Others practice leveling, I cultivate immortality, go out to Mahayana before leaving the mountain

Chapter 311 Golden spiritual root talent, 5 lines of mutated super spiritual roots! 【8k】

Chapter 311 Golden Spiritual Root Talent, Five Elements Mutated Super Spiritual Root! 【8k】

Thinking this way, Su Xing silently said:

"Start simulation!"

[The 114th simulation is started, and the current remaining energy source is 32 points... There are no simulations left. 】

【Simulation begins! 】

[It costs 1 point of energy source to extract the golden legendary talent. Do you want to extract it? 】

Su Xing did not hesitate and said silently:


[Ding, congratulations on getting the golden talent Five Elements Mutated Super Spiritual Root. The probability of drawing the golden talent next time is 60%...]

[Five Elements Mutated Super Spiritual Roots]: Golden talent, you are born with the Five Elements Spiritual Roots. Not only can you sense the auras of the five elements of metal, wood, water, fire, earth, but your understanding of the thunder aura is also extremely high. With the qualification of Super Spiritual Roots, becoming an immortal within a thousand years is not a delusion. !

"Damn it... it finally came out! The golden spiritual root talent... the five-element mutated super spiritual root!"

Su Xing took a deep breath, and couldn't help but utter foul language in her heart!

Currently, for Su Xing, the biggest obstacle to advancement in Qi refining cultivation is the lack of spiritual roots!

Although in the Earthly Immortal Realm, the cultivation progress was still rapid, but that was because there were sufficient resources and the blessings of various physiques and techniques.

But even so, breaking through the bottleneck between small realms... still becomes extremely difficult!

Just for the small bottleneck of getting from the early to the mid-term, it may take two or three attempts.

If you are an ordinary monk, once you fail to break through the bottleneck, your potential is likely to be damaged, making it difficult to make progress in the future.

But for Su Qing, because it is reset every time it is simulated, it will not encounter these problems.

"In any case, the golden-quality super spiritual root definitely came in time!"

"With this super spiritual root... my certainty of breaking through to the Heavenly Immortal Realm has been increased by 10%... the chance of winning is 98%!"

Wake up and feel very good.

With ordinary heavenly spiritual roots, the probability of breaking through to the Human Immortal Realm is between 50 and 50 if there are sufficient resources and preparations.

If someone with Tiangengen qualifications wants to break through to the Earthly Immortal Realm, the probability is less than 10%.

If you want to break through to the Heavenly Immortal Realm... the probability is probably less than one percent!

Therefore, awakening the super spiritual root qualification comes at the right time!

"But...if this is the case, the plan for this simulation will be slightly changed..."

Su Xing had a plan in mind and looked at the simulation panel.

[In Lingtian Cave, you realize that you are simulating. 】

[A week later, you traded with Lu Yuanwu and successfully obtained 100,000 tons of fourth-level exotic metals...]

[Two days later, I went to the Luotian dungeon and gained a lot...]

[You stayed in Blue Star for three years to prepare for your trip to the Three Thousand Worlds. 】

[In the fourth year, you take out all the items in Lingtian Cave and cut off the connection with Lingtian Cave...]

[After losing the Lingtian Cave, you obviously feel that the karma between you and Qingyunzi is missing...]

[You left many puppets for Blue Star and refined several tenth-level talismans. 】

[After that, you passed through the different space and went to Xiao Qingyun Realm. 】

[Arrived at the familiar northern part of Shiwanda Mountain, you sold the information and obtained a large amount of resources. You joined Baidi City, showed your peak cultivation in the Earthly Immortal Realm, and became an elder of the Baidi City branch. 】

[You did not stay too long in the Little Qingyun Realm, but drove the Flowing Cloud Golden Light Boat to the Black Water Realm. 】

[You have obtained part of the Luotian Sect’s inheritance from the Black Water Realm. 】

[After resting for half a year, you went to Cangwu Realm...]

[You contacted the Cangwu Realm Chamber of Commerce, showed your strength in the Body Refining Celestial Realm, and exchanged an innate hibiscus branch for a fist-sized Space Source Stone! 】

[In the seventh year, after doing all this, you drive the Flowing Cloud Golden Light Boat and prepare to return to the Little Qingyun World! 】

[This time, you want to try to see if, with your own strength, you can prevent the destruction of the Little Qingyun Realm! 】

[You rode the Flowing Cloud Golden Light Boat and stayed in the void for a long time. You inspired the Space Source Stone, and with the help of the Ethereal Stone and the Void Stone, you opened up a blessed land! 】

[Because the quality of the Space Source Stone is much higher than before, you have successfully opened up a portable blessed land with a radius of 100 feet! 】

[Unfortunately, your cultivation level is insufficient and your magic power is insufficient. If you had cultivation level in the Immortal Realm, you would be sure to open up a blessed land of three hundred feet! 】

[You will replant the Spirit-Gathering Flower and many spiritual plants into the Blessed Land... The Lingtian Blessed Land will gradually advance to the Lingtian Cave Heaven! 】

[In the tenth year, you returned to the Little Qingyun Realm, and with the strength of the elders of Baidi City, you assisted Tianmo City to jointly resist the aliens! 】

In the real world, Su Xing nodded slightly when he saw this.

"Yes, everything is going according to plan... However, the only hidden danger in this plan is whether Qingyunzi will sense my existence in advance?"

Su Xing frowned slightly, thoughtfully.

Currently, the awakened Qi-refining cultivation level is in the Earthly Immortal Realm, and the body-refining cultivation level is at the early stage of the third level of the Great Witch Body Training Art, which is equivalent to the early-stage body training in the Heavenly Immortal Realm.

If coupled with the blessings of swordsmanship, all-encompassing star attraction, spiritual blasting, and various talents, Su Xing's combat power will be worthy even when facing the late stage of the Celestial Realm!

"The strength of the Heavenly Immortal Realm...is already the absolute main force on the front line of Heavenly Demon City!"

"If I kill on the battlefield in this simulation... and accumulate enough military exploits, will it attract the attention of Baidi City and Heavenly Demon Prison in advance?"

"As well as Qi refining cultivation... it is a matter of course to break through the Heart-breaking Thunder Disaster and reach the Heavenly Immortal Realm..."

After a pause, Su Xing continued to think:

"The previous simulation was only found by Qingyunzi in the 225th year... With Qingyunzi's semi-saint strength, if he locked my position, it would take at least a few years or more than ten years to find me..."

"This shows that cutting off the Lingtian Cave can indeed confuse Qingyunzi's perception!"

Although Su Xing didn't know the reason, he was able to give it a try.

Even if it fails, it is nothing more than a waste of simulation times...

With a plan in mind, he woke up and looked at the simulation panel.

[Because of your outstanding strength, you obtained the position of Captain of Ten Thousands as soon as you joined Tianmo City. 】

[You volunteered and expressed your willingness to lead an army of monks to fight on the front line against the aliens. 】

[The senior officials of Tianmo City are very satisfied with your idea. Not only have they equipped you with an army of ten thousand people, but they have also equipped you with two additional monk adjutants from the Immortal Realm! 】

[Although you are the captain of ten thousand men in name, the power in your hands is no different than that of the commander of the Earthly Immortal Realm. 】

[You decide to hone your sword skills while killing aliens! 】

[Based on the sword-training techniques of senior monks that you obtained from Luo Qingniu, you decide to spend thirty or fifty years killing foreigners to hone your sword skills! 】

[So, ten years have passed! 】

[In the twentieth year, you successfully became a commander of the Earthly Immortal Realm on the front line of Demonic City! 】

[In the past ten years, you have killed dozens of aliens with low divine power and three aliens with medium divine power! 】

[This kind of achievement is definitely the first in the Heavenly Immortal Realm! 】

[Your behavior and strength instantly attracted the attention of the top management of Tianmo City and Baidi City. 】

[All the monks in Tianmo City know that there is a powerful swordsman, and the sword in his hand can kill foreign gods... He is extremely brave in battle, and he will win the battle! 】

[And this sword fairy loves his troops very much. Although he fights against foreigners, the battle loss ratio can reach one to one hundred, killing countless foreigners...]

[And as your reputation spreads widely on the front lines of Tianmo City, more and more monks want to make friends with you. 】

[The army you lead is called Tianyuan! 】

[The Tianyuan Army will win every battle and be brave and fearless of death! 】

[And you also receive a lot of rewards every year. Not only can you give priority to the income from each battle, but Baidi City even gives you 100,000 high-grade spiritual liquid as a subsidy every year. 】

[But for you, there is actually no danger in the battle on the front line, because the aliens on the battlefield at this time are at the peak of their powerful divine power... not even a true god has appeared. 】

[And in the past ten years, you have continued to hone your sword skills... and you have been able to kill foreigners with the simplest sword moves! 】

[Every time you swing the sword and every battle, you will have a new understanding of the sword! 】

[In the battles on the front line day after day, another ten years have passed! 】

[In the thirtieth year, the Tianyuan Army you led was targeted by aliens. A powerful alien led hundreds of thousands of aliens to attack you...]

[In this battle, although the Tianyuan Army was desperate, they could not retreat even half a step! 】

[Only you know that this alien with powerful divine power is nothing... because in terms of pure strength, this alien god is only in the early stage of the Celestial Realm...]

[So, you showed some strength in this battle. 】

[You first trained your sword skills with alien gods, and after fighting with them for several hours, your sword skills improved quite a bit...]

[After the strength of this alien god declines, you strike decisively, slash out two thousand body-protecting swords, and kill him with one sword! 】

[In this battle, the thirty thousand soldiers of your Tianyuan Army suffered more than 30% casualties...]

[However, hundreds of thousands of foreign troops were wiped out! 】

[This shocking victory quickly spread throughout Tianmo City...]

[All the senior officials of Tianmo City know that a genius swordsman named Su Ye can cultivate in the earthly immortal realm and kill the heavenly immortals! 】

[So far, you have become famous in one battle...promoted to the frontline general of Tianmo City! 】

[A few months later, the owner of the White Emperor Tower Branch, the True Fairyland Tower, came to see you in person. He encouraged you very much and provided you with a lot of resources in the name of Baidi City. 】

[You don’t care about these resources, because your goal this time is to gain a big enough reputation and hone your sword skills at the same time! 】

[So, another five years have passed! 】

[In the thirty-fifth year, you led the Tianyuan Army to fight outside, and once again encountered a powerful alien race! 】

[After fighting for hundreds of rounds, you killed him with minor injuries! 】

[At this moment, the whole Tianmo City was completely boiling! 】

[With cultivation in the Earthly Immortal Realm, he killed two powerful aliens in five years, comparable to monks in the Heavenly Immortal Realm. This is something that is rare in the entire Three Thousand Worlds...]

[But only you know that this powerful alien race is not only strong in the early stage of the Celestial Realm, but his real combat power is already comparable to that of the middle stage of the Celestial Realm! 】

[It’s just that with the peak cultivation level of the Earthly Immortal Realm, the early stage of the Heaven-Destroying Immortal Realm is already defying the heavens… If it is the middle stage of the Heaven-Destroying Immortal Realm, it would be a little abnormal…]

[What you want is to gain a big enough reputation, not to cause unnecessary trouble. 】

[After killing the second powerful alien god, your status in the Demon City has become even higher! 】

[Including you, the entire front line of Tianmo City has only seven Heavenly Immortal Realm warriors at this time, and there is still a True Immortal Realm City Lord guarding it...]

[Of course, you know that the real trump card in the Demon City is the incarnation of the Demon General! 】

In the real world, Su Xing nodded with satisfaction when he saw this and murmured:

"That's right... Now I have a certain reputation in Tianmo City, and even in the entire Xiao Qingyun world!"

"But, with my current influence, is it feasible to launch an alliance of monks against foreigners in advance?"

After thinking about it for a while, Su Xing still felt that it was not realistic.

Those truly powerful monks probably wouldn't care about Su Xing's current reputation.

At most, it has spread to the ears of some real immortals and immortals from the Mysterious Immortal Realm...

Unless, Su Xing's fame can be further improved!

"Then...it's time to make a breakthrough to the Heavenly Immortal Realm!"

Su Xing murmured.

When the Earthly Immortal Realm breaks through to the Heavenly Immortal Realm, the heart-shattering thunder disaster experienced is not as troublesome as the Yin-Yang Fire.

There is only one heart-breaking thunder disaster. As long as you survive the thunder disaster that frightens your mind, you can successfully advance to the Heavenly Realm!

"Then, let's give it a try!"

Su Xing's eyes flashed with determination, and he looked at the simulation panel.

[In the thirty-sixth year, you announced your retreat, saying that you wanted to seek a breakthrough in cultivation...]

[After knowing this news, the senior officials of Tianmo City were shocked. At the peak of the Earthly Immortal Realm, they had the strength of the Heavenly Immortal Realm...]

[Then if you successfully break through to the Celestial Immortal Realm, wouldn’t you be able to defeat the mid-stage Celestial Immortal Realm monks? At least... I can be invincible in the early stage of the Celestial Realm! 】

[But in order to prevent accidents from happening, Tianmo City has kept this secret for you and provided you with a dojo suitable for retreat. 】

[Your place of retreat is located in a large mountain thousands of miles away from the Demon City. This is within the scope of the Demon City, and ordinary monks dare not approach it. 】

[You took out millions of drops of spiritual liquid and continued to swallow it, and the mana in your body continued to grow! 】

[For each level of breakthrough, the improvement of mana is necessary, so naturally enough resources must be prepared! 】

[You are constantly running Zhengyi Qi Jue, and countless high-grade spiritual liquids are continuously absorbed and refined by you...]

[In the blink of an eye, three years have passed! 】

[In the thirty-ninth year, after three years of precipitation, the mana in your body has become extremely strong, like an inflated balloon, and there is no room for any more mana...]

[So, this year, you are officially preparing to make a breakthrough! 】

[Your consciousness continues to brew, and that mysterious and mysterious feeling strikes again! 】

[You took advantage of this and caused a thunder disaster in the sky! 】

[As your heart moves, the storm suddenly rises, and the dark clouds in the sky continue to accumulate and settle...]

[The terrifying thunder suddenly covered a thousand miles in radius! 】

[Soon, monks were attracted by this vision...]

[At first, they only thought that this was an ordinary thunder tribulation, but that the monks in the tribulation stage wanted to ascend...]

[But there are also people with ruthless eyes who recognize it at a glance. This is a heart-breaking thunder! 】

[Thunder strikes from the sky, not damaging the physical body... only damaging the soul! 】

[This is a sign of a breakthrough for the monks in the Heavenly Immortal Realm! 】

[And when this heart-breaking thunder disaster gathered, the senior officials in Tianmo City also breathed a sigh of relief. 】

[They have been looking forward to it since you said you would go into seclusion to survive the tribulation three years ago. 】

[But there has been no movement from you for three years, so they almost thought there was an accident...]

[But now, after finally seeing the vision of this heart-shattering thunder disaster, the high-level officials of Tianmo City are relieved...]

[You sit cross-legged, standing on the top of the mountain, looking through the clouds and seeing the gathering thunder. 】

[This thunder is like hair and does not seem to be powerful, but you still dare not underestimate it...]

[After a moment, the first heart-breaking thunder fell...]

[There are various visions in front of you, but before you even see them clearly, you have already relied on the illusion and successfully passed the first heart-breaking thunder! 】

In the real world, Su Xing raised the corners of his mouth when he saw this.

"Tsk tsk, this is the benefit of having a strong soul and a strong mind!"

"When I first crossed the Heart Refining Pass, I had already polished my state of mind to be extremely strong... I can naturally survive this first heart-breaking thunder!"

"And the soul of the Heavenly Realm also gives me an absolute advantage in this aspect!"

"The most important thing... the Holy Body of Heavenly Thunder has natural restraint against illusions, illusions and the like!"

"Although it's just an unfinished Heavenly Thunder Holy Body... it's completely enough!"

Su Xing recalled the information about the heartbreaking thunder disaster in his mind. The Heart-Breaking Thunder Disaster lasted for about a month, with a total of 86,400 thunderbolts struck!

A strike will be struck almost every half minute, and the monk will fall into an illusion...

Only after you have overcome all the heart-breaking thunder and broken through 86,400 illusions can you be completely promoted to the Heavenly Immortal Realm!

"This wave! Flying dragon riding on the face...forget it, let's not raise the flag!"

Su Xing looked at the simulation panel honestly.

[After the first illusion was broken, then... the second heart-breaking thunder also struck! 】

[Still, in just one breath, you successfully passed through the second illusion...]

[Immediately afterwards, the third... the tenth... the hundredth...]

[Time flies, and in a blink of an eye, it’s the eighteenth day you have survived the thunder tribulation...and you will also face your 53,600th heart-breaking thunder! 】

[In just over half a month, you have experienced more than 53,000 illusions! 】

[The environment in the first few days has no impact on you...]

[But as you go through more and more illusions...the illusions and visions become more and more powerful! 】

[Now, every time you go through an illusion, it takes about one minute in the illusion, but only thirty seconds have passed in reality...]

[But fortunately, you are carrying the Holy Body of Heavenly Thunder, so this illusion is still no threat...]

[In the blink of an eye, another ten days have passed! 】

[On the twenty-eighth day, the heart-breaking thunder in the sky struck a total of 80,000 times, and you also experienced 80,000 illusions together...]

[Less than three days have passed since the heartbreaking thunder disaster was finally overcome, and there are only 6,400 environments left! 】

[But you still didn’t relax at all. On the contrary, your whole nerves became tense! 】

[Because of the Heart-Breaking Thunder Disaster, the difficulty becomes higher the further you go, and the longer it takes to break each environment. 】

[Initially, at this time, the time it takes for you to get through each illusion has reached half an hour. 】

[And just after the illusion was broken, thirty seconds later, the next illusion came...]

[Continuous illusions are constantly destroying and tempering your will! 】

[If you are an ordinary monk, it may take several days to get rid of an illusion at this time, but your will is extremely high, and you can successfully break it in just half an hour...]

[Time passes minute by minute, and you keep going in and out of the illusion...]

[On the twenty-ninth day, the time for each illusion to be broken has reached an hour. 】

[In the fantasy, there may be monsters, ghosts, monsters...or femme fatales, money and power...]

[But none of this can move your heart, your mind is still as firm as ever...]

[Finally, the time has come to the thirtieth day! 】

[You have less than a thousand illusions left. 】

[But now, every illusion, even you need several hours to completely get rid of...]

[You experience the illusion over and over again, and break the illusion...]

[When the 86,000th level of environment falls, the time it takes for you to pass through the illusion each time has come to a month! 】

[In these illusions, you see your family and companions, you see Qingyunzi, Xuesan... you see the fear in your heart! 】

[But you are not afraid of them, you face your fear and have the courage to break it! 】

【time flies……】

[Heart-breaking lightning disaster, unknowingly struck 86,390 pieces...]

[At this time, you have to stay in each illusion for decades...and the outside world only passes for a moment! 】

[You can no longer remember how many illusions you have experienced... You only know that there are not many illusions left! 】

[On this day, including Tianmo City...many monks from the outside world are paying close attention to you! 】

[Because once you survive the thunder tribulation and enter the Heavenly Immortal Realm, you will be the top powerhouse in the entire Xiao Qingyun Realm! 】

[Finally, on this day, the Advent Cult took action! 】

[Several cadres with blood codenames from the Heavenly and Earthly Immortal realms have taken action to strangle you, the genius of the Baidi Tower! 】

[However, you are no longer alone in this simulation! 】

[Several strong men from Baidi Tower and Tianmo City have been paying attention to you, and even strong men from the True Immortal Realm have taken action to block these successive attacks for you! 】

In the real world, Su Xing sweated when he saw this.

"Heart-breaking thunder disaster!"

"The further you go...the stronger the illusion becomes!"

"The previous eighty-six thousand heart-shattering thunders and illusions can still be sustained...but the last four hundred, for ordinary monks, one time may be a lifetime!"

"From eighty-six thousand to eighty-six thousand four hundred, that may be four hundred lives of reincarnation!"

"Even the will of the monks in the Earthly Immortal Realm...can't hold on to themselves, right?"

"However... before the Earthly Immortal Realm monk breaks through the thunder disaster, he will take a heart-breaking pill to increase his chances of winning by more than 10%..."

"And I, the Holy Body of Heavenly Thunder, am naturally restrained from the illusion of thunder and calamity!"

After a pause, Su Xing murmured:

"It's a pity that the Heavenly Thunder Holy Body is not complete...otherwise it would be easier for me to survive the Heart-Breaking Thunder Disaster!"

"As for the help from Tianmo City and Baidi Tower..."

Su Xing raised the corners of his mouth, he was not surprised by this.

In other words, this is one of the purposes of awakening!

If a cultivator at the peak of the Earthly Immortal Realm without any foundation breaks through, the heart-shattering thunder disaster will make too much noise, and other cultivators will easily notice it.

It is inevitable that there will be unscrupulous people, such as the Adventist Cult, who are causing trouble...

However, the reputation and status of this simulated awakening are not small, enough for Baidi Tower and Tianmo City to help him overcome the disaster!

With the help of these forces, Su Xing can be worry-free and concentrate on overcoming the disaster!

"The last few thunder tribulations are coming, hold on!"

Su Xing's palms were sweaty and he looked at the simulation panel!

[In the blink of an eye, several more thunder tribulations passed by! 】

[At this time, even you are a little lost in the illusion. Every illusion... takes a lifetime to break! 】

[In the blink of an eye, the last heart-breaking thunder fell! 】

[And this time, you fell into a different illusion...]

[In the fantasy world, you are back on Earth! 】

[You have become that ordinary migrant worker who is burdened with car and house loans, with seniors and juniors...]

[After a drunk truck driver, the headlights flashed like daylight...you traveled to Blue Star! 】

[When you were a teenager, you were carefree...]

[Although my parents are ordinary people, they live quite comfortably in the countryside...]

[After a few years, that follower sister appeared in your memory...]

[But the older she gets, the more disobedient this sister becomes! 】

[I know that when you were eighteen years old... you were found to be a hidden profession, an immortal cultivator! 】

[So far, soaring into the sky! 】

[You were specially recruited to enter the highest university in Daxia...]

[You are eager to change the fate of your family on your own! Get rid of that poor rural area...]

[However, the fact that you can't get any experience points... completely makes you feel discouraged! 】

[Four years of college, nothing to do...]

[You have gone from being a genius to a useless person! 】

[But fortunately, you still have a good friend, Fatty Yu... and your family has never disliked you! 】

[Until one day...you regain the ability to gain experience! 】

[You start leveling up like crazy... Bronze, Silver, Gold! 】

[In just three years, you have become a king-level powerhouse! 】

[Another five years...you have become a legend at the top of Daxia Kingdom! 】

[When you were forty years old, you broke into the Great Emperor level and guarded the Demon Town Pass without retreating...]

[Killing the terrifying creatures on the blood-red earth again and again, you continue to gain strength! 】

[Until you are fifty years old...an extremely terrifying alien appears in front of you. 】

[For a time, the Demon Suppression Pass was crumbling, and countless soldiers died... Even your best friend, Yu Yan, died at the mouth of the aliens because he saved you...]

[In that battle, you finally showed your incredible potential! 】

[Breaking through before the battle, becoming a saint-level...that is, a Mahayana monk! 】

[You successfully killed that terrifying alien race... in exchange for the immortality of the human race! 】

[After this battle, your mood has become calmer... You have lost your best friend. At this moment, you have only one thought in your mind, revenge! 】

[Keep getting stronger and hit the legendary god level! Completely kill the aliens! 】

[In your 100th year, you finally became the god-level professional you dreamed of! 】

[But that day...a voice came to your ears! 】

[You desperately try to resist...but it's no use! 】

[Your body begins to lose control... bursts of murmurs come from your ears...]

[You saw a bloody red! 】

[The moment before consciousness dissipated... you got rid of the illusion! 】


[You raise your eyes and look at the layers of thunderclouds in the sky...]

[In an instant, the thunderclouds dissipated and there was no cloud in the sky! 】

[And your body also shines with a frightening golden light! 】

[Your magic power continues to rise...]

[Congratulations, you have been promoted to a monk in the Heavenly Immortal Realm! 】

In the real world, Su Xing saw his breakthrough, but there was no joy or sadness in his eyes.

"This last illusion...even if I can gain experience like an ordinary professional, so what?"

"Step-by-step upgrades and equipment upgrades... lost the simulator, lost the Luotian inheritance, and lost Jin Congxue and Luo Shuying..."

"Even if he eventually becomes that god-level professional, in Hongyue's eyes, he is still just a chess piece!"

Su Xing frowned slightly, he always felt a little strange.

"If the illusion is real, doesn't it mean that the ultimate destination of professionals is to become a part of the Red Moon?"

"Or maybe... professionals are just a scam that Hongyue has always created!?"

Su Xing vaguely understood more, but was not sure...

"Or is this just a fantasy?"

Su Xing shook his head slightly. No matter what, he successfully survived the heart-breaking thunder disaster and became a monk in the Celestial Realm!

"Then next...my status in the Xiao Qingyun world may be higher?"

"There is also the training of swordsmanship..."

Su Xing looked thoughtfully at the simulation panel.

[After surviving 86,400 heart-shattering thunder tribulations, you have successfully become a monk in the Heavenly Immortal Realm! 】

[Your prestige in Tianmo City is unparalleled! 】

[Even in the Demon City, the Demon’s incarnations have personally received you! 】

[He said that you are a good young man. Not only are you outstanding in talent, but you also have an innocent heart that dislikes foreign races, which makes him happy! 】

[You were a little flattered by this, and then you accepted the kindness of the high-level monks in Tianmo City. 】

[You lead the Tianyuan Army to continue fighting on the front line! 】

[Because you know that in more than ten years, the red-eyed alien race will appear! 】

[At that time, the offensive and defensive momentum of Xiao Qingyun Realm will be reversed... Therefore, we must gain a large enough advantage now! 】

[You lead the Tianyuan Army and continuously kill foreigners. Millions of foreigners die in your hands every year! 】

[In this way, another eleven years have passed...]

[In the fiftieth year, a foreign god with powerful divine power, comparable to that of a late-stage Celestial Realm, launches a sneak attack on you! 】

[You did not back down, calmly led your troops, and successfully killed these aliens! 】

[After fighting this alien god for seven days and seven nights, you successfully killed it! 】

[This time, you didn’t hide your record...]

[The entire Heavenly Demon City knows that your cultivation in the early stage of the Heavenly Immortal Realm and your counterattack skills are comparable to those in the late stage of the Heavenly Immortal Realm! 】

[It should be noted that the further you advance in the realm of cultivation, the greater the gap in strength! 】

[A monk in the middle stage of the Celestial Realm, challenge two early stage monks in the Celestial Realm at the same time and not fall behind! 】

[The monks in the late stage of the Heavenly Immortal Realm... their strength and powerful magic power are far beyond what the early stage monks in the Heavenly Immortal Realm can match! 】

[But you did it! 】

[The entire Tianmo City is boiling with excitement, and countless words of appreciation are pouring in! 】

[Frankly speaking, you are the most talented swordsman in Xiaoqingyun world for tens of thousands of years! 】

[The shock this time is even more exaggerated than when you fought against the immortals in the Earthly Immortal Realm! 】

[Until a few months later, you got a piece of news...]

[You have been included in the list of three thousand world geniuses and people! 】

(End of this chapter)

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