Others practice leveling, I cultivate immortality, go out to Mahayana before leaving the mountain

Chapter 310 After 9 years of simulation, entering the realm of heaven and man! 【8k】

Chapter 310 After ninety years of simulation, enter the realm of heaven and man! 【8k】

In the real world, Su Xing's heart moved when he saw this.

"Finally, this giant beast is here!"

"I wonder if with my current strength... I can survive in the belly of a giant beast for a long time?"

"If I could...the space in the belly of the giant beast, would it be safe enough for me to escape the attacks of Qingyunzi and the aliens?"

Su Xing looked forward to the simulation panel with a little anticipation.

[The giant beast that covers the sky and the sun, like a galaxy, descends outside the Blue Star. 】

[I saw it open its big mouth like a black hole and swallow the entire Daxia Kingdom into its belly...]

[All life, flowers, plants and trees are rapidly diminishing, mountains and rivers are broken, and the earth is cracking...]

[You can barely guarantee your own safety by holding up the body-protecting sword. 】

[You used the power of the Space Avenue to wrap up several storage rings, the Flowing Cloud Golden Light Boat, and the Lingtian Cave Heaven on your body. 】

[The belly of the giant beast makes you feel extremely familiar. This is the birth of a void...]

[After the annihilation of the world, the void will be eternal. 】

[You mobilized your immortal power, kept your balance on the belly of the giant beast, and ran towards an area shining with purple thunder...]

[You glanced at the small thunder area and did not stop. The thunder in this area no longer poses any threat to you, nor does it have the effect of tempering the body. It is like itching. 】

[After a while, you entered a medium-sized thunder area. 】

[In this area, the power of thunder is obviously several times stronger. You enter it and let the thunder hit your body. 】

[After a while, you left disappointed...]

[With your current physical strength, even a medium-sized thunder area will only feel like touching static electricity, and will hardly cause any harm to you. 】

[You start searching in this abdominal void, looking for a large thunder area. 】

[In this way, an hour later, you came to an area shining with purple lightning. 】

[In this area, the thick thunder will make even the monks in the tribulation stage feel frightened...]

[You did not hesitate, entered it...bathed in the thunder, the terrifying thunder, constantly tempering your body. 】

[You didn’t use any protective measures, you didn’t even use your elemental power, you just let the thunder strike down...]

[Gradually, charcoal-colored scars appear on your skin. 】

[These scars are insignificant, not even minor injuries... but they stimulate the automatic repair of your physique and talent! 】

[The unbeatable Xiao Qiang, the Immortal Power of the Wood Element, the Ancient Witch Body... With the blessing of various talents and physiques, the charred skin fell off quickly, and in just two or three seconds, new skin and flesh grew back... 】

[Destruction and rebirth...continuous reincarnation and growth, you feel waves of itching coming from you. 】

[At the same time, every time the thunder strikes, you feel subtle changes in your body and constitution. 】

[A few hours later, this large thunder area is gradually annihilated. You hold up the protective sword and continue to explore the belly of the giant beast...]

[After a while, you discovered another large thunder area. 】

[You repeat your old tricks, using the power of the thunder zone to continuously baptize and temper your body...]

[In this way, you have experienced the birth and death of several large thunder areas, and the avenue of thunder has been constantly baptized and integrated into your body. 】

[During this process, your understanding of the Way of Thunder gradually improves, and the body of Heavenly Thunder seems to have gradually changed...]

[At first, this process makes you unable to concentrate, but after you can adapt to the thunder, you can even feel the thunder while practicing and visualizing the visualization in your mind. 】

[Gradually, you adapt to this process, and as you multitask, your perception continues to improve...]

In the real world, Su Xing felt a little emotional when he saw this.

"It's also the belly of the giant beast... I tried my best to resist the thunder area before..."

"And now, with my pure physical strength, I can shake this area... without even being slightly injured..."

"This is the change brought about by strength!"

After a pause, anticipation flashed in Su Xing's eyes.

"If we continue at this rate, we might be able to survive in the belly of the giant beast for a long time..."

Thinking this, Su Xing looked at the simulation panel.

[As you continue to shuttle and travel between various thunder areas, the body of Tianlei continues to transform, and your understanding of the avenue of thunder continues to deepen...]

[In this way, I don’t know how long it has been, but this is already the thirty-seventh large-scale thunder area you have experienced. Wherever you can see, there is darkness. 】

[The large thunder area is almost hard to find, and the space in the belly of the giant beast seems to have returned to calm. 】

[But this is not what you want, so you release your spiritual consciousness and keep searching in the belly of the giant beast, hoping to find more thunder areas...]

[You travel through the void in the belly of the giant beast at extremely fast speeds...and this space seems to be boundless and has no end. 】

[I don’t know how long it took, but you saw a thunder area that you had never seen before! 】

[The sky is filled with purple thunder, and terrifying thunder continues to strike down... The power of each of those thick thunders is not inferior to the Six-Nine Thunder Tribulation! 】

[You feel happy, knowing that this is what you are looking for...the giant thunder area! 】

[Without any hesitation, you entered this area alone. 】

[The terrifying thunder, like a horned dragon, poured down instantly...]

[But every time the terrifying thunder hits your body, it only slightly injures you... In just a few breaths, your body and talent will repair themselves, allowing the injury to quickly diminish...]

[Although there is pain from time to time...but it does not affect your mind. You even try to do two things at once, visualizing the visualization in your mind. 】

[So, when you open your eyes one day...this giant thunder area will eventually be annihilated! 】

[You did a little calculation and discovered that the time from the beginning to the end of the giant thunder area... was about one month. 】

[But you don’t know why the giant thunder area was born... In this vast space, it is not easy to find. 】

[You calculated on your fingers for a moment and figured out that three months have passed since you entered the belly of the giant beast! 】

[You are very convinced that almost everything on the Blue Star has been obliterated... The fragments of the world and the laws of the world that occasionally float around prove your idea. 】

[In just three months, even if you live in the void, your mana is still as stable as before... without any interference! 】

[What makes you even more fortunate is that the Lingtian Cave is still stable under the power of space... You can enter it at any time as long as you are willing! 】

In the real world, Su Xing saw the corner of his mouth raised and murmured:

"Sure enough, with my current strength, I can survive in the void for a long time!"

"The cultivation of the Earthly Immortal Realm is perfect, and the magic power is stable and strong... Under the protection of the body-protecting sword, it is not a big problem to stay in the void for a year and a half!"

"And once the mana is disordered... I can return to Lingtian Cave to adjust for a period of time..."

"This cycle goes back and forth... This means that I can survive in the belly of the giant beast for at least several years... or even decades!"

Su Xing was very satisfied.

If he develops according to his plan, he will have enough time to strengthen his spiritual consciousness in this simulation... and even increase his understanding of the Way of Thunder!

Thinking this, Su Xing looked at the simulation panel.

[The life in the belly of the giant beast is boring and boring... except you, there is no other life...]

[What you do every day is to wander around, looking for the giant thunder area...]

[So, three months have passed...]

[Finally, with your unremitting efforts, you have found another giant thunder area. 】

[You decisively enter it...and welcome another baptism of thunder! 】

[So... one month has passed. 】

[Your understanding of the Way of Thunder has been further advanced, and the body of Heavenly Thunder has been continuously improved...]

[After experiencing this baptism, you choose to return to Lingtian Cave to stabilize your magic power. 】

[In this way, another half year has passed. 】

[In the seventieth year, your consciousness has grown to ninety-nine thousand five hundred miles...]

[And as the consciousness continues to push towards a certain threshold, it becomes increasingly difficult to improve it. 】

[But you are not anxious, you simply hide in the belly of the giant beast and keep practicing...]

[In this way, in addition to searching for the thunder area and understanding the avenue of thunder every day, you also meditate on the wish-fulfilling visualization diagram, and five years will pass by...]

[In the seventy-fifth year, your consciousness has grown to 99,800 miles in this year! 】

[The distance to reach the final hundred thousand miles... is not far away! 】

[And in the past five years, you have found six giant thunder areas, constantly baptizing and tempering yourself. 】

[Your understanding of the Avenue of Thunder has once again taken a solid step... It seems that you are not far away from the first glimpse...]

[What makes you even more surprised is that as you survive in the belly of the giant beast for a long time, your understanding of the avenue of space seems to be deepening! 】

[The space in the belly of the giant beast is as dangerous as the void... Although there is no void wormhole, the terrifying void turbulence can annihilate everything. 】

[And with your current understanding of the avenue of space, you can not only predict the birth of void turbulence in advance, but you can even avoid the power of void turbulence to a certain extent...]

[What makes you even more excited is that the body of Heavenly Thunder has finally entered the third stage after several years of baptism! 】

[As the body of thunder enters the third stage, you obviously feel that your physical body is stronger, and the damage of thunder to you is smaller... The efficiency of comprehending the avenue of thunder has also increased by several percent...]

Su Xing's eyes lit up when he saw this.

"The body of thunder...is this the third stage again?"

"According to the current development trend, it seems that it can still last for a long time... Can the body of heavenly thunder go further?"

The reason why I say it is again is because the body of Heavenly Thunder that was awakened before has entered the third stage.

That was when he passed through the Nine-Nine Thunder Tribulation... It's just that at that time, Su Xing chose to cultivate and comprehend the Way of Thunder, and did not improve the body of Heavenly Thunder.

But now, after experiencing the belly of the giant beast...the body of thunder may be able to go one step further!

The second stage of the Heavenly Thunder Body, from Su Xing's point of view, is probably stronger than the ordinary purple talent, but not as good as the golden talent.

When the Heavenly Thunder Body breaks into the third stage, it is roughly equivalent to having an additional golden physique talent!

Its power is not inferior to the ancient witch body...the fire divine body and the like, which can barely be regarded as one of the top 100 divine bodies.

"Above the third stage... can the body of Tianlei grow further and surpass the other qualities I currently possess?"

Su Xing felt a little hopeful.

Look at the analog panel!

[In this way, after continuously tempering the body of Heavenly Thunder, another three years have passed...]

[In the seventy-eighth year, this year your late blooming talent has taken effect, and your spiritual consciousness has grown to ninety-nine thousand nine hundred miles! 】

[You did not hesitate, took the Spirit-enlightening Pill that you had saved, and entered the realm of divine consciousness! 】

[After taking the Qiling Pill, your understanding will be greatly improved. With the blessing of great wisdom, your speed of comprehending the visualization pictures in your mind will be countless times faster...]

[So, one month has passed...]

[Finally one day, you feel a broken voice coming from your mind! 】

[You feel that your soul and consciousness have entered a new and vast world...]

[On this day, your consciousness finally breaks through to a hundred thousand miles! 】

[Congratulations, you have entered the realm of divine consciousness, heavenly and human induction! 】

[When your spiritual consciousness enters the realm of gods and humans, your understanding and memory will be greatly improved... Even your sense of danger will be further improved. This mysterious and mysterious sense will make you fascinated...]

[When you visualize the visualization in your mind again, what you see is the jade Ruyi in the hand of the old immortal! 】

[Jade Ruyi is as green as green leaves, lifelike, and seems to have great magical power... constantly attracting your mind. 】

[Gradually, you seem to be lost in it...]

[At the critical moment, the Mo Bingjian at your waist suddenly hums, and a refreshing chill reaches the depths of your soul...]

[You reacted suddenly and quickly stopped visualizing Yu Ruyi, but you felt that your soul was greatly depleted...]

[With your current state of consciousness, although you can see this jade Ruyi clearly, if you look directly at it for a long time, it may consume more than expected...]

[And the environment around you right now is obviously not suitable for long-term observation. 】

In the real world, Su Xing nodded slightly when he saw this and murmured:

"When I was in the state of my five senses... I could only see clearly the mountains and rivers in the visualization picture, and it was difficult to even see the appearance of the old immortal..."

"And when I was in the sixth consciousness state, I was able to see the old man clearly, but I couldn't see Yu Ruyi clearly!"

"Now, in the state of divine consciousness, I can finally observe this jade Ruyi!"

"The so-called Ruyi visualization diagram...the mystery must be on this jade Ruyi!"

Su Xing was thoughtful. "Since the divine soul has reached expectations...then in the belly space of the giant beast, the focus should still be on understanding the avenue of thunder and improving the body of thunder!"

Su Xing looked at the simulation panel.

[After your spiritual consciousness enters the realm of heaven and man, the speed at which you realize the origin of the great avenue has increased by more than 50%. 】

[At the same time, you can also sense the changes in the surrounding void in a wider range and avoid the arrival of void turbulence in advance...]

[In this way, another seven years have passed. 】

[In the eighty-fifth year, you have been polishing your Heavenly Thunder Body for seven years. You feel that your Heavenly Thunder Body is much stronger than before, and the speed of absorbing Thunder Spiritual Energy has more than doubled...]

[You don’t know what the current state of Thunder Body is, but this improvement is obviously beneficial to you. 】

[This is the twentieth year since you entered the space in the belly of the giant beast... Most of the original world fragments and laws of the great avenue have collapsed, and it seems that everything will turn into void in the belly of the giant beast...]

[But you have also noticed that although the world fragments are constantly decreasing, new world fragments are also constantly entering, and overall a balanced state is maintained. 】

[You know in your heart that this is because the giant beast is constantly devouring new worlds to ensure balance! 】

[What really makes you feel dangerous is that this space has become "malicious" towards you! 】

[At first, the space in the belly of the giant beast is still peaceful. You only need to pay attention to the turbulence in the void and occasionally enter the Lingtian Cave to restore your mana, and you can survive easily. 】

[But you gradually discover that this space seems to be gradually repelling foreign creatures like you. 】

[The whole space seems to want to kill you! 】

[The specific manifestation is that the probability of you encountering the turbulence of the void is getting higher and higher...even the fragments of the world and the laws of the great road will continue to rush towards you. 】

[You once saw a terrifying space avenue that turned into a sharp blade and almost cut you in half...]

[You have also seen terrifying flames coming towards you, seeming to devour you. 】

[Whether it is the turbulence of the void or the attacks of various avenues, they seem to be conscious...]

[You are extremely sure in your heart that the giant beast discovered your existence! 】

[And the giant beast instinctively wants to crush you, a "little bug" to death... so he keeps creating difficulties for you and wants to kill you! 】

[In the beginning, you could barely cope with the occasional attacks...]

[But as the "malice of the world" grows bigger and bigger, it is almost impossible for you to survive in this space! 】

[Finally, one day you are shocked to find that... you have lost the coordinates of Lingtian Cave! 】

In the real world, Su Xing frowned when he saw this.

"The world is malicious? The whole void wants to kill me? This... the giant beast must have discovered that I am still alive!"

Su Xing's luck has always been excellent, especially with the continuous blessing of good luck, even the turbulence of the void rarely entangles him... As long as Su Xing doesn't seek death, he should be able to survive for a long time.

But after all, he is in the belly space of the giant beast, this void... After all, the master is that giant beast!

The giant beast symbolizes the will of this void!

"The next step will be difficult!"

"The giant beast discovered my existence... The Lingtian Cave was also destroyed by the giant beast... This means that my mana is difficult to replenish, and I must understand the Thunder Avenue as soon as possible!"

Su Xing was a little worried and looked at the simulation panel.

[After losing Lingtian Cave Heaven, you know that you have lost your greatest support and cannot live in this space forever. 】

[But fortunately, you still have Liuyun Golden Light Boat! 】

[You activate the Flowing Cloud Golden Light Boat and drive it to continuously search for the thunder area...]

[In the Liuyun Golden Light Boat, you occasionally take spiritual liquid to ensure that your mana is sufficient. 】

[You are still searching for the thunder area, constantly tempering the body of thunder, and enhancing your understanding of the way of thunder...]

[So, you persisted for five full years! 】

[In the 90th year, the 25th year after entering the belly of the giant beast, with the complete destruction of the Liuyun Golden Light Boat, you finally can no longer hold on. 】

[You are full of mana chaos...and eventually died under the attack of the Great Law! 】

【you are dead! 】

[Ding, this simulation is over! 】

After the simulation ended, Su Xing withdrew his gaze.

"It's a pity that this simulation only lasted until the 90th year... It has been a long time since the simulation was so short..."

"It seems that my current strength is not enough to survive forever in the belly of the giant beast..."

"Even if you are prepared later, you can only persist for about a hundred years at most, right? Maybe when your strength improves, you can try again!"

Su Xing did not regret his decision.

Although the simulation time is not long, the goal of this simulation, awakening, is basically achieved!

Whether it is the improvement of spiritual consciousness or the breakthrough of the body of thunder, it is a good thing for Su Xing!

"Forget it, let's take a look at the rewards of this simulation first..." Su Xing thought.

[Yimu Divine Body]: Golden talent, priced at 10 points of energy source.

[Divine consciousness of one hundred thousand miles (celestial realm)]: The divine consciousness of the divine realm covers one hundred thousand miles. The perception of heaven and humans has the effect of enlightenment. The understanding is further improved, the sense of the avenue is deepened, and the danger to oneself can be sensed at the same time. , priced at 4 points of energy source.

[Taixu Sword Technique (Complete)]: The secret technique of attacking with supreme divine consciousness, using the divine soul to condense the sword of the golden soul to attack the unparalleled one. The price is 10 energy sources.

[Heavenly Thunder Holy Body (Unfinished)]: One of the top ten holy bodies in the world of immortality, the holy thunder body that breaks the initial illusion and eliminates all evil spirits. It greatly blesses the thunder spirit root and greatly improves the efficiency of sensing thunder aura. The understanding of the great road has deepened, but the body of heavenly thunder is still not complete. It needs higher intensity of thunder stimulation, and the price is 10 energy sources.

[Perception of the Great Way of Thunder]: To understand the Great Way of Thunder, it is not far from the first glimpse of the realm. The price is 8 energy source.

[Perception of Space Avenue]: Twenty-five years of understanding of Space Avenue. After redemption, I will have a stronger grasp of space. The price is 5 energy sources.

Su Xing glanced at the rewards of this simulation and analyzed them one by one.

"Yimu Divine Body... This must be a choice, but there is no rush!"

"With one hundred thousand miles of spiritual consciousness, breaking into the realm of gods and humans... is the prerequisite for surviving the thunder disaster. There is nothing to say about this. It is a must-choose this time!"

"I have completely memorized the Taixu Sword Technique..."

After Su Xing thought for a while, his eyes finally fell on the Holy Body of Heavenly Thunder and his understanding of the Great Way of Thunder!

"Choose the Holy Body of Heavenly Thunder. Although it has not been completed yet... the power of the Holy Body is probably beyond that of ordinary divine bodies... at least equivalent to a top golden talent!"

"As for the understanding of the Great Way of Thunder, after choosing the Heavenly Thunder Holy Body, it will not be too late to simulate it later if there is a chance to understand it..."

Su Xing quickly made a decision and said silently:

"I choose the Heavenly Human Realm with a hundred thousand miles of consciousness... and the Heavenly Thunder Holy Body!"

[You successfully brought out the consciousness of the heavenly realm (one hundred thousand miles), spending 4 points of energy source, and the remaining energy source is 4 points...]

[You successfully brought out the Heavenly Thunder Holy Body (not completed), spent 10 energy sources, and the remaining energy sources are 27 points...]

The beep fell, and two mysterious energies poured into Su Xing's body.

Su Xing sat cross-legged and quietly realized the changes that had taken place in him.

The Heavenly Thunder Body has jumped from the second stage to the Heavenly Thunder Holy Body level. Although it has not completely entered it, it is far beyond the third stage of the Heavenly Thunder Body.

This made Su Xing's perception of thunder spirit energy more than double!

In addition, Su Xing's understanding of the Way of Thunder has also gone one step further!

The most important thing is that although the Tianlei Holy Body has not been completely completed, it still has special effects like the Xuanyin Holy Body!

The Holy Body of Heavenly Thunder is immune to all evil, and its ability to wake up and resist evil spirits and curses is greatly improved!

In addition to the changes brought about by the Heavenly Thunder Holy Body, the changes brought about by the promotion of the awakening consciousness are more intuitive!

The range of spiritual consciousness has been greatly improved, nearly doubling the previous range of 56,000 miles!

And Su Xing's understanding also greatly improved at this moment, and his understanding of all avenues accelerated...

This is not an improvement in pure wisdom, but an improvement in memory and understanding.

The consciousness of the heavenly and human realm also makes Su Xing more sensitive to his own good and bad luck.

"Try to look at the wish-fulfilling visualization picture first..."

After a while, Su Xing slowly opened his eyes and first visualized the pattern in his mind.

In a landscape, the old man is holding a jade Ruyi, but his expression is inexplicably chilling.

Su Xing found that if he looked at the landscape alone, he could see clearly.

The immortal old man and Yu Ruyi can also see clearly...

But if you want to observe all three in one go, you can’t do it!

Even looking at the old man and the landscape at the same time... Su Xing couldn't do it.

"Could it be that...there is another realm beyond the realm of divine consciousness and heavenly beings?"

Su Xing was thoughtful, and he felt that the realm of heaven and humans might not be the limit of this visualization map!

Thinking of this, the corner of Su Xing's mouth rose. The higher the potential limit of the visualization map, the more beneficial it would be for Su Xing!

"Then next, it's time to go to Blue Star for a test... Is my consciousness enough to cover the entire Blue Star now?"

Su Xing was eager to try, and his figure flashed in the dormitory of Kyoto University.

Immediately afterwards, the awakening consciousness surged in all directions like a tide.

Crossing the border of Daxia...reaching the surrounding big countries and regions...

Then, we crossed the vast sea and arrived at the United States on the other side of the ocean!

In the end, the awakened consciousness completely covered the entire Blue Star!

Enjoying the feeling of divine consciousness covering the entire Blue Star, Su Xing took a deep breath. Su Xing could sense everything that happened on this planet at will.

This feeling...is the same as that of a god!

After carefully comprehending it for a moment, Su Xing took back his consciousness and nodded with satisfaction.

"With such vast spiritual consciousness... it will be easier to command and drive puppets in the future!"

Now, Su Xing no longer needs to refine pills day and night to obtain energy.

Hundreds of puppets spread throughout the Seven Kingdoms and Twelve Regions of Blue Star, as well as the Beast Controlling World and the Immortal Martial World, can continuously provide energy for awakening!

Coupled with the weekly energy supply from the Tarot Chamber of Commerce and Daxia Kingdom...

The energy from before in the True Fairyland may not be lacking in Awakening!

"It's a pity...the energy of the entire Blue Star is still limited!"

"How can I make Blue Star produce more energy for me?"

Su Xing was a little troubled.

In his opinion, with the current size of the professionals on Blue Star, it should not be difficult to provide him with what he needs to improve his cultivation in the Celestial Realm.

As for the energy of the true fairyland...if Blue Star uses all its power, it might be able to provide it reluctantly.

But what about higher realms?

Xuanxian... Jinxian... or even Taiyi Jinxian?

At that time, the energy required to improve a small realm may require tens of millions of energy sources.

With the size of Blue Star, it may be difficult to support it!

Therefore, Su Xing must look towards the Three Thousand Worlds as soon as possible!

Only there can Su Xing have enough resources to improve his cultivation!

"However... if we can improve the overall strength of Blue Star professionals... giving birth to more professionals may also provide more energy!"

Wake up thoughtfully.

Not to mention anything else, there are hundreds of thousands of small worlds and various dungeons in the dungeons near Blue Star!

Most of them have been discovered by professionals, but a small number have not yet been discovered.

If the overall strength of Blue Star professionals exceeds one level, they will at least be able to obtain more equipment!

Just those pieces of equipment can bring considerable energy to Awakening!

"However... my current cultivation strength is not yet capable of interfering with and improving the overall strength of the human race on a large scale..."

"Because once you do this, the Advent Cult will definitely find out the clues... At that time, it will be equivalent to a complete showdown with the alien Advent Cult..."

Su Xing is not in a hurry. The advantage is currently his, he has a lot of time to wait!

Even if we calculate based on the current simulation time of 220 years, every year of delay in awakening is equivalent to ten thousand years of cultivation!

If it takes more than ten years... to become a Golden Immortal or even a Taiyi Golden Immortal, will you still be afraid of the Advent Sect?

At least Su Xing is confident that he can protect his family, relatives and friends in the Three Thousand Worlds.

And this... is just the worst and most conservative estimate...

Su Xing gathered his thoughts and prepared to trade with Lu Yuanwu.


After a deal, Su Xing gained another 20,000 energy sources.

Over the next week, Su Xing continued to repair the puppet.

Within a week, Su Xing repaired several puppets.

Su Xing sends these puppets to different countries to continuously conduct trade and collect materials containing large energy.

Currently, there are five countries and twelve regions in the entire Blue Star, all of which have puppet organizations that have been awakened!

The fake "Tianji Pavilion" established by Su Xing has completely become a transnational organization with considerable influence.

It's just that those professionals don't know that the Tianji Pavilions in all countries belong to the same organization, otherwise they would definitely be wary.

If he wakes up and repairs another dozen or twenty puppets in another two or three weeks, Tianji Pavilion's trade scope will completely cover the entire Blue Star!

On December 2025, 12, in the new era, Su Xing went to trade with Jin Congxue.

In one transaction, more than 30,000 energy sources were acquired.

Su Xing returned to Lingtian Cave with satisfaction and waited quietly for the simulation time to cool down.

Seeing that the simulation time had finally cooled down, Su Xing calmed down his excitement.

"Although the Heavenly Thunder Holy Body is not completed, it should be enough!"

"Coupled with my divine consciousness of the Heavenly Realm... I should be able to survive the heart-shattering thunder disaster and break through to the Heavenly Immortal Realm!"

After a pause, Su Xing continued:

"Moreover... I can try this simulation. With my ability, can I directly participate in the war, promote the early birth of the Monk Alliance, and delay the demise of the Little Qingyun Realm?"

(End of this chapter)

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