Chapter 32 Getting better, getting started with alchemy!

Su Xing was stunned for a moment when he saw this, and then a row of heads appeared.

"That's right! The strength of medicinal properties is related to the age of medicinal materials... How did I not figure out such a simple question until now?"

Waking up with embarrassment.

But in fact, Su Xing can't be blamed, after all, Su Xing doesn't have a master to teach him about alchemy, and he can only explore everything by himself.

He was able to refine unqualified elixirs because of decades of continuous hard work, let alone high-grade elixirs, which would only be more difficult to refine.

Su Xing thought about this clearly, and became more confident about refining the Viscera Pill, so he continued to simulate.

[You want to continue to refine the viscera refining pill, but at this moment you no longer have the main medicinal material Huang Xianjing, so you took some seeds from the medicinal materials Qing Yunzi left for you, and planted them in the spiritual field . 】

【You have exhausted all your previous savings, so you refined another batch of low-end beauty pills and sold them to Jin Congxue. 】

[In the fifth year, the yellow fairy essence you planted before has already had medicinal properties for a year. You think the medicinal properties of the yellow fairy essence from the previous three years are too powerful, so you take it out and prepare to start alchemy. 】

[In the sixth year, you spent a year refining hundreds of furnaces of Fu Refining Pills. During this period, you continued to improve the refining process of the Fu Refining Pills. You thought that the Fu Refining Pills you refined were up to standard. 】

[One day, you tried to swallow a Fu-Refining Pill. 】

[The powerful medicinal properties of the viscera refining pill instantly make you feel like being burned by a raging fire, you clenched your teeth and persisted. 】

【You didn't explode and die immediately, but your meridians kept bleeding, and your body was like a blood man. You tried to take a few healing pills to heal your injuries. 】

[The unqualified healing pill has no effect on your severe injury, you just watched yourself bleed to death. 】

【you are dead! 】

【Your talent is activated! 】

【You stare blankly at the batch of visceral refinement pills in front of you...】

【Ding, this simulation is over! 】

Su Xing was speechless when he saw all this.

"Damn, died in the sixth year? This is the earliest death in my simulation!?"

After waking up, he suddenly felt distressed. You must know that he has to wait for a week for each simulation, so each simulation is very precious.

He was already very cautious in this simulation, after all, he tried to swallow one after refining hundreds of Viscera Pills.

But he didn't expect that even though he reduced the medicinal properties of the viscera refining pill, he still couldn't resist it.

"Huh... But he didn't die from a direct explosion, but died from a severe severing of his meridians... This means that I should be on the right track! It's just because the medicinal properties of the Fu Refining Pill are too strong that I can't bear it!"

Su Xing had learned from experience, and was not discouraged by one failure. After all, his cultivation had remained at the fifth level of body tempering for the past three years. Now that he wanted to break through the realm of visceral refinement, he had to give it a try even when it was difficult.

"It's simply waiting for an extra doesn't matter!"

Su Xing comforted himself in this way, and then looked at the reward for this simulation.

[A brainstorm]: Green talent, priced at 10000 energy points.

[Bone Forging Dzogchen]: Cultivation, priced at 11000 points of energy.

[Entry-level Lihuo Alchemy]: Entry-level alchemy experience, including Dali Pill (Dacheng Grade), Healing Pill (Dacheng Grade), Gathering Qi Powder (Dacheng Grade), Holding Breath Pill (Dacheng Grade), Swift Pill (Dacheng Grade) ) Refinement Pill (Xiaocheng Grade) refining experience, priced at 10w energy.

"I have to choose this talent when I have a brainstorm... It's like the talent of tenacity before, and it's very useful in simulation!"

Su Xing first spent 1 points of energy in exchange for the talent of inspiration, and then turned his attention to the other two options.

"Hey, Lihuo alchemy has reached the entry level? And it only needs [-] points of energy?"

Su Xing was surprised to know that the previous superficial Lihuo alchemy technique had an energy value of 13 points.

But he quickly realized that he was not far from the entry-level level of fire alchemy before.

After all, he had mastered three kinds of unqualified alchemy refining before, and an entry-level level of low-grade alchemy, and he also memorized all the refining methods and procedures of 360 kinds of elixir.

But in this simulation, he has mastered some unqualified pill refining methods, which can be regarded as a further improvement on the previous basis.

"Based on this calculation... the average refining experience of a low-grade pill is only about [-] points of energy, and a low-grade pill such as refining viscera is probably much more expensive. Get some energy."

Su Xing rubbed his chin and thought.

But this entry-level alchemy is also a must.

After all this can save a lot of energy for waking up the next simulation.

"It's a pity that the body-training cultivation that reaches the perfect state of bone-forging can only be chosen next time."

Su Xing shook his head gently. His current situation was quite safe and he was not particularly urgent about improving his physical training.

On the contrary, what Su Xing urgently needs to improve now is his Qi refining cultivation.

Because the stronger the Qi refining cultivation is, the more spiritual energy will be in his body, and he will be able to better learn alchemy.

"It seems that in the next simulation, we must find a way to improve our Qi refining skills."

Su Xing thought so, then silently said:
"I choose to bring back the entry-level Lihuo alchemy!"

[Ding, you chose to bring out the green talent "a brainstorm", which cost 1 points of energy and left 133000 points of energy. 】

[Ding, you chose to bring out the entry-level Lihuo alchemy comprehension, spending 10 energy points, and the remaining energy is 33000 points. 】

Su Xing just felt that his thinking seemed to become more active, and occasionally some new ideas would pop up in his mind.

And the improvement of alchemy is even more significant for Su Xing. Su Xing only feels that new alchemy knowledge has appeared in his mind, and those elixirs seem to have been refined countless times by himself, so they can be easily obtained.

"Tsk tsk, it is indeed an entry-level alchemy technique... I feel that my understanding of alchemy has become much stronger."

After the simulation was over, Su Xing began to prepare for refining the low-profile version of the Nourishing Pill.

After all, as he simulates more and more times, he will need more and more energy, which means that it will cost more money to wake up.

Currently, Su Xing's main way to make money is to sell low-end versions of beauty pills.

The efficiency of alchemy and selling money is more than ten times faster than that of equipment before!
So in the next week, Su Xing refined ten more furnaces of beauty elixirs.

Due to the improvement of Su Xing's alchemy technology, the efficiency and success rate of refining Nourishing Pills are much higher than before.

It only took three days to produce a total of ninety finished pills out of the ten furnaces of beauty pills, and even seven or eight top-grade beauty pills.

Apart from refining pills, Su Xing did not continue to bring those freshmen to level up in dungeons every day.

However, occasionally he would bring Wang Qingxuan to the dungeon to refresh equipment and level up.

After all, Wang Qingxuan is related to the clues of the Adventist Cult, so it is necessary to establish a good relationship.

Another week passed quickly, and Jin Congxue came to the door on this day.

"Wake up, you kid is making a lot of money! Guess how much your batch of pills sold for?"

Jin Congxue wore a cheongsam today, which outlined her exquisite figure and was extremely charming.

Su Xing blinked and said:

"I guess it sold for [-] million!"

Jin Congxue's eyes widened after hearing Su Xing's words and said:

"You kid is amazing! How do you know you bought 8000 million? Here... this is the remaining [-] million balance, but I know you must buy white quality equipment, and I have already exchanged all of them for equipment for you!"

After all, Jin Congxue handed over a storage ring.

Su Xing's eyes lit up when he heard the words, and took the ring.

Jin Congxue exchanged the money into equipment in advance, which indeed saved a lot of time to wake up.

"Thank you! Every time you trade in the future, you will use white quality equipment to exchange... It will save me a lot of effort!"

"By the way, this is the Rich Woman Happy Pill I refined this week. There are ninety pieces in total. Please help me sell it this week!"

Su Xing took out another bottle of pill from his pocket and handed it over.

After Jin Congxue took the bottle of pill, he blinked and said:

"Good guy, you can refine so much in a week, equivalent to making more than [-] million in a week! If you are so rich, why don't you take care of me!"

After Jin Congxue finished speaking, she showed a playful expression.

(End of this chapter)

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