simulation interface.

[In the dormitory, while there is no one around, you enter the spiritual field blessed land that you carry with you. 】

【It took you three days to refine five furnaces of the low-end version of the Nourishing Pill and ten furnaces of the Bigu Pill. 】

[You will refine the beauty pill that will be traded next week in advance, and then start trying to learn how to refine new pills. 】

[You have set your sights on an elixir called the Yi Yong Dan. The Yi Yong Dan can change a person's appearance, but it is only a low-quality elixir, so the refining materials are easy to collect. 】

[A few days later, you received the balance of the beauty pill given to you by Jin Congxue, a total of 8000 million!You used the 8000 million to purchase enough raw materials to refine hundreds of disguise pills, as well as enough ingredients for beauty pills to be used for a long time. 】

Su Xing was stunned when he saw this, 8000 million final payment?
Plus the previous 2000 million... Doesn't this mean that every beauty pill has sold a full 200 ​​million?
This is much higher than his previous price!

Wake up and then go down the simulation.

[Half a year later, relying on your existing experience in alchemy, you have successfully learned the refining proficiency of Yirong Pill to the Dacheng level, even if you are a strong person at the level of a king, it is difficult to see your original appearance. 】

[You have mastered four unqualified elixirs, but you are still not sure about refining the Fu-Refining Elixir. 】

[One year later, you learned the unqualified Healing Pill, and practiced the Qi Gathering Powder you learned before to the Dacheng level. 】

[One day, Wang Qingxuan approached you, and she told you that she wanted to join a certain mysterious organization. In this simulation, you don't want to have too much to do with the Adventist Cult, and you just want to practice alchemy quietly, so you pretend you don't know. 】

【After one night, Wang Qingxuan dropped out of school. You guessed that she should have joined the Adventist Church. 】

[You continue to concentrate on refining elixirs. Since you sell more than fifty beauty elixirs every week, you are not short of funds and can purchase many common medicinal materials. 】

[In addition to alchemy, you also take into account the improvement of your cultivation base. Your Qi refining cultivation base is still stuck at the foundation establishment Dzogchen, but your body training cultivation base has broken through to the third level of bone forging. 】

[You still set aside an hour every day to take care of Tianzhong’s elixir and take care of Linggu. 】

[In the third year, in the past two years, you have successively learned Breath Holding Pill, Dali Pill, Swift Pill and other ungraded pills, and you have learned all of them to the Dacheng level. 】

[At this moment, you have mastered seven of the best elixirs, and in the last simulation, you have already started refining the Fu Refining Pill. 】

【So you plan to retreat and devote yourself wholeheartedly to the refinement of the visceral alchemy. 】

[You first gave Jin Congxue the beauty pills you had accumulated before, and told her that you would retreat for half a year. 】

【You took out some elixir that you had planted for a long time from the spiritual field. 】

[After everything is ready, you enter the blessed land of Lingtian, take out the materials for refining the internal organs prepared in advance, and start to concentrate on refining. 】

[In the first month, you tried to refine a total of twenty furnaces of Fu Refining Pills, but they were all waste pills. 】

[In the second month, you became more and more proficient in refining. You refined a total of 23 furnaces of refining pills, including two furnaces of complete pills, but you looked at the refining pills in your hand but did not dare to take them because It simulates that you will die under the body explosion of this viscera refinement pill. 】

[In the third month, you have refined 24 batches of viscera refinement pills and four batches of pills, but you still dare not take them. 】

[In the fourth month, you refined 25 furnaces of Fu-Refining Pills and six furnaces of complete elixirs. Your refining speed of elixirs is getting faster and faster, and you can refine one furnace almost every day. 】

[In the fifth month, you refined twenty furnaces of Fu Refining Pills, eight furnaces of complete elixirs. You began to pursue not only quantity, but also quality. Your understanding of Fu Refining Pills has improved. 】

[In the sixth month, you had an idea and vaguely understood some of the key points of refining the Fu Refining Pill. You refined ten furnaces of the Fu Refining Pill, including nine furnaces that became the elixir. 】

[You put together all the completed pills in the past six months and compare them, hoping to find out some problems. 】

[You stared at the dozens of Fu Refining Pills in front of you for three days and three nights. You found that the ones you refined in the last two months seemed to be more rounded. 】

Su Xing couldn't help rolling his eyes when he saw this.

"Damn it, after observing it for three days and three nights, I found it to be more rounded? Am I that stupid?"

[Suddenly, you have an idea. You think that the power of the Fu Refining Pill is too strong and caused your body to explode and die. Perhaps it is because of the age of the medicinal materials. 】

(End of this chapter)

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