Others practice leveling, I cultivate immortality, go out to Mahayana before leaving the mountain

Chapter 312: Climb onto the Prodigy List, become famous in the three worlds, and become a disciple o

Chapter 312: Climb onto the Prodigy List, become famous in three thousand worlds, and become a disciple of the Demon General! 【8k】

In the real world, Su Xing raised his eyebrows when he saw this, and raised the corners of his mouth as he said:

"After working hard for so long... I finally have some fame in the Three Thousand Worlds!"

Su Xing squinted his eyes, and information about the Talent List flashed in his mind.

The list of three thousand world geniuses is divided into three lists of heaven, earth and people!

This list of geniuses is not limited to a certain Small Thousand or Great Thousand Worlds, but the entire Three Thousand Worlds!

Like the Treasure List, the Tianjiao List is also evaluated by Tianji Pavilion. In the eyes of all the monks in the Three Thousand Worlds, it is an extremely authoritative existence!

As far as Su Xing knows, the three lists of heaven, earth and people correspond to immortals in different realms.

Among them, human immortals, earth immortals, and heavenly immortals are eligible to be on the human list based on their demonstrated strength, record, age, and potential.

True Immortals and Mysterious Immortals can be on the Earth Ranking.

Jinxian and Taiyi Jinxian are on the top of the Heavenly Ranking...

As for the Great Luo Jinxian, they are all powerful men who are famous in the three thousand worlds. If these powerful men are measured by the so-called genius list, it would be a bit ridiculous.

"There are three rankings of heaven, earth and humans, and each ranking can only take up to a hundred people... Although the rankings are said to be accessible to monks from the three realms of heaven, earth and humans, in fact the top 100 on the rankings are almost all occupied by monks from the heavenly realm!"

"Perhaps every thousand years... there will be one or two monks at the peak of the Earthly Immortal Realm who are extremely talented and barely reach the bottom of the list... but they will soon be promoted to Heavenly Immortals!"

Su Xing recalled the news about the list in his mind. He had paid attention to similar information before.

But I never thought that one day I would be on this list...

"Three Thousand Worlds, how many geniuses are there? But those who can be on the top three rankings of heaven, earth and people, let alone the top hundred in the same realm... that's pretty much it!"

Su Xing still remembers the achievements of several people on the list.

"Three thousand years ago, Ji Wuchang, the casual swordsman cultivator in Baidi City, used his cultivation in the late stage of the Celestial Immortal Realm to kill an adulterer who was in the middle stage of the True Immortal Realm... and ranked third on the ranking list!"

"Sixteen hundred years ago, Zuo Yingxin, a direct disciple of the Qingyun Sect, used his cultivation in the late stage of the Celestial Immortal Realm to defeat the evil cultivators in the early stage of the True Immortal Realm... and became ninth on the list of people!"

"Six hundred years ago, the younger generation of the Holy Son of the Tianyuan Sect took action. With his cultivation in the middle stage of the Heavenly Immortal Realm, he defeated the evil cultivators at the peak of the Heavenly Immortal Realm... and ranked twenty-third on the list..."

"Five hundred years ago, a disciple of the Heavenly Demon Prison, with his peak cultivation level in the Earthly Immortal Realm, fought to the death to kill a powerful alien at the cost of serious injuries, and ranked ninety-sixth on the human list..."

The criteria for judging someone to be on the list are very complicated. The most basic judgment is the monk’s cultivation and performance! The second is his talent and age...

For example, Su Xing, who was in the early stage of the Heavenly Immortal Realm, killed a powerful alien with divine power, which was comparable to that in the late stage of the Heavenly Immortal Realm, so he was on the list of geniuses.

As for the ranking, Su Xing doesn't know, but it is estimated to be between the top 50 and top 30.

"With my current strength, at the early stage of the Celestial Immortal Realm...if I use my talents without martial arts, I should be able to compete with the peak of the Celestial Immortal Realm...As for the True Immortal Realm, the gap is too big!"

"In the early stage of the Heavenly Immortal Realm and at the peak of the Heavenly Immortal Realm... should I be able to reach the top fifteen on the list?"

"If you include age... I'm afraid we can all compete for the top five on the list!"

Su Xing shook his head slightly. Age was one of his biggest secrets in the simulation, and naturally he would not be exposed easily.

Su Xing thought for a while and murmured:

"If I remember correctly... Senior Sister Ziling of the Qingyun Sect seems to be one of the top twenty geniuses on the Heavenly Ranking?"

"Fairy Ziling, she is at the peak of the Golden Immortal Realm...but she has an undefeated record against the Taiyi Golden Immortal in the middle stage...it's really scary!"

Su Xing smacked his lips, the battle between the Heavenly Immortal and the True Immortal was already amazing... At the peak of the Golden Immortal Realm, it would be too difficult to fight against the Taiyi Golden Immortal!

Only the top geniuses of the Immortal Sect have a chance...

"Speaking of which, although Tianji Pavilion does not participate in the battles among the forces of the Three Thousand Worlds... its prestige among the decent forces is considered to be one of the best..."

"Whether it is the list of the top three talents of heaven, earth, people, or the list of the most treasured people, it is all evaluated by Tianji Pavilion... and the monks all recognize it!"

Su Xing murmured.

Now he has two items in his hand that have been rated as the most treasured items. One of them is the acquired treasure, the Spiritual Vein Dragon!

The second is among the innate treasures, the branches of the innate hibiscus tree...

In addition to these two lists, there are also people on the Treasure List!

Only the acquired treasure created by the great master of weapon refining can be climbed up!

All magic weapons that can be on the treasure list are in the hands of monks with strong cultivation!

After all...the fame of the treasure also needs to be reflected in the battles between monks...

"However, being on the list of geniuses is not always a good thing... although as a casual cultivator like me, there will be competition among the major forces..."

"But facing the assassination of the Advent Cult and the challenges from other monks on the Tianjiao List... it is also a headache!"

Su Xing sighed and looked at the simulation panel.

He was a little curious. Based on his performance in this simulation, where did he rank on the list of geniuses?

[The Lord of Heavenly Demon City, a powerful man from the True Immortal Realm, has personally sent you a piece of information. 】

[You take out this information and take a look, it is the information that you are on the list of geniuses! 】

[The information is as follows: Su Ye, number 48 on the list, age is unknown. Based on his performance in the heart-breaking thunder disaster, he is expected to be at least ten thousand years old... His place of origin is unknown, and he is most likely from a small world. The force he belongs to is Baidilou casual cultivator... He is good at using swords. His swordsmanship is close to the realm of the first glimpse of the door. The swordsmanship used is the top earth evil magical power. The magic weapon used is a half-step acquired treasure. His record, at the peak of the Earthly Immortal Realm, he killed two alien gods who were comparable to those at the early stage of the Heavenly Immortal Realm. His potential was not diminished at the early stage of the Heavenly Immortal Realm, and he even killed two aliens that were comparable to those at the late stage of the Heavenly Immortal Realm...]

In the real world, Su Xing raised his eyebrows as he looked at the information obtained in the simulation.

"Don't tell me, this information is quite accurate...you actually know my sword realm, magical powers, magic weapons, and gas cultivation?"

Su Xing looked a little solemn and continued:

"However, this age is wrong... In the eyes of Tianji Pavilion, I am actually an old monster who has lived for ten thousand years?"

A strange look appeared on Su Xing's face.

Age is obviously not easy to tell, even in Tianji Pavilion, unless a powerful monk sees Su Xing in person or asks Su Xing to measure his age.

Tianji Pavilion's guess is that Su Xing's excellent performance in surviving the heart-breaking thunder disaster made them think that Su Xing was an old monster who had lived for ten thousand years?

After all, the longer you live, the more you experience, and the stronger your resistance to illusions becomes...

And since they saw that Su Xing's energy and blood did not decline, they estimated that Su Xing's age would not be too old, so it was about 10,000 years old?

"Tsk tsk... If my age in the simulation is found to be less than a hundred years old, I'm afraid those monks will be really scared to death..."

Su Xing's eyes were vaguely eager to give it a try, but after thinking about it again and again, he gave up the idea.

After all, he is less than a hundred years old and has achieved the realm of immortality... This is too exaggerated!

By then, Qingyunzi and Adventist Cult will definitely want to explore the secrets of Su Xing...

"In general, the information from Tianji Pavilion is indeed accurate... If he were an ordinary genius, I'm afraid he would have been able to see clearly!"

"But... I don't know how my life will change after I get on the list of geniuses?"

Su Xing was a little curious and looked at the simulation panel.

[You silently accepted this information, showed no joy or sadness, and were very calm, and then continued to lead the Tianyuan Army to fight on the front line of Tianmo City! 】

[This year, your understanding of the way of the sword has become more profound. More than a million aliens have been killed by your sword? 】

[So, another ten years have passed...]

[As you have been on the list of geniuses over the years, the aliens have obviously become more vigilant against you! 】

[On the battlefield, those alien races with powerful divine power do not dare to fight with you easily... Even if you chase them all the way, those alien gods will throw away their armor and run away. 】

[Therefore, in ten years you have only killed one powerful alien race, and in the remaining time you can only kill some alien races under the fairyland to pass the time...]

[In the 60th year, on the frontline battlefield of Tianmo City, figures of red-eyed aliens appeared one after another! 】

[Those red-eyed aliens are not afraid of death or pain, and their numbers are even more terrifying. They can't be killed and beheaded... In just three years of appearance, they have restored most of the alien race's decline on the battlefield! 】

[On this day, the top management of Tianmo City held a meeting to deal with the red-eyed aliens! 】

[Including you, seven Celestial Immortal Realm and dozens of Earth Immortal Realm commanders can participate...]

[During the meeting, the city lord of True Fairyland specifically pointed out this matter. He said that he had received news about the future of the red-eyed alien race decades ago...]

[So they sent monks from other worlds to support one after another, but they didn’t expect that this day would actually come! 】

[This True Fairyland City Lord seems to know the origin of the red-eyed alien race... and also knows the enemy they are facing, but he did not say much. 】

[You are thoughtful in your heart. It seems that the Lord of the Demonic City knows some of Hongyue’s secrets, so you plan to ask about it. 】

[Unexpectedly, after the meeting, the Lord of the Real Fairyland City took the initiative to ask you to stay, and seemed to have something to tell you...]

In the real world, Su Xing raised his eyebrows when he saw this and murmured:

"Could it be that this city lord really knows the secret about Red Moon and wants to tell me something?"

"Use an immersive simulation that lasts a day!"


Su Xing did not hesitate, this information was exactly what he needed urgently...

The figure flashed, and Su Xing appeared in the simulated world. Standing in front of him was a bald man with dark skin and a strong build.

"Brother Su Xian, sit down..."

Although the Lord of the Demonic City was tall and thick, he was extremely polite to Su Xing.

After hearing this, Su Xing sat on a cave and asked curiously:

"I wonder, Lord City Lord, why do you want to stay here?"

The city lord smiled and whispered:

"Brother Xian, this time it's not my brother who's looking for you...but that adult, who's looking for you!"

Su Xing raised his eyebrows after hearing this. In this Demon City, there is only one person who can call the Lord of the True Fairyland City an adult. The Demon will incarnate in his body!

Su Xing was about to ask when a breeze blew by, and a burly man wearing black armor with an aura like an abyss appeared next to Su Xing.

It is Daluo Jinxian, the incarnation of the Demon General!

Seeing this, Su Xing quickly bowed and said: "Master Heavenly Demon General..."

The demon general nodded slightly, looked at Su Xing with admiration in his eyes, and said:

"Su Ye, I ask you...are you willing to join our Heavenly Demon Prison?"

Su Xing was stunned for a moment after hearing this, and said subconsciously: "Sir, wasn't I already fighting for the Heavenly Demon Prison?"

After hearing this, the Demon General shook his head and said:

"This is different... your current identity is the elder of Baidilou, a non-staff member who came to Tianmo City, not my core disciple of Tianmo Prison..."

"If you are willing, I can have a word with the White Emperor. I'm afraid he won't dare to detain you. You can join me in the Heavenly Demon Prison at any time and become my personal disciple!"

After hearing this, Su Xing's heart skipped a beat. If the Demon Worshiper was really his master, wouldn't that mean that he wouldn't have to be afraid of Qingyunzi?

At least... fellow foreigner Daluo Jinxian and Qingyunzi wouldn't dare to attack the direct disciples of the Demon General, right?

But Su Xing is also a little worried. He is now the elder of Baidi Tower. If he leaves Baidi Tower and worships Tianmo as his master, will Bai Emperor be unhappy?

At this time, the Demon General said:

"I know what you are thinking... Don't worry, that guy Bai Di is different from ordinary Da Luo!"

"He doesn't pay attention to the succession of teachers and disciples... After he created the Baidi Tower, he didn't directly participate in the management... If he doesn't want to, I will beat him until he wants to!"

After Su Xing heard what the Heavenly Demon General said, he was stunned for a moment. The Heavenly Demon General... there was something in his words!

The White Emperor is recognized as the most powerful sword cultivator in the Three Thousand Worlds, a serious Da Luo Jinxian!

As for sword cultivators, in the same realm, their combat effectiveness is first-rate!

It can be heard from the tone of the Demon General that he doesn't even pay attention to Bai Emperor... In other words, as they are both Da Luo Jinxian, Bai Emperor is not the opponent of the Demon General?

"Tsk tsk...could this be what the rumors say, that Daluo Jinxian is also different?"

Su Xing thought to himself.

He recalled the previous simulation, where the incarnation of the demon general in front of him had a long confrontation with Qingyunzi, who had killed all his good deeds and killed himself...

Could it be that the combat power of the Heavenly Demon General is also top-notch among the Daluo Golden Immortals?

"My dear...you have such a thick thigh, how long will it take if you don't hug her now?"

"Besides... if we can go to the Great Thousand World where the Heavenly Demon Prison is, even if we fight all year round... that would be better than dying in the hands of Qingyunzi and Hongyue!"

Thinking this, Su Xing said to the demon general incarnation in front of him:

"Master! Su Ye only loves fighting on the battlefield... His lifelong wish is to kill all the aliens in the world!"

"And you... are my idol!"

What Su Xing said was sincere, and unknowingly, his talent as a master of deception came into play.

After hearing Su Xing's words, the demon general's expression remained unchanged, but the changing breathing also showed that he was in a happy mood!

No one doesn’t like to be flattered…

Even if it is a Daluo Golden Immortal!

After hearing this, the Demon General nodded slightly and said:

"Yes, I was indeed right about you...you were born for the battlefield!"

"If I'm not wrong...you should be a dual practitioner of both gas and air, and your body training has also reached the realm of immortals, right?"

Su Xing was stunned for a moment after hearing what the Heavenly Demon General said. His level of body refining was not even clear in the Tianji Pavilion information, but the Heavenly Demon General actually saw it at a glance?

So Su Xing simply nodded and admitted:

"Yes, the disciple first refines his body and cultivates his power to enter the realm of Heavenly Immortal... and then he refines Qi to become a Heavenly Immortal..."

After receiving Su Xing's personal confirmation, the demon general couldn't help but reveal a hint of joy in his eyes and said:

"Great goodness! I am also a practitioner of both Qi and Qi, and my Qi and body refining realms have both reached the Daluo Golden Immortal realm!"

"When it comes to body training alone... I consider myself to be as good as any Da Luo Jinxian!"    "In the future, if you have any questions... you can ask me at any time!"

Su Xing nodded repeatedly after hearing this, but did not take it seriously.

Although the opportunity to directly consult Daluo Jinxian is very precious...

But the great witchcraft body training technique practiced by Su Xing was inherited from Luotian Sect. This cannot be known easily!

Just when he was awake and thinking, the Demon General continued:

"I am looking for you this time. In addition to accepting you as my disciple, I also have two things to tell you..."

"The first thing is that the alien race is so powerful, and given the current situation of the Little Qingyun Realm, I'm afraid they won't be able to hold on for long... Disciple, do you want to continue to fight in Tianmo City, or go to other safer worlds?"

Su Xing hesitated for a moment after hearing the Demon General's question, and then asked directly:

"Master, can I go to the Heavenly Demon Prison to participate in the battle? There are countless aliens there..."

After hearing Su Xing's words, the Demon General looked happy, but shook his head and said:

"No...the Heavenly Demon Prison is thousands of space nodes away from the Little Qingyun Realm...I am not good at the way of space. I'm afraid it won't be easy for you to go directly to the Heavenly Demon Prison!"

"Being a teacher means...do you want to go to Tianyuan Realm first? Tianyuan Realm is not far from here...and since you are in the rear area, you may be fine for a thousand years..."

"After you go to the Tianyuan Realm, will I find a way to take you to the Demon Prison?"

After Su Xing heard the words of the Demon General, he thought in his heart.

"Tianyuan Realm... Although there is no threat from aliens, the threat from Advent Sect and Qingyunzi still exists... Staying there is even better than staying in Xiao Qingyun Realm!"

"At least, with the protection of the Demon General, we don't have to worry about Qingyunzi taking action? Unless Qingyunzi is really willing to show off..."

"And in this simulation, I also want to improve my swordsmanship... fighting on the front line is obviously the most suitable for me!"

Su Xing kept making choices in his mind and quickly made a decision:

"Master, my disciple is not willing to covet safety and enjoyment..."

"My disciple wants to stay in Tianmo City to participate in the war... If the Little Qingyun Realm really comes to an end, my disciple will have a useful body left to fight against the foreign races in the future!"

When Su Xing said this, he roughly meant:

I don’t want to leave now, I want to kill a few more aliens; but if the day comes when I’m about to die, I will run away and kill more aliens after saving my life...

The demon was quite satisfied with Su Xing's answer, so he nodded and said:

"That's fine... Then you stay in the Little Qingyun Realm for another hundred years... If the Little Qingyun Realm is about to lose its hold, my master will naturally send you away from this world!"

After hearing this, Su Xing felt happy. He was really afraid that the devil would let him live and die with Xiao Qingyun Realm...

At this time, the Demon General continued:

"The last thing is about the red-eyed aliens... Disciple, do you know the origins of the red-eyed aliens on the battlefield recently?"

Su Xing's heart moved after hearing this, but he did not answer.

The Demon General continued:

"Although those red-eyed aliens are powerful and numerous...strictly speaking, they are not living beings, they just have bodies..."

"All the red-eyed alien races come from the Red Moon Lord God among the alien races!"

"The Lord God of the Red Moon, a foreign god in charge of killing and death, was so powerful in his heyday that even I found it extremely difficult to deal with..."

"But I didn't expect that after so many years... the originally dead God of Slaughter would actually be resurrected!"

Su Xing was shocked after hearing this.

The red moon is the main god?

Is this the existence of the alien race... corresponding to the Great Luo Jinxian?

Its priesthood is killing and death... This sounds like a terrifying and invincible priesthood!

The Demon General was silent when he saw Xing Xing, thinking that he was confused, so he explained:

"Although the level of strength of the aliens is different from that of our monks...but they can generally correspond to each other!"

"The immortals in the realm of human immortals, earth immortals, and heavenly immortals...correspond to the weak, medium, and powerful gods among alien races!"

"True Immortal, Mysterious Immortal, and Golden Immortal correspond to the true body, third-level divine residence, and second-level divine residence among foreign races..."

"Taiyi Golden Immortal, corresponding to the first-level divine residence among foreign races..."

"The Great Luo Jinxian is roughly as powerful as the main god of the alien race..."

After a pause, the Demon General continued:

"According to legend, there are nine main gods among the alien races, among which Hongyue is the main killing god responsible for killing and death..."

"A few Yuan Hui ago... at that time, the alien race had just invaded the Three Thousand Worlds, and Hong Yue was one of the most powerful gods among the alien race!"

"At that time... the red-eyed aliens commanded by Hong Yue were famous for their fearlessness of death and their inexhaustible numbers... Those red-eyed aliens were called the vassals of Hong Yue!"

"Red Moon's body is immortal...the red-eyed alien race and those vassals will always exist!"

"A few Yuanhui ago, in the war that lasted for tens of thousands of years, hundreds of millions of human monks died at the hands of the red-eyed aliens!"

Speaking of this, the Demon General seemed to have thought of something, and a trace of sadness flashed in his eyes.

"In that battle... Hong Yue was supposed to die, but I didn't expect that the priesthood he held was so powerful, and he could be resurrected even after his soul was destroyed... I wonder what kind of trick he had planned?"

"However, Hong Yue's strength... is definitely not as good as in its heyday. Even if it is resurrected, it will take at least a thousand years to recover. It is for this reason that the red-eyed alien race will continue to kill and provide nutrients for Hong Yue..."

After a pause, the Demon General continued:

"The red-eyed alien race is fearless and fearless, and there are too many of them... Next, the situation on the front line of Demonic City may gradually become disadvantageous..."

"Therefore, during the battle, you should try to be careful...don't be threatened by those red-eyed aliens using human sea tactics..."

With that said, the Demon General gave Su Xing a few more words.

Su Xing nodded in agreement, and finally asked his previous doubts.

"Master, I would like to ask...are there any similarities between the priesthood and the laws of the Great Dao?"

In the experience before awakening, the special energy contained in the priesthood seems to be very similar to the great laws of the world of immortality... to a certain extent, they can even be converted into each other!

But there is no doubt that there is a difference between the two!

The information obtained by Su Xing is definitely incomplete, so I want to hear what the Demon General has to say about this.

Sure enough, after hearing Su Xing's words, Demon General sighed, and his words exploded in Su Xing's ears like thunder.

"I suspect that the reason why the aliens invaded the Three Thousand Worlds... is because of this priesthood!"

In Su Xing's shocked eyes, Demon General explained:

"The priesthood and the origin of the Dao... belong to the same lineage. As monks like us, even if we kill foreigners, we can take their priesthood and turn it into our own understanding of the Dao!"

"This is even more true for aliens!"

"The aliens seem to be born with a strange method... they can extract the understanding of the origin of the avenue from the body of the monks, and transform it into a part of their own priesthood..."

Su Xing nodded slightly when he heard this. What the Demon General said now confirmed Su Xing's previous suspicion.

But Su Xing still had a doubt in his mind, so he asked:

"Master, but I heard... the priesthood of alien races is the only one... a priesthood can only be possessed by one alien god... but monks like us can also cultivate the origin of the great avenue. Why is this?"

After hearing Su Xing's words, the Demon General shook his head slightly and said:

"Who said that foreign clergy are unique? I... I have killed foreign gods who belong to the same clergy!"

"It's just that the priesthood of a foreign race has supremacy!"

"That is, the higher the level of the priesthood, such as the priesthood of life and death controlled by a main god... Then, if there is a true god or a foreign god at the level of a god who controls life and death, it must be a vassal god of this god..."

"Similar to... the same kind of priesthood, most of which are occupied by a particularly powerful god. Only when this position is vacated can other gods catch up..."

"And the more powerful the priesthood, the more so!"

After Su Xing heard what the Demon General said, he thought about it carefully before he understood it.

To put it simply, foreign clergy are in the shape of a pyramid. For the same clergy, the strongest one is located at the top of the tower, and goes down in order according to the level of strength...

After the demon explained to Su Xing, he encouraged Su Xing a few more words and finally left.


Soon, the immersive simulation ends and you wake up and return to reality.

"This immersive simulation... the information obtained is very critical!"

"The existence of Red Moon...the gods of killing and death, do they gain power through killing?"

Su Xing's eyes were solemn, and he had a vague premonition in his heart.

It seems that the source of experience and strength for all professionals on Blue Star...is also killing?

Is there any connection between this?

"I hope...it's not what I thought!"

Su Xing sighed and looked at the simulation panel.

[After being summoned by the Demon General, you chose to stay in the Demon City and kill foreigners on the front lines... to practice your sword skills! 】

[In the blink of an eye, another ten years have passed...]

[The red-eyed alien race that is constantly being killed on the battlefield has become your best training target! 】

[Seventy years, in the past ten years, you have killed millions of red-eyed aliens with the sword in your hand! 】

[You can feel that your exploration of the way of swordsmanship is constantly improving... You seem to have found your own way of swordsmanship, and you are getting closer and closer to the first glimpse of the way! 】

[But as the battle continues, although you still have some strength left, the ordinary monks in Tianmo City are already suffering terribly...]

[Originally, the monks in Tianmo City fought in turns. In one year, an army of monks could fight for up to a hundred days...]

[But now, almost half of the time, I need to participate in the war...]

[If every cultivator from Tianmo City dies, one will be lost. It is extremely difficult to replenish them... and the red-eyed aliens will kill them inexhaustibly! 】

[Under the ebb and flow of one another, the strength of both sides began to change...]

[But fortunately, the Tianyuan Army you have led over the past decades has made outstanding achievements! 】

[After participating in the war for decades, the aliens who died at the hands of the Tianyuan Army ranged from legendary and holy aliens... to powerful aliens with divine power, numbering in the tens of millions! 】

[It is precisely because of the existence of the Tianyuan Army that the human monks still have a slight upper hand in the Little Qingyun Realm! 】

In the real world, Su Xing's eyes lit up when he saw this, and he fisted and said:

"That's right! One person's power is limited...but I can definitely form an army to truly fight against the aliens!"

"With the blessing of my successful master's talent...although I am not a soldier, the army I command is absolutely united!"

"In addition, in the simulation... I have the natural advantage of foresight, and the army I lead will definitely win more and lose less..."

"I can also refine qi, alchemy, talismans... and even provide enough weapons and supplies for my army with my own hands!"

Thinking of this, Su Xing's eyes became brighter and brighter.

It seems... it's really possible to wake up and form an army of your own!

In other words... it's time to wake up and establish your own power in the Three Thousand Worlds!

The number required for awakening is not large... If the number of the Tianyuan Army can be increased to one hundred thousand... and all of them are elites, it will be able to change the battle situation in the Little Qingyun Realm to a great extent!

"The Tianyuan Army...a good attempt!"

Su Xing nodded slightly, already having a preliminary plan in mind.

He looked back at the simulation panel.

[Relying on your own prestige, monks continue to join the Tianyuan Army...]

[Although the casualties of Tianyuan Army are high, in the Xiao Qingyun world, treatment is undoubtedly the first! 】

[You even occasionally take action and personally refine magic weapons and weapons for your subordinates, and provide spiritual liquid and spiritual stones to help them practice...]

[In the blink of an eye, another ten years have passed. 】

[In the eightyth year, for ten years, monks have occasionally challenged you! 】

[These monks are either geniuses... or undercover agents of the Advent Sect who want to kill and assassinate you! 】

[But no matter who they are, you can defeat them with no more than three swords! 】

[There was once a monk in the early stage of the Celestial Realm who was famous in the Middle Thousand World who challenged you and wanted to prove himself against you... But you only used one sword, two thousand body-protecting swords, and he lost his will to fight... …]

[As you continue to defeat challengers, your prestige in the Tianyuan Army is getting higher and higher...]

[At this time, you have activated the late bloomer talent, just as you expected... the late bloomer talent also has blessings in sword training! 】

[In the eighty-fifth year, you have made further progress in the art of swordsmanship. 】

[At this time, the sword in your hand, with just your sword intention and sword moves, can even kill a foreign race with medium divine power... No more than three swords are needed before and after! 】

[But as your fame grows and the threat to aliens becomes greater and greater... you also find that on the alien battlefield, there are red-eyed aliens who are constantly targeting you! 】

[In the 90th year, as always, you led the Tianyuan Army to pursue the aliens... Rivers of blood flowed along the way, and alien corpses piled up like mountains...]

[As you continue to pursue, what you didn’t expect is that you fall into a trap set by the aliens! 】

[Two powerful aliens have been waiting for a long time, and they have led a powerful red-eyed alien army to sneak attack on you! 】

[And these two powerful aliens... are comparable to late-stage monks in the Celestial Realm! 】

(End of this chapter)

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