Others practice leveling, I cultivate immortality, go out to Mahayana before leaving the mountain

Chapter 314: The road of killing, the star world surrenders! 【8k】

Chapter 314: The road of killing, the star world surrenders! 【8k】

In the real world, Su Xing raised the corners of his mouth when he saw this.

“Finally, another serendipitous epiphany was triggered!”

"My understanding of the way of swordsmanship has finally reached the point where I have a first glimpse of the path... This has finally reached the level that the Heavenly Immortal Realm should have!"

Su Xing sighed.

In recent months, Su Xing's strength has improved rapidly. It only took three to five months to go from human immortal to heavenly immortal.

The main improvement is just the level of cultivation!

But the enlightenment of the great path, magical powers, techniques, etc. have been somewhat neglected.

Usually monks in the Heavenly Immortal Realm have already reached the stage of first glimpse of the great avenue, and even the best among them have several great avenues that have reached the first glimpse of the gateway!

As for Su Xing, although he currently has many avenues to master, he is not yet proficient in them.

Only the Avenue of Space and the Way of the Sword in this simulation were barely upgraded to the first glimpse...

"The realms of earthly immortals and heavenly immortals...correspond to the first glimpse of the great road!"

"And true immortals and mysterious immortals often reach a moderate level of success on a certain avenue!"

"At this level of cultivation, actual combat power no longer only depends on cultivation... but also depends on the understanding of the great road!"

"Otherwise, you only have magic power and your realm of perception cannot keep up. It's just an illusion!"

Su Xing is thoughtful, and the next progress of enlightenment on the great road must be put on the agenda!

Following this, the spiritual realm also needs to be further strengthened!

"Hey, it takes ordinary monks tens of thousands of years to reach a state... there must be a lot of accumulation in it!"

"Although my practice is fast...but after all, my background is still a little bit behind..."

Su Xing has a very clear understanding of himself. If he does not have enough understanding of the great road, it will be difficult for Su Xing to maintain an advantage even if he fights at the same level, let alone fight across different levels later...

"However, I don't know how long this accidental epiphany will last! If it can last for a few more days, I can go further in the way of the sword!"

"If you were in the Heavenly Immortal Realm... your swordsmanship would be able to reach a moderately successful level, so it would be no less effective in actual combat!"

Su Xing thought so and looked at the simulation panel!

[Your understanding of the way of swordsmanship has entered the realm of first glimpse! However, the accidental epiphany continues...]

[In this way, another nine days have passed! 】

[For nine days, you have been practicing swordplay like crazy every day, as if you were enlightened, and your understanding of the way of swordsmanship has continued to soar! 】

[Just nine days of enlightenment is worth a hundred years of hard work! 】

[And with the blessing of the innate sword body, one hundred years of hard training is equivalent to five hundred years of hard work for ordinary swordsmen! 】

[When the state of enlightenment slowly dissipates, a feeling of loss arises in your heart...]

[But there is no time to regret, you can’t wait to experience the progress of swordsmanship now! 】

[You went to the frontline battlefield alone, fighting in the alien army with one person and one sword...]

[In three days and three nights, hundreds of thousands of aliens will die in your hands! 】

[And you have completely mastered your current swordsmanship! 】

[Your sword skills have doubled compared to before! 】

[Every time the sword is struck, the power increases greatly...]

[Although the body-protecting sword gangs are still three thousand, you can feel that the sword intent contained in them is far greater than before. The three thousand body-protecting sword gangs came out together, and their power was much higher than before! 】

[If you encounter the foreign race that is comparable to the late stage of the Celestial Realm again, even without the help of martial arts talents, you are confident that the three thousand body-protecting swords will directly severely damage or even kill them instantly! 】

[What makes you even more excited is that the upper limit of your body-protecting swords has also been further increased! 】

[Next, you can master more body-protecting swords...the power and potential need to be increased! 】

In the real world, Su Xing nodded slightly when he saw this and said:

"As expected of a sword cultivator! He is truly unparalleled in his attack!"

"Now my biggest trump card is the three thousand body-protecting swords... which should be enough for me to defeat the late stage of the Celestial Realm!"

"If you continue to practice...the number of body-protecting swords can continue to increase, even if you are at the peak of the Celestial Realm, you will not be unable to fight!"

What Su Xing said was that he did not calculate the bonus of martial ethics...

After all, in the ordinary fairyland, a certain avenue has often reached the state of first glimpse, and awakening does not have an advantage on this point!

What makes Su Xing stronger is that his sword attacks are even stronger! The body-protecting sword gang combines Yuanli and sword intent, and its magical power is so powerful!

"I just don't know how far this simulation can go..."

Su Xing frowned slightly. Although he had a long reputation now, he still had to be careful about unnecessary trouble that he might cause.

Look at the simulation panel again!

[In the 150th year, the situation in the Xiao Qingyun world gradually began to deteriorate...]

[The number of red-eyed aliens is increasing, while the number of human monks is decreasing...]

[Even a big event happened this year! 】

[A monk in the early stage of the Heavenly Immortal Realm, ranked seventy-fourth on the human list, died in the siege of the alien race, and his bones were not cold...]

[This makes you very angry, because these geniuses came here because they admired your reputation, but now they died tragically while performing their tasks. This will definitely arouse the jealousy of other geniuses! 】

[As expected, after this incident...several elders from the Tianjiao clan sent messages, hoping that they would leave Little Qingyun Realm and return to their clan as soon as possible! 】

[After all, anyone with a discerning eye can see that the situation in the Little Qingyun Realm has gradually deteriorated. If they continue to stay in this world, even those geniuses will be in danger of death! 】

[As a result, in a few years, more than a dozen geniuses left the Little Qingyun Realm... This worsened the war situation in the Little Qingyun Realm even more! 】

[But fortunately, there are also many talented monks who are innocent at heart and are willing to stay in this world to fight against the aliens with you! 】

[This makes the situation in Xiaoqingyun world much better than before...]

[But the general trend is hard to change, and the power of the alien race cannot be changed by more than a dozen Celestial Realm monks...]

[Seeing the tragic deaths of your former compatriots and soldiers, unknown anger surges in your heart! 】

[Finally, late one night, you led 10,000 Tianyuan Army men to raid an important pass of the alien race! 】

[In this surprise attack of yours, the alien race was unprepared. You used the strong to attack the weak and achieved a shocking victory! 】

[In just three days, more than half a million aliens died under your raid! 】

[But the nameless anger in your heart never diminishes, as if your eyes are red with murder. Even if the deputy general persuades you, you are unwilling to retreat...]

[You are like a man possessed, with only one thought in your mind, kill, kill, kill! 】

[Kill until there is no more alien race left! 】

[The Mo Bingjian in your hand keeps sending out a chill, but the red blood and killing intent in your heart remain unabated. Every time you swing the sword, dozens or hundreds of aliens die...]

[You don’t know how long you have been killing, you only know that when you wake up again... you are in the cave of Demon City! 】

[After being informed by the servants in the mansion, you learned that you have been in a coma for a whole month! 】

[And it was already four months ago that you went to attack the aliens! 】

[You lead 10,000 Tianyuan troops and attack the alien fortress alone! 】

[As if possessed, he killed for three whole months! 】

[In the end, you have even lost your mind... You can’t tell the difference between friend and foe! 】

[Because of your recklessness, all the 10,000 Tianyuan Army troops were destroyed! 】

[And you, in three months...slaughtered nearly four million alien armies in total! 】

[The number of aliens who died in your hands alone... exceeds three million! 】

[After waking up this time, you feel that something has changed in you...]

[In the past, you were often approachable to your subordinates, but now you seem to be surrounded by invisible murderous intent, which makes people feel terrified...]

[With just one look, you can even make the monks in the fairyland dare not move rashly and make cold sweat break out from behind...]

[From the servants in the mansion, you know that a month ago, whoever came to find you was frightened back. 】

[In the end, it was actually the Demon General who incarnated himself and came to find you in person, and then brought you back safely...]

[This is also the first time that the Heavenly Demon General has left the Heavenly Demon City in the thousands of years he has been guarding it... If the aliens find out about it, you can imagine the risks involved! 】

[Just when you feel regretful, news comes from outside the house that the devil will ask you to meet and talk...]

In the real world, Su Xing frowned slightly when he saw this and murmured:

"This feeling of murderous intent... seems a bit familiar!"

Su Xing vaguely remembered that in the previous simulation, he had been fighting at the Demon Suppression Pass for decades, and finally understood a thing called the prototype of murderous intent!

Could it be that... what happened to him this time was related to his murderous intention?

"Is it... the road to murder?"

Su Xing took a deep breath and felt that the reason why the devil was looking for him this time was probably related to the accident that happened to him!

So he woke up and said silently:

"Use an immersive simulation that lasts a day!"


Su Xing's vision suddenly changed, and he appeared in the simulated world not long after.

Following the memory in his mind, Su Xing quickly found the Demon General.

The Demon General's residence is surprisingly simple. There is a wooden table, two chairs, and a wooden bed in the house, which are meticulously tidied...

Seeing Su wake up, Demon General pointed at the location and asked Su Xing to sit down.

Su Xing was not polite and immediately sat down opposite the Demon General.

The demon general looked at Su Xing carefully, and then said in a surprising way:

"Su Ye, have you suddenly realized the way to kill!?"

Su Xing frowned slightly after hearing this. He was not yet aware of the changes in his body at the moment. He just had a guess, so he asked very humbly:

"Master, what is the Avenue of Killing? There do seem to be some changes in my body..."

"The subordinates who used to love me now have more fear in their eyes... and I will be unable to control my murderous intention at a certain moment..."

After hearing Su Xing's words, the demon general nodded slightly and said:

"That's right! You have indeed mastered the power of murderous intent!"

"You were too reckless in that battle...and violated military orders!"

"For the next fifty years, don't take part in any more wars...relinquish your military duties and hand them over to Qin Lei..."

"As for you yourself, take good control of this power in your body!"

An unnatural look appeared on Su Xing's face after hearing this. If he couldn't go to the front line to fight, how could Su Xing save the Little Qingyun Realm?

Seemingly sensing Su Xing's unwillingness, the Demon General persuaded him:

"The war with the alien race did not happen overnight... Xiao Qingyun Realm is just the prelude to this all-out war!"

"Although the foreign race is powerful, I am not a vegetarian in the world of immortal cultivation... This all-out war may last as long as the Yuanhui!"

"And you, my disciple... you are a born handsome man on the battlefield! And your talent is amazing! If you are lost in this small Qingyun world... I, the human race, will lose a lot of power against foreign races in the future!"

"Now, what you have to do...is to digest this power and this killing intent!"

"Killing intention is also the avenue of killing! It is an avenue that is extremely suitable for actual combat!"

"Unlike all other avenues...the avenue of killing and the avenue of war, this type of avenue can only be understood on the battlefield!"

"And once you fully master this power, you will truly have an absolute advantage and be like a fish in water on the battlefield!"

Su Xing nodded slightly after hearing this, but also asked:

"Master, how can we completely control this murderous intention?"

The Demon General's eyes narrowed after hearing this, and the terrifying aura on his body was instantly released, causing Su Xing's breathing to almost stop.

After a few breaths, the demon will restrain his power and raise the corners of his mouth:

"Coincidentally, I...have also mastered the art of killing!"

"The process of me mastering the art of killing... was much harder than yours!"

"I went to the Outer Realm alone and fought for thousands of years before I finally took shape!"

"Afterwards, I cultivated my character for three thousand years before I fully mastered this power..."

"It's not like you, kid. After just one battle and being comatose for a few months, you mastered such power. Even I would envy you!"

After a pause, the Demon General warned:

"For the next few decades, you can stay in Tianmo City to cultivate yourself!"

"When you fully master this power...or when the situation in Xiao Qingyun Realm becomes critical...I will find a way to send you out!"

Su Xing nodded slightly after hearing this, then stood up to say goodbye...

After waking up and leaving, the demon transformed into another body and murmured:

"Su Ye...will you be the variable in the Three Thousand World's fight against foreign races?"

"Why... I can feel a sense of familiarity and intimacy from him?"


The immersive simulation ends and you wake up and return to reality.

"Sure enough, is it the road to killing? Then this simulation is really an unexpected surprise!"

Su Xing had a complicated expression on his face. His original goal for this simulation was to advance his cultivation to the Heavenly Immortal Realm!

But now, he unexpectedly understood the way to kill!

And listening to the tone of the Demon General... the way to kill seems to be extremely powerful!

At this moment, Su Xing is faced with a choice, should he cultivate to the heavenly realm, or should he pursue the path of killing?

Without hesitating for too long, Su Xing quickly made up his mind!

Obviously, the road of killing is better!

This opportunity can be called a chance... If I miss this opportunity, I am not sure whether the simulation will be triggered next time!

"Then... let's stay in Tianmo City to cultivate our moral character and consolidate our spiritual practice..." Su Xing looked at the simulation panel again.

[After bidding farewell to the Demon General, you know that you are about to master a new power, killing intent! 】

[But now, you must spend time to completely master these powers! 】

[So, from now on, you can stay in the cave with peace of mind, practice for one hour every day to refine your Qi, and then practice your sword for two hours...]

[The rest of the time, you plant some spiritual plants, elixirs, or refine elixirs and talismans...]

[In the beginning, you often got distracted during the alchemy process, which aroused inexplicable murderous intent! This is something unprecedented. 】

[But as you continue to cultivate your body and mind, you will begin to feel calmer. 】

[With a pot of tea and a furnace of pills, you can often make pills for a whole day...]

[In this way, twenty years passed slowly...]

[In the 170th year, after twenty years of self-cultivation, murderous intention has almost no impact on your life. You are like a normal person and will not suddenly become angry or have murderous intention. 】

[But it seems that you are still some distance away from fully grasping the intention to kill and being able to control the path of killing freely...]

[So, you continue to cultivate your health. In addition to practicing every day, you also pay attention to the flexible use of killing intent. 】

[In the 180th year, when your swordsmanship has improved a little, you will go out to chop mountains for a few days every month. Thousands of feet of mountains, with one sword, are cut as flat as tofu...]

[In the 190th year, this year you have gained a deeper understanding of the way of killing. You have been able to flexibly use your killing intent, but it is still difficult to activate the power to its maximum! 】

[So you continue to practice, hoping to completely master the way of killing as soon as possible! 】

In the real world, Su Xing nodded slightly when he saw this.

"Yes, it seems that mastering the murderous intention is also staged..."

"It was difficult to master at first, then it can be retracted and released freely... In the end, it should be able to completely release the killing intent, thus achieving the blessing of combat power!"

After a pause, Su Xing's eyes flashed with sadness.

"However, this simulation is almost coming to an end!"

"We have reached the 190th year of simulation...how long can the little Qingyun world last? Has Qingyunzi sensed my existence?"

Su Xing hopes to completely master the way of killing before the end of this simulation!

Thinking this, Su Xing looked at the simulation panel.

[In the training of killing intent day after day, another three years have passed. 】

[In the 193rd year, one day the demon incarnates and finds you! 】

[He looked solemn, as if he had something important to announce. 】

[The Heavenly Demon will tell you that his body has encountered some troubles in the Heavenly Demon Prison, so the power of his external incarnation will be reduced to a certain extent. 】

[The situation in Xiaoqingyun Realm is already critical at this time, so he plans to send someone to take you to Tianyuan Realm for refuge first...]

[You did not object after hearing this, knowing that Xiao Qingyun World could not hold on for long. 】

[A gentleman does not stand under a dangerous wall. It is indeed time for you to leave...]

[You requested the Heavenly Demon General to allow the Tianyuan Army to evacuate the Little Qingyun Realm, but the Heavenly Demon General refused without a doubt...]

[Now that the Tianyuan Army has become the main force defending the Little Qingyun Realm, if the Tianyuan Army withdraws, the Little Qingyun Realm will fall soon. 】

[You can only settle for the next best thing and take away some of the geniuses and subordinates you already trust. 】

[In the next few years, you will continue to do ideological work for these geniuses, persuade them to move the battlefield, and save your lives to fight against foreign races in the future! 】

[In the 195th year, you announced the establishment of an anti-alien alliance! 】

[And the Little Qingyun Realm is no longer able to hold on. You want to move the battlefield to the Star Realm...]

[This news caused an uproar in just a few years...]

[Many monks from the Little Qingyun Realm insulted you, saying that you are a coward and want to abandon the Little Qingyun Realm. 】

[But a truly insightful person knows that it is unrealistic to continue to hold on to the Little Qingyun Realm. The only way to preserve your strength and move the battlefield is to move the battlefield! 】

[So, after you announced the establishment of an anti-alien alliance, in just a few years, countless monks responded! 】

[In the Tianjiao list, a total of seven monks ranked fifty to one hundred expressed their willingness to join this alliance. 】

[And four of the top fifty monks have expressed their willingness to fight against the aliens together! 】

[With your reputation as the twentieth one on the list of geniuses, your energy is beyond imagination, and you can easily mobilize monks from dozens of worlds near Xiao Qingyun Realm...]

[In the 198th year, Baidi City announced the establishment of an alliance of human monks to jointly fight against the aliens! 】

[In the same year, a Baidilou deacon found you and discussed with you the location to fight against the aliens! 】

[After several discussions, you decided to move the front line to the star realm! 】

[You originally thought that this move would be strongly opposed by the monks of the Star Realm. After all, the local monks of the Star Realm are unanimously xenophobic! 】

[But I never thought that the monks in the Star Realm especially hate the alien races. Not only did they agree to you building a fortress in the Star Realm, many tribes also responded and announced that they would join the anti-aliens alliance! 】

[For a time, the anti-alien alliance became unprecedentedly powerful! 】

[In the second hundred years, Tianji Pavilion and Money Chamber of Commerce are willing to provide support to you! 】

[This support is not limited to spiritual stones, spiritual liquid magic pills... The Money Chamber of Commerce has also expressed its willingness to form a void flight to shuttle between the Cangwu Realm and the Star Realm every ten years to provide you with logistical support! 】

[In just ten years, the momentum to fight against the aliens began to become clear. 】

[With the Star Realm as the core of the front line, the Yellow Sand Realm and the Spiritual Beast Realm as the horns, monks from three neighboring worlds form a front to fight against the aliens together! 】

[The Cangwu Realm, which is prosperous in commerce, serves as a transfer station for logistical supplies, continuously providing resource and manpower support to the monks on the front line...]

[After learning this intelligence news, you were pleasantly surprised. This means that with your personal influence, as long as your reputation is sufficient, you can really promote the establishment of the Human Monk Alliance in advance! 】

In the real world, Su Xing saw the surprise in his eyes.

"These powerful monks from the human race... finally reacted!"

"According to this trend, even if the three lines of defense are defeated by the aliens, it will be enough to last for hundreds of years?"

"This means...perhaps as long as my subsequent simulations are handled properly, the simulation time will skyrocket by hundreds of years!"

Su Xing felt happy, at least there was hope, and he would not be cannibalized by the alien race step by step, without any resistance.

"So, the biggest threat right now still comes from Qingyunzi and Advent Sect... This is indeed a problem. I wonder if it can be solved?"

Su Xing fell into deep thought.

There is only one way to resolve the crisis that Qingyunzi has come to!

That is to find a way for Qingyunzi to cut off the three corpses!

Qingyunzi killed three corpses in reverse, this should still be a critical moment...

What Qingyunzi was beheading before was supposed to be a good corpse, but what he is currently beheading is his own corpse.

If Awakening can help Qingyunzi save his own corpse and kill the evil corpse first, maybe this crisis can be resolved!

"Huh... But I'm afraid my current reputation is not enough... Unless I take advantage of the situation and let Qingyunzi take the lead in killing the evil corpse!"

Su Xing frowned slightly.

In this simulation, his identity in Three Thousand Worlds can barely be regarded as that of a boss of a company that has just gone public, with certain strength and connections.

But Qingyunzi is the CEO of one of the top ten companies in the world...

The two are not on the same level, and Su Xing is not qualified to let Qingyunzi kill three corpses again...

"Growing prestige in the simulation is still the main policy for the next step, but the speed needs to be faster!"

"The best thing is, within thirty to fifty years of simulation, it will be truly famous in the three thousand worlds!"

"And as my strength continues to grow... this should also be possible!"

Su Xing thought so and looked at the simulation panel.

[In the 201st year, your understanding of the art of killing has become more profound, and your mastery has become more proficient. 】

[This year, the Little Qingyun Realm finally fell into a complete disadvantage, so you no longer hesitated and boarded the fairy boat flying to the Star Realm...]

[The demon will prepare an immortal boat for you, an acquired treasure, with enough capacity to accommodate thousands of monks. 】

[You connected some of the monks and geniuses under you into the flying boat, activated the Flowing Cloud Golden Light Boat, and took your family and friends to the star world...]

[After a year of sailing in the void, in the 202nd year, you successfully arrived in the star realm. 】

[At this time, in the Star Realm, the frontline defense facilities are in full swing. 】

[Various high-level formations are arranged, various frontline defensive barriers are poured, and hundreds of thousands of monks are practicing, always guarding against the invasion of foreign races. 】

[Especially the local monks in the Star Realm hate foreign races so much that many tribes have sent monks who have transcended tribulations and even the immortal realm to support you. 】

[You are also very grateful to these tribes...]

[In the 203rd year, you contacted the top ten tribes in the star world and discussed with them about jointly fighting against the aliens. 】

[Although these tribes are xenophobic, they respect you from the bottom of their hearts, a genius on the list of geniuses. 】

[Among the top ten tribes, there are actually twenty or thirty Celestial Realm monks, and more than ten of them are at the peak of Celestial Realm! 】

[What will surprise you even more is that among these tribes, there are three old monsters who have entered the true fairyland! 】

[These tribes have expressed their willingness to provide venues and material support for the alliance, and will also directly participate in the great cause of fighting against the aliens! 】

[In order to thank these tribes, you took out the Xiao Zhou Tian Star Observation Method that you repaired and gave it to them! 】

[After obtaining Xiao Zhoutian’s stargazing method, everyone in the Star Realm tribe was shocked! 】

[The True Immortal Realm monk took over Xiao Zhoutian’s Star Observation Technique in disbelief. After looking at it carefully for a moment, his palms began to tremble with excitement...]

[Dignifying the real fairyland overhaul, I can barely hold a book...]

[In the end, this true fairyland monk’s eyes were red and filled with tears! 】

[After he repeatedly confirmed that this Little Zhoutian Star Observation Method was authentic, he actually knelt down in front of you in front of the surrounding monks! 】

[He said bluntly, you are the benefactor of the entire star world! From now on, the entire Star Realm, no matter what tribe you belong to, will treat you with the highest treatment! 】

[This True Immortal Realm monk is said to have lived for 80,000 years. He obviously knows some secret things. He tells you not to worry for now. After he is sure, he will inform thousands of tribes throughout the Star Realm! 】

[After bidding farewell to these tribes, life goes by like this day by day, and you control the way to kill as always! 】

[So, two years have passed...]

[In the 205th year, the old cultivator from the True Fairyland came to find you and invited you to participate in the Star Conference! 】

[The Star Conference is a tradition of the Star Realm. Only when encountering major life and death events, all tribes in the Star Realm need to send representatives to participate! 】

[A few days later, you were invited to attend the Star Conference! 】

[Only at the conference site did you fully see the details of the star world! 】

[As one of the Small Thousand Worlds with the longest history, it has existed for several Yuanhui, and its history is even longer than some of the Great Thousand Worlds! 】

[On this day, more than 8,000 tribes in the Star Realm participated in this conference, with a total of more than 50,000 monks participating! 】

[All these monks are all powerful above the Immortal Realm! 】

[Among them, there are more than 5,000 monks in the Earthly Immortal Realm! 】

[There are nearly a hundred monks in the Heavenly Immortal Realm! 】

[There are more than ten true immortals sitting in charge! 】

[After knowing the true heritage of the Star Realm, you are surprised. This isolated Star Realm is inherited from the descendants of the ancient Star Witches... Its heritage is even deeper than many Middle Thousand Worlds! 】

[In the Star Conference, you are the well-deserved protagonist! 】

[You learned that the old man who lived for 80,000 years was named Xingnu...]

[You don’t know why an old man from the real fairyland has the word slave in his name, but this old man is not ashamed of it and is actually proud of it! 】

[At the Star Conference, the True Immortal Daxiu named Xing Slave announced to the representatives of all tribes the authenticity of Xiao Zhoutian’s stargazing method! 】

[And from now on, you are the true benefactor of the Star Realm! More than 8,000 tribes... All monks, as long as they do not violate their principles, will do their best to meet your requirements...]

[In this conference, tens of thousands of immortals burst into tears...the momentum will shock you. 】

[You were shocked by the importance of Xiao Zhoutian's stargazing method, and later asked the old man why. 】

[It turns out that several Yuanhui ago, the ancestors of the Star Realm migrated here, but in the process of moving their clans, they lost the method of observing the stars in the Great Zhoutian! 】

[Fortunately, they have left the Little Zhou Tian Star Observation Method, and all tribes can practice it! 】

[With the Little Zhou Tian Star Observation Technique, the monks of these tribes can use the power of the ancestral stars to reach the highest level of Golden Immortal! 】

[But as time passed, the tribe began to split... The complete Little Zhoutian Star Observation Method was lost, and the cultivation of the star world can only reach the true fairyland...]

[And you sent back Xiao Zhoutian's Star Observation Technique, which not only allowed the monks in this world to recover the methods left behind by their ancestors, you are worthy of their ancestors! 】

[It also allows monks in this world to have a smooth future and be able to cultivate to the Golden Immortal Realm! 】

[Even, one day, the Star Realm can be promoted to the Middle Thousand World again! 】

[After experiencing the Star Conference, the monks in the entire star world have become more enthusiastic about the alliance and fully cooperated with the establishment of the alliance. This is all because of your existence! 】

[It is no exaggeration to say that with your own strength, you can increase the momentum of the alliance several times! 】

(End of this chapter)

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