Others practice leveling, I cultivate immortality, go out to Mahayana before leaving the mountain

Chapter 315 The shocking secret between professionals and Blood Moon, Taoist name Spirit Dragon Cele

Chapter 315 The shocking secret between professionals and Blood Moon, Taoist name Spirit Dragon Celestial Immortal? 【8k】

In the real world, Su Xing was excited to see this look.

"This is the benefit of fame!"

"My status as a genius on the Tianjiao List, coupled with my favor to the star world... is enough for me to gather enough strength to fight against foreign races in a short period of time!"

"Coupled with the help of Tianji Pavilion, Tianmo Prison, Money Chamber of Commerce and Baidi City... it won't be a problem to defend it for hundreds of years!"

Su Xing clenched his fists. If things develop as he expected, the simulation duration and cultivation progress will be greatly improved in the future!

"It would be great if a simulation could be extended to a thousand years..."

Su Xing had some expectations in his heart.

The further you go in cultivating immortality, the gap between realms becomes really big!

If one reaches the level of Golden Immortal and has a lifespan of one million years, a breakthrough in a small realm may even take ten thousand or even tens of thousands of years...

If one wakes up and simulates for only a few hundred years, it will definitely not be able to meet the rapid growth of cultivation.

"So, we still have to delay the alien attack as much as possible! At least give me enough time to develop..."

When you wake up, you need to consider not only the immediate future, but also the long-term plan!

"I don't know how long the Little Qingyun Realm can last this time... Let's see!"

Su Xing murmured, looking at the simulation panel.

[In the next few years, you will still stay in the star world, continue to understand the avenue of killing, and become more and more proficient in understanding the killing intention! 】

[In the 210th year, your mastery of the avenue of killing has entered its embryonic form. If you release the murderous aura in your body, even the monks in the Human Immortal Realm will be frightened to death by you and unable to resist! 】

[In the 220th year, you received unfavorable information from the front line. 】

[Xiao Qingyun Realm has officially failed completely, and what is even more difficult for you to accept is that... the demon will disappear in its physical form, and you don't know whether it is alive or dead! 】

[You are extremely worried. The death of the external incarnation will not cause the death of the body, but it will definitely cause indelible damage! 】

[But you still calm down and wait for further information from the front line...]

[In the 221st year, you received a message from the Heavenly Demon Prison. The Heavenly Demon has put me in seclusion and will no longer be able to fight against the aliens in a short period of time...]

[In addition, the Demon will let you go to the Tianyuan Realm on your own. He hired a golden immortal to escort you to the Demon Prison! 】

[After some consideration, you decided to go to the Heavenly Demon interface to see the Heavenly Demon General himself! 】

[After all, the Heavenly Demon Realm is one of the top three thousand worlds... If you can go there, you will definitely gain more knowledge! 】

[And it takes decades or even hundreds of years to sail through the void from the Tianyuan Realm to the Heavenly Demon Prison... Only with the escort of the Golden Immortal can we be sure to arrive! 】

[But just the day before you are about to leave, something unexpected happens! 】

[Qingyunzi came to the star world and searched for your soul in full view of everyone...]

[It turns out that Qingyunzi knew your identity decades ago, but due to the identity of the Demon General, he did not take action directly. 】

[At the same time, Qingyunzi doesn’t want your identity to be exposed to the public, which is not conducive to his pursuit of Luo Tian’s secret treasure...]

[You were soul-searched by Qingyunzi...]

[Your consciousness gradually dissipates. 】

【you are dead! 】

[Ding, this simulation is over! 】

After the simulation ended, Su Xing looked complicated.

"Sure enough, I was discovered by Qingyunzi..."

Su Xing was not surprised by this. Before, he would be found by Qingyunzi inferring cause and effect when he flew far away to the Tianyuan world.

This awakening has been active in the Xiao Qingyun world, and it is not surprising that Qingyunzi finally sensed it.

But what Su Xing was betting on was that Qingyunzi didn't dare to break up with the Demon General directly. After all, Su Xing's identity was that he was the proud disciple of Daluo Jinxian, the Demon General!

The genius ranked 20th on the list!

There is no doubt that Su Xing made the right bet. When the demon appeared outside his body, Qingyunzi did not take action.

Unfortunately, in the end, the Little Qingyun Realm was destroyed, and the life and death of the incarnation outside the body was unknown. The awakening lost its shelter, and the Qingyunzi attacked!

"Regardless of my status on the Tianjiao List, I took action forcefully... It seems that Luo Tian's inheritance is of great significance to Qingyunzi! In other words... the side effects of Qingyunzi's reverse killing of three corpses are almost difficult to suppress!"

Su Xing sighed, feeling a little helpless.

"I wonder if I can find a solution to Qingyunzi's problems after I completely inherit Luo Tian's inheritance!"

"Even if Qingyunzi's self-zombie is allowed to dominate, I will be less of a threat!"

Su Xing currently has no good solution. Qingyunzi is like a sharp blade hanging above his head. Whenever the time comes, he will take Su Xing's life...

"The current plan is to completely solve Qingyunzi's problems..."

"Or, continue to delve into the art of cause and effect and destiny, run further... maybe we can delay it for a while longer?"

Su Xing thought so.

His understanding of the path of cause and effect and destiny is currently at a rudimentary level. If he can reach the first glimpse... or even a higher level, his ability to shield his own Qi and cause and effect will surely improve a lot.

"But for now, let's take a look at the rewards of this simulation!"

Su Xing's eyes flashed with anticipation.

[Five Elements Mutated Super Spiritual Root]: Golden talent, priced at 10 points of energy source.

[The Avenue of Killing (Prototype)]: One of the top avenue laws, a component of the Avenue of Death. It continuously obtains energy through killing, enhances strength, and has terrifying actual combat capabilities. At present, the mastery has reached the prototype level, and the energy source is priced at 3.

[Perception of the Avenue of Thunder]: After experiencing the heart-breaking thunder, I have gained a further understanding of the Avenue of Thunder, but there is still a gap between the first glimpse of the path and the price of 8 energy sources.

[Celestial Immortal Realm Cultivation]: The third level of Celestial Immortal Realm cultivation, with a lifespan of 30 years, and powerful mana as powerful as a heavenly being. Only when one has reached the first glimpse of a certain avenue can he step into it... The price is energy sources!

[The Way of the Sword (First Peep at the Door)]: Among the three thousand avenues, he is the leader in offensive power. With the pure way of the sword, everything in the world can be destroyed. The price is 15 energy sources.

Su Xing looked at the reward Xuanxian in front of him and hesitated slightly.

"The rewards for this simulation... are really hard to choose!"

Su Xing thought for a while.

Cultivation realm is certainly the foundation of everything, but for Su Xing, since he can break into the Celestial Realm this time, it will not be difficult to simulate a breakthrough into the Celestial Realm next time!

But the two great ways of understanding simulated this time, whether it is the first glimpse of the way of swordsmanship or the prototype of the great way of killing, all involve a certain amount of luck!

If I miss this opportunity, I don’t know how long I will have to wait...

"The way to understand the way of killing is mostly luck, and the opportunity is once in a lifetime! And judging from the tone of the Demon General, this way of killing is difficult to understand. It has great potential, so I have to choose!"

"There is also the first glimpse into the path of the sword... I have practiced swordsmanship for more than two hundred years, plus ten days of enlightenment, and finally stepped into it! It is no longer the first glimpse into the realm... It is also my strongest attack method! "

After a pause, Su Xing looked at Lei Zhidao for inspiration.

"The Avenue of Thunder...is there still some distance between us and the first glimpse of it?"

"Perhaps I can wait until the next simulation to break through to the Celestial Realm... With the help of Qiling Pill, I should be able to step into the realm of the first glimpse of the door in one fell swoop!"

Su Xing quickly made a choice and said silently:

"I choose to bring out the avenue of killing...and the first glimpse into the way of swordsmanship!"

[You successfully brought out the enlightenment of the Way of Killing, spent 3 energy sources, and the remaining energy sources are 29 points...]

[You successfully brought out the enlightenment of the Great Sword, spending 15 energy sources, and the remaining energy sources are 14 points...]

The simulated beep fell, and memories flooded into my waking mind.

First of all, it is the understanding of kendo!

In Su Xing's mind, countless scenes of wielding a sword and using sword intent appeared in his mind... It was as if he had been practicing alone with one sword for a thousand years!

This kind of memory and understanding made Su Xing's understanding of the way of swordsmanship skyrocket in a short period of time!

From the rudimentary state of kendo...to the first glimpse of the door easily...and then, went a long way!

When Su Xing slowly opened his eyes, he showed a look of satisfaction.

"The first glimpse of the avenue of swords... It's time to further improve the power of the body-protecting sword!"

There is no time to be happy when I wake up. Immediately after the infusion of the memory of the Road of Killing, it is not so easy...

Su Xing's eyes turned red in an instant... Countless murderous intentions surged in his heart!

Even in the state of an immortal, it is difficult to grasp this endless killing intent...

But after just a few breaths, clarity returned to Su Xing's eyes, and his mastery of the avenue of killing had completely taken shape!

Su Xing worked hard to adjust the emotions in his heart and the aura on his body. After a moment, he slowly opened his eyes with a look of shock.

"The Avenue of Killing... seems to be a very powerful auxiliary avenue!"

"Not only can it simply release killing intent... it can make the target incapacitated and have a large-scale effect on the battlefield..."

"What's more important is that this avenue of killing can actually be combined with other avenues and magical powers to exert terrifying power!"

Su Xing's heart moved, and he used his finger as a sword to slash out a sword energy.

Subsequently, incorporating murderous intent into the sword energy can not only enhance the power of the sword energy, but can even cause deeper damage, greatly slowing down the recovery speed of the target's injuries!

"The Dao of Killing combined with the Dao of Sword, the killing sword wielded is enough to be the nemesis of the body-refining monks!"

Su Xing blinked. If in the next simulation, he encounters a foreign race that can quickly recover from injuries, using the method of killing, it will definitely be a natural defeat!

In addition, the Avenue of Killing combines the power of space, and the space cuts produced also have killing attributes, which is enough to make the target lose themselves...

Combining the Avenue of Killing with the Avenue of Fire, the fire magical power released is even more powerful, enough to burn the target's life and longevity...

Combined with the Avenue of Wood...the Avenue of Power...

All kinds of avenues can complement each other with the avenue of killing...

"Acquire strength through killing...increase your strength!"

"And Hong Yue is the Lord God of Slaughter..."

Su Xing frowned slightly. As he gained a certain understanding of the way of killing, his eyes towards the professionals also became somewhat different!

The essence of a professional is to gain experience points and increase strength by killing bosses and monsters in the dungeon!

Could it be that... all professionals are born with a part of the way to kill?

"This is impossible... It is absolutely impossible for a great law to be understood so easily!"

"Unless...this power is given by a powerful existence!"

A huge wave stirred up in Su Xing's mind, and clues kept coming together!

Red Moon...the god of killing...professionals...gain experience points and strength through killing!

Su Xing took a deep breath and murmured:

"So...the power of professionals is actually given by the red moon!"

"The birth of professionals has only happened in the past tens of thousands of years... and Red Moon started its layout at that time?"

"Through professional killings...to prepare for one's own resurrection?"

"For thousands of years...all professionals above the emperor level have lost themselves and don't know where they are going...were they 'recycled' by Red Moon?"

"It is precisely because of this... that the power system of professionals is so similar to that of aliens... because this power basically comes from the red moon!"

After a pause, Su Xing continued to think along this line of thought.

"Hongyue commanded the aliens to invade Blue Star... The reason why she is not in a hurry to completely destroy Blue Star... is also partly to put pressure on the professionals and Blue Star people! This will force the professionals to continuously improve their strength!"

"And as professionals improve their strength, it means they have to keep killing...which in turn will continue to provide strength to Hong Yue!"

"It is precisely because of this... that Red Moon has been able to recover its strength so quickly for tens of thousands of years... and thus be resurrected!"

"And decades later, the destruction of Blue Star... also means that Red Moon's power has been accumulated enough, and professionals are no longer needed!"

Thinking of this, Su Xing had a bad premonition in his heart.

If this is true, doesn't it mean that Red Moon can easily rob the life, death and power of professionals?

It doesn't matter if he wakes up, after all, he is just a "bronze level one" professional, and the red moon will have no effect on him at all...

However, what should the professionals in Daxia...or even the entire Blue Star professionals do?

What should we do if our friends and relatives wake up?

The more their strength increases, the more they come under Hongyue's control!

"So...how do I change this?"

Su Xing's eyes were filled with confusion. Even if he was an immortal, could he change and save his family? Can the professionals save Blue Star?

But soon, Su Xing’s eyes reassessed, it was not a fairy, it was a real fairyland!

If the true fairyland is not enough... then chase higher ones, the Xuanxian and the Golden Immortal!

Taiyi Golden Immortal, Daluo Golden Immortal!

Even if he becomes a saint, Su Xing must do all this!

"And if you want to do this... you must have enough mastery of the avenue of killing and the avenue of cause and effect and destiny!"

"In this way, we can cut off the cause and effect between the professionals and Hong Yue!"

After a pause, Su Xing continued to think:

"Since the power of professionals comes from killing...then what about the elixirs and spiritual rice I provided to Daxia?"

"That's a real lifting power! Is this power...independent of Red Moon?"

Su Xing fell into deep thought. He didn't get the power by himself, so he was always uneasy...

"Perhaps, one day, I can use spiritual rice and elixirs to create a new power system for Blue Star people to practice?"

"If you don't have spiritual roots... then you can train your body!"

"Or like in the star world... draw power from the stars?"

Su Xing felt that this method might be feasible.

But at this moment, Su Xing had another extremely important doubt in his mind.

"Since the professional power system has such great hidden dangers... then I have been unable to upgrade from the beginning. This is definitely a natural advantage!"

"Then...what is the power that allows me to escape from being a professional and avoid gaining power through killing?"

Su Xing frowned slightly, vaguely feeling that there was a pair of invisible hands deciding his fate from the beginning.

"Is it a chess piece or a child of destiny?"

"No matter what...only by reaching a higher realm can we know this truth!"

Su Xing took a deep breath, he was even more eager to gain strength!

Only one day when he is strong enough, he may be able to know the truth...


After his strength increased, Su Xingyi gathered his breath and prepared to trade with Lu Yuanwu.

This week, Su Xing drove away the hostility for the eleven Martial Emperor masters, including Lu Yuanwu, and ensured the smooth consumption of the Rebirth Pill.

At the same time, a thousand yuanwu pills were also traded for 20,000 points of energy source.

As for the agreed 100,000 tons of fourth-level exotic metals, it will have to wait until a week later. After the transaction is completed, wake up and refine the puppet as usual.

A week passed quickly and it was December 12th.

Su Xing went to the villa and met Jin Congxue.

During the meal, Su Xing and Jin Congxue had a pleasant chat.

After following the transaction process, Su Xing also obtained more than 30,000 energy sources.

Returning to the Lingtian Cave, he woke up with a smile in his eyes, but his expression turned serious.

"Sure enough... Jin Congxue also has a blood-red thread of cause and effect!"

"And Lu Yuanwu... and other top professionals have even heavier causal lines on their bodies!"

"Could these causes and effects be one of Hong Yue's methods to control professionals?"

Su Xing vaguely felt something was wrong.

In this transaction, he specially calculated the cause and effect line on Jin Congxue, and found that not only Jin Congxue, but all professionals were more or less connected to Hongyue!

They all owe Hongyue a share of cause and effect...

And the stronger the professional, the more karma he owes!

And Su Xing did feel a sense of the avenue of killing from the professionals!

The path of killing in a professional seems to be only a part and not complete. This makes Su Xing even more certain that this power comes from the red moon!

"Things...are getting tricky!"

"If I want to solve this problem...my current strength is not enough, I must continue to improve my cultivation and enlightenment!"

Su Xing didn't hesitate and looked at the simulation panel.

"Start simulation!"

[The 116th simulation is started, and the current remaining energy source is 20 points... There are no simulations left. 】

(After modification, this is changed to the 116th time)

【Simulation begins! 】

[It costs 1 point of energy source to extract the golden legendary talent. Do you want to extract it? 】

Su Xing did not choose to draw new talents.

His goal for this simulation is to officially break through to the Celestial Realm!

And the super spiritual root is obviously indispensable!

After spending several points of energy source, Su Xing successfully extracted the Five Elements Mutated Super Spiritual Root from the talent pool.

[Ding, congratulations on getting the golden talent Five Elements Mutated Super Spiritual Root, the simulation begins! 】

[In Lingtian Cave, you realize that you are simulating...]

[You went to trade with Lu Yuanwu and successfully obtained 100,000 tons of fourth-level exotic metals...]

[Ten days later, you went to Luotian Dungeon and gained quite a lot. 】

[In the next period of time, you will concentrate on practicing in Blue Star...]

In the real world, Su Xing hesitated when he saw this. He was thinking whether he should use immersive simulation for a long time this time!

"The late-blooming talent will not take effect until the seventy-seventh year of the simulation... If we survive the heart-shattering thunder disaster again after the seventy-seventh year, and cooperate with the Qiling Pill, it may be possible to directly reach the realm of the first glimpse of the Avenue of Thunder in one month. !”

"But the time before that...can't be wasted!"

Su Xing made a decision quickly.

If the immersive simulation lasts for seventy years, it will consume more than 20,000 energy sources, which is completely acceptable to Awakening.

And after reaching the Heavenly Immortal Realm, Awakening is bound to advance Zhengyi to the third level!

From this point of view, why not take advantage of this opportunity to practice?

Although there was no late-blooming talent in the first seventy years, so I suffered a small loss... but overall I still made a profit.

Thinking this way, Su Xing silently said:

"Using immersive simulation...seventy years in duration!"

[Ding, you successfully used the immersive simulation... A total of 25550 energy source points were spent... The remaining energy source points were 178079 points...]

The simulation prompt tone fell, and Su Xing appeared in the simulation world.

This is an absolutely long immersive simulation!

This immersive simulation is different from the past. Awakening not only needs to practice, but also needs to fight against alien races and go to the Three Thousand Worlds...

Going through the process in person will be of great benefit in the future!

"Then let's get started!"

Su Xing murmured, and then began to practice the Qi Zhengyi Subduing Qi Jue.

Every day after that, except for necessary meetings, Su Xing spent almost all his time practicing Zhengyifu Qi Jue.

In the blink of an eye, ten years have passed.

Zhengyi conquers the third level of Qi Jue, absorbs the Qi of the four seasons, and strengthens his own Qi refining cultivation.

In ten years, although Su Xing has not completely entered the third level, he has gained a lot of insights.

In the eleventh year of immersive simulation, I woke up and went to the world of beast control, and solved those legendary and emperor-level alien races.

At the same time, Su Xing also discovered that whenever there are twenty-four solar terms, Su Xing’s practice of Zhengyi Fu Qi Jue makes the most progress.

So Su Xing simply spent more time elsewhere.

Starting from the eleventh year, Su Xing tried the layout of the eighth-level miniature spirit gathering array!

If you successfully learn this level of spirit gathering formation, and use it to awaken your own super spiritual roots, even if the efficiency of absorbing spiritual energy and cultivating is not as good as the ethereal roots, it will not be far behind...

In the twenty-seventh year of immersive simulation, Su Xing finally mastered the eighth-level miniature spirit gathering array.

This is due to Su Xing's background close to the great master of the formation path, so he can learn it so quickly.

"But the next nine-level miniature spirit gathering array... won't be that easy!"

Su Xing looked at the eighth-order miniature spirit gathering array at his dantian and frowned slightly.

According to the imagination, the miniature spirit gathering array originally created by Five Elements Master could only be arranged to the eighth level at most, which was already the upper limit.

Master Wu Xing himself has only learned the sixth-order miniature spirit gathering array.

If you want to master the ninth level miniature spirit gathering array, Su Xing can only rely on yourself to understand it.

"But the eighth-level miniature spirit gathering array... is enough! At least my spiritual roots will not become a disadvantage in my cultivation speed!"

Su Xing murmured.


In the twenty-eighth year of immersive simulation, I woke up and went to the Demon Suppression Pass to fight against the alien demon saint.

After guarding the Demon Pass for five years, on the thirty-third year, the Demon Saint retreated.

In the forty-fifth year, an alien god with inferior divine power attacked, and Su Xing defeated it.

In the fifty-eighth year, a powerful alien god comparable to the heavenly realm attacked, but Su Xing still killed him.

In the sixty-fifth year, Su Xing left Blue Star and took his family and friends to the Little Qingyun Realm.

After settling his relatives and friends in the Xiaoqingyun Realm, Su Xing drove the Liuyun Golden Light Boat to the Star Realm.

He was given the Star Observation Technique to Xiao Zhoutian in the Star Realm, and Xing Xing's popularity in the Star Realm was unparalleled.

In the sixty-eighth year, Su Xing rode a flying boat and headed to Cangwu Realm.

In the 70th year, the immersive simulation ends and I wake up and return to the real world...


After returning to the real world, Xing Xing's eyes were a little confused at first, but he quickly used his memory power and regained his consciousness.

Distant memories resurfaced in my mind, and I felt infinite emotion in my heart.

"Seventy long years... have they passed so quickly!"

Su Xing closed his eyes slightly, gathered his thoughts, and recalled what he had gained from this immersive simulation.

As soon as he was convinced of the third level of Qi Jue, Su Xing still hadn't entered it, but he was making rapid progress. Su Xing estimated that he could only simulate it once more to bring out the relevant insights, and he would be able to completely master the third level!

By then, Su Xing will have a cultivation speed seven times that of ordinary monks!

Eighth-level miniature spirit gathering array, fully master the awakening!

In addition, Su Xing also spent decades learning various magical powers and spells.

I went to several secret places... After decades of traveling, I have a better grasp of the world of immortality than before.

"Then...then we must thoroughly prepare to enter the heavenly realm!"

Su Xing murmured, looking at the simulation panel.

[In the 70th year, you went to the Cangwu Realm. In the next few years, you accumulated resources and began to prepare for breaking through to the Celestial Immortal Realm. 】

[In the 80th year, the late bloomer talent is triggered. You spend 10 million high-grade spiritual stones and ask the Money Chamber of Commerce to protect your path to ensure that you will not be disturbed when you are promoted to the Celestial Realm. 】

[The Money Chamber of Commerce has agreed to your request. You are in an excellent breakthrough location and are officially preparing to break through! 】

[Take out the resources prepared in advance, and you continue to adjust and expand the immortal power in your body... In this way, three years have passed! 】

[In the eighty-third year, one day you opened your eyes and knew that the opportunity was ripe, so you triggered the Heart-breaking Thunder Tribulation and began to prepare for the tribulation! 】

[After taking the Qiling Pill, the first heart-breaking thunder fell, and the illusion disappeared instantly...]

[Until the eighteenth day, after experiencing tens of thousands of illusions, the difficulty of the illusions continued to increase, and the time it took you to dispel the illusions was extended to half an hour...]

[On the twenty-eighth day, you have experienced more than 80,000 illusions. The time for you to break through the illusion has come to a few days...]

[On the twenty-ninth day, it will take you several months to spend in each illusion...]

[On the 30th day, your time in the illusion has been extended to one year...]

[With the blessing of the Holy Body of Heavenly Thunder, you have a natural advantage in destroying illusions! 】

[The last ten illusions were successfully broken by you! 】

[When the last heart-breaking lightning disaster has been successfully passed, your cultivation aura has completed its sublimation! 】

[At the same time, you also feel that your understanding of the Avenue of Thunder...has been further enhanced! Reached the realm of first glimpse! 】

[Just when you are about to break through to the fairyland, you feel something strange happening in the cave...]

[The Spirit Vein Dragon seems to want to come out and help you break through to the Heavenly Immortal Realm! 】

[Without hesitation, you released the spiritual dragon! 】

[I saw the Spiritual Vein Dragon appearing, flying above the nine heavens, turning around in a circle, spitting out a mouthful of pure immortal power in front of you... and then re-entering the Lingtian Cave! 】

[With the blessing of this breath of immortal energy, the richness of the mana in your body has increased by at least a full tenth! 】

[Congratulations, you successfully broke through to the fairyland! 】

In the real world, Su Xing was happy when he saw this in his eyes.

"Finally...the goal of the simulation was successfully achieved!"

"The Spirit Vein Dragon actually breathed out a breath of pure immortal energy... With the blessing of this breath of immortal energy, my foundation is probably much better than that of a fellow immortal!"

"At the same time... my understanding of the Great Way of Thunder has also successfully reached the stage of first glimpse of the path!"

Su Xing was a little lucky that he didn't choose cultivation level in the previous simulation, otherwise he wouldn't be able to enjoy these two benefits...

Thinking this, Su Xing looked at the simulation panel again.

[After the Spirit Vein Dragon appeared, many monks in Cangwu Realm felt the existence of this spiritual creature! 】

[The monks who secretly observed your tribulation were also shocked and speechless! 】

[Since several Yuanhui, the spiritual energy between heaven and earth has gradually dried up... The resources of the monks in the three thousand worlds are far less than before! 】

[And acquired treasures such as the Spirit Vein Dragon are existences that can only be possessed by the top sects! 】

[But this is definitely not what you, a little Earth Immortal... a Celestial Immortal Realm monk, can have! 】

[For a while, many monks are eyeing you...and want to kill people and seize treasures! 】

[After breaking through to the Heavenly Immortal Realm, you also felt several gazes, many of them people with profound auras. Even you felt frightened...]

[So, you don’t plan to stay in this world for a long time, and you will drive the floating cloud and golden light boat into the void overnight! 】

[During the void situation, you cut off the spiritual field cave that was originally gifted by Qingyunzi... and reopened a spiritual field cave of your own, with a radius of two hundred feet! Its space is even bigger than before! 】

[In the eighty-fifth year, you successfully arrived in the spirit beast world. After staying in this world for several months, you obtained resources and went to the farther Xiaoqian World...]

[And in just one or two years, you have been attacked and killed by many monks! 】

[Several Celestial Realm monks...even one of them was attacked and killed by a late Celestial Realm monk! 】

[Fortunately, you are very powerful. You escaped all the way and shielded your own secrets. Not only did you kill the late-stage cultivator of the Celestial Immortal Realm... you also successfully escaped to the Tianyin Realm! 】

[In the eighty-eighth year, you got a piece of information, that is, you... were on the list of geniuses! 】

[And your name on the Tianjiao List is called Linglong Tianxian! He is famous for carrying a spiritual dragon, and his highest record is to kill a monk in the late stage of the Celestial Realm at the early stage of the Celestial Immortal Realm! Ranked 59th on the list of geniuses! 】

[In this simulation, your fame is not what you want. Fortunately, you are good at the law of cause and effect and can shield your own Qi. Even the immortals cannot sense it...]

[But you still feel a little uneasy, so you prepare to escape to the Tianyuan world, a hundred space nodes away...]

(End of this chapter)

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